The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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    dSaraferings include special purchases made By tne i,ioaK t,mc. on a recm y,m. when merchandise of the style and quality we offer cgbi
Un. w.,- -Tune White Days" Sale No excuse for women not having the newest and prettiest in.Dress and Summer.Outnts When mcrcnanoisc o. u f H f
'Zt ce oZe douL-These values are worthy.'the careful consideration S economical buyerale continues tomorrow and Thursday-.econa-Floor , . . T
Stock of White Conn and.Wraos at W White Sale Prices ,"S : .
X Wcle Prices . ' J
II i " " " -.- , .
I'O 0 Ta i 1 6 r ed vSui is
Women's high-class Tailored Suits
at a small : fraction 1 of their f real
A worth for tomorrow and Thursday.
100 , new; 19Q7v suits m Eton and
jacket styles $30.00 to $45.00 val
ues at one hajf regular pricesEton
coats are trimmed in lace and silk.
Jackets are fancy braid trimmed.
The materials include checks,
plaids, stripes and mixtures in
tweeds and Panama cloths All
new, desirable tailored ' suits in
pleasing variety and all sizes Suits
selling regularly at prices from $30
to $45 Take your pick while
they" last at
4 iust half price;
. i ii w ' 1 - ' .
See Fifth Street Window Display
Our .entire stock of white . wool Suits,
whitewash Suits, whitelingerie Dresses,
white Skirts, white Gowns. Opera Coats,
etc. at June White Sale prices2d floor
Half Price
500': Silt f etfcicoafcs
"; " ' , . . . ', ' ,,, , '. , - . . ,:..,, .. , v
$?..50f Values ,.at$i&1'9!
Another great special offering of fine Silk Petticoats 500 of
them secured from the largest and best manufacturer in 'the
r- land Made of extra quality taffeta - silk, full
. width Splendid style and finish Made with
double flounce, tucked and two rows of stitched
bands -and nifBc-Black and a full assortment
of leading colors Silk Petticoats of style and
quality ; selling regularly - at $7.50 each Most
stores would ask $8.50 or .uu eacn tor tnern.
choice tomorrow j ? and
"1 If u"I Ml' I V
II f fl 11pSj
U r( T h ur a day at
low price, reach:,
Mail and Phone Orders will ' re
ceive our prompt and careful at
tention Second Floor All
r White Silk Skirts greatly reduced
Bentifal Mew Styles S
$I6;66 Values at $?M
Sale , extraordinary of womens high class 'pongee silk Waists,
all new this season's Waists in the very prettiest styles for hot'
weather wear Made of the best
7 m i
quality pongee with heavy em
. broidered fronts, trimmed ;with
tucks and pleating, also assorted,
colored embroidery ; others have .
designs; dotted effects and lace
trimmed with colored embroioV
lot of Waists we have offered this
season All sizes Regular $16
values p your choice tomorrow
and Thursday (U p g
at the very low SY0 1
price of, each.
See 5th St Window Display Come early and get the Prettiest
Silk EEons Half Price
S3.00 Kimonos at g 1 .0
' : ' i -- ifn '' -" 1 " . ,.
White; Waist Bargains
Great half-price sale of our ' entire stock of
women's black silk 1 Eton Jackets, plain and
braided styles, silk lined ; all this season's styles
in all gradcs-Exceptional values, as follows;
$10.00 SILK ETONS on sale at 5.00 Eacri
$12.00 SILK ETONS on sale at $6.00 Each
$15 ETONS $7.50 $20.00 ETONS $10.00
'$18 ETONS $9.00-25.00 ETONS $12.50
'"i2 kimorios ; at $1.08
In the Waist Department for tomorrow we place on
sale a great special lot of 1,000 Long Lawn Kimonos ,
in the very newest designs and colorings, self-"
trimmed, in pink, blues, .lavender and, grays; large
assortment, all sizes every kimono . tn the lot a
splendid value at'9UU. A great special purcnasc
from a large eastern manufacturer enables us to
offer them at this extraordinarily low fl 1 AQ
each take advantag v
.I , . . i
New Spring Styles;
Women's Stylish Walking Skirts
at marvelously low prices 500
of them The entire stock of Newf
York's best skirt maker All new,
: attractive ' styles and materials,
, checks, stripes,' plaids and . fancy
mixtures in great variety-Blues,
browns, grays Pleated and kilt
effects Strapped and button
trimmed Every skirt r in the lot
well made and finished and pcr
fect fit guaranteed - Walking
skirts that find ready sale at
the entire lot tomorrow1 and
Thursday at tf A fk
this low price , V.TgP f
100 '."Tourist
,34 Length Garmbhts
$18.00 Values at $?.45
One hundred handsome new Tourist
Coats at a ridiculously low price each.
