The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Flower and Fiesta (nimitteelDesigiiates Saturday, June
22, as DateAutomobile Parades and a Night Fire
Hun Spectacular Features of the Occasion. '
Assassin Had Good : Room
;ahd 'a - Special' Cook
On the Stand for Sit Days Without
Breaking Down-Used His Influ
ence "With the Governor to Save
Murderer From Gallows.
' ; ;,-' k V:v
(Br John NeHna)
(Special Dispatch to Th JoenuL) 1
Boise. Idaho, June 13. When th
Haywood trial was resumed thla morn
ing Richardson at one plunged Into
a series of questions designed to brlnf
out every detail of Orchanl'a move
ments Just prior to ' tha ; 8teunenbr;
tragedy. It waa plain ha deal red to
impress the Jury with th : fact that
Orchard waa broke and realising his for
mer partner- In tha Coeur dAlen 61a-
trlct had made fortunea which ha would
have participated In 'if ha had not had
to leave the atata because of Bteunen
berg had caaaed blm to muraer Bieu
! nenberg without uggeation from any-
I When asked If lie bad not. told Jack
Moffet in Wallace that he waa going to
I'uget- Bound to smuggle . opium into
the country. Orchard said no.
Ha thought ha might have aald som.
thing about a smuggling propoaiuon
but ha eouia not rememoer.
Bobbed Benefactor.
Before he and Slmpklna atarted for
St. Joe the latter gai blm 1100 which
he claimed waa aent by Haywood. He
admitted that ha had borrowed. $8 from
a saloonkeeper named Murpny in Burae,
then that night broke open -hla caeh
register and atole 140.. ' 1
Before reaching the Bt Joa country
he and Slmpklna went to poxan ana
. stayed three day at tne latter noma.
Then he went on to 8t Joe and hunted
: for a week. - Slmpklna, he declared, told
! him that he would go with him to kill
; fiteunenberg. Ha would give a an ex
ruse for being in southern Idaho th-.t
he waa going officially to Ylalt th fed-
; eration local at silver city.
i He and Bimpklna went direct to CaM
f well. He stayed there three weeks while
- filmpklna went to Silver City ana juauoy
to visit federation locals there. . He
made no attempt to conceal himself and
went about the streets freely, but de
pled any attempt to attract attention to
himself. -' ' - -. ' -i .
Slmpklna Got Cold Tt, .
Bimpklna. ha declared, did not keep
from being noticed while In Caldwell.
Ha wrote Easterly and received two let
ters from him which ha tore tip, but It
la understood . that detectives nave, re
covered a part of one of them. Ha
made two trips to- Nam pa, where ha
hoped to meet .Slmpklna by appoint
ment. The letter making the data is
also in tha handa of tha prosecution.
Bimpklna,. be swore, , got cold feet
when the aotual-killing was discussed,
claiming that ha waa so well known
that he would get Into trouble. Before
going, he and, Jglmpklns made a bomb,
using wooden cases, but after Simpkins
went away, he took It apart and mad;
nnthor of metal case. Then ha called
Easterly' up by telephone at Silver City
and aaked him to come to Caldwell and
. help him. Easterly, he awore, naa pe-n
told by Siropkln of the plot to kill
Steunenberg, and Easterly told htm, be
couldn t come men.
oar Trom XlaaaUffht,
Orchard denied ha had visited Boise
contractora and tried to sell them a
non-freexable explosive. About thla
time the photographer started a flash-
lignt ana Koran ana jMcnarason pdib
jumped and deputies T and detectives
dropped their .handa to their guns, but
a laugh followed aa tha reaaon for the
noise waa apparent.
Orchard said that ha choaa bomba In'
etead of a revolver for the killing be
cause he waa ao disgusted with himaelf
that he wanted to rinisn tne joo ana
get away. - Ha went to Nampa at onca
with hia bomb, intending to put It un
der the train seat ard blow tha car to but didn't get a chance. - Tha
fact that many others might have bean
killed by the explosion made no Impres-
aion on mm. 1 -
When he finally exploded the bomb, 'It
went off before he had planned, and
h waa compelled to run in order to get
to the hotel ao that ha could prove an
alibi. ' :-
Bad Pepper for Bog.
He denied that aa eoon ashe had ex
ploded the .'Steunenberg bomb, ha
went to "ETa bedroom in order to put
things around to, prove that he had not
maao a bomb. . iie aaia tnat na waa try-
in? to remove all traces of hia crime,
confession, each time to go to court . or
iu go ins grana jury.
(:' Worked. Upon Altai. v
'After hia confession, Steve- Adams
waa arrested and locked up in a cell in
murderers' row with Orchard. He Knew
nerorenana tnat Adams waa to be ar
rested. ' Ho told tha warden that' ha
would do the beat he could to get Adams
to con r ess ana worKei constantly on
him, but never promised him ha would
ronfesa, although ha told Adama that
ne. nimseit naa mad .the oonfeaalon.
Ha denied that McParland told him how
to work Adama He admitted that he
had lied to Adama In his call.
Ha told Adama. whan ha got out ha
would put tha water between himaelf
and wnat. was -left of the federation,
but Insisted that he had not been prom
ised Immunity. - , . . , . . ,'
Orchard ahowed a slla-ht aemhlanr
of emotion several- times - today and
KichnrdHon made tha questions aa cut
ting aa possible, trying to break him
down, but failed utterly, , , ,. ,
' - Moat Tavored Prisoner. :
McParland, ha aald, had told him' he
iuld not promise Immunity, but would
send the prosecuting attorney tcT see
him. . Later . the governor, cam tn mn
mm, ana naa visited him seven or eight.
iiu.piuij wuiv r uvuuing lcuu mm,
he swore, that he waa doing a great
thing for the atata and the country.
