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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
THE" OREGON DAILY . 'JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . SATURDAY .EVENING, JUNE 8, 1S07. CLACKAMAS COUNTY AND VICIfflTY GRADE PUPILS NOW I , KNOW THEIR FATE Yearly i Report Cards Prepared i. by ; Teachers Second Chance for : Some Who FaJL . ITb Omm City tffln af Ttm Jo rail fc located at How, 11 A Joaiaa' dm a- a tor, ikm juaw int. :. wears un lata. ui ifte i arm Hand proanptlr to sabaerlDlloaa. eoanlauits satl I arirartiMai.ots. ; New Itsaie left of there will fea aaDraciaiea aad , MaalM mill ' (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Oregon Citr. June 8. Th examina tion In all the grades at thS'Barelay and aehoola were completed 1 Thursday afternoon, and yesterday tha teachers prepared, the report cards for ' tne year. 1U Doaru dh ptissea new rule thla Tear which entitles 'all who have not failed In more than two stud- la to taite anotner examination ncroi-a the beginning of tha fall term. Thla rule will enable many to go on with tha class v -, ' j . ' .., "; Wedneaday . tha election of teachers will he held. Several old teachers have not applied for reelection. . The eighth grade pupils have been given rarda which entitle them to enter any high school In. tha atate. There will be not exercises in thla grade ex cept toe receiving or tneirv mpiomaa. The following are the graduates from the eighth grade: Zeta Andrewa, Madge Hr'ghlbill, Margaret Brown, Louise Tteute. Helen Englebrecht Florence Fisher, Ruth Fugs, Lillian Grleasen, Ethel Jefferson, Klla Miller, Ida Morley, ' Maud Park, Ethel Purslfull. Mary Rooa. Lulu Ramsey, Lena Torrance, Louise Walker. Beaa Warner. Evelyn Harding. . Alta Millard, Wilbur . Andrewa, Irvln Betsel. Ross Brown, Waldo Can field, Herbert Charters, Frank Clark. Thorn ton Howard, Milton Noble,-Martin Rooa, Merrill Scripture, Ray Scott, Ray Welsh, Edward Vonderahe, waiter Yoder. . STRYCHALSKY SAYS .'. ; ; f WIFE CURSED HDI '(Special Dispatch-to The loarnal.) ".: Oregon City. June-1. Frank Strychal eky haa filed a suit for divorce from Emma Strychalaky on the grounda of desertion. Ho alleges tney . were mar ried some years ago at Mllwaukeev-Wia-ronaln, and have two children. Ha says his wife has an - uncontrollable temper and it la Impossible to live with her. She haa cursed him continually, he says. tine lert him laat July. The divorce buaineaa haa been picking up the past few daya, and by the time the court alta the grist will be about the usual else. ' .' -.'..-v ; BALLOTS BEADY FOB -.. VOTE OX GODDESS 1 Committee Ready., lor Voters, Who May Vote as Early and Often '"'.vV as Desired. '';V TBAVELLG;PUBLIC V. : ; MIAD ' ITS GRIEFS It Didn't Know About the .Change In t" '.', cJ.h4nt an M Ba M l.awl Tta ':' : i Car Yesterday. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Oregon City,' Juns I. The' commit tee In charge of the voting for the god- deaa of liberty at tha coming Fourth of Julv celebration now have the ballote, and those wishing to vote may do ao at tne rate or s cents earn, xnre con testanta have ao far entered. They are Miss Humpnrey, mas Kate Mainiaa ana Miss Beryl Long. It is probable sev eral more - fill enter. These contests have been held several times In past yeara. ana-nave always proved very ex- PBOOBESSIVES OF JIT. PLEASANT JIEET. (Special , Dispatch ; to The. Joarnsl) Oregon Clty.iJune I. Ths traveling DUblio experienced much trouble yeater day, owing to the change in the tlmaof tha rtininln nf the cars on the O. W. P. lines, and manv were disappointed when aoina to. etch a car.' finding that It had departed five mlnutea before.' The flrat car on the new schedule leavee Oregon City at :50, and la followed ty others In the following order: A.t :, 7:00, T:l6, 1:10., t.6:t0, $M, It-iO. 11:06, 11:40 a. m., li:i, u:ev, i:sa, i;u, .aa a. .A l.n J.9A. A-AK -a'SA. i:Ofi. i .n 7.'JS. 7:E0. S:1S. :00. Beginning at-e p. m. tha cars leave every nour un- til 11 p. m. - .r -t: ANCIENT INEBBIATE if r A . SENT ON HIJS WAY (Special Dlspateb ta Tha JTearaaL) '; Oregon City,. June I. A pitiful sight was presented on the streets of this city yesterday afternoon, when an aged man waa seen walking aimlessly up "and down the main atreeC He was almost In a drunken stupor when accosted by (Special Dispatch to The Jours L) Oregon City. , June I, Tha ..Mount -.-. .i.n KM I m B annnn stupor wurn iixwin vj Pleasant Improvement association held ch,.f o( p0ilca. Burns and was found to Its regular meeting xnureaay evening, be without funds. He first eald he had with a larre number In attendance Juat left the poor farm at Portland and Captain J. P. Shaw delivered the prln- f was on his way to Sacramento, but on wiring ma oiiiciaia n wauv iminu n waa never at that place. As he was without funds Chief Burns bought him a ticket as far as Salem, and it is pronanie. ne will eventually gain hta way to Sacra mento, wnere it ta tnougni na naa rela tives who will care for him. un ira of FASTr.lULTriOr.lAH ASKS $20,000 fOR0ROi!E!l01IC! I Bockwood School Has Closed 0. B.; & N. Company Defend With! Enjoyable JPicnic- ant in Heavy Damage Suit Brought by Chinaman. p: Hall Company. Closes. t- .'