The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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JPosiilvely Ecf uses to Eun at Seattle, Though; Expenses
r of Trip Are Guarantee3-Says He Will GO Against
" t '.'!'' (Special Waparea to, Tbe Joareel);-
Seattle, June ItCharley Parsons of
; - California who haa been bosstlng that
iJenJKellV was afraid to meet him oo
the clnderpath, ' will not ' com to Be
:attle to run against Kelly at the cham
. r plonahlp track same on June. M. Ho
" will wait until the games at James
itflwn before he and the red-haired Ore
l gon boy have a trial of speed. ;
' Letter and telegrams were sent to
Parsons some little time ago inviting
Mm to participate in the meet on the
S2nrt. but he would not even reply to
' them. So Superintendent Inglls of the
Seattle Athletic club wired to the sport-
Ing editor of tha Los Angeles Times to
ascertain If Parsons had received his In
vitation. Back came the reply that Par
sons refused to run in Seattle, but would
Firepare himself to meet Kelly at James
own. i"i . '
All of Parsons' expenses were guaran
teed and. after all the boasting Parsons
and his friends have been doing, his re
fusal to come to Seattle nuts him In a
rather bad light In the estimation of
local athletic cranks. Parsons defeated
Kelly once, when the latter was but
kid and knew little or nothing about
starting-, ne nas aeveioneo since (nen
and all experta agree that he la a great
Beavers , Begin Fifth Week
Over Three Hundred Mark
in Percentage Column.
I waMaaasjaaaaassBjaaasBBMaMM
Bat Portland "lias Some Flrst-Claas
BU Players nd There Mf Be
Very Different Story to .Tell la
the Second Half.
Portland and Los Angeles will cross
anrlnffil anrf m rtm I ef lh Sna t tlm mnnv
that , would be bet on a race between bats this afternoon at- the league
him and Parsons would go on the Ore-1 grounds, weather permitting. Tha Bear-
yon bov.
The Minneapolis club baa mads a
'great climb from the cellar to the cu
pola. '.. ' ' ' " ' ' "
Pitchers Moore and Kitson won their
first games with the New Tork Ameri
cans, but will they ever win another?
Claude Rossman of the Detroit team
uses a perfumed mlt Isn't that sweet T
With Addle Joss going at such a fast
clip the Cloveland club will make a hot
fight for the flag thia season.
. It Is said that Manager McCloskey Is
dissatisfied with hia infield. And It Is
also said tha St. Louis fans ara dissat
isfied with bis infield, outfield, pitchers,
catchers, and bay boy.-;-
. The cercie rancais or narvara ao
feated the Peutscher Vereln tn -the an
nual baseball game by a score of 21 to
1. The Deutscher Vereln would do well
to have their kinfolk, the Deutscher
Cubs of Chicago, teach them the game.
Atlanta has a handsome kew baseball
park called the Ponce de Leon. ,. -
, Evidently Jake Stahl ha placed him
self with some other club aa be Is try
- Ing to nave bis release to tha,. White
Sox set aside. " . -
In three gamea played at Terra Haute
-the Springfield Central league team did
not make an error and made only one
run. In three gamea at home the same
club made II errors -and 20 runs.
. . Dallas has a ball player named Starch,
but be la not a "stiff." On the con-1
era have been slowly "Improving ever
since they arrived borne until they ara
at last above the .100 mark In the per'
cent age . c'umn.
Of courso McCredle stands absolutely
no show to come out In ' tha lead at
the end of the first half of the season,
but It la not In the realm of tha im
possible for him . to whip a team, in
shape that will make It go some In tha
second half.. Perhapa McCredle haa not
been strenuous enough In seeking for
new players ana not lioerai enougn in
The Vancouver team la the lost child I hia offers, but he certainly haa had hard
Of the Northwest league for sure. They I luck in not landing the ball toaaera who
lom i s or me iirst zu fames piayea. inave niooiva at aim nuon. ,
IT Seymour la the same old heavv 1 If McCredle la not oiiering enougn
splash with the hlckorr. Cvrus will I money, aa many of the fana seem to
neip tne uianis win several gamea be- I tninK, ne is very xooiisn. coining pays
fore the end of tha aeason, (like a winning team, while mighty lit-
Kansaa.Cltv haa been flshtlnr for I tie monev could fie made on a laii-enaer
me ieso.inutne American association orianywnere, even ll cne memiiers paia
late, but the pace la getting too warm I their own salaries and toased the leather
trary ha Is a smooth and high-polished
player and is there with the glossy fin
ish around the third station. Quit that!
