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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND, y SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1C07. 3H page "of clever matter . embracing such subject a" "The Jw sn Amer ican umsen," "The Sabbath Question 'The Vindication of the Jew,'' 'Ths Jewish BlUlo the Compass of the May flower," makes the fourth annual num- lior or tne jewinh Trlbuns fnr nuperlor to anything or the kind ever published in mi norm went .t EOCKPILE IS COAL OP xXOTOEIOUS MR. RANKIN Contractors Explain Why Extensions on street ilni . v provemcnt Work Are Nec osary Bad Weather and Slow Deliveries Retard. In ' answer to the manr complaints from propertr owner along streets now undergoing Improvement against grant ' ' in extensions of time to ' contractors several members of the executive board at the meeting yesterday afternoon ex plained the cause or ciciay ana expresaeu conf Idenre that the residents would fh mnftiT In the uma light. ' . Unfavorable weather, limblllty of the railroads to make deliveries on time and the scarcity of labor are advanced as the principal reasons ror asking; Tor ex trniina of time. Practically every con tractor In the cltr has been forced to requoiit more time and in nearly every JnntMnce the board nas gramea tu It la believed to be a contingency ac comnanylng the great forward growth of the city and the board la of the be lief that it ahould be lenient with con tractors who could not roresee tne con ditions they are compelled to face in finishing their work. The board haa the vomer to fix the time for the com rletlon of the work and hereafter as be fore It will be liberal In Its allowance, It was explained In the meeting that contractors do not receive a cent of money from the city for their work until It haa bn ' completed, approved and accepted. Under such circumstances it was pointed out that the slowness with which some oontrnctoe re doing the work lat not willful. Splendid weather for tne past CO days has en abled a number of contractors on small portions of the work to complete their work easily within' the allotted time., NOTABLE GATHERING OF PRESBYTERIANS Rev. E. Nelson Allen Enthusiastic , ' Over Results .Accomplished At Late Ohio Meeting. . : Rev. E. Nelson Allen, pastor of Haw thorne Park Presbyterian church, and ; O. M. Scott, returned home Wednesday last from Columbus, Ohio, where they have been In attendance at the Preabv ; terlan general assembly Rev. Mr. AI- ' len represented tne Portland Presbytery - una Mr.. Boot t was lay representative. Mr. Allen said: "The meeting at Columbus will go down in history of - the Presbyterian v church as one or the most notable. It waa the first united national aowmbly . of the Presbyterian Vchurch" of" the United States and - the Cumberland Presbyterian churches. The action takun regarding the attitude of the temper ance committee of the assembly toward the Anti-Saloon league was important and me way in wnicn tne decision was arrived at speaK wen ior the accom plifhed union of the churches. "The vote was unanimous, although debate was sharp and prolonged. The committee was continued and instructed to pursue Its work hereafter Independent - of the Anti-Saloon lague and-wherever , possible to sid in the work taken up by the league, instead of repudiating its policies." The meeting was ' attended by SOQ commissioners, representing every state in America... Kaci year the assembly - will meet in Kansas City, the old home of Rev. Mr. Allen. T. 8. Rankina, one of the members of the gang arrested several months ago In a Front street lodging-house for Im plication in the Sell wood and St Johns postorTU-e robberies and- who escaped Indictment at the hands of the federal grand Jury, waa before judge Cameron yesterday on the charge of vagrancy entered against him at the time of his arrest. Rankins was subjected to a searching examination covering over, an hour and at the conclusion of the proceedings Judge Cameron Imposed, a sentence of JO. days on the rockpilo. Spray of Life at The Oaks. A great show will be offered at the Oaks today. The feature will be Pro feasor