The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Only One Bill to Pay
(Continued from Par Out.)
;ried out the frfaftinar policies. Competition 'ends' and the'diwy
' in the srraft fund begins when membership is acquired in the pro-
1 tective association. ' The plumber who attempts to do business in
;. Portland without acquiring membership in the latter organization
is soon forced out of business. , lie must join the secret circle,
; share in its graft, levy exorbitant tribute on every suspecting and
unsuspecting citizen wno pays ior piumuing, or,ciosc up snop.
- ' The competitive plumber who refuses to be drawn into the lobby
, of the trust finds that he is compelled to pay as much as 60 per cent
.'si more for his material from the wholesalers. A bid which he makes
' - on work is quickly underbid ;. by one of . the trust members. : The
latter bid may be a figure which represents a loss of many dollars
to uic piuucr, uui lie secures tne juu, anu mc umcrcntc 19 mauc uu
Dy trie, protective association in wnicn ne noias memDersnip. ,
Frequently it happens that the quota of plumbers, in the city is
fulL The protective association issues an edict of its own that no
-more firms shall be allowed to share in the graft which it accumu-
lates for its' members. The next applicant therefore is required to
. take ajl examination before the board of examiners. .1 his is cus
tomary In all cases,' but in the present instance the examination is
made so difficult that it Is impossible to reach the required standard.
,lhe board of exairjners is made up of plumbers who are members
of the protective association. . l . '.
EverV bid, every contract let,' every estimate furnished by any
of the plumping firms m Portland that belong to this secret trust
must first pass muster before the protective association. For a citize
of Portland to obtain several. estimates on prospective work from as
many plumbing firms in the Jbopes of benefiting by the apparent
. competition is a hopeless undertaking.' Through the orotectrve as
1 socjation his demands are made known, and soon after' his first re
quest for an estimate the wholesale crafting begins,"? ;' 3
' - Through a mutual agreement among the members)! the com-
bine he is "soaked" for that sum which it is thought he will pay
' without creatine a disturbance. On ton of this is attached the cost
. , of labor and material and. a reasonable profit, arid in addition is
s heaped the stipulated graft assessment demanded by the protective
association and which each, member agrees to extract from its pros-
pective customers as soon as membership in the trust is secured.
So notorious had these methods of the system become that a
, short time ago a plumber who had gone out of business and was
't denied a reinstatement upon his second application threatened an
- exposure of the grafting process by which the plumbers' trust was
r; roDDing ine people, xiis inreais Decame so vigorous . mar arrange
ments were made to remove the offices of the trust, together with
-11 ii-l f- ..-'J - A If A J it. ! T J"
au 11$ pooks sua papers, 10 .Vancouver, outaiae uie jurisdiction 01
this state. . . . . " ' ': -'TV-,? Hv- " " v: V
;A comprorhiw was effected, however, the plumber was ' admitted
' again to the inner circles, his initiation fee into the Master Plumb-
. ers'. association 'was reduced more than one half, and he again
resumed business and' at present is enjoying tfre;graft; proceeds
m which
c tion.
III ''',i.'"."1-. V nl,i . lJ.1..fuiJlaJ.m'"UM;uutl-,,"
- -. ' l - ' v Aim m la ir a 1 1 y ih i unit
. In lt construction thU Cot U marvel of aklll. Opened
it 1 full-length, eaiy, alaatlo and comfortabl bed.
Folded It la a aniif nucleate about threa feet long and
. welgha 16 pounds. It la equally uieful for. camp, lawn,
plassa or home. WU1 aupport 600 pounda. Prlca. ..f 2.T5
Emplra,. Blrdaeya, M&pla Bada;
at i...... .$22.50
Napolaon Beda, golden quarter
eawad oak ......... .S27.50
Xapoleon Bada, blrdaeya mapla,
at ' ......... .C30.00
Kapolaoa Bada, , extra fine,
golden . ,uarter-eawed oak;
at .... 40.00
ch accumulate monthly in the coffers of the protective associ2
map kept
r Br. H. P. Loomls Blamed for No Longer, Any Boubt That
. Loss of Yerkes Millions by Olga Miller and Bertha
4 ; Miss Emily Grigsby. , Beilestein.Were Same.
