The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 08, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Cheese Market Shows Sky lligh Values
as Compared With Those of a Year Ago
The Producers Eeap All the Benefit.
Supplies Not Heavy Enough
to Fill Ui Orders Much
Higher Than Year Ago.
t Tl's 'market feature: ''' "''-
. 71rt watermelon appear In market.'
, Cue market bat treat strength. '
Tour eara bananaa arrlTt. .
Rsgalsr cratea "cante" srrlvlng. "' s
.Mississippi tomatoea In food aliap. '
; . allfornla ittamer 'bring produce.
string- beana are lower again. t
. Strawberrie aell vsrr high,
Hutter market rather tar. -;
Hop ordera are eottilng again. 1"'
War In crackers may materialize. V
.. Cat Xarket Ha. Oreet Btreafth.
There' U a r 'strong ton W the ebeea
market. " Wall receipt are lunreatlnf the
supplies cannot be 'compared with tho of thl
period In any pravloaa aeaaon. Today ebeee
I quoted along the atreet at lBe for flit,
while en tbl date year ago tb market
low and dull at He a pound. "We bare
Barer eeen tbe chess market to abetf mch
great atrengtb at thta -time of the rear aa
iW" P"""." r William Owen of West
1 JiT-en, rprutlvs of large ebeM factories.
t"' s uiarasr waa conauwraniy lower
tban at thl time. Just now we are baring
hard trouble to aupply tbe trade." -
. w nfiuioaoD. a - weu-anown ruses eeiier. i
aya:.. 'lt'a ar to teU bow iimnt th gh I garlic. Sa ner lb,
aaarket a at this tin. mm MnuJ iik I APfLKS Fancy Hood Elver. HTSdtS: fa nev
vlou year when I mention tbe fact that w I WH".IU,,U nd souther Oregon. IM
22-C rhW rRUITSsgW nw My,V..:50
Win. the .1 M. ,lr.Mve Mir aefc'' KSn?
' ; By Everdins; & Farrell. ; ' .'
Receipt of -eggs are, to tbe
best of our . belief, lighter, but
there Is no change In the matter
of prices or demand, for berries w
ar coming freely and they make
quite a difference in the matter
Of egg ' consumption. ' i
Butter la firm for all grade, e
and It la very' evident that there
will . be no cheap butter thl
Poultry la doing very well,
hen and - large aprlnga selling
freely, . but : very email aprlnga
are not wanted at all, Shippers
should be sure and send, none
of . leas than l pounda each.
Large spring - ducks sell fairly
well 'and a few large spring
" turkeys would . go for fancy
, prices.',,' 'w;,-:;;?;?;e
Veal, if fancy, are still selling 4
well and at top price, and the-
same la true as. to smalj. 'solid v
Hogs and Cattle Drop Tvcn-ty-Fire
CentsSheep Lose
; Twenty-Fire to Fifty, v
Portland Union Stackyard. Jon' 8. lira.
atock receipt: ' .
. Bog. Cattle, Sheep.
Today. ....,. i , 700 , ,1340
Week ago ... .......'. ot 96'.,. ,'440
Year age ,.,....., lue .;. '. v 11 ..
Year ago ............ ... 35 WW
While i no bog were received In the yard
during th neat 24 boar II Tea took receipt In
geueral were very ' heavy for . tbe Isst of the
week and aharp decline reaulted In quota
tlone. '. Hog dropped S5e on- the general weak
ess. ........ '.!.-.
Cattle were weak wltn anpplle far too
ry ror the week' end. Tbl reaulted in
drop of Ke all around. Reeemta for tbe i4
hoga. although larger nogs , and, ia,t a.tnrn.r. iwi ht thi. a.i. . r.r .ro
pnd those less firm of flesh are' e I and 2S bead In lOOS.- On thl date a year. agM
iub bvi waa wea dui uncnangeo. '
flbeep abow eery aharp break in value
wllb the beayy ariiraU. . Kormer price were
Condition, of That State Is
; Now Given as Fifty-Six
:lXti&fer Cent.'
4 '.,'.
Kaeunw Seport Zs BuIUab, .
:The official, estimate now 4
gives 1 If per cent as the on-
dltlon of tho Kansas wheat.' 4
marked The report sUtes that
it per cent of the seeded area 4
has been plowed up for various
reasons.' ;,- ;'.-. f"1 . -, j: L
e s- ?.',:f.s -C" 'v'', V; :-. - i
,0.ults, neglected. ZJ:f:
Hides are weaker all ; round. ' 4
and It , is " not likely that they i 4
will again rule as . high as they,
have been for a long time.
f Old , potatoea' If solid, wll
clean up Well , at top prices. ;
?uiy ........... i5n iTw ,Ka 2ft
cn zo to ooe and even at the lower agure Itmbmr''' t7l" JxS : !;? i1
ine maraei la uk noiaiog ita own. KeceipiaiT : .
were i4u bead aa antnet aoa but Saturday.
440 .bead thl date year a'go and 000 two
yeara ago, . a year ago abeep were weaker bnt
nrnangea in value, , , .
Today 00 head of borae arrlred In the yard.
Official llveatork price: '
Hoge-i-Beet eaatera Oregon. - M.TSajT.eO;
lower on aecnW Ti "-ZZZL
Ii"lf " c- BweTer. the bear retreated
Boon after the , open in
genermr ine low mar!
ig, Initial value
a ror tbe dr.
etocker and feedera, ft6.00iUe.3S; China . fat 1 ..Tu ubaequit aharp advance early In th
.(& .W. . - .... '. . M7 waaeanaed by th publication of the Kant
Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon (teen. $4,004 I jaa rePrt. 'l'n condition of tbe erop In,
4.2B; beet cow and balfera, S.2; bull la.Ov.
