The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Rains Are Keeping : the Strawberries
From Maturing Early Cherries Are
Enined--Other Crops Are Being Helped
Price Advanced One Cent
. and All City Creameries
. Are Now, on a Par. !
Today's market features: ..
Creamery butter ssorss to t9.
ttt market oo op grade.
Poultry nvkt holds stssdy.
arm com to cheaper.
To ma ton an dropping slowly.
Caataloupea a a) aniline lower.
Hit prir lor ahlpplng berries.
ftalmoa run illfhUr Improved. ;
' Dressed meat market, bold.
i j : Creamery er Bores te W Cants. ....
t k eteted la The Journal yesterday end U
' confirmation of Its recent statements, there
, was no decline la the price of creamery butter
either today or yesterday. In (set the situs
i tloa Is firmer than svsr and all city creameries
' are today quoting the market at toe, eaad
i tsbcs of le Instead of a decline sa stated la
t some quarters. .While the, aorthem outlook for
' hatter hss heea stopped up temporary the local
'.demand Is sufficiently kesry to enable the
1 trade re clean up at the new tlioree at this
' time. While the rains win, eanae the Craaajto
(row faster and a larger amount of cream will
. be reeelreg here la too near future, creamery
' men are of the opinion that the present value
: can be maintained. .. . 1
There Is rather gaeer situation ruling la
:: the northern markets. WBiie toe repone iro
h ... fined ha with eaatera bat-
the trade smst hare, paia a Tery d
' - , By Templeton Bros.
The chicken market la holding
about steady at printed price.
especially hens, receipt being
none too heavy. Young , ducks
are badly Neglected.
, The egg market shows a firmer
tone with receipt! not quite eo
heavy and demand better from
all sides. -. ,1 -
. ti' 1 1
Warmer weather baa caused a
decline In all - line of dreaaed
meets. However, fancy vest
move readily at prlncea quoted.
Receipts Are Small and Price
Ms SteadyGood Hun
ot Sheep Today. ,
1 Portland Union Stockyard. June II.
Un a toe it receipts:
1 Hogs. Cattle.
Today ....... ,1.. ' 14 .
Week aa-o .... ... v 143
asrenlps, OOreil: aprlns besna. HOlte lb: I Year aao 281 ' '09
. - 960
Four Weeks' Hearing: on
Using Mails to Defraud ,
Is Ended. ' '
laAeera XKT t)awaa m a vt o aw jaas 1 ax At,
. . a Aral " m i t WV v f swwgwsg uiuaavi V u
JirSt Oil OWing 01 a LneCK tO Butte Boys' Consolidated Mining com
' -r-iiJ.-. xriJt i-'xT- J- Ipany. was bound over to the federal
, J.WICU 111, XlCVOUOi
Shares in Frisco Today.
to80c.per dos bunches;
se per lb creen , onloos, lbe per dos;
norma beu peppere, ( I per
per lb; creen corn. dOe dos.
VHit.u ruuiTS Apples,' eeanoratea,
grand Jury by UnitedStates Commie
sloner J. X. Bladen this -morning for
using the United States malls to de
fraud. Bevels bail waa fixed at 13,500.
r The action this morning is the out
come of one of the longest and hardest
fought preliminary hearings before a
federal commissioner In Portland. Be
ver made a strong fight for his free
dom through his attorneys, C. ii. Idle-
man and David Goodsell. ' The govern
ment's case was handled by United
States Attorney William C Bristol, and
the lawyers fought the case for a period
extending over more than four weeks. .
In reviewlnsr the case in his decision
thla morning Captain Eladen told of the
advertisements aever naa inserted in
newspapers, and specified - several In
stances where the evidence had eh own
I aJK Nevada pro- Inat'TeV'T.'d"1
"7" Vhl ha7 .rrivalaT moters tajnnot be told. ut to. within the heart of the Ooldf :
a sS .Mii ram in and the day general advice seems to ;
10 smaller I ... ...Im hut linrhanred. Two I A anmewhat heap nut the reriort' V e
He . '( I vem-a thla date there were no ar- a ' a
cauliflower, 11.60 da; peas, 4c; feoneradlah, I Previous year, ". . - 16
c lb; srtlchokes, M&ibe per doa; Hubbesil I Thirty-nine head of nogs: for three
equiia. Sc per lb; crsnberrlea, 10.0O(iJll.f)0 1 ay, run j, not xactly heavy for a
r'.rrl aprouts. i-) . per lb: ssparacaa. I -unnlv market like Portland. The
v"!: nr1. U lead 'irrived on Sunday night so
7t7 tZZ there have been no arrlvaia in tne yaraa
crate, spin-i, .1 1 . . -..,, nf thla lank
. For about a week a report has
been current that the big Wall
street men who had so success
fully engineered . the. serious
break In Nevada t share -prices
had concluded that the market
was low enough and were pre
thre have been Mmrm mw jmram, -., chw)gt thMr uctics
since that time. As a result of this lack I 7. " .. , " . - ,
of stock the hog market Is holding un; o over to the bull camp.
. . ill s .a. sMil I . Wliaehae. eVls eeewMAa awaa Vt SkWabl T
cb. $1.00 mi bos; hd lettacc. tte dew: hot-
W me (Tar a w - aa.DSl tu
radi.hlk lie ' heaV eifpUnV 60 i "aually well fo? this time of year and e Whether this rumor was merely
" . ."SAN DIEGO. CAL. '
)wfV-' "i?';;'1 SBBBBnnaaBBnBnnBBBBBaBnnBaBSBBBaBl
' Capital (paid up) f XOO.COO. ' Surplus and Vn. profits 140,000. :
Officers and Directors! Louis J. Wilde, Preaj R. M. Powers,
Vice-Pres.; H. B. Mills. Vlce-Prea; Chas, I Williams, Cash--ler;
I J. Rice. Assistant Cashier; TBI Strahlman. : . ,
- Send tTs Tow raolfla Vorthwert Xtewa : . 4
'Send Us Yccr Visitor (or Good Treatises!
