The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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School Board May Dcduc
, 53,000 . From Contractor
Bennett's Pay Check
Knotty Problem, as Dila
tory Man Is Big Loser.
r. "Wbt will be done with the $1,000
. fine Imposed upon Contractor John SS.
Bennett by the. city school boardT"
This Is the problem the achool board
. ta now trying to solve and the aoawer
will handed In" at the next meeting
of tha board. A month ego Bennett
was penallied $1,000 by tha achool board
for hla alleged dilatory work In tha con
atructlon of tha Hoi man, Sunnyslde and
. East Twenty-eighth afreet, schools.
, Bennetts credltora ars said toj&e after
biro for their money and at ha appar
ently haa no attachable property" they
: are finding their progress In collection
extremely alow.
' : . Chairman Beach la of the opinion that
A the credltora ahould be pa 14 their
mm Ultinij, lomiininC 11K8 13.1100. Ha AT-
plained that .Bennett haa underbid hla
cvmpemora io,u,uo on tne three Jobs
and that thereby the . city J had saved
. that amount Bennett, he aald. had
complained or losing 120,000 on the
. work. Mr. Beach stated that the work
done by Bennett was the best ever
flven the district He favored turning
he $ 1,000 deducted from Bennett's pay
ireii r w ui creditors. motion
, to this effect .was made, but after
aome discussion It wa decided to wait
vnut me next meeting. . , .;- v
V eve U Bate Salt.
Director H. Wltttfnberg believes that
Bennett's credltora should enter suit to
.obtain the amount due them from the
... contractor. Mr. Wittenberg eauatlcslly
. ui vpiniun vi man wno reiusea
to pay hla debts when he was fully able
to do ao. He referred to a recent prop
erty transaction of Bennett'a In which
. the latter la aald to have sold a lot on
Morrison street for Illt.OOO. He rtated
that Bennett'a alleged tactics had been
source of annoyance to the membera
f the board and Intimated thai If It
were not for the creditors he would
favor the . forfeiture of the - entire
J"ooo ' th 1 entlty which waa
Director Campbell aald that whispers
f vtndlctlveness on the part of the
building committee had reached hla
are. the aource, from hfe remarks, ap
parently being the altered troublesome
contractor. He also thought the con
troversy ahould be aettled In the courts
" . Kdly adzed Vp.' t'
Abraham Brown of Wlnterton, N.
v liad a very remarkable experience: he
- says.-, i "Doctors got badly mixed up
over me; one tsaid heart disease: two
called It kidney trouble; the fourth
blood poison, and the fifth atotnach and
liver trouble; but none of them helped
me, so my wife advised, trying Electric
Bitters, which are restoring me to per
fect health. One bottle did me more
good than all the five doctors pre
scribed." Guaranteed for blood poison,
weakness and all stomach, liver and
kidney complaint, by Red Cross Phar
macy. tOo. , , ,
Np Stronger Qvldenco
Can" Bo Had. In
, - -...'.
Look well to their record. . What they
have done many tlmea In yeare gone by
Is the beet guarantee of future results.
Any one wltbNn bad back! any reader
suffering -frdm urinary, troubles, r from
any kidney Ills, will find in' the follow
ing evidence proof, that relief and cure
la near -at hand; ,';.'sJ;.'v?
; John Ootcher of Hi North Nineteenth
fit, Portland, Oregon,1 says: ' "Since the
early part of 1908, when I gavea test!
monlal recommending Doan'a 4 Kidney
Pills, v t have bad some further ooca'
slons to use the remedy and have al
ways found It of great value in rellev
ing kidney 'complaint' It never ' fails
to help me, and . I therefore am pleased
to recommend It on every occasion.
. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Fosf er-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United 8tates.
Remember the name DO AN' S and
take no other. "
if necessary to reimburse the creditors.
General Beebe. one or tne creditors.
addressed tha meeting and explained the
situation rrom tne standpoint oi me
creditors.-- v. . t . - ;J,
. Wood Contraots Awarded. -
Cnhtracta to suddIv the district with
wood for the ' next achool year were
awarded to the Banfleld-Veyaey Fuel
company, the .Portland uenerai tiectric
company ana otner emauer piaaers.
