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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, ' JUNE 11, 1907. ; f HID: CHARTERED fj IHcksfT vocal solo, Instrumental, aolo, TO CARRY J DER German Windjammer Will Load Here for Melbourne or Adelaide. ward; ' reading, Mr. Miss Glenileiinlnar: Mr. Prockett. The usual .weekly entertainment at the Seaman's Friend, aoclatv was alven Jest 'night at 26J Flffnders street. The roitowuir program was rendered: Bong, Miss Alice Junton; song, . Frederick Kerubell, first officer British shb Zin ita; recitation, Mrs. Walter W. Bruce song, Mr. Andrew McKend, second, of fl eer uritish uhlp zinita; song-. James moan. British ship Jordanhlli; song, Theodore Jones. British- ahiD -Yola. i The naxt meetlnar at tha hall will ha I Tuesday, June 18. at 8 p. m., when members of the women's Press club of I uregon will bs hostesses. -ADVERTISING PORTLAND net 1 for make nterln pen am art daily position of v to or err body COMMON 'CSNSS' T telligent people to us only nown composition. There Dr. Pierce's medlclnss, th lSS&SS Stt the Ro" c,ty at ,ts 8cJt Rost crn,vaI nd r,CJta janc t0 22 i most m lines at t ft lajtlul rwlrtf wl latitat rJ 1 B. Ita eorrectneM under oath. In In favor. The com' Plerea's medicines is open r. f ieree print- cMiron. lnveu UlM.'l I mJ ' Rac Between Windjammer Attracts ! y-;''-.; Wide Attention, v Mariners all over the world are 41a- TBAJIP 6TEAMER'HERE FOR LUMBER CATttiO W I ik. si 4 BT AAA 1 I . ' . T ru"'" ,v-rau, ocean rc i enamicaiiy para glycerin belnr used In- w uw mm square-riggers, ins invor- utmmM in xtraetina' and firaservlns- tha ' A - J WW . ' , . I aa..L a All. -1 1 ... .A V I aT" vapuua waicer or African Monarch oirn ..u M ronm curative Tirtnea residing In tha reoti wim. ii joii .ruruaua in iwovmavr tor a Bajra Colored Crew Waa Sent Him When lie Ordered Chinese From Hongkong Sailor Desert. Summer and Outing Suits "A. . Being wholly mad Tin actlv i tueoiclnal principles extracted frost ua- nPHE surpassing style and fit of our garments and the sterling quali ty of the fabrics nd workmanship, ill y. a jnMTcinrg Y tno'Vn tne nior 1 w viva forest roots, ty exact proceases original with Dr. Pierce, and without the os or a drop of alcohol, tr!pl-rfind and another. " Bine the coastwise lumber business i began to drop off. dealers have com menced to look to foreign buyer again. f . - oiivvavi. . A IIQ 1UT VI H no Villi W SlieaMW , O inai mey are aucceeding In landing or-I run to Cape Horn In It days, and there -the charter f th. w.. .hi o..- wn,ci n" " Astoria 14. oays earner. -r ' ! .... Lm Marcn employed, these medicines ar entirely ire from the objection, of aotng; harm y creating an appetite xor eitner ai-i . cohollo beverages or habit fonnlnff Din CCS thfitTI rtfl Tlflf With nrnrilintinnc dregs. Examln the formula on their lr 7 " KnSI the very finest and highest-priced The invernesshlr made the der was illustrated this mornln when .pl?1k; lh. J?ri51"i ahlp-Robert Uuncan, icil i UKa Wlier. 