The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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cub inn
scurifz rjAY
Miss Italia Blair Announces Geo Yot Hing Allows Heart Mayor Will Not Go on Stand
Her Engagement toXiber- to Drag Him Across Line Unless Abe -Kuef Is Called
, . ally-Named Spaniard,, . and Cannot Eetnrn. , :;,to. Tell His Story.
(Jon real Special Jtorvlce.)
San Franolsoo, June T. Unless
(Journal Special Service.) ft, Kt (Journal Special Service.) ; '
V Chlcaa-o. June .7. Miss Italia' Blair, I Log ' Angelea, June 7. LorV for
,?eald by Burne-Jonea to be the moat pretty little Mexican girl and aubllmo prosecution la the Scbmlts case decides
beautiful ' woman In America and ad- faith in the charm of General Henry to compel Aba Ruef to take the stand
mittedly a noted beauty In the middle W. Xawton'a name may causa tha da- and testifyfor tha people the defend-
west, ia betrothed to a Spanish noble- portatlon of Gee Tot Hlng, who has ant will not have to act as a wltneas In
own v years in me united oiaiest qui
who recently crossed the Mexican line
to work in a grading-, camp, and waa ar
rested on his return.
The Chinese while eondiKtin a ves-
hla bride to taurant at Calexlco. in the ImDerlal
, reside. - -- : , country, befriended a poor Mexican wo-1 ..A.r.. .;" "i iki. ihTT i.t
i me Biair ramiiy ia now in ni ana man ana nor ramiiy, including a 1 4-year-1 r.ij Li. . 7
in AnnouncAtnenL nmi in a. letur iu i nin nAu,nmr. 'I ni -i ri waa nrnm im in i . - -. - -
relatives. The marriage will take place I marriage in return for the kindness. f?ee
i man whose name begins with Don Rl
cardo and trails off into a list of titles
a yard long. His father is a marquis
anil a hereditary senator of Bnaln ana
( the family possesses a palace in Madrid,
where the groom will take
uls own behalf. This was decided thia
morning at a conference of tha attor
neys for tha defense. They believe
they will be able to prove the Innooenea
of Mayor pcnmlt without taking; the
after onions are released
Rooeevelt Will Be Bnjr Man When
'y'llV VWta Exposition ia'j-
'rT- - Virgin!.
Fire Marshal Orders Laddies Government Throws ' Valu
.10 ujase weanng insignia -nWfl TimW Land On
in the Spanish chapel In Paris, Miss J went to work as a cook in the grading
Kiair having emoraced me noman wain-1 camp, tnree miles below the Mexican
MV . V..1 . vlUU. Dl UOIUW ' L 11 W 1'1CA1..D'1
faith in preparation for her mar-1 line believing an envelope bearing the
rlaira. She la a daughter of Chaunoey
I. Blair, very wealthy In her own right
and will inherit a large fortune. The
" wadding will take place either June 10
or July 1, and the young people will
' Immediately go to Madrid. The groom
has never visited this country, having
met Miaa Blair In Paris. -
name of General Lewton. for whom he
cooked in California and the Philippines,
The Drosecu lion still maintains -si
lence with regard to its proposed course
of action In relation to Ruef. Heney
declares he win be able to send Bcbmiti
to Ban Quentln without Ruefa testl
mony. ,. - . . - v .:
The same large crowd which attended
gave him the right to cross and reerossL.ihs same large crowd which attended
the line. .He Is now held In tha eounty the- .rt : two"M,onV on hn
Carefully tacked away la an inner
pocket the Chinese carries a photograph
of his late master, whose death be wit-!
nessea. ana a button rrom nia unirorm.
He refused ta give them up and. was I
allowed to retain tha treasures.
centl Tabooed by Kalaer Sub
Ject la Occnpvlng' Attention.
v (Special Dicpatca le Tha leeneLt
- Pendleton, Or Jane T Oregon'a naw
. weed law, drawn and Introduced by Rep
resentative Barrett of Athena, is to be
strict! v enforced In Umatilla county,
according to action taken by the Uma
tilla county court. The wheat and grain
, fields are to be kept clear as far aa poa-
Blble of Russian thistle Canadian thla
le, white mustard and ouckle burr.
' The law provides that wherever the
proprietor of land upon which la located
any of the obnoxious weeds rsfuses or
neglects to exterminate them the road
u per visor shall go upon the land and
remove them, and that the expense In
curred shall serve as a lien against tha
property. ,; -. . '
early today. The number 'of women ia
the audience waa considerably less.
