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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
; THE OREGON DAILY- XQ'-NAL,. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINCV JUNE 7, 1SC7. COM ITESS RACES wmm 1 Former' .mcrican. Girl Ac- l -v ai i v a ii . a j - r 1 1 uveiyiniercsica in wir ; raghanfl Will Also Hunt; HIGHEST PRICES roe ohecoii com 1 t t Only. Eighty Thousand Tons Mined in State but It Brings a Good Sum ,"MAEY . ANDEBSON TAKES BAILEOADS BLAMED V ! INTEREST IN PEASANTS FOB BUIING HIGfH RATE t . Former Actress la Building School on . ' Emmld bio Whew V Voting . r Women Win Bo Educated In' Art i ox Housekeeping. .y;y - -'-v ,- i . tfoetaal Special Service.) f V ' (. 7;,- ' '" T ; " . . 7 Nation Produced Fire Per Cent More '" Last Year Than in Previous Tear Demand Increases Faster Than Increased Production. ; : earnedw how much '.- wans he bad tr-1 ceived. . ' it It occurred to us that Richardson wag trying; to prove that from the blowing up of the Bunker Hill , and Bulllvan mlno Orchard had been eubsldiaed by soms person or cersons anknown. If that wai thi objeoli of the cross I examination It failed - And whan Rich ardson mot Orchard to CrinDla Creek h daalt in minuta details sun, Kicnaruson in a resonant nasal voice, iirins; qui tlon after question Riving , Orcha flMi'JEII ilHE TO n Jim acarcelv time to answer one Question befora another wa ahot at him. . And the detalla became ao wearisome that hard only the court stenographers did any writing, - - - 1 .. BambUna Questions. "Now ran hail not rot acaualnted with Haywood or Mover or PeUlbone u to November. 190tt ,.v:." -?":y t; "Not when you want to penverf v s You k'naw . that they "were officers of the federation." -v.. air", 'i . "Ton had an acquaintance with Davie men j "V.a air " "Davie did not know 'you in Coeur d' AleneT" ., "By nam." '. ' . "Yea, h v name." .'-' - J1 waa president of the Oem union tlierer' Bride's Father Gives Son-in- law Interest in Business ; ' as Present: not only parents, but girls as well, even affronting; honorable young I marriageable intentlona, the OLD CUSTOM OF CASH GIFT IS IN DISEEPUTE ;-yv.;t,;-. American Fashion of Not Asking Wife's rarents for Money Is Ad vocated by Newspapers Which Rid- icnle Flan, So Long in Vogue.' ' Tr.u.i kava htnA e bmt and Valn ' ,able tnstomer in the pountess of Suf folk. 'a polo ponies and prospective 'racers she baa spent' oloee on 110,009 Lta Ireland within the laat three tnantha Daring the borse show week in Dul ' her agent, who is a well known trainer on the CurfagV-the' Newmarket 'of Ireland was the busiest man at the ., meeting. The latest news from the CnrtHgU Is' that the' AMaVlcan peeress , .is going to rao and bunt la Ireland as ' ,'well aa In rmglaaC J Bhe baa recently been fen a visit to , Richard Burke,' .the Ban Francisco mil. Ilonalre who has a lovely mansion near I ownrra. (WaahtDftoa Bareae ef The Journal. J -' Washington, , D.': C Jund "T.Oregon eoal mine owners received nearly twice aa much per ton In net aa the. mine owners of Washington, or the country at large, : r Tons mined were Tl.TIl, which at the mines was valued at fill, lit, er about !!. a ton. . In Washington, I.J7I.1J4 tons were mined; and were valued at the mines, st hen you went to Cripple Creek be red your . Yea. sir. "And he remembered you , "y eg fift" . ' ' "When you worked In Cripple Creek, where waa itf : r . ' , "Vindicator No. 1" V ' , ' w "What do yo mean by thatr ' "That was the number of the shaft.", "That you went down that shaft to go to your work?" , i , m :."! bad .to."... .? . ' -, ; - JUohardson Oeis Vowkere. ' And ao on. It.. actually and. subetan- IS.l08.4ti. or atlabout U5 a ton. For tlally got nwhre. h A,'lt . . . , ... . And after half an hour Of It Orchard the country at large, the production was j ,,, lt franki- that h- nad li aio ?ii r .hn..t i tl tVm ."""" a - hlgh-groder In Cripple Creek. 