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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
' s THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JUIte 8, ' 1007. I ' FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. 1-ORTXANlT WlVsPsT TRTir6KC5tioo5 and tnnlt ta. t'hoa Mala SOOO. . - . LEATHER ' AND FINDINGS. " CHARl.KS U MA8TICK. CO.. Front and h (., leather and akin of err aVwrlptloa . for all pnrpoaaai ol end Up nttra; - i finding. RANKS STW STATES JTATIOaTAt, IMI Of FOHTUUTO. OHEaOW. :.....: , -. 'I' Northwaat Corner Third aod Oat B treat. Trnrt. 'n .1 n..kin. nnhaaa. : IBAri8 ISSUED A tillable la All Cltle of fha Polled State and Rnrop. Honakon "d Manila., Collect lone Bad rwhl T?JC5 rreaWent ...... ........ ..,7c. AINSWORTII ICaahler... .....H. W. rcHMFMBn Vlce-Preihlont.. R. I.KA BARNES lAmlatant Caeuler W..A. BOLT u 'Aaalatant Caehler. ..A. M. WIMOHT ADD ' LAND SCRIP. WANTED and tor a la All kind, tnclsamg approved foreet rerr arrlp for nrvrd, an aarreyed. Mmher and pralrla rceernment lend. , B. M. BamUtno. "Tba Portland." Portland. BIUSICAL., PIANO Jeerona at tba Studio, 4!52 Morrlaon. at reduces rale aoring vacation, wm nawa able. ? v '. '" "' " TttlOM, BANKEttS Portland. Oratoa. , x . J . ? W. 14. LADD. . W 0. . LAM. ! . W. IdaDa -. ' 't.':'-' T .'; V . ., v" :' . - Bthllhd 18. '-' i. . . i,. ' Traoaaet Gnrl Banking Bnetneae. SAVINOS BUNK UBPAUTMBNT. ' 8lngS laaneq oa aa rtna dopoll. mtereer pain on nm qgpnii. , EHCHAimr KATTONAL BAVX Portland. Onfea. - - V wathun... rraainant k. l. uunriAi.... . uva i ......,. .laeoier atunui w .. nuzi... Tranaacta a HmmmI k.-l-i-. . nmff ittsra r rrdlt laanad AaaTlaDa w ; ' " . '" ' - All Parta of tha World. OolWttfma a Bpwlalty, AIT Wtu ! 1 ant ofiiui uLnmio, : ASCOT ARRIVES MARINE INTELLIGENCE TBI WEnBEK BTPnrO Handolla. saaja. (altar latroctlnaa.' 4H Waablnctoa at. , ran irw MAVir aw riTnrA.wri v-.-kn-v. taaa . nffu. a.- VMantmna. : California. I Canltal paid an...,. 14 nnn noo I Rornlaa and andlrldad nmflta I10.IM.8H WM, Oanaral Bmklnr and P)Ttanw Bnalnraa Tranaartad. Intaraat oa Tloia Dapoalta. v SAVINGS DRPARTMRNT Arroanta mar epanad nf 10 and apward. - Portend rraaofcChamhar nf Oommrrra BoIMIdr. ; .. ' It. MAPBWA. , ....Mannrar J. T. PDRTCHAEI.I. Aaalatant Mawaaaf PIANO. Tlolln, oiirMt, tromlwrna. elarlnat., Pro faanr I. A. Smith. 2S4 IStb at. Mala 4T0A, MACEtlNERY. , B. TRKNKU AN 4k CO Mlnln. aawailll. Int - rtnf aiarhlaarf ; hrdrnnllo pinna, eaatlnf I all Ilndt repaired. IM Nortb Poorfa at FmtT VATIONAt 8AKX Jortlaad, OracoB. Oldaat National Bank oo tha PaolflitCoaat. - Capital ANp sobplds. i.Boo,ooo.oa ; peposits, '. . , . ' h "iv2 if ' ' Praldrit I W. O.' A tTOR D... .1 ... . V. Aartrtaat 'OiajW 1. W. NEWKIRK ......Caihl B. P. CTETENR Second Aaalatant Caahl TRUST COMPANIES TIIR H. ' J. At. BEN CO. Mnd-baad cbloerr, mvBllla, ate. M Oraod ara. . A. 1. PAtTI 100 Plrat at. a rotnpW Una aaw- mllt aiaehlnarr; alao aai-lnca and ooliara. .1 -x. u 'm MONEY TO LOAN.' ' RAtART ioaw -; ; ; y- HKADQITARTERS. - - tOAWI TO EVERT ONE WORKING, i LOWEST RATES IV TUB CITY. "". REBATE (firm If paid brfora due. Art 15. par bur $1.00 prr weak, i i Oft t). par bark ll.SH per Week. Get US. 'pa? bark per week ' , 0-t 60. par lf $ 20 perweek. l OTHER AMODNTH IN PROPORTION. STATE RWTRITY CO., ' ' J : TA nrRiTU " Honra fl' a. m. to p. at ; tardtr, tin S a. ak - -'i V :c ntnr.a MPTPRS' Inaa nfflre. 143 Third at near Alder, eetahltahrd 1870: old aod r JUhlf, anr amount loaned oa watches, dla BtoBda, Jewelry and aealskins. , j . . , , MnWKT TO LOAN rx- , Oh tmprored city nropertr or' far enfiilla parnoaea. for from a to iu yeara- iima, wira nrlvllera te renar all or Itart of loaa after two rear. Loana apnmeed from ptana and - awner adeaneed aa bnlMina prorraaaaa carea taken ap and replaced. "RED B. STRONO. Financial IfNt, '.'.'. Ut Surk at , CONriDENTTAt LOAN ' aalarlea, Inaaran-'e pnllelea. planoa, faroltnra. wareaoaaa raroipra. -! eto.t aire deaerelna peraoa Ba aeenre a lib - era) advaara. rerrtnf br eaay weeklr PMwttitr Iti.niMnt. EW ERA LOAN A TUTTST COMPANf. SOS AMnatoa bids. . MONET AOVANCTID SAtARIKD PEOPLB and ethera apoa their owa namee without aeear. Ut: ebeaneat ratea. aaaleat paeananfa: effleee ' In 00 principal clflea; aara foaraalf aaoaar fir rettina mr rernia nm. : TOLMAN. 