THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND", SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1C07. : v.:;; ilr t . Go 6 da and I Jot lorn S i Cushion Slip A new line of tapestry Cushion Slips,, made of beautiful rich Roman stripe, tapestry; . good 35c value's.taspecial at, .each . . '. .,.'. '. r . ; . . . . ; r . . .... . .23f IHIlow Tops Lithograph Pillow Tops," al!' the newest designs; very pretty, patterns: well worth '40c, special Monday and Tuesday at.... Z5f i Art Goods aridITotioao Hose SupporteriWomen's hoofc-on Hose Supporters, good quality, plain and fancy lisle elastic ; all colors; special Monday and Tuesday, pair, ... . ... ...... ... .... .23 Silk Belts Special sale' women's Silk Belts of every color and description; every belt worth 'from 50c to 75c; special Monday and Tuesday, each... ....... .......23 Writing PaperColonial Linen Fabric Writing Paper, envelopes to match; regular 45c value, special at 33f Dress Shields Adjustable mushn covered . Dress Shields. best made for, summer wear; sizes 2, 3 4; (special Galo of Xluslin :, ' Our June Sale of women's Underwear wil be remembered as the greatest "value giving" event of the season. Materials ire muslins, cambrics and , nainsook, trimmed with beau- tuui lace ana embroidery. ; Garments are all well made, under strictly fanitary conditions and finished by expert hand sewers. ' A few specials will show you how the prices are not- wunstancung tne great advance In price of Muslin Drawers, 5-inch ruffle of fine embroid ery," finished with: five fine tucks, full, regular size; 75c garment at June Sale price ' . 6D Fine Cambric Skirts, with . deep, tucked lawn flounces,-trimmed. with duny or. VaL lace in sertion and .edges, deeo underlay and 1 dust ruffle, extra full, width; skirts worth AO $1.50, June Sale price. ......vOC Women's ' Muslin Gowns of excellent quality muslin: square yoke trimmed. with hemstitched ruffle,, tucks-and insertion, also , square yokes trimmed with' lace' and insertion gowns HC worth $1, June Sale price. ... I JC Corset Covers,' made of fine nainsook with neatly embroidered yokes, others, trimmed with lace and -ribbons; corset covers worth 9C 50c and 65c, June Sale price............ JJC , June Brides or Graduates This is the season of matched sets In muslin Underwear; we. carry in stock a variety of handsome garments in which we cart match up two, three or ; four-piece sets, selected from gowns, chemise, drawers .and skirts to meet your needs; four-piece sets, especial flC ly selected at f3.85 and ...... Qui Greyest a as Mil 9 J aft m 1st The finest collection of Hieh-Oualitv Imoorted Embroideries ever shown here - is' selling at half price and less. Hundreds and hundreds of yards of Beautiful New Embroideries that are suitable for every purpose in which embroidery is used. We secured these embroideries from a manufacturer . who ranks among . ' the largest and finest in the world. The entire unsold balance of his 'spring stock U . was sold to us at a great sacrifice. Sound business logic influenced the maker to accept our low offer. Hisapring season was over ours just in full swing. His ' traveling representatives are active in the campaign for next season. It was de sirous to clear stockrooms of all remaining embroideries in the quickest possible manner.. Instead of selling fractional quantities to many stores at a small dis count, he took a big reduction andaccomplished his object quickly. THAT'S THE HISTORY OF THESE VALUES. : It will pay to buy a full year's supply. The values average better than ever before come early. fa to a ei Grpateot Embroidery: Event of the Year 'Elaborate Embroidery Vj A 45 Inches Wide-Only, O WO We call particular attention to the workmanship, of this embroidery. ; It is unexcelled. Made on best ,69c " quality fine Swiss Nainsook and Chiffon Cloth.' - An endless assortment ot- patterns,- irom aaimy Daoy a tli. clahrtrst ftneal Hicm in cut efforts 'and scroll patterns. Values op to fisu. Special saie price ............. Corset Cover Embroidery Onr 35o and 50o Values Ten thousand yards Corset-Cover Embroidery, made on irood erade nainsook, beautiful variety of designs, ' elaborate , ana smau aaimy enccis, Desi ojc yv- i and 50c1 grade. Special for this sale;........ JC Embroidery Edgringrs Specially Heduced; J 85c and $1.00 Embroidery. Special, MQ yard ... . . . ... .................... "Ow r5c i rard 75c and 85c Embroidery. Special, ra .. .. .. iv. cand 65c Embroidery. Special, yarc 50c yard 35c and 40c Embroidery. . Special, 0 1 vara . i . . . . ...v... 25c and 30c Embroidery. . Special,- 10 yard ... . . IOC 18c and 20c ' Embroidery. Special, O vara . . , i ' 10c and 12c Embroidery. Special, per yard................... Allover Embroidery tc 03.00 and 03,50 Values SJ HO A rare showing of Allover Embroidery; exclusive designs in small, medium and large scroll and floral ' effects; made on sheerest materials; none better sold ' at less than $2.00 and $3.50 a yard. Our Off- , special price .vOC ;: flouncing Embroidery ' t t 91.25 and Q2.00 Values OtfO ' 18 to 24-inch Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroidery: the workmanship is excellent, every stitch even and uniform, edges are well finished and overcast; sell regularly at $125 and ,$250 yard. Special CA'-t for. this sale ............................... OVC 1 Fivo Undorwcap and Hosiery Bargains for ! , " ( Tomorro7 S Will be only a part of the many extraordi nary values to be found in this popular sec tion tomorrow and Tuesday.. The very sub stantial savings here noted may only be real ized by prompt purchasers. , . v Children's Stockings, Best 35e Values, 19. Children's, fine mercerized lisle, lace Stock ings in black, pink, blue, red, also plain mer cerized lisle in champagne; best 35c lA values, specially priced at.,. ...,...lwC ; Women's Vests, 50c Values, at 18. ' ' A special lot of women's Vests of fine lisle thread, ecru color, all sizes; sold everywhere at 50c, specially priced for one day , , 1A only, at .llC .Women's Pants,' 40c Values, ; at 29. Women's fine bleached Pants ' and Tights of select cotton, pants ' are. . umbrella style, nicely trimmed with torchon lace, all ' sizes; extra good values at 40c, special- 00-' ly priced at... .LVC Sleeveless Vests, 25c and 35c Values, 19. About 50 dozen wo men's fine white sleeveless Vests, made with nicely trimmed yoke both plain; and shaped styles, ret 25c and 35c values, all at one price, choice Ifl while they last.......lC A Women's Hosiery, 35c and 50c Values, 23. Extra Special for Monday and Tuesday . Women's Tine laceJHose, in pretty allover and boot styles, colors black, tan, pink, light blue, navy, white, champagne, also plain hose in all the most fashionable shades; 35c and ' Of 50c values, specially priced at..... aCOC Our Entire Stock of Hew Spring Suits, Coato arid SIrirts tat Beiduced Priedo ' PoIlowin' off nsual custom at this time of the year we will start our summer clearance sale py plating our entire stocn ot reaqy-to-wear garments at greatly reduced prices. In order to shorten dnratioiTot sale and to clean up all spring and summer snita we will offer values that . .' have never been equaled in Portland..- ;; , , : " , ; '. i ... . " ...... .. 1 V :''' "i.','... i, . . ' - ' '," .. , .( For Monday and Tuesday we will offer 50 of the smartest models shown-, this season at about one third less than usuat prices. Remember every' '! shape that's in demand is here Eton, fitted and box coat suits; materials I ' 'are plain color Panama, worsted, plaids, stripes and mixtures; t A A A choice of suits worth to $1940, on sale Monday and Tuesday. $1UUU 1 J,.': Junb Sale'of Fine Tailored Skirts ' . Plan to be here this, week If yon want the best skirt values.--. : SKIRTS, made in the ; most desirable new ; plaited ; styles, front . fine worsted Panamas, in black, brown,. navy and gray, also new spring mix tures, checks, and stripes;: big pile of skirts tn table worth up' d J AA to $7.50; June Sale special ...... ......r..:...i.............$y SKIRTS, made of Altman voile, chiffon, Panama worsteds and fancy ' ' materials, new: plaited effects, new hip panel effects; skirts d C A . worth in any store from $10 to $12.50, our June Sale price.... . 1 UV FaricylTet f: These Waists are made up in the ery handsomest style, long yokes and ;- shoulder effects, trimmed with heavy applique medallions, dunv round " mesh, white, crearh or ecru," all lined with Jap silk; special Cyl CA . June Sale prices, f 8.50, f 6.50 and..,....;....;............. $fl.3U . www m Tomorroir and laer day You Will Find Many Special Values WashGbods The values are extraordinary. The styles are new and nobby. These get special mention : n . : -I , y-'.ri:' - ' Dress Ginghams, 12)44 Unusual Sole of Ilen'fj, Womon'o and Children's """" w"" vAiwrua, m mu pcsi sryies, witn piatn toe ana tip, high or J ! low neeis, ciucner or plain Mce, light or heavy soles; Oxfords that are good all through. JJ I iv mwuu7 miu tucimj m an lonowing reoucnoni; ;: . ; , Bepr. 81.50 Oxfords, Monday and Tuea. , 01.00 Beg. 82.00 Oxfords; Monday and Tues. ; 81.50 Dress Percales, 10a-32 Inches' ''XSJ P0? u ,ether"' & QK W . , . ...... M.W ; JXTNE SALE OF WAISTS 50 dozen white Lawn Waists, in about V10 beautiful stylesv to selecf' from; some are embroidery trimmed, others again are. trimmed with lace, in many neat and clever designs; the kind that sell; readily at and ?w3; special for Monday-and :i!wCi vv5 ffl 'An Tuesday..... .... ........ . .... ; .... ."....V. ...ylMV Wash Suits and Skirts a, S We are showing a beautiful line of lawn and linen Shirtwaist tf6 Cft Suits 'from .S1.50. to.'. .',. .t' ii . '. i , .'. . .v.; ii. ,y0Ot i . Our extra special in Gingham and Chambray ; Shirtwaist 4 AC Suits, worth $7.50, at, only , . , . ; . . . . i ; . . , . ..... .' i'. ... . . ,. ; itVD White Indian Head and Pique Skirts, made up-inmost 'de- CA sirable etyles, at $Z'Q$t f 1.85 and. , . . . . . . . V " . . . Silk Petticoat ! Social ,V ' 'V ' Black and colored Silk Petticoats specially.' priced.. - Notwithstanding the advance price of taffeta silks we are enabled to offer for Monday and Tuesdays selling an excellent Petticoat,: madetn.algood liberal, ... . -. t . . . J 1 j r f . . 1 moaet, wna.iucKca ana snirrca uouncc, iinisnca wim near- hv fju silk underlay and dust ruffle;-June Sale special...... ..V...;.Vvvy' - , Percale rappers 01.10 4 Tomorrow we place on sale , for the first time about .25 doxen Percale Wrapoers. this season's best styles, In medium, light and dark colors. well made and neatly trimmed, all sizes; regular $1.50 values, tt 1 A wide, eood line of light, me dium.,and dark colors, priced at, per yard .... ... .101 Best Percales, ' 1S - Best qualify 86-inch ' Percales, any wanted style or color ; priced at,; perj yard I X ;.f ... ..15 New Batistes, 15a New lot of Batistes, in Kght, medium and dark colors, large - variety of patterns ; pricid : at; !per yard . . . ; . ,t . . . vast Soiesette. 255 All the want ed plain colors, brown's, 'tans,' blues, pinks,, etc.; also black and white; priced at, yd., 25 Linette, 154 Hi inches "wide, plain colors" only, light 1 blue, navy; cadet, tan. red and white ;V pncer per yard . . . " . , ; . . , 15f Lfaen - Suitings 36 inches. beautiful , line of , desirable shades, blue, pink and brown priced at SOf, 35 and 40 Manchester ; Galatae, 20c Large variety of styles, light, medium and dark colors, priced, per yard' .....20 Cheviot Shirting, 15 32 inches wide, large assortment of r medium and dark shades, absolutely fast' colors ; priced at, per yard 15f Women's Shoes and OxfordsIn ill fash ; ionable leathers; regular $3 and $3.50 vals . Women's. Shoes and Oxfords All up-to- . date styles; regular 3(J and $3 values fiffK 7 lBoys and Girls Shoes Shoes that are made A A. .ytfOt to stand hard wear; $1.50 values VitC sin 1 Misses Oxfords Jn patent colt,' all new CI A 7 ..l.Ul ,tyles; regular and $225 values....,.,; 1.4 These Silko and Drees Goodo Are Leading- Bargains They merit strong, special and vigorous emphasis. better values in our whole experience of Dress Goods selling. jfuiuiMiiiu,a uruKbAi savin us We accord it with confidence. .Have never seen THE PRICES REFLECT THE OP- Colored Dress Goods $1.25 and $2.00 Values at 5 Correct 1907 Dress Fabrics,' finest all wool and silk and wool foreign and domestic weaves, from 42 to 50 inches wide: ' exceptionally good $1.25 and $2.00 values. QC- onowing mis weex ai.. ...... , .Cream Dress Goods Unequaled Values ' CREAM MOHAIRS. : ' 50-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard, .f 1.25 45-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard:-.)l.00 45-inch 'Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard. .T5 38-inch Cream Mohair Lustre, at, per yard....50f CREAM NOVELTYCOODS. ' 50-inch Novelty Cream Serges, per yard.., v.f 1.25 50-inch Novelty Checks and Stripes, per yard.f l.OO 48-inch Silk and Wool Mixtures, per yard.... f 1.00 NEW NOVELTY CREAM GOODS. New Novelty Herringbones : priced at f 1.25-8 1.50 New Novelty French Serges; -priced at 50e) to 14 New Cream Suk and Wool Eolienne; price. . f l.OO New Cream Wool Taffeta: oriced at 75 and 11 New Cream Nuns Veiling; priced at.. 50 and75e New Cream Albatross; good values at 50f tnd 75 Nnr rim Prnir)! Vni1. rtrlrm ar4 ' 11 AA on sale Monday and Tuesday, at . . . .... .V. . . v Hundreds of Women's and Hisses' Coats and Jackets Underpriced Short Box Coats, English fly front, - in