Jean Loupy, proprietor of the Pup
restaurant prior to the fire, was the
rirat witness. He la said to have ar
ranged the details of the extortion.
Loupy told the story - of hla arrange
ment with Ruef for the protection of
tne restaurant men. tie said ne went
to Ruef and asked him why tha licenses
war liAlft ti n m A .t.'l him ,A Ulr,
it rer t,ooo a year on a two years
contrast, navabla in advance In our.
Recreation Which Waa Until R-rency. He told him to see the other
reeiaurani men ana see wnai mey were
wining to ao. ho called on several ana
thsy thought the price too high. Then
he saw the smaller restaurant men but
they would hot come In. Finally Ruef
agreed for 15,000 a year to handle tha
case for five big restaurants. This
money was collected and paid to Ruef.
On .cross-examination . lt developed
that Bchmits frequently dined at tha
Pup with Ruef and alone. Loupy said he
o to Kuer because, ne reared mm
or had been threatened but because he
(Joarasl gperial Berrfe.) ' ' .
Berlin, June 7. One ef ' tha most
characterlstlo slgna of modern ' Oer
many la tha energy with which bar rul- Mla",t."1
. . - "i -.. lor had
in Giu-es are enaeavonng w rosier a ... th noiitlral. bos and he
taste for snort..' On a nf the tnanv h, mtmm A f tt 4miiiir'tiia
In which these etTorta have taken abapa admitted Ruef Wt want to take the
. ,,,.., at first but he finally induoed him
is a ao-cailed lnternaUonal aport exhl-l, do mo on th. mmunA ,ot neraonai
bitlon Just opened In Berlin' by-thai friendship. The defense forced Loupy to
crown prince, who also gave -expression I admit that he went to Ruef not Ruef to
. Hs
to his enthusiasm for the objects of I him.
display at a-banquet Just held. Tha
vk.. . t!S .j'TZi'rt armn'-I)nk Adolf Friedrich of Meek
Lebanon, Ind.. June v. Tne . court l wnh- ,h. .ki.
this morning declared George Rhodlua,
a millionaire,' insane, and appointed a
ruardian for tilm. . Upon thl
Lima Dare, a resort keeper. ywiH be ar
rested . on h . chflTBO " r - kidnaping
Rhodlus and her .marriage to him an
nulled. ' 'V - t '
Tha editor of the California Chris
tian Advocate was asked to name some
minister he had absolute confidence in
to thoroughly investigate the claims
that chronic Brlght'a Disease is now
curable and report .the flndlnga to that
paper.. He appointed tha Rev, V. 6.
Urmy of ' Berkeley, one of the most
. .if thoroughly respected and widely known
ministers in the California Conference.
- He went at the matter with energy and
- earnestness. - Following la the full re
port of his investigation. It will be of
lenburg, who waa the chief promoter of
the show, - also spoke and deecrlbed
crettv accurately the nnnttlon nf thlnn
a decision "J ?"wLn?
(Continued from Page Ona)
"The time Is not far distant when the
word sport sounded unpleasantly to us, I
ana in me last lew years even there
Mr. Stevens .stated today, however
that !, ha had . not made ; the statement
waa a widespread view that any one and would causa hla office afmnly ta
S?- ZV.T..Hd0?. T" ? foUow tha " Instructions of tha diatrlci
acflbed man. That love for art and attorney. : a,' n-V"1;.':, 'O',. 'V
science and love for sport could gol ' Tower Is Questioned,
band In- hand the German would not I tn ih, Mininn mm
admit. He forgot that in history pre- there is arave doubt as to the ability
ciseiy ine greatest among the emperora of either District Attorney Manning or
wi ouidm miumu" maa precisely mei Mayor Lane to close tne saloons or
greatest intellectual heroes of modern Portland on Sunday, because of nueer
times have, with glowing passion, taken and not wel lknown sentenoe in the city
an active part in aport If other nations charter. It is provided in etbdivislon
have surpassed . us in this respect we 4 of chapter t, article 4, of the charter,
have now, at any rate, outlived our na- as follows: "No provision of the law
tlve opinions. Gradually but with eon- concerning tha sale or disposition of
vinclng force wa have learned that sport any spirituous, vinous, fermented or
la not merely an outcome of superflu- malt liquors in Multnomah county shall
ous strength and time, but a actor f apply 1 tha sale or disposition of the
high national ' importance," ;,,( "lsaipa tnUie city of Portland."