Folding Fnrnltort .
i The chair ahown In the plo
' ture can be folded and carried
aa eaelly aa an umbrella. It
ia one of the moat comfort
able chalre made, adjuatlng
itaalf perfectly to the ahape
of tba body. Vtame U - of
hard maple and the Jointa are
connected with atamped ateel.
The aeat and back, are of
heavy . duck la faat colore.
Price il.45
Folding, Reflllnlnf
Steamer C h a 1 v a,
Jurt Ilka tba plo-
tura ...... S1.Z5
A - Someraaultio Davenport
can be operated by any email
child. The frame ia all of
ateel and the cuahlona are
'felted cotton. Price .(40.00
Mra. Potta Bad Irene, eet of 3 with
atana ana nanaie, pcuu....vw
- .
Hayc' you ever thought of the Jconvenience of
trading at one store and getting everything you re
quired at reasonable prices, where you coma nave
it -put on your account a,nd delivered at your con
venience? This is such a store. , You can get your
carpets, furniture, crockery, ; silverware, lace cur
tains, ranee or heating stove, in fact every article
that goea to the complete furnishing of a home. If
you once try the easy payment plan which wo offer
in connection with our extremely low prices we are
certain that you will become one of our regular
customers, " . ' . ' -s
e O d K
: v. o ;.i
Gas Attachments
The manufacturer!
Iir the Alonaron Mai'
eabla Ranae are 1
moat tiroareaalTe and
e n t a r p ruing rirnu.
They continually add
' to their line Improve
ment that the trade
; i require a. - we aea
.other llnea of rangee
wnicn are me aame
now aa they were 10
yeara ago. 4 Not a
month pasaea but the
Monarch people make
aome . Innovation In
range cpnat ruction. - -The
lateat addition
to the Monarch line
ia In the way of gaa
1 attachmenta whloh
fit on to the Monarch
Rangea The gaa aeo-
1 tlon. la buUt indepen
dent of the coal
1 range, but adapted In
auch a manner aa to
give the perfectly compact appearance of having been bolted
together. The body ia of Wellavtlle jpollahed ateat The top
frame, oven door, frame to oven, ' lower broiler door and
frame, and the upper broiler door and frame are of malleable
iroit The burnera can be eaeily removed for cleaning or
renalra without toole. Two light atrong own racka are fur-
nlahed with each gaa oven. The ruidea are cloae together and
tmrmit raoka to be drawn out without droDDlna. - Price of thlo
range conneoted for hot water and gaa ............. .9125 ,
Even though K haa been uaed for ten yeara. Thle la a better
guarantee than you can get with any other range. Thle la a
better guarantee than any other dealer can afford ' to give.
The reason that we can give auch a guarantee la that the
Monarch Range ia indeatruotlble, and that It will atand the
teat of time and never crack or break In any part. Come in
and examine the Monarch Rangea or write for a free booklet
deacrlbing them. -. ,. .
11 down and $1 a week will put a Monarch in your home.
' Monarch Rangea are sold aa low aa 854.00. .
1-fH fife'
mm m
Mada of No.'l Spruce, with
screen front and . aldea,
helgUt H ' Inchea. width
18 H - Inches; one movable
belt 'Cash price ..f 1.35
Dainty Dreaatng
Tables worth
117.80, mnde of
genuine blrdeeye
maple, hand pol
ished, naa a heavy
French bevel mir
ror, j ''.t.; -'f'
Special .,911.90
Many new ,l aty lea
of Chlftoniara t4
aaleot, from,-. In fir,
ash, oak or mapla.
Prieea '.begin at
10.00. ,
' aJ v( v. ., ,
Thle . Poroh . Chair
la a bargain; made
of white r- mapla,
well worth $1.J0.
Our 1 price,' nly
S2.50. -. :
Buy From
the Maker
We maintain a workshop, not because we can make
mattresses cheaper than we can buy them, but because
the mattressea which we can buy are ao cheaply made
that they do not give satisfaction to the public We have
1 a large mattress machine and would be pleased to show it
to any one in operation. In this machine the filling of
'the mattress la all plaoed and racked down in its' proper
position with a heavy cover before it ia put In the tick.
