The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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liiOl US
Dr. Stephen S. Wise Meeting
Encouragement on All
Sides in New York.
. . .. Jail Ward Howe.
That eminent and well-beloved woman
Work of Leader of Free Synagogue
' Brings Fortn Favorable Comment Mr- ,u,l Ward Howe attained ner
c ,; - : '--j' elshty-olghth birthday last week, ' and
. From Such Leading Theologians her friends called upon ; her and sent
P!mil n Uiwh .nl J T. her flowers. She cava them a tenia!
' ' . . . : , jgreetlni, and eat emlllnf placidljr upon
(Dim, ner r soil wom Jiur ununm
Dr. stenhen fl wi the eminent thm. I smootniy rrom ner orow ana WHO ner
lntlan who was recently elected rabbi pretty UtUe white hands 'resting In her
er the Free Synagogue congregation w V
New York City. 4s meetlne- with wide- I a remarkable little Woman, as
spread ancouragement in hie new" work. all , know," and almost the only one
and hie efforts to Wld rabbinical lt of the Concord group that made
freedom of speech have struck a popu- w flUi' ni wr
kr chord with the leaders of the new hlp -om 10 0, wht TOUp
. ... - L , ., I tha aval m aUk MmAPtaH M-iafr
fuOYcInQllT. r .! , I ,waaa sativa wua a av-a wsiuviraa auww
statement Issued by IlabWEmU O. thl" u,t "ttle lady hare of her friends
Hlrsch and RabblJ. Leonard Levy, both who are gone. There -were Emerso
of whom were rreatly Interested lit the "1 Lowell. Holmes and Whlttler, Long-
:w wora row in cnarge or tne rormer I reuow ana liawtnorne, . oeeiaes many
.rtland rabbt. apefcks In highest praise whom we hav- not known ,0 well Of
ox wise ana nis enaeavors. inei. . .
doctrines expounded by the Free Byna- Thomas, Bailey. AJdrlch whose recent
deu moved Her muon, Mrs. hows saia:
"To-me he was always, that eternal
boy'; we shall all miss him very much."
And wnat a history ues nenina mat
filaoid brow! To me as a scnooi gin
t seemed no less than marvelous to
hear her recite her roem. "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic," for all those
days or strife and carnage seemed tnen
so far away and those who had lived
throuahthem wer reverently -wonder
ful. - And this memory of school days
is so rar in me past, mat it wouia oe
ancient history to Portland school
children. ' . ... :v
Yet the little lady has lived on In her
attractive home" which is endeared with
I many memories. In Boston, and comes
I to this celebration of ber birthday with
la mind unimpaired and a ready sym-
patny ana a deep love zor an manaina
which is not leas sincere and. stirring
than when It moved her. In the flush of
enthusiasm to write the articles which
have made her name forever famous
among the American people, and linked
it indlssolubly with the cause of f ree-
Iaonu " - . " "v " v ' ...
f. .' e , e v. r -
ti A writer la the Boston Globe savs!
, ''Monday last Mrs. Julia. Ward Howe
attained her S8th birthday, and In the
arternoon sne received ner mends in
formally. ' For manv birthdays back
she has been remembered with flowers,
but on Monday her closa friends fairly
outdid ' them eel ves, and, her reception
room was literally banked with lovely
blossoms. In the course of the dav lira
Howe received messages and telegrams
from, intimate .personal, frlenda . who
were unable to offer felicitations in
S arson. . In ' her low rocker sat this
ear. sweet-faced woman, whose mem
ory of veaterday was Ilka the memory
I of today; 'The Illusionists nf India could
not conjure up such scenes as she. She
sat again in that circle of talent. Mar
shalled before her was each familiar
form. There waa, Carlyle, who amased
her with Ms tea-drinking feats, and
there was Washington Irving, Just as
she saw hint .that night when he stam
mered and failed in an address of wel
come to Charles Dickens, and there was
Sydney Smith, whom she saw lent at an
evening party,- and there - was Florence
Nightingale, who advlsert with Dr. Howe
about her, chosen .profession of nursing,
end thepei Uranifoll Th)11lna
ana-tie -are-' meeting . popular 'approval she last heard at the old Hmiih irttna
among a large class of Jewish church I house at the unveiling of the status of
people In New York City and the eongre Harriet Martlneeu, and ther was Agas-a-atlon
has flourished ever Slnoe Its in-I sla. hv whoaa skillful tnnh w.,
1 ceptlon a number of weeks eo, Kabbl fossils became a Irving language In
,lry in hia autement regarding - the the center of the picture was this grand
I; new movement says: ' - woman of New England. The 88 years
. "Rabbi Wise is conducting a struggle that have touched her anti J the
for rabbinical liberty. We do not mean passing have still left with her the
to suggest that rabbis are guilty of 1 enthualaetlo glow of girlhood - joined I
with the godlike serenity Of a beautiful
Old Styles In Jewelry. r .