Catulle'a most famous illusion. Professor Catulle haa the reputation of being the most' clever Illusionist In this country, and the "Naiads in the Phosphorescent -Fountain la his finest work. It Is simply a series of beauti ful pictures enhanced by the use of llv- HID COOKED HE DESERTED of court , Later Mrs. 8mlth sued him ior maintenance end the court ordered him to pay hr $37 a 'month. ,. v. ' Mrs. L. F. Koss.was ranted a divorce iiom a. m. kohs on the ground of de sertion beginning. In- January, 1905, jury were married at Vancouver, Wash Ington. in March, 1S84. Mrs. Ross tea tilled that thftra waa "'another woman' In the case. She -warn iiim.i the custody of their minor children and id mnntn anmony. Mrs. Nada Wultora mmm divorce from Thomas B. Walters on the TJnpmiin Rtt'flTl TTnSllllft tO rounl1 of habitual drunkcnnN. They UlUt-Jliail OIUU1 ,uuauiv '"I were married. at Nashville. Tennessee. U,..r llinmniwla and UnAUCA I Left Him. ! Gillespie School of Expres sion. lng performers and curious mechanical effects.. One apparently sees upon the stage a beautiful fountain of crystal water with three lovely women perform ing ail sorts of evolutions in the sprsy, The forma of tha ladles dart, around. turn somersaults and rest impended in the falling water of the f obtain. One cannot see. how the effect la accom plished, as tha forms are apparently movina in mid air. The most beautiful effect Is secured, when the wster seems to suddenly change to a shower or gold, There sre six taoieaux in an. as roi lows 'The Naiads Naiads Performing Macabre Dance." Three Naiads In the Luminous Foun tain" and "Tha Shower of Gold." , , Tfl are six uniwuiiin an. "mm iui 1: "Phoebus Sleeping on the Moon," e Hunt of Cupid." "The Three ads In Aerial Evolutions," "Two . Not a Betting Man. . Inadvertently tha name of 3. T. Wil son, who conducts an auction house on First street between Yamhill and Tay lor streets.' was mentioned in Tha Jour nal ' in connection with . a , bet made the night of the election. Mr. Wilson was not Instrumental in getting the money placed and had no connection whateyr with any bets made on tha re sult of tha contest -, f Mondav positively the last day of dis count of west side gas bills. - - Though ha rooked his own breakfast every morning, ate , lunch away from home and cooked Ills .own dinner nearly very ayenlnff, Heber v. Swan waa de serted by his wife, Nellie Swan, for falling to support her, according to. the testimony glen by Swan before' Judge Fraser in the circuit court In aeekinff a dlvorca. , ' s fj ,, ' Swan aald his wife wanted diamonds, and ha waa unable to buy them for her on the salary ha earned as a linemaa Tha only reason given by Mrs. Swaa for leaving, according to her husband's testimony, was that ahe could do better alone than with him, and did not care to live with him . any longer. They were married at Corvallls in July. 1!04. Mrs. 'Swan had deserted onca oerore. The annual recital and commencement exercises of the Gillespie school of ex pression promises to ba unusually at- iravuvs tins year, a sparkling three- ui 1 comrajr, jvii as r earless to.. pisyea oy ,iv young women, win be a prominent feature. . Miss Cora Shaver, a graduate of Oregon state university, takes a reader's diploma. Miss Sophia Shlves and MHss Marguerite Shelley, post graduate ; students, receive their professional diplomas. . 1 PERSONAL City Treasurer j.'K. Werleln left this morning for Oreenvllln, near Forest urove, where no will deliver the prlncl- at that place. Mr. Werleln la com man ral address tonight af the burning of he mortgage on the Maccabean temple aald Swan, when' she went to the sea I der of Portland tent. No. 1. K. O. T. M. coant wun ner parents ana reiusea to return to her husband.. loiter she was persuaded to return to htm but again deserted In August. 1805. Swan said he., always cooked his own breakfast, and nearly always cooked. his own din ner, while his wife waa away visiting with tha neighbors. Swan waa granted a divorce. ' After much litigation.. "Mysterious Billy." Smith Is without a wire. . His wife.. Mamie Smith, was granted a dl vorca from, him on the ground of de sertion by Judge Fraser. Mrs. Smith testified that she fnarrled . Smith In New York in July. I8s. and that he deserted her in June, 105.