'. Most of our ma Ureases are made to order; because
-.mattresses carried in stock and piled up in large quantities
.flatten out and lose their springy quallUe -
We manufacture mattresses from 91.50 ,ta 930.00
a ' 'jaw ur 1
1 1 i 1 1 :
:i ra ' 1 . a v "jt v
1 1 'L 1 ana m. m n - sjw
A-SOO Hammocks Ara open gauie weave, have concealed
spreader at head, continuous stringing, and wood bar at
foot with patent tips and adjustable ropes or. knots; siss
txTl. Price......... ..O
B-100 Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave, ether
wise same aa A-SOO; alia lx80. Price .....91.58
C-100 Hammocks sra close canvas and - twill weave, Jac
quard design In body and valances, have concealed spreader
at head, otherwise similar to previous numbers; size
I7jf0. Price ........,.......;.......,.. 7.i.;il,80
IVlOO.Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave, Jao
guard design In body and valances have concealed spreader
at head, ntinuous Stringing pillow, wood bar at foot, ,
with patent tips and adjustable hitch' end rings r site of .
woven pari ivxti. mce .,92.00
pnj Chndran'i,
Jl Til HI lliflX 0 U Bads'
EEii'j" jZrj ona Prieaa
Cribs, .. Cradles
of all - descrlp-
commence at
81s Knives and .
Forks, with wood.
ca v.
lar prloa : flJt;
special ..r.JS4
handle 1 an4 ,
Medical Man's flpoxisa Is Greeted
I With Startling' Information That
' . Salts Are Fashionable and That
? 6ho May Qo Ahead.
Los Angeles Man Declares Beautiful
Allegheny Matricide Who Escaped
From - Dlzmont ' Asyhun' Passed
Away In California.
, fEetnt Mews hy teagest teased Wire.)
New Tork. June S. Mrs. H. P. Zoom-
(Beant Kews bz Leagest Leased Wife.)
rittaburs, June I. -That ;f Bertha
Is. wife of Dr. Loomls, did not bring ber8ellesteln, the beautiful Allegheny mat
nciae, wno escaped from the Dixmont
Insane asylum. Is unquestionably dead
is jna belter of all her relatives in
Pittsburg. N. , A. VoegUy, a . brother-
in-law of Bertha, and One of the former
exeoutors of the Bellesteln estate, who
sent word to Los Angeles :, for proofs
of the girl's Identity, : received a tele
gram from, a personal friend today.
which, he declares, leads him to believe
that the girl Olga Miller, Is bis slster-
in-iaw. nr. voertlv this mnrnlnr
ceivea me rouowing telegram: : -
ixis Angeies, June t.N.. A. YoegUy,
... ault for divorce. In which Emily Origs-
by, protege of the late Charles T. Yerkes,
. wss named, untU her husband had
". ' rejected a proposal to setUa 1100,000
k on her for separata maintenance. The
wlfa suggested the cash settlement as
. ' a means of avoiding the notoriety of a
, divorce suit.
. "Divorces 'seem fashionable now-
-' adava" the doctor is alleged to have re
: , piled, "and the affair may as weU go 1
. aneaa."
, It was Sus to Dr. Loomls that Miss
( Grlgsby-dld not reoeive a much larger
. snare 01 the zerxes aatate.
' Dr. Loomls. although not the sole
ebyslclan of the stricken financier dur-
. t tng ma last oays, waa tils enter medical
adviser.- and ruled the eick room with
. , deapotio sway. Mr. Terkes, realising
, mat nis oays were numoerea, conunun
- ally pleaded that Miss Orlgsby : be
brouirht to his bedside.
; From that moment Miss Orlgsby was
. in constant attendance by the slds of
the sic man and even displaced the
; wife when ahe aouaht to remain there.
- i There was a bitter scene between the
'two women. Then it was that Mr.
s xeraea. reoort says, determined to an
'pereede the will that left the major por-
r lion 01s weaicn xo nis wire with an-
; other which should reduce her share
to tne lowest possible amount and de-
- viae to the young woman the major
., portion. To thle end a lawyer waa
summoned to the bedside and the dying
,s: luiuiunaire oia nirn ma aeaire.
When at tha end of a week the 4oou
ment which would have made Emily
. - ; Orlgsby worth many millions was ready,
v Dr. Loomls stepped in and declared the
dylngr man. should not bo worried with
.,v the matter.
And ao Charlea T. Terkes died, leav-
,,ms vu uuia. vi uia u ( nis W1QOW.