Broad gold braceleta are popular with
young folks and meet a want long felt
by thoss wearing short or slbow sleeves'.
On favorite style frequently seen Is the
book chain bracelet and consists of
many overlapping pieces of thin gold.
These are usually about an Inch, In
width, while the neck chains to match
are not more than a third as broad.
Heavy ..flat braceleta. carved' end
wroucht are also belnr worn, and old
Greek coins linked togother form others ;
or tne many quaint arm ornaments
which the fad has unearthed. Car
buncles framed In eettlnaa of old yel
cut oblong and set in flat eettlngs of
chased gold, are equally beautiful.
One of the developments of the old
jewelry fad la the fancy of collecting
I watch bridges, which are small Circular
nieces or sold or sliver cut out in open
work fashion . and covered with fine
chasing. These bridges were ussd upon
old-rashioned timepieces made in Bwits
erland and Enaland. They are used
alone to form bracelets, necklaces or
belt buckles, or are ueed to join semi'
precious stones in the form of a neck.
laoe. One dor collar recently aeen
showed alternate watch bridges and
cornelians. No two ' of theee bridges
are alike, for the reason that they were
' Helpful Cookery Ilmtg.
Melted butter will not make good
cake. ,-... - .. ,.,,... ., ..-..
Nutmegs should be grated at the blos
som end rirsi.
To make good pastry the Ingredients
must be Ice cold.
Try dipping lamb chope In lemon
juice Just before broiling them. They
are dellcioue. - 1
Whan brolllna- ateak. try Droehlnr it
over with butter and flour to Keen tne
Juioe In. ' " , ;
A few drops of lemon Juioe added to
scrambled ears wnu cooaing wui im
nrriv. them.
undercooked. - Thus ' siways ' auow
nlentv of time in ore Darin r cereals.
Good macaroni is of a yellowish tint,
does not break readily In eooklna. and
awalla to two op threw tlmee its Duia.
if errs are to De nouea nam. nave
the water bolllnr when the eggs ere
fut in it. This wiu prevent ine yoias
urnlng dark. . - - '
a lumn or surer vui in xo dou wnn
itMn veretablea wiu nreeerve : tneir
color ana improve tneir riavor, espe
cially that of peas.
Baked sausare la rar natter la iook
at and to eat than fried.- Cook in the
oven, covering the pan for 10 minutes,
then brown. Drain dry and serve upon
a nested disn. , '
v.. saaaaaseaasseaaaaeaaaaaaaeasMsaBaeaansaaBaaeaa
"Suffered day and nlatit the torment
of ltohlnr niiea Motninr neipea me un
til! used Doan's Ointment It cured
me permanently." Hon. John R. Gar
rett, juayor, uirara, aul , .
Monday nosltlvelv the laet day of dis
count or west side gas diub.
i aaBaaaaaaaBBasaaBaaa a
X circular has been Issued by the
transportation committee of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce to s tbe
shtppera outlining the benefits of ocean
shipments of merchandise. It la shown
that the freight rate Is lower, that con
ditions in the past have changed eo that
it . is . not . only now advantaaeoua nut
economical and desirable to ship by
water, it is also araued trial tna Port
land ' shionera have the means at nana
of., greatly increasing their shipments
r - the use or tne water route. - in-
uded In the circular is a lona list
of the commoditlea that can be shipped
more economically t py water man oy
rati. ' ' w
if v;r Trf 8tephen 8. .WUe,;
atlfUnr convictiona. but in a conrrega-
tlon -organised on the lines of the Free
, rsynagogue, tne raoDi ,wui not
'i pected to preach' 'other men's oplnlbns,
' or the views held by other agea, but he given opportunity .to announce
the views he holds as a result of per
' . sonal experience and investigation.
"If New .York has no such pulpit,. so
' rnuclt the worse for Israel in the nietrop
V" oils.- If Dr. Wise can ilalntaln such a
pulpit and' maintain it eoinusiasucauy
nd auccessfully, he will be rendering
- a rreat service to the cause of Israel
, and prove a help and high inspiration to
every raooi.' - . .
Dr. Em 11 G. Hlrsch, In closing his re
marks on the new movement, says:-
"Undr the magnificently auspicious
T leadership of Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, the
f ree synagogue or imeWyrorK win ae
velop a splendid organisation bound to
become - a - tremendoua power for good
.: Dotn within ana witnoui-Jewry."
