THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. - JUNE 11, 1907. EVEN If DISCOURAGED OREGON STRAWBERRIES HAVE NO PEER vbt to, wxxjuahs' .rare vcum TOM TOTTft MMMVHATMU.-": 13 :. p ' .- . M . : ft . --J No finer" strawberries hav aver bean , grown In the moat favored spots In -Oregon than thres boxaa brought to Tha Journal office thla morning by Chtrles i,Metsgar of Tlgardvllle, Washington Bounty. - Mr.' Uetsgar haa a amaU barry r. . . , " . " farm near Tigardvllle, and. I an snthus iaatto grower of the finer varieties of thla dellcloua fruit. ' The three varletlea hown are the Clark Seedling, the Ma goon And the Oregon. Owing to the auperlor alsa of the berriea, . each box OREGON FOREST UNO IS PLACED Timber Lands Hare Been j Definitely Disposed of by, . the Government. EVERY ACRE IS OPEN ; OR IN SOME RESERVE Sareaa HM Pecldd What 8hll Do I - Dona With Propertf and Haa Re leased All That la Not to Ba Held for Year. contatna only about 25, all of great per fectlon in alxe. flavor and appearance. While nnuaually large, the berriea are aimoet perfect in rorm. ina Aiagoona being especially free from the knotty appearance that la nearly alwaya found in tne largest specimens or tma variety. - EAST GREAT COUNTRY TO VISIT BUT OREGON ONLY PLACE TO LIVE ' 8. Vealch, on of Oregon's three rep resentatives to the grand' convention of th Order of Railway Conductors, re cently In sessloq at Memphis, Tennes see, returned ? to Portland yesterday morning from a six weeks' trfp through- oat the eastern states. ' Mr. Veatch was accompanied by his wife and daughter and after the adjournment of the O. R. C. convention vialted a number v of the battlefields of the tvll war. lie was especially , Interested ' In the country around Lookout Mountain, where Grant, Thomas and Bragg struggled so heroic ally for poaaeaalon of Chattanooga. They spent a number of ' days at the Jamestown fair, which, pe says,. Is not ready by a full month yet,,a many of the buildings . axe far f rotn completion, i- While on tha wt from Norfolk te New Yofk , on an ' Old Pomlnlon line steamer Mr. .Veatch met. Editor Bates with hla party of Oregon, girls, who, be ays, were having the time . of their lives. 1 "The east la sreat and a wonderful country to visit.'7 said Mr. Veatch, "but Othm tha only state to live In." Mr. Veatch was made a member of the Jurisprudence committee of the u. K. C, one of tne most important committees In the organisation. (WUblhgtoa Bureas'et The JosraaU Washington, June 11. In Washington It Is claimed that the restoration on JTliflA S rtt TIB lift mrvmm o .lnK which had been temporarily withdrawn for Inclusion In' national forests will bavs the effect of disarming some of the adverse criticism . which has been directed against the forest bureau, Com ing Just before the assembling of the Denver land convention, called by Gov ernor Buchtel of Colorado, where it is expected that there will be a hard fight n the government's land policies, it will urini pnrai urn ina auminiaira- tlon -was not guilty of all the crimes against western progress which have been laid at its doors. Officials at the forest bureau stated that the restoration of these lands had ben to progress for several months. It was asserted that these examinations were made prior to March , when the president declared created 17,000,000 1AH. national' fsif.ta fn, rhlt Afr mere was cjonsiaeraoie , aaveree ,crai- . .M-.-.- ws WbaAafiaV-rT rvWlth these restorations accomplished. act it- is sssertea at tne rorest pureau, ro timber 4anda remain in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming.' Montana, or Colorado whkoh have not ''been permanently proclaimed as nuuonai iyreis or peon refiproa 9 The policy of .the bureau as explatned by the officials In. the absence of For ester JHnchot has been to temporarily withdraw timber lands, sends experts to xamlntt them and then restore to the fiublle domain all which did not prove o be either necessary to the protection f the watersheds, or better suited to national forests than for agriculture. . Th rkt Ar.TInn rfmrrA tf in flr,mn waa: ' (ioose Lake national forest, Klam ath and-Lake counties. 