Struggle - Airion Oarsmen
Will Be Exceedingly In
tense This Year. -
Recd-French Advice
Mldshlpmeir Rare Already Won De
cisive Victory Over the Colombia
Crew, Which Had Previously De
feated Harvard's Best. '
for the "Blooa."
Society girls of Philadelphia are sal
to - be playing baseball this season In
stead of coif and tennis. Strenuous
gins tnose.
A large number of last season's pen
nam winners are
for the unalloyed fun of the thing.
rortlaad Great Ball Town.
Portland, in the estimation of the
writer, la really the greatest baaeball
tnwn nn the rnmL Tha neoole here are
flndini thT SfnV on baseball. All they need is a
SS'BSthJK'W le encouragement and tbey will-fork
over the slmoleons, oodles ana oodles or
pretty rough thia season. Blrmngham In
nn uuuuivi u miuo iia iuuna linen in :v:" , ,;. -mi aimnnr a
seventh place. Portland In the four-club K"t theytust wiil not support a
Paclfie Coast league, last place: Des
Moines, western league, fourth place;
Cedar Rapids, Central league, seventh
place; York, Trl-8tate league alztb place;
Cedar Raplda, Three-I league, slith
piacep juyncrmurg, Virginia league,
fourth place: Bcranton, New York state
lea rue. fifth nlapa: Rrln Tnlmfai
league, rourtn place, and Fatrson; Hud.
son niver' league, last place.
It s the "does or ilnn't" inI "in ,
won i or tne snort thst makes It the
rreaieat aama evor invantMi h Tim Ma
Naughton .Believes Britt
' Nelson Match Anything
: . : But Genuine.
" By W.. W. Naughton.
' ' (Joarnel BpecUl Bervlce.)
San Francisco, June 11. There la so
much Joking over tha Idea of having a
Battling Nelson-Jimmy Britt fight the
night before Squires and Burn meet
that most people are left In doubt as to
. whether the promulgators of the affairs
are really serloua over the matter.; -.
- Of course Britt and Nelson have as
much right to engage In match making
as others In their line of business, but
-this thing of crowding somebody else's
'date to satisfy private grudgea la un
sportsmanlike, and can only result in a
' complication that will hurt tha boxing
game beyond remedy.
The fact that the Britt-Nelson affair
is not regarded a genuine undertaking
' la made manliest by tne way it la being
talked about. It ia branded aa a spite
match, and any one who haa ever heard
of a spite fence knows what that meana.
Under different circumstances, a good
' deal of Interest could be worked up In
a Brltt-Nelson match. One of the first
-essentials would be the knowledge that
. the boxers had ample time to train,
Nelson's fogglness In regard to the
conditions here is shown by his part
ing words when leaving Chicago. - He in
timated that he wasn't quite sure what
tie was wanted ror, mil tnai ne wouia
V take his training kit along In case of an
accident. -
' - '' , ; (Jooroal Jlpecial Berries.) .. ;
.Chicago. June 11. Following Mike
i, Schreck's arrival In this city. Jack John
Bon, the colored heavyweight, haa also
descended upon Chicago and says he
will stay nere unui ne geia a maicn
' with' the Cincinnati nan. Johnson blew
In Sunay morning and said he would
try to get his bout today.
' , Johnson claims that negotiations
which' were talked of Just before the
Schreck-Hart battle for the winner to
i meet bim were bona fide so far as be Is
concerned. He said he wa much dis
appointed when Schreck left -Tonopah
i without signing up for a battle. Man
ager Hogan'says he has already, signed
articles' with Squires, contingent on the
Australian's beating Burns. Hogan de
clares Squires looks every Inch a fight
er and; says he thinks he will -beat
' JKyoskat it Onaranteed to Core Oatanrb.
TbOusands who have been cured by
Uy-o-mel can tne innater tnat comes
' with every outfit the "Little Pocket
- Physician," as It Is so small that It
" can , be carried in the pocket or purse.
There la really no excuse whatever
for anyone naving catarrn , now that
Hv-o-mel Is so readily obtainable.
