The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from Pag One.) .
:terd pleaa tbla rooming; They wer
fined and discharged from- custody,
.4. Mr. ITtamaa'a XJttl Sraak.
Another move on tha part of Mr.
; Freeman that cauad a. great deal of
. ' mirth later was his action In placing
in name or rea Heoaing on tn court,
records for appearance- July 10. Heb
- dlnr's name aid not aDDear In the in'
' dlctment and Mr. Cole knew nothing
about the dealer until lnlormed by a
Journal man that he had made an ap
1 pea ranee Ay attorney..
Mr. Cols smiled and aald that he was
' glad to hear it; that ha Knew no sucn
man. but would extend an invitation to
" all dealers who felt alighted beaause
n their names wera not included in the
' Indictment to appear in court and enter
an appearance, neoauig win hut do
' hold under one of the numeroua John
Doe warrants asked for by Mr. Cole
when tha Indictment was reported In
. , XJst of Un rued. .
Tha men who were fined $35 today
follow : W. 1L Phelan. F. A. Jones, W.
1A. Taylor, L. Ruvenaky, Herman Met
. mr Portland: Chelialla Manufacturin
company, Chehalla. Washington; Frank
W. Hollia, Mark Baker, JET. W. weeks,
Medford. , - . -
The list of men lined $! follows? F.
A. Nutbrown. F. 8. Nutbrown, : I.
Pautorf. 8. Hochfleld. A. Hlrt, B.
A bio wita. H. A. Kema. H. C. Yetter, A,
Hansen, Hawthorne Furniture company!
Portland: Mick Wela. Baker City.
Those for whom Freeman entered an
appearance for July 10 and who later
. rleaded aulltv and were fined were
krank W. Hollia, Mark Baker, F. W.
Weeks, Medford; H. A. Kerns and W.
Ml. Taylor, roruano.
11 locomotive to tha Washington lum
ber milla, but the Northern Paclflo re
fused to permit the equipment to coma
into its territory. The Interstate com
mission looked no Shamir when Beett
man asserted that there la no longer
any competition in tha west between
Washington railroads; that , since the
Burlington. Great Northern and North
ern Paclflo consolidated he had not seen
one solicitor for lumber freight op Puget
i ' Oregoa Wins Point
The Oreaon lumbermen ' thought to
day they had won a strong point against
the western Washington mlllmen in, the
Joint through rate case when W. W.
Cotton and J. N. Teal obtained statis
tics from Victor Beckman of Seattle,
from which Commissioner Clark, on the
Deiiet, arew ana expressed conclusions
coieii imicr
For Institution for Feeble-
MindedOne Condemna
tion Suit Likely.
told them to behave themselves. Mc
Carthy waa frensled at tha Interference
ana piungea his knife repeatedly into
the breast of Jesse, who aank to tha
ground. When medical aid reached the
wounded man his lunss were found pro
truding from ugly gashes. McCarthy Is
in JUU. f , i , : i : .:
Daughter of New York Socletj
k Leaders Weds Son of Judge
John Clinton Graf.
ArtDearahces wera tnida for tha fol.
Lawyers W. IX
simon and Frank F.
Fenton. Jo-
ff by
Tull A Gibba. Olds. Wortman A Kin.
Art Furniture Manufacturing company.
J-Jugene Cohn, Marcua Conn, Tauben-
heimer St Schmeer Carpet and Furniture
company, Edwin A. Covell, J. O. Mack,
I. Gevurts & Sons, - Henry Jenning,
Powers Furniture company, - Edwards
company, William Oadaby Bona, East
ern uutntting company, ail of Portland.
Bepresented by Attorney.
- Frank F. 'Freeman made appearances
j or me louowing: 4. cnapman, uaiiai
a Vandecar, North Powder; A. K. Kel
logg, Oervals: C W. Conklln, Jackson
ville; B. e. Vorui, Baker City: C. &
Hamilton, Salem: Tacoma Furniture A
Mattress company, Tacoma; M. Streff
; tt Co., btayton; Fred Hebding, Medford
urnuure company. Mediora: J. u
-Chambers,- Eugene; i Max L Buren.
Salem; C. T. Nelson, Vale; John Doa
Baker, John Doe Folsom. Lewis Hunter,
Valentin Stroble, J. Sharon, I A.
Eddlnga. all of Pendleton; Frank W.