With the excentlon of 100 cords of wood
purchased by School Clerk Allen the dif
ferent buildings will burn alabwood.
Beiiwood'a school population ia re
belling against a proposal to divide the
school for the 'purpose of aendlna some
of the pupils to tho Midway school.
Baa ronas ana no wains is responsioie
4em thlr Atfttllrf liltt - tkl hoard
sured them that If the division waa
made these would be supplied. . -
Hereafter people who use the High
school auditorium will be compelled to
r a rental of . Janitor worn ana
lahts - make , thia necessary. Clerk
AUen will namehe judgea and clerka
for the achool election to be held June
17 and arrange for the necessary print
ing. .? ..--v.. . . v..,'.-.
. Suits
320 (o $40
$4 to $10
19-22. I ft
Good t if
Rose ,
f Show ?.
' June 1
Best .
" Show
TfflS IS
There's more - style, . more
'quality, more service, more
satisfaction and more ' econ
omy in the sort of tailoring
turned out irom tne Colum
bia store than can, be found
in any -other tailoring insti
tution or clothes shop in the
city of Portland. ' . ' )
now Does This Offer
Strike You? :
We'll ;make a suit, on the
basis that; it must' fulfill
iifery one of the above state
ments and" meet, with your
entire approbation or you
shall be under no obligation
to accept it. Is not that an
offer worthy; of a atrial or- ,
der? - : '
Last Win of Charles Lonnibary.
There died in the Cook. County hos
pital at .Dunning, ' Illinois, ".: Charles
Lounsbury, who left this remarkable
document ' to the world. In the June
number of the Circle It appears In full
without ' comment, and, indeed. what
comment is needed f. Save that we say,
'Here speaks man., who knows the
heart of the world; a man who cherishes
a! the tender traditions of life and who
loves nature as he loves mankind."
Would., that we might all leave behind
us for, the world's enrichment , so frag
rant, a memory: -.
; "I, Charles Lounsbury, being of sound
mind and .disposing memory, do hereby
make and publish this, my last will and
testament, in order aa Justly as may. be
to distribute my Interest In the world
amona? aucoeedlns; men.
-..Tha part Of my Interest which is
known In law -and recognised in the
sheep-bound . volumes as my property,
belnr inconsiderable and of no account.
l make no disposal or in tniv my win.
"My rlsrht to : live, belnr but a life
estate, la not at my disposal, but these
minis exceoiea an eiae in tne woria i
now proceed to devise and 'bequeath
' ' item: . i aire to arooa rat n ere ana
mothers, in- trust for their children,: all
rood little words of praise and en-
oouragement, and all quaint pet names
ana enaearments. ana i cnarre aaia par
ents to use them Justly nd generously,
aa the needs of their children may re-
autre.--' ill-.- rttA:-.:-i-i1r-l. .......
"Item: I leave to children lnclualve-
Iv. but only for the term of their child'
hood, all and every, . the flowera'of .the
rieia,.' and tne blossoms or tne wooaa,
with the rirht to olavamonr them free
ly according to the customs f children,
warning .them at the same time against
thistles and thorns. And I devise to
the children the banks of - the brooks.
and the golden sands beneath the waters
tnereor, ana tne oaors . or me wiuows
that dip therein, , and the white clouds
i r . a asp ' r-
; Grant Pie ley, Manafer, '
that float high over the giant trees. And
I leave the children the lonr.' lonr days
to be merry In, in a thousand ways, and
the nlrht and the moon and the train
of the , Milky Way to wonder , aV but
subject nevertheless to the rights here
inafter given to lovers. - .
Item: - I aevise to poys jointly u
the- useful idle fields and commons
where ball may bo played, all pleasant
waters where one may, swim,, all snow
clad hills where one may coast and all
atreams and ' Donds where- one may fish.
or where, when grim winter comes, .one
may skate; to nave and to . hold the
uma for the ' period ' of their boyhood.