..-....'! V ' eaaBaaaasBBjsaa ' 1
Protests ' will be filed ' with the . war
department by the Portland Board - of
Trade because of restrictions in ths
regulations governing bidding on Jetty
' materials which . prevent Portland bld
edrs rnm " entering Into the ; competl
"Ajoil The terms -of , the contract prac-
Oca 11 y shut out anyone from entering
- Unto the bidding Who is not engaged in
similar work, as it would be nedessary
.' to have as much as $100,000 Invested
. before being in a position to bid. It
requires that all materiala shall be de
livered witnin in aays alter tne con-
ir.cte ira awarded. .
v The bide called for will be opened
; about the middle of the month and In
. elude all materials necessary for the
completion of the jetty-'
' Monday positively' the last day of dls
f count of west side gas bills. ? :y
. i Preferred Stock Canned ttoods. .
'Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
people who know how to take ear ef
themselves ths majority do not The
liver is a most Important organ in the
body.' Herbine wiu Keep it in condition.
V. - C. Bimpkins, Aioa, Texas, writes:
"T have used Herbine for Chills and
F:ver and . find it the beet medicine I
ever need. I would not be without it
It Is aa rood for children as it la for
grown-UP people, ana i recommena it.
It is line for La Grippe. , Sold by ail:
gruggista . . i--
Arc goinon record for The Best That's Made
:.j in, Men's. Apparel. .This is our biggest feature
Superior Quality Style
v Drink pabst Blue Rib
bon Beer at meals and
between meals, both at
an aid to digestion and for
the tonic properties , of
the hops it contains. -
It. is rich in food Values
fromv the . Pabst Perfect
Eight-Day Malt, and con
tains only enough alcohol
to stimulate the digestive
;, organs to healthy action. . . .
lv Yoa will nerer acquire,
. trii." but overcome, the desire for
K? strong drink by using Pabst
J Blue Ribbon Beer, because
J n its food values far exceed
tw-'. its stimulating properties.
Fit and
I y$ f It J ,
- ,VVTotjiiggi4)
-'JUtiseav ' '
We don't change , the
character t of" bur all
wool fabrics, hence su-
r perior q u a 1 i t y, j! Our
clothes are high art de-
signed, hence style ' and
' fit. Our quantity . buy-
ing, hence ; low price.
.You cannot lose any--C
thing by . looking - at
,them. We gain a cus
tomer if you do, and
sell "you the clothes' that
are making us a record. ;
its food Tallies far exceed
v, :i-;-yf-' 5-' -f-. . -.Tf
et MiM Co.
zhi )Flc$ta
June 20
to 22, 'Of
' Uzil
Order j
This Ri
g&!S5g- Sterling pai7ilpfoiSfioes
Uofe ihe SiutpM
Style 174 Women's BunIonShoe, made ; for
those who have enlarged joint and are troubled
with callouses or corns on the bottoms of the
feet. Made of soft kid, with the intention of
giving relief to these feet., The most interesting
shoe of this kind made. "y.i' Qf 1 A
Saturday only ; . . j . ... . .. , .... . 1 47
Style 67 Women's Grover Lace Shoe, made by
t i itfj ' .. , . ... .
nana, 01 boh sua wun gooa weignt turn soies.
plain toe and a low, broad rubber heel; delight-1
fully comfortable. ; iJ-i,"tHAi A
Saturday only ........ '. ;,....... g)a(ai0e7
Style S 158 Nurses Juliets, made with rubber
heels, a wide round toe, stock tip and heavy
turn sole i the usual $1,75 kind, , , onJ1
Saturday only .J 1 L)5
Style S 163 Women's Grover Kid Juliet. madc :.
