The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Toivn Topics
'': 90ioht'I mnmsHTi. i
Helllg . "The Duel1
Marquam Grand',.. .......'Dolly Virdea'
Baker ..."The Prince tad the PUDr'
Grand .......a... ,. VaudtTlll
hrrle ....... .1... "All tba Comforta of Home
Star ........... ....."Tba Ball of ftlchmond'
Oaks .......0. W. P. CarUna, Firat and Aider
Under the auspices , of Salvation
Army corp No. 1, Ensign Moys will de
liver a lecture on 'The Pilgrim's Prog
ress" on , Thursday evening at Salva
tion Army, .ball, Z4S Madison etreet
The lecture will be Illustrated by star
opt Icon- slides. . Another feature will
Te tne singing or "The Holy City
Illustrated by lantern slides. The audi
ence Is asked to participate. Prepara
tions are being; made to entertain a reo-
ora-Dreaaine; auaienoe. ? y ,;'
. Great Interest centers In the third an
rual convention of the Oregon State
Funeral 'Directors association to beheld
In this city on June 17, tl and tt. The
aesslons of the men of the shroud and
aii wut taite place in Knights of
All undertakers In the northwest have
been invited to attend and a large gath
erlng Is expected. The - entertainment
commute - ha arranged for several
, sightseeing trip and a banquet for the
i Tree Cake" week at the Royal bakery
for boy and girls. This week the boys
nd girl who watch ada can crow over
those who do not, that Is, If they can
crow with, a mouthful of cake. These
cakes to be given away are the kind for
. wnicn me noyai Daaery la xamous
the youngsters are certainly lucky.
la famous, and
lnlv luck v. Hma
me last or tne Jimmy and. Johnnv
aerlea elsewhere Jn this paper, jith do
. ia,um jur gelling tne
.... .
Plans for a drinking fountain to be
erected In front of the new city ball at
St. Johna are being worked out by
Architect Goodrich. The women of St.
Johns worked with this end in view all
last winter and now have enough funde
on nana to ouiia a creditable
i nubllo
The city hall is located in a
tnree-siaed mock and the fountain i
be placed immediately la front or It
Blr Knights
of Oregon commandery
wo. i, K. T., will act aa aa escort to
the grand lodge of Oregon, A. F. A
M., who will lay the cornerstone for the
new Commercial club tomorrow after
noon. They have been called to as
semble' at their asylum at 1 o'clock.
, It is expected a large number will be
In line.., .-,-. ., . .:',-, -
: The United East Side cluba wlU meet
tonight at tba Information bureau. East
Third and Morrison atreeta This will
be the first meeting since the passage
of the numerous charter amendments,
many of which were discussed. The
manner of the expenditure of the large
sum appropriated will be considered, w , i
Arrangements are being made by
which the city council of MUwaukie will
complete the city hall started last year
and notflnlshed because of a lack of
funds. The hall is a frame building and
bad been enclosed. The council cham
ber had been finished but otherwise the
building was left uncompleted. It will
cost about 11,600 to Anlsh it, '
Water to rough hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or window! must be paid for In advance
and used only between the hours of S
and S a. m., and S and I p. m. It
must not be used for sprinkling streets.
If ueed contrary to these rules, or
waatefully. It will be shut off.
' The will of Mrs. Jessie M. Hlslop,
who died In thla city on May 10, waa
tiled In the county court for probate this
morning, ine neira are tne nusoand.
and nve children, Mary. Jeeele, Marshall
ia uuy Miiiaru, ana warn zu. uanmeu.
Mr. Marlon Ward Farnham, the elo
cutionist,' will appear . In dramatic re
cltal and concert at Ablngton hall. Third
etreet between Washington and Stark,
this evening. The, affair will be under
tne auspioes or foruana assembly ta.
