-L2GOII SS!:iTIL,Y.&7ELCOi- 4sst -i00 . , m - v.his Issue of , ' Tho Sunday J ournal Comprises 5 Sections 54 Pages The Weather-Sundar, fair and . warmer; westerly winds. ' 1 J M VOL, IV. . NO. 13. : , PORTLAND OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, jyNE 9, 1907, PRICE FIVE CENTS. iiilf .BMET IfifMl fltti : '. ' . ' ' ..... .... . , , ,. . . . ... , ...... ... MM NEBRASKANS QUESTS OF PORTLAND r w . MEM FROM SICH 1 " : Public Mulcted by. Monopoly. Which, De mands Tribute From Every Person. competition Milled wnoiesaiers m League With Retailers Inner. Circle That Fixes Rates and Levies Tribute Outstripping in graft all other T monopolies of its kind, .each month dividing heavy dividends mulcted front the rich and poor alike, demanding tand forcing 'three profits wherethe furniture trust and others ask but one, the plumbers' combine in Portland thrives through systematic methods of double-dealing which is the Portland's plumbers' trust demands tribute from; every person i who spends a; dollar for plumbing.' LThe private citizen, caught from the time that he asks for an estimate on worky innocently pays his share into the clumbers' eraft fund just as surely .as if it were a tax levied by the city,. On top .of the first graft he -is forced to pay, a second is added, and a third is piled on top of thW' y ; ; . - . COMPETITION COMPLETELY STIFLED.'. - , v : With Vombetitibn "comDlet'elY stifled wholesalers .standing U league with the plumbing firms, demanding 25 per cent more or thereabouts for material sold to a plumber not in the secret circle of the trust, and from 25 to 100 per cent,; more. when. tne material is bought by an 'outside?,' the citiien has no loophole through which hi can escane the rraft levied upon him. '; , 1 41 In the neighborhdbd Of 75 plurhbing firms in Portland have cess to tne secret cnamDers oi mis organizea com Dine wmcn ys-j tematically robs' the public. i"A few months ago,? emboldehed by the ease with which it extracted money from the people s pockets the plumbers' trust poured into the banks the sum of $58,000 which it had sapped from the public ina series of tributes inside of a few A threatened exposure , of the blood-sucking methods andtthe exorbitant levy then demanded from every person having plumbing installed caused a slight reduction of the tribute exacted from the public. The sum forced from every individual unfortunate enough to .require Wttmbing.rwdrk;'was'feduced.''?;Sincfc;that. time this par ticular graft of the combine has been carried on in modified form until at the-present : time the monthly blood-money fund seldom exceeds $10,000. V ; ' ' TRUST COMPLETE IN ALL DETAILS. . j- The organization of th? plumbers'; trust in 'Portland is complete in all details, thorough m its workings ana particularly, etfectiye in the graft-Jmoaey which it lifts day, after day; put of the pocketbooks of the people who ire building horhel. Aboye .all other features it is as secret as the jvork of the lodges.-- Leaky' places are soldered. Envelopes "and letter-heads upon which the business.; of the trust is transacted go. tnrougn tne mans wixnout marK .or signox tneir identity or the placeslrorn whence tney come, rew ot the letters ZSTh trust beeinS with mem bershio in the Master Plumbers as rbMiation It finds its culmination in the FJumbers' Protective as sociation' the Becret organization m which are generated and' car- t . Ta (Continued on Page Two.) '' . ... . QOVER NOR GEORGE L. . SHELDON OP NEBRASKA CUE C 100 LIS Torrential Storm and Cloudbursts in -Kentucky, Ulinbis and:In4iana,; Demolisliing Hany Toiis and Caus ing Heavy Property Damage Hirers High. ; ' ' Bt. IiOulfc Mo.. Jun , --A.t least KAn loet and aeveral JZ. MiMs ; injured. .0 Tt indlcauon. .1 ranorta from : the region- , Sia"outhw..tern Kentuckr vl- Ij'aat night 07 ft w0tt "7 v"-; Hjffi aouthweatef Indian Uo .nt- Property loealU r. . - k rirM in the dletrlct lted by the atorm are atM .down tod reporta , are coming trom rpundabout , comolete?' detaUa probably cannot be iecured "" vrt daya. York. NaahvtUe, New qusne are some of the Hllnola t own. which were practically deatroyea n Kentucky at WvWe d .. , la reported by the atorm. Creeka and rivers overflowed their banka ;. and - many houses wire awept away. ' Advices. - tonlghV' from Weat Vnlon. Illinois, aay that three r def4,.f York, llUnoia. a village of fOO Hants on . the Wabash river, 25 mllea southwest of here. .They are: , Henry Rook. aged . 