stripes, checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, plain or trimmed with self-strappings some have , collar of velvet,. Three Special Values J Ne!.c!!m French Voi!"; price vr yh00 White Bed CREAM STORM SERGES.. - 50-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard.... f 1551 50-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard. ...f l.OO 46-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard......85e 38-inch Cream Storm Serge, at, per yard..,., .65 CREAM BEDFORD CORDS. ' ' 45 Cream Bedford Cords; price, per yard... .f 1.25 44 Cream Bedford Cords; price, per yard.... f 1.00 38 Silk and Wool Bedford Cords, per yard..... 65 38 Plain Cream Bedford fiords, per yard...... 50ft ' ' Sale of Popular Sillis $1.00 Plain Messallne, 85 20-inch French Messa line, very high finish, rich and lustrous; regular $1.00 values; everyf wanted color. Special OT price v. j s. i . . ............... .............. OO C $1.00 Poiletta De Soie, 85 A very new and popu lar weave, lias beautiful rich soft finish, very pli able. 'comes in all the staple and evening shades; spld everywhere at $1.00 per yard. -Our- CC ttce. OJL l.OQr Louissenes, 75 f 20-inch Swiss ' Louissenes, ; a great favorite for elaborate evening gowns, purest of silk, warranted not to crack or split, comes in all . '.I. ..... ......1.. iati.fl.a i !. frm nA Kli-lr ; cannot be duplicated in the city at $1.00. , 7d i rifr nri ............................ rt... I Wi. . v - ' : . All fashionable garments, suitable foxtail occa sions long, loose and semi-fitting coats, pony, Eton, r. box, fitted, and cuuway,, jackets, all at. June ; Sale ' Tourist Coats, tan stripes, gray stripes, fancy mix tures, . light and medium checks, small , CA V plaids; worth $8.50r June Sale price . , t Z . , yy y K :('.;'V -- ' " y- y Valuea $6.90 iSfjcsoJ 8Ss.!?;.,:.$&50 JSo Tapering W aist y'r : 4y Their up-to-the-minute, fashionably correct style isn't the only reason why the best-groomed women everywhere wear R. & O. Tapering. Waist Corsets. True, they are the only ready-to-wear Corsets designed to give the tapering; defined waist line. But there's another reason. R. & G. Tapering Waist Models allow perfect freedom of movement that exquisite pliancy which goes only with a perfect fitting corset. . Every woman will appreciate THAT feature. Easy to prove Bvery, jPairiiarante-i Spreads By a very special purchase we are enabled to offer unusual values in white Bed Spreads. Three lots to choose from: . $1.25 Values at 98 Full size white .crochet Bed Spreads, a good wearing qualityy neatly hemmed ready to use, ; laree assortment of new patterns to choose trom. - -, ' $U0 Values at ?1:23 Full size white Bed Spreads, extra heavy, finished with deep hem, beautiful Marseilles patterns : great values at this price. $2.00 Values at $1.69 Extra large and heavy Bed Spreads, in a . great assortment of pat terns, well made, neatly hem med ready to use, best $2.00 Great Bargains in Our Men's Store This is very much a man's store not merely a handler of men's goods that women might pick up but a store that mentome to and believe in. We keep pretty fine goods. We are certain to have styles correct in every class of'goodai'we feel called on to handle. We havea good many Inexpensive things, too there is need for them, when they 'can be had right and cheap. More to tell it snail come in snort chapters. These five items to Judge by tomorrow and Tuesday: ; : Men's Underwear $1.00 , Men's high grade ribbed worsted Shirts and Drawers, regular summer weight, form fitting, natural gray color, come in all sites, extra well finished; exceptionally good garment d ft A at, each'.'. . . . . , . . . . . , . llenVlNefirKffelSh I Our showing of Men's Negligee Shirts is com plete in alt sizes from .14 to 17, colors plain white, tan, blue, black and white, also checks, stripes and fancy patterns. Extra good valuea QJ Hen's Handkerchiefs 12Ko Men's plain white cross barred or striped cambric Kerchiefs, neat, narrow hems, soft finish, 1 0 ready to use. Good values at, each luZ . Men's Fancy Hose 256 Just received, a new shipment of Men's Fancy Hose, in nobby gray effects .with dots and also a line of pretty fancy checks. Unequaled OC values at, per pair . . ..................... LO C MEN'S NEGLIGES SHIRTS In our" men's department can be found the largest ttock negligee sateen shirts carried by any house in the city.. 'Come in tan, gray, cream and ! ton-down collars, quality; of sateen, make and finish the very, best Prices 60V75 if. n i