The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    - rtrw wE-nnw thatt v , Tnut?MAT: pnpTT.AMn - Ttms?DAY ' EVENING. TUNE 1CC7.
i m wm sr sr I r
I. ill f ,r H
17ILL ffl.
j. i 1 1 -
; CJoddin and JTcParland Make Affidavits iir Gas Com-
f r pany Damage Suit Upon Information Furnished to
?i; Thein by Self-Confessed Assassin. 1
' , .i ,Zl (Journal Special Berrk.)
' Bol. Idaho, Jun 11. It developed
' In the Haywood ease today that la con
nectftm with th damage suit brought
br th owner of the flat against the
, gas company that Orchard discussed th
matter with Detectlv MeParland and
..- Governor Ooodlng. H knaw that both
tha latter had mad affidavit in favor
4 of ' tha! gas company ;upon . information
furnished by blra only a ahort time ago.
, Orchard could not explain bow th
explosion could; blow Bradley Into tha
- a treat when tha bomb waa outaida ana
'h aet It off by opening tha' door ln
' ward. He aald tha door through which
Bradley waa thrown waa aet diagonally.
Ha thought thla xplalnd tha matter.
Orchard etuck to hla original statement,
again positively denying that counsel
for the prosecution had told hlra hla
atory.' ' ! ' ' ' : ,
When ha got back to Danvef ha met
Adam and went to his . house to tay.
Both were- practically broke. They got
money, however, from Haywood when
aver they needed It, Ha claimed ha re
ported to Haywood the success Of hla
. attempt on Bradley, and claimed Hay
wood waa well pleased.
He aald ha lied because ha wanted to,
and admitted that ha nevar cared much
whether ha told tha truth or not
x Thought Wlf Sad Money. ' V
" ' Orchard declared ha had not aent Mr.
.. Orchard No. t any money after leving
- Cripple Creek, but insisted that when
ha deserted her he left her 130. He de
clared Pettlbona and Haywood promised
: to eencr her money, but learned that
: they had not. He didn't resent it lie
denied having taken all her money, or
' " es-aaeaeaBasBsi-neaeWa "
Eastern Oregon Man Mast Berre
Time In Maltnomah Jail ; -'
' , and Pajr Fine. ,
William Curtis of fipray. Oregon, was
sentenced to serve li hours In the Mult
nomah county Jail and pay a fin Of 1 250
by Judge Charles EL Wolverton Jn the
United States district court thla morn
. lne- for illegally fencing in government
Jsnds In The Dalles land district. '
Curtis waa Indicted by the federal
f grand Jury, which adjourned last week,
' appeared in court this morning, and
' pleaded guilty to the .charges i ,1a the
' indictment. He made a long etaUment
f to the court, n which he told of hi;
action, stating that he had endeavored
. to construct hie f enc in auch a way as
c to not violate the law. Assistant United
l Etstea Attorney James Cole stated that
) Curtla had been notified once before by
I the suthorltlea for building fences
i around government land, and Curtis had
' torn them down. loiter he rebuilt -the
' fence, and enclosed about 440 acrea.
.- . - '
l Dr. J. F. Reddy,"' mayor of Medford,
; Oregon, arrived In . Portland this morn-
ing. When seen concerning ouainess
I conditions -in that section- of the state
' ha said: . 5
i "MAfnrd Is srowlna . rapidly. We
r'- bay had over 1,000 people come In to
atav f his Bhrlrt 'rtd about B0 new
ra rninir.un. . The Medford and
' Crater Lake railroad waa sold to George
r Estes and assoeh.te- about two weeks
ui and they bepan Improvements the
' next day. - Over hajf a millioa dollara
, will be apent on it before the year is
'over and 2 mile- of new Una will be
f built from Eagle Point the present ter
r minue II mllea from Medford, to Butte
Falls. - The line will open up the fin
st belt of augur pine timber on the
pacif lo coast. . Things are booming In
' our section. .
' "'. ' ''' ''f 1 aataaaaaaktBBaajBawaBV ' '' -i
(Journal' gpeeial Service.)
London.' June 'England does, not
think war talk in the United States is
Important, and the Japanese seem to get
sympathy here. The Globe says the Jap
anese have borne insults with dignified
patience, and continues: '
"A conciliatory attitude on the part
Of the states- alone can avoid danger..
The Pall Mall Gtte .ays: "To go
a -mar over such a matter would be a
catastrophe that ought to be unthlnka
, Regardless of , years,
; you cant , be regardless
:oi foot comfort.
'Whether youre one,
score or four score, 'our i.
shoes will score a sue-
cess with your feet. '
. Men's Shoes, $2.00 to
$5.00. ' ' .
Boys' Shoes, $1.50 to
CKuhnPicpV ;
I.Icn'i nd Boys' Outfitters.
