The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 08, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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- A Good Furnace Job Does
Not Necessarily Mean
Only a Good Furnace
, v It means that it must be a durable and economical furnace, that
; ; ; ; every pipe must heat at the same time, that the air circulation must ; .
be proportioneJcorrectIy. 4 . r. J ' , -t. . " ' '
it must be installed by a ; i
' man who has had years of practical experience in heating with i
J.'r 1 ' i -
'i I
if- ;
i k
. !
A'-l i v 1 -tf ' a J
Uniform Degree Team. Multnomah Camp No. 77, W. Oi W.,',Who WH1 Aslflt lnUnve'lllng Ceremonies Sunday. Evening. '
lAUcg-ations of Bad Faith and
Overreaching t Against - .
VtCooa Bay. -
', v::'.' VVr- ' '" '' ' ' ' V
''.?:':v';"''::- " ," ';-V: ;
Charged That . TVftlle Inland Men
,tVre Raising Hard Cash Bay Men
Wer 8chrmInjjp-Coqaille . Port
, Sees Them Losing Everything. '
, ..'(Special Dispatch to Toe Jamil) .'.
Roseburir. Or., June S.-Roseburr,and
Douglas county' people have been grkat'
ly perplexed for several day regarding
the ' delayed action of the Coos Bar
' people In the railroad movement at
that end of the line. The people of
this section have subscribed their money,
are very willing and anxious to see the
. mutter pushed ahead, and are ; now
waiting action at the Coos Bay termi
nal. A -communication received from
Bandon may throw light on the situa
tion. It ..contains the following mat
ter: ',. 4 ' " ,.,'.-.,-''... ':i v ; i
Startling development v. In . the af
faire of the Douglas-Coos Baw electric
railway have lut come to llglt. It ia
Iven.out on what appears good u-
y that Instead ot the road oeing
bullt from Roaeburg to Marahfield an
L i.. .' ' .ni. -1,11.1 riimUnil
r. K.rtr&TOH, aratuopatk.
B You Ire
Sfand want to get well the
best thing tor you to ao is to
.throw, your, medicine away,
and go tS DrN. J. Fulton.11
Naturopath, who treats all
. diseases without medicine.' t
She .cures Jtnany patients
who havj 'been treated for
months vwith medicine and
who have about given; up,
hope of being cured. ;
Such diseases as rheuma
tism, la grippe,, stomach and
bowel : complaints, 'goiter,
paralysis, female complaints,
nervous diseases, she treats ,
without medicine, and cures.
Eitaminatiphs , and
L-ffeatment free. . 4
Br.N. J. Fulton
Comer Clay, eas W09 from U.
O. ear, oa from 13t street ear.
t from yeffmoa ear. yelephoa
-atala 8183.
1 . . 4 a -4. tar i 1 1
I i.llIt' nil lUBIllMirjM JlltW . oaiiuun.
Uiave the last named town for lu west
ern terminus, and that, the ouuet.or
Douglas county and , southern Oregon
will be the mouth of the Coqullle river
Instead of Coos Bay.' The' new' plan
will cut. off several miles In distance,
and will enable the western portion of
the road to be much more easily and
cheaply constructed. - - . : . -v
Charge of Bad Yalta Made, r
r From., the best Information obtain
able this change of plans was brought
about by the action of certain' capital
ists In Msrsbfleld and North pend. who
are now attempting t to . obtain - fran
chises from the towns of North Bend
and Marahfield that will give them con
troLiof the entire water front of Coos
Ewy. Of course this will shut-out of
that town all railroads that had Intended
entering,- and on the surface of things
It appears that the late railroad meeting
at Marahfield was In reality the swan
un, nt that Isolated Villa ae.
. Toe allegation Is made that certain
capitalists combined to organise a so-
called belt line. . get irancnises inai
would give them entire control of the
water front, and thus enable them to
dtqtate to any railroad that might desire
to come Into the bay country.
When the Roseburg committee Visited
Marahfield recently they found no ar
rangements had ben made by the big
men who control 'the destinies of that
town to meet tnem. ana it was some
tlma twfnre thev. could be ret to the
conference. And even then. It la alleged.
they would not. consent 10 meet ine
nniia-lu.rAuntvcltlsena until they held
a secret comerence among mwnnim.