123 Ablnrtoa bld.. I08H Third at WANTED Note, mortrarea or eontrarta ea anr kind of real aetata In OreiB and Waeb . birton: aerorid pwtraree pnrehaeed If wen ' arm red. H. B. Noble. RXS Commeeeiu ma. DON'T beroiwr wnner mi er "erH ,yoa aa r- Riittca Crefitt co. j: ' 611 Dekam bld. ,-' ' - MONET to kwal lent Inane enedaftyt aha) rmnmni loam: loweet mter: fire nwnraac. William Q. Beck. SIX Tallin! bide CRESCENT I) AN CO.. 4211 Mohawk Did. Mnnay to lend oa eeer-payment plaa to ware, aarnera; atrlctly cooflflentlat. - MORTOAOB Inana at enrrent ratea no eow aitartnn. Cnlnmbla T.lfa A Troat Company, Lam ber Excbanre bldf. - MONET to loan ion all klnrte of aeenrltr. WH- llam Holt ronta B Waablnctoa bid. . '. TO LOAN Rome to eat on chattel aerarltr A. Prama. 814 the Marqaan. ; QnrCN Inana oa at! eerorlHe. 48 Waahlnartoa bide. . Mala 0100. : W, Kiaf, ON mnrtaaae. 8200 to 83fnfln: eoat papera ooly. .Ward, lawyer. . Allakr bMV:.'.:' v.jj.',.. A LOAN for the rktnr RxMrr or ebattaL Tba Ian Co., 410 Oeknm bMf. MONET loaned tn ealarted peonle Jnat oa roar . awn name; don't borrow Bntn yoa aee Bier mr - aratem la tbe beat for railroad men. elerka, ; bookkeepera. arreetear men nd all other era- Rloyea: bmlneea atrlctlr confidential; I. A. ewten. 811 Buchanan bid., 286 Waahlnrton. MONET to loan on real eatate. chattel mor rgea or personal aemrlty: note booght . C. W. Pallett. .104 Pentoa bid. ' MONET A Co. To loaa In 1500 to $5,000. Charleaoa Commercial. Phone Pacific 1196.- MONUMENTS. .' HETJ A KINORLST. 308 Plrat at. Portlaad a leading marble and granite wurka. .MONUMENTAL- BRONZR CO. Moat dnrabla graee headetoaea. Room It 368 Stark at. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS,. ,D8. LII.LEBELLB PATTERSON. apecUIlat oa aervoaa.. acota and chronic diaeaeee. Office S17 fentoa bldg. Phone Paclfle 11M. . " K I fT"m RTXAND THTRT C0MPANT OF OREO ON Tha O'deit Treat Company ta Oregoa. i V , RRSOURCRR OVER 82.000000. fleneral Banklna. , Two per rent Interee on check a alt parta ofsth world. Saetoca aceoonta. Tim certificate 8 to d per rcot! hort-call pedal certificate, taoo or oer. m to 4 per cent CaU for Book of "ILLTTRATION.", . Rootheaat Corner. Third n Oak Etreet. Phone Prrrat Echan 71, . RENI. 1. COHtlN ...... Preeldent j H. I PITTOCK. VW PreeMeet B. 1KB PAOBT .Recretarr f J. O. OOI.TRA ..Aaalatant Soereterr SenrRITT AmfaS 4k TRUST COMPAVT 6d MerHeon Street. Portland. Oragea. - , . .Tranaacta a Oeneral Banking Baalneea. RAVINGS DKPARTMENT. Intereat llowed em : Tim and Seringa Aceoonta. Act a Tmate for Ratatea. Drafta and Ittera of Credit - ;: Arallabl on All Pert of the World. v - . C. f. A DAMS. Prealdeat I U A. LEWIS ..Ftret Tfca-Praaldeal A. L MILLS Second Vlre-Preatoent I B. C. JURFXZ Secret IT OEO. B. BIWWELL. -.t .Aaalatant Recretarr "I1X1 OXTARAWTIX ft TRUST C0MTAVT 840 Waablagtoa StrMt . . K ' V , M0RTQACB LOANS oa PortUad RI Eatate at Loweet Bat. ' . ' Title Inaored. Ahetracta rnmlehed. ;.. ,' '. J. TH0RBCBN ROSS.....:........Praaldent I JNO. B. ' ArPtISOW.. ....... ,......etUrp GEOROR H. HILL Tlc-Preadnt T. T. BURKHART Treararer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS Al 0EKIS BBOTEnS Chamber of Com mere Building. v : ' Municipal. Railroad and Pahlle Rerrlca frporatloa Bond. DOWVIVO-EOPXrVS COMPAVT ZaUalUhad 1$0$B10KER8. . , ; ,; : 1 , . ; rrpCBJ. BONDS. GRAIN Bonrbt and Sold for Caen and oo, Margin. , . ', ' ..'' Prtrato Wire. "v . ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' Pboii Mala ST. Oycrbeck,' Starr & Ccoie Co. mi$r&5&? '.' , OKAIN, PROVISIONS. OOTTOH, iuuk ahd sobxis. , v v ; i, -. .-.:; i , VV WE DO A BTBIOTLT 00MMI88ION BVBINT A, ' V CoBtlnaoa Market by Prlrat Wire. On Irk Berrtce. REPERENCRH Ladd 4k Tlltoa, Bant ara. ., and UBJtaa Btataa flanonai ana m roniana. - , - .t SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. and a tore nxtare man to oraar. iw ww Mannrectorlng Cow Fort la ad. - - , R. B. BIRDSALL. dealfaer areat M. Winter Lambar Co. I Bamutoa aiag. uam saw, STREET PAVING. WARREN Coattrarttoa Co.. atreet paetng, alne- walka aad eroaalag. 