Just the coats you want for motoring
U Longjoose and seim-fitting garments)
a arid y nuxtures; velvet, broadcloth
" -. " .. . . . . j .
and lancy Praia mmrnca ; strappcu -and
button trimmed ; all good gar
ments that will give satisfactory scry-.
ice in every particular All sizes ;
goo d' assortment ;
l IT 11 1. IMIfi '' I'M
reg. $18 vals.onsale
at low price of each
. No woman should miss this very un
, usual Coat bargain Second Floor ;
Teamster Wood Prefers Tak
ing Care, of Wife to Break
ing llocks for City.
month out or a IBB salary, v. a,. wu,
tenjtr, thl morning escaped being
- sent to th rock pile at Kelly Butte
Snder the new law for falling to aupDort
hi family. ; Mm. Thereela Wood had
JLimA thi complaint agalnrt her hu-
bndTnd thi morning he waa Uken
before Judge Webster ,ln the county
, fr?Tn$t7l& coneuued to-
molL Judge Webeter thought WO not
enourh. but when Mra. Wood aald It
J Clulde aatlafactory o her. the judge
? Jf--d wood to o on probation.
rnt, that wh hPd paM $18 of
' Don't let your child gutter with that
Murh when you can cure It with Bal
Utl HorihoLnd Syrup. sure cure for
coughaTBronchltla. Influenza. Croup and
Pulmonary Dlaeaaea. Buy botUe and
trB.' B. iaugher? Byh". M,i"' wrU;
IhaVe two children who.had crouiv -I
trted many different reAedlea. but . I
ruet iay your Horehound Syrup ta the
W Croup and Cough medicine I Ter
Mr 6ol4 by U rugglata.- ,
that amount for hla lodge dues, leaving
only $30 that he had contributed to. her
01,. 4on.nrii nrvnn her 18-year-
old aon,' Wesley, who is employed 111
fireman dv me bouuh ravuw
rSea $1 B0 a day. The, youth turns
over his salary checks to his mother.
Wood has been employed as a team
ster since last December. Before that
time he was In the fire department as
personal recognliance for J60 - and was
allowed to go dc oL Ms v,
dictment hanging over him. v Should he
mt n' npv thA Sao oer
ai anr tunc iatt f - , ' - .
month ha will be haJedbefore the court
and tried, wooa pia uw
terday. ,
"Bene of Richmond" at the Star.
The Belle of Richmond," as pre
sented by tba reorganised stock com
pany at the Star this week, is suc
cess. It was presented to a large audi
ence yesterday, which ; was ; highly
pleased with the production. . ,.
The play deals': with the south, has
southern characters scenes ? and sur
roundings! but., unllks most southern
plays, has no'reference to the civil war.
It Is a wholesoihe( love story, the story
of the efforU of two aspiring southern
youths for the heart of a southern
The duplicity and crime of a bank
president and his efforts t6 throw tha
blame for the robbery of the bank upon
an Innocent young man furnish the plot
of the play. c William Dlel has been as
signed to the part of the bang presi
dent and gives a, meritorious Interpreta
tion of the character. Raymond Whit
taker, as the Innocent young man upon
t)lame, appears ta excellent advantage.
as does Miss Margaret Pitt, the new
leading woman of the Star company.
Other individual players appear to
good advantage in the piece, which is
admlramy staged ana proaucea, - 1 ne
Belle of Richmond" will be the bill at
the Star for the entlra week with, the
usual matinees. , "'
...... ...... ' ; "'
All the Comforts of Home at Lyric
"All the Comforts of Home," William
Gillette's famous comedy, was given Its
first presentation in Portland yesterday
at the Lyric theatre by the Alien stock
company. The play was an instant suc
cess nd this will likely be a red-letter
week at the Lyric. -. ' ,
The play Is a comedy of .modern hotel
life and for many years has been a
great favorite with the public. The
Allen company's presentation is up to
the standard of that company and every
thing, has been done by the manage
ment in thte way of costuming and
scenery to make the- production a com
nlfttA one. .. . .