Bnecp enearea, nuea, .ooi umb
the oock t thla time about 6o0 boea of chew. I4.5oee.6o per box't llmea. felcan. tM per Eastern . If arketS Hpld Well HogS
I w - - - . " ja py' I J l" ' 1 IUiraflW. flhW pWT HUB. 1 i' ' UUlf, I , 4. y
w eonaition exiated a week ago, and tbe I aj.xo; atrawberrle. Oregon, 1.2o(2.00 perl V , wver.
proapecie i inia time ar that next week a I crate; enerrtea, fl.oo per 10-id pox; gooaener-l Chlrare. Inn a. Livestock recelnta:
naraet wiu n roily aa nrm. At thla time I riee, ouoc per id: a or icon .uu: . login-1 . ...... u .i.
4 V oi" e1-" I Chicago : ............12.000 4K) ' , d.OOO
VkUICX ABI.ES Tornlpe, w SOeett ek: cVw " f OOO 22 ; T auo
tPTfjf. 7ScI1.00 per Mckt naeta, il.TO per ll 2"il'lV J1...S.' J
caul) f lower. SI. SO do; pea, 44J9c; borae radish,
8e lb; artichoke. 375e per don; HubbarJ
aqnaab. 6 per lb; cranberrle. flO.OOQll.00
ivuc .per do bancbea; . rhubarb, V4n I .JB,f iua BJ.U4JJV A1A1UUVA'
ner idi . araen . ouona. ine nar ooa:
Florida bell popper. 4 ( ) per crate; spin
ach. fl.00 per box; bead lettuce. IS dos: hot
boose, $1J per box; . cucumbers. - &5c4f 1.00
eon; rsaww, is dun noncM; eggplant, lee
per ID. ; . - . ... ..- r ... , .
DRIED rHUm Applea. evaporated. KO
ic per id; apneots. isvUe per lb; peocbee,
: a year ago there waa very heavy storage of
' , cheese, but luppllea have been so scarce to data
that the regular trade could not be supplied
r,ai an tiniee.".. . . ;"-.."V .y . ,.- .,,
. t( f -'Oreeaiety Butter X 'taalef,';-':..';.'
?, A eonslilersbly Waaler tone la shown In tbe
.creamery batter market. . Huppllee of cream
:,ar allghtly Increased, .while tbe outlet of
.butter Is mqrh curtailed. A week or so ago
, vTvrww ' in io nurin waa . very inunn w I 70ft0c
,'vuers. a weec ago iney were onermg ifse
to SHe a pound more tban the local, trade, but
now they are not oven Interested. While the
' market in eaaler the trade In general doe net
anticipate n decline, because even a fractional
drop would eanse a ttelag of a tors ire, order
'Which would send tbe market to n blarher mint
t agsln. v -... - - - i I21H per lb; eacka, per lb lea; prsnee.
v Egg market I very1 iteedy with quotation j MJw W arop en each i 1-10 emaller
Holding at unchanged ngnrea. .
While there la nn-weaknes apparent In the
. poultry market, the trade I not so anxloos
'to buy at current figure. Ki surplu (applies
'a yet. . . .
War ia Cracker Hay Materialise. -.
It Is reported that tbe Empire Cracker -aV
' Csndy company, a new Independent Hpokan
concern. I snout to lock horn witn tu cracicr
t trade of thla ely. . for ana time war In
that state aa H per cent of a normal one. The
Australian wheat ahlnnonM T uZZZ:,'.
bullleh feature. BroombaU gav them aa 114.000
"r wtwa as against 756,000 bushels
a week ago and 18,0U0 buabela for thl w-ek
e yar ago, Tb closing of the market abow
net gain of la to le a bushel. " .
A rerjresentarlva at Lav s n.i
brokere. who ba Juat returned from a trip
through alx eft tbe best wheat countries la
Kansaa. aaya: ,
"Thing certainly look bad for 4he Kansaa
wumk enra mis eeaeon. Tbe rna ii
3B4 I the effect of th recent bCsry frosU in that
i.imi I
wet 1S.O0O... Mixed.
e.ZTH; rough SS.80Q,0p; light, sa.10O6.8S.
i sm iieaay. . , . . y ' ' ,. '
sneep itoaay. , r
Official Chlcaco nrlcea hv nrhb
4 Cooke eompany; ; .. .,
; ,.- -WMI6AT.
Onen. Blwh. 'TMm. rvm.
uiy .......... ' V3 WJ
September ...... 97 M
December ..... WW 101
. ' ' corn.
HarrlmanIssiiei Are Helped by m C:' mv,
'r.,btaek re5H, Pee ll'rlman 4V Co. were aa Id to be buyer of Union ,i, ' ' ' iml iarr
e' Pf, 1 0,tR,1t!,1,clfle here, tbl resulting to a net dvnc sen Wber" 1047 lasa
rd. $1.4010 per IS-la box. of jH to that Issue and 1 In Sonthern 8ept!n6 "'1MJ . .
' Jcrai
i;kr bat: been raging In the Spokane terrl-
alae; fig. California black. 6eH per lb;
vanrornia wnue, oJ
W 60 per box; fards,
- ' Srooerie. Xuta. Xte -' ' ' -
BUQAR Cube. tailU: powdered. tS.VIV,
berry, SJBH( dry granulated. J.77H: Star,
6.e7V4; eonf. A. $5.77)4: extra B.S.27W;
golden C. (S.I7V4: D yeUow. 15-07 Hi beet
granulated, .7y! barrel, lOct half berrols,
zse; doiss. ouo advance on eaca naiu. f -.