Than tlm met the Roseburg represen
tatives and' appareatly went Into the
clan ; of organising the railroad with
seal. " -. -" - i
-' ' - - Have Baised sro Koaey. , - - -.
" -While Roseburg was engaged In sub
rrihln. more than 8100.000 'for the
road, stories were sent, out from Coos
Bay that the bay cities had, already sub
scribed as much or more. As a matter
of fact, it Is claimed, while the masses
of the ueoDle lit Marshfleld and all the.
Coos Bay ana Norm ijena country are
eager for the road and would take stock
in It, the capitalists have been keeping
tne matter drc. ana neitner maraniieia
nor North Bend nas auDscrioea a penny.
In addition to losing the Douglas and
(-Coos road, it Is said by people who are
in position, to Know, mat anouia Herri
man decide to complete the branch from
Drain he will vrobatoly dodge the towns
of Marshfleld and North Bend, and make
the coast terminus of tne jurain orancn
at Bandon. i .
It Is not known whether the so-called
Coos Bay Terminal company has yet
succeeded In obtaining its . exclusive
irancnises. - .r? -, ,
' Baadoa Xaa O00A Xarbor. V "
' Anyway, it seems to be generally con
ceded here that the harbor at the mouth
of the Coqullle river Is really the better
or the two, ana wui, lit tne event tne
Douglas and Coos railway la speedily
built into Bandon, be much more likely
to receive aid In harbor Improvement
than will Coos Bay. '
In case Coos Bay leta go Its valuable
water front franchises,. It Is agreed.
there will be no inducement lor con
arresa to annronriate Mont, for the bet
terment of Its harbor conditions, unlesS
It be to aid Harriman's Interests In the
very doubtful event of his building Into
tnat town. . .-... ., . . . t '
reopls Shan Bams the Bort.
It . Is un to the Deople of the bay
towns and of Bandon as to which of the
ports will be the principal terminal - of
tne new roaa ana eveniuauy wui oe tne
port to control the traffic of southern
and central u re iron, t - - ' - '
This la-the situation in a nutshell.
The Douglas and Coos road is only the
forerunner -of - several roads, some .of
them-of even - much more Importance
than this. .Where this road goes the
others will ' folloW,-and 'the events 'of
Thousand sof Ponrids Brass Tacoraa;' Men Indicted-Lay
rStolehFrom SantacFe by
- Organized uang. I
the next few davs will very likely de
termine) which port will be the principal
Pacific coast harbor between Astoria
and the Golden Gate.
(Special Dispatch to The Jooraal) , '
Sulem, Or., June A list of Ithe
books adopted; by , the. state text book
commission, with the sale and exchange
nrtcea follows; . i - i,-.
c"- - - ,.i.....'.j.MVTl, 'w. " . ,
1 juicnangf neiaii
' ' Price. Price.
Buehler's Kngllsh Grammar.t0.SO 80.60
tierricK'& xiamon's compo- y
sltioh and Rhetoric .... ..60 1.00
Carson's Handbook of Com- ..
position v. . I ;'.9
wu s 'Aigcura ror. necona- s , -
ary Schools ;.l.ili..,.60 1.80
Tarr's-Physical' Oeoaraphy i .60 -1.00
Hales First ttin Book.,.. .60 ' 1.00
Hale'si Latin .Grammar. . . . .'.60 f. ;; 1.00
Gunnison & Hurley's Caesar - . 63 . , 1.25
nwnnuih Kittredae'a ? m '
: Virgil- v'wv.....i.t..(.rt .
Al'en & Greenough's Cicero .66 . 1.80
Chanijlngaf U. 8. History.', .85 -. ) 1.40
Myers' General Mietory . . . . . 7 .j.oo
Powers & . Lyon's Office ,' --y
Methods and Bookkeeoing 1.70 - 8.10
Hutchinson's Phvsloloay and ' V: :.,
Hygiene ; ............... -.50 1 1.60
Bergen's Botany : i . . i ; . . .66 1.80
Newcomer's English Liter- !
