The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    ...-, . r . ; . ; : .. . , -y '' ' i K ' .
Town Topic
n .:'
wwr "Zaaa
( MarqtiaS)Qraad ....."Glroflo-Qlrofla
; Baker.. .."NaveF a. In'
, Grind ....... Vaudeville
"Bine of tha. rather"
"jar .."Darkeet Kneala'
The Oaki......O. W. V. tare, rirat and Aider
The MotBers' and TA-hira' nluh nf
Brooklyn held lte last meeting- for the
current school year yesterday afternoon
In the assembly hall of the Brookivn
school. Mr. Fox, vice president. pre-
; piaca in me aosence or me president,
Mrs. J. A. Btrowbrldge. The following
. omcara far ino coming year were
elected; President, Mrs. Waldemar 6e-
, ton; vice president, Mrs. W. C. Moore;
, treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Roper; secretary,
Mrs. L. D.' Thomas. A short program
, was rendered. Miss A. I Dlmlck, prln
clpal of the Brooklyn school, made a
few remarks thanking art who aided In
, uiuni tarn wora year just . Closed SO
City Engineer Taylor has notified
property owners on Grand avenue be
tween East .; Pine and East Everett
streets to make all pipe oonneetlona
. m in, Birsei ai once so inn ins im
provement oy nsra pavement can go
forward without Interruption, rv C.
H. Raffety says that an arrangement
tsjto be made whereby the city will
; lay the 10-Inch water main at the same
: time the pavement is put down. This
wiu save tearing up tne street twice,
Bon Ton homes on Portland Heights.
-I have several highly desirable resi
dences tor. sale pa Portland Heights.
One of four lots and house 117.000. One
fnrm lota and house. tl.,000. One two
.'jois ana nouee. IIS.OOO. , One with one
ip ana nouse, iii.oov. All of these are
highly Improved, choice locations and
unobstructed views. Alan a numhar fit
cheaper locations ranging from 2,000 to
ie.000. A F. Bryan? 60S Chamber of
vomnwro ouuauig. . pnone lit l.
. in 4
Annexation of school district No. II.
Lenta, will be oonsldered and probably
voted upon at the meeting; of the tax
payers of thla district Wednesday, una
All the districts southeast of the
city, comprising Mount Scott have been
annexed exceot this one. There Is a
new schooihouse at Lenta, but others
will have to be built at once to aocom
modate the increasing enrollment la the
Mount Scott district. At Woodmere a
ouuaing is aireaay neeaea.
Lucy Scott Brown of New Tork has
filed suit la the United States circuit
court against Hartman Stein of Port
land, to set aslda an order to foreclose
on certain property In Couch s addition.
valued at. 11. too. The suit Is the out
come of 4 case In the state court in
which Judgment was rendered la 1101.
Mrs. 8cott also asks the court the right
toreaeetn me property.
Water through nose for " sprinkling
yard or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for in advance
and used only between the hours of I
and I a. m., and and t p. m. It
must not be used for sprlnkllngr streets.
If used contrary to these rules, or
wastefully. It will be shut off.
Mrs,' Clara H. Waldo addressed the
WonUvtlla home training circle yester
day afternoon In the assembly ball of
the Montavilla school taking as her
subject, "Before1 and After." She spoke
of the Impressions of child-life. One
more meeting of the circle will be held
neat Friday afternoon, before the work
ct the year Is finished. ,;
Court Webfoot, No. 4, Foresters Of
America, will 'hold memorial services
tomorrow nleht -at Taylor street afeth-
odlst .church. ".Members. -will .meet at
the hall. Second and Yamhill streets at
I o'clock and march in a body to the
church.' The - sermon will be preached
y iter, jr. juurgette Short, x, v. i
Assistant United States Attorney
James Cole obtained an order In the
United States district court this morn
ing releasing A. R. Nichols from ball
in the sum of 1600. Nichols was .ar
rested shortly after the postoffloe rob
bers were' taken Into custody and bald
unacr Dona as a witness. -
' Marion Ward Farnham will appear In
dramatlo recital at Artisans' hall In
the Ablnaton bulldln. June 11. Mrs:
Farnham Is a dramatlo reader of well
Known talents and the entertainment
.given by her will without doubt be a
most instructive one. ; "
Officers f the Portland Boss Show
and Fiesta request that Portland mar-
chants send to the office, ISO 8 wetland
building, for Illuminated Inserts to be
inclosed in all outgoing mall. These
inserts will be furnished In bundles of
The publlo Is Invited to attend the
Woodmen memorial services In the east
side hall. East Sixth and Alder streets.