(Abov pricea are SO dayanet cash qnot
honkt ga.oo per rs
... y y n SHUUWB IfUUIUI ,
TllA ViWV kwS k., MithM. ltf.11.
us. today- eloelng betes senorallv his her. . .It lBI
generally believed by tb trade that no I rPremoer aM.,
action would be taken By the sovernmenl I muww .....
againet Ilarriman and thla helped prices. Hsr-
44 4H
87 S
Pacific, Tbe bank statement, waa bad.
Official price by Overbeck, Starr. at Cooke I September
,vrras-ruiiEff pranos. 010.009 , I '. . 1 . 1 j x " 11
6ALT Oosrss llslf txxuid. 100a. $11.00 per I Amalgamated Copper
tbe targer I ton; SO, $11.00: Unl dairy, 60. $14.00; 100s, I m. car round., com
tory, nnd It lr at ted that tb new concern
'baa been bavlng'everytblng It own way. Tula
; -victory I ald to be respooslMe . for Its re-
Jinrtoa determination or mvauing ine arr w ""! fi v".
.. ,h. iw.i.nji M.,v.t ..M hm, thm 1 114.75: bale. 12.001 Imnorted LlverneoL 50.
-h.rdt to tackle, will be tried flrt. Whl!. .lf i 1 v"; 834. $l0O; oxtr. fine.
1 -Botbln. definite reesrdln the nrolect ha ' ?? . HrW.?0'
' yet been made
that tb new concern
Jaly .......... 000 ? 909 poo
siT.i. Ti pit
October ....... 20 ' 920 91T
short Bras.
July WO , 8S0 877
September, 80 8W5 800.
" IU
sa a
8S A
1652 : '
920 ,
J1 r I vrtvu e m ,
publmTlt" llkreltl J" J? ton; .1Mb rock, $11.00;
mcern I eiiouly considering! 7iw!L. - l.
th advisability of building a large and np-to-1 etr ios. ,. C.r lote at special price auMect tol Anaconda Wining do.-,.
tdat plant in tbH city, jui't . . v. . i ' I fluctsstlcoa.) . . . . - i -f lAm. Woolen, com
fj . ' fUyHoAloJiigWelL -, J B1CB Imperial Japan. No. 1. 0t Mo. f,ltfntoon' com..........
-JL .'-l?Lrr!:,. sks, (Jrloena. hoad. !; AJa 6c; Crl.t jfar,......
Am. Cotton OIL com
Am. Locomotive, com
am... ouiir. win. ....
m. Bmelter; com .....
do preferred
T" Tiiero i mucn controversv resarain ine ip- k i, .
,,'1eranc of tbe bop yard of tb state at tbl I Skaks Small white, ' $3.90; terr white. V do -preferred
Bsltlmore dc Ohio,, com.
rime. ? Mr. Weldner. renreaenttss O. Weldner I aa.2A; nink. u!ii h.,M sano: . Llmsa. So: 1 Brook Ira Rsbld Transit
.A do. of tbl city, who ba juit returned from-l Ueilcan red, 4He. 'i ICansdUn Pacific, com..
' a five days' rln reviewing- tbe hop- ysros n I , nut feannta, Jnmbo, e per ID; tit-I central iatner, com,.
Polk. YsmblU and Washington counties, repnrra I glnla, mo per lb; rotated, 10 per lb; Japa-1 oo prererrea. . . -t i
i' win nin r I nvse. RciSUe: roasted. 7iiu7Uc ner lb: walnnta. J Chi. S. W.. com.
it more hop tban laat year, "it iru. I i-aurornw, joc per w: ii;n I XI . ' . VV T.,
lb: fUbarta. 16c ner lb; fancy . necana. 18020c: I Chesapeake 4 Ohio.
almond. 19021 Vac. . I Colo. Fuel Iron, com.
f. vii. id wt.iM. ICokx Souther, com.
- wnnsn MiiTs-rimi strmmt Hmrm ranee. I ? Sd " preferred.
eu.o.u. ik. i.rM cst im th: 1 ixtn. I - 00 lft prereiTed
8c per lb; ordinary, 7H per lb
lb; mutton, fancy, 88 Ho. per Id.' -HAMS.
BAOON. E10. lorUsnd pack (local!
name. 10 to Is Um, 16 e per lb; 14 to 18 lbs.
Vfeaya, "that some yria are nor Joosinj aa wen
as the past aeaaon. The yarn nave prooucen
v large yield for number of years,, snd as moat
i growers did not fertilise thl aeaaon th yards
'are resting. The yarda that wre poor a year
ago look like tbey will produce a heavy crop
thi. Tt is the err every year that the
5 . yards sr looking poor, bnt tUl we harvested
1 lt year around 158.000 bale, and I, look for
' .HSi heavy a crop tbl eon,"i - ' , ;
. According to Mr, Weldner th brewer In
I -the TJnlted SUtea weU to Europe, have
I -a targe atock of bop on band. VWlth tbea
121 VI
10 11 HI 10
'.trfnurooz, ofjmr xabkzt.
Liverpool, Jon $. Offlclsl price i
;- " . whbat.
i '. - '.- ' . T June S.
July .7 Hd
September .i.. 7 Slid
- .OOBK.
105 July "r.t.;::;.......s. d
57 , I September ,...... 1114d
June T.
7a . &
7 td
' &4
B d
4 11M
56c. Esmeralda 10. Portland 14c, Cracker Jack
15c. Krnncls Mohawk $100, Red Hill 84c, Mo-
Dswx ut. at, jlom union PC, X, l"ger Jic
Or. art ma 7c. . S. Pick Ext. 4c, T. Hoe 4c,
Col. Mt. . Kxt. S4cA, Ooldf. Cone. $4.80.
' Onhlr 11.78. Mexican 41c. Gould St Curry 17c,
Con. Virginia 05c. Savag 42c. . Hale Nor-
eroeaateOc. Tallow Jacket Hoc. Belrber So
ConfloVnea $1.0UA, Sierra Nov. 82e, Exchequer
ovc, .union dio. , -i - .c .