(Special Dispatch t The loeraaLI .RockweodA Or.A June I. The ; Rock- wood, school closed Thursday- with 1 a Charging that the O. R. N. Co, by Its negligence, was responsible for tha wreck at Cayuae on April 10 In whlph picnic at Wataon's grove. There was a four lives wera lost and a" number of large attendance and a general v good I persons lnju.-ed, Lew Wy Uln appeared time . waa had. Mr. Watson. nroDrfator I in th. n,.i ...... . . of the Pebble., exerted hlmsair to make ask 120.000 dauiiM. from the company HARRY ORCHARD JEALOUS OFT V"-,' t",J ' RAIN WRECKERS' JOB th neighborhood, Hall Company Close OatJ (flpUI DJflpatcfc to Th9 Jottnul.) .1 1 a a s asA a w An rrw nn a u itnnniiii a an in n i-i w aw ij t wt rm w n Oiiiuueicr oiiucaxcu via x mo auoo , if auicu xiauu ul - ' ' -M i' 1 . As f 1 A . ft 1 J Tfa-I ' "SF-W s A ,' " ri urimeasteny Airam 10 aiq in mowing up or : ii . i ; .... - vindicator Mne.:p'; ; MJouraal Specisl Serrlee.) fused for a time and finally said ha did Boise. Idaho.' June ,7. Tbe extreme I not know when he got the money but ka onupt SttaChSB I knew ha 1 9 ft a thai tlma .n aaM are , Woriing waa inaicatea mis sner-ine naa a zew aouars or Scott's money iumh whan tha rianutiea made the SDSCtS- left. ' " . ; ' ,' . . tors carrying "umbrellaa open them tol Pressed aa ' W dates Orchard waa The trial of tha auit wua v.... I ilmw that nn anncealaul .weanona , were I fenced and rtnallv almittin if - ha. ?udr"8erB nd Jwy waa drawn . tol bein carried Into the courtroom. ' A I !?!!. Ch.rl"tmM. s he went back noma it la rhara-ii that t.a I number, of minor fist fights also took Cayuse. where the train plunged tnto place between the deputies and too eager damage was clpal addreaa of the evening, and hia talk waa one of a very Interesting na ture to the farmera He favored the organising of a county fair association, and thought it would be a great boon to the farmera aa well aa othera In thla part of the state. The road question waa taken up, but tabled until after the next meetlngo-of the council at that place. The matter cf a cooperative store was a so laia over to tne next, meeting The Mount Pleasant club la a live ami practical organisation, are being added dally. Enen S. Warren to F. C. Burke, lota 8, 4, . and C, block . 70, Oregon City, 1 1.800. - " . ''Progress of New Hand. (SDsVlal DUpstca to The JoorssL) ' Oregon City, June . I. The Oregon City band, recently organised, will meet thla evening for rehearsal. The band now haa about !0 members. It waa organised only three months ago, but hss made auch progress that It will furnish tha m:slc for the New Era celebration on the Fourth. - 7 Good Trade oa Show Pajvf, ' (Speelsl Dlspeteh te The Joaraal.) V Oregon City. June S. Teaterday was New members la very buay day 4n this city, man" farm- era ana tneir ramuiea neing in eviaence at the opening of the Clackamaa county fruit and flower ahow. .- The merchanta all report good buslneaa Nearly every one coming from the outlying districts could be seen carrying either a large basket of rosea or a box of berries, and they kept the committee at the show very buay entering litem. The opening of the bridge played an Important part In helping-the ahow, aa many of the peo ple could not have come bad the bridge oei een out of -eommlsalon. THE LATEST NEWS OF VANCOUVER ,T WENTY-THEEE JOKE IS OUT OF DATE 'i f' ' ' iwiMsii.sasiiiisaaasaaaaasaasaaasa . "'i ', - h r Otherwise It Might Be Stated That It Is Twentx-Three for Mist Tooler Bat It Is Not. , ' , : : .i , . Unties. The Tsaeoaver erftee ef Tks Joe mat Is located st roofs. I Cost serial Bask belM n. rifts as Msla Wraata,. pktmt Mala IOA arliera sobserlntloaa. eomnlatsts. sdawtlaateasls sed sews will be nnli) and arooopUr st-. "hw .a. v. uiiava. - ' A ': (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Vancouver, Wash., June J.-" The con test for, the Goddess of Liberty for the Fourth of, July celebration Is already . warming up, although the voting placea have been; open but two j daya; Thia nromtses to be an exceedingly lively eon test, aa the three contestants are very CHINK TAKES SHOTS AT HIS TORMENTORS Ills Will Good, but His Marksman- ship Bad Boys Had Smashed'" i' ; Laundr .Windows. , tSpectal Dispatch ' te Ttieoaraat.) Vancouver, !'Wash4 June I. Because FIRE IN OFFICE OF i ' CHIEF C03IMISSAR11 Little Damage to Building and No : Loss, of Records, Thanks to "' 7 .' Prompt Work. ; ' ' , (Special. Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Vancouver, Wash., June I. The in terior of the building - occupied 'by the chief commissary of the department of the. Columbia, at Vancouver barracks, was, gutted . yr a .fire ; yesterday? after noon. No one waa In the building at the-time-and -hew the fire started la' a popular . and . 'Jtays ..many .frlenda who be Jnaisted upon annoying the employee m-.r- , tk.,,' .w-a ' .wJ,,.. will do everything in -their power Beip tneir respective ravoritea - . .The vote last eevnlng stood as fol Iowa: Misa Tooley. 