1M10.7H, cr about 11.15 a ton. . thaL after two houra" rroaa-exa Anaiyaie of the ricures proves mat una nign p is due to t) the nrevallln hich nricea of coal to the conaumer la due to the abeorptlon of as ... . hlr,, hmA ,om.Hmaa e-am or more tnan tne nnw reiau b,od h,d occaalonally bwin a hlah- was use playing , a garaen Bo that, after two hourar cross-aiamlna tlon Richardson had proved that ons of tne great aaaaaaina or niatory naa once ' ..;,,;' (Journal Special Service.) , ' ? Paris, June T. Time was when svery French son-ld-law could ask his French papa-in-law to pay bint so and so, much moneys, cash' down, the day he married .Marie or Pauline or Zoe. Gradually this practice la falling . Into disrepute and a tendency to a boll ah it altogether la making- Itself felt . In place of thS "dot" . the old bouraeolse practice of taking One's .son-in-law for partner is now considered "the thing" In well-to-do circles and even in society. 'Aalde from the fact that discussion of the "dot" , habit fell into disrepute men with clroum- atance that the Drofeaelona re moatlv on ine aecune rrom a iinanoiai aiana point, is reaponalble for . the change noted, up . to late years young phy. alclana. lawyers, teachers and other pro- feaaional men were In 'great demand, but since their lncomee look lnslanl flcant beaide thoae of merchants, ar chitects and polltlolans, parent gener ally go fishing for higher game, and when such is obtainable, balk at least at the practice of giving up a email for tune with their daughter. Instead they orrer a partnership to tne prospective son-in-law. allowing him to marry Into the buelneas aa it ware. It savee a lot of money and. very frequently erains Sood working- partner, oompslled by self- interest to do all he can to advanoe father-ln-law'a buelneas chances. Among tne newspaper oisausaing tne. new phase of the matrimonial market, there Is not a single voice of dleaentr. "If son In-law doean't like It." aaya one pi "let him marry American faahlon. wi out asking hie wife's father for a cent. It Is certainly the moat honorable, while marrying into business coraee next, since it. enables father-in-law to keep an eye oa his daughter's husband. 0EEG0N AND IDAHO BAND T0UENAMENT Boise, Idaho, June ?. Secretary W. F, . Dolaa of the Inter-Mountain Pair association Is .planning to nave a band tournament here during the state fair this fall. Ha expects at least 10 bands will enter, end will rive suitable nrlsee. He has been in correspondence with leaders of bands at La Grande and Baker City, In Oregon, and Welaer, Pay ette,- Caldwell, , Nam pa, Mountalnhome, Pocatelio, Idaho Falls end Black foot. In Idaho. Every thins; looke favorable for ine tournament. - -per, rith- i" Monday positively the last day of dis count of west side gas bills. Il!r:l!!liIiiiijrUll Yrifl Cnn PnIf itnft S.iin; Ifs "orif rnnt On Your Purchase Hero Tomorrow r ' ra - -r , , . in irnrnnrtnn iir ni v, . ..i, v av a I awOwtli.ll IIIIC ftUa Do you remember when your father used to cut such ads out of the : paper and take them to his dealer and get s reduction upon his or your, clothes? And It. always paid him, didn't it? Well, that's what we're going to do right here. We want , you to cut this sd out and : brinsT lt to ua. Wall allow tou 10 ner cent discount on anv nurehaaa I.. C..U. Ck... TT-. n.,. T?..!.V! . We Want to Introduce Our Goods And our store, and we want to make your acquaintance That's why we An thla la It not worth vnur while to ' , : ' - STRICTLY UNION-MADE CLOTHES ; V7 ' ; 203 Morrlsoa St Between First end Front , Kanagb In Tlpperary, and who la maa i ter or the Tlpperary toxnounas, tns . , leading pack In Ireland, and one of tne tnont exclualve in the klnsdom. f The "bluest blood" in Ireland follows . these hounds and it Is considered a mat ter of social distinction to be aeen st the "meet'?' . Whan the eounteas eenimencee its rao In Ireland lt la believed her ; horses will be fixed up In the same sta t bles as thoae , belonging- . to .' ''Boas" tCroker. - . v.".