The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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    4 A
Freak Eggs Found on a Polk County Ranch-
i ? i Diminutive Turkey Egg.
Three unique eggs bar been found br
C. A. Ball on Ma hop ranch near Ball
ton. On Is a hen'a egg, very email In
lie. and 'of a ehape 'that is twisted out
of all aemblanee to a normal egg. . An
other i a turkey egg, which instead of
being almost a large aa a man's fist,
' aa Is usual, Is but little larger than a
' marble. In sddltion to being a freak in
lie, this turkev egg consists of noth-
B.g Chinese Pheasant Egg...
Mr. Ball says that there will be an
abundance of China pheasants this year,
as the season has been very favorable
to them in the hatching and brooding
season, Anions- other freaks that Ball
found anions the birds was the nest- of
a quail containing an even dozen eggs.
Distorted Hen's Egg.
After Mr. Ball had discovered the neat
and cleared the brush away from arouna
It. tha littln nmil laid ela-ht mors egs.
bringing the total number Jn her nest
up to 30, ana men oegan - iriung on
them to hatch a brood of chicks. . Jhis
performance is moat remarkabla in a
wild bird, ror tney usually wri
promptly, if it has been disturbed. The
quail mother is still staying with her
eggs. v. -."
' Review of Con(erence of the
- .-United .Brethren at
,V Plainricw.
List of Assignments of Pastors mid
Of Officers and Trustees Elected
Meeting Women's Missionary
Body Closing Exercises. '
' (Soselal DUrntcl to The Jounul,) ,
nolnvlew, Or., June H. Tna ' flttr
rfourtb annual session of ths Oregon con
ferenc of the United Brethren church
inad Its i five days session at thS
pi,ini. United Brethren church Sun
. day. evening "With tha best of feeling
- among; Its members.- 'fr - ,.
Tit. Mnf.ninM mat at 1 O'clock S. TO
: Wednesday, June 717 with Bishop H. I
Rarki-w. r. D of Portia na. presiaing.
Bev. Walter Reynolds Philomath was
laetaif recording secretary ana comer
t ence treasurer and Bev. W,; K. McLean
of flhelburn statistical secretary. i
. After the opening exercises of ths
conference. Bishop Barkley read his re.
port for the coast district which was
filled wun vaiuaoie wuiuw.
tained; excellent sugresuona for future
'Worn. Hsun( wuivn ...v. - r'.' ZZZZ
plea for better salaries for ministers
. ana larger guie """ ,
" s, siMtisii aaA Katrorts. A
' in. vm.i Tt '.T.atulv mn'nrtad
Jila ,work. alter; wfcbJUflf lamination
'ot' ministers and reports from the sep
arate fields . was Dcgun, -' u unm. -
passed the examination
rv ry. , f, m - " n
rolleae of Philomath. I Whealdon.of
Plalnvlew was also, elected 4 on - tnu
Haines of TlgardsvllVe, Who was elected
to fill the vacancy. . - t , - l
Interesting reports on all branches of
- i .. .nvl. k Ira ... A anil IhlV
discussed by , both minlstera and law
workers. Kev. a. n. umur vi bu'
. was reelected presiding ewer.-
i-i Uiu.,i rfupina. tha innrer
Dymuu umiiwuvm. " . n
r t j nn . .mMinti rrt I9SK. fnr
blshop $261 and for college 1441. other
smaller amounts unuini tiijr , i,v.p
stations of XClalstaTS. , .
Tha autlonina committee's report
i follows: philomath station, Walter Rey
nolds: Benton circuit, W, R. Dixon J
Plainview circuit, W. H.MCLrean, a.
.rlott circuit, A. B. Wheeler; - Lane clr-
. ...i. t .. nnlnmhlA circuit. W,
' rdosTetfr Cowfl't, -ciuit U F. Cfark,
Belllngham circuit, W. CHarleyi Port
land mission station. T. J. Cocking:
Portland Chinese missionMoyi Ling;
Oregon City station, A. J. Wara Moun.
tain -Home circuit. A.. S. Henderson;
Balem mission sUtion. J.H. Merrymanj
Millshoro circuit. T. B. Ward: Tamhill
' circuit. A. J. Ware: Rogue River cir-
it.Vto lllai.. fnna olrcuit. R. Miller!
