The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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    7,1 rh rfS
JP YOU inak'c your "Wast" Ms
tiacly, Journal readers will jdo
the rest.' . ;v:-( r..y-r!t-!-,:
; AThe Wefttber Fair tonight; Sat
urday fair and warmer. 1
Journal Circulation
VOL. VI. NO. 80.
on Tuinrs wd f "
SlAKlJe. fill Ci
7 1
i i
I .-V , , .
Local Postmaster .Will r Not
Beg Merchants to Buy, as ;
Seattle Head Did.
:,r, wv. . ... . . ivy v
Official Notice Sent to Saloons Law to
Be Enforced in Spirit and Letter.
Sheriff: Stevens Will Go District At
torney One Better It' Is Reported
Will Shut : Up All Kinds of Business
i '. Vv.' ., ' ''' - - ' " -' ' :. .:.: 'if .V : K SIJ:S - " -.
.Although Seattlahas passed into lh
clasi ' whereby hf p'ottmuttf' U .'
...rialarr ot t,000 a year. whll Pot.
tnMXtw Minto of the Portland offlc Will
. able to draw only irora uncta
. ' am'a traaaury. Portland bualneja men
"put. on aunny amlla of eatlafactlon
in the knowledge that-portland'a; d-
!i vanoement came about ; In a legitimate
. aale of atampe, while Poatraaater Stew-
- art of the Sound city, went about the:
towna 'and clttea adjacent to Seattle I Portland and Multnomah bounty la to
- ltd requeated the leading; cltlaena to wear the' lid doae ahut on and after
ppronaae large .quanuue ox BismtiB "Hiwf, ..
'"'from the BeatUe office. I : Jdiitrlct attorney for Multnomah "county.
Thila thera la no known atatuter that ! to be the weight that keepr the top
rulea againat the action of the" Seattle on aod down.Sherlff Stevena, ao he la
poatmaater in thua obtaining an tncreaae reported to have a id. WlU add tfte avor
' , tof . aalary, ethica are auppoaed to regw-ioupoia or aim okicv to n
. .1,- f Mimit,ri in avail I enforce the aVate law. providing for Sun-
greater man iiuie n vwouiv , w----.
- ink the affalra or rneir omcea. y ""-V. u 4 '
Poatmaater Minto will receive' a aal- ' People of Multnomah couhty muat fUl
ary of 15.000 a year commencing July 1, P the larder on Saturday , week and
inatead of $4,000 a year aa heretofore, provide Sunday amuaement and rofreah
becauae the aUmp aalea Of , the Portland ment before the midnight bell baa tolled
Office exceeded 1600,000 in ; the flacal or they wiU be both ry and namnacd,
.nin. M.rrh ii. r' Poatmaater . ' , Kaimin zaroroea xw. ,
at. .rt nf SMtti will receive tS.000 a ' John Manning haa laaued an official
, Stewart of Seatue wm "v" " jtatament te the aaloonkeepera of the
year l?eeau;8 the 'Jl?."? city of PoHland and of Multnomah
. flee exceeded 00,000 laat year. PoaU cou'nty aumr their attention to aeotlon
maatera can -recelveno hher "alary m4 f th- code making it unlawful for
"mi o,uuu,.avo in """."'J'.r"" them to do buaineaa on eunaay. e ai
i aoectal act of conareaa granted the poat-i,t. th.t nn mt, Rnnriav. JTuna
- mastwr 18,000.,- . ' 1 n.i,. 1 1, the muat obaerve the law or pay
That 'the advancement-of J8-",1, the penalty.- .i -f
'.atkmp aalea were accomplished by """" ,
t ; inr to residents of other cltlea haa neeni . . -
known' for aeverai montha.- No other
' reason can be glven for the phenomenal
Innrnaaa over hr aalea of the year be-
fore, when t PorUand led her by many ,
- thousand dollara. -. Up tf January l,f
1007,-Portland . ana eeatiie were, nwrai
lvntn for - the year ending. March 81,
107.: After that date monthly atate-
menta t of Seattle receipia were impos
' Bible to obtain. . '
PorUand - aalea ahowed the aame
steady increase over 190 for, January,
February and March that had charac
terized the office aalea for the preced
ing nine months. ' Seattle Jumped ahead
at a terrific rate and ahowed sales in
three months almost equal to any six
jnontha in the year. v '
So aUrtllng wae the lnorease even to
- Seattlp postal authorities that ;. Poet
, maaaer Stewart waa afraid to reveal the
. monthly Btatement and to mt present
s time .haa atrenuously refused to give
i i inv tiinnnt resrardlna the sales.
aaae to- aay that they were 1603.000. for
the year. He haa even refuaed to make
public the ',- aalei for the aucoeedlng
months of . April .and May, which; tin
- doubtedly ehow a tremendoua falling
off from: the ; aalea of the preceding
, three month, and would , be s the best
evidence that the aaiea -oi January,
February and March had undoubtedly
been padded to add to Seattle's flimay
reputation for prestige- that haa been
her boaat -aince she waa placed on the
man hv tha Klondike boom. - Also : to
innreaaa the noatmastor'a salary to
whn. h nnntnfflra department at
Washington learned" of 'the wonderful
1 atrldeaJShade by j Seattle, an; inspector
J -tr ih. tmatidnui advance in- sales.