" 1C3 and ICS Third St.
s- Mchavrk. Cuildin.
that ha knew ah had taken In washing
to get money to live On. -
lie then took up hit flrat attempt on
Judge Oabbert'a life. He stuck oloaaly
to his original atory, . ,
Interrupting the regular; procedure,
Richardson asked If while in Canada
flroharii had nnt went rnwln with
man, and when tha boat overturned ho
warn ashore and went to Toronto to
trw trt enllMt the life insurant; on hi
dead companion. Orchard aald he had
nevar harl Af the matter before.
Reverting back. Orchard declared that
Pettlbona advised him to go to Globe,
villa to live. He Instated, however, that
aa aoon a ha told Haywood an attempt
waa to be made to blow up the hotel
ha told him ha must not do It. Ha told
him to ma aea.d and kill Judcre God
dard and Frank Hearne, Ha triad, but
' Bitter Against Kearne,
Haywood, ha declared, waa bitter
aaainst Hearne and told him tha ma
nata should be killed. He did not know
that Haywood had met Hearne in' tha
capital and charged him publicly with
trying 10 aeoaucn tna uoioraao e-e
la (lira. '
Hera Hawiey objected, claiming mat
tha defense was trying to get improper
matter before tha Jury which could not
be introduced as evidence, but tha judge
overruled tha objection. Tha Una or ex
amlnatlon then continued, but little new
waa revealed, as Orchard aald ha never
aaw Hearne. When asked where ha got
meat while living in Globevllle he aald
ha bouaht It Finally he admitted coins
co me aiocayaras wnere ne eioie a sneep,
Killed ana ate iu tie aeniea, nowever.
that ne waa men ao poor ne naa to stea
or starve. Thla line of oueatlonlna con
tlnued untrr adjournment . waa taken
without anything especially sensational
being aeveiopea.
Committee) rrorldeg Poll Directions
... - i - ,, ...... , .
i for the Guidance of Exhibtorg
' - at Baletn Bhow. ;
(Special Dbpatek to Tbe Joornal)
Salem, June ll.The great Salem
cherry fair and rose festival to be held
July 10, 11 and IS, promises to be of
special Interest and the exhibits of ex
ceptjonal quality. : Unlike those of pre
vious years, it is a free and open exhl
bltlon. not Teserved "... to members of
horticultural societies, as formerly. The
committee has maae puduo tne follow
ing rules: .
A plate of cherries or berries should
contain one pound. . Stems, of cherries
must be left intact.
Carton exhibits must be entered and
Judged separate from the regular .10
pound box, .
All fruit entered for prises must be
correctly labeled and must .be In the
hands or tne exhibit committee oeiore
1 o'clock of the ODenina day.
In collections duplication of varieties
win not be permitted. , ,
uxniDitors must, nie witn tne aecre-
before the flrst day of the
i rair, in name Of exhibitor with eomr
Wfe. A
name Of exhibitor with
awaaxa vni ua iuiiuoudu JM 111 W sac v. eg"
j tary must be placed with ail exhibits
for the guidance Of the Judges.
All exhibits must be free from any
name or address or anything- that would
Indicate where the fruit was grown or
nacKea nntu arter tne awards are made.
. All articles placed upon the tables for
exnioiuon must remain in charge of the
exhibit committee and cannot be re
moved before the close Of the fair, with
out express permission of this commit
tee, r '-. .. .: - ,
Three Judges shall be appointed who
shall Judge all exhiblta, and in all caaea
their awards shall be flnaL No Judge
shall be allowed to enter fruit in com
petition, ,. ' S- . i -. ..
in Plate exhibits ludres shall consider
else, shape,, color, freedom from blem
ishes, care in arrangement
in commercial exhibits tudrea shall
take Into consideration else, color, free
dom' from blemishes and neatness la
pack. .... ...... .v.. v . ; v..
Anr..Mf or rruiL reoelvlna a eun era.
tnJum, must go to the donor of the
cup. .
- Fer Don, who is runnlnr an allered
sure cure establishment out towards the
west end of Washington street, was
circuit court this morning. According
10 ua siory toia oy the plaintiff he
went to Fer Don to be cured of deaf
ness. He deposited S7 under the ruar-
antes that 07 would bring back his
hearing. The remainder was deposited
in a bank. He how alleges that ha re
ceived one bottle of medicine but neither
relief nor his hearing and therefore de
manded hla money back. This was re
fused wherefore he seeks the aid f the
court In securina his fee toarether with
coats of the eult H. M. Esterly la rep
resenting the plaintiff, .s. v.