P. A. Black was elected and J. 8. Os
borne and 3. P. Blanchard were ap-
Sotnted conference evangelists, while
Irs. S. A. Keller was constituted city
' evangelist for poruana. 'V'-Hi
Saturday evening was fly? to Jhe
Women's Missionary association, which
. .-. . ..rv intaraatlna- nrorram.
' Sunday morning at 11 O'clock Bishop
Uaraiev preacnoa ins
- . anrl attantlva audi
. j asrmuu v b- ill, with
t v,. BiinHnir school anniversary, under
' the suDervislon of Rev. T. J. Cocking.
In the evening after a communion sery-
loe tha closing sermon was preaohed by
A rising vote of thanks was tendered
the people or rinniwn.r umuuuiui
the conference so agreeably.
'i fSpeclat DUpatcb to The aesrati)
BeatUe, June All bills passed by
the recent legislature other than those
which carried an emergency clause or
were " appropriatldn acts 1 are now- tn
effect una of the Important new laws
: is the pure food act, Phich la a copy of
the. federal statute. Practically all the
' grocers are prepared for It. The banks
will all come under the regulation of
' the new state bank examiner. The re
.i ciprocal demurrage aot la another Im
portant measure. - "'. ''.V' r-:'"'""v 1-'' 5
State officials, especially - appointees
Of the governor, have been looking for-
' . . - r. ,a wltK snHrtliuttAn 4r
- wars iu uiq unw " ..- ...
' something like a dosen enactments had
livoo wjtn ma raisins
aUMIitor Clausen nas aocmrsq ne win
. a - A a. r. v. , h Ik, I
reruee w" nuitur , aim.
- I ..1..U. tintll ArHn T A Ha an
by the court ; The matter will be
taken Into court at the and of ,thls
month. .. ; v. ' ' ;. .
'this rumshop man
. to notify patrons
.pj.W's. ir.jys,?i:'"4
, -v- ona saloonkeeper who Intends '
'' a to submit gracefully to tha ,
order of the district attorney
' '"snforelna;, the , Sunday closing ;
,! 4 law has prepared the following .
sln, which he proposes to hang 1 a
" ! e on tha front door of bis saloon
. - every Sunday hereafter: . .
a ' This place closed on Sundays, ;
fa)' "Don't kick at tha door; It
' does not belong to m.H. . -
I : . -..A Vf
Preferred Stock Canned OooOa, $
1 Allen dt Lawis' Best Brand. . . :
Assistant - United States Attorney
James Cole, who has been conducting the
Investigation against the . furniture
trust, has bad a new title thrust upon
him that of , "trust-buster." : Tha way
tha new nam, cams to be given to him
occurred yesterday - and was "conferred
by a small second-hand dealer on Front
street.', ii-rl: ' ;
yesterday morning, after Mr. Cole had
been Instrumental In having the fines
of the small retailers cut down from 125
to 110, ona of the second-hand dealers
pleaded guilty, forgot to state that be
waa a second-hand dealer, and Judge
Wolverton assessed the usual fine of
$25.' - - '
After court tha dealer Went to Mr.
Cole full of wrath and expostulated in
a loud voice against the discrimination.
It was all In vain.
