The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Enthusiastic Business Men
...Well Pleased With Sub
; scrlptions for .Proposed
. Portland ClubDesire to
of the common carrier to handle : the
trarno was raised. - . .
'n the present case Columbia river
and southern Oregon lumbermen inter
vene and set up that to compel the Har
rlman system to make a Joint through
rate via IorUand from wee tern Wash
ington mill would be to pile on the
Marrtman lines an additional burden to
the Injury of the Orea-on mills. already
tenable to get their produot transported I
"I ifTimii,vjiBB, iliv; allege
that the Harriman-system Is their
natural AlttlA, - mm A , K . W. n..
Northern and Northern Paelfle are the
natural outlets for the nroducta of the
western Washing-ton mills..
"They thus raise an issue not vet
passed on, so far as I know."
ntr to Territory.
Prom Other aoureaa h.ra ft la laarnail
that "Into the areumanta In tha mu
win enter Mis allegation that a aiven
common currier, enjoying- rignta or emi
nent domain through a aiven territory,
owes to that territory a definite riutv.
a duty to see that Its a-nnila nm trans. I
ported at fair rate and promptly, so
Complete-Fund Quickly. SSKtrT"" "m
? ; r Damages have been recovered in some
instances ror loss resulting from delay
postal corny
Judgment Obtained by Hal
stead & (to. Is Berersed
by the Court. -
oy tns railroad company in transporting
goods, . and It claimed that the legal
Appellate Division Holdg That Con
tract on Message Blanks Is Bind
remedied. Ah exemption blank is made
out ana signed. The new arrival in
me secret circle, la givea a Mlp which
reads: -- . .. . ' :
"I hereby report exemptions on the
uvuav a iso, on street or
The renort li nni hmln ht
total number of fixtures and the lump
mum wnicn would nava haan ataian rntm
wis owner or the place had the plumb
in firm bean aeaualntan1 in ilm. with
the inner workings of the association
and forwarded to headquarter Soon
after it comes back to the firm with
the notation attached at tha bottom:
"Exemptions aooep ted. Signed numb
ers' Protective Association?'
But the Protective aaaoolatlnn ' na
not loae by the transaction. Neither do j
any or its members feel a pro rata
reduction in their monthly "divvy. The
wage-earner and home-builder Is sand
bagged just a little harder and his
pocketbook Is squeeaed with a trifle
more vengeance to eouallse the "ex
cusable' oversight of the firm which
a a not get posted in time on the com'
Diner systematica robbery. 1 y
. Xome-buiMey roots BUL
The ttO or $40 or $50. or whatever
sum the exemption ' report calls for.
is charged up to the new firm's credit
in ., m.. n..M. r" cuars;ea up 10 mi new nrras creau
ing ana That Damages Cannot Be account. Each member of the Proteot-
principle underlying the alvlna of such
. Forty enthusiastic business men net J?" a.wneni. P?.1,d t0 region,
. , fc .- ,K. r-- -,ik operates to make the common carrier
In the parlors of the Commercial club bliaated to car for treffin within thai
" - . . . . . -.j.... , I ,. I . A A . ,. - T . .
m ....t ....u I The railroads are mr ,a havlnal Jnt m.i. a.. .i i v. a ruie nnns are not seot wai
- the western Waahlnaton mills a-lven the . ... " . I n mora man a moatn Derore
proposea roroana . touuiry ciuo " loint through rate. Some here are arau- . "n' " -' Jiagmw ne-nds are in the pot.
V i-. e W a. ta.l am swei, AakS-1 M SM at es I tl... W 1 - a . . T. I OPkr inayi .- Ua I aakat flL. a-ld . -kWua I
ive association has a credit account
That la, no Ann draws down money
from the monthly division of spoils un-
iu us snare oz me graxt amounts to
e ' About 0 ' members- of ths ' e
e graouatmav class or ths Bunny-
side school visited ths federal e
e loourt, this morning, under-the e)
e chaperonags of -Principal S3, IX e;
curtis to acquaint themselves , e
with, court practice and methods. e
ex- The children took -keen, snjoyi. e
e ment in watching the furniture
e men plead guilty to forming a e
a 4 trust, watcneo ths sentencing of
e William Curtis to 14 hours In ths e
e . county jau with rear in their , e
4 faoes. and listened to ths verdict ' e j
e or too jury in me case of the 4
e Contracting Engineering com ' J
e pmy against ths star Band com e
e pany like regular court habitues. e
e The children . sat through ths )
e ; morning session without going e
e to sleep while ths attorneys were e
drawing a Jury to hear ths case e
S or wiius s. rotter against ths
e Nevada Northern Railway com- e
e pany.' '
I 1
Livestock association. The meeting was
ha adjourned meeting from last week,
Ing that by pleading as they have the obtained by Halstsad Co about a I The
hJv! ",tJ.,t stabllsh, a year ago for $2,499.40 against ths Postal
PJlROJP.1 of transportation law which Telaaranh-Cahia . .