Do not. delay longer the use of Hy-o-mel
If you suffer with catarrh. This
: Is a purely local disease, and Hy-o-mel
goes right to the spot where the ca
tarrh germs ara present, destroys them,
soothes and heals all . inflammation and
makes a permanent and lasting cure.
Tha complete Hy-o-mel outfit consists
of the "Little Pocket Physician" and a
bottle Of Hy-o-mel and -costs only $1.00,
making It the moat economical as well
as the only guaranteed treatment for
tha cura, of catarrh, - Remember that
Hy-o-mel cures catarrh without stom
- ach dosing, applying the medication and
healing where the disease germs are
! present. " , ,
We do not want anyone's money un
less Hyomei gives relief and cure, and
we absolutely agree that money will
be refunded unless the remedy gives
an ttsf action, . . ;VV
All druBRlats should be able to sup
ply you with, Hyomet or w win send it
by mall on receipt of price, f 1.00,: and
very package la sold with tha distinct
understanding thst It costs nothing un
less It cures. Booth's Hyomei I Com
, j-any, Buffalo, H. X. ' ' ' '
Bums easily when ther met Rnw
Billy does not believe the Australian can
beat Schreck and la willing to gamble
The following suggestions for the
members of the baseball sauad of the
University of Chicago, were cently post-
ad upon the college bulletin board by
uoaca uicKinson oz that Institution:
Show signs of life all tha time.' '
logins team. The Beavera made
mlvhtv noor atart in California. Never
theless, the local fana gave them a royal
welcome home and turned out a fine at
tendance for a week or two. Then the
attendance began to fall off until last
week it waa at a very low marx. '
Portland has some mighty good ball
players, but so far her pitching staff baa
suown up lameniaoiy weaa. -
The pitchers have lost the games
more often than the field. That can
not be blamed entirely upon the man
agement, as Cailiff and Oum were reck
oned aa among tne beat in tne league
last year.
. Some XUfnty Oooa PUyertv
Casey. Donahue and McCredle would
star in anv Coast league team, while
Mott, Bassey and Lovett would average
up well. Carson has been doing better,
but . is too . slow ror , nis company.
Moore does very well for a . change
catcher, but la hardly strong enough to
bold down the jod day in ana oay out.
Artie Ross, who Is known to be a
very fast man, haa been on McCredie's
staff for several days, but has not yet
taken the field. Dick Yates and Billy
Sutton, both of whom were supposed
nd i
to have left Chicago for Portland more
than a week aKO. have not appeared, and
there is no encouragement from their
airection. v
: Not counting Schlmpff, three pitchers
Chnn tha hall dam mn if wm .i I are an ' MCredie nas. Kinseua nas
Into tfe air W!" DOt g0 P"ved himself to be the real goods, but
ur side0 i0Uorur8,UOn qU,CWy' Wh" ableTuwtltlT.. "oum Is out ?'&."
entirely ror tne present.
Despite an or tnese facts. McCredle is
hopeful today. This time he has some
the weight on tha front foot i tKi-Jrr. n? truly deau on to strengthen
- . ...w.-w,a mt
Hit at the good balls.
and ran them hard. -
step into tne Dan ana meet It with all
Pick them out.
way you get the full weight of your
"DON'TS." ' ; : '(
Don't step away from the ball.
Don't strike at evarv hall thot' i
thrown. ..
Don't loae your nerve wKen vfin . mm
two strikes.
Don't aape around the fleM. htit'watnh
the pitcher all the time.'
1 Don't bend the back font nr ahlft ka
position as the. ball approaches.
Don't lunge Into the ball as If swing
ing for a home run; simply tap it.
The final game for the championship
of the interscholastlc league will be
played tomorrow afternoon on' Multno
mah field, weather permitting. The
competing nines will be from the Port
land high achool and Columbia univer
sity. Both have defeated tha Portland
acaaemy nine in tne poet season series.
Columbia university lost two games in
the preliminary aeries while the high
school was not defeated. Nevertheless.
If Columbia wins tomorrow her nine
wiu nave tne cnampionship, .