And all meadows with the. clover blos
soms and butterflies thereof, the woods
and their appurtenances, the squirrels
and birds, and echoes and strange
naa iwl all ,rilata.nt nlacea. which mn v
be visited,; together with -the adventures
there round. Ana l give iq saia ooys
each his own place at .the fireside at
night, with all pictures" that may be
seen In the burning wood, to enjoy with
out let or hindrance ana witnout any
incumbrance or .care. -'. ---c, --t ..:
' Item: To lovers . I devise , their
Imaginary world, with whatever they
may need, as the stars Of the sky. the
red roses by the wall, the' bloom of the
hawthorne, the sweet strains of music,
and aught elae by which they may de
sire to figure to each other the lasting
ness and beauty of ' their love.- f
"itumf To vouni men Jointly I de-
Vise and bequeath all boisterous. Inspir
ing sports of rivalry, and I give to them
the dladain Of weakness and undaunted
confidence in 'their own atrength,
though they are rude; I rive them the
power to make . lasting friendships and
of oosesslng companions, and to them
exclusively I give all merry songs and
brave choruses to . sing with - lusty
voices. -
Item: And- ro tnoee wno are no
longer children or youths or lovers, I
leave memory, and I bequeath -to them
th volume of the Doems of Burns and
Shakespeare and of other poeta. If there
be otners, to tne ena mat ut may uve
over the ' old days again, freely and
fully, without tithe or diminution. .
. "Ttm- Ta our loved ones with' snowy
crowns I bequeath the happiness of old j
White Pearl Cuff Links, in ova!
or square designs; regular 65c
values ',, i.j . ....... ........ .40V
Pearl Scarf Pins, regular 25c
values; special aO
Pearl VH Ping, various sixes,
special values ....lSf
Rose Show and Fiesta-June 19 to 22
Whltg KU Hand Ba-nCne v!
ties at 75c each: special
White Leather Belts, an assort
ment of odd lots, worth twice to
three times this price, spct,
White Linen Skirt Pockets, rr?
alar $1.25 values; special ,.1
' ' 1 4 S. ' I - I. .'' " - '
Continues to Attract ihc
Thrifty Thousands
Good Linens
White i Linen Suiting, Richardson's grass
breached, comes in 36, 45 and 54-inch widths.
Specially priced at, the yard, . ;
50fS 63e and. . . ... .............. ODC
Fine Linen Pattern Tablecloths, with one
dozen dinner size napkins to match, priced
thus; rty;-:'::::?x-:iyi, :i o-.v'j '."7"
2x2 yards, the set. .. ....... .....?083
2x2rj yards, the set:.;...i...i...S7.50
2x3 yards, the set .. .. .. , $8.15
Table Napkins, large dinner size, many pat
terns to choose from ; regular " Q ' Q C
$5 the dozen. Sale price.....". ...) eJeaU
Jacquard Towels, large size, 19x39 inches,
splendid quality huck. Special Ol
price, each. . . . aC 1C
Crochet Bedspreads, in Marseilles patterns.
Special; ; -," 'V $1 Of
each ... . ; ajll mttO
Unmade Robes, of white French linen, in
lace, openwork - and fancy embroidery de
signs, rich patterns, specially priced' for the
Re. Pillar $21.00 values...:. ...815.60
Regular $30.00 values.' . . . ..... . .818.75
Regular $45.00 values. ....... V. ..$20.00
White Goods, in lingerie oatterns. ooenwork
patterns ; regular 50c value, j 'M, OA
Very special, the yard;. . i'i.M ' 'CeC
$ Third Floor Bargains
Save on China
and House Needs
All Whit Articles on this floor are
rediired. Silverware. China- . Glaasware.
Willow Ware everything on the floor In white, except roods on which
price Is stipulated by contract "',''.. ".V''' ;?''f ;V 'r;,' J.
Pudding Sets, regular $1.35 values.' Special.,............ '.92t
Chocolate Pots, regular $1.10 values. Special. .... SSe
Bonbon Dishes, regularly worth 65c. Special.... ......... .40$
iwuncn fiates, reguiany jxreacn. special.
Familv Plates, reirularlv $3.90 the dozen. ' Soecial. ....... . 82.80
Family Plates, regularly $4.25 the.'dozenV Special,...,....
Family Plates, regularly $6.25 the dozen. Special..-....
Bouillons, worth $8.00 the dozen. Special" at. ......
Footed Teas, worth $13.50 the dozen. 'Special............'.