Mr, Cole said: -Well, MS will not
break you, will itr , ' m
The dealer was In a quandary and
commenced to take stock of his capi
tal, liabilities and goods on hand. He
found, he could raise the $25 and still
have enough left to buy food. Then he
replied that tha fine would not drive
him into bankruptcy. Mr. Cole said
that would be about all, and tha dealer
took his departure. -
As he passed through tha corridor he
stopped to ta)k to several of his fellow
Indictees and said: - . '. ? '
. 'That man Cole is a trust-buster, He
finds out about tha associations, thn
he finds out about our business. He
fixes an easy fine and knows that It
will not affect our business. If he had
mads my fine 110 more I would not
have been able to pay It Ha evidently
does not want to put us out of busi
ness, but he does, want , to bust the
trust-'"' . : v- . - -
Removal of buildings must, be con
tinuous, brlak. stone and mortar piles
must not. remain in the street for over
90 days, over half, the street, must not
be used .and . covered ways must 'be
rAari anit wall liahted , around new
buildings. This in substance embraces
me provisions oi ma niuinu iun
ri,.A.j in tha rltv founell vestardaT DV
Councilman Vaughn. ". : . , . . , V
KT . . a.. m rinmnl. H(, KIM FMrhAd
city officials relative to building opera
tions ano n oniinuic i uniiim w
cover all of theaa and to correct evils
where they exist. At present can-
r (Special Dispatch ' to Tbe ieavaal ;-'
RnAkina. : Waah. June II. When the
Waahino-ton hankers assemble In state
convention here on Juria 10 they will
ba met with a challenge irom tna iocai
flnaAclcrs for a ball game, It will be
a case of a S24.S0O.OO0 ball team pitted
against a $174,600,600 team. Governor
AlDerl Meaa will pn tn uuipirn. ,
' . ., ., v ': " ,c.
tractors are said to be in tha habit of
appropriating portions of the roadway
on streets for the storing of material
to the great inconvenience of travelers,
In some instances this material projects
over half of the street and la said to
remain there, for long periods before It
Is finally, removed. -. . ... -.When
a building Is ona story high
the - contractors must erect covered
ways with safe foot walks. In tha re
moval of buildings tha movement must
ha continuous durfnaT the dar end no
buildings will ba allowed to remain near
a nre nyarani. ,
Penalty for violation " of tha ordi
nance is placed at not less than t nor
more than $100 and each day the build
ing remains in ona place on tha street
IS a violation oi in orumancw.
win aBi thr t her babv is nronerlr eared
for to do this a good purgativa Is neo
essary. Many bablea suffer from worms
and their mothers don't know itif
your baby is feverish and doesn t sleep
at nights. It is troubled with worms.
White s . Cream Vermifuge will clean
out these worms In a mild, pleasant
way. Once tried always used. Give It
a trial, price cents., aoia oy au
druggista .-v:-.-, -. h j
Tr t i . ........
inA i -' ''XT.f-.. - i .
i in
;i M
slmllatlng HxlWmiJkm
Opiuniarphuie norMiaeraL!
, AMItUtx-
. -
Hnn .Sour Slnm.Dlarrtm
ruess andLOSS OF MXR
' aMi-ia-aSsaBTaBjaaBBrs
IpcSdrOc Signatore of , .;
For Infants and Children.
The! Kind Ybii t Have
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
. -- Exaa Copy' of Wrapper,
' vm ecirmua eoMMirr. aaw veas errv.
388-390 East Morrison St Near Grand Ave. ? "
I Banhon's
Children's Beat 25c
. Quality Stockln&rs
' la heavy corduroy rib or extra fine lisle ribbed
all sues, n black or white; on sale
I! for misses, al
at, the pair,.
$100,000 Surplus to be Dumped Out Rejjardlcss oi Cost or Loss-It's TJcl
a Question ot Profits but of Unloadino. AU Oversloclis
Just one object In view and that Is reduce stocKs at any sacrifice Come see for
yourself Most staerin and desperate of price cutting in every department
of Still Greater
Specials tor
Bargain Friday
SL W -aSP- ' .aBr-BauaaHaaaBaaaBBBaaaaS-aaBaJa -BJw SBS I
enTtai. EtocK c.i YAHKiu.rr.o;
Hosiery (I
Plain, fane
and lace ef
fects, worth
up to 80c...
At Less Tlian Cost oi the Material
HQ, ones LI -21 ones wKj bm
You actually get twoo three for the price of one. But we
have too many, to out they go, the season' newest and best
styles, made of fine white lawns and mulls, beautiful lace, em
broidery and medallion trimmed and fancy tucked. Waists,
that are the greatest kind of bargains at their regular price.