Original 10c, Bullf, M. 0. 17c. Mont Bnllf.
4c, Nat. Bank 19c. U Herri Sc, Gold Bar 50c,
Stelnway 4c, Denver But. An. llcA, Bonnie
Clare 40c. Mayfl. Cons. 80c. Monty. Ohio Ext.
9c, O. Scepter 10c, Monty. Mt. 14c, B. Daley
10c, Homeatake Con. 67c, Yankee Olrl ScA,
nugget eucA, Tramp vona, ie, victor eca,
Ton. Nev. $14.78, Mont.' Ton. $2 80, Ton.
Ext. 82A. Mldwav S1.2B. Ton. llalmont I3.42V4.
Ton. Not BUr 23e. Ohio Ton.' 20c, West End
uona. joe.' Keacue loe. Ton. et (sue on.
(lolden Anchor 20c A. Jim Butler 82c. Ton,
Caah Boy 5c, Ton. Home Sc. Boat. Ton. 0v
Monareh Pitta, Ex. Sc. Mont. Mid Ext. ee,
Golden Crown lOcA, : MacXamara 2oc.
; Manhattan -district -."
Manh. fkms. gl.BOA. ,Manh. M. To. Sc. O.
Wade 6c. Sevier Humo 5c. Dexter lie. L.
Jo 2c, Crescent Ac, Comblnatloa 21c, Oranny
lie, Mnatang zc, uowooy zc, urig. aiann.
12c, Broncho 6c. Plnenut 10c, Buffslo So.
B. Dog 15c, T. Hon 4c, Indian Camp 6c.
falrr. Silver Klnr 10c A. Eslrv. EacUi BOcA.
nevaua tiuia .io, ju. siv wenaer ec,
ine, fut.r rrvnurr m- nn v.
Wonder 4c, Pltsburg Stiver Peak $185,
Eagle' Neat 16c, Knby Wonder 18c,
rropert- Owners Bring Suit Against
Citr to Avoid .Sewer
ltte per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 15ie; breskfs.t
bacon, 15H22e per lb; picnics, 12e per lb;
cottag roil, 11 Ho per lb; regular abort clears,
t of nop on nana. e u BBwnokM ij, lb; emoked. 12c per
he. aaya, "we do not, expect n; tlHI backa, unamoked. lire; smoked. 13e
hawfc tiM cominr season. i" wui i i .iTnLnn iMitta. io to ia in.. nnammiMi. fw-
nlv a large aurpiua neia r i smnca id; eitKisea, ee per iu, riser oeuiee, oe- I ft mm that crower In Oregon have I smoked. 11 We or lb: amoked. 18Ho pet lb;
. . . . m.- 4m IfCAmla 1 .1 i .... 'tu.m mm IK, ntlrlmA tmnu Sm
eacU. y , .- . .-.'-.-"i
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10i. 13c per
lb: 6. 18Uc per Jb; SO-lb tin. 12He per lb;
stesm tendered, 10. 114 per lb; Sa, llj;
per lb; compound, lus, H Per in.
CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib til!,
$1.80; S-lb tall. $2.76; fancy Mb flat. $1.90;
H-lb toner liu, $1.16; fancy 1-lb oval $2.75;
Alaska telle, pink.
u hilM at thla time. ' Thoa In Canroml
.1 credit with W.OOO bale and In Waalilngton
11000 balea. a total of 65,000 bale for th
Wat ITote of the Trad.
V California aleamer arrived with Pnt ",
Four car banana arrived in bet condition.
'MB?rwberTh elilng very' BigbVi Pric jringe
from $1.26 to $2 today - a- -v
Mliwleslppl tomatoes sr shown to good shape
Th.' ; first first watermelon of tb
tail,. z.w. - i
oStjOOc; red, $1.60; noutoal,
, riHH Rock cod, 7 pec lb; nonndsr. o per
n-'halibut. AUa ner lb: trlMd bass. 12e lb:
eon l esttleb, lOe per lb: salmon, freah Columbia
. m .k,.- inr It cam from uoacneua i hinnk 11 ue lb: bioensca. loe ner to: aer
Znd V.s aold b Psg. Son for $2. ring. So per. lb eoles,.e .per. lb; .hrjmp. 10
n i.. nt cantaloupe' r ' now
,belng received from Thermal nd' Coachell.
?1&FZr lower .akw.tu M
rL"" "t ..ii. Vr.n,t I naa, oc-per id;
T"? "!? '."'.r. 'ri tod. TH per lb.
cod. 7c ner !b:
tomcod. 7e per lb; iobetetm, 16c pet lb; rresb
do preferred.
Erie, com...............
do 2d preferred......
do 1st preferred
Illinois Central
Louisville A Nashville..
Msnhattan Railway ....
Mexican Central Ry.,..
M.. K. At Tu com......
irwuuers --...,..,..,.
(treat Northern .......
aiisenun lacuic ...,,.1
National Lad ........
New York Central,.'...
N. Y- Ont Weat...
Norfolk A Weat., com.
do preferred.........
North American .......
Northern Paclf Ic. ; com.
Pacific Mall S. 8. Co...
Pennsylvania Hallway.
P. O.. L. A C. Co....
Prewed Steel Car, com..
do preferred..
Bea4 Ing.- com ......... ,
do 2d preferred..,.,
do let Dreferred... ..