. ature ............... .'. . . .78 ; v l.!B
Newcomer's American -Lit- ' ; -
erature .60 1.00
Wentworth's Geometry. . . . . .68 , 1.16
Milliken Gale's Physics. .68 !.S 1.26
Le Conte'a Gology. ....... .54 ; 1.08
Wells' Academic Arithmetic . , 1.80
Bullock's Economics-...... '.60 1.00
Strong ob Schafer's Govern- ... . -,
ment -01 ine American . r t, v -1 -PeoDle
........ t t. . . .88 .65
Joyne's German Grammar, j. , I 1.18
Hubs' German Reader .... ' .. ..70
Heath's German Authors'. .Catalog prices
McPhersoir & Henderson's !
Elements of Chemistry; .v .68 " 1.86
Davenport's Introduction to v ': ,-.. -.
Zoology .65 1.10
Todd's Astronomy--. . , . t . . . .88 - , ; 1.17
Hoqnlara's May; Lumber Movement,
' (Sprtial Dfipatch to The losraaLt .'
Hoqulam, Waah., June 8. The total
lumber exports from the mills of this
place for May were as follows: Lum
ber. 14.084,271 feet; shingles 8.100,000;
lath, 4,268,160 pieces . , , - , - -
p t 1 (Jouroal '. Special service.) -
Ban Bernardino,' June 8 That thou
sands of pounds of brrfss wars stolen
from : the Santa Fe railroad within ths
past IS months Is the astonishing dls-
Blame on the Oregon -fe:
Organizations b :
closure made by Chief of Police Shay They Claim to B Willing to Take
after the arrest-of. five conspirators, ,; w ,
: Whatever Medicm There May Bo
for Them if Only the Trust May
; Be Duly Busted.
charged with the gigantic- theft.- The I
arrest resulted in the recovery of eight
wa ,nn mafia- nf f.nriv nH rivture
. - o---.
rtdentined as Santa Fe property
For months shop officials bays been
missing brass.-and the efforts Of ths
company's detectives were powerless to
unravel the mystery. Clerks were
watched, mechanics shadowed laborer
searched at Intervals, but no clue was
obtained and the thefts continued. -
- Policeman Poppett finally found - a
clue which led to local Junk .dealers.
, (Special Dispatch to The JosraaL) .
Taeoma. Wash Juns 6. According to
local furniture men who were Included
In . thm tndlntmanta returned . bv the
William P. JucGoldrlch, formerly , em- Portland Ketaii rurnuure ueaiers as
ployed by the Banta Fs as a machinist, soclatlon and the Oregon 8tate Aasocla-
ting having acted as rence ror an or-i" wr ""
ganlsed band of Mexican thieves. As them Into their present difficulties.
the Mexicans t were leaving the shoos I V VTbTA taA awlarsbsa thai Aha a stab salf Kaats 4a
each were searched. Four were found! r." IS 7 . k1 " , . f I
ii --a .i.v,...i I An business in Portland and the state
Willi U 1 1 , M4I MIIU " J B 1 v
down with brass, 100 pounds In all. Their of Oregon by agreeing to the dictates of
ths retailers' sssociatlon or, falling to
acquiesce, quit business In that city and
state," said. F. 8. Harmon, a prominent
furniture man. Ve do not have in this
state any such- associations governing
the furniture business, but In Portland
:Tae O. R. A N. will put Its new sche-1 n n .h. MTi fumit..,.
uuie inio etieci a. mwi doing business there."
next, by ; which three of its principal None of tne indlcte(J local firms will
eonfesslons implicate 16 others.-
Don XlM Tony Train tm5y morning.
The W. G. McPherson Co.
Aged Carl Burgard Lost HisJ Balance
' l In ( Crossing j TrackWaa
: - Crushed to Death. , .
' . '-'
In attempting to cross ths tracks In
front of, a switch, engine In ths' railroad
yards' near the Portland Flouring mills
at 6:80 odoclt -: yesterday ; aiternoon,
Carl Burgard, 78 years "of age, employed
as civilian watchman, on ; the German
steamship Numantia. lost , his. balance
and fell. He was badly crushed and
died instantly. k ; :
The family lives, at Woodlawn, com
Ing here 16 . years ago -from Buffalo,
New York, and the father opnd. a
meat market and grocery store at Six
teenth and Jefferson streets, which he
conducted for some years. Ths chil
dren are: John H. Carl, Mrs. N. P.