Since Adama had been taken away, ha
naa not omma in ma can. But naa a room
and geta everything he deslree. - His
rooa ia prepared by tha warden' cook.
He i tb only prieoner that get that
He prepared a atatement of' what .
mtenaea to testiry to, which he gave to
Hawley. ' Ha declared that, ha was not
una to revise it ao ha would connect
Crimea. Ha had read Carroll Wrlc-hf
reports of trouble in the mining region
.rum ji incepuon. Dut claimed tnat na
aia not get it to aecure date.
Given Vow OlotAlsaf. "i
Orchard admlttaJ that he haA 1 been
furnished with an entire new autflt of
clothing for the trial. He had - been
well treated in the penitentiary and had
uaed hia influence with the governor
to get a reprieve for a convicted mur
derer and finally got a commutation of
Here Richardson ' announced that ha
waa tnrourn with ; tha direct cross-
examination and stated that ha had 160
witnesses, many of whom would lm
Deach tha ' witneaa. and . aaked if ne
could recall th witneaa and tha court
j-iawiey men produced the ' nomo
which waa Dlanted in front of Juda-o
Ooddard'a house. Orchard identlOed it.
Bradlraj Cook Teatlfla.
Th ' next ' witneaa Waa Mra Radla
Hwann, or lTZS (irand at reet, San Fran
cisco. She worked for Fred Bradlev aa
domestic Her testimony waa corrob
orative or urcnara a regarding ma move
ments. She mot Orchard In Olbinl'a
tor and knew him aa Barry. - She
could not- remember how lonr ha waa
about there, but waa aom time. H
delivered groceries at the Bradley resi
dence several times. She took tha milk
from the daor. Bradley taated It, aald
it waa bitter and threw it away. She
finally turned it over to the dairyman
who took It away. Thla waa three daya
before the explosion. She had been at
the- door before th explosion to get a
newspaper and saw nothlna- there. . Tha
explosion tor tha front of the building
to pieces. It waa 20 minutea before tha
explosion that she got the paper.
Darrow cross-examined her, but noth
ing material waa developed. She waa
brought into the caae by a Pinker ton
detective who asked her if she did not
remember all tha incidenta in connec
tion with the poiaonlng of the milk and
me explosion. , - n., , -
Oliver urooK, tn Ban rranciaco milk
man. next told of delivering the milk
and declared it waa all right when ha
left it there on November la. 1004. He
waa tb last witneaa - . - '
Schmitz Jury Expected to Development ; League : Will White Star Steamer nits an
Decide Fate of Mayor in Beview Trogress of Ore- Iceberg . and Three -ilen
gon 'Largo Attendance
Expected to Attend From
All Over the State.
Short Time After Leaving
Courtrooms-Conviction Is
Predicted by , Spectators.
f Are Drowned In Effort to
-EscaifcOthers" i'Are; Safe
ly Landed at Nome. .
(Journal Speelal Servlre.)
Th annual convention of th Oregon
San rranclsco, June 11. Th closing I Development league, will meat In Port-
argument of the defense In '.the Schmita land on June 20. Th tlrat meeting
caaa. waa 'begun this morning by Camp- will b held In the convention room of
beir before an audience of 1,000 peo- th CommeXHal club at 7.10 in the
pla II began by. pointing out that none evening, when th officer of th league lng and at last accounts waa sinking
'CA .Vi-:: ,':,' ,.. ...... f;
'? 'r,v "'.;!''.'-. -' J-;'"
f '..;' (Special Dlspatck to Tb Joereal.)
! Beat la. Wash., June 13. The steam
ship Ohio of th Whit Star company
collided with a submerged iceberg at
Port Safety at 1 o'clock yesterday morn-
of the French resUUrant keeper teatl- will tU of th work done during th
fled that they had been threatened. Then Pft V1" and outline plana for the en-
h. made an attack on Reagan who. h iTSfS
declared, flrat fought th restaurant on Benton County Cltlaena league: John H.
his own Initiative and than voted In fa- Whyte, manager of tha Astoria chain-
vor of their licensee. . .-. oer of commerce: C. C Chapman of
"Reagan cornea into oourt. forget th Portland. Peter Loggie, president of th
essential and magnifies the real," he North Bend chamber of commerce; M.
aald. "If It waa true that th French F- Eggleaton of th Ashland Commercial
restaurants wera runninar contrary to 'D oinwrsu ,
In Nora roadstead. " Two - whit men
and one Chines were drowned and
many other person' who Jumped Into
th sea from the badly; Ham aged ship
had narrow ecape. ' . "w
Th stricken ship, with a great hole
in It bow. backed off tb , ice field
and made way to jvome.
The Ohio atruck th aunken Ice With
a crash, xso one waa in tne noia ana
law and-none f thaaa res Uu rant rnenl ' Th convention proper 'will open June per forepeak almost immediately nlled
aeniea ic tnen tnera-rnum nave bam ii u s a ciock in in mom in a- ana will
no threat. Take the testimony of Keagan I continue unUl 12:30 In th afternoon,
and aealf you can And tha language of J The afternoon will b given up to at-
a threat there and If you cannot find a
threat you muat find th.' mayor not
uuiy, ." ... v , . ,,-,.,-.,..