Hon. Oeorce E. Chamberlain and. Rev.
George B. Van Waters will address you.
ine musical program.
The (Oregon state board of dental ex
aminers will meet Monday, June 10. in
Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets,
Portland. Examination will begin at 10
a. m. Qeorge Larkln, secretary, 611
Cekum building, .
The will of Captain John- A. Brown
was filed for probate in the county court
esterday afternoon. It dlanosa Af
Winrtv 'Dllnail ,1 llKlim ill th.
property" Is bequeathed to relatives of
tne , deceased. yy-.;
Charging that her .husband, Frank H.
Covell, choked her and called her vile
names,' Mrs. Susie Covell haa brought
suit in the circuit court for a divorce.
They wera married at Seattle in Decem
ber, 1904. ... . v-. ,
. Donald, McKay, a half-breed Indian
front the Umatilla reservation, was re
leased from custody this morning, after
lying ' in the county Jail for-many
months on a charge ef assault Ths ,
federal grand Jury failed to Indict Mc-
Would be a bankrupt if thrown out
weeks. This WOUld
wages or salary, but
, Look about you and see if this isn't so. Do you
want to live on the edge of money troubles? Do
you want to feel that the loss of your job would
onng iraxneuiaio suacring to your lanuiyr
There is Ofllv one
self above the average. Whatever your income may
be, make your expenditures less and deposit the dif
ference in bank. YOU Will be Surprised tO find hOW
your account will grow if you save consistently.
If you deposit in our "vmgs deparent we will
... ... '' :
I nummm 111 11 .1. 11
pay yuu u vwu
75 V0MEN
. Our business has grown be
i yond all precedent, and it aeems
Impossible i to secure help to
- handle It We have places for 7
, more women at higher wages than
- can be had at almost any other
work, and steady employment all
the year, , .
, . - -' ' 'i ' ' ' .
Union laundry
; ' TEL.. MAIN 398
Kav.' and ''Assistant United States At
torney Junta Cole asked for an order l
ot reieaserWhicn was gran tea by Judge
Charles E. Wolvexton. ..v!,.f. ..;',.,,. vl
Trolley excursion tomorrow to Esta-I
cada, Tl cents round trip, cars leave
ticket office and wilting room. First
and Alder streets. 7:30, 1:10, 11:30 a. m.,
1:30, 1:40. 6:44. 7:16 p. m. Dinner at
Hotel Estacada, 71 cents; tickets must
oe, purcnasea. , .,: . ,,;,-Wf v;s ..
What are you dolna for your rheuma
tism t Wild Pigeon Mineral springs
water la a simple remedy, as it purl-1
f Is the . blood, restoree general good I
health . and vigor. , Office, SOf Fine
street Phone Main ttsa. , t
White Fiver line of ' launches win
make dally trips to the Oaks and re
turn. Boats leave foot- ef Yamhill I
street dally at. 1:30 p. m.; Sunday 101
a. m. TicKsts at a oca ornoe, iv cents.
Saturday and Sunday special low rate I
to ciatsoo ueacn do in is. via - a. at (J. I
R. R-, 13.(0 round trip. Good returning
Monday. Ticket orrice. Third ana Mor
rison sts. and union depot. .
Tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock arte-
cial services will be held at the Bt
Johns Memorial church In Sellwood. I
Bishop Bcaddlng will speak and will
aiso . conzirtn a ciass. - - -
Chanre ln X AC R. R. schedule, af
fective June 1. Resrulsr Astoria even-
n train leaves union depot s:50 s. m.
insteaa oi , p. m.. as nereieiore. -
Without leaving the Jury box. a Jury
in juace rrasers aenarxment or tne
circuit court . yesterday acquitted
Frank Williams of a felony charge.