Hollia, Mark Baker. F. W. Weeka. Med
ford;, W. T. Macy,. Walter Macy. J4c-
Minnvuie; raui ti. stage. tsaiem: tne
House Furniture company. Salem: C V,
Halsey, Fossil: J. w. Kays, Eugene;
John Weiss, Gervals; E. L Mlnard,
Mint wasntngton; faul ueiaier. M. J
McGrath, H. A. Kerns, H. Hansen.-H. C
Schroeder. W. W. Savage. II. Nusbaum,
a. it, cellar, is. a. uueiier, w. m. xay
lor, Frank F. Freeman. Portland.
- Others who -appeared this morning
were a. u. Jennings, ciiflora Edwards
and H. Gordon of Eugene. .
v " a l-r-- '.vl A&'V'
(Continued from Pag One.) ',
. waa received In the course of tha even-
lng announcing his acceptance of the
i ' The progranvof-'fba two. days ole
. braUon waa outlined by the committee
, as rollows; On the night of July S, a
spectacular ' Illuminated parade and a
concert in one of the park blocks by
,Ie Caprlo's band: Judge 8. A. Lowell's;
. address and other literary exercises will
.. .. taae piaoe at me Marquara on tne morn-
lng of July 4; on tha afternoon of the
Fourth there will be racea at Irvlngton
park.! at which Brown's band will f ur
jDlsh tha music; tha sport committee will
.arrange a program of events on the
'.river, and the uaual street sports for tha
1 afternoon of tha Fourth. t . . ... .
. Colonel James Jackson, chairman of
parade committee, briefly outlined the
, parade for the morning of the Fourth,
as follows: The grand marshal of tha
day. Colonel ftA. B. Dyer, U. S. A., and
. 1 aids, members of the governor's staff,
.the state, county and city officers, In-
: . oluding members of the city council, in
. carriages tha official staff of tha de
partment of the Columbia from Van
couver and the Third regiment O. N. G.,
battery A. O. N. G., a delegation from
the warship In the harbor, floats and
delegations from the fraternal socletiea
1 of the city. It waa announced that Miss
' Kathleen Crawler had been engaged to
- tolng "The Star Spangled Banner" In
connection wtib the literary exercises at
the Marquam Grand . theatre on tha
;Mnornlng'Of the Fourth. . ' :
The Riverside Driving association will
. . rive four races at the Irvlngton park on,
the afternon of the Fourth, at which an
'admission of 60 cents will be charged.
Another meetinar of the committee will
be held at the commercial club Friday
. mgnt, wnen tne aetatiea program or u,
aa to Beckman a lnacouracv
Beckman aald reel or
lumber wera sawed in Washington' in
1(04. that lumber atocka on hand Jan
uary 1, 107 were aame as January 1.
1906, that rail shipments In 1S0 were
i.iuu.uvu.vvu. car so snioments. ouu.uuv,-
000, local consumption. I,t60,000.009,
whereupon , Commissioner Clark re
marked: 1
BhtDPed 100.000.000 feet mora than was
sawed, yet you had on hand the same
quanuiy last January aa a year ago.
Berkraan la the mttlnstar or the west
ern Washington mm men. Other -wit
nesses for that side had scouted the In'
tlmutlon that there had been a car
shortage In Oregon, claiming the car
shortage In Washlnarton had been serl
oua Oregon mill men admitted as to
Washington, alleging the aame was true
1 10 uregon.
This discussion brought out tha claim
from tha Urearon mill men Hare, repre
sented by Phil Beuhner and A. Bayer of
Portland, Dixon or lugen ana triers.
that Oregon has more mills than wash
. (Special Plspatek ta The Jooraat.)
Salem. Or., June II. The stats board
of building . commissioners yesterday
voted to purchase the Coleman tract for
a sit for ths new state institution for
the feeble-minded. This tract is lo
cated between ths reform school nd
Turner and Is admirably situated. It
Is mads up of several adjoining farms
aggregating 631 acres, divided as fol
lows: James R. Coleman. 130 acres at
t0 an acre; Mrs. Z. Millar, 130 aores,
ISO; C P, Ouard, acrea, 95ft: M. P.
Dennis. 44 acrea, 131; Wlllam It. Slmp
son, lOt acres, 66; Joseph Thiel, is
acrs. The price of this latter tract
Is exorbitant, tha board claims, and
sine Tblel aaks 1120 per acre tt la
probable condemnation proceedings un
der the right of eminent domain will b
started to arrive at a mora reasonable
pries. . . a - ; -. .