Erl-bt, Healthy
Mi&l 5t; Brains
movo tba World
Make . Healthy Erafai.
Yrlal provMll - ; :
rittsDurg, fa.: DescrlpUon tallies
exactlr except brown hair: nartlnnlara
1 fnt . . . . , . ' . - . .
"J wwr,;v teignea; , Aaoert A. .. Jteine
man." - Mr. Relneman waa former! a wealth
business man of Allerhenv and knew
all the members of the Bellesteln family
very well. He Is now a mining engi
neer, residing at Pasadena, California.
He made a trio to Los Anaelea at the
reauest of Mr. Voes-tlv to ldentlf the
upon tne receipt or Keineman'S tele
gram, Voegtly- aald he believed that
Olga Miller was none other than Bertha
Bellesteln...'-'.'. ..r r ; - '.
Considerably mora mystery Is being
thrown about the case by the strange
actions of the officials of the Dixmont
asylum." When Dr. Hutchinson,, the su
perintendent, was today Informed that
the body of Bertha would ba brought
here for final Identification and burial, '
ne new inio a lerrioio rage. .
I don't want to hear anything more
about this Bellesteln woman." - he
snapped. ' 1
When asKed 11 ne wouia view tne
remains upon their arrival ha declared
that he would not do so unless forced
to do so by his official position.- 1
Is Good
I r I II
Black Hills Forest Reserve
Being Wrecked by Attack;
of Little Insect,
Believed Peat May Be Eradicated If
Timber If Cat Rapidly by Big
Companies Price Is Reduced
Dollar Per Thousand.
(Special Dispatch to The JTovmL)
Eugene, Or June I. Firs partially
destroyed the Fisher steam - laundry
building here today and ruined about
half of ther machinery. The lira started
from sparks from the engine and spread
so rapidly it Waa impossible to check
It. The city lire department saved a
portion of the building and all of the
ironing machinery. The washing ma
chinery, engine and boiler were destroy
ed. The building was an old two-story
structure valued at 1600. It waa owned
by F. L Chambers. The loss to E. I
Fisher, proprietor - of the laundry is
$709 or 1800.- There waa no insurance
(Hearst News by Longest tasted Wire.) '
San Francisco, June K. T. Green,
an entomologist 01 me aBparimvui vi
agruculture. who has been a guest athe
Majestlo for several days, says tba de
nartment is fighting a ravenous little
bug .that hg,beea killing svery year
man of -the finest trees in the Black
Hills forest reserve, j It makes its
appearance in July, August and Septem
ber and fixing in swarms, ; attacks the
healthy greea trees, principally the yel-
l0WSoonaafter the' atUck by the beetle,"
continued Mr. Oreen, "the wood f the
pine begins to turn blue,, due to a
fungus In the wood -cells. After infec
tion the trees remain green until spring
when the , leavee die. In this condition
the wood-Is Just as good as that of
SOVTI f t t
" Don't let your child suffer with that
cough when you can cure it with Bal
larfs HorehOund Syrup, a sura curs for
Pnurha. Ttronchltls. Influensa. CrouDSnd
Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and
B. B. Laugher, Byballa, Miss, writes:
"I have two children who had croup. I
tried many different - remedies, but I
must say your Horehound Syrup Is the
best Croup and Cough medioine I aver
used." Sold by all druggists.
healthy trees. . Ths dead timber Is that
from which the insects have emerged
and whose needles have died. Ita con
dition dependa upon the length -of time
it haa been aead. two years ajter tne
attack the trees begin to rot and their
soundness is uncertain, from that time
onward. The government la offering
this infected timber, standing, to saw
mill men at tl a thousand feet, whereas
tne neauny, green trees seu ior o
thousand feet.
, "The forest reserve pi
tempting to secure bids from the great
lumber companies, who can work rapid
ly or cut trees by 4he thousand for
this is one Of the means decided upon
to. neip eraaicate. tne pest, it is esti
mated that three years will be required
to cut ail tne trees aepea necessary,
and while this work is going on experts
will be working alone- other llnea In
their efforts to destroy the little beetle
which has caused such - heavy . , loss
among ins nne trees.
(Special tMspatch to The Journal.)