23; - Misa Eichen laub, SO; Mtaa El well, SO. It will be seen by this that the race so far la nearly even. Wanted Several experienced wait- reaaea at Bt. Elmo GrllL Oood pay to rignt parties. Jtppiy J. a. raaen. FOR SALE . Three-horsepower marine engine; good condition, suitable for motor boat. A bargain If sold at once. Apply to - . C. W. SPRENGER ST. 1. Koundhonae, Tanoomver, Wash. EXCURSION . STEA1IER GAZELL ihbo -.Th. SIS, FOR RENT : For exouraions by lodgea or indivlduala Next Sunday a trip to Latourelle Fa 11a win te made. For rate and other in formation apply at - - v ; OAKS ICS CSS AM PAXT.OKS. - - 709 waabingtoa St, Tanconvar. HALT! Don't ouah a dull lawn mower. We have just installed a powerful grinding macnine, ana tnis is tne only way you can get your mower ground like new. The enly machine of its kind In the city. - TOTTSfAXTS ft PXESTOIT, r Eighth and Waahington Sta. of. a Chinese laundry on Eaat B . street either started from a coal oil lamp used last night, Fred Clarke is tinder arrest, i r employes or tne off ice That he is not nur.lng a pistol wound kd VscoV.Tf ".t've w'.Te" aavTb"? is ana only to the poor marksmanship the good work of members of tha arm of the proprietora of, the laundry.-With who carried I all deaka and cases from the Clark, wre aeyerM other; boys. -who WAmIV were T extinguished by ih, have not been caught . ; ... post department, the, chemical engine For some time - past a gang of boys doing excellent work. This Is the first have, been haunting the Chinese place, fire st the toat in-a tha ...i.. Occasionally they would throw sticks I put in service where' it could be orop and cluba at the building, followed by erly tested. The damage to the bu lid threat a of violence upon the Dart of the I ln. .which-waa. an nM Celestials. Last evening shortly before will not amount to more than a few S o'clock alx boye, ranging from 15 to hundred dollars. With the exception of 20 yeara of age. gathered In front .of I the north wall little d&mara the laundry and began throwing atonea I except to' the " Interior at the door of the building. Thia did -Colonel George B. Davie, chief com- iiuv wciii w nnnv7 me viuiicao w aun i uumnr;, la away xrom-tne POSt at pres. the young hoodlums and they proceeded lent' Chief Clerk Palmer Is In charge. The to smash the windows. This angered 1 building wUl probably be repaired -with-the Celestials, and. grabbing a pistol, out- delay. ? In the mnnntima-nrn uub ui ina wanncirnii-n ran 10 mo uoor i la luiaiou u s vacant OTIlcer S residence .hu iirw u niui. an wiv: uitcuuuii viiamu. ,, Cleone Note and Personal. ' 1. (Soeclal Disnatch. to Tha Jmnul l " 'Cleone. -Or.. June I Mr. end Mrs. Fred Wolff of Dayton, Ohio, oldtlme friends of W. H. Mathleon, are here on a visit They are well pleaaad with thla country and prefer It to California, where they spent several weeks visiting. Mr. Mathlson haa taken hia frlenda on drive un the Columbia to Rrldalvell to aee tne alghte along tha river and tne nign water were very trip. They morrow. of the railroad company waa tha Drlm tarjr cause of the wreck. law wy Hln, a Chinaman, who -was On the train, alleaea that ha auatained a broken back when the tram went Into the river, disabling him ror life. He aaaa aamagea ror his InJurlea. for that holiday. . Baw Detective Bally. ' Orchard Saw grntt dallv lurlna hia atay In Denver. He aald that he did mil rauon invinma itinut ih. liv.... iiaywood interview, but later got 15 from tirntl. . i.kul le h ik. of hia actlvitlea at Cripple Creek. It mt"?L.t?TsotMptBt,r"nri waa Plain that ba waa anxloue to show "?.n,0i tr,ki 1' ! to'd ' the Jury that the witness went Into !" t"'yJnf resterday that he had mltted beoauae of hia own desires not because any one asked him to. -Rorkwood. Or., June At a apecial the Umatilla river, waa defective and nneetatora but no material ! meeting of the Rockwood Hall company, unsafe; that the rails were worn and "1 r" T M1 T . it was unanlmoualv decided tnaell the I danaarnna! th. ih. ,1.. -..J1 reached. 'V - ' Hall nnmnanv'a t Diwbaiu .nj' kwl... J . u-. .v. i " '" " , ni.i J Via I-- tent. No. l. K. O. T. M., "and the board the wheels of the oafs and engine were terrogatlon of Orchard aa to the reason tT,.m,2?0IL' Afk4 1' he reported the w uini. wia waa insiruciea ' to Close tha Hall company's buaineaa at once. made a mistake when he aald he got into the .Vlndlanr mln. ,h....H ,t iiiiiui aimii, nt aaia no. Asked It It MMU UIUI VVA. . i. . . , . . . : - . J Orchard again Insisted the reason h LWV"' V,r:f .,.n" ne nsd neen told that (aquealed off tbe attempta to wreck tha rn .h.,rTT-TZ. .n D.uul. ,n ? whit- traiu with the non-unioniata aboard was ; Z.Zi ' 'X ";r" I"vZ l"? mine. - - uwanava iwr fjia iiijvriva. i irmu wiin l lie non-umuniBis auuaru wm l. . . " , . j z : : . .. T "',, ; Tne company alleges pat the acci- because Parker and Davla had gne over iVat-Ttiwa m W..i--!ia."a VuJu,1-tto Amrt , waa aiiaa4 kv Ih. fAvm..!.. . m III , m . a a -L . . . I I-ClSCtlVe MCFArland M.t luvm fArlaw h..a mVrmm unuar m roaooea oj tne neavyrto wreck tbe train wben b wanted to I l-Ath-P iah k Z. l""'. downpour of . rain' ana that It waa I lo it- , A"therclaah between Borah and Blch- trouble the could neither oeforeaeen Orchard declared he told Davis that JISi'K". hlVLS ihK1'B1y,1 bUt,p nor guarded .galnat The llrat witness la carload of powder waa hid In the Vln-1 'SI."? w.,..c.hecke.1 by the court .aa v-iakuiti iri.aiai i -. . " . . . nDiursj - i sBa vi n v rAa f ainia a-"-. a. .we vi 'I'fftSJI rfJWH CsmVal hlltl t9flA malrUa as ,m M r Andhl Vslurf nri rka . waru .aa the grade at the point where the wreck I -owaeg xajer, xw. ; ne got back to Cripple Creek he - re- :er from the Hill road. They c"e3thia morning was David Hlratel. dlcator. he having atolen a portion of ItlH'?, much Impressed with the civil engineer, who testined aa an ex- and sold It, to proapectr-a. of iiaTi, . will 'leave for home to-1 P?rJ5?ine"! I?"""' condition of , odas rZlmt. foa. ' hl.'Jn? I Charlea Beott and Perry McKlnlev of occurred. Aoomonai evidence la being I "wen, not oniy are you an ore inier. i f v lu oigii. out said that he did not Ban FrancUoo are guests of Rev. W. nearo.anie arternoon. - out aiao a powder tnier 7". asked '""J IPmym M? seen Moyer. He T. Scott's , family. They will remain udoui two weeaa. .