1, United Artisan. , ; ; '
At University park next -Wednesday
me united Artisans wm give a roee-l
how and carnival. Thla Is the aecond
of theee annual ahows, and Indications
are that it will surpass the on given
Met year. . ( . , , f
Commencement -exercises of the Bill
Military, academy , will be held at , the
academy armory tomorrow evening at
' o'clock. S. O. Reed will deliver the
address. Exercises will be followed by
tne annual competitive onus, for, which
goia. silver and nrons individual med
al win b awarded.
home m
Commercial Club Members
Will Dedicate New Club
Building With rQmp:-
' Portland ' Commercial, club members
are preparing to celebrate the laying of
the cornerstone of the new dub build
lag at Fifth and Oak streets tomorrow
afternoon. The dedication and corner
Atone laying will be made a notable
Colonel James Jackson.
event by the membera of the club-who
will meet at I o'clock in the afternoon
and march to the new building In a
In' the absence of Governor Chamber
lain the address which was to have been
made by him on behalf of the state will
be read by Colonel James Jackson.- T.
B. Wilcox, chairman of the executive
committee and a member of the build
ing association, will make an address in
behalf of the building association. Tom
Utk sad
Mala 1
Tbwn ralk Today
In the International drama, V
;i ac Tim ToalgM itirf
Prloee-Ix)wer floor, tl, 11.60; baloony,
$1, 75c (Op; gallery, 60c Seats selling
at theatra, ; , .
v Ttc Rose Fiesta Is Exciting the Grown-ups, Bat the Yossgsters Are llore Interested In Royal Cakes Delicto and fZlll
Thil week we will give delicious ROYAL BAKERY CAKES to every boy and girt who dips out this advertisement, writes the CORRECT
name in the space Beneath each boy, and mails it to us, together with the other eight Johnny and Jimmy ads thst have sppesred in this paper
for the past eight Tuesdays, if you have kept them. If you have watched the boys closely you have doubtless noticed some points of difference
about their clothing, and this will help you today to. tU which is which ' .
14th a ad ft... mtUA Tk.a.. Pboa
Wathlngtos IUC 1ICUIK IliCOUC Main 1
Tharsday and IMday Wlghta, Jan XS-14
ut jug ,
:i yxaxxaTSTuxa. '
Prices 11.60. 11.00. 76o. 60c 85c !c
seats now seuing ai tne ineair.
MarquamI Grand
- (Pbone Male ai . -.
I Tot One Week OnlV - :
Tee Dehttieat and Moat Bcantlfa! Comle Opera i
aver wrlttao,
faaMtea br tha Saa lYaeolaee Ooera Co.
Flrat tima anrwhra at tesa than S3 ericM.
Frleta , JveeJaa. SSe.SOe.TSe., U atlaee. SCe
end ftOe.- , .
BAXZS THXATXX (Pbone Mala t Goo. I
Baker, Ocnaral Manager. Attraetloe all tbls
waak, Little Ollle cooper, America' a (ore-
noat child Star, , aoppertad br ntembere t
the Bakar Theatre Company la a Biatalfleeet
- nrofluctloa) of Mark Twaln'e ncantirai put,
child eboeld be dan ltd the eellcbt of thla
, charming and taterteting niece. Spaelal Boae
Mauaae waaneadar. awr enua wun rooa
frae, Begalar matinee Setardar. Evenlnae. ;
See, Soe, SOe. Matinees, lfte, S5e. (iexti
weak, Klas'e Maaloal Coaoedy company,
Pbene Main 4688.
Ibis Weak tba Allan Stock Osnipaar . Pre-
- eentlog Wm. GUlette'e Celeeratea
roor-Act Comedy.
ali. rra coMroaxs or homx."
Mattnaes Tuesday. Tbureday, Saturday and
Rnnoay. Price, Ite. 30c. Every evening at!
S:1S. Plicae lOe, 20e and SOe.