30, hilled by fly Inf debris. - " ' ; . - . '.' Mrs. Mallnda PL.kstori, aged S8. body found In a tree-top. . . -, Frank Pinkston, killed by flying de bria, . Among the Injured are: Mrs, Johnson. Ernest 8oott Miller. - w " -iT!?? ,,l8t ;erlouslyJnJured will to Jtt ftS!ff. SSdfebg. o?Th,'v,ClUiln th er. . The storm struck the village about o'clock and raged for several minutea. The entire residence portion of the town was destroyed, but the. business section waa not materially damaged. The Storm vlctlma lost practicalfy evirVth?n? clothing being- torn In ahreda and If nlture broken to-kindling. . , ; i Miller waa struck on the head wifli a piece rof timber-and hla akulf frac tured. He may not recover. ; Sr5I1,yme Indiana, tfie home of John Bostick was destroyed. . Mrs. Bos tick and daughter were blown across the road and fatally hurt John Bos tick waa In a field at the time of the storm and was blown several hundred feet He received Internal Injuries and i poin juga were Droxen. " ; i. The home of Thomas Barton was de atroyed and ; two of hia stock barns blown away. Every bead of stock on his place excepting one horse waa either killed or Injured, s .Between the towns, of Duirirer and Sullivan, on the Indianapolis Southern, the railway track was washed out de laying trains. ' , ' Great damage was done to growing crons. bridges- and -fences. r At some places entire orchard were uprooted, 8ECBETIV BillllG urn is E Prisoner; Is Spirited 't Away From Wallace on Order of- Judge W66(L:j Boise, Idaho. June . It leaked out late tonight v that . Judge. Wood; baa signed an " order for ' the removal of riva Adami to thla- eitr. the Intent be ing for the prosecution to call him as a wftnesa, then to hav;;him-confirm a Independence art Of Orchard's story, at least regard- n the blowing up of .the aepot. .'.vv; A aauaa or oepuviee wn.a au.uh m. Rathdrum. Kootenai county, tonight, with him in charge, we-wm reaon nere wbm time early In the week. : - Adams ' waa aecreuy apiniea irom Wallace laat Thursday and taken . to Rathdrum. That the prosecution taitos thla extreme step Indicates that , they hope to try to have him repudiate hla recent statements and confirm the so called ' eonf essjon that he ftlleges waa forced from him. . : -.,?- . , . ; i , Atffl ESCU OF LilDIIGH PiTIf Prominent Citizens Wade Up , to Necks: in.s Carrying -Women Ashore.J "! T.-N. Stoppenbach and Hugh McQulre of the : Paciflo Paper company and Walter A Holt assistant cashier of, the United States -: National; bank,'; proved themselves heroes Friday'' night by res cuing 14' women and children, members of a launching party, from, death In the waters of- the Willamette. Submerged at times to their necks,-, the 'three men carried the fair members of , the party to a place of safety on shore from the launch.-which had ' oome to erlef on a jagged reef . several fathoms from the mainland. . -. v? . ... v . y, . The oartv waa aiven bv Mr. Btonnen- bach on his new and handsome launch Helen, and all went swimmingly until upvn returning a ma ciij ine neima- i (Continued on Page Thirteen ) NOT BLOV ON HEAD BY THUG BLOTS OUT At BUY OF TI PAS Dr. F. H. Van Tassel!, of Berkeley Smart -Set, Waylaid, Beaten and Robbed, Finds Himself in Strange City With No Recollection of Family or Former : Life Reads Papers to Find Himself ,. Like a freak of the wlldest1maglnatIon Is the story of Dr. F. It. Van Tassell, a prominent young physician of the fashionable set of Berkeley, California, who Is at St. Vincent's hospital Ignorant of all events of his life previous to a week ago, yet rational and; fully possessed of the knowledge that .he Is lost v Dr. Van Tassell,' who calls himself J. M. Smith,' Is believed to have lost memory of his past life by a blow on the forehead administered by a . thug In Berkeley a week ago last Thursday. ; Dr. Van Tassell has no recollection of ever having practiced medicine. has forgotten his name, and furnishes one of the moat startling and perfect cases of annesla ever brought to the attention of the local medical fraternity. , ' ' r, ' ' . .'KISSES WIFE GOODBYE.' . .V. The story of r. Van Tassell's life for the past 10 dayi is la effect that ha left hia home jat Berkeley after kissing his wife goodbye and say-; Jng that he would be gone for several hoars. He failed to return, , was held up. it Is believed, because of a 'bruise on the' forehead and the loss Of a stick pin and ring, went to Oaklald, crossed over to San Francisco, - then toe the steamer Roanoke for Portland, arriving In this city, as near as can he' figured, Tuesday morning. ' J;:.v i:'-:t ? :i t: Then followed several days wandering In . which Dr. Van Tassell lived at cheap lodging houses afraid to tell his strange story for fear of being locked up as crazy. - 'I.!