$$00 is held la trust by the pro
association ror emergency eases.
me exemption matter, or lor
AID nAinmiTntrti,r. 1
round that $(0,000 of the stock has been tHUlty of Crross werleot. ths time in the cress, waa rerarasd I l-tr-,Z ..I.IU":" "..1 .-..T ZtZ I Orxmlna? Event. Cantata. Satnrdav I
.1 J .,.W..1K 1lnln. Il WY . w. -m . 1 . . '. . . I ...... .iay,yk y- I , - w . - r . ,
.V, ..i Z.. t, Sm.h SL rgumeny- en yeeteraay oy tne appelate division, ths count, mo one but the home bunder is
.lhi ".itrrr'n5f.-p5 SSttJ??."!1! ??7.' ?rnt A ?A- court holdln. that the Mr.on -Jri,, the Joser, The new firm wait, probably
. V. " ,rc It" " '1 1 fr-" 'V v.1 . nwr u rawi 10 "ei . , - -. - - - -; two weeas longer before ite "aiwy" in
next few days with the expectation of through Joint rate, then it is clear that I telegram Is bound. Ths court In Its the graft accumulation begins;
Xp !t.'"fa ttkAUZlP?Zt t1 i5V.w n2?n.' th dutr rail- opinion earn: ' . These cfedit sxcounts and
fore the next and final meeting of the I road towards tha mrinn it tranru.- i . .... -v.. .v. I . .,... w ti..k
tli Milt Inn nmmHt.M , ih. U.l " T. ' . 7,.- I . .-'""""" im lMW ... .. """
the Harrlman syatera has not built feed'
other so I
Plumbers Pro-
i rA.rwi... hmm haa nranarad h r Ti. . . '.Z . 7 "i "- nere invoivea was an unrepealed message I tective association amount to approxi
ht eSJTra? cSmTnUtea ou'tuSn the mf-'i?- t0. "? ' rg,?nv ,th " the learned court charged the Jufy mately $120,000. The shoveling up of
Unif of the croDoeed association and 2S5a!fl5Jtt.5!!!!,M,JPHI i rr2M thal between (ths sender and the the people's money continues unebted.
. VLufctifflttt . ?khoior. tni 'VJSJutStSJ?P: V".?' . was valid and lawful and suspicion concerning so large an
Closing With Gradaation fixer
""-"clses Wednesdav, Jane 10.
(Special Dispatch te The 7oamel)
McMlnnviUe, Or' Juns U. The pro-1
gram of commencement exercises of Mo-
" "Man may work from sun to sun .
but woman's work Is nerer done,
' In order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed .
and tidy, women overdo and often
suffer in silence, drifting along from
bad to worse, knowing, well that
they ought to have help to overcome '
the pains and aches which dally;
make Ufa a burden. ,. "'?;."- -
It is to these women that Lydia
B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound,
made from native roots and herbs,
comes as a blessing. When the spir ,
its are depressed, the head and baek
aohss, there are drsgging-down pains, neironsneu, aleeplessnesa, and
reluctance to go anywhere, these are only imntni ahu
.heeded, are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints. ;
Lydla E. Pinkham's Veeetable Comoound
keeps the feminine organism in a strong and healthy condition. It eures
Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and oraanle tronMaa In
preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through ths Change
of Life His most efficient. :?y--- ,-! - -?
Mrs. Anruatna Tvnn. al Eaat Kal. Pa '. ru.. i vm-i. '
. v , - t " . .-v.-. ww. jura. M. iu
ham: "For a long time I suffered from female tnrabla and had all MtAm
of aches and pains in the lower part of 'back and aides,. I could not
steep ana nea no appetite, umoe Mains? Lvdla a. Finkham'a VtMtaUa
Compound and following ths advice which von rrava me I feel like a
new woman sad I oannot praise year medlolna too highly."
Kin. Plnkham'i Invitation to women '
Women suffering from anv form of female wealrnesa am ti
Writ Mm PlnVliam a T m V.4 J v.. ., 1- 'a ;
perlenoe aha probably has the very knowledge that will help your
oaae. Her adviee is free and always balpfuL ' .