Seattle, June 8. An average Increase
of 20 per cent in wages has been grant
ed employes In Tts collieries by the
Pacific Coast company. In soma oases
the raise. Is less than 20 per cent, but
Chief Engineer Anderson says that Is
about the average. ' " ' . . '
. This is the explanation riven bv the
company for the increase In the prioe
ox coai, wnicn iook erreoi tnree aays
ago. The Increase in wares was deter
mined upon immediately after the
abortive attempt at a atrike in Its Black
Diamond mines a short time ago, when
the effort to organise a union , failed.
The openlne Of navigation to the north
marked the beginning of a general emi
gration 01 ; tne companys miners ana
the ware advance was determined nn
as a measure noth to stop the departure
ox tne men ana as a preventive or a
possible striken
(Special Dlspttehne The foaraal.)
Seattle, Juno . No trace has yet
been found of August Wrtsetv whose
wife is now at Portland. Wrescli. his
17-year-old son Will and 110,000 In cash
thaf the man had in his possession dis
appeared May ' It. '; Tba Seattle police
were Informed of the disappearance, by
a letter from the Portland chief. - .
The Wresch family came to Seattle
from Austin, Minnesota, arriving' here
May 18. Wresch and his son werj to
Vemaln in this city, a day or two and
Mrs.., w resell ana tne. younger cniiaren
went on to Portland.-..Wresch had in
hie possession $10,000 in cash, , giving
J ' - - s " r-
Subjects of Empress Would
, Not Side With Mikado If
War Were Declared.V
Mongolians Have Warmest Feeling
of Friendship for America Since
McKlnley and Hay Prevented Dis
memberment of Their Empire. :
"(Hearst "News byt Longest .Leased Wtra.)
San Francisco, June , IWRobert ' L.
Merchant of Shanghai, who has lived In
China for 20 years, la at the Tairmount
hotel on his way to Berlin. In his opln
Ion China would never side with Japan
should' the latter at any time become
hostile to the United States.;?;
The close relation that 1. supposed
In this country to exist between China
and Japan," said Mr. Merchant, "does
not as a. matter - of . fact ' exist ; They
are neighbors and they are of the same
color, but are not on . what would be
called Intimate .terms among Individ-
uala. China is at present engaged In
reforms and is obtaining- useful assist
anoo from Japan'. But that does not
mean that she will permit her political
nollev to r be . dictated by Janan. For
one thing,' China owes a deep debt of
ratltude to the United States. The
'hlnese naver forget a friend. They will
ntvtr foraret that president McKimev
and John' Hay prevented' the dismember
ment of their empire. by the European
powers at , the time of the boxer uprls
inrs. Hav is even now known in China
as 'the God. ' v -' -
'There ' has beea trouble between the
two oountiles sinoe, but nothing serious.
"China has', taken - reform seriously.
The movement7 has reached the .most
Inaccessible regions Of the empire. The
law prohibiting tne use of opium is
being strictly inforced. and that Is the
reatest -factor-in- favor
lastlnr . reform. China
be even more1- friendly
a -a real -and
reformed - will
. Th pure food law requires that no preservatives - ;i
. shall o placed in bread in order to retain its fresh- .
- Y ' , nets, ana that all breads containing such' materials 1
' ' are classed as injurious and unfit tor food.1
Eite- Noil Bread i
n Is now; and always has been, absolutely pureand'-'
" the fact that it is fresh .baked each day is a guar : 4
antea of its absolute freshness and purity.. Insist
upon getting it . r, ' "
At All
v .trtrr
eL M"'
5 Cents Per
. Loaf
'-. t- ' -A " ....... t ........... Ni.
T U U I j Sj,
u 1 , ..
0 JZJ--A.
Or. Morrow's Anti-Lean
scaus xjbast raor&a va :
Througk the nsrvoua ays-
ay stem, n Is a purely
Tegetabia eompooaa.
. Contains no oUs or fats or
t any drug that is injurious
or iiaDie to proauoe a nanit.
Each ' bottle " contains ' a
month's treatment and costs
tl-BO at any flrst-clasa drug
" store, f reparea py the
Oregonlaa Bldg, Fortland,. Or.
to the -United
. ., f ....-4
aa either building... or contents) . .
nis wua w pa10rg.1ns.iext. w ,.' vi.
States .than she ia aow