. i ooaressios roroM. :
CamDbell "declared'' Ruefa" oonfeaalon
waa forced from him by methoda worthy
of th inquisition and that aa it waa a
forced confession It should not be given
weight He declared there waa not-a
aolntllla of evidence to prove that the
mayor and Ruef ever held a moment'
conference with regard to tha res
taurant. While Campbell spoke th
mayor eat with hia head in his hands.
in closing uampDeu aald: . v j
"Gentlemen of tha Jury. In tha name
Of God. don't make a mistake! Don't
sena in wire ana cnuaren or this man
out Into the World with tha mark of
Cain upon their brows. Tak th cae,
from th records and do your duty ac
cording to tha dictatea of . your con
cienc." - Campbell closed at noon and a receaa
waa taken until 3:30 o'clock, when Heney
will make the closing argument for th
state, lie will -apeak ror two hours.
Tha Judge's charge will tak about an
hour. It la believed the Jury will speed
ily render , verdict and it Ja th general
expectation that it will find Schmita
gUjlty. - 'v.-v'-V'. . ),;,
tending the flower parade.
with water. A. nanlo followed and
rush waa made , for th lifeboat. In
the confusion the davit line were cut
and the boat waa dropped prematurely
Tha evenlno- nmmm win and threw doaena of ita occupants out
a special pipe organ recital at th First I "J . ." . ,y"""" Ju"'i"' rwm
Preebterian church by Profeaaor Edgar hlpI w.n,ch n aupposed waa going
E. Course n. ; Th convention win A. I down : Immediately. . Passenger and
tinu . until ' Saturday night. June 33. crw lo"t their' head and In all about
Th annual report from every portion ? P?on lthr wr thrown or Jumpd
of th state ahowlng th work don by Into th watr. All but thre were Tee
th league during tha naat t..f win hi cued. The nam of but on of ' th
read during the aesslona of th conven
tion and tha chief obiect will ha tn nar.
feet plan for a uniform advertisement
of th stat In order to induce proa
pectiv homeeoekera to tako advantage
of tb coloniat rataa In effect during
September and October.,
drowned persons, Otto Anderson, baa
Dn learned. r . . .
- Officer Kept Heads.
' nrrtnara or tha ahin kunt thair hmAm I lander Jewelry comDany,
but werf rather slow in gettlna; th Poaalble i to make an enamel button
aiiuauon 'in
bulkhead , of
Saturday. Jun' 33. w'ill bo ... fiesta
baseball ' day.- Ia .the -afternoon ther
will be an automobile parade, under th
ausplcea of the Fower Miaalon day nur;
aery. At I o'clock th gam will begin
on Multnomah Held, between member
of th banker' league on one aid and
doctors and lawyers on th other.. AH
are x-colleg baseball men and society
will, b out int force. . All arguments
with tha umnlre will be attended to by
th lawyer then ana mere, ana me ooo
tore will come in handy when a 200 ku. nut tniiphid a n V
hlng but highballs for 20 years, triea to
atop a hot grounder. . l ne oanaera win
b at a disadvantage, for thelr buslnesa
standing will prevent them rrora even
trying to teaj oases. - . .i
, tpMtaoala Bun.
it nlrhl Yamhill atreet will be
darkened, all atreet lighta toting turned
out, and with red fire biasing along the
entire course the nr. department wui
BUM "iwcwiuinr iuii. , , - .
After thla roualng feature th flrat
game of night baseball ever .played on
the Facino coast is scneauiea lor muii
nnmah Held between the railroad men
of Portland and their fellow railroadera
Of Spokane. The Portland Kail way,
Light A Power company la to hav th
field aa light aa day with aro lights.
The ball used will be white and of
larger als than those uaed tn regular
game.' -" ' 1 '' '
Tha aolid gold button to be given as
a prli for the flneat doaen buds of the
choaen - "Portland rose," technically
known as tha ."Caroline Testout," to be
delivered at the Forestry building
Thursday, - June IS, beror ,u o'clock.
waa aonaiea - yeetraay . oy - me r riea
as it is im
hand. The - water-tight Portland and as it would uu from one
oomoartments one and I montn to six weexs to nave it maae in
two war olosed. confuting the water! New Tork. tha only place where euch
In tha forward nmrt of tha ahln and I work la dona at Its best, the Inaignla
preventing her from sinking immediate-1 committee ha decided on a button made
ly. Only for tha efforta of Captain I of oM of various tinta The flower
Brown, Flrat Mat Mills, Chief Engineer will be of reddish and pinkish gold.
Raymond and Puraer Allen dlaaetaroual whil th leave will be of greenish
losa of Ufa mirht have reaulted. I colored gold. Tne Button will ne on ex
Order was 'finally restored and th I hi bit ion In Frledlander window this
ship returned to Nome wher a com-1 weav
mltte was appointed by Captain Brown
to aurvejr the vessel. . . ' . .
A cablegram from CaDtaln Brown
says he returned to Nome ta land pas
senger. - freight and malL Cantain
Brown say that th ship will be eared.
Award OommlttM Ohon. :
The committee to judge th rosea
( select th finest dosen "Portland roaea'1
and award the flrat Portland Inaignla
was selected today by E. B. McFarland,
secretary of th fiesta. The members
are: Chauncey Thomas, originator of
the Portland roe button" , Idea; Mra
Ellaabeth Lord, of The Dallee, a ploneef .
woman of Oregon and one of the best
rose experta In the state; Mrs. Qeorg
D. Green, one of the leading roae grow
ers in Portland aniT an acknowledged
Judge of th fine pointa of the rose.