M. Kerwln of th river staamar Nalll. .
Who Waa taken into cuatodv last nirht
at the foot of Jefferson street for dis
orderly conduct, waa : before Judge
Cameron this morning. and sentenced to'
se days on tne rockpue. Kerwln has
been In trouble before and last night'
threatened to slay hla wife. In view of
the prisoner's promise to reform, upon
hla last appearance In court,- Judge
Cameron determined upon a jail sentence
as the best method of curing Kerwln
of his craving for liquor.
"The hearlnr In the eaae of the Paelfls
Railway & Navigation company against
tne Astoria & vjoiumma Kiver Railway
comnany is beina heard today before
Judge Burnett of Marion county at the
offices of Snow & McCammant The
suit : grows out or an effort made by
the Astoria ft - Columbia company to
throw its tracks across a strip of land
dv- secured . oy tne piainiirr com
for a right of way. It Is expected
juocre . murnect win comsieta tn
hearing- today and take the matter un.
der advisement ;
Dr. A. E. Maekar will deliver the
fraduating address - tonight - to the
nurses who comprise th class of
1907 at the Good Samaritan hospital.
Bishop Scaddlng will present - the di
plomas to the nurses.. ' The exercises
will be held at Twenty-first and Mar
shall streets.
5o Measles. a$ Brownarflle, : ,
iBperlal Osteite to Tha. JouraaLl '
Brownsville. Or.. June 11.-The mea
sles epidemic has left Brownsville. It
was not ao bad aa at first reported, and
now everything looks favorable for a
larae crowd at tha nloneera' reunioa.
Jus It, l and IV . 7
Mayor Overrules Counsel's
. Objections and Answers
Hency's .Questions ; When
Court Commands Him
Anxious to testify."
.; ' ' (Joeraal gptclal serrlca,) ' .
. San Francisco,: June 11 X answer
to th first ' question asked him when
he took th witness stand In his own
behalf In his trial for extortion today,
Mayor Schmlta said Folic Commis
sion? Reagan talked about the French
vaatanranta in 1S04. ' He Said Police
Commissioner Hutton aaked Reagan tj
oppose the Franca restaurants, nu aaiu
h.ftniit RUn ha did not think action
against the restaurants should be taken
without an lnvestlgatloa. He denied
saying that all the Frenoh restaurants
war bad, and denls having told Rea.
gan that aftr th latter ihveatlgaUd
the ; Pup he had gone at, th wrong
... ....
He told Reagan h did right In voting
against Totenl's license, but denied that
Reagan toid mm mat a sc
had been raised to secure the licenses.
He admitted that Malfantl askea mm
what the matter waa with the lloenses
and aald he did not known but would
look them un. The witness was turned
over to Prosecutor Heney.
, ! ' long; Argument Follows.
tha xnt ava n vou vour oart
of the $5,000 he got from the French
restaurants?" ' - "
A Ion a t argument followed upon o-
Jeotlon by th defens. during wnicn
Mayor Sohmlts Smiled and bowed td a
number of friends In the audience, -
The court finally ruled that he must
answer, and Schmlta said he had not re
ceived the money.
The i witneas seamen LU,U"" "
anawer, despite tne erroris ot ni .
torneys to prevent him. Counsel aaked
...-... tha rnurt to consult htS
client before answering the question, but
Schmits did not want to consult. He
surud to giy the answer, when he was
stopped by the attorneys, who Informed
him that they unanimously advised him
not to answer. The court ordered him.
whereupon Benmjts saia: '""J
knew . that Ruef received money. i
never received any irotn . "
leaned forward In his chair and fairly
hurled his answer at eney. .... , ,
' Blaobra i Attorasya.
' TTaner Araln asked Schmits if Ruef had
not given him 12.600 in January, 1105.
The defenae objected and told the wit
ness not to 'reply, Sohmlts Ignored his
counsel and said that he had not re
ceived any money. He also ; denied re
ceiving half of the $i60 paid by Mall
hebuau, over the protest of hla coun
sel. "' -" . v
anix waa avnisad after havlnr de
nied that he told Reagan that h would
go after certain saloonkeepers whe had
bet against hla election the second
While Scott waa on th stand Heney
wltnaaB .and rot from him an
admission that he held a position under
the administration. He said ke spoke
to the mayor about unionising a num
ber of restaurants and said tha scheme
to go after the restaurants not In the
union waa fixed up at a conference of
which the mayor-knew nothing. He ad
mitted going to the mayor's home twice
before tha fire, but denied that Keagan
asked him to- go to tha mayor and try
to induce mm. not. to lorce vj
hanae hla vote on ta rrencn restaur
an ta, ... . . - " - - ' -:
Suit for 1900 damages from the Port
land hotel for failing to deliver an ex
press package that la alleged to have
been sent to him while he waa a guest
at the hotel last October waa begun in
the circuit court this morning by J. W.