A feature of the production is the ap
pearance of Mrs. mara Alien, wno nas
returned to the company in one of the
character parts to which she is so well
suited. - The regular members of the
company appear to unusually good ad-
Here's Good AWm.
O. 8r Woolever, one of the ' best
known merchants of La Raysville, N. T,
says: -"If you are ever troubled with
cJes, apply BucklenArnlca Salve. - It
cured me of them for. good 20 years
ago." Guaranteed ! for sores, wounds,
burns or abrasions. 26c at Red Cross
Pharmacy. 1 -
V - TEAvv
-If you don'Uike it, give
It away; our grocer re
lurns your money. ' , . t
Tear tracer ntarae rear menef It ysa deal
lia ScbUliag'S lest; we say bua,
vantage 'In this week'i production and
patrons of tha Lyric wera - eminently
pleased with the performance yesterday.
"Ail the Homforta of Home" will be
the bill at the Lyric for th entire -week
with the usual matinees.. ; ; - v i i 4
.- U.-Alr. .r,A Ah flld. the
clown and ' Chinaman in an original
pantomimic sketch entitled, "Fun in a
Chinese Laundry," la the headline fea
ture of the Grand's program thisweek,
and the pair came up to expectations
yesterday: The r act i a. laugh from
start to finish.' - -:; . . :
There are a number of other good
features' on the bill this week, enough
to keep the bill up to the Grand's usual
standard of excellence in vaudeville.
The Luts Brothers, described on the
bills as the twentieth century marvels,
are the apeclal added feature of - the
bill. It is a Orst-class act and deserves
the liberal enthusiasm t it arouse
Clarence Luts. an armless wonder,
swam the Willamette river four years
ago, on- the afternoon of the collapse
of the old Morrison street bridge. t
'The Country. School Is a ludicrous
act by the four Masons which gets all
kinds of laughs. Mile.- Olive is a
juggler with a continental as well as an
im.riKin rmu ta tion. : and Georae Evers
is a minstrel who aids considerably In
amusing the audience, mereare many
other good features on the bill and the
audience yesterday seemed to be highly
(Special PiipatcB to The Jooraal.)
Olympla. Wash., June 11-The tnetn- Bpokuna, whr,thy wUl la-
V7A A02T(D)NS)
The Only
Packages for
Long Distance
J 6
T.S.Townschd Creamery Co.
Becauat of Our Experience
11 11 ' . r . -
.y . mm as P1 I ai . I ST . :l - . -r .... .
k' .. ................ .. .... ... ... A
Because of the Buyers' 1
Experience , . 1 '
v ' ' ' . ., .
vestlgate the public ; -:' service , corpora
tions of that section. : The object of the
inquiry la4 to put a valuation on public
franchises for purposes of taxation, as
provided by act of the legislature, giv
ing additional powers to the tax com
mission. After completing the inqu ry
at Bpokane the eommisalon may. also
visit Walla .Wallav Considerable work
.i.iw Yan Ann hit th eommlaf-
IlCkSi fjwi gnu; wwvu
slon at Seattle end Tacoma. ; , .
V .'Kewbeta Teacher Elected.
,"Splal DiapatclTlo The JooraaLi T
! Newberg, ' Or.- June .ll.--The. school
board has elected teachers for the pub
lio school for the coming year a fol
lows: Professor K.' W. Kirk, principal,
J , . .- - ""'
reelected for the seventh yean Pro
fessor J. 8., Mcintosh, high school; Mra
,- 8.t Mcintosh, assistant la high
school; grade teachers, F. H. Buchanan,
Mary Slmonson Elisabeth, Kirk,. Nora
J. Sbrenson. Alpha Donaca, Freda Gist,
Pearl Durst, Mr& Josephine 8. Bradley,
May Endlcott, AgBe;L. Richmond.
7 ? ' , - K '