Yeaterday the fteata committee "on
vaaea. allver i mure, loving cups and '
other artistic creations for prises. Thay
are on exhibit In the wlndowe of Row
A Martin'a druar store. Felrlenhelmer'a
Jewelry store. . Frledlander'a Jewelry
store ana at Heitkemper'e Jewelry atore.
d for the out-
ma , tea roses, earn a dlirerent
r; beat ( hybrid perpetual rosea, ,
different variety? bent u hybrlj
ua roaea. 4each 7 a different va-
Besides the orlzea of farerl
door affairs of the fiesta, whose total
value la over 33,100, other prlsea both,
flrat and aecond Will be awarded aa
follows:. i ... v., ' .,
'X Otha Ms Wlnaara, ' ;' '
Section' 1 Best tea roaea. ' esch 'a"
each a different variety; beat hybrid
iw rueca, earn a ainereni variety: Desc
13 hybrid , tea roses, each a different
variety: neat
eacn a air
rlety. .
In these 1 exhibits of section 1 a
climbing sport of a bush variety ahall
on aeemea oi xne same variety aa tn
ros. from which it is a sport. A
noiiette ros shall be counted aa a te
rose.' Cllmblna- teas hvhrlri taaa anil
hybrid perpetual ahall be counted th 1
Sams aa thouah bush varietlaa. Tmn
roses of the same variety In any on '
of said exhibits shall disqualify such
exhibit. - ,
Section 2 Best ona tea roae. bast nna :
hybrid tea roee. best one hvbrld nernet.
ual rose, beat on climbing roae, beat,
six rose of ao variety, beat 13 roaea
of one variety, beat 18 rosea of on va
riety, best 34 rose of On variety.
The foregoing orlse of section 1 wilt
be awarded only when roaea are-espe .
clally exhibited therefor, and not in
connection with th same ros or rosea
In exhibition for other prlsea
section jesi general . display of
roaea ' " - - ... 1: v
In awarding this crise tha roaea
hlblted by the eame nerson in comnntu
tion for other-prliea ahall be taken Into
account aa though entered expressly for
thla pris.
Ther shall be a second orlse award .
d In each of th foregoing competition
to the display next beat to th on
awarded flrat oris In each auch com
petition. -..I. ...... ., - , - ".
For professional florists, beat general,
display of decorative plants and artlatia
arrangement of same. Including cut
flowers and floral dealgna, cup for first, -second,
third and fourth prlsea .
I Cotton and Skinner ; Close
- . ' '., W '-mr
O. K. French, claiming to b a regn
Hparino In tTlA .Tnfnf TlntA ,ar,ir 0n'd physician, and 8eth WeUs.
UVdtUlg W U16 tl UUU Itaie glvtng bla occupation as a trained nurse.
Mrs. Saffords Nephew Gives
Second Surprise to Rela
: tires After Theft. V
and had cayenne pepper with him to put
The $600 In gold that disappeared
from George Safford's family flour bin
in Oawego last Saturday night have re
turned. They came In. the form of a
check from - Thomas O'ConnelU the
nephew of Mra Baf ford, who was last
seen In th Baf ford .residence about 10
minutes befor ' th gold coin waa
missed. ' ih:" 'H ': '$-?. h .i-
With the money returned to Safford
was a letter from his repentant relative
saying mat, aa he nad returned., tne
in hia ahoes if the does followed him.
' He waa arrested Sunday afternoon
in the hotel, but waa not locked up
and waa permitted to remain on parole
Vn"'. -'PlVfin?'1I.0..-S?tUn the latter will tak he ha not yet
rame lo'nee mnr unui in louowmi i decided nor has District Attnrnav
... , ,...v., . . -. ueflvpi.
cash, he should not be bothered by the
law.. O'Connell also volunteered the
same advice to the sheriff. What ac
Abused Wife Asks Court for
"Relief From Husband's'
JViSCruelty. - '
esteru Lumber; Business
ao iiiai, cio uo n v - - 4
Growth tf i b(th affiliated with an alleged ' healer
were arreated last night by Detective
Sergeant ' Baty on warrant charging I
them with practicing medlcln without
a licena. .
The two men were taken into custody
In tha nttlnm milnlalnl k, XITK TVnn'
at Park and Washington streeta Upon
being brought to police headquarters
OLD oni
Ma' benefit to Oregon from a nubllclty
atandpoint . Th young women ar so
well pleased that they hav formed an
association and intend annually now to
vlalt new sections of the United States
and spread the fame of Oregon."
In appreciation of the pleasures of th
trip the young 'women presented Mr.
Bates with a silver loving cup upon
i leaving Chicago and a piece of Tiffany '
war waa given th chaperon. Mr. Rad-
fleld. v- .. v. . : ...
' 4', y.-
(Joaraal tpedal Barries.)
' Washington Jun It. W. .W, Cotton,
the prisoner were locked up, owing to I
ineir inaouity to zurnisn dhu. v
In tha munieinal court thla morn In a-1
"Fer-Don" put In an appearance with hia
A cup of tea thrown In her face, her
husband dlsmleaed from two. position
for cmbeaslement, beatlnga, cruelty, be
ing called -"Vile names and wages spent
In dissipation this la part of the story
of unhappineas related by Mrs. Mary A.