The first dance to be given during
the 1B0 7 season by the Roek Island
Country club will be given at the club
house on Saturday night. -
: W. A. Wise. T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturde-
vant, n. a. nuumu, aeniisis, inin
and Washington, Main 1031. Painless
methods used.
Multnomah Camp. No. 77. W. Q. W..
have arranged a splendid murlcal pro
gram lor ctunaay evening, jtuduo in
vited; I p. m, , i .
Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camaa.
Wasbougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock . I p. m. , - .. ,
Sweet eream buttermilk, cheese, but-l
Cheese Co., 8 wetland building, 111
IlXtn Street. " I
Stable Wanted-AboUt 100x100. An-
avenue and Belmont Phone Tabor
orgs lT3n7mberlaln will ad-
Woodmen of the World In
aU Sunday evening. 3 o'clock.
Hon. Oeon
dress the V
. .t . V.I,
a it m. I
h ,. V i-k. t iTv- Vf . t . '.ffil
iZSXZmS T thim 405 i?nrr?flAH
economy. . Try them. 406 MorrUon.-
eyes foi
J t' lll BltS atreeC I
Allen's ICushlon Komfort shoes make
iixe-a journey a pleasure, 411 Mor
rison, y . f, , .. .. t
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal ;
oil and flna gasoline. Phone East 780.
Dr. ''William Cavanaugh, dentist haa
moved his office to 0.4Buchanen bldg.
Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street.
lunoo, : to i eusineas mini luncn.
lea. Call Main 134: Home A.114B. t
4aliA-M MAMHAMW til Cl,--1. 4
Monday positively last day ef dls-1
count Of west fide gas bills.
Diamond W It's a eoffi
sk for It
at your grocers.
Kurseryman-Pllklngton. ft Tamhlll.
Summer dresses. Madame McClureCo.
Beautifying creams. See Mme. Hudson, ylgo'on opposition manUested by dlf
' I ferent nnlona lr the city.
Uvy's Music t .
Photo mounts. Wood worth. 14H 1st
Oregonian Confectionery, HI Sixth.
D. OAmbers, optician, lit Seventy
Bergerelgns 114 Tamhlll phone.
Good tS.BO shoes. ' Marks Shoe Co.
Bark f onto for rhsumaUsm.
Beck Jeweleiwtoj Alder.
Klser scenic photos. Imperial hotel.
Trains TpnvA TCflrlfor- .
The rhann hih i,v.. : fcl
1R" Js Wnlen ajtes JOlaet In the
Southern Pad f la tlma aehMula em Run
day (tomorrow) will cause three trains
to leava - aarllar th. .1 ,.....
to leav earlier than' at present" NoT
11. the mornlnr throuah, train . ;
southern OreaoS. and &HnVl m
leave t at 1:11 o'cIockT Instead Taf 1 Will
0 cittern, ana, no. i, tne evening train
for the same route, .will leave at 7:45
insivaa 01 t:ow.. ne morning train on
ine wni aiae ior uorvaina win i.,u.
at 7 o'clock Instead of 7:0. and the re-
Krn vafiil:ifh,2;
point at 1:0S d. m. InmtnaA
of 1:10
O'clock. .-.-..: -A ,. 3- ..
of employment for One Or tWO I
not happen because Of low
because he regularly Jived up
wav to avoid it. Place vmir. V9W Miss Tom vaja Sunday Morning.
.vuuvuuu . vit rum 1
'',-'" e I
11 .M,nmi'm,L ijtuu m..'i n
, Climbing Sofrano in Rose
One of the most remarkable rose gar
dens of, the city la that of qeorge Al
bert, (10 Vaughn street, where all of
the bushes are trained to the tree shape.
This has been something; of an experi
ment -with amateur roeegrowers. but In
the garden referred to Jt la the only
mode followed, and the, result Is sur
prisingly good. One - of the most re
markable ' trees here Is a climbing So
frano which has a trunk about eeven
feet high, from which the branches
Harman Tenarckar at Bertha la
charged with a second offense In Jua-
main Joaephlne Wmbat f the
ening to main joaepnme mmoat r tne
VreVtedWnot lm fnnV chS
1? tJtS TnJ 'hattef broSJht b5 tK
saWainttf f wgnl by the
Kelationa between the famiUea of
Tenercker and Dlmbat at Bertha eeem
to bo badly strained. In the flret charge
TM,hin rimh . that vTL
Josephine Dlmbat alleged that Ten
ercker knocked her down and then his
A ensued. When both
Federated Trades Takes Final Ac
tion In Matter, Which Was
Flat Failure.