suy souur utw
It haa been held by vartoua attorneya
who have been Investigating: the aues
tion tnat this provision of the charter
nullifies the state law In ao far as
Portland 1s concerned and that for that
reason, neither the district attorney nor
tne mayor can cioee tne saloons on
(SpHl Dtoptton 'XIw'fcaraL .1
of - Their Qrder. '
Joorl apecUl Bervlce.) r '
Chicago, June 7. Havlnr stamoed tha
domination of union labor out of pub
lic . schools. Mayor ' Busse has turned
hla attention to the . fire department
Hia first step, in the disintegration of
tne organisation which snrans un and
waa riourisninf unoer toe i)unne admin
istration was taken 'When Fire Marshal
Horan Issued positive orders forbidding
the wearing of union buttons.
"We simply made up our minds tha
union dissolved," . said Mar
shal Horan. . "When Mayor Busse ap
pointed me, he told me to run the de
partment In the Interest of the taxpay-
to Entrymen.
, (Jeanial Special aervtce.)
"Washington, D. June 7.-President
and Mrs. Roosevelt and guests leave
Sunday night on the Mayflower for the
celebration of Oeorgla Day . at . James
town. They will be mef by Governor
Terrlll and staff and the exposition of
ficials. The president will be' escorted
by the Georgia troops and regulars un
der General Grant to the stand where he
will speak and review .the Holdlcrs and
receive on behalf of the officers of the
battleship Georgia, a silver service from
the oltisens of the state. There are to
be two receptions and an address be
fore the National Editorial association.
He wllj return to Washington the same
night : . V - '..,'.,.. ,
; ' ; ; New Dental Examiner. ,
(Special DUpatek to The JoersaL)
-Salem, Or., June 7. -"-Governor Cham
berlain has appointed Dr. J. M. Yates of
Portland and Dr. Mark Hayter of Dal
las to be members of tha state board
of dental . examiners, to succeed Dr.
Larkln of Newberg and Dr. Lincoln of
Im uranae. v v
(Wiibyiftoa area of Tke JoaraaLI ;'
'Washington, June T. Tha foreat
service today announced the restoration
to publlo . domain of 1,710,110 acres,
which had been withdrawn. temporarily
for forest tnirooses in Oregon ' Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming and 'Colorado. The
lands restored, in Oregon aggregate
08,480 acrea- .
In each Instanoa the lands named are
adjacent to forests designated, 116,840
acres near uoose lane in national for
est Klamath and tLake counties, 150.
880 acres In Fremont forest Crook
county, n,93Q. acres in wenana rorest.
41,160 acres in wana
ers ana tne puoiio. we nave naa sur- I ZvZt. . "At
flclent examples of what tha nnino S.480 acres- in Chesnlmus --. -J...1 . i ti, . . ... I ' Knw na lands am retain
Tne riremen-a union had oaaajd trou- -. ' K'SrZttTi.'iZ KUfC Malt WfllSKeV.
iviipi, e'vimv aanaavey awas wewv -
as at awej m M M , as at nm m a J a-4i a
iRIiiietpears of Age
: Mrs. Mercy Woodworth, of BowdQmham,s Me., who
w'an f west was.90 years of age on Oct. 24th, 1906, says that she owes
Havemnonta strength' and vigor, to the great Elixir of Life, Duffy's '
ble ever , since It waa formed. Non
union nremen bad been ostracised and fVl4vV- L.'il
assaulted, r Witnesses have prjured .03,10, and Wyoming, 14,410 acres.
terlorated rapidly. It la now proposed
to restore It to the aama standing as the
puDiio acnooia under tne new regime.
i ; - i
One Woman Charfec Brutalltj and
Tiro Others Allege DeMrtlona
in Complaints.
Three wlvea appealed to tha divorce
court for relief from their matrimonial
bonda yesterday afternoon, , one charg
ing her husband with cruelty; and two
charging desertion. Clara Wencel al
leges that William Wencel failed to
support her and called her vile names
Hn tha presence of her friends and rela
tives. . Bbe asks a -divorce and the priv
ilege or resuming . ner maiden name.