16 she slanaled and nassed the French ship Emperor MenellK, also from this port. On April the Menellk overhauled her again, and for six days The Blam was taken at 10 -shillings to load for Melbourne or Adelaide.: C .. . --s ., : ' this Is one of the lowest rates report- ed for Akom time, but ciroumstanoes , , permit the owners of the vessel to sc- ' f pi rU ln tnU CM- Th- 81am of the month from London with a cargo 2r ?tmnt Consigned to Meyer, Wilson . " wm ioaa inita iime nere. The prospects for hauling wheat from this part of the world t Europe are not very Inviting at preaent owing to the Unprecedented duminil tnv K.l,iff. In the orient while Australia has so far been offering fair Inducements to train carriers this season. Three or four windjammers were . sent in ballast aoross the ocean from this port to pick voyage around the horn and across the Atlantic to England. Where they arrived early In May. The three wind-jammers were m the Willamette river loading for the Mersey, when the captains be gan a discussion of tha relative merits of their respective craft, which resulted in arrancementa ror a race. (in DnAmlM, 17 th, thr vhhii i iau. w i l rt .v. . a were towed out of : Astoria. A ftw r""! Ut vi-.M J- hours later they had" lost sight of one wooa-punnor, swmacn wmo ana powoi LcillUr. recommended to cure consumption in Its advanced stages (no medicine will do that) yet doe cur all those catarrhal Condi tions of bead and throat, weak stomach. torpid liver and bronchia) troubles, weak lungs ana nanson-cougus, which, ix neg lected or badlr treated lead no-to And finally terminate in consumption. j. axe ine uoiaen aieaicai uiscoverr" the two vessels sailed bow to bow. Then the Scotch ship drew ahead and was neara or no more until sne reacnea tne o Mersey on May I, having made the voy-1 days, two oays later L 1 pped anchor beside her, and the Btronsa made her ep- sae In lit davs. Perouse dropped anchor beside her, and on may is TEAL BUCKS CURRENT UP a-" freight la the Antipodes. The Slam le the first foreign ealllr easel taken - for lumber loadlna here since the German baric Tellua waa char tered about six weeks ago. The Tellus JZJ, reol,F rso at Knappton on . win ivwir WDlUmDlL TBI Al Goes Through , the Rapid Below Cascade Lock. , Th Open River Transportation com pany's steamer J. N. Teal proved herself able to buck th -Strong current of the upper Columbia this morning by climb ing the rapids at Cascade locks without lining. Yesterday afternoon the beat naa to turn d&ck to iionnevuie because th nnauallfied endorsement of scores of medical leaders better than anv amount oi lty, or non-proiessionai, testimonials. Ther are not given away to be experi mented with but are sold bv all dealers la medicines at reasonable prloes. ? Tinnnn nr in.mi.ivi. ,nn in. mnatii merlcan of the strong current, . but this morning I that the spinal menlnrltls eases ln no way Jeopardised the neaJth or tne peo ple in the empire of tha rising sun, and UR assortment of smart summer. ;effects is the . choicest we have v it a lAonmov and ever snown. we pive our nersonah i miracles, it I - . I B unqualified guarantee . with every &SSXSA garment that bears bur label . - fn. Mm and ft is not hkely to disappoint you ii oniy you giv it n tnorwgn fair trial.' Donrt eroeot miracles. won't do supernatural things. Yon must exercise your patience ana j use for a reasonable length 2-Piece Suits $10 to $25 r T".1?. w cnanerea a lew days everytninr was working- in good shape w0.?! Bi'ou.r' Outhrie at Co. and the land ahe pulled through without trouble. - yu irnun jonn raimer was A telegram from Sunertntendent Frank J. Bmlth to the local offioe sUtes that the Teal climbed the rapids at 8:1 this morning and went, through without Jin- fixed last week by the Paclflo Export j . nBrJLV".'? "earner African Monarch. In. yapiain vvaiKer, arrived un this morn-1 . 