TIIE OREGON SUNDAY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND," SUNDAY ; MORNING; JUNE , 1807. Town Topics 71 1 D'URBANO TO LEAD BAND OF LOCAL MUSICIANS 'IN PARKS -Wew . There was a large shipment of "Full worth" hata received thla week at the Chicago 1 lothlng company, over 100 tylee in all. Thla represented a ee lectlon of atraw hata ranging In prloe from 0o to 110. The Chicago" haa alwaya maintained a very large depart ment devoted to hats of all etylee and grades, but the management thla aeaaon la devoting much mora attention to tha character of the atock aa well aa Us representation before the public The iirn cun ot( atore or any big eastern city doea not contain a feature nor, an Hera of equipment, that la not found In the "Chicago.- ,; -, r ..v. t. ., ,s That the debt of the estate of Charlea T. Kamm exceed by 118,000 the llablll tiea la shown by the final account wnicit waa filed in, the county oourt yesterday afternoon, with a petition in i asking fiat it be annroved anil the . ecutor dlscharsed. - tha account ahnwa that the liabilities ef Kamm are $26,680. and that there la only IS.400 with which to meet these Obligations. Creditors win receive s per cent of tnelr elaime. There are 19 creditors, among them many Portland bualnesa houses, the largest being Samuel Ivt, who hag a claim of 117,140. , v , - , - v :, Choice bomea on .Portland Height I have aeveral highly desirable resi dences for sale on Portland Height. One of four lota and house $17,000. One five lota and house, tu.ooo. One two lots and house. 111,000. One with one lot and houee, lll.OOO. All of these are highly. Improved, eholee looatlone and Unobstructed views. Also a number of cheaper locations ran sin a- from 11.000 te M AAA T3 m r mThm . vr commerce ouiiaing. rnone io. . The O, W. P. company hag reduced tha echedule of Its Oregon City care by. II minutes, and since Friday car a have been running every tS minutes Instead vi b ujijiuivb, mm lurutnf, : un der' present schedule, first ear leavea at 4 o'clock In the morning, and the next one at s:ZI a. m. A IS-mlnute : schedule is maintained during the re . mainder of the day up to 0 o'clock at night, when hourly trips are made at 0, 20, 11 and midnight, . . . 'j eeaeBse . Multnomah lodge. No. IT, T. F. held tta election otoffloere last Tuesday evening. The following were elected for I next term. Charlea Lemon, president Mrs. it Jb Kent, nce-preeiaent, ismma Devere, chaplain: Earl McFarland. sec- rotary. W. K. Oault, treasurer; master : and.miatrees at arme, Mr. Chink and Anna Mccuiiyt physician. Dr. Peigram; doorkeepers, Mr. Llscum and Mr, Bur-1 row , muelolan. Miss Nordstrom, v .. ,. The ladles Of the Portland Tennis club win glva a lawn fete at the- real dence ef Mtsa Margaret Wllaon. 414 Taylor street, next Wednesday evening i s cioca. a musioai program is being arranged and refreshments wilt be served.- Admission will be It cents, the proceeds to go toward the purchas ing of furniture for the new clubhouse In Portland cricket park. ' , ' The will of Mrs. Martha 8. Thornton, who died at Germantown, Pennsylvania, April I, waa admitted to probate In the county court yesterday. . It disposes ef roperty valued at 114,100. The lega tes are the husband. Richard Thornton, a sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Reading, Mrs. Thornton's Jtleoea and nephews and Wlldwood - cemetery of WUllajnsport, I 1. V J V.' ' ' ' "' '' - 1 1 ; ' .:. rancy Vestings , .v ...... '. .' . t ' ' . ' ".. . !New.v",;i": x.. . Suitings . Trouserings: and Overcoatings Just 'Received Latest Novelties in New Weaves and Colorings Drop in and look them over No trouble to show goods Satisfaction guaranteed In an cases. Oarmenta to order In a day if required. Full dreae and Tuxedo suite v specialty Everybody Is corM-Pcrtlssd Rase Show and fjesta, Jane J9-22-Everybdy