of very soft selected stock,; fitted with hand-S,
turn" soles and a patent tip, medium round toe "
and a medium heel; comfortable and n ice-appear- - Aa
ing enough for street wear, Saturday only. .9JC 1 J
Style S 150 Women's Soft Kid Juliets, made with turn soles,
medium round toe, patent tip, opera heel; f
splendid value. . Saturday only ; . . . ....... . . , . . . 0)
Style S 152 Women's Soft Kid Prince Albert, made with
elastic sides, as a Juliet, only a little lower cut in back; round
toe and low heels; very popular. ; Ai aq
Saturday only. . . . .... .MM.. . . , . . . ) 1 4O
Special Prices on Jan Shoes
''4t44J,A A
1 j
-.' 1 a 11 i
. Style 159 Women's Kid Juliets, made of nice,
plump kid, guaranteed elastic sides, turn soles;
good ones, patent tip, opera heel j .Jf Ofl
Friend maker; C to.EEE, 2yi to 9 . .Ol.LV
Style 160 Women's Kid Juliets, made of soft
dongola kid, wide round toe," low. OA
, broad heels, patent tip (soft) ; pair . .0 X eaC
Style B 2 Women's Grover Gypsy Button
Shoe, made by hand throughout, of soft kid,
with a plain toe and a low broad heel. - The
most comfortable shoe possible ' dQ A ft
to make ..,.,m..m;.JJiUI)
Style 68 Same style as No. 67 1 9 (
leather heels ....... ...............e.U
Style S 153 Women's Grover Kid Juliet, plain
toe, low, broad heel; all made by , t1 OA
hand ; pair ..... . . . ...... M . . . . . U 0 1 u U
Style S 157 Women's Hospital Juliets, made of nice kid
leather, turn sole, kid top, and medium round toe, fitted with
an CSuIlivan rubber heel. This Juliet we sell much under
value and it is a bargain at our price, ; : V; dt " OA
Women's Tan" Shoes priced in this Remarkable manner for
Saturday's selling. Reductions on four grades, all sizes and
many styles. Make this your day to buy tans, for these sav
ings are worth your while : vv.f
Recrular $5.00 crades sell Saturday for just ...... ....$3.89
$4.00 grades for ......83.10 $3.50 grades for ..... .$2.08
And the regular $3.00 grades for only ...............$2.69
.1. ,
me pur .........m........
Style S 153 Women's Plain Toe Kid Juliet, matte with hand,
turn soles, and has a low, broad heel. Nothing Of
here to hurt the feet; homely and comfortable .....01 eUif
Special Prices on White Shoes
Women's White Canvas Oxfords, cool comfort for the hot
days right at hand, specialized in surprising, fashion. Good
styles and the very best sorts. Why not save when you can?
All regular $2.50 grades of white oxfords for, the pair-.31.08
The regular $2.00 grades for only, the pair ........$1.09
And the regular $1.75 qualities selling Saturday for, pr.1.39
Merits Under- ZQ
wear Special .Vlf L
That means the choice of any 50c
garment in the stock, in white or
cream color. A repetition of the
splendid Friday bargain that has
kept the men's aisle busy all day.
A chance to choose from hun
dreds of garments in many differ
ent fabrics .and styles, and that
you can have them in long or
short-sleeved . shirts, and the
drawers come in knee or ankle
length. .Tis a chance for GOOD
Underwear, that is not likely to
be repeated; savings on any style
or finish you may choose, supply
your, summer, needs v wm
now. Choice of , all tf
50c goods VV
White Lingerie Waists 1-2 Price
v -
Five Hundred Sample Waists in a jgreat Saturday sale. An u
even half thousand of the ' daintiest and richest waists
ever shown in Portland at any price and bought at so low a
figure that we can, sell;them for half .what they v would bring ; ,t
at regular prices. Of the finest materials, iin the best styles,
trimmed in the .best possible taste, and in all ways waists to
be proud of. Cold weather in the eastern states has made
thin waists undesirable merchandise for this spring, and. we
more fortunate people of Oregon can profit by this turn of
affairs. So for Saturday we offer this grand assemblage of
handsome waists, regularly worth $3.00 O 1 DsjJ-.1
to $35.00 at -.a,.. ilail I I ICQ
Waists worth
$3.00 for .....
Waists worth
$4.00 for .
Waists worth
$4.50 for ....
Waists worth
$5.00 for
Waists worth
$8.00 for ....
.Waists worth
$10.00 lor t . .
i Waists worth
$12.00 for ....
Waists worth
$35.00 for'.
. $1750
J .. . a eW. . af
Iis, jky
i . ..'"."'. ...... " .
These are only samples of the values. Prices run by easy
stages all the way from $3.00 to $35.00.