- Smith sued for a divorce more than a ear ago, nut the case was thrown out TaYLOn ilEPOSI SHOWS GUI Improvements' Contemplated and Under Way on Streets ; "i arid Sewers Tell Story. Cltr Engineer Taylor'a report : .of street and aewer improvements contem plated and under construction in Port land during the month of May, which was preaented at tha meeting . Of tha executive board last evening; shows an amount unprecedented and , is one of the surest indications or tha cltv'a arrest prosperity.. , - The report shows that during the month the number of streets under con struction by ordinance amounted to it and that' tha number of streets under preparation for construction but not yet under contract reached the unusual num ber of SSI. The number of sewers in course of preparation and under con struction reached HI. In tha" streets cross-sectioned under ftermlt tha gain ahows greatest U rati ng on portions of different streets dur ing the month reached S.424 lineal feet. The grades and lines set for sirie- wnlKS uner permit amounted in nnoat feet to S8.E58. In ara1s that had not liHun ni-jivlmiMl v Aatxtliltahad the lines and levels run totaled 72,030 lineal feet, fcurvey for streets opened-'wldvned or extended during May covered 47,168 feet, and the reataklng of work under. construction reached 110,109 lineal feet. The streets cross-aectlonetl during May preparatory to making estimates In accordance with petition or resolution and the portions of the dlferent streets to be Improved In various ways follows: ' Ifret; stone blocks, 260 feet; blthullthlo, (.888 feet: 1.060 feet: bitumin ous macadam, 480 feet, and earth grade. 7,UB3 leet, ,. . -.,'-' ' EXlSrS FOR ANNAPOLIS ATV rTflQV ATI TTA VII Examinations of applicants for ad mission to tha United 8tatea Naval Academy at Annapolis will be1 held at the nubile library beginning next Tues day morning at 10 o clock. -Youths be tween the sges of IK and 10 years only are eligible. There will be physical examinatlona, as well as examinations In railii(r writing, orthography, geog raphy, hiHtory, urlthmatlc, algnbra,' geometry and grammar. A standing of at least U5 per eent will be required. One candidate and three alternate will bo certified to Senator Bourne. , A second examination will be held at Anna no la on June IS, and should the, candidate fall, the first alternate will be appointed. , . ; , . I, 11, ' ,' 1. r Monday positively the last day of dis count of west side gas bills. ; LJ- .1 J.J " r ;' i 'Sadly Klxed Up. , Abraham Brown of Winterton. K. T.. had a very remarkable experience; ha says: "Uoctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; . two colled It kidney trouble; tha fourth blood poison, and the fifth stomach 'and -. liver trouble; but none of them helped " me. so my wife advised trying Electric , Bitters, which are restoring me to peri . feet health. One bottle did ma mora'1, good than 'all tha five - doctors - pre scribed." . Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver ana f kidney complaint, by Bed Cross Phar macy. 60c. '' - .. ' si ill l .iMj "The Ellerf Wtjr the MonfySivIng, Easy-Paying Way. Electric ) Flatirons rwzmm am mr ... , people who know now to take ears of themaeives ine majority ao not. Tns liver la a most Important organ in tha body. Herblne will keep it in condition. V. C Slmpkins, Alba, Texas, writes: "I have used Herblne for Chills and F:ver and find it the best 'medlclfe I ever used - I would not ba without it It is as good ,for children aa it Is for rrown-up people,, and 1 recommend it. t is fine for La Grippe. Sold by ail druggists. - ... i . . . 