- nlana of the tl
its oenents ootn to tne stocanoioers and Gradually the baaia r.rinrir.i .hinh ,." .rrr;" V rr" . '.r.u".v"..r a" wmawKfimai uereww xo- I ,. ,
I underlie the nerfected Trsrrt k.'..'J,?!? June II. to SI. Ul.. : .
grounds, tracks and quarters for horse. 1 1 JeteTmined Thee; hrinVti fiainiirrs evidenuy upon tne theory that stupenuous grait itseir. ,. . "vi,,-lVa joV i a a . i-a.- I- V-i-ml AVIi! V
raclna. livestock ahows and all forms ef lii Aaei-,!?C-.iMt being one sounding In tort i- Olteeaw Vara IMnsd. I J9!. t"? !t P "ai VnUti vn nn r w,-,
athletic contests and to do everything K,. , 7"'"' w"S"..r2 dafendants were liable to pUlntlffs -.vl , t.h.. .i.h " ' "7 ' B"L "0".""rTwT .
- ixl. K- ... I " " " i vnoi inun lUllinMV I tn, tha antn.l MamaM ml. l a A I I " . - .w.w-v., v.. . niuSIO. St UIO COliere CH1DIL
Mlata ... ..m ..... " bw u lavt. laauaa a rfhaK. Tha moatn , dl- I u . . 7 - .
vision of spoils among the firms belong-1 M-nnattnn'ai h- VruM.,, n u
".'"AiOAJVi O. O, . of Berkeley Theological I Rfifent Order Issued Shows Concla-
fuswiuia ivr siutbiivoiu-jii( g, wmw i sb An A 1
Uveatock Induatry of the northweet d,v. 'that aventuaiiV iV wiir Ki lnw 6roa question going to the
Twenty committees are now out at ietmd aih nTaV.lrL.iKiI J eubetanee of ths action of which we be
work eollcltlna the remainder of the u5ft A- 5 m.". ' Jmpoaalble car iiev, conatltutea the fatal error In this
Ptc!L?otutions, It being the Pjs? te Mf tSTLSl cf"v ?ourt accordlflrly reversed
incorporate me association witn a paid i ha PaMflA Wn.ri7.; k.. ...... I ln juagmeni ana approved a aeeision I
tin atwlr nt tl&onnn. A' tnaatlnr nt I ". tn" . MC1X10 northweet, but every-I ,u. f. i w .... I
..T - . - i rr ' ' ... . i,,.jrw.fa niwnere in the country the ear ihortin r' -"""" ? - i is
.i" rKU la operating to the Immense loss of IK wi;u .w,r? "V.opH" 'aJ
ri-l".".... "".H1.VrL n I oroductlve Induatrlaa. , ... ' -.-n" 1" notnin in iuib rrptuiaiion I
SafnwSesV " .. ?'ad official.T protests In Z?LC t,nfl." J ? .?ibiL'"
irw. -.....I (.. ,.u i.. I tnia instance aralnat iwhat thev allaaa I ' "" ". " r
i uo tnose navintr oc email
fln.i Mm irhiimi,. I (o oe a proDoaed exoensive
next at :t(T In the morning. At that routeing or ireignt, and are
meeting it is expected that the total " imwu
amount . of the stork subscriptions can
be reoorted and . definite eteos taken
toward the final and official organisa
tion and incorporation or the associa
tiva : . j. . 'I"' r..i....a
viiimuuu irura jrase unwKJ
DijbiNoE JLN J UlvXio ' CASE I pHca, " Tnl' WM dona much mission unless the parties interested rata proportion of the total amount to
u tv itm win i,u (iBriuni itfj rep lima auiun uj luvn cauueTiui v nn I vv uisii iuuicu. v iitg iuvbj taut oainef
resanica, . ana tney wer prstctlcaJiy I uiationt. and it appearinff tnat theiwnen tneae trustees turn in ineir cash
forced to continue their membership. I sender did sign the blank provided by at the secret meeting: and the firms are
LrOroed uto ssolatioa. line company wnicn coniainea 101 m iva .neir juh adq vqiw proporuoa.
distributed if the se7,r7Seetlni aC ""ZlJ'VXZTri
tended only bv the votaries of the Iruat L. ' V.. "T"""
The plaoefrom whence the funds come f m. Annual address before the
Bua.wu vuuaitT mm wvu mm utl vwn I rhrfktlin .MMUtlAna h B. f'hi.l.. I
destine distribution. I Rutharfonl. f Rnnhaatap. N.a'Vnrk . I
Three trustees have these funds in I n... ti.i- v ' -w '
keeping, These thrae -elect another 'in. m.-BaccaTauriate sermon by Rev.
tnree, tne latter elect tnree more, and Irtfi BtewarL Dl D.. dean of Roehe
slvely Who Oontrohr Astoria & '
' Columbia RJve Railroad.