Sward. Sward Is a traveling man who
promotes newspapers and their circula
tion, ao he says, and tbe package con
tained samples with which his 10 sales
men worked It is alleged that these
salesmen were aa expense of $25 a day
to him and the package waa negligently
hM at tha hotel office nearly a month
before Sward received it t
- (Roaeial DlsDatch to The Journal.
Euaene, Or June 11. -Five cars of
steel rails for th new street railwa;
in this nitv have, arrived and the won
of laying them win commence mis
week. The preliminary work has all
been completed and when i the track-
laying begins tha line will be rushed to
completion. The Warren Construction
company will begin the work of paving
Willamette atreet the same time that
the work of laying the streetcar track
fHnasUl Disoatch to The JoeroaL)
Eugene, Or., Jun'll Now that the
work of navlna- Willamette atreet is
under way the property-owner on other
nuamaas streets are anxious - wr-im
navement district' to be extended. Own
ers of property on West Eighth street.
from Wliiamett to wave, nave poii
tloned th city , council for pavement,
and It la probable It will be ordered.
Every person owning property in that
district, except one, signed the petition.
;,V:''S.;;?H.'.';,,'.tV'V '. . t .- .'
' ' (ftnaeMl - rjIanatCB to Th Joaraat.1
Euaene. Or., Juna ill.- A party of
Southern Pactflo aurveyors. left her
yesterday for th Cascade mountains,
eaat of here, to resume work on ' the
Oreaon Eastern survey, which was tern
porarlly abandoned last s winter when
roads and trans Decame so muaay n
was Impossible to transport : supplies.
This party consisted of eight men, and
several more- parties ' will start out
wlthln a few . daya. The entire Xoro
wui consist or 40 or to men. -' i
(SMdal DtsDatch to Th Journal.)
Boise, Idaho, Juna 11.- The flrat cor
poration license fee ever paid to the
stata of Idaho has Just been received at
the state treasure
IIT.RO from the F
ofnee. It waa for
from th Fall Creek Sheep eom-
pany, sent In - compliance with a law
aased by tha last session of the legis
iture, From now on fees from Idaho
corporations will be pouring Into th
atat treasury.? r-.-"" - - A -,.
, . runeral of Sirs. Orogsan. . ..
, (Special punatch te The Journal.) 1
Salem, Or,,June 11. The funeral of
Mrs, Lucia Edna Crossan took place
this morning, - with services- conducted
hv Rev. F. m. Dell, pastor of the First
Congregational church. Interment waa
in ne uaa reuowr . raraiwrj. mrm.
Croesan was born at Patriot, Indiana,
and was paat 60 years or age.- una was
well known throughout Marlon county,
.whar ab had, lived many years,
, 5
4 '4
1 A
aya.a m wh .
Climbing; Sqfrano Owned by Charle MInter.
jrhU remarkable ros.tre laMn th
garden of Charles MInter, ISO Vaughn
atreet. It Is a climbing . aofrano for
which has been built a supporting trellis
Alleging that her neighbors contem
plate wrecking her home with dynamite
and that' hoodlums in the vicinity at
tacked her grandson. Inflicting an ugly
scalp , wound on hla bead. Mrs. Mary
Estee of I2 Hlbbard street, Monta
vllla, apeaied to Chief OriUmacher yes
terday for protection. . ' V '-';
Mounted Patrolman Gustafeon - waa
detailed to make an. Inveatigatlon and
secure1 evidence. If possible, against
those who are annoying the woman.
From the report submitted by the po
liceman it sppeara that the whole bono
of contention between Mrs, Estes and
her neighbor is the fact that her houae
is situated at the head of Pearl street
' rmti TTallock. th palntef who waa
Injured yesterday afternoon by falling
from the thlid story p ma
building at First and Vine
reported to be resting easily at f t. V'n
v. whara ha waa taken by
tha building, when tna
(Special Dispatch to The Joorosl.)
- galem. Or, June UAn wdlnt
musical program, waa presented last
night by the graduates from Jhe Wtt
lametta university colUge of musio.
-nrnwnaville piano; Mernie AiDeria
Hua? o ElglnTVo ce: 'Fleda Ethel Mo
pal or- Salem, piano. Two of the
itudenti : recetvedT. certificates, - Miss
Bird'rillenutler and Elisabeth Ethel
he'cls1 was presented by Dr. R. A.
HlTtaVe; deaa of the muaio school, and
Si Slomas and certificates were
awardel brPreaWnt J H, Coleman of
th University, 'y ' rendered
in addition w ---hv
nmr . Montrose. Who
waa arrested
mm a T KM.K K
etectlves Jones and
Ttohwor m a charge of criminal a-sault
of 14-year-old Vera smith, waived a pre
llmlnaryhearlng in the police court this
SnTwd ai bound over to await
Kctfon of the grand Jury In the sum
6f $W00. The complainant In. the case
fa ft A- Smlthi the father of the girl.