TO.oov cars ana Oregon out i,uuu.
' Nathaniel K. Clarke, clerk of
the Portland hotel, la not super
stitious, but he runs into com
binations of numbers that h
passes tor. friends who fear tha
bugaboo of 1J,' "2 J,", -T-ll'
and other mystio combinations
that have a reputation for hoo
doos. ', Ths latest, on he . cam
across ths other day - when. h4
ordered a. berth for a gueat who
wanted to go to Seattle ' HeVa
ls: th conversation OTf ;, tha11
telephone;-- ..; -Vv ':vV ':'':'.'
V "Hello, depot, this is the Port-,
land " botaL . Pleas ': reserve a
' berth, for Mr. Jones,1 who . Is
going to Seattle tonight" : ' i '
:J AU right, Mr,' Clark. H
-will b assigned to berth No. 4,
car Mo. 4, train No. 4, and say, '
Mr. Clarke, tell Mr. .Janes h
will hav to eall by 4 o'clock la
order to gat his ticket, Wa say ;
them no later than that'' v
. Tlnga-llng.
v. Joornal gpeetal gerrlc.)
New Tork, Jun 11. Miss Marlon
Fish, daughter of Mr. and MrSI Stuyva-1
sant Fish, was the most notable of the
Jun brides today, when her marriage to
Albert Z. Gray, son of Judge John Clin- I
ton Gray, took plan In tha fashionable
t itannoiomews church. The wed
ding was a notable Incident socially, for
tha guest list included th most promi
nent namea of New York and Newnort
The bride's gown ' was of ' cream
duchess satin, cut In Ion slmnla llnnal
and en train. Fiouneea of rose point lace
(ormea m trimming ana ene wore a
bridal veil of the same material The
oriae naa but one attendanL-her coualn.
Miss Janet Fish.
Following th church ceremony there
waa a iarg reception at tna noma or tha
oriaes parents in East Beventy-elghth
street After their wedding tour the
unuai coupi win iaa a noma on iton
m k M I ft - H H M i I I ? I . I am . "
lllll.l 11 VIIIHO
wtai laaiaiia .
Poverty gets mighty
well acquainted vith
v a petty s
Of Canham & Williams.
Grocers, Portland, Or.,
. 'says:
for th coming autumn an
Continued from Pag On.)
, . 1 , m j 1.1 1 mi
they had already traversed. Orchard
was not sure aa to th exact namber
of days. ' For that matter nobody waa
Richardson .haa been throughout very
careless aa to his verbiage and his facts.
Wrota Fak Xasaraao.
' "Now then, Mr. Orchard." he said
softly, "you war doing this Insurance
fuslness for 26 dayef
"About 26 days: yea air."
"But It la 16 days, Isn't ltr
, "I am not aura. It la about 2S days."
"Can't you say It Is It exactly f
"No sir." ' , ',
"Why notr '
. "Becaus I want to tell tha truth."
"Whv la It neceaaarr for you to say
to me that you are telling th truthf
'Becaus you are trying 10 maa oui
that I am not telling the train."
You wrote Hair insurance ror nearly
everybody . .', -;',. . , .
"Ton mada a lot of money out of HT"
iee sir."
"But It was fak Insurance f
"Tes sir." said Orchard readily.
rntlllty of Xxamlnatloa.
All that is a literal transcript Tou
can Judge of Its Inaptitude and futility
for yourself. And hour after, hour haa
been spent In that kind of "cross exam
ination," hour after hour and day af
ter dajr.
Orchard has no friends In ths court
room. He la entirely laolated and alone.
He la a confessed assassin and that
calling doea not warm anyone. . He Is
an informer snd the world hates an In
former. If Richardson had shattered
his testimony at Once he would have
been hailed as ths friend of man. But
Instead of shattering- it, Richardson's
failure to move Orchard has bu tressed
his testimony as something actual and
believable. If Orchard is lying, not on
II haa ret been thrust down his throat
Ernest W. Ewers of Iowa and Leroy
Sillier Sink y la Sight of
Helpless Comrade.
' (Journal Special ferric. 1
Fresno, Cat, . Jun II. An attempt I
to wreck tha Southern Paclflo "Owl" at
a point thre miles east of her was I
discovered in time last night to prevent!