I The Nnrftiara Tan4ea A.n.MVI. . -v.
and devious I """"a uuimit ao on. Altogether a ooaen or so trustees l.. Tk.i i.i- I i. a. v,- ., .
here today or rV;tly measages any onerous or Ira- have hold of the strings which close and Kew tork a Flrat asnUalhurch . v 7 , . v - "T
j . , . . ii i j t I ew I ore, at cirst ospuat cnurcn. i ihnvn a laat Kavnna . vinti k.
1. 5.KL of J-l M'- cunTuUt-el': T&TdMiSl ff wJ& " ti. SlnSnTAnauU order" lust IM Tthat 'g, T.7d Ift.r 'ju.y
i oeen oougea to accept ana iranaran tne DankS as individual deposits. Amont .. BriTu,.!.; rJr. !.. 1 alt rtm M.i.. ,
f!fH?-J!fL"?A "tui"on"'?!'-it f? the individual amounts are no? .eRor? of mfc "' uLgi t'it
t.o Kyi,STfi,"Slir,t.,'X,S: r'-rha.'SS e- .k.LT"Z. '. :- "-An- thefr.lghthsofth.NVrth.rn-p.clf.o
. - . a, - - n bv-i ,u nnsi msaarins a- iaa kaaM ax -aa.a a, ea aiaa a ajHBeviAM . .a a, m it. a
regulations and being under no obliga I monthly dividend of "bonus" charges each
tions to accept 'tne message zor trans-1 trustee a raws from ols account a pro
(Continued from Page One.)
truth or elee he believes Irrevocably he
Is telling the truth, and a greater law
yer tnan Kicnaroaon would nave paaaea
him by In contempt
- All the world that ' "loves a lover
, . joaths, contempts, hates and despises an
assassin and informer. Orchard a eon
- feaalon, made In the courtroom of Boise
, under the examination by Hawley,
. would not have had the weight, as evi
dence or the mere air the words tainted.
But orchard s confession, beaten, ham
, mered and battered by the Interminable
v verbiage of Richardson, has crystallised
''out into a vital and ponderable thing
ma eppaiiinv ana unusual oocument in
. tne nistory .01 crime. .. : , r, ; '
Tf, Has Beea Cleansed.
; i If Orctiard'e. ' testimony had been
' spurned by the defense when Hawley
. - bandedr Orchard over with a - weary
'take the witness," Orchard's testimony
would be etlll In this case a weary and
disgusting episode, a pollution that mea
; wouia nurry oy, witn pincnea poatriia
.. But Richardson " ha ' cleansed it and
whitened It and chiseled It In the gold
of his sonorous eloquence . until - the
testimony oz orchard has- become the
, keystone of the arch of this case, and
Richardson of tha defense has been the
. Duiider tnereor. ,
; And that Is another proof of the truth
of my original statement that what
. Haywood needed waa saving from his
friends. When Hawley finished with
Orchard on Thursday Orchard waa "a
man without a country," a spectacle
that Shuddered in the imagination like
, sometntng oiaca . Deneatn tne sun.
' shivering horror, dripping from a pit
oz ziitn. He miKht have looked fc
someone to take pity on him and there
' would have been no man. But Bichard
', son's tedious patience bas put him on
a pedestal, created In him some quality
- of the phenomenal, made him a witnees
wnose endurance ana apparent truthful
- noes men have marveled at. And he
should have been apurne a offal. The
pity of ltl
(Continu:! from Page One.)
' ment te the middle west, that during
. . the past 10 months the company could
- have used 1.600 more cara than It waa
v hble to get from the Union Pacific. He
, said mat tne rani was about to close
oown oecause or tne car shortage. He
claimed that It was a physical lmpos-
i slbility for the Harrlman system te
handle the traffle originating In its own
territory" and expressed astonishment
at tne -request from raget Bound to
add to tne - iiarriman trarric originat
ing in western Washington.