A married couple who are said tohave
.n at and assisted In the. erim
have been arrested upon a benonwar.
h jaAr Fracer. ' If th
ataTrV "f' connection with .the re-vnitlna-
affair Is substantiated they will
K jomtly tried with young Montrose in
th uppr cuurb", . - ....'
tt n. Tun. il.--A'aood base-
nail team n&S ueen QrnDiiw
a5m wtth Sid Smith of th Unlvwsity of
Oregon team a manager. . A. schedule of
games has been arranged, as follows: ..
At T Springfield Coburg , CHanta, run
Is and July 28; Eugene Oolta. July 7 and
August 18 i Albany, june-io: eaiem, jy
14; Powers Blues of Portland, August
ll! HoneDura, ou' .
At Coburg Coburg Giant. July Jl
At Eugene Eugen Colts, Juno 2t and
August 4. i
i'f' , . . .-.
(Special Dispatch ta The JoaraaL) . -:
"The Dalles, Or., Jun 11. Kaln fell
generally in Wasco and Sherman coun
ties last night and this morning.., In
this vicinity 16-100 of an inch feu, and
i aharmiui count 15-100 of an inch.
The rain-was much needed, as grain was
not filling as It should. -This will In
sure good crops In Wasoo and Sherman.
VIA a:1fiiarJi;aW'
' ' (Special Dtipaieb :r The JoornaL)
. Etlivei icrn, w ;nun, - n.
while engaged in painting the roof of
the Silverton Lumper company's mill
Saturday afternoon, fell from the roef
of the building, a distance of SO feet,
atrlklns- feet flrat upon a pile of timber.
He did not suatada serloua injury from
th fall, put wag lUiapi w resum wora.
v. SI
nt r,i nine. Tha tree Is - about seven
feet high and haa a spread of at least
twelve feet. The top forma, a huge
floral umbrella In which the birds may
easily build and nnd
and i the other property owners demand
that she move the dwelling out of the
street. . ,
Mrs. Estes purchased the property In
question about seven years ago, and at
that time the street had not yet been
put through. In addition to the threats
to blow up bar home and the assault
on her relative, the young rowdlea re
siding In the dlstrlat have broken sav
aral windows in thai house with stones.
Chief Orltsmacher has ordered that a
strict watch be kept on tne piece ana
haa lnatmntad tha natrolmen to arrest
all caraon annoylnr the- woman. Th
police place little credence In the threat
ened dynamiting of the dwelling, but
will uaa all precautlone to prevent auch
aa outrage from being committed.
. ..... ': ;
lapsed, precipitating, .Kallock to th
pavement. ' lie was painfully bruised.
City Physician Zelrler reports no bones
broken and that- the Injured man will
probably be out In a few days. -..
Victor Newman, the other workman,
was pinioned between th end of a
board and a tod and was left to dangle
in tha air until rescued 10 minute later
by the occupanta of the second story of
tha building, v
(Special Dispatch to Th JoaraaL) r" ,
Spokane, Wash., Jun 11. Attorney
Edward J. -' Cannon,:, oounsal . for - th
Northern Pacific and Portland & Seattle
railroads, confirmed the report that the
latter road 1 ooneidering another route
to this city. It Is thought th road
will come in over the Northern Paciflo'a
contemplated elevated line. A great pro
test arose from the people of Spokane
when the Portland A Seattle road want
ed to enter the city by crossing tha
Fort Wright parade grounds. The -result
waa. that the matter waa taken up
with Secretary of War Taft and now
the road has asked the secretary - to
withhold his decision until it is ascer
tained if a more suitable route can be
secured. It' la felt here that the secre
tary i would decide in favor of Spokane
and not let the road cross , th
- '(Special tllspatcb te The Journal.) t
Moscow, Idaho, June 11. District At
torney Ruick consumed nine hours In
his opening address to the jury, closing
at 10:30 o'clock today. His address was
without . Incident except when he at-r
tempted to discuss the ' value of ' th
claima of atrymen' acquired by defend
ants, when th latter' counsel objected
and the- speaker switched to other top
lea ' i ' " j.
The district attorney waa followed
by F. L. Moore, whose argument In be
half of the defendants - was . far from
concluded at the noon recess. -
Attorneys Tannahlll and Forney will
follow for the defense and Ruick will
conclude the -ease, which will probably
roach tne jury tomorrow.
William M. Steuart chief statistician
for manufactures, of the bureau of
census, department of , commerce and
lahor. haa arrived " In Portland from
California with a corps of assistants for
tha nurnosa of securin tne criminal
iHdlclal statistics for 1908 la Portland.