Beaerved eeata by pbone, Mala 4088. Of-1
See opea from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
STAB Phone Mala S4SS THB
Entire waes or nne ivin,
The BeorgaaiaaS Star Stock Oempeay
A play In four acts
Ma ttaeea Vocoder a. Tbaradaye, Bttnrdaye aad
gendaye at :. rricae ioe ana we. .
Inn eveetng at S:1S. Prlcco 10c, SOe aad
SOe. Beearvod mil by Phone for aU perform.
eaoae. Mam sea..
Naat atuacttoa '-oaaraaia." . v. ;
Waak of Jaae 10.
TeadevUle de Lane
headed by the fa
nooa down end
China an, Harding
and Ah Bid la
ma la a Chinese
Aeded Atwae.
-Lets Broe.. to-
trodnclng Clar e a e e
Lets, 'The Armleee
Wonder;" the Poor
Maaona, Mile. Olive.
Oeorge (Pork . Chona)
trar. Whelaa
Raarlas, Mr. - Prederle
Bobarts. Orandlacop. '
Corn ex Tangha" aad Vwnty-roartn.
Tune U, 12.13, 14, U. 16.
Los Angeles vs. Portland
Oamee called at S:S0 p. m. dally.
' Oamee called at 1:80 p. m. Sunday a
Orandatand 15c Child ra 10a.
box Beau ito.
Johnny. '
Whplonie "Table Queen' Bread Did It
rou remember Jimmy, the scrawny little shaver who first made his bow to you nine weeks seo? It's hard to realise
healthy chap is the ssme boy that s what bis motner ssys a aosen times a day out ne is just tne ssme little Dssr a bones, sll covered tip
that this fat, ssucy.
now with rood, sound flesh, put on by eating plenty of healthful "TABLE QUEEN" BREAD, and ROYAL CAKES and DOUGHNUTS,
instead of the ordinary ones. AH ROYAL products induce health and strength because only the most nutritious ingredients go into them
scientifically compounded. If your children are not ss robust as these boys, look to your larder for the reason. See that "TABLE QUEEN
BREAD comes to your table daily. , ' , v '.. ' ' '
Clip this advertisement, write the boys' names beneath each one, and mall to us (with the other
eight ads If you have kept them). You will get your cakes Saturday of this week. Address
Eleventh and Everett Streets
Portland, Oregon
Dr. W. T. Williamson, Grand Master.
Leslie Bailey was arraigned before
Judge deland in the circuit court . thla
morning charged with giving a. glas
9i Deer to ii-year-oia eron, Maxxi
on May SO. On reouest of his at
torney Bailey waa allowed nve days in
Th annual meeting of the Mount Ta
bor Improvement association waa held
last night at the Woodmen of the World
hall on West avenue. It waa reoorted
that 15 arc lights had been assigned to
Mount xaaor, wiucn tne committee ro
Has a Serious Significance to the
: Seeker of Quality and Value in
' Pianos.
The Difference In Methods Which
' Gives the House' of EUers
l : Decided Preference. With the
" Careful Buyer.
The Arm which playa fairesfwlth the
- public is th one that is invariably most
successful. The popularity of EUers
Piano House is proof that " tillers
methods are right To sell the best
i pianos the makes or highest quality
ki ndAf aell them at the least cost con-MWV-
with ; safe business ' principles
JiSa been the aim and custom of this
- areat niano selllnr organisation, from
the da v it opened the doors of ita first
Store the widest awake little store
- that ever aought the patronage of the
- Portland music lovere.' From the
, modest little Dlace at 107 First street
has grown a chain or more than "80
; Eilara houses, all cooperating toward
economical lines in - wi - ouyina. snip
ping, distributing' ana seuing or pianos
and other musical merchandise. All this
combined strength means money saved
to the buyer.' Greater purchasing power
of the Balers atores makes it possible
to give, greater values to the individual
buyer. Thirty makes and ? more the
finest Jn all th world, await orltloal in
. spection of th music lover at the House
of Kllera , -
' Take no one's word for it Investigate
'for yourself. Look through the Eflera
line compere quelltles Snd prices with
. any offered elsewhere. Convince your
i self that you can save an amount equal
to the wholesale profit of the average
dealer. : Come fully prepared to flnd
genuln bargains th best values the
hlgheet qualities at the House of
Ellere, the House of Highest Quality,
!6S Washington street, corner of Park.