Trades Council lifted' . the boycott
against the Oaks, the amusement resort
operated by the Portland Railway, Light
at Power company. The Oaks was
nm0kmA ah ttijb nnfal Wni. ahkilt twn
montha ago by the . Federated Trades
Council at the request of striking er-
in Mvuvugn ext. umv viiiiv tusiv
JP"y Vain the order union men were
I A-rTkmffA tik r,m,ln hit from tha ra-
sort They were not' permitted to accept
employm-nt at the Uaks, and neither
were tney allowed to visit tne resort.
Financial suocort was also withdrawn
by the International Carmen's associa
tion. Until a week ago carmen were
receiving a" small sum f 15 or 130 a
week to maintain the btycott 'but on
account of the need of .unda to carry
on the work of the smuse, presumably
in Han Francisco, ine uaxs noycoit tuna
was stricken off the list v
Furthermore, It or ICO union men
were , belnr denrlved of amnloyment at
the pleaaure resort. This created much
dissatisfaction among union men who
were not directly Interested In the eon-
tmvam ImIvm, tha atrtklna- atroatm,.
?StSS:vZLSSLi lt?tV.
Others asserted that the boycott
operatives end the Portland railways.
m.S ZiuttiMSl
FPnni .tht ?u5Vil7..t'u"
suDjeci ine ycuon last . nig 01 was
WWi7 orougnt aooui.
Monday positively the last day of dis
count of west side gas bills.
Gillespie Commencement
At ths Heillg theatre Wednesday even
ing, June II, 8:15 o'clock, wti occur the
June recital and aeventh annual com
mencement of ' the Gillespie Sohool of
Expression. -.
Miss cora esnaver, a -graduate or tne
Oregon State university, furnishes the
nrst part or tne program, and win re
ceive the readers' diploma. Miss Mar
guerite Shelley and Miss Sophia Shlves,
who have completed the post-graduate
course of the school, will receive pro-
'part' second of the program consists
Fearless ef Co .nrn which To young wo!
men will furnish an hour of sparkling
Monday positively the last -day of dis
count or wesi siae gas diub.
"g SS fii TZ 'SS
trains will leave earlier than at present
win leave at T:40 p. m. instead 01 b:i.
There will be no change in the Spokane
flyer No. 4. which will continue to leave
at 1 p; ra. .-t,
Metsaer ' fits your aves for II. 84J
Washington street. corner . Seventh,
formerly at 111 Sixth street - :
M , mmm
t -
r- J:
Garden of Oeorga Albert.
?)re4d to a distance of at lea at IS feet
his decorative floral umbrella Is re
markable eight -
The rose tree In the picture Is a Paul
Neron, a sturdy growth with a multi
tude of aoraeous flowers. The Albert
garden has many other attractions. The
white Maraan Cochet Is grown to per
fection nere and tne pinx uocnei ig re
markably beautiful. Theee rosea
for the most part grafted, some of the
bushes showing half a dosen varieties
grafted upon the main staiK. -
sides appeared before District Attorney
manning on tne aiiernoon or tne con
flict to swear out a complaint, each
against the other, all bore the marks
01 the encounter.
Tenercker . was put under bonds to
appear when aummoned and allowed to
go home and protect his family from
the further? ravages of the Dlmbat
nousenoio. -
However, the feud between the fam
ilies did not- subside and now Tenercker
wilt be summoned on the strength of
the former bond to answer to a charge
or mroaiening 10 injure nis neignnors
wnn a Bcym.
Commencement Exercises of Philo
math College Will Continue Until
Wednesda7-4Sennon Tomorrow.
Graduation exercises of the forty-sec
ond annual commencement exercises of
Philomath college are in progress and
will continue until Wednesday of next
week. The baccalaureate sermon will
be preached tomorrow by Rev, J. R. ti.