In an interview, Mrs. Woodworth says : J , , ,.. , . - "
r ."I was ninety years of age October 24, 1906, and I. can truthfully aay
that DUFFY'S PURE M ALT WH I S JCE Y i a tonic and itimulant.for tha
(Continued from Page Ona) ' . , I go-ed i'i unexcelled. It hat done me more good than any Other medicine,' and
and real estate for another road at Sa-1 I cannot say too mtach in praise of this great medicine and what it. has dona
attle and Tacoma and fighting tha prog-1 tnr ? ,r i , .-. :.: .' "'-';V' i''':1' '
road. . i" I-.- . . " ; . . . .-w .
faculties and remain strong and vigorous.-'-' ;v . t. - .f ':Vi V
" "No one except those who have tried it can comprehend what Duffy's
Pare Malt Whiskey .will do to build up and strengthen the system ?
"As long as the good Lord Will let me live I will alwsys sing the
praises of your.' great medicinal whiskey.', g.'i' y-' . ". J: i Q
reBS of the. North Bank
It la pointed out that from Portland
to the Sound there is excellent service
by the Northern Pacific, and the Port
land & Seattle railroad will furnish ad
ditional trackage and equipment, while
the sea furnishes a free highway Open
to alL Tbs Harrlman systsnv- after
futile attempts to check the building
of the Hill lines down the Columbia, is
now paralleling the Northern Paciflo
tracks between Portland and the Sound,
., Cauae of XoatUlty. .,
To build another road when ample
facilities now exist, to stoo roads rrom
building that are needed, to refuae to
furnish facilities 1 where no exist and
In these undertakings to use vaat por
tions of a surplus fund accumulated
throurh years of high transportation
rates, ia the policy which la responsible
ror tne nostiie sentiment anown oy tne
is distilled wholly from malted grain by a most expensive method which
ins never "been made public. This private process insures quality , and
flavor. ' Its softness, palatability -and freedom from those injurious sub- ,
Jennings. They were married la April, Oregon people towards tha Harrlmaaf stances found in other whiskies, mike it acceptable to the most sensitive
10I. . (lines. ' . ' I . .... . . , , . - '. - .. . , y ;:;
c)!vtnnfa Vv. ! Inn. TAftArn. I o..4.H t..i- . . . i. i i
profound interest to nephrlUcs and dla- GMraI r. D. Atkinson today rendered that the charter provision is clearly
TV'the Editor of tha Calif orni. Chrla- tha oplnJon .that a county . board of t$&t& .."ximp'tlo
tlan Advocate: - ' I canalisation haa no authority to raise
Dear Sir: I investigated. the matter .h. ..iu.tini. ..! ..,..
without giving legal written notice to
owners of Intention to raise Its value
Of the Fulton Compound to And whether
or not It was what its friends asserted
- it to be a real cure for Bright a Ols
. ease and Diabetes. - I called on about a
dosen persons and came Into possession
' of facte which are little short of mirao-
ulous. ; ..:.- :., v.
It la well known that the medical
books and living authorities unite la
asserting that Brlght'a Disease la In
curable, nd that Diabetes, when . fas
tened on the system, is also an incur-
aole malady. My astonishment waa In
tense when I heard from the lips of
perfectly reliable people that they had
,oeen entirely ana, permanently cureo oy
the faithful Use of the remedy alluded
, to, accompanied by proper dieting.
A druggist of San Francisco, whom
. I have? known by reputation for fifty
years, told me that several physicians
had declared his case Incurable (Brlght's
.Disease), and gave him only ninety
days to live, advising him to close up
' his affairs in view of speedy death. He
Is now in good neann, attending daily
to his business, and looks as If be
- might live twenty years. He was cured
four years ago.-- ; v-..'.. .
A lady or Han Francisco, who 1 a re
assessment purposes; but in the
same connection he holds that when
the board has made such increase it
cannot be reduced after the board haa
adjourned, and the county treasurer Is
without authority to accept any less
amount or taxes man shown by the in
creased valuation rolls. The only rem.
edy is for each Individual property
owner to bring an action to compel the
treasurer to accept the original amount
assessed. ' The prosecuting attorney of
jracmo county, woo aaas ror tne opinion
is advised not to resist the application
for reduced assessment if it appears
that the Increase was Uleaally made. ' i
Portland which are denied other- parts
of the state. - In other words tha pro-1
vision places Portland above the law
which Ilea ever the rest of the state!
so far as the Sunday closing of sa
loons is concerned.
Win ruralsh Teat.
: Jt la thought, therefore, that tha pro
posed action of , the district attorney
in , enrorcinr ine stare law wiu serve
as a. test or tne law oy tne Portland
uquor interests.