814 tamper excaa THR Barber Aepbalt Paring Ca. f Partlaad. vrno oca worceerar - djk. i SAFES. PORTLAND SAPB Cti., eola ureata for, Bar. rlng-HaU-Mareta aafea and Manaaneee Bteoi Sne Ce.'a bank aafe: SOI aeeond-band fire proof eafea aod bank aafeJk eery cheap; e team or writ a. a Berema ax. DIEBOLD Maaanee Bafea Lartt Unea carried. Lock-Onta Opened. '- Jack.- Jaila, Metal For- Bltnr. phone. Honeat- nrtcea and J. K. DAVIS, 88 Third at SriRITUALISM. Gooda. . Bnk MRS. SOPHIA B. 8EIP. reliable Bptrttaal read Inaa da r at S02 Allakr bid.! circle Tnea. daya and Friday at S p. m.; 25e. , Phoo Paclfle SS35. MRS. SHAVER. Spiritual aid at, cooler Tenth. - reader. 420 Bon MRS. ? STEVENS, Portland' reUahle palm let and ' ipinrnal ' lire reader; reading oaiiy, 84.1H Yamblll at TOWEL SUPPLY. 7 CLEAN TOWEU DAILY Comb. nraa. eoap. 111 per moatn. . rortiaoo uonnry m 1 uwwt npply Co, Ninth aad Conch. Phoa 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. O. PICK, office 88 Ftret at, between Stark ad Oak at.; phone 898. Piano and farnl. tor stored and packed for eblpplp; omm dloo brick warehooa with aeparale lroa room. Proat and Clay ata.4.. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth at pHoo mala ou. , naary naming ana eroraae. INDEPENDENT BAGOAGB A TBANSrBB CO. Storage 824 Stark at Mala 407.. PENINSULAR Enprea A Barrage Traaafer, 247 Alder t 1'bone Main 2171. - B. B. B. NOP.THRIJP, 415-10-lT Dekam bid., - Third and Waahlngtoa t. Pbon Mala 348. ; Examination fre. PLUMBERS.' TOX A CO--SanItarr phimnera, SSI Second, bet t Main aad Balmoo. Orcgoa phone Main 2001. DONNE RBERO A BADEMACBEB remored to No. 808 Bornalde at . f PAINTS, OIL AND GLAS8K r. R. BEACH A CO. Tba Pioneer Pa tot Co-1 t. window Itlaae , and flaalag. 138 lint at . Phone 1RS4. - -; ., PATNTINO AND PAPERING. .PAPKRHANGINO , and painting In all It branch at moderate prleea. lret William, MK Fenrth, ear Yamhill. ...--'9-"...,, PRINTING. -THE MODERN PBINTKBY ArtUtle prtntln. ' 26 Rnaael tildg, FoarU and Morrbwa. Pbvoa Pacific 1828. OUILBBE BROS., prtntera Card. MUhmda, at. Pboa Mala 1858. 148V Pint at . REAL ESTATE. -ARRIS!.. W ATKINS CO.. 2S0 ALDER ST. . Real oatat. rental, loan and inaoraoce. We mk a apeelaltr of handling rentale ' OLSEN-ROH TR&NSEEB CO. TTenr Roe. W. A. Clelahd. P. P. gheaacreen, General tranifer and atoragei aafe, piano nd fnrnltnr moved, packed 100 auippca. 209 Oak at. Both phone. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for new and rehallt type writer or ail maxea; aee our winuow. 11 yve are oln to boy ,a new typewriter aee a be fore baring! w caa ear yoa money : w bar parta for repairing all maeninee: ante gent for the Vlalble Pox; w bay all kind OL typewriter, in typewriter aioiiin Inc., E. I. Ellleon. manager, a inira i. -A- BLICKENSDERFER Typewriter . piieai nipaira. nairian iiiur., win m ' V PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Agency; aap. Sth and Waaa. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THF 1 OREGON CHESSB CO. (INO.) CHBESR. BCTTER, EGGS, etc.. dairy prodocta nought or bandied on eommiaamn. im tiiib , at. - (Bwatland bldg.), Portland, Or. M. A. OCN8T A CO.. DISTBIBCTORS OP PINE CIGARS. , , PORTLAND. OREGON. , , rrronmo A FARRELU prodnce and o mlaaion merchant. ' I4Q Front t, Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. , Manaraetorer of, farnltar for tlte trade. WADHAMS A CO., whole h grocer, faelorer and eommluloa (nareuaat. nd Oak at. - ma tie Foarth FURNITURB mannfactnrln and apecial order. L. Baienaky' fnrnltnre factory. 807 Front nt at t RN LEWIS, enmmteelo and prodnee chant. Front aad Dart at., Partlaad. Or WHOI.E3ALE crockery and 'glaaawarar PreL : Hegel A CO.. rortnao.. wron. - and property for rwldent and non-rcaidenta. n, w, SIMPSON. 201 Wahlntna t. Wbole- f Eatahllohed 172. Pbon Mala 1644, i. W. OGII.BEE. real eatate and loan; , tlahed 188. .v USH Flrat at room 1L atab- SPHINX AGF1NCY, dealer In real eatato and rental.. 80tt Stark t. Main 6164. , FOR PRMai Of E RT DESCRfPTIOlt. W. W. RSPET. Sl Commercial bldr. aale dealer In crate and bar. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS.. I4 Alder at.? phone . Mala 710. Rnhher etampa, aeala. stencil: but :' gar, trad etiecka: braaa atrna and plate. ' ROOFING. ; TIN ROOFING, vntterlnc. reeelrtna and general . JrSMca. i. 212 Jefferann at. Pee. 1424. SIGNS AND SnOW CARDS. POSTER A KI.EISER SIGNS. W ba eotlt ap the mnreet lcn baalneea la the ette by ftret-elaea work and keepln rmr pemnlae. Oar-prlca are rlabt. Fifth nd Ererett at. Phone Exehoe 65. Si) TAT ATTRACT Portland Sign Oe., 2S7 Stark at. Phone 1'actflc 1S8 STENOtJRAPHEItS. V TRANSPORTATiON. I't Bt.lC area-wTnpber and typewriter.' Aiala U71. W4 Dekam bWg. Psoo Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES JUSTE 6, 7, 8t JUXT 3, 4, 5; AVOWS . 8, 9, 10; BSFTEMBEB XI. IS, 13. S'- ChicaKOf and return, f 71.S0, ? '"St. Louis and return, IS 7.50. St- Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, 8upe rlor. Winnipeg-and port Arthur and re turn, ISO. " , DAILY-3 For ' tickets, aleeplng ear ree'rvaticn and additional Information, call on 01 addrcaa H. DICKSON. C & t. A. 122 TKZXU9 ST, PORTTJkSTD, OB. Jelopboseti-V Midn I9. . Uoma -22SC TRANSPORTATION. AIasRa1907 EXCURSIONS . 3 TRIPS -M. sj. aTpokaaa, Jnna 14. ESS 9nlr IS, 6i Aug, 9. . QBata, rtu . ') l voaia bovtb. 8. ft. Sanator .................Jua - -' AXABXA BOVTB. . ekaATfr;', Bltka, Jobmr and war ports. SalUiMr p. sa. :( X. ft. . Co.'s Hnmbldt..Jaa t. 19, B9 Cotbar City, Tin UU......Jun 16, 30 Oitjr -ot BatU...........Jtia 7, 17, B7 BAZT rBAXTOXBCO BOTTB, , BaJUna; a. an. Trom SaatUa. City ot PuetlA oaoina B. ft. Praaidant .. ........... ..JiUl 4, 17 ......rasa 11, aa ,.TtUM 87 Heavy Shipments, of Bread- stuffs to Orient Keep . Steamers on Move, NU3IANTIA WILL SAIL WITH VALUABLE CARGO New Arrival Comes From Buenos : Ayres VJaaSulquo Under Charter : . to Frank Waterhouse A Cov Sark Goes to Shanghai. oi'-'.i y . I -' ' Tria British " steamer . Aseo arrived In thla mornlnc at Astoria and is peoted to - arrlva in this harbor this erenlnff. She comes from Buenos Ayres Via Iqutque in ; ballast : under charter to Frank Waterhouse ft Co. . to carry A cargo of Oregon products, principally wheat and flour,' to north China and Siberia. Without the Ascot there would be little work, for the longshoremen In the harbor, since most of tha vessels are ready;, to -clear out.' ,A ;.''.: 'v The Norwegian steamer Bark sailed at daylight thla morning with 19J.810 bushels of - wheat valued at 1188,814, Tor Bhana-hal. The" Bark followed clone ly in the wake of the Brltlah ateamer Hyndford. which croased out yeaterday arternoen Dourra ror tne same aeatina- t ion with a carao of Oreaon oroducts valued at nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Thla afternoon the German steamer Numintia, of the Portland & Astoria line will clear for Hongkoni and war Dorta with a Car no valued a 82U.780.42. ine none snare 01 tne cargo . conalsta as uaual of nour, 01 which commodity thero Is 67.117 bar rela renreaentlna a, total value of 1206. 621. The lumber and aeneral frela-ht shipment are valued at 617,117.41. In dudetl In that - rtart of the manifest are 11 milch cowa for Hongkong, valued . A , A A W . The Numantia will not be ready to sail before Tueadav ' morning at 1 o'clock, but even - then ahe will have been given very quick dispatch, since she win nave oeen only aoout a wee a in rort She will orobablv move to tha O, R. ft N. Albina dock this evening to finish loading, v ,; -"' GOOD DEPTH OF WATER City Lffloe, S49 WasUurtoa St, Ho! For. Astoria OO OB rastSteamerTelegrapi Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock 7 a. m. i , ' PXOBB MCAXe- BS5. Columbia River Scenery BXOTrtATOB UII BTXAKEBS, Daily aerrlce between Portland and Tn Dalle, except Rnnday, tearing Portland at 7 a. I, irrlelng a boot 8 p. m carrying freight and pneeengere. Splendid eccooiaxxle- tlonefor oattlt nif llresteck. . - Dock foot of Alder tw Portland! foot . of Court at. The Da Ilea. Pbon Mala 914. Portland. srojtrc rACTjrio itzaushxp oo.v Steamships ROANOKE w n ? and GEO. W, ELDER Snll for K-jreka. Ban rranclsco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 6 p. m. i Icket onice 188 1 nira, near Alder. Phrnea M. Hit - H. YOUNQ. Agent Haa made CGeeWo: Large Stetuo Schooner Crosses Over 7 : Yaqnina Bar. : . ' , , IJoornal Special Berelr.) Toledo, Or, June S. Loaded with ever 000.000 feet of lumber the steam achooner Francia H. Lea-rett passed out over the Taquina bar yeaterday drawing 18 feet of water. This blasted the theory that there was no water on the bar at Taquina bay. It alao marked the lifting of the embargo from the Yaqulna gateway to the commerce of the world, and placed Yaqulna ' bay back , on the map as one of tha commercial ports of the Paclfle coast . . ' 1 This big lumber carrier demonstrates that the bar Ja perfectly safe, and that schooners of good depth carrying from 000,000 and l.sOO.00 feet can readily paas In and out over the. nar at any reasonable tide. The Leggett expects to return In about 18 daya, when ahe will asaln load - with lumber for the California market, receiving the cargo from the Curtias Lumber . company of Mill City, and from the Ffr and Spruce Lumber company of . Toledo, the latter mill furnishing a' part df the carga . The Fir and Spruce. Lumber company of Toledo, has also T contract for rail road ties snd timber for the California market, and will load two schooners. The- first schooner Is expected in in about two or three weeka. With the new machinery now tn place, and the logging road on Olalla river in opera tion,' cargo will speedily be sawed out '- HER CARGO DAMAGED ' l The Wall-Kaews Raliakl CHINESE ftttot SLBal ItmA I DOCTOR Ufa (tndr of roots' and barb. and In that atndy dlacovered aad I giving to tbe world hie wonderful remedlee. NO MERCURY, POISONS 0B DBUG8 TBED BU UUKtl WITHOUT OrEBATIOK. OA WITHOUT THE AID Or A XHUX. He enarantee Mn enre fituoi. Aathma. Lnn. Throat. - .Rhenmattem - .Neryonaneaa. Nereen aDehi'.lty. Stomach. Llrer. Kidney Trouble: alan Tjoafi Manhood, Female Weak net nd All Prlrate Dlaeaae. A SURE CANCER CURE last &olv4 From Peking. China Safe, Bare aad Reliable. l IF YOU ABB AFFLICTED. DONT" DELAY , DELAYS ARB DANGEBOCS. ( , If yoa cannot ran. write for aytnptom hlank nd circular. ,. Inckaw 4 cent In a tamp. CONSULTATION FREE- TEX 0. OEZ WO CHIVESX MEDIGIirz 00 im t twr, aarruea, Portland. Oregon. ... y. Plea Mautio Thla Pas, - , Scotfs Sanfal-Pepsin Capsules For Inflammation or Catarrh ot tha bladder and Dlaeaaad Kld- Britlsh Bark Ivern Reaches Pert Natal in Bad Sltape. The Merchants Exchange "received a dispatchr"his morning from 8an Fran cisco e Y that Port Natal telegraphs that u British bark Iverna e cargo of wheat fttid flour turns out to be badly damaged, 2,000 sacks of flour, showing the errectn ot sea water. , , '- The Iverna became familiar here as the "phantom" bark because' of her strange behavior off the mouth of the river, during the stormy weather of last fall. . For nearly two , months Captain Colllrigswood held his vessel outside while waiting for calmer weather, al though in the meantime a dosen or more vessels crossed In over the bar. This earned for her the title- of kie "phan tom oarav neinsurance wan quoiea on her and at one time her Portland char terers gave her up for lost - The Iverna made so slow a voyage to South Africa from here that reinsur ance reached the 16 per cent mark. The statement was made here this morning that the vessel wag in need of repairs before leaving here but the owners did not wish to incur the expense of placing the vessel on the dry dock. ENCOUNTERED FINE WEATHER ; y Begulav XJnars Sue to Arrive. Alliance,. .Coos Bny. . , . . . , ", , . . . . June 10 O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. June 11 Columbia, San Franclnoo.. June 12 P. A. Kiiourn Ban Francisco. , .June it Costa Rica. San Francisco. ... ..June 17 Roanoke, San Pedro and way, , , June 18 Arabia,, orient, . , ........... . . . .June IS Aleala, orient. . ....,. .July 14 Klooraedla, orient.,, .July 17 Numantia, orient... ....August 16 . Bgnlar XJsarg to Depart. Costa Rica, 8n Franclaoo,....,',Juna 10 Numantia, orient. ............ .June 10 Alliance. Coo Bay June 16 O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. June 13 Columbia, San Francisco. ..... ..June 16 F. A. Kilburn, 8. F. and way,,.. June 18 Roanoke, San Pedro and, way,.. June 20 Arabia, orient. ...... ,, , .Juno 29 Aleala, orient July 27 Nlcomedla. orient. , .August 20 - Teasels la fort. Jola Br. h. ...... ......Elevator dock ordanhlll, Br. bk ,.,E ft W. Mtlla ZlnlU, Br. bk..,..., ........ East Pine Tcllua.axler. bk. ... . . . .1 . . . . .Knannton Washington, Am, barge. Ellsworth. 6tt ftillea above Vancouver Whang Ho, Chinese Junk. , . . , .The Oaks John Palmer. Am. bktn.... ....Kalams William Olsen. Am. soh.. ...... Astoria Makaweli, Am. bktn Astoria Diamond Head, Am. bk. ...... .Astoria Emily Reed, Am. ah... .Portland L. Co, Strathyre. Br. tr....... ...... Linn ton Northland. Am. atr. .Goble Bark, Nr. str...... ......... ....Astoria Virginia. Am. sen ...... .Inman-Poulsen Antelope, Am. sch ............. .Astoria jjiieDonne, . Am. son, . . aryaocK Numantia, Qer. str ..., Flour mills E. F, Whitney, Am. bk...,. v..8t. Johns Wm. Ronton, Am. sch. . ........ .Qofele Wasnucta. Am. barg. s.Unlvrsltr Mill Her wick.- Am. sir.,..,.,....ureenwicn Nome City, Am. str. . . . KV Inter African Monarch, Br. sa. .Tongue Point Cascade. Am. ss. Rainier Costa Rica, Am. ss. ... . .Alnsworth dock Antelope, .Am, sch.. ...... ....Astoria Ascot, Br, ss, ............ ..Flour Mills Liunbe: Oarrlars Ba Bonta. BlwelU Am. sh. ............ .Ban Pedro Lucille, Am. h... I..,,. San Francisco Mabel Oale, Am. sch., ...San Francisco Retriever. Am. bktn San Francisco Aurora, Am. bktn...., t.. San Francisco W. R, Hume. Am. sch.,. ......San Pedro J. B. Stetson. Am, str.., San Francisco Churchill, Am. sch.. .....San Francisco E. F. Sanders, Am. sch. v.... Ban Pedro Chehalla. Am. bktn. ........ .San Pedro Nokomia, Am. sch. .San Pedro Alumna, Am. sch. ...... .San Francisco Walacot. Am. barge...... San Franciaoo Qulnault, Am. str. ...... wBan Francisco Behome, Am. sch. , ..Ban rranclsco South Bay, Am. str. ....San Francisco J. H. Lunsman, Am. sch. San Francisco Tiverton. Am. as. ....... .Ban Francisco Echo, Am. bktn .......... San Francisco Johan Poulaen, Am. ss. ..San Francisco Sailor Boy, Am. sch..,.. Ban Francisco Alden Besse, Am. bk.,,..San Francisco Za Bonta With cement ana Oeasral. Buccleuch. Br, shy .. i ....... . Hamburg Br en a. Fr. bk Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk, ...... ..Antwerp Dalgonar, Br. ah, .....Hamburg Europe. FT. tK, ....... ..Antwerp Genevieve Mollnos. Fr. bk... ... London Rene Kervner. rr. an. . . . . . .. .rtamourg Laenneo, Fr. sn.. .......... .jBwansoa Ij9 PI Her. Fr. bk.' . U .London Martha Roux. Fr. bk. ....... . .Hamburg Mosambique, Br.-sh....... Newcastle. E. Samoa, Br. bk.... ........ ......Shields Slam,. Oer.. sh......... ...... ..London Socoa. Fr. sh........ Newcastle, E. Vlncennes, Fr. bk. . .......... .Glasgow Marechael Turrene, Ft. bk....Hambunr Villa de Mulhouae. Fr. bk...,., Antwerp Guethary. Fr. bk. ............ .Antwerp Pierri Lotl, Fr. bk..,.. ......Antwerp Walden Abbey, Br. ah... Antwerp Glenesslln. Br. sh. .......Antwerp Versailles, Fr. bk. .............. .Lelth General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk... London General de Negrler, 1. bk., ....London Bayard, Fr., bk . . ., . . . . . . . . . . , .Antwerp - Goal Ships xa Boats. '':..'";'",; Belen. Fr.' bk ........ T. . . Newcastle, A. Col. de Vlllebola Marenil.Fr. bk... ... .......................Newcastle. A. Claverdon, Br. sh.....,,. Newcastle, A. Wlllscott Am. bk. .......Newcastle, A. PorK Patrick, Br. ah..,. ..Newcastle, A, St, Mlrren. Br, sh....... ..Newcastle, A, . Tramp Steamers zm Bonta. . Tell us. Nor. str,... San Francisco Maori Klna. Br. atr. u. ..... .Shanghai Henrik Ibsen, Nor. str. ..San Franclaco Queen Alexandra, Br, str.. .....Madras Kallbla. Br. str,.. ..San Francisco Manshu Mara. Jap. str., ..Salinas Crus Mackinaw, Am. str........ Seattle San Mateo. Am. str. ...Ban Francisco Qymerlc, Br. str...r.. Mansanilo ' ' OH Carrier Za Bcmte. Asuncion,. Am. str........ San Francisco ALONG THE WATERFRONT ANNUAL CONVENTION ' OF OREGON BANKERS y .yyyy." ' ',-' ),,.:' ,y 1. . t- ''i. ..!,. .1, , .. - : y Heafls of State'Financinl Institutions Will Meet In Convention in . ". Portland.;... . :' v ' , Oregon's state bankers will meet in annua! convention In thla city Jyne 14 and. 18. 