After Dinner Coffees, worth $3.30 the dozen.- Special..... $1.80
We are Portland agents for the Famous Libbey Cut Glass
the Best in. the World. All this superb ware goes at sale prices
now. Look through the Crystal Room. Just, received new lines
of DecoYated Chinaware. Fine English Ware in ten 'open stock
patterns New lines Fancy Pieces English Decorated Uuna
ware. Hunting Scenes in bright ' colored , decorations. Coaching
Scenes in soft brown effects, bwedish China in plain snapes, with
Swedish flower, decorations. Lawn Mowers, Hose, Garden Tools,
Window Screens,' Refrigerators and Ice Boxes. ,? i
Women'g Cambric Nightgowns, with low
neck, slipover style, trimmed with lace , in
sertion, beading and lace edging; f Qfi
regular. value $2.00; special ...D1)U
Women's White Petticoats, with extra deep
flounce of lawn, several styles, trimmed with
plain or fancy tucks and em-QQ
broidery; regular $2.00 values ... 01 Oe)
Women's Chemise, French hand-embroidered,
with low neck, round or V-shaped, em
broidered,, all styles, from the neat scal
loped edge to the quite elaborate; J Art
worth $1.50 each .................. e7uC
Women's Corset Covers, of fine nainsook,
low neck, fjull front style, trimmed with lace
or embroidery; regular $1.50 . ;. . -f n
values ; special ...... ...... . . . . .D 1 1
Here's a chance for saving on some pretty
Napery that youH be proud to show. Linen
Lunch Qoths, 30 inches square, with hem
stitched border and inside border of Japan
ese drawn wprk in the daintiest patterns,
fancy corners, too. Lunch cloths that are
real bargains at $1.75 each ; . A f
very special, each ."vleilft
Infants' Long Slips, of fine nainsook, with
round or square yoke, trimmed with lace or
embroidery; regularly worth : " 17
'VAel I
$1.75 each; special price
Men's Fine Shoes $3.69
Last Dayofthei'DaYSale
Men's High-Grader Shoes, from Slater &
Morrill, Florsheim & i. Co4 ' and: several
styles from McDonald & Kiley, in plain
or patent leathers, priced very low. ; 1
Button or. lace styles, kid and calf leath
; ers; . blucher and i regular cuts, patent
leather, plain black or tans; dQ UQ
worth to $6 the pair; special... 05
Men's Shoes and Oxfords, in 28 different
styles, embracing all tbe desirable styles
for this season's wear, in the be&t sorts
of leather; kid, gunmetal calf and glazed
leathers; button or lace, tip or plain toes,
blucher or regular cut. An assortment so
large , that any man can be fitted and
pleased, and nothing in the lot (To
less than $3.50 to $4.00; choice ...... .... .ia le7
Shoes and Oxfords, in 10 different styles; kid or calf
leather, swing or straight lasts; well made and finished and
regularly worth $3.00 (some worth $3.50J; , ffff
special V.:.. ..i. ......... .. ..7... i . ....fOO
Men's Oxfords, of good kid leather blucher cut; also some
splendid high cut shoes in box calf or kid. Usual (M AO
$3.00 values ; special, the pair, for three days til 1 e 70
Curtain Ends 50c
1 A sale of Curtain Ends of the finest
Lace Curtains; come in 1-yard lengths,
just the right thing for' door panels and
lace curtains. !; ' '-V- 4' '"''
The patterns are the very richest
turned out by the best curtain manufac
turers ! in the world. These ends are
samples that sre carried by . the travel
ing salesmen, and when they are through
Showing thera as samples they are sold
to large houses who are good customers.
This time we were fortunate enough
to secure an immense lot, some 600 sam
ples in all.1 - ' , ,
They are samples of fine lace curtains,
In ' Renaissance, Cluny, : Brussels Net,
Irish Point, etc i.
The curtains of the same quality in full
pairs would sell for $5.00 to $25.00 the
pair. Now you can buy the samples (lji
Trimmed Hiafc fnr R7 Mi
Elaborate Costumes Vz Less
' The most elaborate affairs, swagger evening and after
noon gowns that are examples of the highest skill of the
modiste's art. Come in many designs, of the richest mater
ials, and in many colors,' and trimmed with exquisite taste.'