' Women's Golf Tourney.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Atlantic City, N. J., June 11. Play in
tbe second annual championship tourna
ment of tha Women's Eastern Golf as
sociatloMWas begun on the Country
Club links here today with a big Held
of well-known women contesting. Like
the championship at Nassau last year
mo uuiiiijciiiiun is ior io notes ana
medal play with 18 holes today and 18
holes toomrrow. Thursday the tourna
ment Will be followed: bv the trt-nltv
maicnen ior me vmscom cup, which is
at present held by the Women's Golf
association or muaaeipbia. ,
PyiMtomi; Meeting Opens.
(Journal Bpadal Service.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 11. What
promises to be the greatest spring meet
Ing In the history of the Latonla Jockey
club opened yesterday afternoon.- It will
continue until July 13. Seldom before has
mere oeen sucn an abundance or high-
Class horses on hand, and the jockey tal
ent is oi tne very oest. Kieven staxe
events will be run during the meeting.
xne principal ones are: Jatonia Derby.
with $3,000 added; Latlnla Oaks, 32,000
added; Queen City handicap, 310.000
uaranteea, ana leiscnraann trophy,
i,vvn aaaeo.
4iWlnged M" Chat Is Out.
The June number of Winged M Chat.
the Multnomah club monthly, is just
out. une issue looks tne nest yet, and
la chuck full of e-osninv note hv Rriltnr
unon ana cartoons Dy stocicion Munora
Hometning interesting is said of all de
partments of club activity. A likeness
of Harold Reed is printed .upon the
cover. ' .. .,
The " number "contains first news of
the annual low links, which will be held
unday, June 13, and of a double
nrmuer pihubii game wnicn WIU DO
played between the Multnomah and Se
attle Athletic club teams July 4. v
Woodards Win Game. '
The Clarke-Woodarr! haaehall team A.
feated the Laue-Davis Seniors Sunday
at Twenty-eighth and Sandy road. The
score waa II to It. Fred Ross pitched
great game for Clarka-Woods rrl and
Johnson did fine work behind the bat.
Any teams wanting games from the
Clarke-Woodard club can be accommo
dated by calling up private exchange 11
and asking for Fred Ross.
National League.
Pittsburg. 14; Brooklyn, t.
New Tork, I; St Louis, J.
Chicago-Philadelphia, wet grounds. '
Clnclnnatl-Boaton. nostnoned uvmint
of Latonla. Derby. . ' . . 1
pitching staff and bolster himself
up elsewhere,
. Following are the batting averages
of the Beavers for the past four weeks:
. . . . A.B. IB. P.C.
uum , , 8 8
McCredle 78 35
Casey ..81 23
callff , .. ,.ZZ
Lovett ....4
Mott ..... s. (4
Houston . ............ 4
.j. ......
Hmnn ......
Carson . . . .
Moore ...
Fay ....
Oroom -.
. j (Journal Special Berries.
New Tork, June 11. All eyes now. so
far at least as college men are con
cerned, are turned to Poughkeepsle or
New London for the great boat race
which ara toon to be rowed. Greater In
terest naturally attaches to tha Pongh
keepsle event, for it Is here tbe real
championship is determined, besides, It
Is more In keeping with tha democratic
spirit of the country.
"The presence for the first time of the
Annapolis crew in tha bis race Is an
added feature which la certain to arouse
Interest all over the country. The whole
navy department is interested in this
race and oiniesa there . Is a : change In
plan a formidable squadron consisting
lor the famous Olympla, Dewey's flag
ship at Manila, the monitors .Nevada,
Arkansas and Florida and some smaller
crait. wm do on nana to cheer on tne
middies. -
- Annapolis Man Confident.
' Tha Annapolis men ara confident that
they will finish well to the front even
11 tney do not win the raoe. , - ,
The victory of the navy over George
town In the early part of tbe season did
not count for much' tn the minds of
many persons, because the Waahlngton
oarsmen were slight and were rowing
under extremely adverse conditions.
However, when Annapolis defeated the
Columbia crew a length and a hair in
two miles, directly after the New York
ers showed their quality by. defeating
Harvard, it began to look as If there
were a solid and sensible basis for the
predictions that the midshipmen wero
likely candidates for first place. v. .
- Old Sport' a Academy.