Bell, and the class address will be given
naxi weanesaay morning Dy me itev.
xi. a. uarne or uayton, unio. The pro-a-mm
ia. aa fnllnwa! T
Thursday Address before the stu
dent body by Rev. O. H. Feese, D. v..
9 p. m.
Friday Art exhibit I to 4 p. ra.: re
eltal by the department of 'oratory. S
n. m.
Saturday Anniversary of the literary
WJlBllva, a p. mi. , . -
Sunday Baccalaureate sermon by
Key. J. R. N. Bell, D D 10:80 a. m.;
address before the Christian associa
tions Dy n. v. etone, secretary of 1.
M. C. A., Portland, Oregon,
muiiuij uituuiuni reciiai, depart
ment of music, p. m-
Tuesday Annual meeting of the
Doara 01 trustees. a. m.; class exer
clses, 8 p. m.
Wednesday Class address hv n,v
8. Gable, 10 a. m.; alumni banquet, i
Northwest Corner of Fifteenth and
"Northrup Streets Brings 917,600
Other Deals. i
A. I McCully and D. W. ..Tilford
purchased yesterday,' the quarter block
at the northeast corner of Fifteenth end
Northrup streets, from F, H. Guild, for
117,600. There are four frame build
ings on the site. Wakefield, Fries 4k Co.
negotiated the deal. t - f
George A. Anderson has purchased
from G. H. Abendroth a house and lot
onVaughn street, near Thlrtv-second
Willamette Heights for 16,000.
J. A. Veness, who recently purchased
from Max Fleiachner a quarter block on
Twentieth and Johnson streets, is pre
paring to erect a handsome residence
on the site. Mr. Veness paid $14,000
for this property, which was bought by
Mr. Fleiachner leas than one year ago
for f 10.000 . " .
A deed, dated October 10, 187. con
vey in a a SO-fOOt lot at "tha nnrttiwaat
corner of Eleventh and Columbia streets
in conamarauon 01 ia.uov was tiled
for record yesterday. Thla ait nnM
not be had now for less than 110.000,
which Indicates an Increase In value
of over 800 per cent In 10 years.
' W. C. Gibson, who was h A rrMd In at
October, with ' having attempted to" set
fire to a Printing plant at 4 Flret
street has been sued for a divorce by
his wife. Mrs.- Myrtle L. Gibson. Mra
Gibson, in a complaint filed In the t
eult court alleges that' Gibson 1 ia an
naoituai orunKarn ana nna railed to sup
port his family. She asks the euatndv
of their two minor children and f 0 a
Oregon Infantrymen Are Or
dered to Take Part In Gov
. ernment Drills to Be Held
Next Month at Forts Stev
. ens and Columbia.
Orders have been Issued at National
Guard headquarters directing that sev
en companies of the Oregon Infantry
participate in what Is supposed will be
coast defense maneuvers at Forts Stev
ens and Columbia early in July. The
order designates troops that have been
assigned Tor tnis duty and nxes Juiy
aa the data for leevlne- Portland.
It has been known for some time
tnat sevsn companies or tne vregon na
tional Guard would partake In the ma
neuvers this summer under government
appropriation. The commands that have
been selected are: Company A, Baker
City; Companies C and K, Portland)
Companies A and C, separate battalion,
Eugene. - These companies will go to
von Stevens, company b. roruana.
and Company M, Salem, are assigned
to Fort Columbia, Washington. Lieu
tenant John M. Foorman will be In
command. A detachment of hospital
corps will accompany each command.
The staff officers assigned to the ex
pedltlon are: Major John L. May, Cap
tain I H. Knapp. quartermaster Third
infantry; First Lieutenant Rease Leaho,
battalion adjutant and Captain M. B.
Marcellus, assistant surgeon. These
offloers will be stationed at Fort Stev
. First LJautenant J. B. Rlbbard. bat
tallon adjutant, and Second Lieutenant
Carl Rltterspacher, battalion quarter
master and commissary, will accom
pany the Fort Columbia division. These
orricers are directed to report to iieu
tenant Poorman In Portland at I
o'clock on the morning of July I. but
further than that nothing la known as
to what time of day the troops will
depart for their respective stations on
the coast. '
Nothing whatever Is known as to the
nature ot tne maneuvers tnat tne com
panies will be ordered toMake part In
at the coast stations, not even In a
general , way. Orders for action are
never given until dusk of the day pre
ceding ths maneuver. However, It Is
presumed that the guard wiU cooperate
with the regular troops in coast de
fense 1 work because the artillery has
been given direct command over - the
movements of the entire force at Forts
Stevens and Columbia.