Tuvrt . mtTfA rmwm Tiinn Tsry ternm aociaenx. a sput ana
X U1W J. lYU-lvJU A r AJLTjIbolt wer drlvn btwen th rails. I
spreaaing tnem apart, iney were ais-i
covered Dy a traca waixer a raw min-i
utes before th owl waa dua A Korean I
named Korlan was arrested on susol-l
won. 1 -. .
buy something worth
r ; while
Th tt flnsst plaao tt Is poa
albls to make, w mak and sail
for 325. This piano fn a 1
tall ' stor sells for ' about IflOO.
Ws sen this plaao fo S8.00 A
KOaTTX la say wood yoa want,
: y .. ;. . ,:.'..- .... i
(Journal Special terrie.)
Albany, N. T, Jun II. Governor
Hughes has vetoed th I-cnt railroad
rat bill. He says ths bill Is unfair to
th roads ana pregnant of diaaster, .,
,: j'.,,;iv , m : i. . :. ::,
Robert Morgan,' United States
navy. Is at . the. Oregon hotel.
Mr. Morgan 'arrived In Portland
from 1 Seattle,' where he nas been
stationed on the cruiser Chi
cago. .1 H stated today that th
men among th fleet believed
that th entlr fleet would be In
Portland to attend th rose car
nival. Instead of th cruiser
'Charleston alone.
, Included among tha vessels
will be tha Charleston, Albany,.'
Princeton, Chicago and several
other vessels, making one of th
most pretentious . fleets of,
armored vessels that aver cam
to Portland harbor. Mr. Morgan:
has been assigned to shore duty
and will leave for Ban Fran
cisco tonight -
(Special Dispatch ta Tb JovrsaLt
Th Dalles, Or, Jun IJV Ernest W.
Ewars, lately from Casey, lows, a level-
man, and Leroy Miller, an axman, ana a
brother-in-law of th section foreman of
tha O R. dt N. at Blalock. Orcs-on. were
drowned yesterday In th Columbia river
west of Qulnton. They wer working
with th Roberta surveying party In the
employ of the O. R. at N.. and wera on
rait wnen caught in a whirioooi. The
raft whirled violently around and th
men wer thrown Into tb river. Th
aw aaaaas wm a auviui ai w ssBiaa.saiisw
Both were young men and unmarried
Ewers-haa relative in Iowa. H had
. working only two weeka
ponies nave not been recovered. I
Don't lot your child suffer with that
cough when you ran oura it with Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure our for I
The Reed-French
. Piano Hfg Co
(flxta and Sumslda) '
WTT T TTi 1 TiTiATTmiiT I Urd Horehound Byrup, a sure our for
lHf JJE APPOINTED Cough. Bronchitis, Influents, Croup and
ruimonary uiummmm. ouj m oeiu ana
try it. - ,
B. B. Laugher, Byhalla. Mlsa writes
"I hav two children who had croup, . I
tried many different remedies, but I
must aay your Horehound Syrup Is the
best Croup and Cough medicine X sver
used. sold by au druggists.
(Joarea! gpsclal Sarrlce.l
' Rome, Jun 12. Bishop Starlha of
South Dakota la Informed by tha pop
mat on ana pernapa two American
Cardlnala will be apolntped at th 8p-
temoer consistory.
been,, v
Judg Henry E. McGinn, of this city,
has returned from Walla Walla, where
h appeared before Judg Whltson of
th federal court la fehalf of bis client
John Johnson, who sued Caughren A
Woldaon, contractors on tb north bank
road. .
Johnson, who was employed by the
contractors In building tha road, loat
- (Journal Rpedal terries. '
Washington, June 12. President and
Mrs. Roosevelt left for Oyster Bay at
1:60 o'clock this morning. They will re
turn in October. -.
an eye as th result of a premature x-
Jloston and sued for 110.000 damages,
udgment in that sum was secured by
(Special Dispatch to Tb JoaraaL)
Butte. Mont., Jun 12. H. W. Jesse.
depot agent of th Oregon Short Lin
at Red Rock, near th Idaho line., was
fatally slaahed last night while attempt
ing, to act as peacemaker between a
aneepneraer named McCarthy and Fred
Osborne, who had started a fight Mc-
cariny arew a long Knire on Osborm
when Jesse stepped between then an
(Jearnal Spedal Servlee.)
St Peteraourg, Jan 11-A msssgs
from Count - Olater says Tb Hague
conference Is only a disgusting manifes
tation of Christian Hypocrisy.