Kill br,: a r. T. Boody, Managen, 108 Third Street RURA use 8Ijnor L. DTJrbano, Who Will Conduct Concert! In Cltj Park. The eonoerta will commence the first Pennsylvania. wV thmnW' hnmm nm mHxvitit Ruisl at once wired the result to the f, Water through hose Xor ,iaprukUng -oted leader, who' will be here thla yards or aldewalka or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance - and used only between the houra ef S and I a ra., and I and p. m. It Jiust not be used for sprinkling a treeta. i t used contrary to theae rulea, or .wasteruuy, it wui oe snut oxx. - - - -"Articles of intwrpo ration ef the Amer ican Hospital and Relief association were filed In the office ef the oouaty clerk yesterdsy afternoon by Max O. Cohen, F. & Smith and S3. A. Marshall. The. corporation ia to endure . for 0 years; capital atock. 110,000. Prink Talk. To secure the best, re Baits end acquire the good that is In beer order a case of the famoua Hop Gold, bottled by the star Brewing com pany, strictly in complianea with the furs food law- Depot 386 Third atreet fbone Main ezus. - When, Big. L. DUrbano lifts his baton for the' opening City Park concert thla aeaaon It will be before a band com posed most of local musicians. Per formers are being selected by Big. X Busst, who haa been DUrbano's Im presario , and manager for soma time. D'Urbano la returning to Portland from New Terk with a repertoire ef the beat muslo obtainable,! both popular and classic, j - - i u urbane a Bid to rurnisn music in tne farks thla summer waa accepted by he park board Friday and Manager noted leader, who ' will be here this week to commence rehearsals. The band will be com Dosed of 0 men end aa nearly as possible represent a full In strumentation. The band will not be a "braaay" affair like the military band, but will be balanced to bring out the beat effects in concert. The per formere already engaged are considered the best to be had In the city and Mr. Rusat la rapidly closing the list Sunday in July to continue until the the purpose le ex-1 paat they win oei t ELECT OFFICERS fund aet aelde for hauated. Aa in the given In regular order in the, various harlri an ht tha innl Af All nftrtl urma w tnSr h 0B qu1 Two Days' CoiiTention Ad it la believed that the concerts will be exceedingly popular this year. Laat aeaaon large throngs epent many pleas, ant hours in the varloua parka In the evenlnge listening to the muslo and now that the population la still larger the concerts will attract much neater! crowaa, ' - Big. DITrbano la well-known here, eepeclally beoauee ef hie band at the Oaks last season where It proved the main feature. At' that time the or-1 avnlsatlon waa comnosed solely of Ital ians but now that local performers will respona to nis oaton tne enect will be 1 watched with Interest by muslclana and muslo lovera. D"Urbano and Manager Ruxst believe they will produce the best band of lta sise ever heard here, and one of which roruann wui reel prsua. " joums After Interest- lug: Session. VICE-PESIDENT B0YB NATIONAL; DELEGATE Rural Mail Carriwa Furor Good ' Roads LeglsUtlon Vote Thanks .toDegniw, Senntor Fulton, Com mercial Club and Portland. 1 i 111 I' " GOOD PIANOS, the line of highest qual ity, more than thirty of the world's best makes, a line that offert the piano ' seeker . every possible lati - tude in choice, line not du- E Heated in merit or variety y another In America today. Oood pianos, and for less than you can buy from any other, bouse in the country. V The Wor d's Three Greatest Finest Pianos Th? Famous Weber With Its Wonderful : Tone Qualities The Splendid Chlckerlnz ' The oldest mako In America : The Popular Kimball Best Known of All Makes IT WILL GO HARD WITH THIS DOG POISONER IF HE IS CAUGHT : RalDh R. Dunlwav will " address branch No. I of the Socialist party at lis up in arms against