- ; . : ! Bae Is Weloome, . I'l Her patrdnare will' be a welcome ao- teulaltion to the Irian Newmarket, be . cauae for eome years there has been an '. abaence -of the activity which made it ; enoe one of the most popular racing : renters In Europe. . .. ... ... i The wild and rugged ecenery of the . ; weal of Ireland baa peculiar attractions j for Mrs. Navarro, so well remembered . In America aa the brilliant and beau tiful actress.' -Mary Anderaon. Bummer ' or winter when ahe feels she'wante a change sh will betake beraelf quietly to 'some excluded spot amongst those monntainoua Terlona. V v j Her, pleasure appears to consist In vis iting the peaaant vjioraes among the Jakes:and mountain sides, talkinf with , the simple people and dispensing Char ity where she thlnke It Is needed.- For : quite a number of years she haa been visiting the Connemara dietriet and with the exception of the ladles in one of : the local convents no one haa been able to establish her identity. She hss been .merely described In the homely language of the locality as the beautiful Eng lish lady who gives to ihe .poor." Her ; friends in . the convent have kept -the secret well end faithfully. 4 Building- Obis' BokooL ' For some months past a building has' . been in process of construction on the ruins of an old cabin from which .the Drlre bv the railroads a by Ana tne oouoie prioe receivea the mine I It by Oregon owners was due to the fact tnat practically an ureaon coai la trans ported to market via water linee, which oollect less for haulage than the rail roada. - ' , Frodnotlon lacrosses.' " i -, ; A .Tha. nstlpn prpduoed in .10, 6.4 per cent mors than In 1905, and ths mlns valuation was 7.6 per cent more tnan that of the previous year,, the incressed cost being cauaed largely by the higher local, ires pa ia to laoor. -Fuel oil In California,' Texaa and In- zradar. hose on an earthquake. Rlchardaon arew tired aa the minutes lengthened into hours. , And his temper began to wear. - He feu into use lea a lit tle controversies with the court - And he seemed to be losing; his grip of the trend of his own Queations. When the strike occurred at Cripple Creek Orchard had found a carload of riant powder in ths Vlndicstor mlns." He told Davis, secretary of an Altaian Why did you tell him," said Richard- 1 wages paid to labor.' Tjei on in uaiiiornia. u exae ana in-1 eon. dlan Territory caused a falling off In Blew Vp Other the production. - - - J T hid heard that the leaders of the It Is .estimated that the Increase of Western FederaUon had other mines oniy o. per cent in ine proaucuon blown up. lane l ar inurv ot uiv acinajiu cvuini vj i the enormously lsrger consumption bj railroad and industrial enterpriaea, and "Who told your It is also alleged that the promise is tnat there will e a severe cost ramine during the ensuing winter, worse than that which waa experienced last wlntsr. , Trylaf to Balae Bates. ( -j In 'the' faoe of the Increased cost ei coal to the retail dealer'a patron, the traffic associations are 'attempting to ralae. the rate and the prospect Is that coal will coat more in 1907 and 1908 than In previous years, unleae the In teratate commerce commission shall anawer the demand already made and compel a lower rate from the commoa carriers. - The' riving out of the coal statistics by the government has aroused renewed saltation for lower rates although many regard it as hopeless In view of the president's , declaration at Indianapolis, which appears to favor maintaining; rail rates jn general at present jerei. . -WITNESS WEAES OUT i "Who told you to touch lt off rt Mr. Davlsr t ' "Did he eay he bad any authority to give you izoo to toucn it our "He didn't ssy he had any authority. but he said lt would take him three or four daye to get it." - Rlchardaon looked for a minute Ilk a ship that had lost steerageway and bumped into