Mrs. Julia-Reevee chargee that Mat
thias Beeves deserted her in October,
104. They were married in, Nebraska
in September, 1887.' Mrs. Reeves aaka
a divorce, the custody of their two
cnuoren a no mo a montn alimony.
-Victor Patureaux was sued for a di
vorce by .Margaret Fatureaux- on the
ground of desertion, beginning in Feb
ruary. 10. They-were married In
eeptemcer. isos.. . Mrs. Patureaux
wishes to resume her maiden name, Mo
Donald. .. v h: .'-,"--.'.-: i.
H O. Tan Dusen, master fish warden
for Oregon, who waa at the Imperial
hotel yesterday; said that tha work
Of killing; off tha sea lione at tha mouth
of tha Columbia haa resulted In great
benefit to tha fishery men. More than
400 of the animals that destroy the
salmon were killed and tha hunters
have left for Tillamook Head, where
i they will remain - during the nesting
season oi vne sea Hons, ana Kill 0a as
many more as tney can. ' .
Mr. Van Dusea said that the aea lions
enter the . nets where the salmon are
enmeshed and-. destroy nearly, half the
catch. The sea lions bite Into one fish
tnen pass on and bite into another, thus
destroying large numbers. The fish
are helpless and , their . destroyers only
take ona bite into them Inatead of de
vouring tnem entirely.
Less Than Half Usual Yield of Grain
Is Expected by Farmers
, This Yea.
-r . . - .tv . - ! .
have been submitted to for many years I It is an absolutely pufe. gentle and invigorating stimulant aftd tonic.
would &ffi?2k I " antitoxin which destroys and drives out all disease germs.
ski iiAuiMnAM tftev asatasa a a AeMfsai s euieaaa Ans iiarva viaiBiiiasei Tnni inn lirrnirinifni inn naarr irivs a nnwpr rn
naaAM ' ThaaaA aSnnaiei at ra na rl 1A I ai 1 1 tf .a .. .a e . a a a . e a '
di.n.1 M ror th."Hlrrimii Vnnuii an. i the Draw and elasticity to tne muscies, enncnct me oipoa ana sootnes ana
nouncement of 'a central Oregon road
la always followed by Inactivity.
heals the mucdus membranes. ; It brings into action all the vital forces.
It makes di&restion perfect, and enables you to-get from the food you eat
the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked men;' delicate
and ,v sickly . children. It
COMPANY FORMED itrengthens the system, Is a promoter
of health and longevity, makes the old
young and keeps ' the young strong.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form
of food already digested, and . is re
cognized as a medicine everywhere.
Constrnot line ' In . Umatilla
County and Kun Boats on
.y'- ' Three)' Rivera. . ;-
(Jonrnal gpeelal Bervlce
Chicago, June 7. Keports.from Kan
sas this morning aay tha crop condition
la only 62.J, May frosts having lowered
(Jonrnal Special Berries.)
Pittsburg, June 7. Nan Patterson, tha
vru(i win pa oniy aoout tv.uuo.uuu Duen
' . v rT JT " "Florodora" actress, and thrice tried for els, while the normal - is over '80,00,00S
' 1 ' ' DALLAS COLLEGE the murder of Caesar Toung, the New bushels. Cereal opened lower, with July
' ' Tork bookmaker, la again In the lime t I'&u" Jh,.',S.rTwt
want wlM. ,, ... ...
(Special Olapateb to The Joamat)
her husband, Leon O. Martin, a former
mencementexerclse. sfv Dalla. college gS-TgWaaJrfi
tOOk Place Wednesday. The araduatlne her axnerienna in th Totnha i . . T
'lated to one of the Chief Justices of the! class number's seven, as follows: Orrie I 8ne arrived In Pittsburg late last wee It
Juliet oukm, o.ouu ui uij ymnic. i v. Arnoia, james jjean uomns, waiter I vn n"r ai me union uepoisne
E. critchiow. Clarence M. Dodson, W. was a riven to a aown town notei, wnere
Harrison r Carendrlck. Alt a savaxe. "he registered under an assumed name.
KTanaia uirera nayter.
that she had Diabetes in Its worst form.