San Dicflo, California
" 3P0TJXiTT In 8an Diego county the ellmatlo conditions ire
, well nigh perfect, ae chicks can be hatched and reared the
; year round, and the demand far exceeds the supply, . 1
roo on
I'm. I4e.l .i. It. ilUHI . w. .Sd mmrAAM
ISM pec boss cards. l.e6aiJ0 per W-fb oos. 1 ."T?,- tUa :r mmA toan'ihtl
Orossiies. gats. Xto. " . .... hii- j.t Hi head came I ' 1
g00A8-ube. 18.12; powdered. ' W.STH! Tea nVl4a head a week ago. 10 OOLDflKLD OAINB.
$ .08
?r.rr!. "1 -n-ranulsted. eo-T' Hi I hMd a ear aro and 7S head for this Sandstorm
to.oiH; conr. a. fOJIHl eitrs o. fo.i Jint , rh. market stands In a Columbia Mt,
ZL& $675'. barreti Oe-WbarrZ vV good position although some alight ato .M
!S?Ubo,etX6.Jck drop price Is "Pted-before hs Lt. ..... . .10
lAOOTe prices are SO dare net essa eaota I proaeni run 01 irawiei . ir
fce.). v -'-,. f I the way, - - ... . '1 ET"i""" .
UAKtV aM hs. V I Dka.eM asaA e,l, s.aM 11IU.MJ UM1T. ir
COTB l"ackie branda. 1B.8018.8S. 1 rival. reachlnr .tdO head, as again.'!
BALTV-Oearae ilalf poand.-IOOs, 111.00 pet I nnna last MondaV. 2J8 head a Tear ago
were un:
easier In tone but price
changed.' - " - "
i ii.HTw. Tine..:
Hoa-a -Best , eastern Oregon, 'l.7BO
- . . . a . . mm r
tmr the trade mult hare PaM a
rmit tor It. stack .for 'tn ebe eest enotatloas
are area hlsher than In Portland. The trade ton; jq. tllM. ubu, .,, 50- 100a. .""rf; X,. to isnS.
kere is of the opinion that the nortbera borers I 114 TS; baies. 12.00; Imported Uverpool, SOa. I r Vear aro today all markets were
are tm a eomoinatioa in an ooo-hitot 10 wrw; iwet- ei'v; ju... aie.vv, un
lower market here. In this they were ensue- bbla, te. As sod lOs, W-WfflS.BO; . Llrerpool
T ceaaful " P rock, 20.M per toa SO-Ui rock. $11.00;
. Country store butter to eotnlnfa better 100s, WKU. - less thaa
supplrwith e-Uty quite good. Demand at fi tu'nalcee iuTj
Trying te Boost Zgg Market. v RICB-lmperlsi Japan. Ma I." el Ko. t.
While the erg market Is sdTsaced about He mmes Now Orleans, bead, Te; AJax,. fee;
n in nwn .arnvmet ene of the Front street Creole. ftfce. ,
tMnwes. which Is very long on c r purcbaeed UKAMS filnan white, tS.aor Jarre white,
at a low price. Is tiring to boost It still higher, j S.; pink, A3.2B; bayoa, 30; blaus, flc;
These were the same tactics used by a do-1 sieiicaa reus, ee.
' reaaed commlaaion bonae which eame here from
SUrer Pick
Nevada Boy .,
B. Butte- ext.
U. Top ext ...
D. B. B. Cos...
pommoawealta .
Kewsnos ......
Cracker Jack ..
I. Tiger
.01 J
St. Ives .02
B1SCB noes ....
Lone Star .....
8. Storm eat..
Mayne .........
Great Bend ...
Empire . ........
Florence .......
O. Daisy ......
O. Bend annex.
Portland .......
MobawB ext. ..
Y. Koae .......
Triangle ,
t.flO: Blockers and feeders, .oopi.Jo; 1 u. voa.
China fats, $9.26 1.60. ' OOLDFIILD LOSSES. '
..I'frA' tiMJ2in.rm.'iV'S' Cot Kt." ,trt .eg JO. ColumWa, . . .$ .10v
t4.004.fBj best cows and heifers, i.6, t.. , , -
bulls, IJ.00. ' . ., .. i.k. ' With but a few issues remsintng anchsnfed
Bheep isnearea, mixoot.fa-" I and two showing a decline, ooidneia stocis
Ooldfield dis
trict, when the 'evidence ahowed the
property to be 19 miles from Ooldfield
on the .eastern extremity of the gold
bearing religion.
Captain Bladen also referred to- the
statements made oy sever in bis adver
tisements and circulars to the effect
that the Nancy Donaldson mine was
only 800 feet from Beyer's property,
whereas the testimony showed it to be
between 1,000 and 8,000 reet away. He
also referred to Bever's allegations rela
tive 10 tne rienness r tne xsanoy uon
aldaon mine and that guards were sta
tioned on the property to defend the
ricn ore lying aDout. captain Bladen
atated that the evidence ahowed no inch
02V4 I condition axlatlnar at the Nanrr TVinaM.
.0 . aon. . , - .
The commissioner also stated that the
Butte Boyr property was not a mine in
operation, and that only II. BOO had been
spent in developing tne property.,.
sknonds, 18(21VS.
Stoats, Fish aai awvukaa.
Ha rraneteca and fried to boost potatoes wbea
it bad an overaupply and was on the bear side
when short of stock.'
la a lecltlmate way the market Is ruling to
day aloag Front street at lSHC-wlth aa oe-
. caslonal sale ot sometblng laacy at ivc , vjb
candled stock to ep to lSe.