a. pier. He paused a mo ment and est down. Hs continued bis crosa-examinatlon Bitting down. But he did not seem to be getting any further in shaking orchard s testimony, in deed, he eeemed to be emphasising It. la beginning to wear on Mrs. iiaywood, and on Hay The strain of the trial occupants were evicted some years ago. It 'is almost beneath the shadow of -the convent. Local goxsip haa been busy as We. st (Continued irom Psge'OneUs' wood's elder daughter, and on Haywood. Orohard Is untouched by the case. - .Falls to Beaob Officials. t -At 10 minutes after 11, Richardson was standing up again, pausing occa sionally to look at the clock. He wanted to see i Richardson destroy Orchard's testimony, we wanted to see Richardson batter Orchard's testimony to - nieces. and! instead we listened to three hours of, minute,' tiresome trlvialtles . that seemed to be leading nowhere. - But hvpdiu una umu uunr I . . . , , i . - - c . - to the objects for which the new money, ana soraonrnea samDiea i Knows wnere he-is gojng. nut nobody I UuilSln le intendea. ' It Ls now an nounced that K. la to be a school where "young alris will be taught the' rudt- men ta of -housework so ss to fit them for , domestic service when they are obi I ted to leave their' Own homea for 'foreign lands. -While the building is , being ostensibly erected ' by the nuns, (Mary Anderson la the donor and she ;haa alao endowed It ao that lt may be free from financial embarrassments. and' won money. , And, 'having achieved that, he brought Orchard up to his first i advent in Colorado fn 901 That was In November. Thf place of bis adventi Monday positively the last day of dis count of west slds gas bills.' - Was Cripple Creek. '.'.'.-: . H am I nation Zs Fros.'i;' iffv; - The thing had sounded, to some ex tent, like the examination of the cashier of an Insolvent bank. Across a period of about five years ' Richardson Fad dragged Orchard, asking him to make a balance of hia accounts showing how much he had lost and saved by gambling on each occasion, how much wagee ho else does. But we do know that, he has cnier at an. Ana wnen court aajournea for lunch he had not yet reached Moyer, uaywooa ana I'etiioone. : !,.. . M . , II ( ' ' Monday nosltively the last day of dis count of west side gas bills., KING VICT0E QUAEEELS WITH QUEEN'S BE0THEB I Italian Rulers Have Family Row I Orer .Treatment of Elena's , Relatives. 1. ''' A run on Outing Suits. t ; . Our Outing Suits, at the rate that they are go- . ing, have nearly reached the speed limit. ' Better hurry and arrest one or two before the ; lively patters and fast colors get away. r : . This week we are showing an especially attrac- . :tive:line of both Two and Three-Piece Suits at ' n $15.00 : . ! There are plain and fancy worsteds, cassimeres and blue serges, in both double and single breasted. LION , :.Clot3lIllg:Co.; ; rGuilfuhnProp' r . v ' ' - Men's and Boys Outfitters , . ' 165-163 THIRD ST, MOHAWK BLDG. (Joersal Special Service.) Borne,. June . T. - Although ! Queen Elena's absene from the launching of I the new Italian warship at Boesia was sold to bs due to a slight indisposition, the Tribune Is authority for the state ment tnat aomesuo , quarrel is re sponsible. - ' ' ' I Prince- Danilo of Montenegro, the queen's brother, and his mother were recently the guests of King Victor at the Quliinak Laat month a political discussion arose, in which the prince greatly differed from the kins and car- l.rled away by his excitable tempora- I ment he seems to have treated the lat ter rather rudely. The king reaented the behavior of the prince, to such an extent as to ask him when he intended to leave Italy. Next morning1 the prince and his. mother returned to Monte negro. (: :''! 5 .. ' ,..'