Keefe in a suit for a divorce from Ed
ward Keefe begun In the circuit court
this morning. - a
Mra. Keefe alleges that her husband
has not supported her except during th
rirst m month alter their marriage,
ehlf counael of the A R. N. Co., Was fnt and attorney, prepared to
fight tha case to a finish. Owing to a
Bniataae u waa round mat a complaint
was aworn to against French Instead of
hia employer, and "FertDon" waa con
sequently substituted aa defendant. Bail
was fixed at 1 100 in each case, and
bonds wera immediately furnlahed.
. The complainant In the caae ia Jacob
A . v...n . 1. 1 l i
. " iwiwura allege that h parted with 37 on tha
company had to haul one empty carl representation tf -the pseudo medico
wests The lumber business, he stated. I that he could cur him of ear trouble.
In tha past five yeara, going; east of the! As he received no relief. Postal! started
th witness today against the weaternl
Washington petitioners In th Joint rat I
hearing and gav figures showing; that
th O. R. N. delivered to the Oregon
Short Lin 8,000 mor loads than It re
ceived from It In 1300; that for every
Columns of Space in Eastern
Dailies Devoted to.Bevy of
Beauties bn Excursion
Under Auspices of Pacific General iranager Fuller of
Northwest Publisher' - Tmrtimi rimnnnv Airs
. Views.on Subject'; .
aaasaa aaaMaaaassaal j
w.hJ?n.furr.e?.:i.J'?np'"JWw1 Huntington gateway, had Increaaed 117 suit to recover th money, and after
securing legal aavic commenced tn
criminal . proceeding. The cases have
been set ror trial tomorrow morning..
Sullivan, , who had acted aa his lawyer
in a suit in Denver. Sullivan came to
eee If he-was Orchard,
. Sullivan refused to act as hia lawyer.
because he did not Know Idaho methoda,
but at hia request telegraphed Fred
Miller at Spokane to com on. . .
x ' .' Brong-b to BoU.
He was held It days In Caldwell and
hae District
Safford Is a' saloonkeeDer In fJiwtro.
land kept hia savings In the fluor bin.
Of course hi wife knew of it and Inci
dentally others did, too. O'Connell onca
waa given a home bv Safford when tha
former waa a homeless bo v. Tha kind.
hearted saloon man bore with much way-
waruness on me part or ma wire s rela
tive, and at last got him enlisted In th
then brought to Boise. After three army. But when r discharged from th
weeks' confinement Detective McPar- ranks O Connell, like the proverbial cat,
land came. Jle never met him before came back. The next time he went hia
and neverNhad any business arrange- benefactor money went, too. '
meat with him. H ramained- alon ?Zy,Vr'T that from now on ha
with McParland an hur. , . up to two rule :H will keep
McFarland told him about bla experi
ences with th f Molly Maguirea." v First,
however, he desired to discuss the Bible
with him. H denied that McParland
had talked about the Western Federa
t ion, but later stated that he might
have aald something about it.
uetective iciriana aeciarea tnat ne
new Orchard did the killing and was
lot alon In ' the Job, McParland re-
erred to th bible story of the killing
f Uriah by order of King David in
rder to ateal the former'a .wife. - Mc-
arland then "told him the story of
elly, the bum. - and of how he, : after
his money in the bank and unilaaipahia
reiauvea out oi nis nouae.
. (Journal Soeclal 6erric.l -- -
, Denver, wune IS. The report of James
Klrwan, acting secretary of the min
ers, was read at the convention here
today and shows that 16.000 men have
ia gave evidence In the Molly Magulr 1 jomea m federation n th year end
ase. wa given sow to leave m coun-1 w jaarca i.
June. 1003. After that time, says Mra
Keefe. her husband spent all hia money
in drink and dissipation. He waa em
ployed by a grocery firm,' and wa dis
charged for ombexxlemenC He left the
rent unpaid and hia wife without food
or clothing and she was compelled to
go to her mother. Keefe promised to
be good, . It 1 alleged, and Mra Keefe
left her ., mother' home and returned
to him. : His good - resolutiona laated
."J1" I."'" defense until Sentamhee 1
?a ?PFTL"r',w 0JBneM -".5n" testimony e o.ed thla nonr
i a oie ana mrw a cup oi tea in jara
Keefe' a face. !:
Keefe secured another position, but
wa discharged again for embesslement
and was threatened with prosecution, ac
cording to tne wire s complaint. ne
interceded with his employer and they,
tnrougn sympathy ror ner and ner baby,
agreed not to - prosecute. The couple
lived in San Francisco until tba earth
quake of April 1908, when Keefe came
to Portland and Mrs. Keefa supported
him and promialng that h . would be
have himaelf . and . support her. She
cam and he was good for - one - week,
when he beat her, called her vile name,
falsely accused her of .. .Infidelity and
again began dissipating. Mrs. Keefe
asks a divorce, the custody of th baby
and 40 a month alimony. ,
'.;'-;jiS..t I " " " '" ' .' '.. 1 "
per cent; . general business eastbound
had Increaaed only 38 per cent Out of
8,uu loads eastbound. l,000 were lum.
ber. v-..,. .. . . .
'Cotton filed a tabl of rate to va
rious points, showing that among a
vast mass of Important details.
W, E. Skinner of the O. R. A N. gav
general traffio condltlona. Th . com
mission win permit th petitioner to
wait until August to fil a brief, th
defense until September 1. Hearing; of
usiuuony ciosea mis noon. -. . '
v-i-' o srw ZgnlpmBt.'-'- !