the poisoner who A Scotch terrier dead by poisoning; E 1-year-eld baby crying her eyea out mourning for her companion and de fender, and tha populace of Montavilla S o'clock tonight In Alleky. hall at the aommittea tne ect. corner, or Tftird ana Mornaon streets. R. U, Hennlnger of the Reliable Mes- Ills subject will be "Portland's Bonded aenger company found his ootcn ter Indebtenesa, Actual and ProspecUve.3 rJJ dead ; thm T" family real- uuuie j mm.m aw mrg w thoroughbred cocker spaniel also. Mr. Hennlnger placed more than - a mone tary value on hia dog, which waa a great family pet Hie little daughter vThe publld la Invited to attend the Woodmen memorial services in the eaat aide hall, East Sixth and Alder streeta. lion, ueorge and the terrier were '.great playfellowg and the two could be left alone with put fear of danger coming to the little tot becauee the dog acted aa a defender in addition to being a great playfellow. o attack any person who annroached i tne approacn ox an intruder tne cog Immediately placed himself on the of. ensive m iront oi t&a little girl, read E. Chamberlain and Rev. Geore-e B. Van Waters will address you. ITine musicair program. , The Oregon state board of dental ex aminers will meet Monday, June 10, in Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets, Portland. Examination will begin at 10 a. m. George Larkln. f ecreUry, 1( Xiekum building. , ". what are vou dotna- for your rheuma tism? Wild Pigeon Mineral springs iw la slmnle remedy, as it nurl- ' flea the blood, restores general good health and vigor. Office, t0( Fine etreet Phone Main 6468, This Will remind vou that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses reno- VKlCU BI1U iPtuniuti vuv same uf v i Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair j Factory. H. Metsger. proprietor. A concert by the pupils o Mrs. Whig ham will be given in eenwooq u ueaaay, June 11, at s p. m. Aamission xeo. J Eaat Bide Athletic club. Prof. Rtngler JIT Hm. CUT GLASS For Jane Wedding Presents vii; ':- i'it; Our new snrinar stock of out glass puts forth some extremely new feat- urea never snown nere nereiuiwm. Thev are entirely new , desiana ;re cently produced by the makers, and losses many : distinctive ana neau-i 1 ful effects that will not bo found here in Portland thla spring. They are entirely different In beauty, cut ana design ana cannot do oupiioieu anywhere at the eeme price we ask Tthem. - 1 , We appreciate ; your : inspection. manager, gymnasium, swimming, initia tion fee dropped thla montn. special summer ratea for hatha and swimming. Eaat S70. ; - Baseball today i:0 p. tn. - ' Two gamea for one admission. , Hill park, St Johna. Trinity league teams. Portland Trunkmakera va, - North Paelfio Brewera. , Bralnard Cuba vs. L. 6. Frakea company team. Wire and Iron work of all kinds, fire escapes, elevator enclosures ana fences. Columbia Wire eV Iron Worka, 168-170 East Washington. Phone Jast 701. Change In A. A C B, R. echedule, ef- fectlve June 3. Regular Astoria even ing train leaves union depot :50 p. m. Instead "of 7 p, roae heretofore. We have' the fashionable house-paint Ing colors, for 1907-1, copper-brown and copper verae. ruew'Cra rami t var nish company. 173 First street. W. A. Wise. T. P. WUe, H. A. Sturde- vanL H. A. Huffman, dentists. Third and Washington. Main 1029. Painless metnoaa nsea Multnomah Camp, No. 7T. W. O. W., have arranged a splendid musical pro Bunaay evening, ruoiie ta rn. - rram vlted; for P- SILVERWARE We have many and many dainty and exclusive designs In Silverware that make very acceptame ana use ful presents. These beautiful ar ticles are sure to lighten the bride'B heart. We are always pleased toi show you. . J . HeitkemperCo 286 Morrison St Lowest i Priced Jewelry ; Tine Ooods. Souse ' for Steamer - Jesse Harklna. for Camaa Weehougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock l p. m. ; Aweet cream buttermilk, cheese, but ter. ham. eggs, coffee, etc Oregon Cheese Co.. Swetland . building. Fifth atreet. ata.bla Wanted-wAbout 100x100. A nl. mt nM to W. H. Grenfell. Franc avenue and Belmont. Phone Tabor. 