Rep. roo 4k Steel, corn,
no preierreu
......a... I yij
7. ioS Z-t btei m lifted Je
bl. river amelfc 6o per lb; shad, si per Ibrro. gtTITp:. 2d pfd': tSU
' do oreferred....,,.... ,
'oifee. Price. 'said lpper.,re 'f .xraiS-re
I eommlMlona: -s-s-r- , -vy per JOO-lb sack, $4.50; , Olmpla, per gall
Lat , - Oraln. tleut and read. J $a.2i; per 115-Ib aek. . $SJ0J6.Sj i
-V GRAIN BAQSCalcutta. Sc. large lot; small canned, 10 caa. $7.00 dos. ;
rLAM Hardshell, per
Clam, $2.00 per box. 10 per do.
bos, $2.40;
L.,. in.
. VVHEAT Club, Rn00c; red Russian,
Mcf l?'?l?m,3!,!! '.-iL:J ;;--'X:aIats. Coal 0U.,a
.jrr .rv-r kon- ?.; tndd, u,t
R A RLET New feed, $21.0022.00 per ton; lal. lie. - - , -
tolled tn 0oa24.00; brewing, $224XaS3 00. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Catea. 1H per
ci.; RYEai.oo per -cwt. : - . - y- i a"a. " " , : ... .r . - -
n.Ta New .rrooocers prirw nw. i wuhi i wwuvn, i. s was.
UA80LINB S8 deg, eeee. 24 Me per gal;,
-.ih. S4.20: export, vauey; i iron oois, iovym ; ' : 1
4.1S; graham. H. $3.76: whol wheat. $4.00;
lye V $5.00j bales. $175. ; , i
.';.. nr.n. 117.00 nee tonl mid.
... "1 mnm mhmm ivw.lf, 9n.nO, 4,v I Khla. DMC BSC SSl.
S uSn. ehonrsie im WHITE .EA1 Ton to.'74 per lb; 600-lb
n"5 V'uwi..r.1 nrlce Tlmothv. Wfllsmette I lots. 8c' per lb; lea Kits. ny,e per lo.
ni. Lk c 0. rv M com..,,
Southern pacific, com.
do prererrea. . ..
Southern By., com.....
da nreferred. ....... .
ro I Tennessee Cosl St iron..
Texae A Pacific
Tol., St. U W., Com..
do preferred..........
TJnion Pacific) com..,..
do preferred..........
TJ. g. Rubber, com....y.
do Dreferred. .........
V. 8. Steel Co., com....
do prererrea. .........
Wabash,' com...........
do preferred. .....
hicnziNH 03 de cases. 25e ner raU Iron I . prererrea... .. .
bhi. o nee saL :U W I Wisconsin wntru, n
TURPENTIMB is caa. vue per gai; wooden
do preferred.
20 M.
127 4
74 y,
113 1118 113
68 J,
84 V.
88 H
64 V4
Prices Current at Close of the San
.. - fTancisco Aiaccnange.
'San Francteco. Jane S. Official . bid prices:
Sandstorm 85c. Red Top I3.00A. Mohawk
J18.O0A. Columbia Mt. 87c, Jumbo $2.S0A.
umbo Ext. $1.20, Vernal 15c. Pennaylvania
8c A, Ooldfleld M. Co. 65c A, Kendall 25c, Booth
30c. Blue Bull 19c, Adama 9c. Silver Pick 45c,
May Queen 18c A, Nev. Boy 5c, B. B. Ext, 6e.
Blue Bell $1.10, Dixie 6c, O." Columbia 85c,
Hlbernla Ac, St, Ive 90c, Conqueror 10c, Blk.
Rock 4c, Lone Stsr 16c, O. Wonder OcA, Oro
17c. Kendall Ext 2c. Sandat Ext. Sc. May
7c. Atlanta 42c, Great Bend 48c, Slmerone -Oc,
Empire 8c,. Red Top Ext. 22c, Florence $3.40,
Dism-f B. B. Con. 20c. O. Daisy $1.02. La-
gnna 75e, Commonwealth zsc, Comb. Frart.
$1.90, Or. Bend Ext. llv. Or. Bend Anx. 10c,
Mlllastorm 40cA, B. B. Bonanca 4c, Kewano
Twenty-nine eaat aida property own
ers ' thla morning filed in the circuit
court a suit against the city of Port
land to avoid having to pay aaseea
ments for the Xrvington sewer. The
plaintiffs allege that they do not lire
in Irving-ton. but In Vernon and Lester
Park, and that tbe ground .slopes away
to the Columbia river from where they
live, and not toward the Willamette,
as it does in Irvlngton.
; It is alleged that the Irvlngton sewer
would not benefit them In nv way.
snd that it would be unjust to tax them
to pay for. It. Tho ault la brought
against the city,' Mayor Lane and the
council. The complainants are William
Beckett. H. Gray, T. L. Hughes, H. H.
Coop, W. B. Dolan, F. C. Walker. F. L.
MeMkklnsr. Mary M. Hunter, F. C.
Norrls, N. A. Norrls. H. H. Nelson,
A. H. Berr. Isaao Butcher, T. C. Lets
hold. N. HalL Charles Aungat, Ralph
Allwen, 'A. A. Leavens, A. J. A rend t,
L. Lumbqulat, O. Lumbqulst. P. L.
Mat hew. Emma HemmeL K. KL Brown,
J, A. Oraef. Jessie BrooKs. W. B. Kant
man and J. TauberL They want the
assessment levied on them declared
void and the attaching liens on their
property removed. . ,.'
The recommendation of the fire com
mission to purchase 18 head of horses
for the fire department was referred to
a committee. The horses are to weigh
between l,46d and 1,$00 pounds, and
must De souna in every respect
All bids to auppiy stationery ror vari
ous departments of the city were re
jected, for the reason that they were
not itemised. New bids will be adver
tised for, snd other bids were ordered
returned unopeneo. ,
. . j T '
The suit of the Contracting Engineer
ing company against the Star Sand com
pany, an : action to recover 12,700 on
allered breach of contract for material
to be used In constructing the founda
tion ror the weiis-rargo Duiming, is
on trial before a Jury in united States
circuit court An effort is being made
Dy tne attorneys in ine case to iinisn
the trial thla afternoon. .
mm trains
New Schedule of - Running
Time on Western Roads in
. , Effect Tomorrow,1 -
; j i i (Jenrnil Sped! Service.)