16,840 acrea; Fremont national forest. Crook county, 188,720 acrea; Fremont national forest. I Crook county, 64.10 acres; Wenaha na tional: forest, Wallowa county, 17,920 acres; Wallowa national forest, union county, 41.860 -acres, chesntmnus na tional rorest, wallows county. 8,4 so acres; In all .808,480 acrea , WASHINGTON GRAND : MAyDERY ELECTS (SpeeHl Dispatch ' The Josraal.) Tacoma, . Wash, June 11. For two days Tacoma has belonged to the .Ma: sons of the stats, more than 609 of whom are her, and every train and boat brings In additional recruits. Congress man Francis w. Cushmaa this morning addressed tha grand lodge . at Its) open ing. r - . v.'v ;'.: -v. All of yesterday was taken up with the sessions of the grand commandery. the following officers being elected and Installed late In th afternoon: Grand commander, W. O. Nicholson of Belling ham: deputy' arand commander. John H. 6haw of Spokane; grand generalissimo. Ira M.' 8 warts of Vancouver: grand ravtaln general. John O. . Campbell - of Tacoma; grand senior warden. Charles JB. Coon or Pot). Town send; grand Junior warden. Henrv L Kennan of Bookane: grand standard bearer, Conrad L. Hoska Of .Tacomai grand sword bearer. Charles G. Smyths of JEverett; grand, captsia-of aas-guara, l. Q,Minton sr Heiiingtiam; grand treasurer, Horace W. Tyler; grand recorder, Yancey C Blalock of Walla Walla.' v. . " Reports of officers show a ' present membership, of Knights Templars in I Honor Graduates of Pearson's, ' '(Special blajiatrb ' te The Too nisi.) ' ! Whitman Collere. Walla Walla. Wash. Jons 11. Fifteen young men and wo men nave received tneir diplomas at th. 4 1 .nmi.l nmt1n .....I... of Pearson's academy, tha preparatory department of Whitman college. Miss Margaret , Paddock and Fred Clemens were the class orators. . Clemens also won the D. 8. Baker scholarship, the highest class .honor. .-. PRESIDENT GOING TO i HOME AT OYSTER BAY v . (JoSmsl Special Berrlfe.) Washington. Juno 11. There were many callers at the White House to day to say good-bye to the president, who will leave tomorrow for his sum mer home at Oyster Bay. ' According to present plans the president will not re turn to Washington until September, making It the longest vacation at Oys ter Bsy he has ever had there. It Is his hop and desire, as expressed to some of his intimate friends who called today, to have a quiet summer and to do only the work necessary to keep the" wheels at - the government going smootniy. n win .stay outaoors as much as he can, with the object of re cuperaiing irom tne nam winter no nas had. There will be some political con ferences during the summer, but the f resident's plans now are to let.poll ics alone. The president will be ac companied to Oyster Bay by Secretary Loch and a clerical lores -tns last fummar. . same as P0ST0FFIC? MOVING ; FIGHT. AT SILVERTON (Bpedal Dispatch to The Journal.) Bllverton, Or June 1L A. substantial fight. Is ok In this city occasioned by an attemptto have the post office t moved. Both, factions have sent petitions to the first assistant -cost master-general. . .Shortly after the appointment of A. F. Blackerby . as postmaster the office was moved into tne rear oi, tne j. u. Smith building and later a confection ery store was started in the front end of the building by Earl Wood. In the erection of his Ice cream booths the light. It is alleged, has been obstructed to sucn an extent tnai it inteneres witn the work of the office, and on account of this the postmaster has asked to bavs It moved into the Ames building, on Water street. Tha Fills Have CureA the Disease la Almost Svery Form and Uvea la ;: ;..;; Advanced sTtagsa, ,r ;',VI Rheumatism Is a painful Inflamma tion of the muscles or of the coverings oi tne joints and is sometimes accom panied by swelling. The naln la sharp and shooting and does not confine Itself to any one part of the body, but after settling In one Joint or muscle for a time, leaves it and passes on to another. The most dangerous tendency of the disease is to attack the heart External applications may give relief from pain for a time, but the disease cannot be cured until the blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink PUls are the