' 'Bowing 'Is one Of tbe old-established
sports at tbe Navy academy, probably
the oldest It Is not unnatural .that it
should be so. . Long years ago. when the
Academy waa established, there were I
cutter crews which represented the In
stitution. They had racea with cutter
crews or boat ciuds rrom Baltimore
and occaalonally a race with a war ves
sel's twelve. Later the popular four-
oared sweep races took hold at An
napolis. Sweep rowing In eights, how
ever. Is a rather recent institution at
Annapolis.. . . - i ,
-Winston Churchill, since better known
as a writer and Incidentally as a politi
cian, was a member of the class of 1894
at Annapolis. He was captain of the
'93 crew of the Naval academy, and that
waa the beginning of eight-oared rowing
The .midshipmen a crews rowed
Go to the retail piano
dealer and' get' his
prices: you are then
in a better frame of
mind to know what
a Reed-FrenchPiano
; value really is '
We knew wa can save yon a
hundred dollars la, the prloe of
any piano. "
; Piano Mfge Co,
(SIxAi an Burnalda.)
ir against the Columbia A. C. of
nington, the Ariel B. C and the Bai
Bunker HUls Defeated.
Btwetl Dlanatrti ta Tbe Jnannl.t
-, Dayton. Or.. June 11. Tbe atrona- a.
f regatlon of Bunker Hill Maroons met
he stronger bunch of Hopewell at Ta
Fayette, Sunday. The features of the
game were Frank Martin's batting and
uieve wooo-s pitcning ior HopewelL
Hopewell .............
Bunker Hill Maroons
. R-
Irrlngton CInb Tennis.
Entries for" the spring handicaps at
the Irvlngton Tennis club sre coming
in last. a. list is posiea at tne ciub
house and members may - sign tholr
names there. The entries will close to
morrow nignt. .
'- : a TA.pyr kothi:
.will tfr thct her baby Is properly cared
for- to do this a good purgative Is nec
essary. Many babies suffer from worms
and . their mothers don't know it If
your baby'is feverish and doesn't sleep
at nights. U Is troubled with worms.
White's Cream Vermifuge will clean
out these worms in a mild, pleasant
way. Once tried always . used. Give It
a tnai. . met zo centa.. eoia oy all
aruggists. ,
If your teeth need treatment , the
longer you wait the larger It will
make . your bllL : v- y
nmtn At
' Call at once' and ' let; as examine
your teeth. We will give you the
best service In every branch "Of the
dental profession, and by painless
methods that will meet with your
approval. When, desired -you can
have T. P. Wise or my ' personal
service. - - . -
W. A. WISE, Dcnlis!
T. P. Vise, H. A. Stardevant and Or.
Hoffman, Associates -i .
non XAxar aossv 1
tlmore A. C of Baltimore in their ear
lier races. , Churchill Is regarded aa
the founder of rowing In elghta at An
napolis, It was not until a few yeara
later that Annapolis began to meet the
college crews. . . .-
- - Courses Are ZAld Oai. '
The courses of the varsity eJsht fn
the race will be; No. 1. Coluralafa: ' No.
2, Cornell; No. 3. Syracuse; No. I, Penn
sylvania: No. t, Georgetown; r No. 8,
Wisconsin, and No.. 1, the Naval acad
emy. Georgetown has the cream of the
rlver.'wlth everything In her frvor, and
if her crew can travel In such fast com
pany It ought to do something. Syra
cuse has a good place also, Inc .thej
varsity four-oared and in the fresb-naem
race the lines will stretch in this way:
Varsity Four -Syracuse, No; 1; Wis
consin, No. 2; Pennsylvania, No. 8; Co
lumbia, No, 4. and Cornell, No. 6.
The Freshman Cornell, No. 1; Wis
consin, ,No. J; Syracuse, No. 3; Penn
sylvania, No. 4, and Columbia, No. 6.
The Jacobs Shirt Co
U91H Stark Bfc, Bet, roartb and
, rifth, rbrUand, Oregoa.
"Will tell yon how to avoid tha
uncomfortable feeling of having
the Shirt stick to the skin on a
hot day.