Chief Steuart is , at-- work in th polloe
court, this morning and is being given
every courtesy by the officials. . t .
.The oolice department .records are
alan ta ba examined and Chief Grits
macher will place the services of all. of
hla - clerical : force, at- the oommand of
the-reDreaentatlva of. the department of
commerce ana. iaoor.
Plumber Is Arrested. , -
Ttacausa he- eersisted In refuslnrr to
comply with the 'plumbing laws In fail-H
ing io repvrt wvx v nu uwhbi a.-Marrariand.-
a - Portland plumber. haa
been arrested on complaint of Inspector
Hey. Hey sJbo cnarges -tnat Macr ar-
land,- although giving many promises,
failed in several instances to fix up
work which waa pronounoed faulty by
the plumbing authorities. .
. Keeps Oaks on Unfair List.
Tha Onks Is still on the' unfair Hat
according to the findings of the Struc
tural HullUing i raaes amanee. a ma
last meet tna the alliance lnvestip-ated
the standing of Tha Oaks and , deter
mined that it still Should remain on the
unfair list and that no union man could
ba either employed tber or mak it
place of resort j
Umatilla Case of Foreclosure!
. Right of Way and
' , . "'Logging Cases. .
(gpaslal DUpatch ta Th JaaraaLI
Salem. Or- Jun 11 Supreme Court
Commissioner King today reversed th
decision of Judg W. R. Ellis of th
circuit court for ' Umatilla county in
th case of J. S. MoLeod and Lena H.
Sturgis, respondents, vs. I. E. Despatn
t al., appallanta Thla Is a autt brought
by respondents to foreclose mortgages
given in 1881 to J. N. Teal for 128,000
and afterwards assigned to C. B. Wads,
trustee, to secure money advanced by
McLeod and Sturgis et al. to pay Teal.
Defendants claimed th full amount had
been paid Wade aa agent Of plaintiffs
ani mmtA a Aannellatlon ol ill notea
and mortgages given. McLeod and Stur-
..... . X,,. i - J .4.AmlM ' .want
and that while the entire amount had
been paid Wade, he having became in
solvent and not paying full amount, to
holders of notes, that defendants wore
liable for the unpaid balance. ,
t '.might of Way Case) tao.
x . .ii-al
justice Moor, in an opinion, !
Hi. itrM nt tha lower court in tne
case of the Sumpter Valley Bailway
company, respondent, against
company, rponuui, .. 1 i n revon leaaer mnju mi popuiaca
H. and Alice Gardner, and granted theia anxious for a revolution, but tha r
railway company a right of way cross I "tint haa not yt arrtvd." .
defendants' premises until Jecemoeri
IV he-tfeelTnffe
any manner with th operation of the
spur as consiruoiea. - n w. ami. w
the railway company against. Gardner
and his wire to enjoin mem irora in
terfering wltn wv operation oi rail
way spur and to" .establish a perpetual
ri.hf nt wav across certain lands. The
mh was on anneal from the Baker
oountr clroult oourts William Bmun,
judge. ....(-
', Timber Jaamoval Case.
"ax m m a s 1 1 n t Rlatar affirmed ' the
judgment of Judge John B. Cleland for
he circuit court of Multnomah county
ber company, appellant, against jT W.
Roots, respondent. Plaint 15 sued to re
cover damages for breach of contract
made by defendant with O. A. Palmer, as
aaaimaa of nlaintlft. for the sale of
i. tn. n a m A, tha Knrin a junction fi
timber ow th north half of the north
east Quarter of section 1. township I
south, range I east. In Clackamaa coun
ty, with right to remove same within
on u, frnm Juna IX. 1BOZ.
The oreacn sue sea mm -April,
10, defendant aold a right of
. n- an aiaotrlA Una across- tha 80
acres without making provision for the
removal of timber to plaintiff's sawmllL
and for extra expense occasioned to get
the logs to - tne sawmuis puuovui
Chief Justice Bean affirmed th de
cision of the lower court In the ease
of James F. Harvey, responaent, against
the Deep River Logging oompany, ap
pellant. The case was on appeal irom
me circuit court ivr iuiiuiuu vuhuwi
A.. L. Fraser judge.' It waa a personal
Injury, case. In the lower court tbe
jury rendered a verdict la favor of the
plaintiff.- The defendant appealed, al
leging error commltteed la overruling a
motion zor nonsuit.