All railroads of the north coast re
sisted the petition of the Puget Sound
millmen. but connecting roads to the
, east answered before the commission
.here thst they were willing to accept
mrouja joint rate, xsortn coast roads
Y t..k....i. ... . . , I iiaiiun moavv mantionca, it oiusi om I
'Jayrss.ssjte fisssS -srfl his wat to obeoon
, --- ; tract oz tne senaer or to result irom a
1. He told how cards were sent to him hraaoh f tv. tha niaintiff haa na
requesting his merribershlp, and that he standlno- to maintain thla action unless I (Bpeelal Slepateh to The JaaraaLl
JE".:.. ;! tirust under pressure of Ue i, the real principal in the trans-1 ,Sjn Francisco. June 11. -Joaquin
threats to the effect that he would not action and then only to the extent of Miller, the aged poet of the Sierras, left
be allowed to purchase goods unless hs the amount paid for the transmission ! Sau Francisco today for Oregon, where
joinsa. ne saio. mat no naa never at- of the messaae."
tended any meetings or paid dues, The , . , -
remaining three stated that their cases! , -n-mr ottmvi
were similar. KIIM NHOFN
wb.vw .uwi siiv.ui in, nne.
Which was levied bv Jurfra Wnlvartnn
on recommendation of United States (Continued irom Page One.)
Attorney wuiiam U. Bristol, much sat
isfaction was expreaaed by Assistant that he would take the question up with
--m a BMivtevv uJ iui vivbvii. WUOie
he declares he will enter politics and
land a seat In the United States senate.
Miller will ston at Eurene and de.
liver a lecture to the students of the
University of Oregon. He Intends to
open his campaign In Grant county,
where he presided as lude-e when a resl-
aent ox wregon neiore, ,, - . f
, ;. . : i
(Special Dlirpitch -te Th Ioamal.1 .'
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.,
United States Attorney James Cole, who the board of managers of the hotel, see TfTTTTrn'ir A XT "nT?"!?!? A rpcf t
has charge of the furnltdre truat inves- what their 'decision was and abide by It I VI HI A JllAIi JJ&E EjAlo
iisniiijn. nncn tne otner aerenaants ine vreaon noiei will aerva no iiquora
are brought Into court it Is not believed " It Is decided that the law applies to
that they will get off so easily as did It" dining-room. The Quelle and similar
their confederates , who nleaderf thi Dlacee are closer drawn to the exact
morning. y ?.t , I definition of the statute than either of
ftnma a' tfiaaa man ana . Am.. .... I th .lh.p , mrt til,.,.
receive the full Density of tha in Mavor Lane did not wish to take any! .uns 11. -Whitman college defeated the
which in their cases, would be I1S.000 I stand in regard to either the whole lid tinlv.e,;,',tr.o ' Idaho In baseball. S to 8.
IS.000 on each of the three counts. In- or the half lid this morning, not that tTC'"" P'tched for, tha local team,
dlvlduala can also be sentenced to tha he did not have Ideas unon the subiect whitman outplayed Idaho In every de-
penltentlary for one year on each count but because nd one had come to him re- t... I.. Kim ' th5
In the indictment, or three years. gardlng the question and he did not de I?"Ttaii?5? taJS ,avt t00'
i maaoinMA -m.mA sire to interfere witn Mr. Munmnri Vi.!..:.,.- .-'""' -v.""".
The resoluTlon TasaaThTth. offhand and without knowing fit 07 fdsJto. but bfini1 S.faaihv
ture exchanae which meana T tha min. wnat was in tne ' wioo. Waahingtoa state colleara. .
nual meetln Of the board of traataaa at I and Draat Vnrthera rnaila at an
college library. , jHoyt streets Instead of at the Southern
e p. ra.--iw zete, in cnarge or lira I Pacino and u, n. A N. sheds as has been
CC. Potter, on the college campus. the arrangement of the past
Wednesday, June II, IS a. m. An- Orders hav Just been posted to
nuat graauating exercises; address by agents of the Astoria Una and to all
Rev. Clarence True wilaon. , n. r thn. itin. ni.ii k...i... .... ..
rurii, com-mnf 01 oegrees; aiumni I road that alter July 1 the freight shall
banquet and reunion.
P, m. Address before alumni by
Rev. Charles Rutherford, of , Rochester,
a vi an
; : ' ,
Jmroal gpeeUI Berrice.) .
..wumiuiii, -.auna n. . rresiaeni
Rooeevelt has Hed a can to the bulldog
7eteu which la v. u
White House stenographer. The presi
dent says ths dog is a trouble maker,
Report on Growing Wheat.
(DeeeUI Dispatch te The Joeraal.t .
Washln-rtOn. June 11 Tha Amnmr.
ment of agriculture reports the acreage
of spring whej as 1M4S.000, condition
wheat's condition. 77.4.
S.7; winter
be billed to the Northern Paclna shaia.
It la also ordered that all freight to be
snippea out zrom tne Portland terminal
snail ds niiiea zrom the Northern Pa
clflo offices. j . . . ,
(Special Olspateh e The Journal.)