.The Joint through rat case ha de
veloped Information tending to show
that th r Northern Pacific preaent
flans for betterment of way, additional
rackage, . increase in equipment, will
not mora than keep -pace with the In
crease In traffio over, that line during
th coming fly yeara. Jam ea O. Wood-
worth, traffic manager of the Northern
Paclflo at St. Paul, who was a witneaa
From the Rocky mountains : to New
Tork City, north to St Paul and west
ward to Vancouver, British Columbia,
th 15 Oregon young women, who re
turned Tuesday nirht f rom ' a thre
"Th fender Question Is the greatest
problem that confronts th manager
of all street railway systems." said F. I.
Fuller, vice-president and manager of
th Portland Railway, Light A Power
weeks tour under th auapice of Philip company, this morning. "Soma eompa-
S. Bat, publisher of th Pacific North-1 niea hav Instructed their highest paid
. (Journal Special Serrlee.)
Washington, ' D. C4 Jun 13. Colonel
James H. Raley,. of Pendleton, today
adjuated matters between himself and
other desert land entrymen with the
reclamation service In regard to their
claima bordering on the government's
reservoir in the L mat ilia irrigation pro
ject. ' I t
By th agreement today, all entrymen
will - make proof on th entire claim
aeeaing to
tlons as are nee
Th entrymen . will
mechanics to go to work and try to In
vent or mak a fender that would b
somewhere near what Is demanded, and
hav put at the disposal of thou me
chanics th - full equipment of. their
u4jkt a . all
a-j vj a 1 DfjXUrfJ 1116 COITI TTllRllOn. - inOwM '' TnAV I rhalii ant- a MOla t(AW a Ka arlf K I WaAiC 11TJW A VII la.
rwroo,.aw,fVroor SJJl S2 &&Jh t&SWVZS?'
l . i m . m j - - a i -ui .i i inaiiuu vui wbw. - i ... . . .
biic aai b. uciKi iK u,r . iu cuiim id I ita nr Abpb. mnJt An n as M.J. ..... I ml.
west, gained for th stat an unpror
dented publicity. Oregon's Inducements
to th homebullder. Investor, and manu
facturer,, became better known In the
east durlna- th time snant thera hv
the party than would hav been poaai-1 large ahopa to work in, and any amount
oi except tnrougn -in expenditure oil or nme requira.
an enormoua sum for advertising, I "Despite this demand for practical
- nwmapers in umana, Chicago, Bur-1 renaera. mere is not a standard lender
falo. Washinaton. New York Citv. tn I in America. In all other lines of manu-
fact In. every city In which th party! factured goods there la at least a stand-
th government auch por- !!.A'vwie5.fu5 ao- we n.av? "any
ided for th reservoir. I KBy" t v 10 u' ul"H """""i unui uo num vi isuucri
City II reporter and I vve nave given a great many of them
war at th depot to I a trial, and there la no one can tell now
'.- , - - I which I th most satisfactory. , .
land comprlaea about 1 acre -t, papST" Pi?aa .Try AH resders.
riwu) trnl nrnaiuKt .V. 1-- I w V.".i . I the fame Of Onton. . , Th Knar I
eraM Tn"tha trinsnSrikTi affianoV ."iiliK Tork World ubllshSd bhotogSnhi of tried to Ieglalat r-
W th. roM during th coming two year, elded" o'wlthdriw .1. " V.Vervolr pur h 15 J rne mb.r. ,of tbparty- and uaed tSVoXonTkU Ta7h.?d.:
wMi am s irwifc.,:i : pose in he Umatilla project. Th ac- - T:""" 'rf th Maaannhn.att. .n .r.-i
. ' . .'.i... -v m-mrtTfiT j a lfm I m nasi
' JN U TUiN a JCJli UllAiS X that t Iv year hence hi company would
, i . . , .,. d Dettor situation to handle th
.', business than now. - H said that th
O n A v rnii m.v. pm. company fears a lessening in tha traffio
. R. A. IaUoa to Make Proper demand In the near future.. He alleged
ctini.i.tin. ', w-.i-bI' V that th Immense lumber trade now poa-
Stlpulation In Asking Permission 1 .1We car. were procurable was due
r..(.,t p.,, largely to a demand for materials for
" - i railroad construction, such aa railroad
men 'call an extraordinary . demand,
which under existing conditions and the
Commissioner Proutv' draw film' mi I thai tw-. m
In . the ; elaboration--of his testimony. I give up portions of their claim to the
""n nwuiim wnm woum oa am an-i government ana retain tne rest witn
uauon iiv years nenca n omy tne aaaea I their Other entrlea
equipment ana tracxage now contem-
SimSdsntlnTlncreaa fONTBAHT MADF.
the naat few yeara. Woodworth admitted I . "
written by on of its opeclal writers. .inuf nZllr2M commission
oivea tne rirst rag.. I Question, has iuidaii thai n win in
Chicago papera war eouallv aenerous I number of differant onna for a mnA
with, their accounts. Front naao articles see which is Tha nut. anttafaetnrv f
and photograph appeared In practically venture to ay they . will be no nearer
all of the leading journal in the largest the solution at the end of a year than
cities in th east " , I last week when they mad thla ds-
XT Twmxr riTlXTmci I rora m xew paper wnicn air. antes i cision.t - . - , , . , ...