Richardson will sneak In behalf of th
Commercial club in general.
insiae the cornerstone will n placed
hermetically sealed ooooer box con.
talnlnr eODlea Of the Oreaon Dallv Jour.
nal sfinted in Portland this afternoon.
a copy of the Oregonlan of tomorrow,
a list of members of the club, the
names or tne members of the bulldln
association which has had charge of the
construction and planning of the -new
Duuamg, a list or the stockholders In
the new building, a specially engroesed
xoiaer containing tne names or the
board of governors of the club and a
eolleotion of both present day coins and
V1U V1WI. -'.-.. ,
The exercises will be In charge of th
Masonic rraternity and tbe rites or lay
ing the stone will be performed by
uraoa aui ur, w. a. wiuiamson.
1:00, 1:15. 7: and 1M0 by
. Zmpcrlal Xaagariaa Hossara.
Coming Dare Devil Daveaporta.
for th Aged ha been
Wednesday, June II.
postponed to
Moore, . expert
:, eleventh, and
oiarit sta.
ommended to be located at points where
u waa thougnt they would do the most
good. O. Evert Baker was reelected
president ror the ensuing year; W. O.
Orenfell was mad vice-president; J. E.
Lewton. secretary, and J. A. Eaatmaa,
X, W. Blain, J. Harbk and W. K
King, appraisers of the estate of Lulu
M, Lundy, this morning filed a report
in th count v court showlnsr that tha
stat naa property worth 6,soo.
Whit Flyer line of launches will
max aauy in pa to tne uaka and re
turn. Boats - leave . foot of . - Yamhill
street flaiiy at i:so p. m.; Sunday 10
a. m. Tickets at dock ornce, 10 cents.
Blx-room cottars, full corner . Int
fruit, furniture: Base Line: bararaln
12.100, half cash, few days only. 111,
East Side Athletio club. Prof. Ringler
manager, gymnasium, swimming. Initla-
uon iee aronoea tnis montn. HneciaJ
summer raies xor oatns ana Swimming.
Wire and Iron work of all kinds; fire
escapee, elevator enclosures ana renoM
Columbia Wire tt Iron Works. 168-870
fihlcoers Take Notice. The Astoria A
Columbia .River railroad Jhas placed dally
ireigm service oeiween foniana, Asto
ria ana aa way stations. . . ,
Washougal and way landings,' da'.ly ex.
cepi ounaay. jeaves Washington Street
aocK . p, m. , .... -
Sweet cream buttermilk, cheese, but
er. ham. eggs, coffee, eta Oregon
. neese to., oweuana nuuainr. 12s
Htani " w antes .to itene Aomit 1 on
tuu. Appiy i once. w. ji. urenreu,
Francis ave. and Belmont Phone Ta-
nor :.ia,.4i:.'v; t:i -
Alien s Kusnion jiomiort snoes are
worth double their weight In gold. Ton
snouia nave 1, pair, eve Morrison.
way Py 'tnorei Mettger nts your
eye lur a. - mi tyii. ou, or, TtB,
formerly at lit Sixth street.- - - ..
Capitalists. Twenty-three acres for
sal as a whole. Western Oregon Trust
Co.. Sll Stark street. f t . .
' Acme OH Co. sells the best safetv coal
oU and fin gasoline. Phon as f 89.
Dr. William Cavanaugh. dentist, has
moved his office to iOJ-4 Buchanan bldg.
Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth street.
lunch 11:10 to 1; business merf s lunch.