best medi cine for this purpose as their action Is oirecuy on tne oiooo, making it rich, red and healthy. When the blood Is pure there can be no rheumatism, 1 Mrs. Ellen A. Russell of South Ooff Bt.. Auburn, Ma, ssys: - "I had been sick for fifteen years from impure blood, brought on by overwork. My heart waa weak and my hands colorlesa. I waa troubled with Indigestion and vomiting spells, which came on every few months. I had no appetite and used to have aw ful fainting spells, falling down when at my work. I frequently felt numb all over. My head ached continuously for five years. About two years ago I began to feel rheumatism In my Joints, which became so lame I could hardly walk. My Joints were, swollen and pained me terribly. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were rec ommended to me by a friend, after I had failed to get well from the doctor's treatment. When I began taking the rills, the rheumatism was at Its worst, had taken only a few boxes, when the naadaches stopped and not long after ward I felt . the naln In my loin t a be coming less and less, until there was none at all. The stiffness was gone and I have never had any return of the rheumatism." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured Such diseases as nervous and general debility. Indigestion, nervous headache. neuralgia ana even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. As a tonla for the blood and nerves they are unequaled. A pamphlet on "Disease of the Blood and a oonv of our diet book wilL bs sent free on request to anyone Interested. Dr. Williams' Pink PUls are sold by all druggists, or sent, nostrjald. on re ceipt of price, (0 cents per box. six boxes for 12.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T. LUNATICS IT TO PEIIITEIITIM Not Till Somebody " Besides Asylum Superintendent Sends Them. . - HU REUSES TO MAKE REQUIRED SEPARATION Besides, New Washington Law Over looked Proper Provision for Crlm- j "loallf Insa&o at Stat prison - Jndg 6neirg View; t -; 1 DUpatch to The JoaraaL) !r' Personal knowledgs Is tha winning factor in the culminating contests of this rrDetitive asa and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in " ' " A vast fun4 of personal knowledge lai really essential to tha achievement of . tha aigbest excellence la any field of human aifprt. v ' r i-'. A Knowlodg of Forma. KnowUdfo of Fanetiong and . Knowledge of Prodaota are aQ of tha ntmoet value and in questions of life and health when a brus and wholesome remedy Is desired It should be remem. bered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the CaUfomia Fig Syrup Ccs, is an ethical product which has met with tha approval of tha moat am Inant physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because It is a remedy of, : 1 , Known Quality Known Exeolloneo and Known Com ponont Part and has won tha valuable patronage of millions of tha Well' Informed of tha world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual as that it is tha first and best of family laxatives, for which no extra- vagant or unreasonable claims are maae. , f 1 ' This valuable'' remedy baa been long and favoraWy known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to ' wrld-wideaccepUnceMmenMetexcnentfamflyJaxativs. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Sennaare well known to physicians and tha Well Informed of tha world to be tha w. wKavnadoDted the more elaborate name of Syrup of - .. - . ' . ..... . .' figs and Elixir ot Senna aa more rulqr descriptive ot VT V. Vmt Joubtleaslv it will always be called Vi . : . SSsK WJF1 i '- Z fa - w V ---'.