Smith, Mrs. 8. C Alvord, all of Port
land; Mrs. T. C Brodle of Sumpter,
Oregon; P. U Burgard or Kansas city,
Missouri, and F. A. Burgard, of the
Evening Telegram. Portlands ' i
trains will leave earlier than at present (deny that the fnr. int . nmrt.
The Biggs local win leave ' aa. m. nership with the PorUand Retailers' as
Instead of 8:15. No. t, the Chicago P-1 .oblation mnch thv u
clal. will leave at 8:80 a. m. Instead otown choice--and thev will be a-lad. thav
8:80tiand the Atiantio "Press, o . declare, If they can again do business
will leave at 7:40 D. m. Instead of 8:15. 1 i,un; -..-v. l...uT. t. ?zz
There wll be -no change In ths fpo.n firms here included In the Indictments
iirer no. m, ""- vvuw..u "-'"I have oeen served with bench warrants.
tiLI!' eohMii.i L '- sjundav Borih,lve. thty be,t clteu to 'appear In
With this, new schedule a Bunnay oourt .,, answer to me hM Th
service will ne lnJ"lfJ- have anticipated the action of the Unlt-
lnr!!"S;0r-tSPwUh Btate" district attorney, nevertheless,
ii RnEui frmortland 8 ?0 s5nl andwUl hold a meeting this evening- to
cf Bpeclal. from Portland a. nx. employ counsel and arrange to plead to
i . i me inaiciDionis.', ,
AT?Tinw A TTnTTTHPO! Ttf Taeoma firms indicate i are Davla
jiu . sj . -j.' i Horton 4k Co.. Carman wianufaeturlna
HIGH SCHOOL LIST RSffiS. I oaut&comDCany InTS:
vYaaiiinsuin mrior 'f urniture compan
Tier. Henderson Last Speaker at the
Evangelical - Conference Other
Talks Were Pertinent. "
Bev, T. S v Henderson, general field
r (Special pupa ten m lae 4esraai. - -(
Salem, Or.S June 8. Three Oregon
authors are represented In the book list
adopted by the state commission for the
use of hlsh schools. LUella Clay Jar
son. nrof essor or Jfina-usn and rnetoric
t the state ' university, preparea a
Handbook of English Compoattion.
A 1 SB IIS. HtlVllfi SB, tviiuvi jjtseiuvin wa, a-aav
state university, and. now chancellor of
the University of Kansas, collaborating
with Joseoh'-Hohaerer.-nroressor or . His
tory at Eugene, wrote ''The Government
of the - American PeoDle. ' Ths areog-
raohv adoDted.wlll have an aopendlx de
voted "to Ooeton.y tl will be Illustrated I,n.B .
cue cuinntisBiua,. cwsea ine jvvangeiicej
Institute at ,the .Taylor Street Metho
dist church last night, with an able ad
- Bad Symptoms.
Ths woman who has periodical head I dress on -a
aeaea. haRkn.rhM. saaa . imaa-lnarv darlc I Hugh E. 8m
spots or specks floating or dancing before iVr..rn v,ini8 k7tivi-JJ"teK?a?
her eyes, aavcnawlni distress or heary 55ttr"jl:,.erf n ths eneral subject
fall feeling Jftitonjach, faint spells, drag- I Bishop Metre 'delivered a brief sd-
Elnr-4MwnTrellnff la lower abdominal or I dress, in wuich ne pointed out the tend
pelvic resfon, easily tartled or excited.
Z a ... ..a
imguwn or paintui periods, wita or WIUr s The remainder of the afternoon sea-
out pnrlc catarrh, IS suffsnns; from 1 sion was taken up- by Mr. Smith and
wsaknT(tan9lerangenents thai should Mr. Henderson with Inntrhctions to the
have eimaUentlon. Not all of above I pastors in the organiastion of bands of
at lively za na nmuni in any i .nimwiouo - uit
TT - MMn tka
i me.
gsresslve Evanereliam." Rev.
ilth of Los Angeles talked to
or badlr treated and such
run into maladies which do-
e rargeon's knife if thty do not
uy. . . - ' , . t
.-Ine eytsnt rim uch t lows?
workers. A - number nf
papers that had -been prepared by visit
ing members were omitted, on account
of a lack of time. ' ':, y
List "of Shedds Fire Losses. 1
tri s f"' rierrea ravoriLn, rroai
prQfe";ljyn,!!Cr.ii) refill. VT rarh ntnt?
y vnjLl MigrPrMentawnrl.h mnr Lhan ary
lllininfr r.fMriril-i rr.r.,irficlna I lf.c.
tiinorua 9. The ' very .beat M
. (Saeclal'DltiMitcfe t The Jooraal.)