(Journal Speeiil Barries.)
Des Moines, Jun 12. Secretary Taft
bis speech tooay, scouted tb idea
that the United 8 Utes and Japan would
go to war. .-.,'.;.!
Eight Prisoners Executed.
(Joarnat BpatUl Service.) :
Riga. Russia. June 12. Eight Politi
cal prisoners
were executed- today.
Eastern Oregon farmers are already
worrying about th scarcity of help for
'the harvest -.'.. v- . -
If your teeth need treatment the
longer you wait th larger It will
make your bill. -1 V. -
" i -1 "
' M.ITW mim ami K M i l .
Call at one and let us xamln
your teeth. W will iv yon th
best servlc In very branch of th
dental profession, and by palnlees
methods that will meet with your
approval. When desired yon can
hav T. P. Wis or my personal
servlca ; j ;
IV. A. WISE, Dentist
T. f. Wise, ILL Stordeyant'and Dr.
Hoffman, Associates ?
Hon MAXS 8089. ,
BK8TOBSS T1TAIJTT Have eared tbosMBds
ef . ease of Nsrvoes Debility sad ' tnswmnls.
Tbey dear the sraia. strengthea the eircalstlaa,
Biake dlfsstloB perfect aad Impart a Btagaetle I
vigor to the whole Mlp. All grain aad Mat
stopped permanently. 11.00 per box. ban
goaraatsed to ear or refund money, I& Malted
sealed. Book free. . fatslaa Md. Oa, SM I
Arch St., Philadelphia. Sold la Portlaad aly
by Woodward, dart Oa. ' .
UslS- lVKlSLOW'S v : !
; 5 scotci::3 SYRUP ;
basbasi assd by VlUloas of If otam for thaw ; 1
1 pbUdawbuVTMUilBcfor re yiftfteai. ,
It sootlM the ehlld. sohia tb gama allarf 1 ,
iall PnTeuras wind eoua, aad la la bmi
1 , remadrtor dlairhao. ,: ,,, ' .
' ' '' th Idaal ramadv la
TAnnA!irS Seltzsr-Ap:rt:nt
MTsates Uk soda water." '
88yarsofeurs. ' . .
! At Draggists verrwber, loo. aad 8U&
(Continued from Pag On.)
whereabouts of tb prisoner th guards
exercises for the two days' celebration
ed ana turned
will be finally
over to th publishers.
;v n,,r,---
t- - (Contlnned from Pag OnaK
Word. "But a friend Of mine told mo
v be could, and on tb strength of my
Trlend a recotnmenaation I am willing to
bet 110 that he can beat you."
The former sheriff drew out a $10-
roid ptece ana weriein reacnea into his
" pocxet.
, - ''Make It a mil and I will ro you.'
'h said.- Th money was placed In th
, hands of John Russell, . Chief Deputy
1 county uiera . emito waa cnoaen as
.judge and the party stopped at Porter's
.station. It was arranged to run from
. 1 . -A .. ... I J
u rvrur x uh u iiume ana tne
race wss ooatDoned. Porter - has not
- .vouen ror mm. weriein is reaav ro:
. the race at any time, and It la ruraore
that the street car company is arrang-
lng to run special cars out to tne track
race is pulled orr.'
', Deputy County Clerk Smith, who will
db luuie. ihu orciueu not 10 Dace aiunr
k . with ths runners to sea fair play, but
will ongage a high power auto In which
S . ,be will ride. Mr. fimlth believes he can
' 11111 srta iMwi. 1 sir- xrum lob in.
r f nsa ktAm 1s araa fvtsk
James J. Hill told him of ths trouble
, on tha Great Northern. He could not
get locomotives, having ordered 140, but
i .got only a few. Beckman said that once
the Harlman linea offered 241 cara and
Oa .
. ,ri.--..f - .;-! -f v" ' .
' pood com
'Burns has taken him for a drive, but
we 00 not Know wnere tney went." ,
, ' Xportrs Kept Away.
Th moment of the 'taking away of
ttuei wa aigniricant, in tn afternoon
he bad been - on tha witness stand and
naa Been aaicea a Question which Is cm
cial to ths fat of Bchmlts and ths
success of the prosecution In seourlng
me cunviciion 01 tne mayor. 10a orose-
cution took good care that Ruef was not
approached Dy outsiders and for ths
zirst time since na waa taken into cus
tody the newspaper men wera not al
lowed to talk witn Kuer. .