'rha Tai .trtA ..rft . iV..rJ?1inaP.?,on V finish her cargo test run ae-alnst aa awlft a currant aa Htls would probably . not only, have " r .-V Y- X' '" dim is unaeri ever flowed down the f"n is under ever flowed down the Columbia, and her I cJSv,,n .V1 Jrint4Uw.poft; i-fi0" performance is therefore considered per- f.r!f" '"Vi.TX X.,ia m 2'A fovy. -aUsfsctory. Th. boat 1. Vx- JAHIS clean bill was finally dulv executed ana signed.. This is the nrst instance In many vears of a steamer having been delayed here because of difficulty ln sa curing a clean Mil of health. . -- To have mentioned the spinal menm- charter t the f'aciflo Export company, and will load at tha the Eastern. Western Lumber com. pany., i lie j bected to return tomorrow from her African Mi...Mi. . - r : voyage tnrougn tne . iocrs., ehe Newcastle New South VfT,. tSan France aoo, and thence north to mIU -thi wh hL 2J!2.n,i2 this oort. flha has han . Trn.nnn-1 connect there with the steamers for nearly a week, and few of her sailors Pnta tm farther inland. 7, ,? , r. remain on board. Those having falleJ r . - ; V t deaert ar Chinese stokers who have ARE WELL KNOWN HERB a- poor chance to escape since they are t - t ... beina? watched rnntinnaii- k - .. v , tion Inspectors, private watchmen and Bark Crillon and Ship Ardencralg v" uwwiw, w cuiorea men rrom 1 Asia, , . I The French hark Crillon ' and PHlUh :.TA .lord part Of the' crew Was ae- ,hln Ardancwia-. which, vera chrtd to this Port xi. . - " 1 . ..... ... . r t vwvat.jB w iviq coai xor tian jran-1 '""u nwcii, yvusirajia, nave oeen ,. " win waiaer naa teiegrapned I v""ra in nja port many umes aunng t r craw 01 unini, ana I "' 7. - ma riuun aspeci- when the men arrived thev were him-ir.r I ally Is well known here. than Inky darkness.-- The sailor board-! " The French bark Thiers, which was Inghouae master had misunderstood in-l reported yeaterday as having sailed structlons and shipped blacka. The men I from London for the s Columbia river naa 10 00 reiamea, ana not until Portland I w"n carap 01 cement, is Deiier Known , was reached did the last darky light oUln tn" marine worid as the British bark C from the shin, iriv- rhin... r.m.i. ,n ". the hold to trim the fires and keeD tin 1th tor many years a etean -More wlU have to be secured by 1 J11"'00 taie,f al ing time. , . " OJ jftrought to iight from her Ml ' - PLEASLllE for tars Soeva. . Under that name she has sailed nd frequently sea have been long voyages. ORIENTAL LINER DELATED f Weekly Concert 4 Seamen' Instf- Spinal Menlngltl Figure In Deten tion of Craft. . The " Portland and Asiatic liner - Nu- maatla, CapUln Feldtman. did not get away for Japan and China at the ap pointed hour this morning because of 'I ; tnte Tomorrow, . f ' The regular weekly concert at the ' Beaman'a Inatltuta lftft Miwtk Ts.t -, . - . . V. . Uil . . ,: street, will be given tomorrow evening vat I o'clock under the direction or Mt . arranged a, follows: Instrumental aolo, specified hour and in the second place . Mr. Prockett; vocal solo. Miss Holllnter; Japanese Consul T. Alba hesitated about raiding. Miss Ottersedd; song. J. V. j Bloane, British ship Jordanhlli; violin Kit 01. Miss Gregory; song. Mr. Leach, . British ship Zinita; contralto solo, Mlas - - J niiiuiB.wuiiu, uiib, nr. n.. nay. have meant destruction. Since it con sists malnlv of flour. - . The Numantia waa to have sailed at I I 0 clock this morning. She is expected to leave down sometime this afternoon. HARINE INTELLIGENCE rs I: T " ' i U I 1 .4 'W:! ';.