- ,., Mrs. Leo Shaw haa returned to Fair view i to live and haa moved Into Wil liam 'Ellison's bouse.'" Mr. Shaw la In the employ of the O. K. A N.v Co. In Waahington.' ., ' ... , Misa Laura and Misa Busle Hunter visited their father at the Hotel Hun ter Wednesday night. ' Miss Laura goes to Seattle and Miss Susie will make her home nt Portland with another sister.-.- - ..... ' Manley Artell who has spent tha past year here, will leave Saturday for Mon tana, where heiU'make hia' home. Mra. Frank Axtell left for the east thia morning to visit her' old home la Wisconsin. , She will be abaent about four montha '.;-. . -. .,. . Crle Axtell have a contract to' re pair William Townaend'a house on the Bandy road, -i v. v,.,--.- : ' . ii .1 ' ' ' TWO GOOD SALES MADE THIS 17EEK It Is said that a number of damage suits against, the O. K. A N. will fol- ardson. . , I ? . 1 5 fot BO money at any .. ?...(.. . ;' - v .;., " i. J I time ' afterward. 7mm alth.. oi Ja low ii Lew wy Hin ta euccessrui in I Before the ouest Ion. could be fully oierung.t- securing a. verdict Othera who ware I answered. Hawley Interrupted with an I ' 1 " tols fowder t Of Bomb. Injured in. the wreck -at. Cayuse are objection, which waa Immediately sua-1' 'He said that he met Mot., in viotna talned. Turning surprised to the bench, I on the street- - That the latter save him Richardson demanded: v . y- . . m la 100 bin becauae be asked him ru "Tour honor, will you pleaae ten tne Later he got ISO more from Mover in why I cannot put this oueatlonT Ihla Is Union half In Cripple Cwek? H-7tr.i2 m nuauia wiidvaa auiu m, Riaisaicuiw reliance agalnet my client Tbe question seems to me to ne eminently proper "He haa already admitted he la a powder thief and there Is nothing to ba gained by pursuing the matter runner. known to have retained attorneya and the Attorneya regard, the case now. on trial aa a teat case. ',-"..; " - , MEMORIAL EXERCISES ! WILL BE HELD SUNDAY wo nomba to put In the Vindicator i sua i MultWincW ' of the World,' Arrange Ex tended Program! coal bunkers anT waa hatnaA t.. by Oney Barnea, who an expert at bomb. OI..HII. nm oia tne ware a r ii.r.. cabin .at Indapendenee and ' stole 10 Pui" Powder from a leaseholder' named Charlea Perkins and took It to his cabin... Ha Iranfc tha I. t.i. house for a whJia'' r " , . Hr BaVrnna vhr. la. va At- stood up, and was Identified by Or- Multnomah camp No. 77, Woodmen of the World, will hold memorial exercises and unveiling ceremonies In their hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Sun day evening at S o'clock. The following program will be rendered: I . Piano selection. Professor J. F, Bam ford: auartet: "Sun of My Soul .Bul- lard); "Objects of Woodcraft. Hon. George . E. Chamberlain; litualiatio eervicea, by camp officers; roll call. cierk J. m. wooawortn; aoio. j jcyee That Aa Waanr" Rra-lcatt Mlaa Petronella Connolly; poem, ',6h Why The defense took an axceotlon. . The witness,' continuing, said us alone I knew of the powder In the mine and I went to Davis In the hope that he would chard. One of the bombs he aaya. was blow up the mine. He aald ba thought given a man named Dempsey who threw a repetition of the Wardner Incident I It into the Vindicator bunkers. HetooM wuuu o ovneiiciau. ' ma otner o iuasteriy and navar faeanl Davla, he aald. fell in with the prope- anything mora about It at, Inn ana hlM ha aniM .l.ill. w I Aalra 1. . 1 . v.b.u., v.iu .v.v, . hv " vm.u a w i - .Ku ... j b was not generally Known v tlOO If the job were dona He expected j among miners at that time that ha was .in lu. aaf.iv.iDH wwwit. am puui. nun-iwaiiin IVT DOOtt aOO Blsrllng, Ag galll .iiiv. U..U avaiu uvyim . i. wvufu Mil a.u I U, UiUU a Ulinal SSa - ' j wnu warw wurama, aimuugu lllllf wnai . . aaaaaiSaal - - - - - - . ."And you proposed to kill SO or morel, 'Orchard V said ha went to Denver tha men for 1200, did your iLft. .0r Uart January to attend tha "i intended . totoncn on tne powaer jfeaeration ,r Jbaoor. Ha was and bump them" . .. sure of tha time, bat later when told "And you proposed to kill these men that the convention was held on Janu- for 14 a head?" . ary I, I and 4 ba admitted that , ha ' "I object," aald Hawley., He was sus might have -been mistaken. Ha went ti'oot PnimAa rt TTilv I Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proudr' uumuiivon wuiw ui uiuun w, W. Lumaden; unveiling Avenue and East Alder Street Brought $35,000. the court.. The defense ex. monumenta decoration of' graves with flowers, of- ncera and company no. 77, w. o. w.t quartet, "The Radiant Morn" (wood' talned by cented. When naked If he gave any eonaldera- tion to tne amount per neaa. tne wit ness said no and stated . that Moyer addressing a meeting or miners coun to tne beadquarters - and saw Moyer. iirrv(Vt . "'''"""N vrneu ana ocners. They told him that they did not want any violence . In - Crlonle naakr a,n after the union officers then under ar ward); dedication of monuments; camp JXd "V? 