Dropsy ' set In and every part of her
'bod became badly swollen. 'Her finger
'nails dropped oft, and one of her fingers
. had no nail for fifteen months. She was
entirely, cured eight years ago and bad
' had no return of the dlaease nor its
symptoms.' She eats what she chooses,
, t A prominent insurance man of strict
Integrity related to me Jhe case of his
son, who was far gone with Brlght's
Disease, ao that he expected " to die
within a few weeks. His body waa Im-
mensely bloated with - dropsy, - so that
he could hardly . see. - He commenced
taking; the remedy, r - His dropsy disap
peared. -He was a mere skeleton, but
be (fan to regain flesh. He now weighs
180 pounds and is completely well, at
tending regularly to his business.
I,, have, seen parties Connected with
three of the papers of San Francisco
and their statements are similar. They
- .assert that they, or their friends, have
boen -thoroughly cured and that they
have the fullest faith in the remedy be
ing entirely efficacious. ;
f one gentleman. Keeping a nighty re
spectable rooming-house of San Fran
cisco, detailed his case to me. He was
'art v..k that ha ratuM tint wallr a hlnrlr
without resting. He is now strong and
hearty. His cure was effected fourteen
Honorary dearreea wer eonferreil aa l
roiiows: Master or arts, in course, upon
Rev. Daniel A. Poling- of Canton, Ohio;
aocior or aiviniiy, upon Key. j. w.
Domer of South Fork, Pennsylvania;
doctor of laws, upon Key. Henry D.
Kimball, D. dean or Kimball school
of theology, Willamette university.- v
The commencement program closed !
tha moat successful year In the history
ot vaiiaa coueg-e. x
Since that time ahe has been consDlcu-
ous in restaurants and cafes when the
lights were ortgntest.
:- - m . .- '.
Atorla ; Foreetera' Officers.
' (SpeeUl tHSpateb to Tke JAoml. " J'
Astoria, Or.; June-1. At'' regular
meeting of Court Astoria, Foresters of
America, ine zouowing orncera-. were
elected for the enauin term: Past
chief ranger, P. H. Hadden; chief ran per,
leinenweDer; suo-cnier, J. feder-
H. B.
son: recordina seoretary.,,!!.
Rspoia; lecturer.
BTJilAUl TY V! UV1 .111 V. , A. fcyLVUftk
O. A. Minard; , trustee" W. C.
and H. Bchtel.
:urer, i
(Jonrnal Special Service.)
Washington. D. C, June T. A bill in
equity which the department of Justice I
haa under preparation for smashing the'
anthracite coal carrying- railroad trust,
aVa been arUlltV Of fixnr a tnnannrta. I nroAit a ft.. llv.. An
y5aT5.0 ana ha" naa no ftur Won rate on anthracite coal and of un-1 selected or badly cooked food for a long
LMjFtZJptWi,'JJ !' 'tfH1 d,l5?,,ri,'ia!?n- ' v . tlm. perhaps, and when their ailments
r 8 ' " "u mmpiaini win oe i Decome onronio, tney expect tne uoctor,
their testimony to the curaUve powers directed against the Phifadeiphla and with soma magic potency, to Instantly
v. mo .viiiv.. yu, a nmvw , miv ... (IU .vbwuhib voi--.ii MUiwn.iw a VT.ll feDUUO them.
-wen ana ntttwiy. omer says mail wn n iwn, ouatjueiianna at west
ern, ana rue juris ec Lienign veuey. .
three . friends of his who - were hope
lessly: ui (two with Brlght'a Disease
and the ether with Diabetes) were com
pletely cured and that he has no mors
- doubt of the curability of these diseases
' than that he is living. TheseTnen are
prominent In the lesal fraternity. - - -
I might' give other - Instances, but!
these wui suffice. -It Is not a recent
discovery.' ? Thft cures I have lnvestl-
gated Tud from'' one year to fourteen.
, My own' deliberate -opinion la that a
perfect cure for Brlght'a Disease and
. s Diabetes - haa been' f last discovered,
and that while there, are some failures,
the cures effected are eighty-seven pe
'cent of the persons afflicted.' ,,.
1 believe it te be the duty of every
lover of his kind to- spread this good
news ' and thus help save -from' death
some f the thousands who yearly peri
lh from these diseases. -1 ' have ne
financial Interest In the matter. :
? : ;v- , VT. B. UBJCT.'f
- Perkeley, July ' 1805. -- -
' If any one having- knowledge of a
cane of Brlght's Disease or Diabetes
'will send the name and address, we will
see that they are sent full literature
concerning this remarkable discovery.