Oreea Oora Is Cheeper.
" - Green corn hss been la the market about a
month and while the price Is lower the re-
ductloa has not heea rapid because of the smsll
' . supplies up to this time. , About a month a (to
, a local firm first begsa receiving com from
Honolulu. ' fr
ontdoor frown tomatoea are coming very
. reptdlr to market. These have been coming to
market for about a week and with the larger
eooolr the wire la lower.
Cntalnnnaa am a fraction lower ' with the
sllfhtly larger supply. Two cars are now es I shoulders, 12 hit per
iwtnl from Brawler. RenortS from Ooe-1 eacn.
chella at.ta that the growers combine there
Is about to dlabsnd and tbst a large eaatera
NUTS I'Mnata. Jnmbn. ' SUd' oaf lb: Vir
ginia, THe per lb roaated. iue per lb; laps
neae, BftSHci roaated, WHie per lb; wslnuts,
California, 16a per lb; pine ante, 14 lBe per
lb; hickory note, loe
made a general sdvsaee today In the B.n Fran-
Cisco market. This Is the
time that N-
ZJTA 'gSaiS. p ChlcatTO Slow to Ten ets o'
in; ruberts, le per lb caacy pecaaa, ibac
FRK8H MK ATS Front Street aloga, faacy,
ih. aftTj. M. Ih W. I HIM
so per lb; ordinery. 7 Wo per lb poor. Be psfiaanaas wiy
Hogs and 6heep Steady,
Chicago. June T ll-4Mvestocfc receipts: '
vnicsgo, e? " cattle. Bbeep,
extra, I Chicago
eada' thin. In eeneral hare shown slsns of I E. P. (7a1wfll PUna flnlt tn TUwnVf I
recovery since tne great stump in vniues siarieu 1 . -r -
just about the time of the Baa Frencteoo earth-1 . ' Moner Paid for Worth
quske. i'-t i".!- " ''.,'' I ."'; ';.-.
, : ' 1 . 1 , less BtocK.
uiKicuu 01a tpncao or vrvrowa. bwu m 1
woie company:
or PCkatTtAKD ostBooer
httrtarwttjgnj CiMiUnd nJr
aW Xewe a ri St.H mt Onfm
; . CAUUU -? '
.i' ' " . '. nls 9 8jf0t" aMtlllMat
Wa R. loUth T.Frsa. a, K. Oreea Oenl Ugr,
. Jne. M. Obsr seeretsry H.LItsnaar Oenttaep. ;
..... 20.000
He per lb: Urge, 8Te per ,
"ImTE-iffX!' WrJZL, "h ari'steidrVleft ever 4.000; teceipU
a.m.. 10 to 12 lb 18. per Ibb 14 to It lbs. feer .gx, wer ,10,000. .
18c psr lb! IS te 20 IDs, levac: nreesnai "'""i-ST" aalhalias
bacon: 163220 per lb: plcnlea. lie per lb; rough. e8.e8.08: llght .10OaS9.
cottage roll, llfte per lb; regular snort clears, I ; t"-TZ,w19 JUB ow"r
unamoked. .12 per lb: smoked. 12e per lb; I : gneep etesay. .-
lb; Colon butts, 10 to is us, imonm, a wmn YORK BlVCa fUlUUkl
U; .motto, we per id; ciesr Deuwe, -1 . , T y .... , .
assdstorm ebc, Bed 'Top tS.OOa, Columbia
Charging that he waa defrauded into .
ferdsad Chamber ef
, rardsnd
iooo uti i ,iBb0 f,o0f' !"?bo",1 ?l,32l hrl"sT 10 shares of worthjees stock for
damaged br the fraud to
id Board 1
of Trade
Adama loc, silver Pick sic, Kev. Boy Te, b. the amount of f M 00 In -tha purchase of I
h-bto aoe7- Hbernu"ecT P- Cadwell this
a.ror loe, Bik. Bock Be, Lone star sue, u.
PHiMaru, wn
uked, II He per
lb; smoked. ISfte per lb;
pickled longass. eo j simnr la Valoeg la Oeneral--Smel-
lAXkt tAKD Kettle leaf, - joa. iu per i ' ter Three and an ;igntn uower. f
Iuueri uer 4Wf oia, caaeVaa vci auvuv Disaa afcw. vi
Wonder Be. Oro 20c. Kendall Bit. 2c. Sandst
Bit. Ac. May no Sc. AtlanU 48c. Great Bend
iBBc, Blmorone lie. Empire Sc. Bed Top ' Eft
23c, Florence $3.90, Dlam'f. B. B. Con. 22c.
O. Dalar (1.12U. Laauna S1.B0. Oommen-
I wealth 27e, Comb. Fract. I2.0B. Or. Bend Sxt.
lie or. Bead Anx. 11c Mil la tor m euca. b.
B. Booansa 8c, Kewanos' 80e, Xamerslds Be, corporation was eolVent; had
morning filed In tha circuit court an an
swer to the suit brought against him by I
ran a. sweeney. cad well, in his
answer, says that Sweeney sold him 10
shares of the stock of the Morgan Mer
cantile agency for $1,000, representing
that the stock was valuable; that tha
large I
' urutiNcis ;
Osagaa Trust sad Baring Bank Porllaad Ore,
'" ' The Bradstrsst Company ,
. a Due eh Co. Cunsamlsl Agency
- '
We make ne sraralia we as est lalal ',
' Ws ghe poa a sqssrs des! ( took at eg
house wIU hare full charge ef the situation I
. there.
High Fries for Shipping Berries.