'ttJSl tna ItliLt tm. " liberated. He said thafthe ofneers: solo, "The Ninety end Nlne,r' 7Z"? ".J" must refrain from violence. I iT.P. "i??iy ? train Wrecking wera ' auuuiiiwi, mipr at tna truu. He heard - that a detective bad mi- J. Claire Monteith; .ddre-.; Rev, Owrge "w tK T.S 'S S"'.1" trial. v watem soio. "t'eace '. thawlnara that they must keep out ol w un rtii a a hi nv a . m ra - iwi n w- a warw a . . a. a . ai . . a a loon ana rerraiQ iron. annKinr ana Two wa ftffgrtffttlnv $80,000 hftv Wtth YouX (Tenny), . Mr. 1 May Do r- . .. .. lis ta." i i i . muuni mu reins been made this week in the fteart of """,1.? u."J,nL Vth 7iT wiTi i S rambling. . as any violence woufa be the east side buslneaa ! dUtrict. The t--V-. rrmhar ramn hnnnn' rXnm. I blamed on the federation and troops ba . . . . I T ' i c - . - ra mi. ti , soutnwear corner of Union avenue and I ing - ooe; quartet, m East Alder street rwaa terday . by Otto' Burckhar lmeka from' M ' (i. ThnraaM I r . . . . . M , . . . . .. . 1 I namiura. BcnnaotM tor a.o.vuw. , , - . ' Camp Officers Consul commander, 'A. ixcai capital ibis purcnaaea tne quar- m. cox, adviser, m. i aiinar: cierk, j, ter block at the southeast corner of zeaaea tp paying done tbe Job and tried to fix the blame ntton tha He aaw Scott and Sterling at tha trial a He was not arrested for anything; and i, u. .a. .... t.. mm. I "..v, iiwi ' cuuii iiin ininaa rap nitn lureha-ed y wa Mi...t and H. W. under the direction of M,m Petronella " t him. and he -fled, ? ,; , v l Z' a- i and f! J 1 Connolly.?. Accompanist. Professor J. F. I v Hade Two llmm'' .vi -jn.. ..-'.........i,v..ffmr Officer Secrlat was a few blocks away and hearing the ahots rushed to the scene. The boy a In the meantime had all scattered, and the only one located was Clarke, who at first said he had been at Ha ger'a-theatre and had' coma to where he waa picked up upon hearing tne snots. e arierwaro confessed to Do ing In the affair, but refused to tell who' the boya were-that were with him. MB no uaee. ua anootee kui eviy time. Heep bad boya. No UKee. no Iikee," aald the Chinaman who did tha Shooting. ' ' n.''- .': AUDITORS. TO MEET; AT NORTH YAKIMA p,,,BMr..(judir,l): -p-h wait-. "An. i, , ., XXX : ilvlt 111 ArtliUlta n, Thai . rnil.. "vriii-. ... PROGRAM FOR BAND CONCERT T0JI0RR0W v (Special Dlspateb to The Joaraal.) Vancouver, Wash.. June 1 8. The sea- ond of : a series ' of 10 concerts to be given by the Fourteenth Infantry,' under the direction of Chief Musician A. E. Pankopf, will be given tomorrow after noon. . The following, program will be rendered: . a r ,, Tannhauser. march rwinnr) i Aval. ture. characteristic. "Hunter and Her V.1" (.Pai,ejrv selection, "The prince of Pilsen" (ludera) : Soaniah waits. "An. dalusia" (Thlere): medley. "Mlll'a Mar. Made from distilled water. PURE ICE Tomilv IfnnAPV Of. the finest,. aaviv quality. Y ry Melodies" iEvans). i nirty minutes' intermission. Descriptive Piece. "Snrlnar .Tnhllaa In tne Aips - tuungiei: meioav in v "Par. apnrase'' . (Rubensteln); . masurka, P. J. LACKAFF : 804 Washing-ton St. none 60S. ( We will clean or dye absolutely free ; of charge every fourth garment ' eelved. 'JPor example;- - Brery fourth , ladlea' salt, jacket er pair of gloves. I very . g a n ra a n 1 1. iron sera, coat ana Test or overcoat. . . . Bring us your clothes. ; You may be tha lucky fourth. . CITY DVB WORKS S03 Xaat geyenth Street. Phone 804.1 National Hospital Assn. v Tanoouver Office. Boom 8 Zaglemam CaH In and let us explain our hoa- : pital plan. - - It wlU intereat you. X Qa LEWIS, Agent . SUMMER la here, . the time when garden need attention. We have a full line of garden tools. Call In and compare our prices and goods wiin-omera. . r . -j Vancouver Hardware Co. , W. Cramer, yroprletor. -' - . If AVE YOU NOTICED JIow popular the motor cycle Is. becom ' ikT Call irr and see the yale, the latest Hi it out In self-propelled two-wheeled vehicles. ; ' i - f. '. Sl-ORTINoi GOODSA SPECIALTr. , C. J. MOSS (Special Dispatch' ? The Joaraal.) . Vancouver, Waah., June- S-The an nual convention of the county auditors of this state held at North Yak;- lma, June IS and 20- There are a num bar of lmDortant matters to be consld ered. During - the last - session of the legislature several laws were paaaea bearing directly on the office of audi tor, and at the coming convention Ideaa will be exchanged upon tnese new laws. D.Ak.M- . ,. ImnA.tan, . loaf h., will receive attention Is- the Torrens I ft A TT.H A TTWNTTTnV TA land record law. of which there Is llttloi . ' known, and It is nronosed to have In at-I -' T,TiTfIVVrCJ7 TrrflTtrTi-r.T tendance at. the convention an expert I " LjUX X XJJXO . J11U1Z.X li IT who haa started this system in several states. - County Auditor Kies Of .' this : county will defer the purchase of record books for thla system until after, hia return rrom tne convention. : a ,- East Third and East 'Morrison' streets for titf.OOO. Mrs. Helen ' F. ' Oriebel has purchased rrom Arthur C'Bpencer a lot on Twen ty-second, between Northrup and Over ton streets, ror is.ouo. , A house and lot on Thurman and Twenty , ninth . streets,- . Willamette Heights, h-a beci purchased bv E. M. Higley from the Fidelity. Trust com pany tor s,bou. ,a - , .Two east side - residences ; were sold yesterday, one at Knott and ' Borthwlck streets was purchased by -Roscoe, R. Morrill ror 16.000. and a Quarter block at Eaat. Seventeenth and- Schuyler waa aoia to u. ti. wooowortn py, jonn 8. Morgan for S3.K00. . ' : nans are maturing ror tne erection i VUA. sau v mr. mi aw ju i nai , vici sa. as . M. Woodworth; banker, W. W. Minar; escort, J. H. McBrlde: 'watchman, H, A. Shields; sentry, Frank Trotter. He made tha flrat kttatnnt to Mow nn I earn. !n.lmV..' ..i.l v. I'.rT'-i P the mine-In September and the second I was not trying to ret evidence against in November. He talked it over with I him. Regarding the using of Greek the strike committee flrat.'