Harold F. Wild Asks Large Sara
' ItegUlI PI BUI M WeUMBlgU ,t,
- -'Ik Building. . , ,
Harold F. Wlldg gult , for 111.000
damages from Robert Wakefield for per
sonal Injuries received on May la. if,
by faUlng two StorUa In th wiis-j
Fargo building is being heard before a
Jury in Judge Sears' department of the
circuit courts this afternoon. Wilde al
leges that a derrick that waa used on
the fourth story to hoist steel was too
small, was unsafe and waa secured by
hemp ropes instead of . steel cablea
While a heavy steel column wag being
hoisted th derrtck mr$ym.
TCllrte jra.lltsrABl TtleTLL Un WIJLeTi
th bead and knocked down t tha eo-
-M a.a.M a.A thai Vaa aknslffafTnsM sk. mfk
tured akuu. ana aevera wounai w oinw
ts of his body. .An operation had toj;gement. Adapted to the United
nerformed. he alleges. In which largelann Canada. 180. . . f
paxia oi mi Bituu wm, iv vt, ivwvivui
. m 9.. vak aamairaH
injuring Him lor ura. ' '
(Special Dtrpateh te Th Joamal)
Albany, Or., Jun II. Resolutions in
honor of th lat Judge R. P, Boise
passed by the Linn county grange, after
recltlna bis distinguished services aa
jurist, citizen and member of the order
of Patrons of Husbandry, clos with th
following passages : , ' ; ,
"Judae Boise was cradled In the prln.
ciples of ' liberty and carried ' to the
close of his days an abiding love for
humanity. His interest m puDiioar
fairs did hot wither, and. notwithstand
ing his length of years, he waa always
active ' In the advocacy of measures
which tended to benefit the grange, the
.tiller of the son ana tne touing masses.
"Resolved. That the Linn county coun
cil will ever hold In loving remembrance
his wis counsel ana nis untiring er
forts to build up. the grange In Oregon
and the union.' . j 'v --. ; j
"Resolved, That a copy of these reso.
lutlons be mailed by our secretary to
the family of the deceased, and that the
secretary Jttrnish copies to the press
and enter a copy or tne resolution on
tha HnAMi or mi rnnn.- .. . '.i.v:
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
St., Helens, Or., June 11 In, the case
of Russell & Co, against W. L. Lam
born,- tried' by a Jury before Judge Mo
Bride, the court Instructed the Jury to
return Tordiot for th plalntif f.i ;i g
This -waa a case in wnicn suit was
brought to recover the purchase prioe
of a threshing machine, which had been
tinder a warranty of perfect construc
tion and oporatlon, six days' use, on the
other hand, if had without complaint
oft defect, to constitute acceptance of
ha mnrthtna under the warranty. Tha
defendant purchaser set up as a defense I
that the machine was
defective - and
asked 11.000 damairea
. Evidence showed two years' use, not
only ' wnnoui oompituni, oui wirn in
rfnraanfent and Dralse of the machine. .
On motion of plaintiff a attorney thefduced bv the
J1!!,??''? ' a;'lnift-n tiom is findln
Having laucu iv. mwv.a . wiuymnr
that the machinery waa defective he
was estopped from pleading breach of
warranty aa a aerense, ana airectea tn
jury to return a veraici ior piainiirr.
' iBDeelal DlsDitch to The jooraal.)
Hammond. Ind.. June ll.The affeo-
tions of Mrs.. C. E. coons, now in Ta-
cams: are worth 810. according to a
Jury . verdict rendered thla morning In
the case of Charles Coon. 'Who sued
William Parker, a wealthy contractor
and pillar of the Methodist cnurcn, lor
810,000 for alienating the ariecttona of
Mrs. Coona. Coons was foreman for
Parker, and while he worked . his em
ployer ylaited hla wlfev
Leader of Revolutionists
Says Time for an Open Re-:
belllon Has Not Come, but';
Populace Is Nearly Ready
for Warfare.
- (Jovrnsl Bpeelal service.) '
Montpaller, France, June 11. Serious
disorders, causing the Hussars to charge
the crowd today followed tha arrest of
a youth carrying a banner reading; .
"March on Parle." " ' '
The boy waa released to avoid blood
shed. . '.t''
A proclamation has been Issued by the
leader of the revolt, which was started
by th win grower, that h intend to
resort to arms. , . .
I nuiuioi al m v awxmi uuiii .vunavj' vimmuwi
Soldiers at Marbonn today clashed
with their oommanda because they say
they will never obey an order to. fight
I . k . . ....... 1
in.ifl r.i.nn ...
ir rrienai
- .""V
Preliminary Arrangement of ; Indea
pendence Day Oelebrattott WUI
Got. TJndor Way Tonight. . , ' -
Tonighrs meeting of th general com
mittee of th Fourth of July celebration .
la expected to get th prellmlnarie of
th forthcoming big event well tinder
way. ' BecreUry "Lee ' M. Clark ' began
work, this morning on getting out th
offlolal program , of. . th two-days
vsnta. ' ., ;. '.; "v'V: .. v ' T':r' , " ""
In addition : to h postorf that th
railway eompanle wUl distribute to th
sutlon agent of th various lines, th
committee haa mad arranaemants to get
out an elaborate poster to be put up la
all th Interior towns of tha si ate.