761 -v Hon. George K.-Chamberlain will ad' dreea the Woodmen of the World in east side hail Sunday evening, a o clock. her. , The owner of the spantet la not Known io nr. Hennmger. bo thorough ly la Mr. Hennlnger aroused that he haa offered a reward ef lit for tha arrest ef the poisoner. . ' President K. I. Loop, Mo- e Minnvllle. e "First vice-president W. H. e d Boyd, Beayerton. e) e Second vloe-presldent H. M. 4 e Cumminga, Corvallla ' ' . ) e Secrete ry-treaaurerJ. H- Oo- e lna. Albany. .,,:; ., e e ' National delegates W. H. e e ; Boyd, Beaverton; alternate, K. P. Loop. McMlnnvllle. 4 e Executive committee J. S. Al- e ' bars, Balem, holdover A. Parker, 4 e Albany; E. B. Cornett, Albany. e e Next meeting place Albany. turn. Boata leave foot of Tamhlll atreet dally at 1:10 p, m.: Sunday 10 a. m. Tickets at dock office, 10 oenta. Entertainers "The Wlsard, Bag Time'Hayea, Lee White, vocalist. Twelve MUe House. ; . NuraerymanPllklngton, ft Tamhlll. Beautifying ereama. See Mma Hudson. Levy'a Music House, 111 Fifth atreet Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth. IX Chambera, optician. Ill Seventh, Perger signall4 TamhUtphona, Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler 10B Alder, ' Klaer scenlo photos. Imperial hotel tXmerican Restaurant OOBWXB VZZXS ABB COUCat STB, After two days of profitable conven tio'n tha Rural Lettercarriera' aaaocla tlon of Orecon came to a cloae laat evening. The closing houra of the con vention were marked bv aharn flashes of oratory, ana there was a not conteat on some of the officea. The president vice-president and secretary-treasurer were reelected, and a vote of thanks tendered them for their services durlnsr the paat year. H. M. Cummlngs succeeded w. H. Boyd of Me. uinnvuie as viee-presiaent. out tne lat ter waa selected as delegate to the na tional convention. The committee en resolutions, consist ing of H, M. Cummlngs. J. H. Sohram of Cleone. Nelson - E. Wlllita of North Tamhlll, J. B. Holt of Newhurg and E. L. Thorp of Greaham, presented a re port which waa aweeplng in lta Indorse ments. Fourth Assistant Postmaster P. B. Degraw wee thanked for the part he had taken In setting salaries in creased. Senator C7 W. Fulton of Ore gon waa another to be thanked for hie part in presenting the matter to the government Thanks were tendered the Portland Commercial club and Secretary Tom Richardson, Governor Chamberlain, Mayor Lane, Judge Webster, William McMurray, general passenger agent for the Harrlman System, and W. F. Brock. Appreciation waa expressed for . the spirit in which Portland and her ci ti sane welcomed the lettercarriera : The association aoes - on record as willing to aid any movement for the construction of better roads and will do ! v The Pianola and Pianola Piano ' ; The Standard Player arid-Player Piano of the World And theie makes, each recognized for superiority and q'ualitx 1 1 : The Haxelton, Steck, Hobart M. Cable, Bush & Gerts, Wheelock, Pease, Crown, Haddorff, Lester, Schumann, 6tory & Clark and others. We ask, where can a line of equal strength be found, outside of this magnificent thawing,-' this incomparable aggregation of leaders, the pick, the choicest of all the makes in the piano .realm; and we say withjequal emphasis, that this grand line, this line of Highest Quality, is "NOT to be duplicated in combined excellence, make for make, piano for: piano, anywhere else in the United States, east, west, north or south.