-'. I . Vs' iU 1 f - ' l issuing the vessel a clean bill of health. He wanted to make mention of the fact mat cereDro-spinat meningitis has pus sled the doctors and claimed some vic- V time nere recently. The agents ef the steamer after much Columbia rPhohographCo. c Jd Washington St. Portland, Ore. : Begnlajr Users Bo to JLrrlv. O. W. Elder, Ban Pedro and way. June It I Columbia, San Francisco... ..,s June IS I F. A. Kimurn Ban Francisco... June 17 Costa Rica; Ban Francisco.,,,,. June 17 Alliance, Coos Bay ..June 17 Roanoke, San Pedro and way... June IS Arabia, orient.. ...........June It Aiesia, orient.... .4... ....July 11 Nlcomedia. orient., July 27 Numantia, orient ............ .August II ,." Begular XJaers to Depart. Numantia, orient. .June 11 Alliance. Coos Bay.. June It O. W; Elder. Ban Pedro and wa v. June 14 Columbia, Baa Franclaco. . . .... .June It t: a.. KiiDurn. h. v. ana wav.... June is Roanoke. San Pedro, a ;A vu.. . Juna 20 Costa Kica, Ban Franclaco.,.. . June 20 1 Arabla,orlent.,,,. June 19 Aieaia, orient.. .............. .. , juiy it Nlcomedia, orient. .-.-August 10 Tassels in jport. Tola, Br. eh....... '.....Elevator dock JordanhllL Br. bk.VL a. W. Mllla I Zinita, Br. bk. ............. .East Pine Tellus, Oer, bk.r. Knappton Washington. Am. barge , I Ellsworth. IU tallies above Vancouver I wnang ho, Chinese iuna,.....The oaks John Palmer, Am. bktn.. ....... Kalama Emily Reed, Am. sh.. -.Portland 1 piramyre. nr. sir. ..lJ .Tiion I luillliwiu, AUb (.,. 1 1 1 .UVUiq Virginia. Am. ach. ....... Inman-P6ulsen Antelope, Am. sch. . ............. Linn ton LUIebonne, Am. sen. . ....... r.drjrdock Numentla, Oer. atr. ........... ..Aibln E. F. Whitney. Am. bk... Bt Johns Wm. Renton, Am. sch.f. ........ Ooble wasnucta, Am. barge.. University Mill tierwicK. Am. sir. ........ , .ureenwicn African Monarch, Br. ss..E, A W. Mill Cascade. Am. ss... , ,8t. Helens ASCOt. Br. SS. ........ .s....Flour Mills Nokomls. Am. sch... ......Astoria cnenans. Am. bktn. ....... Knappton I Sweeping HedMCibttS IB CM QhSB The Skill of Scientific Baking and ffie Purest in 4 Food Materials Are Concentrated . i ; , Jn Every Loaf of ' f ' x ireiad 51 Cents Per , Loaf At All Grocers Insist Upon Butter-Nut and Look.for the Label 'I - - on Every Loaf. ' -' Jim Butler. Am. atr. Llnnton Tiverton. Am, atr ..Rainier Asuncion, Am. sir. ......... Portsmouth jonan pouisen. Am. str........ Linn ton Alliance. Am. str-r ....Greenwich King Cyrus, Am. sch. ............ .Ooble Gardiner City, Am. bktn....... .Astoria Argyll, Am. str. ...... Llnnton Lumber Oarriers Bn Bout. Elwell. Am, ah.............. Ban Pedro Lucille, Am. sh....; San Francisco Mabel Gale, Am. sch...,. San Francisco Retriever. Am. bktn..t,,Ban Francisco Aurora, Am. bktn. .......San Francisco W. R. Hume, Am. sch. .Ban Pedro J. B. Stetson, Am. str.. .San Francisco Churchill. Am. sen....... Ban Francisco E. F. Banders, . Am. sch . , . . . .San Pedro Alumna, Am. sen... .....Ban Francisco Walacot. Am. barge. .....San Francisco Qulnault, Am. str.. ......San Francisco Sehome, Am. sch....... ..San Francisco. fouth Bay, Am. str..... San Francisco . H. Lunsman. Am. sch. San Francisco Echo, Am. bktn. ...... ...San Francisco Johan Pouisen. Am. ss. . . San Francisco Bailor Boy, Am. sch..... San Francisco Aid en Besse, ad, ok... ..Ban Francisco Xs Bout wltn Cement and Oeneral. Buecleuch, Br. ah.. ..... . . . , .Hamburg Brenn. Ft. bk... ............ r..... Hull Conway Castle. Br. bk... ...... Antwero Dalgonar, Br. 1 sh ........... . .Hamburg Europe, FT. dk. .,... ........ .Antwerp Oenevleve Mollnos, Fr. bk...... .London Rene Kerviler, Fr. sh ....Hamburg Laennec Fr. sh...... ...Swansea Le ptlier, Fr. bk .....London Martha Roux, Fr. bk. ... Hamburg Mosambique, Br. sh. . . . . .Newcastle, E. Samoa, Br. bk. ........... ..Shields Slam. Oer. 'sh. ........ . . ."V .London Thiers,. Fr. sh. Newcastle, E. Vlncennes, Fr. bk. . . .-.Glasgow Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk.... Hamburg VUle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk...... Antwerp Ouethary. Fr. bk ............. .An twerp Plerrl Loti. Fr. bk............ Antwerp Walden Abbey, Br. sh..,.. ....Antwerp Glenessllu. Br. sh....... ....... Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk ..Letth Oeneral de Boisdeffre. Fr. bk... London Oeneral de Nesrier, Tr. , bk. . . , . . London Bayard, Fr. bk. ......... , ... . Antwerp ... Coal Ships JJ Bonte. Belen. Fr. bk . .v; ......... Newcastle. A. CoL de Vlllebois Marenll.Fr. bk...... .........,....,,-. newuBBii ' 1, Claverdon, Br. ah........ Newcastle, A. wiuscoii. Am. ox. ....... iNewcastie, A. port Patrick, Br. an...... Newcastle, A. St Mlrren. Br. sh. ... .. . ..Newcastle. A. Crillon. Fr. bk. . . . . . . . . . . .Newcastle. A. Ardencralg; Br. bk.... ....Newcastle, A. t Tramp Steamer Bn Boat. Tellus, Nor. str. San Francisco Maori King, Br. str...,....,. Shanghai Henrlk Ibaen, Nor. str... Ban Francisco Queen Alexandra, Br. str. .... ..Madras Kallbla, B str... .......San Francisco Manshu Mam,. Jap. str..,. Salinas Crus Mackinaw, Am. str...... ..... . .Seattle San Mateo, Am. atr.. ,, ...San Francisco Oymerle, Br. str ... . n . ... Mansanilo Thyra, Nor. a a, ......... ..Ban Francisco 1 Shelves and shelves , of sparkling pieces offered at this great June jvfv Sale, Here's an opportunity to buy exquisite cut glass produced by skilled specialists of the celebrated firm of Empire & Hoare.. Every piece of this beautiful ware a work of art. Un. Comports, reg. $65, Special f 4.70 8-inch Bowls, reg. t?M, special. '. ,f 6.50 C I. rAW.M,a M 7 VC .Ml.1.1 19 fi4l . A . n . . ' ' . . i 8-in. Comports, reg. $7.75, special f 7.82 Water Pitchers, reg. $1285, specif 9.10 Water Pitchers, reg. $7.50, special f 5.63 Water Pitcher, reg. $7.70, special f 5.78 Water Bottles, reg. $5.65, special. .84.25 Water Bottles, reg. $7.70, special. .85.78 doc Tumblers, reg. $8.50, spl 96.38 yt dog. Tumblers, reg. $5J0j spl f4.13 Yt do. Tumblers, reg. $3.85 spl f 2.89 Yt doc. Tumbler, reg. $U5, spl f 1.32 Y do. Goblets, reg. $65, special 85.14 12-inch Vase, reg. $7.10, special... 85.33 12-inch Vase, reg. $&80, special... 86.60 8-inch Vase, reg. $4.40, special. . .83.30 8-Inch Vase, reg. $3.85, special.... 82.89 Spoon Trays, reg, $3.80, special,., . 8 2.85 Spoon Trays, reg. $4.40, special... 83.30 8-inch Bowls, reg. $4.95, special... f 3.72 8-inch Bowls, reg. $150, special... 84.88 (-Inch Handled Nappies, reg. $4.40, , special . ................... ...83.30 6-Inch Handled Nappies, reg. $Z20, pedal fl.65 ' 8-inch Nappies, reg. $4.40, special. 83.30 , 8-inch Nappies, reg. $4.00, special. 83.00 6-Inch Nappies, reg. $40, special, f 3.15 . 6-inch Nappies, reg. $340, special. f 2.48 6-lnch Nappies, reg. $2.75, special. f 2.07 5-lnch Nappies, reg. $1.50, special. 