The Palles, Or. June 11. Mount Hood
camp, W. O. WV marched to the Odd
Fellows cemetery yesterday, preceded
by The Dalles band, - rehearsed the rit
ualistic ceremonies of Memorial Sun
day and unveiled a monument to Neigh
bor 3. W. Moe. There was a song serv
ice by a select quartet, an address by
John Michel,' and Instrumental pieces
by the band. A large number of Wood
men were in attendance. - The services
were very lmnresslve. - i .,
Verdict and Attorney Fees Rendered
- In Favor of Contracting En
gineering Firm, .
The Jury In the case of the Contract
ing Engineering company against ''the
Star Sand company, an action to re
cover damages for breach of contract
regarding foundation work on . the
Wella-Fargo building, returned a ver
dict this morning in favor ef the enr
neerina eomnanv In tha sum of isfio.
Ten davs were allowed the sand
pany in wnicn to me a motion for
new trial. Juda-a Wolverton allowed
attorneyr rees to tne amount of 1100.
immediately arter the - verdict was
returned the suit dT Willis B. Potter
against the Nevada Northern Railway
company. In which Potter eeeks to re
cover S8.S00 on an altered breach of
contract for delivering ties to the com
pany, was commenced. Tne railroad has
set up a counter claim against Potter
to recover' $1,J68 for non-delivery of
tne ties witnia tne specified time.
fSBeelal fHraateh te Tha Jnamal.l
Roseburr. Or.. June 11. -Bertha Mo-
Pherson of Portland has brought suit
ror divorce from Walter McPheraon.
charslna him with cruel and inhuman
treatment, drunkenness and failure to
provide zor her and their three children.
one or wnom is less tnsn two months
old. The complaint recites a story ef a
vounr man'a - undoina throutrh the naa
oi intoxicants.
Of the trust that has rerulatf nrln.
ffinu .cvnTwi ,u vuaiomer ot tne Dene-
fits of competition, follows
itesoivea, Uhat the Northwest Fur-I forced a nlnst them. The wholesale and
Will Obey the taw.
Saloonmen still maintain that they
will obey the law in the event it Is en-
Waahingtoa state college.
8peelal Dispatch to The Journal.)
Helena, Mont., June 11. Governor I
".'iif i?Ma.5! dissolved, the rela- retail dealers both state that they as
..JLi th dlrBr"t members as an organisations will obey the law and will
f-t.LKfe.t.rin,f,iA th- Kr?- contend against the action of Mr.
S2,K.f.nd.ii5?USr' of h" respective Manning. It is expected by both organ-
membera thereof be annulled ana tha i - v..... -u.. ... ' i v.
individual corporationa. firms and per- tted In thi Tcourta ; at once In the event Too,o hM XfJoned James Santl. who
sons comoris na said aaaoclatlnn fnfin- ,n".51uJ r." .rr"."-"-"?.'?? was convicted of murdar at TIM, Vwl.a
and puraue their respective business "ISJ'lSSZXLV'f.'? ZV&ZSil? In 1890 and given a life eentenca Santl
witnoui regard to, or under the control Tha ilauor dealers of Vancouver and f " nalf-w..ed and hU condition is grow
Of any act. regulation, rule or inflnanra L.i "."5r?raealo.f.A :5?1ou.TeL .B? Ins- worse, nia ennntrvm.-, i
X.1. Au.rP'!u,re chang ri" Muitnomaii T couitT are nrwirtna to teered to defray the expenses of his
Mi.nv., t .V.ErVL'S reap a harvest on Sunday next and tnose I?moTi lt1' "is pardon is con-
The raaoiution . .TL V,. i5 a following. At Vancouver the Fourteenth U"UB"U oemg aone.
Tu thill secreurv " d - Regiment band has been engaged to play '
ll T nassini seXenee. Judaa WBl.t Pbi? 9U anticipation of TTaiTT "Rm'NrP.V If A PXTPT
said hat hi would not miEi inV-.V- .'ffowa..?niiF citisene zrom --a-. a.
srsxss ;v:tlin :s-&i.S ' causes bio failube
The earnings of hundred
Jc actory Jbmplpyes
plead for Puget Sound and ask devious
routing, not consistent . wish
'transportation customs.
Parties to the case are the retItion-
ers. the Pacific Coast Lumber Manu
. facturers association, Victor H. Beek-
man, secretary, the southwestern Wash-
.ington number Manufacturers' associa
tion ana tne ttningie Mills bureau
against the Northern Pacific and Union
Pacific, Great Northern and a doaen
raw connecting roaas. Tne Oregon
; and Washington Lumber Manufactures
. association of Portland and weatern
Washington, Interveners, protesting.