Better See "Jacobs About
. TbisatOace"
You should consult at' once the old reliable
staff of specialists who cure men perma
nently and quickly. We have been curing
men for 27 years. We are the oldest and
longest located specialists in Portland. We.
have cured more patients than all of the so
called medical specialists in Oregon. Avoid
mushroom institutions. ;, ' , ;
Cur Fee In
( This, as you doubtless know, is the worst disease that
iffjicts mankind, having not only wrecked the lves of thou
sands of men, , but women and children as well If you have
any of its symptoms you cannot afford to neglect them for a
moment, , Rasn 'or copper-colored , spots, running : sores,
pimples, ulcers in the mouth and throat, on face, hands and
other parts of the body, falling but of hair and eyebrows, are
all unmistakable signs of this dreaded disease. We have cured
dozens of cases of Blood Poisorv after Hot Springs had failed
and by calling we will make a. careful, expert examination oi
Jyour case and tell you positively whether or hot the disease is
' .A. J It f.-- " i 'J 1 . -
present, anu u so jusi wnai can pc uonc ior you.,
KilSTRICTU , V : '' . '
, Urethral Stricture 'and Scrotal .Varicocele are two of the
most painful and dangerous diseases v mankind is subject to;'
Stricture, if neglected -or improperly treated, will completely
derange the entire Genito-Unnary System, causing severe kid
ney and bladder diseases. Varicocele will bring about nervous
exhaustion or ; lost vitality. Both require expert treatment.
. Our method of treatment for these diseases is absolutely
the most skillful and scientific known, to medical science. We
do notmutilate with the knife or use other harsh'means. 'We
have' cured some of the most severe and difficult cases. Qur
wide, experience has given us a thorough knowledge of these
diseases and we can understand a case and, treat it correctly
.. ' . .
xrom me Deginnmg, ana we can assure you 01 prompt results.
WRITE If von eannot ealL- All correspondence strlctlv eonfldantlal
and all replies sent in plain envelopea. No namea, cases, letters or pho-.
tograpna ox pauenis puousnea or exposeo. inciuse s-oeni stamp 10.1a-.
aura repiy. , . . . , . ... , ' -, ., . . .. -
-' HOURS a. m. to I p. tn. Evenings T to 8:30; Sundaya I a. m. to
11 noon. . . ;
cowrzB neon in Tixaiu murt, tomtxjutd, ousoov.
American League, .
. Cleveland. 5: Boaton. 7. "
New Tork, i; Detroit. 8.
Chtnago, 2;-Washington, 1. -Philadelphia.
3; St Louis, 0. .
!-..;-: - ' " '':
New York State Shoot,
' (JoamaU Special Serrlee.t
Syracuse, N. T., June 11 The 43th
annual tdurnament of the New York
State Sportsmen's association, - which
opened here today under the auspices
of the Masonic Temple Gun club, bids
fair to ecllnae all ofethe nrevtous tour
naments of the association The entry
list la larger than, ever before. Today's
program provldea fdr 1 nma events of
20 targets each. . sight events of i0
targets each will be shot off on both
weanesaay ana xnuractay.
- Answer to Query. "".-
: E. Heaton, Coberg, Oregon According
to the Police Gazette Sporting Annual,
Dan Kelly holds the world's amateur
record ror tne ioo-yara aaan.
Spokane, Washington, June 33, 1308.
Time, 3-8 seconds. No better record
haa been made by professionals, bur sev
eral have equaled it. me latest is is.
Donovan, Who ran 100 yards in $ 3-6 sec
onds at Boston,, September 3, 1905. I
know of no reason to dispute the infor
mation given by the Police Gasette An
nual. - .
. ; .. - .
(Journal Special Service.) -
Ottumwa. Ia,. June 11. Tha first tor
nado ever known In southeast Iowa yes
terday swept a path-100 feet wide and
two miles long tnrougn a rarming sec
tion, wits Its cross and orchards. , Tha
damage is J50.000.
"Most Drugs ArcVorthIess
v Says Prof-Osier
, PHILADELPHIA. May 11. In a lec
ture before tha Pathological Society
today Professor William Osier of Ox
ford Univeralty declared that most
medicines are worthless. - ' ? '
Just what I've been saying for years,
but a great many wouldn't, believe me.
I've shown how drugs wrecK ' tne
nerves, stomacn ana aigestive organs,
and proved that the right way to cure
Eain or disease is to help Nature,
rugs don't do that Tears ago. I
oroved that the force ,
which Nature uses to
restore health Is
electricity. My dis
covery haa - since
been confirmed "by
the world's leading
scientists, who claim'
that electricity Is
the basis of all life.'