, Companies D, E, F, H, I, and L, the
remaining commands of the Third ln-
arate battalion: separate Companlea E,
S and F and the field battery will
probably be sent on av separate expe
dition to a point not rar rrom iort
Stevens or Columbia. Tha state will
provide for this expedition.
Adjutant General Flnser Is now at
Seaside looking for a suitable location
for the camp.
Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.
Hiv vour t examine" by Dr. B.
T W OI . I.. vatrlK h n-aan fAllaea
ay , $ 1 i is s m nv mv vibvu vviss
or optometry, new at 111 nixtn street.
between stars ana wasnington, uon
au nation rree.
The White Temple
xwoixiB ana xayior pereets.
atnroAT, xoiso a. '
Address by the pastor, y -FOrtTLAm
XBTZOa Tied 9, at.
Speaks en subject
Why Do They Frequently Go Wrong?
Duet Miss XAwler and Mr. Belcher.
have some excel
lent bargains in Pi
anos they would?
like for you to look
! S ,
Thei Store (Sixth
and Burnslde ) will
be open' tonight
ruohsv .......aso
XlwbaU ................. 198
BaUsy .................. 140
Cable ................... S38
Xxoelleat Maso Flayes. , . 100
Bohmer (square) ........ 45
Zstey Organ W
SIXTH ajto Bvmiraxss.
"A Conimrvatlw Cuttodlan'
4 Per Cent
For. the convenience of ,
Its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
414 Second St. j
' I Corner Washington ' '
Mrs. Leslie Carter
Prices .......... t.OO, 9LM, ll.OO. Tie, U.
14th sad HCIf lr TRCiTDC rkeae
Wesblaatoa iUiiin. laia 1
' , Charles ' rrohmaa ' Preaeiits '
la the Intaraatleaal SraoM
A ylay that InteWate both Cbarelnaea
. autiats aaa omnas
yUCEft Urn Voot, 12, (LAO. Bel
eonr. tl.QQ. T5t. BOc. Qllrr, .
Sesta JTew SeUiag at Xhaatre.
i ' (Pbeae Uala .
Oaif Twe kfore Nlfhla and Saadar Matinee
Tne Meat Maetirai or an lomic vparaa,
"ouiorLX-entoiXA" -
Br the
sx txaxcisco orzmA CO.
8a tarda Mlbt, Sunday Klfht, Saoday Matlsee,
- lioa I MUa 1L. . u
Prlew Krralnx. 20, .BOa, TBe. Itatteae.
X5a aaa so. -
Ptuma Main X. -
Ova. L. Baker. Hsr.
Baker Theatre Compaay Last Time ot Seasea
Toalfbt la the sereaaiiac raree,
yrota the rrtoch.
"yrrxm aoaui." ' '
mint nrlcM Me. SBe. SOc: niatlaee. Ue,
c. Matlme Batsrdar.
fzt Attraction, Btartlng Tngaerrow Matinee
"The Friads aad the fauyer." .
The Star sr
- Weak of lone td.
Grand Opening of the . Roertaalsed
praaeBtlna the Nlblllitlc Drama, .
nsvksT ntrsaiA."
afatlaeea- Taoadar. Thondar, Saturday and
Bandar at 3:80. frlces, 10e and 30c. Bvery
erralns at S:1S. tTlooa, loe. sue asa sue.
Baaorve aMta by 3bona, Mala MO.
Kast week,. "elle ex Kicamoaa. - - ,.
The Grand
Spoolal added featora,
Hairy Boekor A Co.,
raaeatlns "The Walk-
laa Daloceta."
Week ef Jess M.
A . MoCaolor.. 01.
famae sad Sadie
Conker, Kile. Oanta-
lawnara. xiovara
nfuU, , .yndarlS Bon.
irtl, Oiaadlaoope.