Choice of all costumes in the house, regularly priced at $40
and up, for these three days onlyone-third less
than" regular . . ... . . ...........
Cooper's Ribbed Underwear, in white or
cream, two-piece or union suits; special,
$1.50 grade for f 1.25, and OC
il.00 grades for ' .. ODC
en's 50o Qualities, good Underwear, in
white or cream, flat or ribbed A)
weave; special '. . . .taiC
Men's Shirts, negligee styles, in white or
cream; regular values $1.00; , 35c
Men's Shirts, in white or cream,''tv'"-
Regular .......$2.50 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00
Special ....... .$240 $25 v $3.00 $4.00
Men's White Linen Kerchief s. Richard
son linen, one of the best 25c Handker
chiefs on the market; special 9 ft
Srice, each .swUC
en's White or Cream Vests, in pique
or basket weave; special for the sale at
Very dressy Trimmed .Hats in a
Wednesday sale of tremendous
bargain importance. Prices cut
to the lowest possible ? point
Handsome little Hats going for a
mere part of their worth. ; Good
taste is displayed in every piece
of millinery in the stock. Make
this your opportunity. .' ,
Hats that have been. Asj) J
selling for $2.98, now. .OAweU't
Hats that have been JQ flQ
selling for $3.49, now .I)aJUO
Hats that, have been dQ yl A
selling for $3.98, now. . J
Hats. that have been . frl At
selling for, $5.00, now..e5teflU
All Trimmed Hats reduced from'
the already very low prices that
ruled last week. All ready-to-wear and Outing Hats now
half price. All dress shapes, including the smart novelty
shapes, now half price.
Women's Suits $14.95
Women's Tailored Suits, very striking styles, splendid qual
ity materials and superb values at the regular prices, $14.?5,
Etoir, Pony and Jacket styles, in all-wool materials, richly
trimmed and made by the best tailors in the land, A special
sale that makes some tremendous values. Suits that sell
regularly for up to $38.60 each; '
special' ................ ........
These suits come in fancy mixtures, checks, plaids, stripes,
in the wool novelties, and in plain black, blue and brown,
in the Panamas and serges.
.". . ... at '." UA.U..J. ' ' a
ar. tne love ana miuu
children until they fall aaleep." .
1 ei e . . .
The First Berry. ',
From lAdlea' World. , . .
Is there any fruit ao generally liked
as the strawberry? Who floes not enjoy
it? . Who does not agree witn w aoie-
ler In his oft-quoted sentiment: "Doubt
less God could have made a better berry,
but doubtless Ood never did." Is It per
haps because It is the first fruit of the
aumnier that It is so greatly appreciated
rnd e-ladlr welcomed T Strawberries are
at their very beat when servea in tneir
natural atate much , of their dellg-htful
flavor being; lost In cooking-. Still they
are, a valuable addlUon to many a de
licious dish, and of ways of preparing
there is seemingly no end;" The follow.
Stops its falling out, and positive
ly removes Dandruff. Keeps hair
soft and clossy. Is not a dye.
Guaranteed perfectly pure.
, --. Newar,w.j.
30o. bottles. U drusjslsts)
lnr recipes contain taany sugiresUons
out or tne oroinary: i v ;;:
8trawberry Cocktail As an attractive
first course at luncheon, strawberries
are frequently served as a cocktail. To
the juice of two oranges and of one
lemon, add oowdered suaar to sweeten.
Pineapple Juice and sherry wine may
also be added at pleasure. 1 Clean and
chill some selected strawberries. At
serving time dispose them in cocktail
or aherbet, arlaaaes.. cover with' fruit
juice and add a teassoonful of crushed
ICO. -. '-I'-, ,,:v'-A'. :'
Strawberries in- Gelatine Strawberries
are also very attractively served in a
clear gelatine. To two level tablespoon
fuls of granulated gelatine add - half a
cupful or cold water and let stand until
soft: add a cupful of boiling water and
one and a half cupfnls of sugar. Stir
until both gelatine-and suffer are dis
solved, then take from the fire and add
a cupful of orange-Juice and the juice of
a lemon, strain tnrourn a qouoie thick
ness of cheesecloth. . cover the bottom
of. a mold a baking dish or a bowl will
anWer the purpose to the depth of one
inch and chill. When It Is sufficiently
firm hasten by standing on the ice or
in verv cold water put on a layer of
cnoice Derries. i ne Derries may De ar
ranged In a design. If desired. Add more
jelly, taking care not to add too rapidly
or the. fruit will float. When his is
nrm add more Derries. and so continue
until all the gelatine mixture Is uaed.