An enterprising local advertising firm
has agreed to donate $1,000 in the work
of having thaae posters properly dis
tributed. ' The railroad companies -have an
nounced a rat from Interior points of
One aad one third fare to Portland and
return from July i to . inclusive.
Annual American Catalogue, 1000.
.. TanAMt A Ilea Lint of nooks for
Girls and Women and Their Clubs,. 1906.
Maw Christianity and th Working-
Classes,-10. - ,
Macdoneii t5pns,ot rranois, isus. w -
Hawaiian Almanac 'l0T. v ? .
ITnltait States Continental "Con (f res a.
Journals, v. 7. January 1-May II. 17IT
Wrlxon -pattern wauon,' we .
Wallanh Flrat Book in B!nllsh: de
signed especially for foreigner, 1900. , .
Plckworth'-SHde ' Rulet a Practical
Manual, Ed. 10, 1900.
rhrlatlan - A Christian Uncooked ,
Foods and .How to Use Thsm,, Ed. 8,
Rice-Th( National' Standard Squab
Book, 1907., - ,
waugn cwan irruii irra: inwr
propagauon. Fruninj ana wenermi man-
Caffln American Master Of Sculp
ture. 1808. . ' ' " ,.A. ,
joyee--iAncient insn aiuaio,
. -,t
tlon and Heating. 1901.
Lineoln-Selection, 19. ,'
Manaon Little Maaterpleces of Amer
ican Wit and Humor, 0 v., 1908. - v .
MacGlbbon Leaves .yot Knowledge,
1904. ".i'- f 1
M..raVAvras da la Chine a la Cote
Nordoueet d'Amerlque, Faits Dans Lea
Annes 1788 at 1789. 4 v,1l98' V ;'iv '
Rawnsley Life and ; Nature - at tha
English Lakes. Ed. ti 1901. . , -
Rawnsley LI terary Associations -of
the English Lakes. & v... 1908., - v
BtaaMin An .Acnmint of the- New
Northern Archipelago Lately Discovered
Kv au Tttiaalana. 1774. ... - -
Wharton Italian Day - and Waj,
1IUD, i ,y . i' '.' ; t ....
:..-:-:-;-i--V HI8TOKX.: ' .
Vnrrts Ireland. 1494-1888. 1(98. ''
. Petrie History of Egypt, y $. 1908.
Robinaon Heaaingsin luuropean His
tory, v. . From the opening or tn
Protestant revolt to the present day.
, ',; uiuuitArni.
Browne. ' Sir Thomas -r Sir Thomas
Browne, by Edmund Gosse, 1908. f
- Bruno. oioraan uioruanw oruno, wy
J. Lewis Mclntyre, 1908. - .
Bushhell, Horace Horace BushnelL
Preacher and Theologian, by Theodor
T. Munger. 1899. , t
Melanchthon, Philip Philip Melanch
thon, the Protestant Preceptor of Ger
many. 10J.
. Moore, i nomas i nomaa . xaoore,- oy
Stephen Gwynn, 1906. - ' -
Bouraet Lea Dux Soours; Lo Coaur
ogaesaro xna jrainot tnucwio aioa.
do Anttco).1 ,l
Kirk Maroia, a novej. -
(To be found m Reference Room.) ;
Rlaw Collnoaible Steel Centering Com
pany Concrete Sewer Construction.
a- . . Mi nr.ii y-,
pay Bone System of Retalnlk4
UOncreie-Dieei oisihiiib- . w vm v.i)m
; unange in vowm urvwingi ; i
Flat cultivation : of cotton, as Intro-
Arkansas experiment sta
tion. Is finding favor with the lint gronw
era Of that state over the old method
of hill tillage, v the advantage being
In the saving of labor and economy
of seed, and. It is declard a better
yield. -f .0.V- ' -s-.r'-.v.? ?-..;
Uader.-oid practice, says ooutnwest
Magaxine, the soil was thrown up la
a furrow ana fne seeasown, continu
ously in a driU. Later the plants were
thinned to a single stand by hoeing
the entire surface of . the cotton row and
cutting away I of every -80 stalka .
Flat cultivation Constat Of thorouirh-
ly preparing the seed bed and planting
the cotton in cnecx xa to it inches
Apart in a drill, to enabla. cultivation
in both directions, a method that will
naturally lessen the work of the chop
per and sava A greater part of tha
seed. . ..,y . -i V -. ' r " i . M'. '