IblBe. 18e per lb: 60 lb tins, 12e per lb; T . . ., . Portlsnd lSe, Cracker Jack 15c,. Francis Mo- and growing business, and that Cadwell ' vrr.uawf uara.a. Jauvw
iTesm t"erri0..' U. lb; 614 Stock values suffered ,kettoaJlnJ; hawk $1.00. Bed Hill 88c Mohawk , Est . 12c. coulVnter 'its employ aSd $57000 Cm TsmUm aW Slk ffiUUO.
per lb; compound. 10a, H per lb. New York, the entire market .,Jls DiUon 8c. . Tiger ITcA, Grandma 9c, 8. mrWm , , .t '
CANXKU SALMON-Columbla rlTsr, l ib tolls, dominated by the bear forces. Amalga- Pick Est. Be, Y. Koae Te, Ool. Mt. Bit Sc an theaa atatemanta wara nntnt. anfl ......
VtlFa WUtwmm W area iu. bjsii imp. vw a . - i . . .. . a. . M a.. IU
-r lb: perch. 6e per lb; black cod. 7 per !b; 1 througnoul tne rem. wi ii -w
mcod. Is per lb: looaters.
to holding back the strawberry I markeret 8e per lb; crawflah.
J, ln received. This to tor fancy select Wilsons.
' , Baled lot other varieties as low aa $1.60 for
i good' stock.
The situation at Hood Blver la shown by the
: following special dlapatch to The Journal 1
Hood Hirer, June 11. Cool weather sad rata
which fell here last night for the first time la
? many weeks
crap, the season for which to thought to lie
: about half over. Prices for berries hsve taken
aa upward tendency, tboae yesterday and to
day bringing In the neighborhood ot $2.78. , Bo
' far SO oars havs been shipped out this season
with tha expectation that as many more will
- be moeed before It is over. This does aot in-
., chide the large number of crates shipped by
express which hss reached . about 8,000. The
total anmber of care shipped tost yesr wsa 28.
so thst although the crop to aot as large as
expected, tt Is a better one than that of 10OS,
' Growers bow look for It to reach 60,000
$1.80: 2-lb telle, $178; fancy Mb data, $1.90; I mated copper loat 2 points and Ajnerl- Ooldf. Cone. $5.80, Dlam'f. Trlsngle 22c ;.
Smelter, common, orup ts i BCLLFROa DISTBICT.
All these statements were untrue and
were ptade for the purpose of defrauding
him. aays Cadwell. who now seeks to re-
Bull f. ' He, 1 cover his $1,000 and $500 In addition.
FISH Hock cod. 7e per lb: flounders. 6e per I' , s.fc. x.Mtin end Tlnlon Pa- Zm.1 ""v. . says ns apens wnne in tne em-
Ibr bsilbuu awe per lbs striped baas. iae ib: ssr" -w th. i. for the dav be-11 7'1' """X.r1 A: I v7 o tne corporation. uaaweii
cattlan, 10c. per lb: ssliuon, fresh Columbia r'.eL. sat nointa. resoectlvely. I uTrV TTh Z. S? ZLJIZ 11- m Mt'
chlnook, nwe ; biueosek, ipe per 10; ner- TSUZ " rendition was Shown in. n.1.-' iri'A7 Hnmt.k. fti ' To
mm Mr.inT mum. oe wmr id: unnni. tun ... . , . i - - -. . - - . t : - - - -
w i.i i,t. .11, J ..t,i.. H I rl.t. at. IB: tancr 1-lb onla. 12.78: I nan . a
e ordinary aa niga aa (2 crate la now tie- """"fJ"' 1 points, caiumra. . V I Orla-laal 8c. Bullf. 17e. "Mont.
m recelTed. Thla to for fanev select Wilsons. I . .'. "" ' " . - I ern and Northern -acmo aruupw . t Vmt -B.k it.-.u a,, am.thr.t tr
bis rl
Yankee Olrl Be. Nneant fie. Tramn Cona. fiUc.
16e per lb; freahl Official quotations Dy wvernooa, awn yicior ice., norm otar ouc, ounsei, vca. f ,
90s per doa: slur. I A Cooka comDany. 1 I TONOPAH DISTBICT: "
. loe nor lb! black baas. 20e par lb: Colum-1 ' Opea. Close. I , tmm - uJ r tn an wvi
. 1. ' . ik. n wmm ih, I . . ... r -m rw ' M S4 I .t.- --. .
cod, 7He per lb. . - J ' 1 I do-preferred
OTSTKBa Buoaiwarer oay, per gauoa, ai.ou, l Amerlco booo., com.
Kr 100-lb asck, as-Po; uimnis, per gauoa, j American Sugar, com. ........ ."
.25; per 1161b sack, $5 MQtMl , Eagle, American Smelt, com. .........118'A
canned, lOfi can, $7.00 doa. ' I do preferred looji,
CLAMS Hardshell, per boa, $X40 raaor I Anaconda Mining Co. 67J4
ctoms, 3M per box, 10c per dos. . v j American Woolen, com.
ralata. Coal OIL Xto. . . I Atchison, com. ............... v ,
BOPB Pare Manila, ISKe; standard. I8et 1.5. J"TU',i;.
-- . ... . - An mtlmnta ..-
charge: fraud also In a land transac
tion, In which he alleges tha value of
tne property waa misrepresented to him
throughout Sweeney sued Csdwell to
collect about $1,800 alleged to be due on
various accounts. ;
120 I Ton- OolB Anchor 20c, Jim But-
iiTU I ler Pee, 'ion. t'a.a Boy oe, Ton. . Borne 6c, 1
lAsQlBost Ton. Oe, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 7c Mont
'.WW I . ,M f Dual anas latsaLaaaa fBUA w ' ' ." 1
crates, against 78,000 or 80.000 which waa pre- I ..V, ..r.r white. Iron bbil liV ri? .TH ?reok. " D!Z
' dieted early la the aeaeon
" :r; Brfsf Botes of the Street
Ron of sslmea to somewhat Improved along
the Columbia. . r ' .- f - s .