1. L. Hartroan, secretary of the . stats organisation, is making the necessary arrangements for the meet ing, vwhlch will be held in ths Wood men of "the - World building. , Tenth atreet. ' near Alder. ."' " '"y '' ' ' An Interesting prograrh is being ar ranged will include an address by A. L. Mills, president of the First l.n n .n r,hful tlnnlclnr" E. D. , CuslckT of Albany and .Joseph Chapman Jr. of Minneapolis will talk on the work of bankers' 1 associations. Bank Advertising" will be discuswea oy T. C . Tupper of Worthlngton, . Minne sota. State : Bank - Examiner James Steel Is down for an address. An In teresting feature of the program calls for a 6-mlnute speech from every dele gate attending the . convention, . Secretary Hartman . has made ar rangements to charter a river steamer on which the convention will make an excursion to Vancouver, Washington, on the afternoon and evenlmr, of tha first day's session.' ' ' . The Harrlman lines have announced a round trip rate of one and one-third fare from all parts of the state to Portland for the meeting of the as sociation. . ' ; ' .. Monday positively the last day of dis count of west side gas bills. . v TWENTY. YEARS POli . 7 ASSAULT ON GIRL ACCIDENTALLY DROWNS IN WILLAMETTE 11. W. Iladley i. While Unloading Lumber Lost His Balance : and Fell to Death. t ?, (Journal Special Senrlce.) ' . Marblnton. Va.. June 8. Warllck Rat- rllffe, accused of aiding in the assault on On a Bird while) she was eloping with Arnold uisdweii, was round guilty tnis morning and sentenced to 10 years. . H, W. HadleyY employed at tha East Side Mill & Lumber company's plant at : the foot of Spokane avenue, . accl ;. dentally fell into the Willamette yes terday afternoon. and was drowned be- rore ms reuow . employes couia pui forth any, eiiort to save him. Hadley was engaged In unloading a car of pil ing wlieji in some unknown manner ha fell off the trestle into the water. The first intimation his companions had of the accident was when the unfortunate man" sank for the last time. 1 Tile body was recovered later In tha day and j-emoved to the home of de cedent, 1636 Mllwaukle street. Hadley had been In the employ of . the lumber company for several yeara and leaves a wife and two small chlU ' dren. Coroner Flnjey is personally ln vesttgatlng.. ..',--.,. .-' y;ir.' y : FIRST WATERMELON SOLD TODAY FOR $2 -.yy .''.'" ' ; The first watermelon to Invade tha Pacific Not thwest thla season arrived in Portland this morning, consigned to Page ft Bon, a local commission flrnf. Tha watermelon came from Cornelia valley. California, and was 'raised under sea! level. It was in rine condition, amd sold -to -a Fourth street market at 1 2 the highest price ever recorded in thla or ' any other coast market for a - single melon, so far as known here. - . ; Mondav positively the last daw of did count or west aiae gas oma. . Tne steam st'hooner Northland will go from the drydook tonight to Goble to load lumber for Ken Franrlsro. The steamer F. A. Kilburn San Francisco last night years. . f.u... .' ,xi . . -. . -' (tuiju. xftiair. .. sailed for " . , , '' ' ' " ' ' " ' " . f . " ' . M. W. Parker, a well-known s long shoreman, is a victim of spinal menin gitis with little hope of his recovery. He was taken alck last Sunday. -. . The steamer J. N. Teal will go In commission next week, carrying cement to points on the lower Columbia, but she will not begin operations between this city and Big Eddy until the freshet. is over. : - . ' .. United States Boiler and Hull - In spectors Edwards and .Fuller made a special trip to Astoria yesterday to in- . . V. T) . Ill In. .LUl. UM Np,eufc ifiv biwiihii XV. niici, wuiuu una ust been overhauled and repaired.. She passed an excellent examination. District Forecaster Beals predicts a slight rise in the Willamette at thla place Monday. The river was stationary here yesterday. :- Steamer Costa Rica Brings Happy - Passengers. k ThrL steamer Costa Rica. Captain Ma. son. arrived at midnlsht ' . from San Francisco after one of the prettiest vov ages imagined. ' to - use the words of some of the passengers. Although there were sn even 100 travelers on board not one of them felt ill from ths motion of the boat. ; - - - The nnnsenarera ht that San Fran claco was shaken by an earthquake the flav tierore they - lert out tne officers who were on board at the time did not notice - the auake. considerable navoo was wrought on shore, however. Some of the streetcars are now being operated but upon the whole the situation Is graver than generally understood. Ship ping is practically paralysed. ' w MARINE NOTES wm .