Chicago, June $. New schedules un
der which the minimum time between
Chicago and western points . wilt be
lengthened will be put Into' effect to
morrow by all of the railroads running
west from this city., The new. sche.
dules are. the result of several months
of Joint deliberation . '
The time for the fastest passenger
trains between this city and Omaha will
be increased two hours, that between
this clay and Kansa Citv will ba In
creased one hour, and proportionate In
crease in ine minimum running time
will be made to nearly all other points.
The time of the "limited" trains to Los
Angeles will not be greatly affected, but
the time between Chicago, and Ban
Francisco will be Increased about four
hour. '--.
The railroad officials deny that the
ruiung on or slower trains is in retails
Ion for the action of tbe western leg-lsv
latures -lmi the cuttlno- of rates. ' The
officials declare that the schedules that
harve been in effect for the past year
or more have been found too faat for
economical oneratlon. , Laat winter, on
account of unusual weather conditions,
few of the western roads were able to
operate- their tralna according to sche
dule. In Increasing the runnlns tlms
the' managers are acting in the belief
that It will be more satisfactory to hav
schedules which can be mslntalned. even
If ordinary delays to trslns are encoun
tered, than to disappoint passengers by
delivering them at - their destination
later than the schedule time In case
of any delay en route. . '
C. E. Redfield a well-known sttornev
of Heppner, Is at the Imperial hotel.
Mr. Redfield is In Portland to meat
Mrs. Redfield, who returns tonight after
actlnar sa chaneron for the Dartv of
Oregon girls who represented, the Pacific
northwest at the Jamestown exposition.
- Dr. E. R. Sec ley of Loetlne, Oregon is
at the Oregon hotel. . .
Mrs. H. C. Bryson and Mrs. J. H.
Ransom of Walla walla, and Mrs. A. O.
Crossman of Salem, .form a ahopplng
Sarty in ' Portland. , They are at tbe
regon hotel. - -:' : .
refuse s;' ;,:
H , , SI , I,
i H:- ' 'J -'.'-- - - i- ., . ;.
Fourth of July, Cclcbnitic:i
Committee Makes Changes
in Contemplated Finns.
Owing to the action of several of tha
wholesale liquor dealers and many of
the saloons -la refusing to contribute to
the - Fourta of July celebration fund,
unless Mayor Lane were defeated, the
general celebration .committee is about
$2,600 short of .the required amount
properly t6 celebrate independence day.
The general committee anticipated con
tribution amounting to between 7,000
and $8,000 and were framing up a cele
bration accordingly; but at last night's
meeting at the chamber of commerce,
whence the finance committee reported
but $5,201.2& on hand, a wail of disap
pointment went , up from the various
sub-committees who have the arrange
ment of the celebration in charge. Al
most the entire time of the meeting
was occupied In a heated discussion an
to what features should be left out, and
where the expenses should be curtailed.
- The committee had estimsted that the
expenses of the celebration would reach
$7,600.. . Finally, however, the chairmen
of tho different sub-committees got to
gether and agreed on a horlsontal re
duction of the expenses of each com
mittee, aa it waa deemed useless to
canvass for additional funds.
The announcement was made by Col
onel James Jackson, chairman ' of the
Barada committee, that. Colonel A. B.
Iyer, IT. 8. A.," of the Department of
me Columbia, naa agreed to act as
grand marshal of the Fourth of July
parade. ' -
Next Tuesoay night at s ociock the
general committee will meet again at
the chamber of commerce rooms. ,.
Malcolm McCauIey. former bookkeeper
of the Oregon and Washington Lumber
company, who la alleged to have m
bessleo 12,000 of the funds of the con
cern, - after two months' Incarceration
In the county jail, appeared in police
court tuls morning and waived a pre
liminary examination. - Judge Cameron
bound McCauIey over to await the ac
tion of the grand Jury with bonds fixed
at. $3,000, In default of which defend
ant was remanded to the custody of
me snerux. ..j.-.. v -
1 - Ill
" . " V BOir-TI 1 I I
Don't let your child suffer with that
cousrh when you can cure -it with Bal
lard a Horenosna tsyrup, a surs cure xor
Coughs, Bronchitis, influence, uroupand
Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and
try it. (..I-- ..i,,i-v.,.i
B. B. Laugher, ByhalkL Miss, writes:
"I have two children who had croun. I j
tried many different , remedies, but - X
muat say your Horehound Syrup Is the
best Croup and Cough medicine I ever
used.- oia oy an oruggists.
American National Bank
. ' ... ' ' ,t v --. "t - . ..-s. 'i : - : ; v ... -L
OapiUl (paid p) S100.COO. surplus and Vs. Profits 40,00a
Officers and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Pres.; R. M. Powers,
Vtce-Prea; H. K. Mills, Vloe-Pres.j Chaa. L. Williams, Cash
ler; Lk J. Rice, Assistant Cashier; E. Strahlman, . ' ,
. . ' , Vm Tout raolflo Vorthwsst Xtexna '
Send Us Yor Visitors for 6ood Treatisenl -
San Diego, California
. The fruit crops are Orange, Lemon, Grape-fruit, Olive,
Peach, Apricot, Pear, Quince, Plum. Cherry. Apple, Raisin,
Grape and many others. ( . '
Walnuts, Almonds, Bmall fruits, ..Dairying, Stockralsing.
to an all paying well. - . rf . , ,., j-
vslley. fancy. 14111 Wf
''14 00! oaaiern vrawui ....w",-... ,
' t (0 o6 10.50i clover. t.50a.O0; grain, $9,00
f C 10.00; cheat, $8.00$10.00. .