-' ARRIVES EARLY Goveraor.Sheldon of NebrasJ ka and Business Men Due This "Jloming:. i Elghty-alght representative '- cltlsens and, business men of NebraakaJ balling chiefly, from Omaha.' are scheduled to reach the union depot early thla morn' Inn before the darkness of .night baa passed; " They will - be in -Portland to vialt .the , people and see .the alghts for two -aays wnen tney wiu teave if, iook at the apples and strawberries of Hood river before returning to the land from which they have come.. ; ,;& At the head of the Omaha excursion is the chief executive of . the state. oeorre'l Sheldon, perhaps the young' est, governor in the United States. At the present time he is about 18 rears of age and already has caused ' more commotion In his state than, most gov- (Continued on Page Thirteen.) LONDON CALLS TEDDY'S BLUFF "(Htarst Kews 6 Unfit Leased Wire.) Honolulu, June t. Jack XiOndon. the writer, declines to stay m tne oobb velt Ananias ; club. : Jondon i Is now at Peart harbor, near .Honolulu, with bis Bnark. resting from s his. recent cruise from San Francisco. He waa shown the recent interview with tne president in Everybody's ' magaalne, In . which .. the president accused - Iondon of . being a nature ia:er. " ...i j SO I am nmiura iuw - uumx o" don. "Well, thank Ood that I am not an authority on any thin g. I have knocked around the world enough to know that one man cannot see It all and because I never saw anjr particular thing that is no reason why It may not have happened. . "l mutt admit that I have not hunted wolven the- way the president has, : but I would like to match a bulldog against a wolf and bet with him on the fight. I think the nresldent would loae. I have aeen some mighty small torn csta some mighty Dig aoi lick president may, Juow logs, too. The ail - about the wolves of Colorado, for I have seen blm photographed with some he had hunted, and mighty little onesfthey were, but I don't . believe he. knows enough ubout the ' wolvef and huskies : of .Alaska to pose aa an authority.s' ',.T::"..t'i,-t.,. f,.,' "Now. on word as to the nature of tne huskies Or woir dogs of the north. These huskies are the litters of Import ed doga bred to wolves and are fierce and aavage In, their .nature,, relying, however, on the aseistance of the pack to worry and kill whichever of the two is- xnociced down in tne-right.' in the actual fight one husky never kills an other, and -a atout bulldog Is, in my opinion, more than a - match for any wolf dog. On my return from -Alaska 1 brought out one of these wolf dogs, and Jt was my constant fear-that the animal would be killed by one o 'the' various bulldogs that - were' kept by neighbors near my home. .-. .j . .... ....i... .. -- "The president' ta evidently a ' care les reader - of . my stories. He has rushed Into : thla criticism all twisted around. Look here: -He says that the lynx in my-story killed the 'dog wolf. That certainly does not tend -to, show that he la as careful an observer as the. magazine article seeks to Indicate.- My vtory' was about the dog wolf killing the lynx. na eung ine ooay. T ' In the article In Kvervbodva the Tr. ldent la quoted as crUlclslng London's 'White Fang." ' The president did not approve or tne description or tne right between White Fang and a bulldog, and said that he did not think that London knew much about wolves and nothing about their. fighting. The chief execu tive - thought ' that the bulldog ; would have but little chance, and unless It had secured a throathold . the inatant the fight started It would have been cut to ribbons.- ':; '- V continuing, tne article aays,' quoting the president:.-" - -'' -. . ' "In the same book London describes a great dog wolf being torn to pieces by a luclvee, ' northern ' lynx. This Is about as sensible as to "describe a tom cat tearing In pieces a SO-pound fighting bull terrier..- Nobody 'who really knew anything about either a lynx or a wolf would write auch nonsenaa." - The article- aays that Roosevelt la, "from every point ff view", in a Dota tion to be an authority -on atorlea of ani. mal'Ufe. ' i. AC' last, unable to longer bear the strain he was dally undergoing, he looked In the directory to find a phy sician to whom he could tell his tale. He hit upon' Dr. Kenneth A. J. Ma Kensle and went to . his of flee in the Dekum building. : ; . ...t-. . After arriving there and waiting a while, he went away for fear that If he told hla story he would be thrown out as an Impostor.- He went back Thuraday and told Dr. McKensie all he remembered of his past, which was limited to his visit - in San Francisco; The story he told Dr. McKemie is as fOllOWS:.-' - A ..