-. yueen Elena, according to the re- forta, was so vexed with the incident hat she begged the, king to excuse her from attending the ceremonies attend ant upon the launching of the new war ship. The king- ls considered most tact ful and, If the reports are correct as stated in regard to this royal quarrel, lt must have taken a great deal to dis turb bis squajnimlty. , . (.,., .ii t m nil I I " ,' Monday positively the last day of dis count of west side' gas bills.' I FIGHT WITH A MOOSE Hunter's Dogs and Companion Saved Him From Death. . Correspondence St. Paul Pioneer Press. Angus Le Sage, who has Juat returned from a trip over his trapping trail at the fVroile post on the Ounflint road, tells - of a thrilling adventure - he had with a moose in which be narrowly es caped being stamped to death and was saved by his dogs, w ' Le sage, who baa been trapping- in that vicinity all winter, started laat week to pick up his traps and close camp. On the trail in the vicinity of Clearwater lake -the two doge which had gone on ahead were barking furi ously and when their master caught up with them he found that' they -had a monster moose at bay. The big animal atooa squareiy in tne . trait ana was menacing the Mogs with its horns. Le Base, without- thought : of danger, at tempted to - take a- hand In the fun. starting toward the animal - and lncit i ing the dogs to renew the - attack bv clapping his handa. - c As soon as the moose saw its human enemy it charged fiercely at him, and the strapper in attempting - to make a sharp turn became entangled , in his snowshoee and fell heavily to the ground. - The animal was almost upon im and had Its hoofs raised to beat his life out when the dogs, seeing their master'a perils attacked the moose t lerc ly from behind. This caused a diver sion and the upraised hoof of the an imal descended on -the man's leg Instead of upon his head. : . . : , . Meantime a companion of 'Le Sage who had 'been some distance In the rear came ud and assisted , the man to his feet. Then the combined efforts of the men and dogs put the infuriated moose to fllB-ht - Le Base was not badly hurt, esoanlna with a contusion caused by his heavy fail upon the frosen enow and with a bad ecrape -along the muscles of bis leg made pz. tne noof of the moose. STORE, CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK i.-.- Specials for Saturday ' h The economical; will appreciate our special offerings for tomorrow, these being subject to delivery at our ; earliest convenience and for which we will not accept teiepnpne, mail or u u. 1J. orders: ;.; V J Musk; Magazine or s i i i i i- ii i , Book RacksSpecial $1.95f;y:f Exactly like cut, is 35 . inches high, 12 inches deep and 20 inches wide. Yoiir choice of two finishes, mahogany and golden oak. One only to each , purchaser. ..'J. - Sixth Floor Specials :; ' 5 DRAPERY DLPARTMLNT , Kegular 10c Brass Curtain Rods, extends from 30 inches to 54 inches, complete with fixtures, : each ... .' ' . . w.'ll 5c 36-inch Curtain Swiss,, In dots and stripes,' per yard ;". . . . ; ;w..'.; ... ;..;.i,se;.9c , 50c Oriental Stripe Drapery Material pier jrd.25c Regular $2.00 and $2.25 values' in "Nottingham Curtains, white and ecru, per pair. . . . $1.35 ..Irate -') i .if- Glbck Specials Basement Dept. Guaranteed Nickel Alarm Clocks, contlnnous rotary alarmr special . ......... . . , . . . . . . ' m n.n a 95o Guaranteed Parlor or Bedroom Clocks, , in art nouveau designs, old . gold and silver plated cases; special ..,..eifc;.. $1.25 One Only to Each Purchaser. r CROCKERY and UTENSIL BARGAINS in the Basement Dept , REFRIG ERATORS LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE Tovftctinr If 8000 !COMPl:OThOU5EfUmiI5HER5! MAKE YOUR own nm HAM MOCKS . '.. i GARDEN SEATS AND RWTwr.c, ; Watches andJewelry Sold n duviue nt You Wear !the Jewelry While? Paying for Same YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS WB DO THE REST You - 'Are4"' Welcome to . Credit 6ns Corners First, Second and Yamhill .... - ,-:.You r - -. . ire Welcome to Credit ' Monday positively the last day of dls- count of west sioe u cuia, , . ior