LLMhJS jLi!S TB JrU UN D was abl to colfect.: h estimates that "In thre notable instances the' fend-
noi less man iib.uuo worm oi aover- er . we are now ualng the Hunt 4rop
Z: 'PJHnl lll :L S2Jf St 9L 1.u.n5 J?1??- f" .W.pthr caae where llveVwe?i
SEi. i. i u ruiv, wh anomer render would have , been
Th,",; u nlv about-on more effective. But there la th point,
fourth of the actual space devoted by I one fandee n.rh.n. m "
newspaners. throughout th east. v . poaa, while" another fender la a-ood nni
10 I for a different kind ,f aarvlna
McParland also mentioned a "number
if other persons who had turned state's I
vicienc ana rinany ioiq mm mat au
tatea were fair with -. their beat wlt-
esaea :
Orchard became angered at Rlchard
on's apparent- attempt - to ahow that
Klrwan says this Is an a newer to trr
mineownersx who , tried to kiarunt tha
Federation. Thm total membershin ia
40,000. - . ;. '
Th contribution to tha Moyer-Hay-wood
defense, to April 1 waa 38T.707.
The salaries of Mover and Ilavwond.
$160 a month each, hay been continued
lcParland was- willing to do anything I while they -are in Jail. Th total re-
: secure a conviction, and said
"McParland stopped all crime after
e. got there " The witness; did not
now : that prior to McParland' going
ito the anthracite district, only three
iurder had ben .committed, but while
a was there, S3 were committed,
Contemplated uloida.
Orchard admitted that - he contem
ted suicide long after he had mad
a confession. wctanana taiicea with
ceipts for the fiscal year were 4224.8. ft.
and expenditures 1180,098.
(Journal Special Service. ) : "
Minneapolis. June 13. SecreUrv taft
m about hi confeaalon and hi desire Seaoil FrsiM thV-lX
uio, buu ..u-. , nenaenis wieiaea more nowr than tha
Democrats and Republicans. Politicians
are necessary to any form of popular
government. He aald Governor Johnson
of Minnewota is well liked in th east,
but declined ' to dlscusa Jnh
chances (f or ,Uo Demoeratlo nomination
The construction of
O, R. A N. across the peninsula
verslty park Is provided for In the draft
of an ordinance submitted to the city
council yesterday and -laid on the table
ror want or a common user provision
In th document. . ' .5,.. -
For some time It ha been reported
that the O. R. A N. intended to construct
a tunnel under University Park in order
to shorten the route, cut out long curves
and Improve the grade. The requeat
for a franchise under th atreet ex
tending from Willamette boulevard to
Dana street, and Including thes streets
shows definitely ; th Intention of the
company. . :.: - ' ...
The tunnel proper will be over 1.000
feet in length, and is intended to furnish
a direct route Into Portland for - th
Portland-Seattle line coming In over a
bridge aerosa , the Columbia, A jspur
track will alao be laid from the far- en
trance of the tunnel to the site of the
Swift packing - plant soon - to be con
structed,- in order to give that company
direct trackage facilitlea for tire opera
tion of the. stockyards - and - packing
houses. ' ";-r ... .," , :;-- 7
a tunnel h tha woney market, was likely to fall off
a tunnel by th BUbsUntlally.
enin.ulaatUnl- , . Alway Oar tttortag. , '
uommissioner cocitreii said to Wood-
worth: "That sort of operation Is what
has brought to pass existing conditions
of car shortage. If the railroad don't
buy equipment ahead more than in the
past It never will catch up with traffio
n Tt woa nrnlidrnt Ant ..4Kb f-': uivi
ago th railroads thought, that traffio
was about to fall off.' and ceased to or
der much rolling stock - in advance,
which, with traffio - growing so enor
mously, brought on th car shortage.
Also Woodworth admitted.' under crosa
examlnatlon by General Ashton of Ta-
coma- of - counsel for - the Washington
lumbermen,: that th Northern- Paclflo
and Harrlman lines worked on the the
ory that .each had the ria-ht to control
tn trarric tn certain territory. - t
Oregon mlllmen had a star witness in
Phil Beuhner of Portland, and Dixon
of Eugene, who gave - flcurea proving
mat tne car snortage in Oregon is seri
ous In th extreme, as In Washington.
The caae ha developed considerable
feeling, and it is feared by aome her
will cause antagonism between the two
north coast states at a time when they
neea cooperation,
imitted that McParland told him it
hi duty to help convict his friends.
Here Richardson read th obligation
1 1 ioh Orcnard took when he joined the
inera' union, calling attention to the
ct that the ritual contains me woraa.
iuty to God. fellow-men and country,"
fact which Orchard thla morning de
red waa the reason that he confessed.
orchard never knew of any Ironclad
ih of th so-called "Inner circle," He
t I he might have heird of It, but
not remember. After Ills confes-
John Conrad, l Arraigned. -
John Conrad waa arrairned Wn
Juda-e Cleland In the circuit murt thim
morning, charged with allowing hia wife.
. . . . . . . . 1 1. . 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . j . a . , . . .
i 1 " w h uien to iu nunHia uuiiu- uiiunm iuurau. o remain in a disorderly
' ven a room, lie had been in I house at 3SS Davis street. ' Ha was al-
1 timua since he made the 'lowed .until Saturday to plead. ;,
', Kept Consln Out Lat.
For enticing his 17-year-old cousin.
Rachel Barney,': away from, home and
encouraging her ' to remain away.' Joa
Barney lias .been indicted In' the circuit
court for contributing to the girl' de
linquency. Barney ia about 23 years of
age.. It is said that he encouraged the
girl to stay away from home until lata
at night ;--'-' .-
Kuby Will Not Go to .'md'Mr
: 1 Ai Ruby, charged by H-year-old Eva
Bowers with a statutory crime, pleaded
guilty this morning and .was sentenced
by Judge Fraxer to serva-a year in th
county Jail and pay a flnof 3100. Thai
Jail aertenc was suspended during. 4-od I pie must get used to a new service ba-
pauavior. , . J ( . , . . v 4 ror u is mucn pairomaeo.