. .For large alaM ot dressed- hogs, the market
la rot so firm but block stock retains a good
. lone. same in dressed vest
Cheese supplies remain very small, with the
. prieo-.iirmer,'''; -v .-.-. .,".;'
CernmesI tt down Be per hundred ponads,- 't
uemano lor fruit
' creasing rapidly
Ir.n.Hl.n p.rlrle. com.. ...... ...1BT
I Central Leather. Com 23
do o referred
rhiM A at. Weatern. com.... 11
Chi., Milwaukee Bt Paul
I x. . ' ' - ' -1 rhir.rn Mortnwesiern. ",.
boia.wcper au. , . irh-..w. A Ohio 85
. JOFrr r00 Colors Fnel Iron. com. ..... 80
wooden. 17e per gal: headlight. 170 dag,
41 We ner mL
ink no oeg caaae. aas par gai;
eases, tSe par gal; ires
Iron bhla, lo per gaL
benzine as aeg
. m...., ... 4 A
v-Toa lota, TKe per lb: BOO-Ih I 'J",OTlZ. r'lZ,'. " ' i
t.. IU. n Ih 1 ."-'
Denver at Bio Grande, pia,
: 98
V 8
.. 88 Mi
' ' fVi
H 120
Mid. Ext ec Golden Crown lOcA.
Manh. Cons. 8B& Msnh. M. Co. Te. O. Wedaa
Bo, Seyler Bump 7e, Dexter lie. It. Joe 2c
Crescent Be, Combination 8c. Granny IBe, Mas
ting 24c, Cowboy 2c, Orlg. Msnh. lie, Broncbo
oc, nnenur c, uuirsio sc, a. Dog 10c, I.
Bores 4c, Indian Camp Be A. ,
Mayne Schilliaaa Saeg Publisher of
. Pacific Skaadliraven for Af
leged BaaBalary. -
Going to theSeaside
or Mountains?
It will make your vacation trip
more enjoyable to have . .
- n a juii i nn
B l Inn l I. J
Of; Cahham & Williams,
Grocers, ' Portland, Or.,
. " says; 1 '
lata, as ner lb: leaa lota. SUe per lb.
, WIRB NAILS Present basis at 82.98.
waoc per nunarea ponaos. f I nvn, - ... H. m-- w za
alt Jsrasnd slaT. I' la- L ' "bSs r l-SIn. ? & ;"lSrVa i::"."" "It
a. la this time ot the " WfL.":'. " a' 1st W.jred
tt-sdo psrs. the following price, te 11 12, Vil'piTr-!
reet Prices nald ablnnera are leaa reeni.e I ! ,uu f ,7' mT " T! TTw I Manhattan Ballwar ....
Whether Magna Bchiniaas agreed "to
adit tha Pacific) tHranrllnavan fne Vila I
IN (jlllUACK) WHEAT llrtn expenses, or undertook the task
ror a salary oi no a montn win do de-
; I Market Opens Sharply Lower and appeal from Justice of the Peace Raid's
court is heard. Bchllllaas seeks to re-
Special prices' on seaside and
mountain orders. Express and
freight charges paid on all or
ders of 120 or mora to your near
est railroad office or , steamboat
landing within a radius of 100
miles of Portland. '
Closes Two and Three Eighths
to Two and m Half Down. v
street Prices paid shippers are less regular j ton,
, , ' Orala. Zloar sad feed.
ORAIX BA08 Calcutta.. Sc. large lota; small
tots. lOe. - . .v , -
WHEAT Cub, MfftOOe;'' red Koaalan, 87 Q
vec; pfuesTem, wovtkih;; vbuvj, ooc,
CORN Whole, (2BXM; cracksd, 828.00
't ton. ' . ,
. ' BABLET New Feed, 82I.O0fl22.0O per tea;
i roura, Ki.uuBj-ov; orewing. euiwoj3,gn,
BrE 81.64 per ewt-
OATS New Prod uoera" price No. 1 white.
I28.BO028.OO per ton; gray, 827.6OQ28.00.
riOUB Eastern Oregoa patents, 84 80;
i .- stralgDts, expori, ei Tauey;
4.16; grsham. U. 8S.T8; whole wheat. 84.00;
r, w, srst naa atO VK
ktlLLfiTuffo Bran, 17.00, per tee; mid-
' dllnga, . tmVM; anorta, conauy, fw.uu; city,
J SlkUO; obop, 816.00621X0.
HAS" Producers' price Timothy, Waismotte
- valley, fancy. 414.0017.00: ordinary, $12.001
. 14.00; eaatera Oregon, $1.OO02O.OO; mixed,
8IO.0O310.BO; clorer. 88.BOQ8.0U; grain, 14.00
4 10.00; cnear, b.wiw.ou.
r Butter. Zggs sad Poultry,
,5 ' BUTTER r AT f. e. b. Portland-Bwsot
..cream, ase; sour, Xle.- , .
BCTTEB City creamery, 2Bct' seconds.
HtoCi outaide rancy, sje; seconds, 21)ie;
. - etore. uregon, lomnc
Mexican central nauwar ......
; as
Eighteen1 to Twenty-One
. . Cents--Year's Growth .
lighter but Better.
Mtaaouri, Kansas Jtx., com
do nrererrea
Grest Western ............
Federal Smelters
Mlaourl PaclSe
K.tlnn. I Jiad ...
New York Central ......112
tt. f., Ontario Western . .