To serve; turn from the mold, surround
with whipped cream, which has ' been
people who know how to take care of
themselves the majority do not. The
liver IS a most important Organ in the
body. Herblne will keep it in condition.
V. C Slmpklna, Alba, Texas, wrltea:
"I have used Herblne for Chills and
Fiver and And it the best medicine I
ever used. I would not be without it.
It fa aa good for children aa it ia for
rrown-up people, and I recommend it.
It is fine for i Grippe. Sold by all
druggists. -
sweetened to taste and flavored witb va
nilla, and garnish with soma choice ber-
rte..:- v ; VvV'-wH'-1'"!'" '".r
Strawberry Sponge is another gelatine
dainty. Clean and hull sufficient straw
berries to measure cupful when
mashed, add the Juice of a lemon anA a
cuprui or sugar, let stana unui vine
siia-ar Is dissolved, then rub through a
sieve. Soak, a level tablesoonful .of
gelatine in a fourth of a cupful of cold
water untu sort, oissoive d? sianaing ia
hot water,-then strain into the straw
berry mixture. Chill in a nan of Ice
water untlHt thickens, then beat with a
wire egg-beater until frothy, fold in the
stiffly-beaten whites of two eggs and a
cupful of rich cream beaten until sUff.
Line a mold with lady-fingers or maca
roons,' turn In the mixture and chill.
This may be made much more attractive
If, when turned from the mold, it is gar-
nianed witn wnippea cream ana straw
' Strawberry charlotte is simple, attrac
tive and delicious. Soak a level table
spoonful ' of granulated gelatine in a
fourth of a cuDful of cold water-until
soft; dissolve by standing In a bowl of
hot water. eut larse. selected Derries
into halves, dip them into tne liquid gel
atins and use for Unlns- a chilled bowl.
The bowl must be cold and standing in
Ice- water, then - the gelatine quickly
hardens and the berrlea adhere to their
places. Whip a pint or ricn cream untu
stiff and dry. add two-thirds' of a cup
ful of sugar, the remaining- gelatine and
vanilla to flavor. Turn this mixture
Into the bowl, taking care not to displace
the berries, and chill thoroughly. To
serve, turn from the mold and surround
with berries. In serving sprinkle the
berries generously with powdered sugar.
To make a aim Die strawberry vie. bake
a shell of rich pie-crust Fill with fresh,
well-sugared strawberries. Cover with
a meringue made or tne wnites or two
ergs and a fourth of a cupful of sugar
and bake In a slow oven until the me-rini-ue
la firm. Serve cold. If the
pastry is baked in Individual tins, these
become attractive little tartlets.
. .'- - ..... ....... fV. :
(Speclsl Dlspetca. te The JoamaL) "
Salem, Or., June 11. Contractu were,
awarded yesterday to the following;
firms for 'furnishing1 1 supplies i to
the Insane ' asylum for the ensuing
year: B. C Cross of Salem, beet, ii.ii
per 106 pounds: D. 3. Frye, drugs; Allen
h Lewis of Portland, sugar; Spencer
Hardware company of Salem, hard
wir: "Wade. Pearce A 1 Co. of Salem.
tinning; M. J. Hetael of Salem, plumb-1
ing; Pendleton Bollingr mills, flour;
Charles U Mastick of Portland, leather
and findings; dry goods and groceries,
divided among: various firms. .
. vtrtrmr i ' orrrrrirTr'T
. (Joortul Special Service.)
Barbados, . June ; 1L Twenty-eight
passengers were drowned by the sink
ing of the Trench schooner La Ja louse,
from Cayenne for St. Louis, off Harbu-
does Friday.
' Man
The Ikst Scztxlzz Ss;? IIjj
A Sconrins: Soap
v A Metaf Polish
A Glass Cleaner ;