. Butter. Zgg and poultry. . fy
-. BOTTER fAT t. e. , b. i Portland Swt
cream, uawe: or, u-c
WIHB NAILS Present .bssl at $2.05. '
linseed OIL Par raw. In S-bbl lot. SOei
1-bbi lota. 83c; esses. 68c per gel; gennlue
kettle-boiled, easea, uuc per gai; o-noi jot, mci
10.00 per toi; less tban car lots. $30.00 per
Virginia iinemi-jii ' . ) i I
Total aales for tbe day, sio,ouy anare.
BUTTER City .. creamery, e: seconds,
90c: outside fancy, Xj aeconaa, 20Mc; (tor,
n.,.. IMftrtTe. -v :.j . ....
KGGS Kxtra fancy,' '' candled, :. 18c; ' nncan-
if. j ........... f ... f-.,
, CHEESE-toew Full eream, ftat. 1SH010 Febrnry '.f .1
far lb; Young Asierlca, 16Hai7e per lb. January . i 1
ruubxHa u un;cu, - io; i siarcn
yt ,i i;y c-;.
Open.'? ,. High. Low.;
is -lam r-izus
J209 j 1214 . 1204 f
1222 122K 1214 ,
.. :n: . ... '
. nnm :- ... u
VH1 DUCI1. I ill , J.A.'
18O140,Jr lb; prlbg ' duck. ZOe per ib; I August .. ..;.1106 12O0 J 1185 ,
geeiseserd, stjiuc per in; spring grese. izutj September ' iiht J170
fancy bene, 14c lb; roosters, old, 10c lb: fryers, I June
200 per lb! orouera, auo per io l'O aucte, I July
n lh: .. tnraer. lie osr , in ror eld: I n.tnii.
sqnsbs. $2.00 per ooa; pigeons, ! per oos, I November
; UreiMd poultry P' blgber.
- Hons. Wool and Side. ,
i II0PS190 crop Prime to choice, 7 l8c)
tnedlum to prime, 6Hf47c; medium, Hui4c:
contract, 100T crop,, 10c. 5 , V; , -
' WOOL lwoT . dip Valley,' S0J21e eaatera
-Oregon, 1620c.- .... ' 1 "!-
alilHAlK New 1M7 292t4e. ' r
,' SMEEl'SKINS Sliearlngi lA$i20e erb; short
v wool, 254f 40c: nellum wool. OOftTCc , eacti;
.. song WOOl, if:'..vv nv-n.
December i
. 1205 .
113 .
' S
. Ns Tnrk. Inn 8. Oorertiment bonds: : 1
": , , ... Date. ;. Bid. Aaked.
Two, realstered .......... 1905 104
A, mnmn 1930 104
Three, registered 1918 . 108
-. Aa imiimi 1918 102
Threes -small bond ...... 1918 noi
Four, registered, new .... Jzn - i
Four, registered, old ..... T 128
do eounon 1925 128
1210 Fours, registered, old ...... Jihit miu
itS d "UK" JJ5S
121 I sours; rnuippine ivim f iwn
115 I SUSU1S, .,, :; ." 79
110BI no coupon . mn
1195 I i
JIM Clearing today $1,027,879.01
104 14
K11 U
1199 I do .year ago...
Gain today
Balancea today -.. , ... ... ...... .. .
New ' Tortu's June 8. Bank statement:
-- v '' . . - v : ' " - ., Iecrease.
Reserve ...... ... .,....,.$ 8.8)1 .925
do .year ago.
Keserv Jes U,
t . .... ..
, TAl.uiW rrlrae. ner lb. SUCMci No. 1 muA I igi ...........
rae. 28. -..,.. 'i-v . I Deposits
fitiTTiM HARK 5e per ICirculatlon
UlOES Ury. Mo-. J. J in snd an, IT(
18e per lb! dry kip, No. 1. B t 15 lbs, 1."1
18c; dry calf. No. , I, onder 6 lb. 20c; aaltod
bide, steers, sound, 60 1 lis and ever. 80ue;
cow a, 809c;'tag and bull, aoand. eetcj
kip, 15 to 80 lbs. 9c; cslf. sound, snder 13
lbs, 11c; greea, unsalted. le lees: culls. Ic per
lb lea; bora nines, sneo, earn, i.s;jg.iNii
lucrease. -
Death of Airs. Howltt.
Mary Kelly Howitt; wife pf T. R.
Howitt. daughter of the late Plympton
dry, Men. $1.001.B0; colt binev SBa.TOci goet f ""Si Ores"ham Tliel tuneral will
klna, common, each. 10 lc: Angor. each, J RJ'iKyJ.BSrffW.Ti
sn.0Si.oaf ,wn skins ificegi.BO. : , be ,held Sunday.; June t, at. 2.30 p. m..
from the Methodist churcn, in uresnam,
interment In Multnomah cemetery.
$ 42fl.S40.13
h-:, -t
llverpoel Cotton Higher.
Llvernool. June 8. Cotton fnrare closed
tft.S polnta higher; middling 6 point blgber.
Hw Trk BUver Xarkst 5 ' -'
" New tork. June 8. Bar silver 68Hc. r Ktt
23cQl.CO( sheep skin. 2fic?$l.50.,
. - ,. ., yruit ana vegeiaeie. .....
POTATOES Fancy. $10023; wet, ( )
per lb; new potatoe. 4i4H per lb.
00! Jobhlug price No. 1 Oregon, $3.00
i l83.90i Tea. sud AustraUan, 4io per ib;
Mondav nositively the last day of dis
(Jonrnal Speclef Service.)
Hague, June - 8. Delegates to the
peace conference are beginning to ar
rive. The sesHion opens a, week from
today. There Is no possibility of dis
cussing; disarmament on account of jQer.