Shedds, Or.. June 8. The loss from
the fire that devastated the business
section of this - town is estimated - at
830.000, with insurance of 820,000. The
principal losers are: Davis & Shedd,
815.000. insurance 812.600: A. Suther
land. . 67.000. insurance 82.000: W. C
ngredienu I Jackson, 88,700. Insurance 81.200; M.
u. uoon, postmnsterr j,ouu,, insurance
11.200. The mail was saved.
known loTinedlcal science for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its
composition. No alcohol, harmful or
habit-forming drug Is to be found In th
is oi its ingredients, printed on' earn
ooKie-wrapper ana attested under oatfi.
any condition ox tne lemale system.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriotlon can dc
1 J 1 . - I 1
vniy gooa-r-never narm. lis wnoie eneci
Is to strengthen, invigorate and iregulat
the whole fomale srstcm and esneciallt
ths "pelrlo organs, AVhen -these are de
ranged in function or affected bv disease.
the stomach and other organs of digestion
cecome sympainsiicaiiy aerangeo, tnr
nerves are weakened, ana a long list oi
bad, unpleasant symptoms follow.- Toe
much mut not be exoected of this "Fa
vorite Prescription." It will not perform
Iclne Will.' 'It will often onwenl them. If
taken In ilme, and thus the operaUng back in full measure for all the
aoie ana uis surffeon s amis may na i . . -- -
avoided.- . t A, - v injury you do it, it is the teeth.
rromen suneringirom aiseases er long i aj-j A ,-.- ,.v,
itsndtna. are invited t consult Doctor Neglect is no worse than expert
aWSSSet menting, widiZ Wohhlesr Denti-
wnfldentukv. Address Dr. E V. Piecce, I frices. Both will hasten the day
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser flSMnae-esi Of bitter regret.
. a ... " f I . . v
SUS? veWrVKK - Stand by . SOZODONT and
wwow-DMM copy. AoarsaSM aoovs. jypur teeth Will stand by you..
Revival of. irofleJirofU.? '
Interest in ths magnificent produc
tion of "Olrofletairof la" at the Mar
quam theatre continues unabated: Large
crowds have attended every perform
ance and the audiences have been lib
eral In their . applause, jcveryone is
Interested in the revival ot thla beautl
ful ooera. - Tomorrow s performances
will u ine uau ,. -.-v -
rDolly Varden'? nt Sfarqusun.
:. rDolly, Varden.f . .that, prettiest of all
comlo operas, will be sung at ths Mar-
quam theatre by the San Francisco
Onera comoanv next week, the first per
formance-being-given on Monday night.
The announcement will be of general in
terest, for everyone will be pleased to
near tne ramous old opera again.
' Last Performance Tonight.
; Nonight's -performance will be the
last ' this, season of the popular Baker
Stock company, that has provided enter
tainment for so many during a long
season. - The company has scbred un
immense success witn "Never Again,
a screamingly unny farce. ,
Southern Romance. ,
1 '.The Belle of Richmond." a southern
romance, wll V hold the boards next week
at the Star theatre. While it is a south
ern play, the late civil war has nothing
to ao wun it. Beats now selling.
, ."Darkest Rnssla."
Theatregoers are talking of 'Darkest
Russls," the attraction which has been
backing the Star theatre all week. Re-
alistlo and lifelike representations of
Russian conditions are found in this
Sunday Entertainment. ,
. See ths ' vaudeville entertainment at
the Grand tonight or tomorrow. The
bill la better than ever, and there are
more laughs to the square inch on the
program .than there are In a doses funny
i papers. June. Minniiun, i ne w mu
ling delegate" and other acts . on . the
list. .