For sale byH druggists. Trade eup-
pned by t larke-Woodward urug Co.
hi;sie druggists, I'ortland, Or.
went wild. -
.IiOndon. June T. "Sir . Hnnnhnw."
owned by'Pobst ef Milwaukee, the only
American horse entered in today'a com
petitions at the horse show, won first
prise in the hackney stallion class of
four-year-olds- and un. Sir Hnmnhm
L Also, won the champion gold cup for the
- ' (Journal StMdsI Sarvlee.l
Stockholm, r June 7-Prlnoess Mar
garet, wife of Crown Prlnoe austavua
Aaoinnus, today gave birth to a son.
tuv uiuf. uwr tu toe lurone. ..
' (Joarnal Special Berrlce.l
Bombay. June 7-iA cyclone today
Sweot away tha town at TfiirrnrM mi
it is reDorted that several ateamera ra
ashore. It ia feared that the loss of
HA aaxyv. -i ' ' . '
Bogus Check Suspect Flees ;
(Special Dlipfttch to Tbt JoarnL)l
Axtfnrla fir ' Tuna 1 TVi Ttulra
TW?l.t possible . The 'Mr'JJl
us checks,
ailer Mb-
' , (Specisl Olspateh te the' Joersal.) V
Salem, Or., i June 7.Artlclea of In
corporation have been filed ': for the
Open Blver Railway e Kavlgatioa com
pany, which proposes to maintain and
operate a railway -from a point near
Cold SDrlnaa, on the south bank of the
Columbia river, la Umatilla county, to
Holdman, : In Umatilla 1 county, and to
operate 'boat on the Columbia, Snake
and Willamette rivers. The main of
fice will be Pendleton.. . The company la
capitalised at 1250,000. The Incorpora
tors are C. E. Curry, E. W. MoComas
and OkvA. Hartman. .- ..'. 'i i,
OATmOV-CoU by all dru-f1a.
gteoeia aad aVealere or aireei, la eealea
bottles emlyi never la balk. Price, SI.
Zasiat ea the g-eaniae. and aee that the
"Old ChemtsV' trademark te on the
labaL . Beware f relUled botUee aad
spurious malt whiskey substitutes of
fered for sale fey unreliable dealers.
They axe positively harmful aad will
net - cure. . Illustrated medloal booklet
and dootora advice free. Duffy Malt
Whiskey Co.. Boohestar, W. T. - - -
Fishing Outfit Recovered.
(SDecial Disnateh to The JearaaLI
Astoria. Or., June T. The flshboatand
gear stolen from Fisher Bros.' dock was
recovered from - the other-' aide of the
alio thgjf It waa taken from. The only
thing missing waa a part or tne net.
' Monday positively the last day of die-
count or west piae s;aa onis.
and tcartakc your choice:,
rSchilling-'s Best at'your
is oniy aiay rroata Having lowered SJ mf f -I.'-
It from the government eatimata of J'sT T O C C T..S . MOnCy DaCK
May 1 of 82, which Indicates that thaf . -'
Tear srecer retsmi year Beaey if res lest
like Schfltlnf'i Best; ws par alow
Turna. lrale Cheeks to-rink.
Our -best phylciana of the present
Attv mAmV tn 0tirAi riAtliinta hv thA hha nt
may be filed within two weeks. It will food, rather than drugs, and this la the
do cnargeu mat these railroad com- true method, tor all physicians agree i
imnm mt jiariica'uio contracts and I tnai oniy rrom xooa can tne ooay pe re-
agTeemenis, ana to a comomation ror built. ? . . ,
pooling interstate frelgh Vend that they Many people fall to give their physl-
ueen iruiiiy oi xixinK a iransDorta. I clans credit, ror after ll
method Is to turn aa anlckly as can be. Jf" fjiii0"
tov proper food. A Cincinnati, Ohio, Dfiala.m Ivenint wfilaH
young- lady, says: "I was variously iean was watcwSa lS do aom
rtA1 tnr m-r. narvaia. miianlaa limn iean was watcning him dO SOm
xren.VX'! fX. ?mihprXtoW feVVlnrtUdJruV;
Finally, my appetite
which he disappeared.
failed com
pletely and I began te -have sinking
spells similar to fainting. I took all
manner of : tonics and stimulants, but
they were or no effect, - -1 bad been
brought to quit drinking coffee and
taklna- Postum Food Coffee In its nlace.
ana gradually oegan to get a pttie bet
ter. ' i ... ,;- v X. ;
some one euaeested tnat ir i round i wmte. .black, vaiiow r tm. mi.h
tnn orinunK. z van i.uiiiuittir: Tin rm n I . . . . . . . . I . -. . . . -
Harafitoti hSrn5r mualti aVifi BwTwnri. JTOstum so Denenciai i naa oetter use l aa sooot is noes each daring the year.