1 f ; Highest Quality? ( ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL And Still Another Splen did Make in "The Line of. THIS ANNUAL EDITIOJT CREDIT TO PORTLAND Brimful of timely topics of particular interest to the Hebrews of America, masterly . handled ty soma of tha brightest minds in tha ranks of Jewish theologians, typographically a - - gem among . annual sectarian . publications and really . marking an epoch in the history of northwest journalism, the fourth annual number of the Jewinh Tribune of this city, which has lust made its appearance, is attracting wide spread attention and. reflects great credit on the editors. - . - N A particularly striking decorative rover in gray, black and white. . and l 1 m 1 ? r n r k . . a. a sag 7? It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any stove. - This is the name the fStvr Perfection Oil Stove gives : the instant a liehtcd match is ap- pfied no delay, no ' trouble, no soot, no s, dirt. For cooking; the MS PESKCIORI Wick Blue name Ofl Cooli-Stove ( is unequaled. It gives quick results because jts " ' heat ishighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense -, in two. Made in tnree sizes, jcvery stove warranted. If not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. I A ; PIANO OF HIGHEST MUSICAL; - rL. T.. c ' :t..j.. j t ' The ' all-round household - use. HTsda af brua throuffhout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; aBsolutely iaie; unexcelled in light-grvinj power) an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted, u not at your dealer a, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY I at I - CHARACTER i ..The Line of Highest' Quality includes many renowned makes " more than 30 -each worthy of individual mention. We have recently . emphasized the exceptional . excellence of the Crown, Schumann, 'Story' & Clark and- the famous Weber, '.Chickering . and Kimball. Today we specialize the magnificent Hobart M. Cable an instrument . which in beauty of tone, delicacy of touch and durability of construe tion, ha few equals in all the pianoforte realm. ' . , . ; The Hobart M. Cable Piano la an example of conscientious effort, honest construction in every detail, and the attainment of highest .ideals in the line of piano building. , - - ' ' It is above all else a 'piano of tone character. The Hobart M. Cable Piano i will, appeal to critical music-loVers strictly upon' its artistic, and constructive merits: ' Those who desire a really fine instrument 6hould make it a point to thoroughly investigate the goodness of this well-known and popular make. - Our display is com- f-lete, and includes -the several styles, in all the different, cases and inishes. " "' . " HOBART M. CABLE PIANOS ARE SOLD THROUGHOUT THE .. . PACIFIC" NORTHWEST ONLY BY . . , . 1 I ) 353 KASIIIIIGTON STREET. CORNER OF PARK 1 II ELEG1P 7h V' mm Rava Tan Tlma '. Sava Tour Xsaita ' ' atava Ten Waary Stape . Sava Taar Monsy avatTan Clotass ' , ava Tonr Tampa ' Sava Ton Complexion - aj THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY pieotorliabfilSr BIGGEST, ' BUSIEST AND BEST Exclusive Agents in Western America for the Wonderful Welte--' Mignon PianoExclusive Pacific Northwest Representatives for the Pianola,' the Standard Piano Player of the World Sole V r : . Agents for .Peerless Electric Pianos. ' ; -, . OrchestrellevPipe and Parlor Organs, Orchestrians, Violins, Talking Machines and' Records, 1 And Stores In All Important Pacific Northwest Cities. 111 in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge; v CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND : RAILWAY. LIGHT St POWER CO. First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. ' , Gentlemen -You, may deliver to me. one "Electric FlaN-, iron, which I agree to try, and if -unsatisfactory to me, t return to you within 30 days from date of delivery If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my .. account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be : made for the Iroa if I return it within 30 days.' Name . i. . Address . . ........ Tf...... .DRPT.J.' ' . . I THL 30 DAYS' TRIAL OYTZR AP PLIES ONLY TO GONSUMLRS OF : - OUR CURRENT Si 8 To the Rropertes of th(3 Cohsiiniers Goal Company 54 Miles from : Portt Train leaves Union Depot at 8:30 aTm. tomorrow Free Tickets at Ouiv Office until 9 o'clock toriisrht Commonwealth Trust Co IVUl i 0- 1 I ' . - I V mW) MATT a ''' sbVbBbbV - aaBxf,'SBsBBW ' NMkgl'' . -t r ,ll- ' saaa-9SaJLiBBW ' ' - : Fiscal 74gcnts t 1 Coiirtuonwealtii Building