81.13 5-lnch Handled Nappies, reg. $2.75, special i4.iir.i,iV-1 8 2.07 5-inch Handled Nappies, reg. $2.20, K '-MaSW special --. a w as .81.65 Sugar and Creamer, reg. $1440 pair, special .810.73 Rnnr and frMmr rm tJ Tfl pair, special , . f5.78 Sugar and Creamers, rec $5J0 pair, special ................f4JLJ Sugar and Creamers, reg. $4.90 pair, special .f 3.684 Vinegar and Oil Cruets, reg. , $3.30, special ...82.4SJ Vinegar and Oil Cruets, reg. $7.00, special ...,f5JSS2 Vinegar and Oil Cruets, reg. , $9.00, special 86.73 Special Prices in Our Rubber Department 8-fluart Water BotUe, whites regular ' . . 11.36; special uw -quart Water Bottle, white; regular - ' , $2.60; special 81.69 l-quart Red 1 Rubber Syringe,: I pipea; regular a.oo, special .....x.uo S-auart . Combination," with Olobe Spray; - regular special ......... .........wj..o Lle Sprsir Syringe, red bulb; regular IS. 60; special aii an Sponge Bag, rubber lined 20 to 8x150 Rubber Complexion Brush; regular ISo; a wicaa Rubber T Bwlmmini Bathii r complexion Jtirusn; regular 1 5c; scial .., lAst ' er Toys: regular I5c! special....... JrS iimlnr Wings, all colors. .. . .25 and : 35r ing Cap..,4.......50, ft and 81.75 Durable Garden Hose , That's the kind yon bur here. Made strong; anourh to withstand the pressure ct Bull Bun water mains. - Supplies of ajji kind, lnoludiag" Bprlnklerxs aToxxles, Bos Beets and Easy Xnd are .'la stock. : .v k.s-i xiW' Wnite Crown Best quality, guaranteed . for two years; regular 115; special.,,. 812.00 White Cotton "Dover," H-inch. .'-84.50 White Cotton "Dover," -inch 85.00 White Cotton "Cheater," H-lnch.. ........ 85.50 White Cotton "Chester,' Columbia - Columbia Woodlark Rubber,- totneh.. ......... ... . - 86.00 Woodlark Rubber. 4-lncb.. 87.00 Oregon Rubber, -inch.... 88.00 Sunproof Red Rubber, -Inch. .......... 8 IO.OO All hose guaranteed for on rear. : A aosal free with, .every 60-foot length. - v Teddy Bears at a Reduction 1. .Vll viroawi, 7,-.mwu.. ...... ,V.W tton "Chester," 94-inch......... 86.00 Rubber,. H-lnch.. ............. 84.00 Rubber, i-lnch...., 84.50 Special price on all the; members of this' " large family. . - Reg. $2.00 Bears, i special .......... f 1.58 Reg. $2.50 Bears, . special ..... 81.98 Reg. $3.00 Besjs, 1 special .92.37 Reg. $3.25 Bears, special ........ . . 92.49 Reg. $4.00 Bears, .special .......... f3.18 Reg. $6.00 Bear, special ,.,.......94.68 Great Annual Sale of Standard Soaps Extra Special Prices. Take AdvanUge of This Week' Great Sale to Re - '-s "plenish ,Your Supply, , Bar Pure Castile Soap; regular 0o......8Te L.uucur Doap; cut prioe, per caxs, ...... society-Hygienlque Soap, per cake.. .....32 Pears' 8oap, per cake.,.. ............. ...J2i Turkish Bath, Bemon Glycerine, Ruby Glycerine and assorted soaps, per dosen r - i. . ......... .39 Fairy Soap, cut rate, per dosen.... 40i Bon Ami, per cake. ...... .,..,,,,.,. Ql Peet's Mechanic Soap, per cake..,. ...... 7t Jap Rose Oiyoerine Soap Roger A Gallet's Perfumed Soap; regular 1711 Boa V3B11ICS.1 0UtL. VUl teXLV - VU 111" M ..J ' wui jf m jr a via. j. gjnyt, ' e e J Pond's Extract Soap, cut price.......... 1 8tlefel's Sublimated Soap, par . box of I caaes Packer's Sylvan Soap. Cotton Soap, per dozen..... .............4 i euounuiea cwap, per oox ox a Tar Soap, per eak..w.r..l lHi loap, 3 cakes in box, per box. ....19) , Cleaneasy Scouring Soap, per cake. Forest Queen Buttermilk and Witch Hasel cusp, per cane. .......... i ........... , Armour's Oiyoerine. per cake............ Palm Soap, per doxen.. ............... ...3 xiagie dkih ana complexion eoap, per 00 x of S cakes. r. Bo your Ordering by Phone, Private Exchange it, or Bom A1139 1 100 Salesmen to ml Tow Orders.' Wood 5. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Th steamer Alliance arrived ,et S o'clock thla rooming from Coos ? Bay, bringing a full cargo and about SO pas sen gera. She berthed at Greenwich wharf and aalla Thursday night. A lit tle blow from the south waa experi enced off the bar.- , Th steamer George W. Elder 1 a day wdXlwM , We Wan Ton SCoathly Ao. counts. Yrea !. livery In City. Canadian Btonay Takes aft roU , Tain. int. fmm San Francisco because of hav ing, lost a day there. She will be in the river tomorrow, however, and sail south Friday night if all goes well. 1 The gasoline schooner Berwick, will sail In a day or two for Rogue river with general cargo for the Hume Inter ests there. She will carry a number ef blooded sheep rrom r aquma. xne eneep will be enippea nere oy ran irom a Soint down the valley and placed on the erwiefc. - i:'J':y . ' The ateam chooner Cascade sella for San Francisco this - evening. She - is loading lumber at Rainier today. Daniel Kern states that work will be r 11 umed at hi auarry at Fishers land. ing, where the laborers went on strike the other day. This Quarry furnishes rock for the Columbia river jetty. The lighthouse-tender Armaria ' left Juneau - today for : St. Michael - and other Alaskan ports. ;.V Captain P. J. Wer- lien is imaicing aia Quarterly inspection or ins innurauBfB on tne tender. Tne tender. Heather la at the foot of Couch street receiving repairs.-. . MARINE NOTES left up at T a, m tearaer Argyll, from Port Harford. - . San Francisco, June 11. Arrived, steamer Nome' City, from Portland. . , Astoria. June 10. -Left up at 4:30 p. m., British steamer African' Monarch. Arrived down at and sailed at 8:10 p. m., steamer - Costa , Rica, for San Francisco. .. - V - r- Tokohama, -June 11. Arrived, June . German steamer Nlcomedia. from Portland.--.- --. - - - vf,- I (-1... . t ' T... ' L A steamer Ansa Monarcn, rrom Portland. Dover. . June 11. Passed June , rTencn oarx juartna houx. rrom' Mam. burg, for Portland. - 1 San . Franclsca June 10. Sailed. steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Portland. Astoria, .June 11. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m.. rough: wind, weat 11 miles; weather, raining. Tines at Astoria today: - - Vllvh vratap 1 1 a m i.KA Then."- e7 feet juow water. i;4 a. ra . reet; 7:80 p. m a. feet.' , We havent heard definitely fop av. era! days what Seattle's population Is, hi! t iinniw 1 fr m 11 a fr av.. IAA,nA'k. Astoria, Juna 11. Arrived at 4 and thla Uiaa - . , ' 5 CHARTIER FOR YOIIH S100 WORDS A MINUTE! - ' Is that yoor speed after a short time , studying Shorthand? It will be if you learn Ihe wonderful Chartier system. When visiting the 19 - Rose Fiesta M sure to visit the Leading Business College, where thie newest system is taught. : Easiest to learn, most accurate to write the coming script of the business world. V Day snd evening classes now forming. , School open the year 'round. Remember, we place you in position when competent, - DEDME-VAIKER, lording KsIsks Cc" : , : Elks' Building, Seventh itnd Stark Sts., Portland, Or. WRITE FOR DETAILS OF FREE SCHOLArHIP c. il 1 1 i 7