-.,,,.,-, , .; j.. T . do not know my own name. I do not 'even remember my previous occupation.' If I have relatives I 'do not know who they are or where they live. I ram. here; that is all. I know. Why I. call myaelf J'M. Bmith I do not know, but it war the first name that came to- my mind when wandering hopeleaaly about in San Francisco., , rinds Xbnaeif ta Oakland. "My first, recollection of my past dates to last week when I found my self In Oakland. .,'-1 knew that I did not belong there, but I did not know why. . Some irresistible force . impelled me to cross the bay and go to Ban Francisco. Then my mind really be came active. " I heard persons - talking about leaving for Portland.- The same imoulse that caused . me to leave Oak land turned my footsteps to the steam ship office, where some Influence com ?elfed me to purchase a steerage ticket or Portland. ...v .v.: "When asked to Sign ray name to the ticket by the clerk, I hesitated and for a moment was lost Then quick as a flash my mind drew ajtcture and 1 1 signed J. M. Smith. Why I chose that name I cannot explain.' To the peat of my recollection -I did not know at that time what a pame was or Its significance. . All my actions were In cited by words and aots of others. Men tal suggestion perhapa explains the rea son for my presence In Portland... . . . t Xost ta Strang City. - ' "Now here am I In Portland lost. Since my arrival I have purchased many Calif ombs newspapers to see if could of ttersons ported missing from, home in the hope re find accounts lng f roi myself, e myst of Dr. Van Tassell. but that la not my of finding myself. I ran across the story , of the mysterious disappearance name. : I , never practiced surgery . or attended college. ' Of this I am cer tain." , . V-v Then continued the wonderful storv of a man highly educated, refined and sensitive In nature, averse to notoriety or publicity, at which the mind staggers and wonders at the abrupt ending of one life and the birth of a new one In a human being that has already reached maturity. "" f "Now," continued Dr. Van Tassell. "T want you to aid me in finding myself. If I have . relatives they surely must be looking for me. But where tney live or who-they are I cannot -aid you in determining. I have no reason for be lieving that I ever lived in California, save that I remember cominr to Port ' land from San Francisco. I do not be lieve 1 ever lived In Berkeley." Talk Is Ferfeotly SatlonaL For nearly four hours. Dr. Mackenzie sat and talked with Dr. Van Tassell In endeavoring to determine the trutli about the man. So strange and weird was his tale that Dr.' Mackenzie was first astounded : and then amazed. ' To alt confronting a person with a mind ao perfectly rational yet revealing such a strange story, was past all his pre vious experiences.-' He took personal in terest In the case and conveyed Dr. Van Tasseii to Bt, . Vincent's hospital. Upon his return downtown. Dr. Mae kenste conferred with Chief of Police Grltsmacher. The ' two - entered Into leiegrapmo communication witn Mrs, Van Tassell. A description of the miss ing man was furnlshed and tallied in detail with . the man whom Dr. Mac- ' kensle sent to the hospital. Finally a picture of Dr. Van Tassell was secured " from a San Francisco newspaper and Dr. Mackenzie at once recognized his man. . - Relatives 'areon their way to Port land and will convey the missing hus band and father to Berkeley, where the wife la nearly- erased by her husband's (Continued on Page Tea) WIFE DA1CIl5j izLss ssE f3 Isi? .C? George Saf ford Eeports Mysterious Theft of $600 at 03. w ego last NightNo Clue to Thieves Who 3Iake 1 Getaway With Stolen Cash'. aeorxe Safford. a saloonkeeper or os- weao. reported to the police that ne nao been robbed of l0 In fold. He sUted to the police that he bad the money hid den in av'canvaa sack In the flour bin. No one. so far as as knows, knew of the existence of bis savings, except bis wife and ibimselt f Mrs. Safford was awar from home last plght attending; a dance and when Safford locked np his bar and repaired to bis cache to drop in several mora gold pieces, the profits of - the week, be discovered that . bis entire savings bad vaniahed '-f Search In Oawego availing nothing, Safford 1 at once took the laat car for Portland, where he arrived at midnight and reported hla loss to the police. . Behind the Whole affair Is a mystery. Saflord evidently, baa some clue to the robber and started out on' a etill hunt with a veiled hint that he would have bis money within U hours or damage would be done to a certain person who Identity for some reason unknown he withheld. UNLUCKY NUM1JER OP , v PEOPLE POISONED (Btarat by tnft LiH Wire.) Pasadyna. Cel., June 8 It ha Jm iiram lu tisui nisi u person t sonca ai a oinner party givci t residence or air. arm j. r on North Mentor avenuo lat v '. day evenln, and the cmi.iii i -'i i f them Is Stiit repar1fi nui rlous ss to require th.i -physicians. Ice crwin r end Of the mm t !" .'- . ; bea tb can vf t-a i