Daldfitu food, as they were both.the averair. of aoraething Jlke 17,000,00
(Speeial Dispatch te The Joornat)
- Astoria, Or., June, T. The Fourth of
July committee appointed front the
High school haa organised with the fol
lowing as chairmen ' of committees:
Auditing-, Maybelle Larsen: advertising!
ana printing, von uuiuuime: paraae,
namuton wrner;
Donald Stuart: lite
The .Triumphant Trolley. -- .
Frem ' th Tri-BUte Toarlat. " . V
It is Mtlmated that a boot S.OOO.000.000 Dt-
fengers wer carried by the trolleys of the
eoantry last year, aboat 4,000,000.000 or 8,000
000,000 more than traveled br steam.
una nw mrmrj nia, woman ana cnua,
terary 'exercises; Birdie
i D1IU1D1 1
Wiaa: amuaamanfa. PaVr cnuaren or ope Drain. x commenced on
lions, - mary v;iarx; suosonpiions.
Orai j-Nuts food for breakfast., having-
Tuomala. 'n , J .- roura vim nil zouna tne xooa bo
Six hundred dollar that Wa leftover u,""iy. u""ul"u" "u avpvuains vnai
from the 1806 ? celuebration was -turned
jver to the. committee, j Astoria is pre
paring . for a great celebration.
.j.i-l-.; " 1 Hll H .HIS I . I i .1
; ' ' Washington 'Bond Baj
(Special bUpaich te The JonraaL)
- Olympia, Wash.. June 7,i The state
board of finance today' purchased fltO.
000 bonds of school district No. 1,
xaxima county, paying per cent n-
lercaw ' .- j
I always looked
i with pleasure.
forward , to t breakfast
Shortly, after commencing thia diet
my. wretcnea pain in tne side was gTeai
ly relieved, and now It has gone en
tireiy,. also the sinking speus; in fact,
my pale cheeks have changed to Dink.
I have rained back "more, than the
twenty pounds I lost, and am thoroughr
11 in every way. i Bead "The Road
lr we:
to WellvUla,'' in pkga,
"Thare'a a Bea-
000 DS
were cameo at nr.
' Nearly a third of a million persons have
mcir names oa tne payrolls ol the trolley com.
ptnln of the eoantry.
in spite or the rapid oefeloDment of eleetrte
tiatt raUwaya, there are stlU operated la
this country 290 miles of , horse ear. line nd
S40 Bile of cable lines, ,,
In view er t be talk nreralent . today - aboat
the dancers Incident to traval. It is interesting
to note that on the street railway but one
petaoa Is killed Is 6.000.000 and bat one ner.
sos to hurt In 800,000 of those carried. -
Monday nositlvely the lest day ef die-
1 count of west side gaa bills. ;
: Every day some one11 comes
in and asks for more of that
"Good floor paint." People
who bought a small quantity
of Sogers Stainfloor Finish
last year found they got their
money's worth, so thev come
this year for more of It for
-il ' - . '.. .1 .- I V
oincr pans oz . uie ' nouse.
Rogers Stainfloor J Finish
meets all requirements for
household iise any one can
apply it it dries over night
--does not scratch, mar or
show; heel mirksosily
cleaned with a damn raew-no
back-breaking s c ru b b ing.
Une gauon covers 300 square
feet and costs $2.75: half gal
lon, $1.45 quart, 75c ; pint,
4oc ; eight choice colors. For
less than 1 ' cent per square
foot you can make your old
Sine - uoors iook uice - new
ardwood. There is nothing
else . quite so good for luio-
I. .. J -11 li :
icuuia emu su interior wood-
work. Booklet, "Care" of.
Floors,", free for the asking.'
. She Tela Store ',
v hoae kfala S0S3 ;
H wxwotti.l w OilMti n mil aiwaaiu
I . ... . ... "if :
Choose a Stein-BIocb Snit
Cor. Wnshinnton 2nd Tcnlh
The Store Where :
Tear Credit Is Oood
Ytwuei oiiiw,yii www m m W m u .