Norfolk Weatern, common
North American-,
Northern Pacific, common ...
Pacific Mall Bteamahip la. .
Pennsylvsnla Railway
Peonla's oss. L,ignt m u. uo,
Preased Steel Car, com. . , . ,
do preferred
Beading, com. ..lOBil
do 2nd preferred . ..........
do let preferred ....... v. .....
Benubllc Iron Steel, com. .... 28 -
' do preferred ..,......... 1
Bock Island, com. .. 2114
' do preferred ;..-....... .... ,
St. Umls as 8. P.. 2nd pfd. S3HX
St, Louis Ssn. Frsn 1st pfd.. ....
St. Louis aV B. W com. ,.,...
do preferred ..y.....
Southern PeclHe, com. ......' T8H
itn nrererrea ,........,..
July ,.$ .B4At M
Bept. , .95 A .88
Dec. , '.87V4B .9!
There was a very sharp break In
' I opening values on wheat in Chicago -to
il iv Q.7 owiiibt io in. uisaDDOinimeni over
:.E:. :i:..r.i,. v. V'l Jusuce Keia, wno gave Bchllllaas ludg
nmr .vi e.uui a i nr naiea rnent for io8. La n roe appealed to the
circuit court irora justice BClds find
. 81
cover 1180 from H. J. Lanaroe. nronrl-
etor of the paper, and alleges that on
October 1 he was employed at 170 a
month, and worked until January 17 of
mis year, earning (4b, or wnicn. only
166 waa paid.
Iiangoe says that Scbllllaas asked for
the position at ISO a. month, was re
jected, and then offered to edit the
paper ror his living expenses until it
should be put on a paying basla that I
would allow the payment to him of a
$60 salary. The case was tried before I
QKOCZBI. j ..:
nones i xata : A-iaac -
It closed ,2H
and waa weak all day,
to m unaer yeateraay.
Official Chicago prices by Overbeck, Starr
uooie compani .
v.,.-...y WHEAT.'
open. Close.
' (Sneclal Dispatch to The JournaL)
Shanlko. Or.. June 11. The first pub-
Ho wool sale of 1807 opened here today
I at the Moodv warehouse. AH day yes
terday woolmen were arriving in the 1 aru i.nn, Ml. .......ig
auuuo juaira. laucj. eauuieu. iswuiKi ' nn- i wiu uj ... " i : ,in nrererrea .-. ...........,'.'-..', r
cnnaiea, kwjoc - , .a i crowaea to ill umii. nun wiin. w.u-1 Tennessee Coal ron ,.......
cuBtait mewrun cream, ruts. lSUMta. I lnar aheenmen laai nieni orouant lonaiT.v.i A Pscioc
. per lb; xoung America, joitfwe wr lb. I atatements that there waa " a general I Toledo. St. U W.. com. .....
Wi I llghtneas in wool all over thla section I do preferred
i fency bens. 14c lb; roosters, old, 10c lb; frrera! I Hiirina. the trear. hut that tha wool was Union Pacific, com. 136 K .
. i m. lh twnllMW. nw . IK. j . . -, I ' a ... ----- -- -. , .
lt .l.-Zl,- ' l f a better araae tnan last year anai p"
laaitc ner
geese, old, 8i
ion per id.
i; spring one a a, , awe per ifai
""." w"s iXUkli
would consequently bring higher prices. U" J""?1, urTS:.7A
nrk... 17. ik. . " ".T" I The wooimen aay ,me iianineaa was i o.i , uu
ZriSTnti per-dosl plieonr1.28 causedy a dry aprin, und fall with l'Xep,.Srd 'ZZZZ-i
Pressed poultry lle per lb higher. I cold winds, which retarded the growth J wVom .................... ..
top., wooi ana utoes. land ciinea t io fiumawa ai aver-i , do preferred .....-.......
HOPS 1800 crop Prime to choice, luei.', I ahnut twn noundn nftr fleeea. - lv n.k T.lMnsh ..........
xoedium to prime. 0V47e; medium. BViaoisc! I The flrrt clip to be bid on belonged tol Wisconsin CentrsL com. ....... .... .
'tAritoaAtS 1 Mil evaTi ldaf' ' t A- . - . . . i I
lOH 1 8ept
mt i see
SL L . , CORK.
I Sent
V '"r. ifct'V.V;!. OATS.
7uly .
December . . . . . . . . ........... .
dife- BfESS P0BK.
l-79 I ef Ulf t.fM pea e
A 1 B..4
ss I ErcFf Mf lfMrlr4i
a0 BtPt ,a,.e,.e.ei..,.e.a 906 V
1331 '- ' :sSiMO 'B8.
........... 887
7B 1 1
V 86 1 8Dt .
. 83 Vl A
M54 V' 85A
68 07&B
8814 88 A
B3j 63i,A
61 ,61 A
80 85jJ ;-
'. .i 7;..:" 86)4 ;'i
: - 882,.
ls7(,. A
.... c ,r
'contracts, 1H07 crop, lOc,
John Karlen of Bakeoven and weighed I
' OOL1L a-vu'' 2le; ...twa ,D0t jllo'ob JoUndr One clip' sold at VlJgtoia
' imHAitSew Iu07-di2we ? 1 10, cents. The wool la. ranging from
BEEPBNSlsb! gieii ,noJ 18 to 21 cento per pound About 1,000.- War;
Aa n referred
27 ;
. zo
Liverpool, June 11. Official prices;
Associated Oil Sella at Advance Dur
ing the Session Today.
Associated Oil sold at IJ4 today, an
aavanco or it over- yesieraay. - Tne oia
was raised-ro 824. jcaquina uay xeie'
nhona sold at tg.fiO.