- He aworelflre. Mover1 tou him' nnaTii m,,M . Sherman Parker gave him the idea of I used, but told him not to naa It in DISTRICT. ATTORNEY Cripple Creek. Ha arot a. annnlV aahii. at-the convention la January. Pettl bpne took hlra oyer to his house uid showed him how ta mav. it wa ... plained the beat method of using it. He ia tuur luwni g it wrucn ne in ' There will be no ceasatlon of work In the tThlted States attorney's office I fastening Of the central passenger station of the I because of tne adjournment of the fed attaching-a platol to the guard rail and discharging It Into giant caps, thus I cauaing an explosion. -. TT. .Ian ,a 1 Lm.A I, ,lW W11f. i - . . . u mtmwv ...v.., ...... . . . . W 1 1 j 1 1 K Fi F P A T Wit R K Eaateny, he swore. . At this point Rlch- f XXJXJ SVXjXjL Ai 71 UJXJV I ardaon called Easterly.' who 'will ha . a witneea for -the defense. He had htm Identified hv tha . wltn.aa "That's him,' declared ; Orchard ' for I the flrat time displaying agitation of I temper. . - ' , - - ,r. ' r . . " ;" aTr When Orchard planted a trap In the ; o J.. fJl.'l-? m to 1", wllh lita mine Eas.-rly was not with him. as. im .r Z vI2.Jmich, h ' being an offloer In the union, he .wanted 'J&iZl!?1 "H ' ar-4 be to be in a position to .prove an allbL We ,Lf DT h WM """' no Diantea tne-com d ana couian-t i : . ... , explain how he made the mistake of k..a T ''rs. which ha had iasienins; it on tne sixtn level, wmen I "" ioia aim r was unused. -and not in tha aavanth I Discharge of Grand Jury Will Causo No Cessation In Official , Duties. tended to use on aals," but finally ' j I had to bury It . - J -. xook w&oifxum. When asked If it waa nn a . v.a Moyer, when he went up to Denver a Portland Railway,-Light k Power com pany, on Second and Pine streets.' It Is jnceiy tnat actual construotlon work will begin on the building late in tbe summer, although the railway officials are not prepared to make any definite announcement as to the time. The ten ants occupying the buildings on i the PUt sawed-Off shntaruna 4a ih. tXt S3 II I. II. I a aT . " a. ..aa aa - which, he-had Intended 4o: do. He did fT",Pa JJ", ,n tn" piddle of the car vi. 1 j .l.I ana if anybody came ta attarw .h. u. wvfc aiiuw ilia uwn iiWTimn 11 IBf I ....i, , . . . . bomb he placed actually killed McCor.'?af fr"P"J before they mick and Beck. - . , , I no get the guns Into Harries ida.Toney. I When asked If tha ohleet oral grand jury and Mr. Bristol stated today-that Jie la preparing new suits in which railroads will be the defend ant. --. I ' . :- . . , - One of the suite will be In the nature tLWVJ.LVmS . !Ki. I . A'tef tn explosion' he " married Ida sawedff shotguns was simply to put Ing right of, ways against fires. The I Ta.., a .i.h .... .kiu... I ihn in tha Tn .... .r yv name or the. company waa not divulged t der the name of Harry Orchard. He When asked if he had not aald a. ,h. Of tha "" - " .jH.uua Mivui yj " i "i. .7 . i . - wciii . iu uva u nor nuuae, wnicn waa I jranref tnat ins sawed orr Shot vacate on 40 days' notice. 7 property , from fires caused y by sparks I too yards from the shaft of the Vlndl- suns were so they oould br strannad f-A. Kribs has taken out a permit to l J0?tl?J$ r'h?rl8to1 U t0'- with "er during the ".u e neck and carried In tSSStm build a residence on Loveloyi between Preparing the complaint In the case. . time he staved tn tha diatrict. if ... under the coat unobserved, h. ..Ti 1 TMnt.flflh .anil .TaanlMlilk) ).!. Utner SUlta-Wlit ' PS ' PrOUgnt by - nTP. I Kw.w. ... ,k. . ...i.-YllIU nnt thlnlr u T .... u. .Tia T ". a yviiiii, waa ibbuvu jrcaiaruar lu jar - , M -- , . - uoose to maae alterations in tits rour-1 , , , !r , w..a" auvraai- atonr prick, on rront street, bet wean .ai-. "Beautiful Roses" rwullen; ' aUrinn "The Burgomaster" ' (Mackie): . galop, fThe Globe Trotters" (laiurendeau). For the information of the mtiain in v. era. Chief Musician Pankopf states that mere win ne. no programs riven out at the park, and asks- the ' public to save programs pnniea in oaiiy papers. v i Among tbe Churches. 7 " & (Special Dispatch ta The Joaraal.! Vancouver, Waah.., June , S. -Services j (Special plspstcb te The Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., June 8. President E. E. Beard of the Washington State Press association, Agytor of .the Coluni- uian- m tnis city.-nas iuh imiim iv. cular ' letter, that is being mailed to every newspaper vln the state, calling attention to the , twenty-first annual tomorrow at the varloua houaes of w I convention of the association, to be held ship will- be . conducted as roiiowa ;; " , I " uy sa, ss ana ?. Tne let- St Luke's Episcopal. East Eighth and "V.t A .tfanS thin.i1 2 ; ' vv...w, aiau make It the greatest In tha aiat.'