All marked down, reduced half and third, to almost any price
That's the Way We Clear Them Out Mark Them at a Price, to Sell at SioM
Over 1,000 Skirts' too many, and most any price goes now to clear them out in a hurry
Allithe newest ana Dest ot tnts spnngs styie tL .r . 7 , Y- V
are worth $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00, aU reduced to ?2.98. Made of the finest all-
8ilk mixed materials, too. i ranaroas, cnevio is, .v cue uu, wa-sww ... -
eWes, in black, and colors, checks, plaids and stripe .All man tailored and fancy 'tnmmei . $J '
But see them; they're the greatest SWrt bargain you've ever seen anywhere. Positively guaranteed $7.50 to $10.00 Skirts
$2.VX forcnoice. .; ?
go at
Special 50 Bolts Finest
50c CHIFFON 6T)(
r-r n i v
SILKS . .. . WYD
All colors, including whte. Remember,
this is our best 50c grade marked at less
than actual wholesale cost Special, 33
Of Ladles' Finest
75c Lisle Gloves
The genuine imported silk
lisles in DiacK, wmte, tan
and brown, 8 pearl
clasps, all sizes;
every pair a real
75c value
!, tax
Friday's Great Sale of
MEN'S 25c & A
HOSB . .
All samples, made of finest lisle and cot
ton; all seamless and all sizes. None
worth less than 25c and up to 35c. While
they last, pair 14f. '
Women's Vici Kid & Pat. Leather
It's a grand bargain lot of hun
dreds of pairs of odds and ends
bunched for an exciting Friday
sale. All this season's newest
styles, light and medium weight
soles, all sixes, and remember
there's hundreds of pairs of patent
leathers in the lot worth up to 12.
All day tomorrow, while they last.
Great Sample Sale of 20 Dozen
mm veils m
The handsomest, finest and best
of $2.00 to $2.50 Drape Veils at
89 each. All pure silk, in
chiffon,- plain and fancy nets,
dotted, silk embroidered, hem
stitched end fancy and lace bor
dered. AU colors and black and
white; Vt to 2 yards long. AU
$2 and $2.50 values. Choice....
r a
w (
...... .v ........ ... . , . i
Too Much of It and Half Price Takes Your Choice of the Best
Thousands upon thousands of yard's to goi and it's all the prettiest "of Wash Goods,' too, high-class imported fabrics thar
values S relar prices. L
and lace striped conceits tof every kind, flowered, figured, striped, dottea, ere, ana m su '""""y. I 7Vqj
yard new, there's not a single piece, of out of date dress stuffs in the lot: Identically the same that every other store in J fu -town
asks 18c to 25c for, and that's what these are worth. Choice, yard ....,..- J Ufl
iuc tmoroiaeries
Edges and Insertions, wide widths
and fine gualities, yard ..'.. .........
50c Table linen )Oc
Full hieathed. 56-incn. uce cnecK T -
patterns ..... ......... . .
Boys' SOeShirlsO
NegUgee styles, fancy, patterns, I mWW
all sixes ...:.... ...... ii' T
50c Flowers
In silk, velvet and linen, large big
bunches . , , ....... i i ...
$1.50 Jackets
White Duck Waiters' Jacket etra
8c Handkerchiefs lc
In Washington Turkey red and blue, A.O
24-lnchsise .......1,.,....,..raattV ,
Boys' $1.00 Pants 71 e
Good heavy materials, all sizes, 4 sWV
to. 15 years, pair "
75c lace Curtains ?if c
Full yards long, cathedral pat- aj)y
terns, cut to ....,.'"r
25c Wash Belts
AU fancy styles and embroidered .
effects. v Choice ........... n ......
i PRICES TIE -WAY' TO B , ; . .
But we are simply forced to shoulder a big lossand to unload regardless of consequences Tl I Vi
- m .m Lil.U.I ...4Iam. A fmmm rf mtimt call. a riff, antf ri t ll C" f ?" V
ino reason oi inesv Bcnsaviuuai isuwnua - v. mus. ou v.w .