. Home. 'Telephone Ss lost 12.60 In the
asKea price, with no Dias. wome stocks
had a bid of 139, : but no sales were
.made.. ; ,4y-,,!'
. British Columbia Amalgamated lost
ac and Cascaaia zc Mammoth dronned
id and Standard Consolidated the, same
sum. Likewise Thema Steel.
In the Coeur d Alene ktoud Bullion
lost c, Copper King : Kc. Bnowshoe
advanced"-lc. while the rest were un
changed. ; , .
Today s sales: Ten Associated nil at
(Bremen, Oermany.)
Remittance of Kloney to
and from Europe
The cereal health' coffee,
tastes like 45c per pound
Java coffee. We use it ex
clusively m my family.
All grocers in Orejaroh
sell a big package for 25c.
If your grocer has not got .
Golden Grain" Granules,'
the 4 pure health' building
cereal coffee, t.ell him to
order a case frbm ' s
Allen & Lewis "
Lang & Co.
Mason & Ehrman
Wadhams & Co. ..
. or ' '
Wadhams & Kerr Bros.
All "boys ' and girls will
get money to spend for
Fourth of July if they read
my ' "ad," which I ' pub
lished June 1 in The Jour
nal ' . The same ad" will
be. published in The Jour
nal'; Saturday, June . 22.
From 10 cents to $5.00, to
all children, ; with excep
tion of v boys who smoke
cigarettes. '
Ticket Offloe for the Steamers from and
to EurCpa,
Dr. Sanderson's Conipound Ssvla I
and, Cotton Koot rills. Tbe bsat
sun only rsllabls romcdy for 1K-I
LAXKl) PKB1O03. - Curs tha aioat
vbatlnate raaea la S to 10 Car a !
John Blaaiiv
V V.n'nln- R T-KnhniS- IV M ica - Frke psrboi, mal led I. fl.. jr-rswr.
f I?qo.lnSB5yTele?.h.1at.,oS-60 D AoOrssi DrTT. . PlgpcK. wr.PIrsi.atsest.
1,000 Standard Consolidated at 8c - ' Portland, Oregon. " v
Official prices:
wool. 2Sf40e; tawdtuo wool. 00Q7So cai
TA.LLOW frlms, par In, IHC4CJ Me. S sag
CH1TT1M BAEK-4e per IbA
HIIJKa irr. ko. , t ins and up. lift
18e par 'Ip. No. L t, 15 lbs. lntf
loe: dry call, No. 1, under S lbs, V0c: saluS
eon nonnda waa aold thla moraine.
I The afternoon sales will be held at
I the Shanlko warebouse.
, . . WHEAT. ;':i.i' '?7'S
Onen. Ck. Inna 1ft. Im
.i.V..Ts US Mm nii& Ta i A i u a I Bank ot '-California
Ts . 3Sr Ts lvid ' 74 Slid !V4d Bsnlsers' mmoermen s
trirrrKO itatbs oorsanrzvT bovds.
Ksw York, June 11. OoTurnment bonda!
(8pecUt Dispatch to The lournat) -
Dallas. Or., June li. a. graauaung i snua,
July ' ....
nept . ...... m
. hide, steers, sound, tO lbs snd over, Set-ci Twm rwrlatered .
cows. SttHc: stsirs and bulls, sound? elc rt'wSnnn
kip. 1 to SO lbs. Oc; cair, sound, aadar Is ?.iiaJi.;--W
, lbi. c, groen. aowUted, 1, call., 1 pi? TJ.!?
,i . ik ieaawar Borasi tunr. swixawk. sasiri). ki rsnv a an. i
i"ry; mcb, 1.00..W: colt b-oeIsVoScT ceil 'I.' ircd" w
' skins, eommon. eacn. 1010c; Angora, assli. 25' HriiSIi ' JS
o.i. ci jflt hM.n aklna , a.vitl Ml " , - 1 ronrs. reflatered, OIO
POTATOES f incr, 2.wi(aij; sweets, I do coupon ..,.
"r I1j: new Dotatoaa. 4ia4Wc per Ib. ' Iif.,i ikninnina
OMONS-Joublna prlc So. i Oregon. 3.001 Twos,' Panama; regleteredl.
63 SO; lexas and Aoatrallaa, 44e per tt; 1 do coupon ...............
: carllc. e per in. .
Al'PLKS Fancy Hood Hirer. $3.7398; fancy
Willamette valley and aoutaera Oregoa. fM
IBIS 102
1918 102
pomrLAjrn baxx BTATZXarr,
ffiuI ota" of 1 wIU finish the eighth grade ".nli 4 Uo .t liSS ffint,
lew 1041 1S public fcchool course at uaiias mis year wws r. . . J 5
;J and receive tnwrw'" " eAut ; iiao
1 JIO Welti... ' " " T I ,JT , .' , ,: AfUV . 11 Ml
man hall. Saturday, June 17. Thlels October ....1178 1192 1171 liso
the laraesi ciaaa jroin mw v""c nuijui 1 ...un .tin- 1110 . iko
here in years. Twenty-two stuSente December ....U7 1100 mi - 118a
took the examination, -of ;whofi- elx
failed In one study only-andvayil! e
given a ehance to take this rrtlcular
examination over again. Preessor R.
K, Hill has charge of the hth grade
and is Justly proud of the Result of the
final examinations. -
4ii m . .... m - ' I wrg-on -xrasK oaruisa 1 .....
a . q 1 Portland Truat Co, v........ :
MHa es lOMd , 4s 1144 a United SUtee National 800.00
r ' 1 T.iRTKn BEnnniTiica mnxnst
0MC C0TT0B afaMOT.4 American Blacult Co. 6s .... I 675
' I City V Subnrbaa 4a ......... -....