Children's Coats Half Price Again
Children hare in the Saturday bargains as usual today. And wise mothers' will not
fail to come this Saturday, for this is about the last chance for these good savings
on the smartest kind of children's coats. Materials are silk and wool fabrics,, come in
plain or fancy, patterns, made in the best styles, for little maids ,from U1C
6 to 14 years of age.- On any one in the store save .1311
Third Floor Savings
Berry Bowls, fine cut arlass. 8
inch size,regularly worth $4.50,
Friday, CO fin
special '. . . . .. . .. . .... . . JW.VU
Cut Glass Berry Bowls, regularly
worth $6.5CI, o-inch size; special
ior,r:f.?..;.: $4.oo
VThlte Semi-Porcelain Dinner
Sets, strong, , durable ware, . in
pretty fancy shapes, specially
priced as follows:
50-pc. sets, special for... f 3.13
' 60-pc sets, special for.v.f 4.00
100-pc sets, special for... f 6.20
H2-pc sets, special for. . .? T.J.0
Table Forks, Al silver plate, reg
ularly $2.00 set; , ft A
special ." 4 ....epl.UU
Coffee Spoons, regularly $1.00
for set of 6;
special ...... ........ JUL
Sugar Spoons, regujatly iSQceach;
special, ' ' ,
Friday 1H
Cut Glass Water Sets, that sell
regularly for $7.50; ; iJC flft
special, Friday only ,..ep.UV
Glass Fruit Saucers, regularly 75c
the dozen; '
special ................... JUL
Glass Berry Bowls, regularly 50c
each; special' 1 Ki
Friday :. leJL
Glass Berry Bowls, regularly 35c
each; special 9fl
for Friday AVC
We sell the Automatic Refrig
erator, and we recommend it as
the greatest saver of ice and food
of any refrigerator on the mar
ket. : There are no flues in the
"Automatic'Vand no surface that
cannot be easilsv cleaned. Over
20 styles to choose from.
Refrigerators. Meat Safes. Wire
Dish Covers, Window Screens,
Lawn MowersT ' Garden , Hose,
Garden Tools and . Ice Cream
Freezers, - y 1
Small Wares Sale Prices
if v - i
Hand or NaO Brushes,, fine qual
ity, regular 50c , , 9Cj
values,. Friday ........... mIC
Violet Talcum Powder, ?
10c box for ..V.. ......... vC
19c Whisk Brooms, special.. 10
Moth Balls, the box, special. Kf)
White Tar Soap, for toilet or
shampoo, worth 10c -
cake DC
Celluloid ' Dressing Combs, , all
colors, large size, 1 Q
35c value .1.7C
Bond Linen Writing Tablets.l4e)
Safety Pins, nickel-plated, all
sizes, guarded spring, one C j
dozen on card, special ..... vL I
Embroidery Scissors, with faryey
nanaies, smau size, fi
50c value ......JtC
Detachable Dress Shields ' and
Corset Protectors, white, ; OQ.
worth' 60c, special ....... .kOl7C
10c box Wire Hair Pins, ; :
special UC
1 dozen White Pearl Buttons. Set
Hooks and Eyes, all
sizes, card .................eCsC
Writing , Paper, brocaded, hem
stitched ' edge, regularly worth
35c box, special sale 1 1 7
price, box 1IC
Writing Paper, white cloth ' fin
ish, worta 25c the .
box, special .............. .1 w C
Needlework Catalogs 5c Ea.
Expert Instruction on the latest fads in needlework by the best
artists in the country, through the Ladies' Home Journal Art
Needlework Catalogue. We have a large1 supply of these which we
will sell at 5a each, and this Includes one free pattern in needle
work. Tis a book which any woman who does fancy work should
have, and the cost is trifling. Buy one now and have a pattern free.
Pattern counter, main floor. Fifth street Annex. - . ' "
n r jl i i Free embroidery lessons are discontinued until
NOT I CP I' Jne 24. ' We 1 still . do stamping, a Art ; Depart
ment,' third floor.
Women's White Vests 33c
" iujiii..)i.i. ''"''ill', ii i Ui'i'ii 'i i ; ii i' . '' ii i.i iin i hi ii i mi
Very Fine White Lisle Vests,
low neck, sleeveless style, , with
fancy lace trimmed yoke, regular
50c value;' special ?
sale price .....,.........0)L
Women's Ouster Ribbed White
Summer Vests, with low neck and
wing sleeves,, a popular summer
garment,'; regularly ' worth 20c
each, special white
sale, pnee .......-.........'.luC
Women's White Lace Lisle Hose,
allover lace patterns, good wear-i
ing qualities, worth 10
35c pair lv
Boys Waists, a clearing sale of
3 styles. Mother's Friend, Colo
nial and Faultless makes, come
in soft finish madras regularly
worth 35c each, ; .
special . . . . . . . . .1m C
And in laundered or neplipree
style, worth 50c : , :
each, for ,...,...,... ..,.i!.wC
Women's - Lace Lisle Hose, im
ported goods,, fine 'white 1
very choice pattern, '
worth 50c pair; spec ! ...
tlisses Ilese, v.-' '
ages, worth 2":
pair, for
Cor. 3rd A rine Sts., Portlund.'
Phone Msln 460. -J-