-v.,,, :,V :,,.: ....if.,-.. ,v am 1IAUM STOP m& CORISM What we are oflferingou A Lot 50x100 in With all streets graded, cement walks and : curbing-and water mains' inTy Building re- , 'strictions in deeds, assuring buyers of good . homes around them; on 12-minute ca service , .Very Easy Payments foil onrl Bm ne nnA oltrttxr lie ' f i efimir if Agent on the ground. , ' ' you. Tie Trust :: Go. i COR. SECOND & WASHINGTON STS. i - 'mm !" .... n Astoria, June 8. -Arrived at 6:30 snd left up to 6:80 a. m.,. steamer Tiver ton, from San Francisco; arrived down at 6 a, m. and sailed at 10:60, steamer F. A.' Kilburn, for San Francisco and way ports; arrived down at 7 a. m., bavkentine , Makaweli and schooner Ab-hle- arrived at 8:80 n m.. achooner Nn. ! komls, from San Pedro: arrived at 8:40 I - m 1.,. .,n X3-l,1-t A A POSITIVE CURE from Callao; sailed at 10:20 a, m., ship r a wwaaaaae wwii. fil . . P.,1nni1n-. i.rlvul o. m.. barkentlne Chehalls. from Redon do; sailed at 11:20 a. m., steamer Nome city, ror Han ifeora ,v 1 1 f inuviKV, .una a . 1 n 1 1 1 , ru ytra- terday. steamer Tosemite, from Astoria. Astoria, June 7. Left up at 8 p. m., steamer Costa Rica; arrived down at 10 p. m., steamer Nome City. , Astoria, June 8. Condition of the bar, at a. m., smooth; wind northwest is miles; weather cloudy, i iaya. nick old fcy B0 0088 BO f AT. Care permanently th wont eaaaa of Wrian nd C3lt, no matur ot bow long atanmng. Aoaoiaieiy armiea. cola py arnggun. rlc 81 .OB. or br malt noaa- aaid, ti.00, 1 base, ti.76. . . TKE SAttTAL-fErSIKQl - ttelbnoatslaa, Otua. AH Snggkrta. " . KIdnar tni Bladder TrcufcUi URHIARY DISCHARGES jiETJEYED Df 24 Hours Each Cap- - ula baartWirA th Bame9 N Beuart afcauxttrftUt ALL DRCGGI8TS. ; ' Tides at Astoria Today. High water 11:62 a. m., 7 feet; 11:30 p. m., 8.8 feet - Low. water 6:60 a. tn., .3 feet; 6:41 p, m., 2.6 feet ' - - ' CONTRACT AWARDED , - (t .. vt.; x. : ty'.;' Government Will Bnild Life Saving , Station at" Tillamook. , ' RnMKlv nhnltnw 8a .3Th aTnn 1 I i. iuviai nmt a. 'an vuua uai.j , ' Astoria, Or., , June 8-Contractors Ferguson ft. Houston, of this city, were toaay awaraea a contract Dy tne govern, men t for the erection f a 'life-saving station at . the entrance to Tillamook bay. -at a- contract price. of, $9,787. . . rm .. . . -. . ... . m V. y A man wants to rent a store. . What does he first" consider? The size of the room, or the finish of the woodwork? Neklier. The location first, always. .-Then the rent, the terms.etc.'; ' When you look for a home you always want to knowwhere? , i'"' . The loeation you consider is everything. If the fopme suits you then-; you consider the price-r-the terms. - , " u . sf ' 7' In considering location, accessibility, is the.irail you first examine, .' - to .the property. Did you ever drop into a comfortable seat on a Port- land "car and whirl swiftly over the Alberta carine trail to "IRVINGTON . PARK"? . The location of which is acknowledged to ybe, by hard-headed. j "business men who know, the most desirable, the most accessible, the best located, the most charming spot, the kisicl you fall in love with instantly.' "upon sightthe lowest priced tract novT on sale, the easiest terms ofany in . the city. , - . ' " ".1: ' y' v , , V" A large '50x100 lot with shade4rees, Bull'Kun .water, .wide parked' . streets.' a; 100-foot Boulevard. fo only $10 per month. - . . t . , v- . i - Drop in and have a talk with ,"HolbrooH"he:is; the man who knows ' -he will tell you right, thenAshow you and letjfyou decide."; The placets the office of ' ' - - y ; , V-' ; V ' L a.IdDlLiSflDdDl o MAIN 5396V ; ' f . 250 STARK ST. PORTLAND, OR. i