When we are full of
it ' we arer healthy
and . strong. Sick-
ness ' or chronlo dis
orders of any kind
show a lack of this
force..; ; r,r-:!:,
:-. e.,v e .:..,. ;i
Tour body Is run
by electricity. The
stomach creates this
power out of the
food you aat When
you done your stom
ach with drugs you
are not only hurting
It. but you are wont
ing against Nature.
Druga destroy , the
Slgestive juices . or
the - stomach, conse
quently you do not
get the proper, nu
trition from your
food. It's the action
of , these juices upon
your food that pro
duces tne -i numan ,
electricity. So can't you see that as' long
as you nil your stomach with poison
ous drugs It cannot generate thia force?
The reason the kidneys, liver,' stom
ach or other organs become weak or
debilitated is because ' they ' lack elec
tricity. This must be restored, either
artificially or by Nature, before thjy
can do their work -properly. i '
"Weakness ' 1 men Is caused ' bys an
exhaustion of electricity. Get , back
that force and you will . have your
strength. , .. ,. .-.' ;::',,, .. , ,-
.My Electro-Vigor poura a stream of
i'alectria Ufa Into your nerves while you
n 1
sleep, and these conduct tha force to
every, orgah and tissue of your body,
giving health and strength to every
part.- ".
Electro-Vigor is a relief from the
Old system of ' drugging. It does by
natural means what you expect drugs
to do by unnatural means. It removes
the cause, of disease, and after the
cause has been . removed Nature will
do the rest. ' . .
Electro-Vigor is not an electrlo belt
It Is. a dry-cell body battery and you
never nave to. onarge n.i . ..-.v
Electro-Vigor is far eheaper than
siege - of drugging.
. ' words eannot ex-
press my gratitude
for what Electro.
Vigor has done for
ma. I have worn it
three 'months and my
back Is cured, my
stomach acta : better
and Z have gained in
160 Ballard Ave.,
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&My Ability-by
I do no . wish ' people to Judge my work
X merely, upon what I 'say about it J want
i them to note the evidences to prove my
J statements correct.- The proof of a physi- ; za
i-' dan's ability is to be found in the results' -.. .
he obtains, and though I am. not at liberty
T to supply individual names of patient as
". ... L. 1.. t .u;it n4 - i, mc nil k ui iuuiui Mm .v
services are , so prominent and conspicuous ,
as to render , my doing so unnecessary. Six-
teen years of success and, constant growth
of practice is certainly a practical demon- ,
stration that argues, the merit of my work.
Estimate for. yourself my volume of prac- !
tice as compared with the practice of other -western
Specialists. Is there the slightest -probability,
that if unable to back up all my
claims, I would have won and retained the
foremost, place among physicians treating
men? Could I fail to cure and yet succeed
as I have? iHave yon ever heard of promise
of mine remaining unfulfilled, or of one of -my
patients '' being 'dissatisfied with the
treatment received? Consider these things
and then come and talk with me is regard ,
to your case..' I am always willing to wait
for my fee until a cure is effected. . :
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Be sore yoar care h
tborousb. . Not eoe of
mr patients haa ever
bad a relapa after
being dlacbarged 'as
cared, and I cure la
lesa - time-' than ,. the
ordinary - forma , of
treatment reqnlre.
nnoma blood,,
1 poison.
No danserona mineral
a la to orlve tne Tiros
to the Interior. oat
harmless blood
cleaning remedlea,
.that remove the laat
polaonoui taint.. . -
What Weakness Is and
r- , How I Cure It.
' "Weakoess" to merely : a
symptom ef chronic Inflamms
' tkm m the praaUte - gUnd.
' brought ea. by early dlaalpatlon
or by the Improper treatment of
some ' contracted dlaeaae. . .. A'
complete and radical care la,
- therefore, - a qoeatloa of reator
ing the praatate gland to Its
normal atatt, and this I. aeeoro
pllah promptly and ' completely
without the oae of Internal reme
dlea. Mr treatment Is s local
one entlrsly, and haa been
abaolutcly effectlTe br tnonaanila
of twta. I am eonTlneed that '
by no other metboda eao full .
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aoiately paluleaa, and
perfect results eaa be
depended upon tn ev
err inatanee. I do no
enttlng or dilating
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