. hia. tory. The committee on arrangements Is making plana to have a moat unique uniform. A special steamer Is to char- lerea ana a trio will oe mane a limit iha souna. C streets; Rev. W. C. Sheppard,. rector. There will be the usual services at -I and 11a m and S t. m. ". . Presbyterian. Tentn ana rare streets Rev. E. J. Snyder, pastor. Morning service 11 o'clock; Children's -day exer claea at 8 o. m. The subject of Pastor Snyder's morning aermon will bt "The CfrDPfrTfll T mftWOfirrtl Child Samuel." There will be christen-1 O X XIXjIj 1 j1Xj XxirjOXXJL. Ing of infants at this service. -The Children's day exercises -will take place at S p. m. and will be in cnarge of tne Sunshine club end the Sunday school. An excellent program naa neen arranged. Bapttat h,ieventh and Harney streets; Rev. R. Yeatman, past or. Bible school ' SUFFERS BY FLOOD (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaLl i Vancouver. Wash,, June S. Several nts of the old electrio streetcar trea- 10 a. m.; morning Beryioe., 11 - o'clocj hle wimt out' last night as the result af ?c.kP-p.atoVe v iwm-f wa. aa v' aaa.. uvtuis nvuitl W swept away to ba carried down against inn new trestle, woramen in tna am. n..., I ply of the streetcar company are keep- urantll-a- a olnaa VI tfh in nravan, Uim . Ash and Ankenv, The proposed altera- lions wm cosy snout 'Russell & BlVth sold yesterday to the Columtla Investment company 80 acrea In the Balch gulch for 135,000. The property will be-filled and brought to street : grade with the earth from the Goldsmith tract, which Is ,to be graded down and -made ' aultable for building purposes.. MULKEY DOES NOT MISS THE CLASSICS .'- '-.-' " ' -r-y '.;- (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaL) ' University of Oregon, Eugene, June 7. Ex-Senator F. W. Mulkey said In his speech at the university that because one Is a failure In Latin and. Oreek is no reason wny ne snouid oe a failure in lire, and pointed out-tnat many men who have stopped their Oreek and Latin studies by compulsion have gone into the world and made a mark. He oointerf out that be himself had been compelled by his professors to forego the doubtful pleasures of Studying Latin and Greek, yet had found himaelf fairly proficient In other thlnga - . , FIRE DEPARTMENT , : RESPONDED PROMPTLY Fire broke out In the one-story frame cottage at ! wortnrup atreet at 11 o'clock thla morning, damaging that and the adjoining houae to the extent of about IS 00. The property belonged to j. j. Murpny ana was partially Insured. The orlain. of the blase la not knoan ks the tensnt of' the house was absent at the time the fire was discovered. ; The prompt arrival of the Are appa- latua prarcnua a mucn larger nre, as the neighborhood Is closely . built - up ailH'Viiny; 1UV 'iiuuaea, .. -' . . . . MINNEHAHA TRIBE IN INDEPENDENCE PARADE B. D. Townsend. who has been a a. signed to Portland to aid In the Investi gation of the Southern Pacific rail road land grant will .arrive Monday to commence, his work. Mr. Townsend la the ssslstant United States attorney for fiuna vuuu .. ....... , DEATH COMES AFTER EATINGlIEARTY LUNCH : -George H. Peters, a carpenter, sged 49, Of S51 ' East . Twenty-first - street, died suddenly yesterday afternoon un der most peculiar circumstances. Peters was at work on a building at Si Union avenue, and had Just partaken of lunch eon when overtaken by deaths Owing to. tha fact that the man bad apparently been in the beat of health, the audden- neaa or his demise was regarded by the police as mysterloua . fk-i,v An investigation waa made, and tha officers detailed on the caaeXgave it as their opinion -that Peters succumbed to poisoning. - Coroner Flnley; however, de clares that heart failure was undoubted ly the .cause of death. Peters la anr. vlved by a widow and family of aeveral cniiaren. and asked them for. money. They put! ffUM provided In the federation) build. him off and he became angry. I " wnicn no ana Mover carried. ieiore tnis, nowever. ne said, he had I r ""ini awns urn un when- ad .awa.ara w w a a nr. . aaw rw w v va f - uv waatvia BliT (liMC I a- . w . w p w w aafBU gone to Detective Scott and told him JU"ment for the day waa taken. an attempt was to oe maae to wreck s train. The reason he did this was be cause ne naan't oeen paid ror. the flrat Vindicated attempt - He didn't think he was used right by being sent into the mine to try to blow It up and tak ing a great risk while the othera were given the comparatively eaay task of wrecking a train, which carried with it no risk.. 4 : .'.t "Were you angry because you were not toia to wrecg tne train r' was aaxed. "Well. I suppose1! waa a little Jeal ous." waa the reoly.- This broucht out anotner. wrangle, between tne counsel. tola Trom Boommate. r I ' Beventy-five strong. luatv-vni.d Orchard admitted that while rooming I freah-faced men nama IhIa t3..i a jm a - with Tnha ThnmnaAH ha a.nla tin n..V. I . ... " . w. uaiiu u. r " ' V" Vul r...: "'Trnr,' I aar as aeiegates to the annual eonvan. Vv vi w asa loikvi at w us it,. jrB SUIU I a,- ai , w , aa Thompson high-graded the ore, he UonJof tna . Oregon Rural , Lettercar- sw no reason wny ne couia not nse it, I nera associauon. Headquarters were 111 OHM MET AND lin SUMNER IS ELECTED s TO VICE-PRESIDENCY of. the Passover.' -wi i . i a .. ' innauan-w-i nirieenin ana urnii l. iAa. ..t.k . "tirra. streeta Sunday school at 10 'o'cloci; V"7a n t h - n- .h.'"