Th lawn fet to be riven bv tha La
dles' Aid society of th Cathedral for
th benefit of tha St. Joseph's Horn
Ice. Call Mara 114: Home A-S14L fee
aeuvery company, set stark street.
Diamond W It'a a eoffe ask for It
at your grocers. ;
' Nurseryman PlUtlngtoa, ft Tamhltt,
Beautifying creama Se Mm. Hudson.
Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth.
D. Chambers, optician, 119 Seventh.
Berger signs 184 Tamhlll phone.
Bark Tonio for rheumatism. , 1
Beck Jeweler 205 Alder. '
Klser soenlo photos, imperial hotel
Push Club So Decides Bettor Car
Service Also Considered Sewer
System Wanted.
At a well attended - meeting , of , th
Lents Push club last night several mat
ters of Importance were discussed. It
waa decided 'to lav board walks from
Woodmere to Lenta Something Ilk 8S
was subscribed by individual members
toward defraying th expense of this
Improvement. .
Better car service was considered, and
a committee was appointed to confer
with the railway officials toward that
nd. ? A eewer system waa alee talked of,
and It is expected that steps will be
taken at ence to improve the sanitary
conditions or ienvs.
Fifty cltliens were present The
Lents band furnished music, and a
short llterarv nrorram was rendered.
Th organisation meets monthly.
Wednesday,' June 19, Decided on u
Date for Giving Production In
-v-Worthy Cause. '
Wednesday, June. IS, is th date posi
tively aet for tha pen-air production of
"As You Like Jt," by th Oregon branch
of the Association of Collegiate Alum"
nae. . " iiV "r" " ;
This promlaes to be on of the most
attractive spectacles ever seen in "Port
land. Much hard work and repeated re
hearsals hav brought th various mem
bers of the caat to a "high degree of pro
ficiency, and a thoroughly artistic d re
duction is assured. . .
Th funds which accrue win be added
th permanent - educational fund
hich this association la establishing
lilchwlll b used to assist bright
young . women who- can not afford a
college course, - --w
Preferred SHoek Oaaaed (rMaa.
Alla Lewis Best Brand.
Tomorrow-Grand Sacrifice Sale of Fine, All
Wholesalers' and Importers' Select Summer and Early Fall Styles Direct from tbe Millinery Carnival and Displays. Coliseum, Seattle
5,000 Trimmed Dress Hat Shapes,
Sailors, Strtet Hats, and Misses
and Children's Best Styles at
40 Per Cent of Regular Value
This grsnd, timely money-saving event
will appeal with telling force to every
woman. A strictly all-new, gigantic stock
of the very choicest of millinery at less than
actual cost of production.
And remember this whole page would not
, hold a full description 01 the vast stock.
Sale Begins Wednesday, June 12, 9:30 a. m.
Will take choice of a big lot of select
$3.50 to $6.00 newest stylea?
A grand assortment of Trimmed Hats,
very handsome, $6.00 to $8.00 values.
A big lot, still more choice, of very fine
frades and styles, worth to $10.00.
he Gershell and other choice qualities
and styles, big variety, worth to $12.00.
Plumed snd silk, effects, very newest
for summer or early fall, over four
score of styles, worth to $18.00.
One . thousand of them the best and
newest Styles
69 For choice of a big hat worth $2.50.
SaWVery beautiful $3.00 to $3.50 styles. "
fl.49.They are swell and in all colors, worth
to $5.00.
fl.OSVTake choice of them, all worth to $6.00.
2,000 Shapes
29 for the Standard Tambo, $1.50 values.
49f for 100 stylee to $2.50 values.
691, 98tVS1.39, 1.49, S 1.69, S 1.98 and
$2.25, worth up to $6.00.
for tl trimmed,
tor 60c Flats.
$9.50 $14.50
; $16.50 $19.50
The world's best and latest select styles, patterned
after the newest and swellest conceptions, and sell
til high-class retail stores at $20.00, $30.00, $40.00,
and even $50.00.