' This is an enlarged condition of the veins (usu
ally more noticeable on the left side) caused by!
mumps, bicycle-riding and dissipation. In time It
saps a man'a physical and mental atrengtb if neg
lected or improperly treated. .'. ti
' Do you feel that you ara not the man you one
were? Do you feel tired in the mornings and eas
ily exhausted? Is your, back lameT la your mem-'
ory falling-? Do you have difficulty In concentrat
ing your thoughts? Do you notice a loss of ambi
tion f If you suffer from any or all of the , above
symptoms you certainly do not desire to remain so.
What you want Is to be made strong and vigorous
mentally and physically, as nature Intended.
... . WM OVMM Tt XV 90 TO 60 BATS.
Quick Results. Lasting Cures. - -
" May be .either hereditary or contracted. . The former causes ecsema,
rheumatic pains, scrofula,, etc.' Thejatter begins with a small pimple,
.followed by sores In the mouth and throat, which have the appearance
of white patches, spots or sores on the body, face or Bcalp. falling hair
and eyebrows, and later on other terrible symptoms. ' such as paralysis
or locomotor ataxia, cancerous growths, decayed bones and flesh. . ,
, All symptoms disappear in one to three weeks.
Of the urethral passar caass a partial or eomplete closure of the canaL
due so the dlaease Improperly trsated, strains and th injudicious use of
Instrtunsnts, such aa sounds. r-
vx omtx xt Ear tjtvebx xiats
. . , By absorption.: No pain, no operation. '
oxm rims ros s'smrxexs. " 4 ,
arlooeole from ....... 510toS3S
Hydrocele from ...... .$10o$oO
.Atrophy from ....... $S to f 12.80
Hsrvous Seblllt from . .95 to rao
Wasting from ..... .97-80 to f.O
Hisoharges from ........ 98 to 910
moers from ........... $8 to 91
Blood Poison from ... .$10 to 930
Tailing Hair from 95 to 910
Pimples from ....v.. 17.00 to 915
Hosoma from ......... .910 to 930
Bladdsr Ailmsnts from 95 to 919.50
Xldnsy Ailmsnts from. 910 io 930
, Prostata Ailments from .. 95 to 915
1 Any man who wants to be cured, jiow that we have offered our servioes
at.sucn iiuvy rniu&o, nas no excuse ior. sunering anotner aay. we
don't care who has failed, if you come to us we will CURE you of any
'of the above-named, ailments or not charge you one penny for our serv
ices; Don't glva up' before seeing UTS. . w
We Will Not Give Above ; Prices After July I ; ' .
' Call and see ns If possible. Write for aussttoa list If you cannot call.
MXDicxinas rxoM f ". to 9.6o( a oovxsb.
WRITE If you ?cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential.'
and all replies sent In plain envelopes. No names, cases, letters or pho
tographs of pstlents published or exposed. ' . .s,.
. HOURS $ a, m. to 8 p.' m.; Evenings 7 to 8:30 Sundays 9 a. m. to
IS noon., 1 4 ,( .... - .-. . v , , " , ,
coura sicoro ajtd taxkxxa stxxsts, vomTxaxb, oeoo.
Quickly and Permanently Cured
. . ...! , ' v. ; ,'i
You Can
! Pay
! When , .
My Experjsnce
TWENTT-rlVE years ofcu,
cessful practice . in Men's
Diseases enable me to apply
the proper methods and medi
cines. .-' I treat Varicocele, Hy
drocele, Contracted Disorders.
Specifle Blood .Poison,' Files
and Stricture restoring all af
fected organs to normal and
healthy action In the shortest
possible space tt time.
My Fca
v In . such - cases
aa come to me be
fore complications
develop, . -
- Every case of con
tracted disorder ' I
treat la thoroughly
"cured.' My patients
have : no relapses.
When I pronounce a
' case cured there la
7 not a partlola of In
fection or Inflamma
stlon remaining, and
there - is not th
slightest danger that
the disease will re
turn. No contracted
disorder is so trivial
as to warrant uncer
tain methods of
treatment, and I es-
. 'Weakiiess'
My cures of thla dla
order 'are ' permanent .
and lasting. No ton-.
Ics that stimulate
temporarily, but thor-'1
o u g h 1 y sclentlfio
treatment for the to-:'
moval of conditions
responsible .. for the
. functional . derange
ment "Weakness" is
merely a symptom of
Inflammation or con
gestion . in - the pro,
tate gland. : and un-.
der my own original
local treatment this
the leading- Speolallst
aland is Dromntly re.
pecially solicit .those s stored to Its normal ConSqltatiOTi And
V C .1. 111., v.v. .. Dim. o. ,uu . tVIIIlW
un- v functional activity Is
.y . .. the lasting result.
tors have been
able to cure. . ,
Varicocela -
I use neither knife,
ligatures nor caustlo
In., my treatment ; for
' Varicocela ? I . posi
tively cure thla dis
order in one week by
an absolutely painless'
. method and without
detaining the patient
' from business.
My method of curing,
stricture Is new and.
entirely original. No
cutting or dilating
The stricture is dts
1 solved ' and " entirely,
removed and all ' af
fected membranes are
thoroughly cleansed.
Advice Free
' Come and, have a - pri
vate talk with me con
cerning your aliment
Even if you are not
prepared ' to undergo
treatment at thts time,
I csn always give help
ful suggestions to men
who are dlsessed or
weak. If you cannot
come to Portland write
for particulars of my
system of home treat
ment, 1,, .
Hour 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays 10A.M. to I P.M.Cr.Iy
234J Mcrrisca Street, Ccr. Seccn3, VcrC
count west side gas bills.. ,
many a opposition. , ( v v; - , . .