, - What appeared at first thought to be a
simple matter and perhaps thought by
, its originators to be easily obtained,
.;, uoraiujjoo into a question oz na
; ttonal Importance, and legal counsel of
' eminence has. been arrayed on either
. siue in tne controversy. Naturally,
.:.,.. wucu vu uwo umium up, preceuents were
. looked for. The result of the search
may be Judged by the statement of
uommissioner iane, one of the ablest
. inemuers ox tne commission, who an
. awered the queries of your oorrespond
, ent as follows: s. . t
... , , Mo Precedent .established,
"So fas as I know there Is no prece
' . oent for action or against action such
.' payed tor hT 'the Washington
mills. A case came upln Texas In
v'volvlng the shipment of cattle several
,' years ago, but no question of the ability i
be only 125 because of th. f .h.. .hi P"-r J"m "m? lV.raSna
members had naaaa thi r.h,ti ..J .aT . "iner cmes re maaing . HKe
had .how thPmr.' -'i" preparations . ror an. Increased. quota . of
within the taw in the future. ,oooroing to tne tain oi tne
.'(Continued from Page One,
each In operating the trust
Tha rmalnlna m.mK... . .v.- . I Streets.
---".-. ui. iruBi
are exnacted ta ha In nn,i
E!2vif tVn" j53.l5..l HUGE GRAFT
-. . .... i n,u ,n
to secure a small fine and will plead
fu,itriu.Ju,st low rnan.y will be allowed
to do this is known only to Mr. Cole. It
is believed that he haa sraded tha d- i.n ,, in th. f. e .
aree of aullt in reaard To th..f.nj. ir.irVi ;r.i..: " 'llrZ
anta in will . J . r' -..m- uvjviiiuu vuumiwuii. iu vair vil 11 IB
1 .'. .or I worn nere ne nnos nimseiz pitted
.IT in TJL.if.i." .v. 1"" anarc or against three of the system's effective
- Flrat Material from the wholesalers
will cost him from It to SO per cent
more tnan tne orainary cnarge to the
Second If he makes a bid on
plumbing Job he Is quickly underbid by
. 1. m Th manv In....... U.
(Sneelil DliDateh to Tha Innil I kii. hi... k.. !..i . . -.."-
c.nji. ..... -.rr-' . eui-
... j '. i no umanaiDeiow tne actual cost oz tne work and
trade excursion arrived here from Walla material In order to filch the Job away
k1.-i..JL21:E? thi? mornn,and the from the independent The consequent
rill Bll yi SsSISb WI aa F am7aaffaata S a at. aa,.. Aa. & l . , . r . m a a . . . .
... o .u sucu ui ma city i loss to tne trust nrm is paia oy the
,"-5ur- i,The'r wre. met .Dy r- Plumbers' Protective association out of
AS A OI ex-uov- tne montniy -oonus" grazt rundv
SKP' Tv A- 2M?' PM1 Huffman, Leon Third If by some fortunate circum
b 5 5 rt. v .Roosevelt J stance the Independent plumber secures
- , tr.' , , uooo- i a contract zor wora,. ne la immediately
iiturpny ana j. v. Tallman. hamnered by some of the Dettv naraa-
d alSO i greeted them nutlnna narnatratad h lha iwimM..'.
man. E. J.
The Eaales' ban
iiel.? 5Sr5 ?.tn rm" of the members:
the leaat of theae la cut-
; . ; COFFEE
. This is the coffee country;
and yet more than half of
i us, drink poor coffee! ...
Yeer srocer retires year mosey if yes daet
' ttefcsiUlMeBestjm-uyBia, -
commercial association. h.n vr.. I .... .i u-v . l. . . . -
.TamAa A Tl .ii.. .iT'-f"1 w";u uaa ucn iaia. en-
sumed the lournev eaat om n!2& TZr TeU Btory of Delay.
& N. I Trust members freauentlv visit ner.