- . for by the shortet name of Syrup of F3gs and to get . S '.. iu beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing. the full name: of tha Company -California Fig $yrup Co. printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of rigs . or by the full name Syrup of Figs ' and Elixir of Senna. ' -v. I 5rV x ;: SAN RR ANCISCO,CAL ' COOISVILLE.IW; wNoolifENdcxNO : . . N E W VO R Tacdma,' Wash, June 11. -Tomorrow, according to the provisions of ths .newl Graves law, all the criminally insane In the Jsils and asylums of the stats shall be taken thencato tha state, penitentiary at "Walla Walla. In all probability the law will not be complied with. At the State Insane asy lum at Steilacoom, where Esther Mitch- en is eonrined, and where there are more of the criminally insane than in all the Jails of the state and the Eastern Wash ington Insane hospital put together. Su perintendent Calhoun refuses to take the Initiative In sending patients to the pen- iivuuvy. xi e aeomres inai it passes nis province to select certain patients, nom inate them as criminally fnaana anf nr. der them to the penitentiary.. He be lieves that the attorney general of the state anouia rirst psss upon the eligibil ity of the patients and then the board of control order them sen to Walla Walla, jro. Plaos Hade at the JTea. Superintendent Calhoun Is also hesi tating to comply with the law because of the fact that there has as ret been no Insane . ward set aaide at the peni tentiary and he believes there would be nothing left for the authorities there ex cept to turn the patients he might send to tha Institution into the wards . with the other prisoners. ' ,- . Judge William H. Snell of the superior court here declares the Graves law Is Its ' own interpreter and that all 'that those now having charge of those crim inally Insane have to do is to send thm to the penitentiary without waiting for any order from anyone. In the matter of those who are eligible, he says that wherever a person has committee a crime and has been found at the trial to nave done the deed while insane and thus found his way to an aavium county Jail, such person should now be at once sent to the penitentiary. Chester Thompson, who kiiit u juraory oi Beat tie. is in carcerated here awaiting delivery to the penitentiary at Walla Walla, agreeable io iuw oraer ox i nai wuage aneii. COMMENCEMENT AT ALBANY COLLEGE (Special Dbpatea to The Journal.) Albany, Or., June 11 Tne season of commencement at Albany college, will open next Friday and continue to Wed- nesaay, vune i. f ollowing is the ached' utv vi , cumin vnevmom . avenra!- - Friday. June 14. Oratorio eoneart an. oer tne aireciion or ror. Carroll H. Palmer, at 8:80 p. m. Sunday. June 18. Baecalaureeta in. areas oy jrresiaent warry ju Crooks: subject, . "Life, and More Lifa- at 10 Address to the T. M. C. A. and T. W C. A. by Rev. Edward M. Sharp, of Port land, at 8:80 p. m. Monday. June IT. Commencaman commercial aepanmenx; aoaress oy ri, L. Eddy, of the United States Land office at Roseburg, at 8:89 p. m. Tuesday. June 18. Meeting of tha board of trustees, at I p. m.; recital by pupils of music department, at 8:80 p. m. Wednesday, June it. Commencement exercises at 10 a. m.; alumni reunion and banquet at 1:10 p. m. MILLIONS ARE TAKEN FROM MINES TsTTa. aka(Ai. TV ' t Tutia It .... A vt amasaiasBfa avis. v v 14119 Ati, HW duction of ever 111.000,000 in gold and ailvar. . from - which naarlv SIS AAA onA has been paid In dividends. Is the record ot two mines located In the Phlllpsburg quadrangle, Montana, and the total mine production of the quadrangle Is pro visionally .estimated at $44,000,000 to I50.000.000,. . r n v.i . ,. A number Of mining camps ara lo cated within this district, the most lm- rortant being Phnipsburr, Cable, George own, Combination, Henderson, and Flint, and some of these were among the first tn Montana to receive the ..Tl,a attention r,t aj.rt. prMftr,ra- QuaUty rim.'l.l....,,, " 'SSnBJppsjgJJJHBBgSggSBggBJBgs OUB GEEATEST Sale of EmbroidLeries w ine uneit collection ot Hign-yuaJity importea ttmDroiaenes ever n shown here is telling at half price and less. Hundreds and hundreds of. jraiua vi iinuuiui inw crauiuiuerics war i suiiauie lur arrviy iui)wn In which embroidery is used. We secured these embroideries from a. manufacturer who ranks among the largest and finest in tha world. ' The entire unsold balance of bis spring stock was sold to us at a great sac rifice. Sound business logic influenced tha maker to Sccept our low offer. ; His spring season was over ours Just in full swing. His trsv eling representatives are active in the campaign for next season. It waa desirous to clear stockrooms of all remaining embroideries in tha quick est possible