Everything and Every Quality from Composition to Linen and Silk.
3 'for 15c bunch Violets.
5 for 25c sprsy Crushed Roses.
for 50c bouquet Violets.
19 for 75c spray Roses.
39 for $1.25 K spray tinen
Roses. ;
49 for $1.50 'spray Linen
Roses. -
69a for $200 spray Roses,
. " mercerized,
f 1.25 for $4.00 spray French
Linen Roses.
lOf for 50c wreath Chil
dren's ' Flowers.
9a for 20c, all colors.
19 fa 40c, all'colors.
Feathers, Quills, Breasts, Wings, Male-Bird Ostrich Plumes and
all the finery and accessories that belong to a complete manufacture
tog establishment . We trim and design at cost of labor. .
Forty-Four Persona Trying to Pass
State Dental Board Number
Are Non-Residents.
Fortr-four. persons appliad for esrtlfl
eataa to practloa dentistry In thla atata,
and ar now taking axamlaatlona Bafors
th Oregon atata dental board at th
Allsky bulldln'S, Third and Morrison
strs.ts. Most of th applicants ar
young grsouaies 01 na rtoria i-acmo
D.ntaJ college but thr ar a number
befor th board from other state who
wish to locat here. - " ,
Th examination ar- noi considered
easy Dy aentai siuaenia, una are even
feared by them. Purine th Pt few
year quite a larg percentage of appli
cants hav been refused permission to
practice In this stat.
JVXaminaiions are aeia erai-innoaiiT.
Result ot nraa.nt examinations will
probably not b known until Saturday.'
Annual Event Held This Afternoon
Under Successful -Auspices
GaVe Mnalcal Program.
The annual tea at th atton horn,
which 1 always a social event , ot In
teres t,; waa givn thi afternoon. The
officers of th board received. Thes
are: Mrs. Tneoaor wicoiai, Mra a. 11.
WiUett Mra Mary Knox. Mr, p. H.
Rand. Mrs. A. L. Kumsey, Mrs. Robert
Lutke. Mra Fred A. Daly and Mrs. A.
Shannon.. Assisting them were Mrs.
W. I Staugh and Mrs. B. F. Weaver.
In th oining-room tea ana ooire waa
poured by Mrs. F. W. isnerwooa, Mr.
Oeorr 8, Rogers. Mrs. John Minto and
Mrs. Richard Martin Jr., and assisting
them were Mrs. v. tn. Mcjaucman, Mrs.
Charles King, Miss Frances- Jeffries,
Mra O. A. Hoffman. Miss Lucy Nlcolai
aad Mra, Jha Burgard. Taa oaady ta
ble was In charge of Miaa Norma Reid,
Miss Florence Dayton and Miss Mar
guerite Chamberlain. ,
A musical program waa given by Mr.
Boyer's pupils under th direction of
Mra 1 Hammond. ,
Miss Buna McCoy of North Tamhlll.
who haa been, visiting Portland friends
for th past ,fw, day, left for th
Jamestown exposition yesterday. Sb
will be joined at Pendleton by Miss
8 1 el la Marple, who will accompany her
on her trip.
Dr. and Mrs. Virgil 8. Ison of Baker
City ar in th city, guests of Mrs.
Ison'a father, F. F. giaradon, at SI East
Seventeenth street. ,.. -
When' in San Francisco
Stay at Hotel Hamlin, Eddy and Leav
enworth. Permanent and' fireproof; 100
rooms, SS baths rate . $1.10 and up.
Eddy-atreet cars at ferry. . ,
Metsrer flta your ye for SI. 141
Washington street, corner feeyenth,
formerly at lit Sixth SUW ' .
jDur ' baslnsa haa grown be
yond all precedent, and It seeras
impossible to secure help to
handle It We hav places for It
more women at higher wage than
can be had at almost any other
work, and steady employment ail
th year. , ; , ,
Union LaunCry