(sons who have let Jobs to an independ-Mc
rvvr t a tt vir i it mv . - . or uiaionoi io ao tne wont, mat great
ON RAILWAY TRACK dflay and l0' ,? Vn,ra w,iT nBU-
j.i;xj.vua. ) ,tory , B0 wt)11 bolstered that It not
' ... i inirequentiy nappens mat arrangements
laahaalaiv nt.n. a .1. Aa aaa. as . . 1 aV aa a. . . 1 a - M . -
tnn.w wpmiKm io turn oorsaLl . 1 ur WUI a vr an niucpenaent piumDer are
Abardaan. Ws.h Tm. 11 a r. 1 I OOnceled and the trust firm s-lvan tha
a young man from Alpena, was run over I co?.lr,.c.t: . i t
hv a .ir..i ... k.,.,1 1 ." Y. 1 1 On the other hand, a roav nathmr.v 1.
mopolle last night One leg was cut off ?en ?, Vl? 'l"n that prospers in the
and his head waa Injured, probably a- frm" ot 9 sTraftina; trust Here, for
tuiiv Tt 1. tt,..,., u. .: instance, ia a rtliimhlno- tin. kin. v.I,u. 11. naa uruna, ana . . . 1. . . , . ..... " . . 1 1 41001
had gone to sleep on the track The 3u8f Joined the outer circle of the se-
motorman removed him from the track m organisation, the Master Plumbers'!
on the putward trip,, but he came back. foon. Invitation ia held out to
' (Journal Btxctal fta-Hra.!
New Tork, June 11. The state dis
trict court toaay aDDOintea three na.
celvers for the Milllkea Structural Bteel
Manuracturerr company, its liabilities
are $6,500,000 and assets but $1,600,000.
The embarrassment is temporary, the
tight money market being the causs oT
tne iauure.
(Joareal Special Berrtee.t
St. Paul, June 11. The entire state
of Minnesota, is likely to be dry next
Sunday, as a result of the decision of
tne supreme court noiding nat the attorney-general
can bring ouster, pro
ceedings aralnst mayors who fair tn
ciose saioons on nunaays. - '
' (JoarMl Soaeial Servlet.t
New Tork. June 11.- A-dataotWa fmm
District Attorney Jerome's office Is on
nis way to Han Francisno tn hrinar h.v
Aonoam uhud, inaictea zor wize aban
donment. . s.
are back of your investment in
hlra Just after rounding a curve. Noth- SXd rPo'Mns" protective association
family. . line Dan is swallowed, and In lieu oi
Ing Is known of his
i ..M .V" ,OBUa to i we rirm one share
?.Bti?Sk,-ihfwn,as1r,P n 0Pns wide
2. wi inn Srail pot.
rrwrrPT) A nrn TXT OTnTrm .wn.' r .X " e?8ffl P
WX A AUClX Oil Plumber.' P?o eVtlva" .r.iI2S25!
- a "1 --awaa ' VT IIUI fj
. naa uia.upon a loo.
Not knowing the secrets of the Protec
I,YafocAat,on'. the ltm has not at
tached to its estimate a $5 bonus charge
on every future to be placed. When
membership is acquired In the Protec
tive organisation it learns . that this
(Journal Special Serrloe.)
rindlay, O June 11. The SUndard
Oil company waa called to trial today
on one of the seven Indictments tor
iiuiauuna 01 ma vnig anti-truat law, )A
jury wui ue securea tomorrow. The
eviuence win do aocumentary.
Just as sure as the sUn sets in the west will your money double and treble itself if,
invested in this factory district' home site' section. Factories "are ' increasing- in
size and m numbers and the demand for houses for the work-re en- mm .w
. , - , .... . &. w m w,t, UO
Call up Main 550 or Home A2537 for " " "
' - . us to take you to see this proposition. - '
, You can make yoiir own terms of payment
Salem. Or.. Juna ll a
Michigan capltaHsta has awarded a con
tract for 10.000 ties to people of the
Elkhorn district, to be cut along the
banks of the Little North SantiamJ If
the ties csn ha flnataH un....4i
tHrLttrtontfni pllLetd " -adlnessi
I Or SniDDlnS. the um, nnmnanv wki.h.
I i Jr. T "? li capuaiists oper-
V"? Michigan, will, contract for ties immediately. This will.
juvaii tun sjiffriiii.isr nr ai f r a-aa a--..a
for that section Zt Us "county. "7 .
?hniu? ra,t i one of th0 retjulrementa
iuuol ug agreea to. : . , .
SxemptddM foy the Vaversed.
charge, through ignorance of the as
sociation's secret edicts is eaauy
. . Moarotl Special 8rrlee.)
Washington. June 11 It la officially
admitted that the Japanese situation
was taken up at today's cabinet meet
ing, when Secretary Root presented the
...t.L . Tn. vi mo recent
developmenta . ' , ''
,. fJeuraal flpedal Rei-rlce.)
Waahinartnn Inn. ti . . n.u. .....
?nitWtTi Dr'n'inT President Roosevelt
and Dartv from .Tama.tnm. i . .
mnSSgT yard her ' o'clock ihls
Reppner has become a large and lm.
Portent shipping center. P ,