"Tha Stolan Pla.'1
Aadanos U "BUe.
Hanaattaa," r
'Whoa Caesar Oi
Xoha The Barkas
Portland Carnival Co.
Win furslak yo attracttoea of every deecrip-
tioa for Street ralra, resrtfc ef Jsly v Celebra
tions, Xte. ; ParHenlara, ;
' 14B BUth Street Phone Fadfle 3825.
Ooraey Taarna sad Twaaty-foBrtk.
SAn rsAnasco ys. ponTunD
Oanes called at 1:10 p. m. dally. .
Games ealled at 1:80 p. m. Sundays.
Grandstand 25a Cbudran 10a
box seata joe.
o Portland
nnntiiiiii ta aat and drlnlL and
It costs no more In the
Portland Hotel Rathsktllsr
than elsewhere In the city. Zrery
weekday night from 3:10 to It. ,
'"..,'-Bt. O. BOWZBI, kUBare.
-.1 M
. a . . i- .. . . i
New botol. faeee Jaffanoa Sauare. Two
blocks from Van Nese Ave., the preient shop
ping district. Car linae tranaf arring all ov.r
elty. BaM doorv Evar modern eenvanlence.
S60 rooms siacleer en eoito, UOprWaUbatha
Anerleaa ana Kuropeaa plana. l1Km moaar
ata, Omnibti nvaata all traina.
' The Hotel Stewart Opens September lt '
The St James
. ; ;;' . MA nUBCISCO. ' ; ' . ' ..
: Vaa, f . Bern, Ma. - - '
la aftaatsd fa the heart ef the bestnaaa e.
Met. Modern and handaomalj' foralahed. Frl
rata hatha, tolrpboooa ia eiy roam. Samplo
emne for traTollna moa. Batea from 1 1-50 to
M 00. Bsropaaa plan. Aeeaaalble to all dopnta.
Slraatod la the hoart ef the ahopplna and be
aeaa dlatrict. Oom to tha theatres.
Hotel "Key Route Inn"
22nd Street and Broadway
Sunny rooms, private baths, lonir-d!-tance
telephones, com pressed air clean
Ins, larse lobby, eafe a la, carta with
eulslne and senrtoa unsurpassed. For
rates, eta, address '- , ,
; K. B. MtTLXJUf, Xfanacw.
rormerly Assistant Manager .Palaoa
Hotel, San Francisco,
who is going to pay the bills? While
a man is in good health, he seldom
considers this, but sickness may come
at any time. So while you are able
to work, save out of each week's earn
ings enough to protect you against
the time when you may be sick..
Open an, account with us today.
. . . Off THE i '
WE pay
Wo pay 3 per cent on daily balances
: ot cneck accounts.
THORBURN ROSS. . . .President
GEORGE H. HILL. .Vice-President
. T. BURKHART... Treasurer
NO. E. AITCHISON. .. . .SecreUry
Bankinsr hours 9 C m. to 4 v. ta.
Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Satur
day CTtoings, 5 to 8 o'clock.
(Corner Second St)
at ramxvkm ojubooj
iw$tfPlfWtlj Mas OseBtrvwPiW WwdtF
' A t. Aerer Piaaldatt '
Wm, R Smith V.rna. B. H. Oreea Qeal MW j
Jna. U.Oher3ectetaiv H.t.taaalarOaoniaa.
. tLeea tt Saaih Oasarai Cwinaal - .
.' faiuaad Chambo? ef
- rortlaod Board ef Trada : '
a.'- '":!.4:-aaaMBi :.::My. ' 'C
OwtesTras) aad IsrlntaBaak PwDaodCea,
. ,The Bsdnet CTpany -.
K a Dea Co. Cinsiiirrial tacv
. We awhe ae f Medae we da aat hlSB .
' We (he sea e etoare dasl took ee e ,
some omcsMLArAYrrrtntsa.
Cm. WtUutltm ami Sink ttnUmi Om
monm uimoiir. . ine coupie were mar-1
rled In this city In 1IS ' . -. . i
eount of west side gas bills. . , -
-r-r j.".; . . ..... 1
Mondav eositlvelr tha last dav of dla-