..". morning service ' 11 o'clock; Chriatian labia denser endeavor 7 - p. m.; evening servicer Sir, . - - o Clock. The services will be conducted ny Kider ueorae c. Rltchev or Mon mouth. Oregon; morning subject,- "Our Plea": evening, "Joy, Among Angela" The Journal daily 4le a month, dally and Sunday So a month: deliver sd aay. iisg-toa IU, Set. EUta and SeyeBtk. .bars ta Vancouvet - . Judge Gantenbein has been instructed by the clerk of the supreme court that the examination of appllcante -for ad mission to the Oregon bar will : begin at the capitol building . at Salem next Wednesday morning. A large class from the - University of Oregon " law school wUl take tba examination. ' At a regular, meeting of- Minnehaha triDe, xno. - a, improved order Redmen, held at the Wigwam, in the Selling Hlrsch building, it was decided to take part in tne rounn or July parade. A meeting of all the tribes Is planned to isks piece at .tne wigwam, Wednesday, June I a, to make final arrangement The - aeml-annual election resulted aa followe: J. H Jones, sachem; V. C Wells, senior sagamore; Dr, Theo. Tess ler. Junior sagamore', E. ;T. .Bruce, prophet".; -..r . ' .. . . . 'K-'-..-.f-.(.; .-. : '-'.-...- (SdscIsI Dlsrateh te Tbe Jonraat.l Chicago, June 7. Charles Sumner of Portland - was.- elected a vice-president of the International Telephone associa tion today. 3 ' - s, . Charles Sumner Is president of the nome -reiepnone company or this city. He was aent to the Chicago convention to represent the Independent telephone men ui urson. ina .international In dependent Telephone association la an organisation having for Its purpose the protection of the Independents In all parte or tne woria. ORATORY GRADUATES ; RECEIVE DIPLOMAS . 'Special Dispatch to The Joans!) " Salem. Or.. June 7. The . commanea. ment exercises of the College of Ora tory of Willamette university were held last evening at the First .Methodist Episcopal church. The graduates were Misa Vera . Mary Byars of Salem ,y Misa Olive Rlgby of Pendleton. ' The diplomas were presented by J. H. Coleman of the university. as he waa broke. After the arrest of Parker, Davis and Easterly, he stayed In town a . whila and left In December for Denver, trans- Sortation being furnished by D. - C. cott- Scott said Orchard was work ing with K. C. Sterling, chief detective ojr tne Mine owners association. He said he told Scott and Sterling, he would ao to Denver and find out all he could about Easterly, Moyer and Haywood, and report as to .their movemente. He deciareo ne reported to iscott at me tat ter's office at the Crippte creek depot, and waa given a pass to uenver and r9 In money. Scott went - with him to Denver, but' they separated when- they got mere in oraer tnat urcnara snouid not pe aeen wun ocott. , s." Ided to Soett,' He said he was lying to Sott when he said, he would tell him all about Easterly. Mover and Haywood. He did not find Easterly, but' went to Ahe Fed eration' offices and introduced himself to-Moyer and Haywood. This was the first time he had ever met them-but they aald they had heard of him through Easterly. ; '.,..- nfr. -,..'----"..- ji -fr -. .... - - Another clash occurred between -the lawyers, Richardson declaring he knew the lid had been fixed for him and knew what was under it He proposed to -conduct' tne examination as ne pleaaad. ' Hawle.y : accused Richardson of making a false statement and - the court interfered. - Orchard . said . only tne persons present at tne initial inter view were Moyer and Haywood and that It waa held behind cloaed doora - He declared - he told them all about the strike and they told him he had done a fine Job in the McCormlck and Beck killing. Koyar Oave attav Money. Mover, he aald.-told him If ha wanted money- he could have It He said he did not take any at that time. Later, however, he aald. before he left MoverV be got 120 from hinx, He became con- established 'at the Imperial hotel, and the delegatea will meet lnfomaii. iJZ night to become acquainted and dlsouss the prram for tomorrow's session." The teal work of tha M.....rTi.l -',?!!StK5JP0.mmeia, c,u tomor row. ' and the main i i ment other subjects arranged for the profram are: "An Adequate Salary,'" ''Enuallsatlon of Pay," "Chrtatmaa ' aa a ance.'-and -The Parcel, post for Riiral Free Delivery.". . . Mayor Harry Lane, ' Senator C 4 W. ' Fulton, Postmaster John W. Mlnto. Judge , Lionel Webster, Congresamen Hawley and -BUI hava been lSvlted to speak, and all aave Senator Fulton will probably be present a, W"V wgaaa ro mo -is3U(.iun ui nriintips j xai J.e,l P.rI11;"LK-rF' ?n McMlnTf . .... auU Huiiii n. vrums, secretary, treasurer, of Albany. . Timrnm. iTii In. all ....I. -a ZZ'JZr'lT'. vj;;.m.,mm vi rnruana Will ba the gueata of the ruat can-Wa . geeral good time has been planned for Out of ISO-rural carrier. innJ' the assocUtton has 100 on the membeS sh p roll. - It Is expected that 16 more will be admitted tomorrow, which will place the Oregon association ahead of all other states In the notmtr i. bf percentage of . enrollment , ELECTION BETS PAID . ) SO NO INJUNCTION There will be no Inlunrtinn Schiller & Co. preventing . tharh oavina the election beta hnutmA . .u-, ' place at Sixth and Waehlnatnn at V..,.rI.M ,h. I.., il.11.. - - , ... ....v.-..j ..c ..a.v uuiwr was paia, pna day ahead of schedule . time, - and it would therefore be Impossible to enim the settlement of the beta . uma