manner. Instead of selling fractional Quantities to many 1 stores at a small discount he took a big reduction and accomplished his ; , object quickly. THAT'S THE HISTORY OP THESE VALUES, It .will pay to buy a full year's supply, Tha values aversga better than . ever oefora coma early. .. . ;. ,..:,. ., 4, :, IifWSSV Embroideries a q i&i to 27 Ins. Wide, Only OUC We call particular attention to the workmanship of this embroidery. It is unexcelled. Made on best quality fine Swiss, Nainsook and Chiffon Cloth. An endless assortment of patterns, from dainty baby styles to the elaborate floral designs in cut effects and scroll pstterns. Values up to $2.50. Q Special sale price , ,v7C Corset Cover Embroidery aa Our 35c and 60o Values rWUC Ten thousand yards Corset-Cover Embroidery, made on good grade nainsook, beautiful variety of designs, elaborate and small dainty .effects, best 35c . 09 and 50c grade. Special for this ssle... VJC M Embroidery Edgings Specially Reduced 85c and $1.00 Embroidery special, yard........48e 75c and 85c Embroidery special, yard .3e 50c and 65c Embroidery special, yard.. J....33e) 35c and 40c Embroidery special, yard ,.xf 25c and 30c Embroidery special, yard..........lf 18c and 20c Embroidery special, yard...,...,..12. 10c and 12c Embroidery special, yard 6f GBEATEST EMBBOIDEBT . EVENT :;; - OP THE YEAR , -l- Allover Embroidery '', aqa $2.00 and $3.50 Values UoC ART GOODS and NOTIONS Hose-Supporters Women's Hook-On Hose Supporters, good quality, plain and fancy lisle elastic, all colors. Special, pair ......... 23 Silk Belts Special sale Women's Silk Belts of every color and description, every belt worth from 50c to 75c Special, each 26e) Writing Paper Colonial Linen Fabric Writing Paper, envelopes to match, regular 45c value. Special at ... ,.33f) Cushion Slips A new line of Tapestry, Cush ion Slips, made of. beautiful rich Koman-stripe tapestry, good 35c values. Special at, ea. 23e Pillow Tops Lithograph Pillow Tops, all the newest designs, very pretty , patterns, well worth 40c.' Special at , . .'iV. .. . . . . fcSi&4, Dress Shields Adjustable) Muslin-Covered Jjress bhields, best made for summer wear. Aaws vsass4a. wvsi i sizes 2, 3, 4. Special TV BI ,25ef A rare showing of Allover Embroidery: exclusive designs in small, medium and large scroll and floral effects: made on sheerest materials: none better sold' at less than $2.00 and $3.50 a yard. Our QO special price ,.i7uU 1 as- 'l'1, '--'. jciounoing rimoroiaery tf 81.25 and $2.00 Values O HO AO U A-llllft f 1UUUV.1UH "1,u WUUIW.IRI I.1UW1WIUCII the workmanship is excellent, every stitch even and uniform, edges are well finished and overcast; sell regularly at. $1.25 and $2.50 yard. Special I for this. sale aliVt; Five UNDER WEAR i and HOSIERY Bargaixis .'Will be only a part of the many extraordi nary values to be found in this popular sec don tomorrow and Thursday. Tha very sub stantial savings her noted may ,only be real ixed by prompt purchasers. Children's Stockings, Best 35c Values, 19V Children's fine mercerized lisle lace Stock ings in black, pink, blue, red, also plain mer cerized .lisle in champagne;, best 35c Q values, specially priced at ... i ...,.. ... . .1 eC Women's Vests, 50c Values, at iV t , A special lot of women's Vests of fine lisle thread, ecru color, all sizes; sold everywhere at 50c, specially priced, for one day 1 Q only, at I...,.........'.......... Women's Pants, 40c Values, at 29 Women's Fine Bleached Pants and Tights of select cotton; pants are umbrella style, nicely trimmed with Torchon lace, all sizes, extra good, values at 40c Specially priced . Sleeveless Vests, 25c and 35c Values, 19V About 50 dozen Women's Fine White Sleeve less .Vests,- made with nicely trimmed yoke, both plain and shaped styles, regular 25c and 35c values. All at one price, choice," f ' while "they last . : .7r, . . . i , . j;ili7C. Women's Hosiery, 35c and 50c Values, 2Se. Extra Special for Wednesday and Thursday. Women's fine lace'Hose, in pretty allover and, boot styles, colors black, tan, pink, light blue.t navy, white, champagne, also plain hose in all the most fashionable shades; 35c. and 50c values, specially priced at...... faJC -I These Silks and Dress Goods Are Leading Bargains They merit strong, special and vigorous emphasis. Wa accord it with confidence. Have never seen better values m our wnoie experience ot uress uooas selling.; itia rtwiLii kh.vlil.ui ina uf PORTUNITIES OF GREAT SAVINGS Colored Dress Goods $1.25 and $2.00 Values at 95e Correct 1907 Dress Fabrics, finest all wool and silk and wool foreign and domestic weaves, from 42 to 50 inches wide; exceptionally good $1.25 and $2.00 values.; - QC Showing this week at C ; Cream Dress Goods Unequaled Values CREAM MOHAIRS. ' .50-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard.. 1.25 46-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard..f 1.00 45-lnch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard... ,75 38-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per ysrd..:.BOe CREAM NOVELTY GOODS. 50-inch Novelty Cream Serges, per yard..... f 1.25 50-inch Novelty Checks and Stripes, per yard, f 1.00 48-inch Silk and Wool Mixtures, per yard.... f 1.00 NEW NOVELTY CREAM GOODS. New Novelty Herringbones; priced at S1.25-S 1.50 New Novelty French Serges: priced at 50e to f 1 New Cream Silk and Wool Eolienne; price.. f 1.00 New Cream Wool Taffeta; priced It T5) and SI New Cream Nuns Veiling; priced at. .SOf and 75 e ' New Cream Albatross; good values at 50e and 75a New Cream French Voiles; price, yard...... f 1.00 CREAM STORM SERGES. 50-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard.'... f 1.25 50-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard.... f 1.00 46-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard...... 85e 38-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard......65f CREAM BEDFORD CORDS, 45 Crearq Bedford Cords; price, per yard.... fl.25 44 Cream Bedford Cords: twice. Der vard. ...Sl.OO 38 Silk and Wool Bedford Cords, per ysrd.....5e 38 Plain Cream Bedford Cords, per ytrd......50f Sale of Fopnlor Sillxs tl nn Plain Mu1!n: 85s 2(VInrh French Messa- dine, very high finish, rich and lustrous; regular $1.00 values; every wanted coior cpeciaj QjC $1.00 Poiletta Da Sole, 85f A very new and popu lar weave, has beautiful rich soft finish, very oil-, able comes in all the staple and evening shades; sold everywhere at $1.00 per yard. r Our . QC- price .......... ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . - i $1.00 Louissenes, 75 20-lnch Swiss Louissenes, a great favorite for elaborate evening gowns, purest of bilk, warranted not to crack or split, comes in all jbe new popular shades, also cream and black; cannot be duplicated in the city at $1.00, yc Our price .............. Great Bargains in Our Men's Store This is very much a man's store not merely a handler of men's goods that women might pick up but a store that men come to and believe in. We keep pretty fine goods. We are certain to have styles correct in every class of goods we feel called on to handle. We have a good many inexpensive things, too here is need for them when they can be had right and cheap. Mora to teu it snail come in snort chapters. r"sss.-;r JilUJi UUJiUlfl iZMgj&l Men's Underwear $1.00 Men's high grade ribbed worsted Shirts and Drawers, regular summer weight, form fitting, natural gray color, come in all sixes, extra well finished; exceptionally good garment , t f (f at, each .-". w Hen's NeUgee SHrts $1.00 Our" sho wing of Men's Negligee Shirts' is com plete in all sizes from 14 to 17, colors plain white, tan, blue, black and white, also checks, stripes and fancy patterns. ..Extra good values QQ Men's Handkerchiefs 12Kb Men's plain white cross barred of striped camtsris Kerchiefs, neat narrow hems, soft finish, 1 9 1 .ready to use. "Good values at, each ....... I-: MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS--In our men's department can oe found the largest stock of r - s necliiree sateen shirts carried bv any house in the city, t Come in tan, gray, cream an-l t! ' , I . 4ton-down collars, quality of sateen, make and finish th very best. Prices Men's Fancy Hose 2 5o Just received; a new shipment of Men's Fancy Hose, in nobby gray effects with dots and also a line'of pretty fancy checks. Unequaled OC values at,-per pair eWv ...4...