- 1 Horaa Tclerjbnne na
Bid. .-. Asked:
$3:10.00 1340.00
104.00 ' 112.00
Open, v; Hls;h
.1191 1 liae
101 7
1907 .
104 V4
14 101
v. 10114
n. R " Mr N. Rr 4a . . . . . . . . Mm
M n-n p.a b a. innnn
1102 PaMa Cnmrnt niannlt A. . U7 flft
1107 portUud Br. 6s '..
11TB Associated Oil 8.150
116S Home Telephone ............ 89.00
11T Pacific Tel. as Tel. (pfd.) ... .....
1 10 f do common .,,,..,...... 7-50
ruget Bound Ti
. ,. : i , MININO STOCKS. '- '
tkeriew .................... . ...
Manhattan Crown Point ...... 20 .
Potlcle Mlnlnf J...... .19 -
Wsanougsl Ext. ,.29- .
Oaln todar
I Bit lances : todsy v.: . . .
do r-ar ago ........
KKSH rRmTS Oranges. ? new navel. SS.00 Peartnss today .....
JS. 7; Mediterranean aweers, :. 22htif I .."s
X-ln1; . 4 m. y u. r " iriww,
H 6004.60 per bos; limes. Mexican. $4.00 pur
Iiki; pliieapplee. 10.00 per dos: grape fruit,
$J 2S; strswberrles. - Oregon, gl.9ub2.00 per
crate; cherries, S1.00 per 10-lb bnx; gooaeber
rt, 5flc per lb; aprleota ljll.2S; logan
Iwrles. 12Hlo per box; blackberries, l.U
per enf peecbes, gl .SOU 1.75. . - nr.
rt'OtTAhl f1'! Tunilpa. new. 90c(ZSI sack:
eemia, -7nci$l.w0 per sack: beet". 41.T5 per
..; itanatiiiw, l(tjl 2S; -lihaxc, f2.IHl3; to
U..UI. laiuurnia. ii.2iimi.iu; tkurlda. f4.S0;
....... ..l.fl71.lni.7J
........ 1,108.463.43
Yacoulna Bay ' Tel.
Fossil. Or,. June .-In their effort. T' VeYmie'um r.
to make the town of Fossil "wet" the British Columbia Amal.
(Spsctat Bhpatcb te The loaraaL)
. - r . . w 1, T.. mm r .
Officer Mf 1XS HIS Htr. n,- I . vr,;. ax. in meir errortS Alaska Petroleum - .15
. .y -v. ..' I to make the town Of Fossil "wet tha British Columbia Amal. ......... 01 u
v fnefiai irwinuu, w nj -tvuraej.! 1 - ... . i .
I . : . . - ' . . . mm Imam 1 nl.rMr. rT .hi. , I V BMBIIJ" M,,..i.i.Mm.i, mml .
.......e mi,o.i.nsi Fenaieton, vr., uno 11. r. a. waters l - nwnj M.mmoth K at "
4.a.rwi j,,- been reoueete to resign aa niarht I traoved themselves into Deina- ihnt nni h.i.. . .
30.7ao.u8 I marshal of Pendleton. Trouble haa beenlnf the district entirely. Thev forcevi afstendard Con. ............... .on
r . Icaused byhls interrerence at a dance I aruwlal election on tha - whnl nnr,. ITacoma t Steel ................ . .oh :
given p- uumin, u vi in- miiuia i through mancamus proceedings and the I COEUB D'ALENg DISTBICT.
Bsw Tork-Lcadoa lilsar.'
Idoa, ,80 11-164,
Iiiearpoot Csttoa Lower.
Its polnu lower.
Imiyor lnveaugatea matters after com-
decided the officer w in the wrong.
bim aa aa officer, r
an overwhelming maj
orl tyr the L."wetf' copper
?. tuw IWBar sllrer.- age: ton-1 Thursdny evening. Councilmen and the) result waa that Fossil went
1 1
.T!...'' iT mtarse close lThere were also otner Chargse against I being declared prohibition by giving the Snowsboe v,... ..........
Copper King
plaint from, of fleers S company Ii and! town of Spray was tied and Mitchell Hsmr w
.07 V
gaioonmea an overwhelming majority.'
...... ' .42 ' I
doowstora ................ 3.00 T
from I 0. K. Con. ii...............
' 100.00
!' P3.00
V IfW.flO
; .
. 84 50
' 42.50
' 05.00
, 15.00
.22 ,
. .08
, .27
J .10
i' .05 .
- . ;
a B) J A( , . a . M 4 .
I rij M: I C 1 ..en
rittlil llMSBl
Xks Wsll-Xaswa
4 - High winds from the south
4 west' are expected here this
4 evening . Storm warnings were "
e .displayed at the mouth of the
Columbia at 7 o'clock this morn.
Ing and shortly aftetward the
wind had attained a Velocity of
32 miles an hour. ..The storm
will move rapidly eastward snd
cause showers In this district
Rains during the past 24 hours
have been general In Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and northern
California,' and It Unexpected"
that the , crops will' benefit im
mensely, as rain was , needed
badly in many sections.
Bapt'aag Barb
Has made s life stndr of :reta
and in thst stuar Olacoeered and tm i.inal
.. t ...m , m...,! u.i , ; m
Ha vueranteea tn Mira .
f-nna;. Throat '. Rnenmarlam .Narronaneas!
I Trouble! also tjrmt Munhnod. Trms'le Wsak.
I nsaa anif A II IMrare rHeeaaaa
lust Beostod iTom Pekln, Chlsa Safe, Inn
and Eallabla. ,
If ron esanot call, write for armntnra til...
and circular. laclose 4 cents la stsapa. .
Portland. Oretoa. "
' Vlaass Meatioa Thla Pa Mr.
wee4ee4e 44