It was 11:80 o'clock : when Burns
brought his man back, walking him
down th hill. A reporter who called
at the door immediately afterward waa
told that Ruef had gone to bed, and
when It was urged that this would have
oeen impossiDie tna guara replied:
wen, ou cannot see him tonight
urns was somewhat more communi
cative and said that he had spent the
evening with Ruef at the horn of tb
latter parents, adding:
"Ruef will go on tha stand and tell 1
tne wnoi train."
L''.,,ft- I"
, . IJadrnal Special Service.)
Berlin, Jun It. -Kaiser Wllhelm
boxed th ears of ; Prince Frederick
Henry of Prussia, his cousin, and per
sonally tore from him his orders and
decorations snd told him to leave Ger
many, never to return, under penalty of
Demg imprisoned.
The prince-is accused of belnr lm
moral. . He Inherited $7,000,000 from his
ratner. wnue on tne way to .gypt re
cently ne posea as rope nus.
(Jonrnal Special Service.)
Wooster, Ohio, June II David Tag-
gart, brother, of Captain Taggart of
divorce notoriety, was found dead in bed
at the home of .hla mother at Orrville
yesterday. It is supposed he died from
an overdose of drug taken to ease pain
caused by the amputation of a limb.
The history of Buck's Ranges goea back" many years.
It is most interesting, and represents from year to year
the most important advancements in stove and range t
building. It is now over 60 years since the first Buck's
Stove was built, and from that to the present time more '
rangM and stoves bearing the Buck's trademark have
been sold than all others. There are many reasons
good reasons- for the immense output' and popularity of ; ;
Buck's. In appearance and general proportion they are
scientifically ' perfect. ' The white enameled oven is ab
solutely clean and sanitary. Buck's Stoves and Ranges !
put to use practically all the heat the fuel contains, -t
There is rt misdirected radiation. A dollar's worth of
' vv fuel produces a dollar's worth of heat where it is needed.
For this "reason they are the greatest fuel-savers on the world's market. And they cost no'more than ordinary stoves. -Buck's
ovens are ventilated in such a manner as to enable baking to be done ideally -no mingling; of odors no material :
shrinking or drying of roasts no uneven bread-baking. Our guarantee is the guarantee of "America's foremost stove
concern" the Buck's Stove & Range Co., of St Louis. We offer to install In your home any of the many styles and -sizes
of the complete Buck's line on the liberal payment terms of "" . , " ' " , ' : V,
$1.00 in Thirty Days $1.00, Per Week Thereafter
.Tlie cereal health coffee,
tastes like 45c per pound
Java coffee. ; We use it ex
clusively; in ray' family.
v All grocers , in Uregon
sell a big package for 25c.
Jf your grocer has not got
Golden . Grain Granules,
the pure health' building
cereal coffee, tell him to
order a case from '
Allen & Lewis . ;
i Lang & Co.,
Mason & Ehrman
Wadhams & Co.
' or ;
Wadhams & Kerr Bros.
All boys and girls will
get money to . spend for
fourth of July if they read
04 a ll ')'''''.'
my ad, which L pub
lished June 1 in The Jour
nal, v The same "ad will
be published in The Jour- ,
nal Saturday, June 22.
From 10 cents to $5.00, to
all children, with excep
tion of, boys -who, -smoke
cigarettes- ' -
If You Carry Large
You'll And buying htre removes a loaa
irom your shoulders and provide' su
perior qualities of shelf and heavy hard
ware at least coaV"-.'.. " "
Avery (Si Co.
4i TXXBD 8T. ' - - '
. (Jooral Special Srrl.) ..,
Keokuk. Ia June 12. Tae convention
of the Iowa Federation of Labor teday
adopted a motion that a measaga of con-
naenca ana aympainy De sent to tn of
ficials of the weatern Federation .
Miner who are Imprisoned in Idaho.
in the
uuoi mum;
Dr. SsndsrsaB's Onmpoond v 8ls
snd Coltae Root Cllls. Tli be.t
na vuif raiiiDis rauisay cut dh.
LAYKD fKBIOI8. Car tb Bad
w. I a a .us k s. an a .
tTtcv tj MT box. mailed In nlata vrihaa. ;
Addtw Dr. T. 4. PI K BOB, 101 Vint tltiM