.'".' Attend Lyrio Tonight.
Everybody agrees that "Sins of a
Father," as given by the Allen Stock
company at the Lyric this week, is one
or the greatest melodramas ever pre
sented In Portland, at popular prices.
p,, ' " . r : ,. SatalltoM'SIS
If there is one member of the
human system that will pay you
Oo tonight,' or If you cannot do that.
rememDer mat tnere wui oe perioral'
ances tomorrow afternoon and night. .
, "All the Comforts of Home.'
There will , be produced a laughing
show . at the Lyrio next week, .and it
you are wise you will make your ar
rangements to go eariy in tne weca.
Everybody who keeps posted on theatri
cal matters knows , that "All the Com-
forts of Home" ia the comedy in wnicn
William Gillette and Blanche Bates
made their greatest bits. -
Mrsl Leslie Carter In Zaaafw
The distinguished actress, Mrs. Leslie
Carter and her excellent company of
players wi i present the famous production-
"Zasa" at the Heilig . theatre to
night Tonight's performance will close
Mrs. Carter's engagement. . :
Otis Skinner Next Week.
Seats are selling at the box office
of the Heilig theatre. Fourteenth and
Washington- streets, for Otis Skinner
who will appear at the above theatre
next Monday and. Tuesday nignts in
the modern International drama, "The
Duel." ' "'". '.
Preferred Stock Canned (roods,
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
' The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which lias been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
s-y;, sonal supervision since its Infancy;
C , Allow no one to deceive you In this, -
, All Counterfeits Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and tJhUdren Experience against Experiment
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OO, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothlngr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
' substance. ' Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. , It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething; Troubles cares Constipation .
and Flatulency. ; It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ...
, s. .'.. ............ , , . . ...,. . . . : . - ' ,v : " . ,
cEHuiriE G ASTO R 1 A alvat
Sears the Signature of
The M You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30. Years.
tms wtuw MiMMt, tt SHisaav evaasT. saw veaaeiva, .
Br 7T
Is not a difficult matter when you
A combination ef most .durable Var
nish and Stains for Interior Wood'
Work. 1 Floors, Furniture, etc. , '
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
Going: East
"Mr. Sam Weinsteln, senior partner of
the New Tork Outfitting- qo., on First
street, Jeft on an extended eastern tour
on Thursday. ' Mr. Weinsteln is accom
panied by hrs wife and they were Joined
at Taeoma by a party of friends. The
Jamestown, fair win be Visited, then
the party roe to New York, where some
business matters will . be looked after
before returnlnf home.
- Mr. Weinsteln will be sons about two
months. ...
Monday positively last day of dis
count of west side gas bills.
f-i-t; i - '-v; " ; '.'V r '".' .-'--. -w v '.; v-"-: ?'v:5' .-mj,,
k Ton era now make yoas arrenfemsnts e isrt the.1 ' '
Or any other point in the easti this summer, and take advantage of
the very low ROUND TRIP fates that have just been fixed upon by
" From rOKiLANU to
Chicago. ...,'..:.$71JiO
St Louis ......... .$67.50
St Paul $63.15
$85.00 Omaha .,...$60.00 , $73.50
$81.00 Sioux aty. $60.00 '$73.50
$81.40 Kansas City...... $60.00 $73.50
v A E'rect routes both ways. B- One-way through California, ' ;
f Ten days aUowed for folsf trip, SO days fo return. , Stopovers at
pleasure within limits. , , , -
Tickets will be on sale Jane 6. 7,8; July 3, 4, 5; J ;
Ausust 8, 9, 10; September 11, 12, 13
Oorrespondinr reducttoa In rates from ths eltlee named to 7amastowa
sad return, ror fall particulars faquirs of 1
v '.:. aeaerai rassena-er Areni. -. r nn
- v . Taixd aad Waiuoftoa t.r..ta. '
l4tt A.h yar Urmtglt tat .
IMIi. I. 11,4 and 41.14 ntsUlc
txn, Miol itk Ulna Ribbra.
HnkMaBal,!ialiit,AlMn Kdibl
( Pr. S-,!.r 'a r f..'-
It'rt i f.-t I