- Good Pianos, better pianos for lest money, the Money saving, easy-paying way of buying. ' -V-';;4-ApiettwtayowbOT The lowest price, and strictly one price to all alike, easiest terms, most liberargiiarantee, most attractive exchange feature, these are the inducements that await the piano-teeker at the House of Eilers. And these are the reasons why the House of Eilers do 'the greatest piano business in the United States, control the greatest output, the best makes, and sell for less. Qver thirty makes, over. thirty stores. ,y , :.':;vV.v-"--"-' Viait our apacloua warerooma our Pianola par!oraHour special Grand Piano parlors rar TaDdnf-lft-china parlors our Recital Hall hear the marvelous Weite-Mitnon Imported Piano reproduce the play inff of the world 'a crtatest pianists hear the lncomparabla Pianola render your favorite aelectiona listen to the gtrsing of your best loved pieces, from tha splendid Orchestrellea satisfy your musical desires to your heart's content If you desire to purchase, look into the matter ef values convinca yourself that we do actually sell at retail for less than the average dealer pays at wholesale. - Biggest, Busiest and Best The House of Highest Quality Exclusive Agents in Western America for the Wonderful Welte-Mignon Piano Exclusive Pacific North west Representatives for the Pianola, the Standard Piano Player of the WorldSole Aijentg for Peerless Electric Pianos. Orchestrelles, Pipe and Parlor-Organs, Orchestrions, Violins, TaDdne; Machines and Records. 353 Washington Street, Corner of Park AND STORES IM EVERY IMPORTANT CITY IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. egon 13 ; Why pay aadre? Metsger fits year ayes for II. sj wasn. ot, cor. formerly at Jll Sixth atreet Zustlesa Btraets.- Ing comoany. :.4S 7th, -Portland RoaA-OlI Sherlock bulldlnr. Talepnene racmo ... j 1 banltallsta Twenty-three aeree for ami mm a whole. Waetern Oregon Trust Co.. 1st Btara sireeu r , , at Blks' W. Moore, expert' photographer, buuaing. geventn ana ptara sis, Aeme Oil Co. eells the best safety coa OU ana nne gaaoima. rnwi Mat . Dr. William Cavanaughdentlat has moved his office to0Vt Buchanan fcldg. daUvery company, ill Surk atreet . Diamond w-Ut'a a coffee ask for It at your grocor'a, , i vnlt Wyer line off launches will make ea0y tripe ta the Oaka an4 re OrSir BAT AV9 HTOHT. nner from 11 a m. to 8 p. m Phtnknn mnA Rlrts Bmin Lettuce, ,1Q Siloed Cucumbers. .1 Crab Salad, Mayonnaise Dressing.: Fried1 Shad ... ... . , , , ,, Rasop Clam a 1 a riou ni'iuui ...... ......J Fried Tenderloin of Bole, Tartar ' nauce ........................ Boiled Mackerel, Drawn Butter, Bteamed Little Neck Clams,,,.,. Clam Bouillon with Toast.,.,,., Bonea veer Chicken UrtimAmA FrVeV-Brii Cold Ro&at Chicken, Potato Salad..: jrora epare mos, wream iaw,,., Veal Sausage, Maaned Potatoes,,. ouuion witn Toast.,,, .,.ire iert Tongue, Pickle 8auoe.20e) Pot Pie. ........ 4. ....... 25e7 Pork Tenderloin, Tomato all in lta power to promote legislative action looking to una ena - . President M. H. Ellis, on behalf Of tne Albany commercial duo. sent a tel. egram to the convention Inviting it to meai in Aioany next year, ana Aioany received a . unanimous vote for the honor. -' " - Last night the lettercarriera were guests at the Oaks, and will leave for their homes thla morning. 8evanty-ftv delegates were in attendance from WU. lamette valley points, ADDRESS W TODAY Chicken Croquettes, Green Peas... iiopaa or veai wiu Musnr fish Baila, Cream Sauoe.. e : Scallooes o Codfish Ba Corn Beef Hash and Poached Egg tt 'Stew. 6panlsh :aked Pork and Beans............ Bansna Frlttera Vllt-Fried . Spring Chicken - on Roast Youna Turkey wlta Dress. iiS. ..... . . . , . . . . . ... ....... ao The speaker at the men's meeting In oiionuiB'or me x, m, u. A. looay r. j. wniteomo jsrourner of His theme will be "Why Men fkj, I ine AuoiionuiB'Di in i. M. X2IW11I be Dr. J. Go Wrong." There Will be epeeial muslo. The meetlna- begtne at l;Sy o ciooK, ana is irse xor men oniy. Announcement OP THE L. S. Frakes Millinery Company 409 Waahbiftoa Street - . ''A-:vr We take pleasure In announcing- that we are now permanently located in our new parlor at 409 Washington street, near Tenth, where we will be pleased to meet all oar old patrons, and extend our invitation to the public to inspect these beautiful new Quarters. We have the largest stock of the most exquisite and tasty Millinery in the city at tha most sttisfac tory prices. WE DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE also that we hive In connection the largest and most up-to-date and complete BEAUTY PARLORS Under the supervision of Mrs. Stella Bowers. These Beauty Parlors are fitted out with aQ the latest equipment of electrical appliance, including Electric Vibrators, Massage, Hair-Drying and many other modern appliances. This equipment is something entirely new and not . in use elsewhere at present in Portland. We wish to mention also that we have a complete ' display of High-Class Switches, Combs and Tonics at very reasonable prices. It ia our pleas ure to show you. M uj. , L. S. Fralces Millinery Company - - 409 Washington Street CO Boast Spring Chicken with Preaa- -1. Roast Pork wl.h Dressing......,.! Roast Veal with Draaalna. Roaat Beef with Brown Gravy,. ..1 loaai Lg or lamo wun tfeuy...,: trawberrv Short Caka........... .1 enrawoemee ana jream..,.,,.,,,. Dirswoarrr ' lo l.iuo ...,.,,., j.fe7 Coffee, Bread and Batter and pota toes with all meala ' Dinner from 11 a. m. to s p. n. . AiTBsroaw KXSTATsajrr, . ' Ceraer Thlr4 ga Couch. Sta." f Eyes. Eyes. Eyes. ; i Have your eyea examined by Dr. B. J. Mllla, late .with the Oregon College er upiometry, now at in Bixtn street, between Stark and Washington. Con. a ui latum xrae. ; r-;-.-:-:-?-. .--fy-p Wanted Capital Interested Party late from Battle Creek haa a copyright on a corn flake breakfast food. For - particulars-address T U, Journal ' f , - . -. . - j: eBaaaPaeajaewaiea?aiBseBasasBBman . "Wliere to Dine. : Watson's Restaurant will serve a line chicken dinner today, 10 eeata, -. . j A Fishing Pole or Box of Candy GIVEN WITH EACH PAIR - OF V CHILDREN'S SHOES AT Rosenthal's poriland'a Beet ajnoe irtore.' MTfMTH AJTO WASXXBTOT0BT WS AILEN PKEP SCHOOL : 1 ABEANOES PltOGBAM Commencement exeroiseg ef the Allen Preparatory school will be held Thure. day evening next at the Hawthorn Park Preahyterlan church. : The follow-. Ing program haa been arranged! fa A May Morning" The Gay Curlbo" (Harria) uonteiu; .aaareaa, me . -js HOTEL MOORE - ' Om AXX TXB TXAB. ezATsor giAOT, bxasisx. oaieow. ' Tea Cliff Heaaa ef Oregea. ' -:. y - . . ' Directly tbe teeeh, ererlookhif the eeea. Hot salt bathe sad . serf bathing. Remetloa pier for flhln. Sua parlora, eleetrte li(bta, fireplace aeg faraiee beet. Fine walks ead drives. Sea foods a specialty Mes, $2.50 and 3,00 per day SPiaai, tATKS 8T TBI WISE. ' HOTQL.AU DUDON sav ntAvcisc(M(iraorXAS kai evtr, Blnale reoaa er ea volte. Klevetor. steeoi at ml. eleetrle Uichta sad all autdera eeael. eeees. Strictly flret-eUu. Coe,tul,Bt te shop, ring eentere. Oa direct Dae frois ttry mni XbJrd aid Tewaeeae eepnt, a Mr Vttf V areaae. a.NTet(. star. LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OIIECON send vetir nrmtinn mt lu.l. i.j . , ounuiu focaeiey uau. tlvs than ever before. More Itlric. Aeooni mods tln oi om uisneei oraer. una nunored em gant outaide vooma; private bathes elec tric llghtaj hat and cold water. AnI1,i everlooktng tha Pacific and e UghtfuITy altuated eettagaa. iniawpaeaea, tea reod m tpeelalty. . f . . y Txa bits muiTS axa tzsztx - 9. b ATOTZaT, it, A 0AltXJrX2. Tt. Come After," ;. William Carr Morrow: Winds in the Trees" (A. ortr nomas), lb) My Loves an Arrutus'- (Stanford), lleleu N. l;ritf; iTfonm. tlon Of Cicloiuaa. I.j.u A. it i I, 1) 9 v I