Traffio en th east side line ince Ita
Inauguration -June 1 has .been very
small. Manager, F. I. Fuller stated this
morning that the biggest day's return
would not pay half the operating ex
penses of th line for that day. Unlesa
east aide patrons make more use of the
line it may be discontinued. . The rail
way company have resolved to give it a
fair trial, however, as many time peo-
" Albany. Or.. Jun 13.
Scio, one of the most prominent nop-
f Towers of this , section. , haa entered
nto a contract - with it Watterberg
company or ew;xorK to rurnisn mem
10.000 pounds Of 1907 hops at 11 cents
per pound. Th delivery 1 to be made
Detween uctoDer l ana si. tm con
tract was signed and arranged by Wll
nam M. ' Brown Co. or Salem as
agent for the eastern company.
This la an Indication that hops will
be a good price regardless of the feara
entertained by many of the grower and
augurs well tor a good prlc for . the
crop of 1907. , - -
(Jonrnal Special Service.) '
Norfolk, - Va , -June lS.- Ac
. cord-ing .to a- report the body
of one of the 11 .officer of the
' battleahip Minnesota wa . found -
i lUUBf ' iiunuui ill AAOiupwu
Roada AX Ja believed to torn th
coxswain of th launch.
The Omaha Bee sent a sneclal car" i
Kearney; Nebraska, to meet the party,
together with a staff correspondent and
photographer. - The Associated .Press
also began - sending accounts from, the
time that, the young women ' reached
Nebraska and Its reports . wer spread
broadcast throughout the east. Senator
Bourne took th party In charge at Waah
inatan. where they met the president
anu -yihot; points jiiucrenv, Kuing i uuua ui ruruenu men and nave not yt
thence to Norfolk, wher ship was taken! been tried. It is not thought by th
for a different kind of snrvtoa
f'A different fender altogether must
be used to Drotect nennla ilnniKn. ....
in front of a ear than in the case wher
tha person happens to be lying down."
Many Tsts to B scad.
Tests of six or eight fenders wlU b
made by the Portland railways In a day
or so,-' Some of these fenders are Inven-
to New Tork city,
hows Xerself Oenuln Artiol.
rauroaa officials, however, that any
startling revelations in the history of
a : vta-, v-v ,.-. I fonder trials will be made.
Ibert Huhhard a farma Ml. MetMlf A ' Providing airbrakes, if no suit-
established , tha merits of- the nartv's f."'" .?',u" .luunu- air. . uuer stated
E,br,' Jl"bJ.d '"mBMi" Mef.f! abl fenfo.
The fedUot "'it the" PhUUtm beZ ha.VhV !r.l J52 ?-t.
trln vu a faka. and I , f .r " i" ' oeen usea
men werei. ; : -r "".
i", i 4 ,' (Journal Special Service.)
Waahtngton,. Jun 13. Th danger of
a coal famine on the Paclflo coast has
caused President Roosevelt to authorise
the navy department to charter foreign
ships to carry coal there for th squad
ron In those .waters. ,. ,
Steals. Jloney and Jewelry,
A daring aneak thief entered the home
Of Mra. G. J. Reader, 611 Rodney street,
resterday afternoon and carried away
13 In cash, a gold, watch and five rinra
At- the time of the commission of the
crime Mra Reader wa In? the yard min
istering to a sick dog. ' The crook was
seen coming"' rom the place by - It. S.
White, who-thought the fellow was a
tradesman and conseauently mad: no
attempt to stop him,
lleved that the trio was a
.I . V- ... ... - s
factory a-lla' which. Mr. ate had num?er of and accidents
taken east for th curves of exploiting .uJ"Aren .V RLeAl,.Lr. Tater. on
himaelf and hia niihlloadon. i Miaa Mat. .V" V.- r: no" on any OtDac
I calf demonstrated th fact that th I tna cy- ' 0-
party was representing) the reverse by I -l..-- . , .
slon he had held.
"There is a tremendous Interest mani
fested in the east relative to Oregon,"
"i","rK1"" ' T"r""lL-. l.'i'H (Speelal DUpatch to Th. Joorn.L)
A?,r.nZ. JiZ. X-WtVii-ti Dalies.- Or., Jun 13. The res!-
ttier. and Xh?n&mMZ:Z I ?? ?' Ohlegschlager, on mil west
5fnlJd' mr' ' "UPPV KhlK'r woVkeriand haV th ..
id -others: Th young women at?v0ac?
ltoe0th0.. skfeaen! tSSl
was a
was exhausted.
. . Dirt of th Bffet Sasa.
"The young - women were not .Im.
pressed by th immensity of th east
ern cities w Visited. Rather, ' they
noted the smoke,, dirt, uncleanlineas, of
th streeta ' and - congestion and com.
pared these with the wholesome and
pure atmosphere of Oregon. k
no party 1 waa ever received with
more courteous treatment by. the rail
roads, publlo officials and reneral nuh.
He, and th trip haa been of lneatima
w .. 1 (Journal Special Serrlre.) ' ,
London. June IS. A. R. McTv'a "lit.
dltor B" took anbther championship for
America today at the international horaa
show as th best light harness horaa.