JSrHvhile hir report- has -not been made
. . . , . .. i L.II.M.J . V. . I, Will ,BVUl
'' the methods uaed in securing the in
crease. . . V" '-''.Ij'''
Tst vear when it waa known that
' Portland waa-n the verge of the 8,000
class, numerous cltlaena went, to Mr.
, int.. finri akpd whether be. desired
' them to make extra largo pnrohases of
atampa so aa to insure rm-jimmtm- pro.
motion. He expresHed dlatiaractlon
and aald that it would be bjttterto allow
the office to 'advance without padding.
I,ast year the aalea were more than
498,000. A trifle more than $1,008
would have' placed her in the $5,000
Cl "a to Portland's future advancement
Mr. Minto is extremely sanguine. - He
Bald today that an increase of a little
more than aeven per cent wouW plM
her In the' $6,000 class. He said there
is no doubt that this increase will
made, for the increase in April waa $
per cent and -10. per cent in May. a
' 10per cent increase for the year would
makOthe total sales ror tne year en
lug March II. 10, about axu,vuu.
' ' ' ' y -A V - - I '
. . 1 . . - ' , iroTzoa -
V ' ' Portland. Or Ton X907.
To the BeUfl liquor Sealars of the City of Portlands and mitnomak Oouatyi
Z desire to call roar attention to Becttoa im of Belllaget ft Cotton's Codes
and Statutes of Oregon, which proviaesi "Wo persoa ahaUTteep open any fcons
or room la which latozloatlsf Uq.oor la kept for retail, on the first day of the
week, eommoaly oalied Sua day, or. gif, n max, or otharwlse dispose of intern
Icatlnf llano om-that day." And you, aad each of yo are hereby notlfUn
that on and after Snaday, the lotk day of . Juae, . i07, the provtaloaB of this
statnto must be domplled wiUL : -;r w Z:.rT ;v -7- , ;: '. -r"
Ton will aooordlngly take aotioe that on and after the data shore mentioned
the preMslone of the statu'te relative to tha Smaday eloalag of salooaa will be
rigidly af oroed. This applies to all plaoes where Intoxicating liquors are kept
for sale. ' , JOXV Kumii,
. . , . j. v . Dlstriot Attorney, 4tk fndlolai Bistrlot of Oregon.
In taking the step shown instil letter
r. Manninr atatea that he isdolna
becauae it la the desire of the people of
Portland and of Multnomah county.
To Closa Up Town.
'Sheriff Stevens, ao It Is reported, has
stated that he will not only enforce
section l.4 of the law aa quoted by
Mr. Manning, but he will go the dis
trict attorney one better and enforce
section 1S68. which reads as follows:
"Section. 196$. If any person shall
Keep - aspen any atorewenop, 1 grocery,
bowling alley, billiard-room of tifTllng
houae for purposes of labor or traffic.
or any place of amusement on the first
day of ' the week commonly , called Sun
day,or theaard's day, such person,
upon conviction . thereor, shall be pun
ished by a fine- not lesa than $5 nor
more than. $60. - Provided, that the above
provisions shall not apply to theatrea
or keepera of drug stores, doctor shops,
undertakers, - liver stable keepers,
butchers or bakers." . . - v v
It is also further provided in the (ac
tion that the law shall not be construed
to apply to. acta of meyy or necessity.
villi! i
';..' '.-(
- 'ft 'J ' - ; "' ' .".;. rW'iJ
Bare Presence ' of. Mind Dis-
x played by Infant in Lcay
, ing Burning Building:.
i , -r '" "' ' I iIkA
, Hemmed in V thjse 'sides by fire.
blinded and choked by dense volumes
of suffocating, smoke and In imminent
danger of cremation, Z-y ear-old Joe Co
hen,' displaying presence of mind and
daring entirely , incommensurate . with
tender years, gathered his skirts about
him ' yeaterday afternoon ' and toddled
from the porch of his 'father's biasing
home to a place of, safety in the back
yard. . ' -' i ', -v.-.-
The'stOrr of the infant's 'remarkable
performance' sounds 'extremely fictional,
but is vouched for by a number of per
sons who were' present.- Until the pre
cocious : youngster made his way
through the flames into the rear-yard
it waa feared that the baby had" been
roasted to death in the fire which de
stroyed the dwelling at 181 Grant
street-at $:$0 o'clock yesterday after
noon..-1. . '-.
The house waaj occupied by Joseph
Cohen and : his Wfamllv. Mrs. Cohen.
while attending to. her household duties,
Orchard Hdlds tiis Own Under Cross-Examination
-,.?...',; ;, v -v '::..;,.,'-.'.. ,,,..... --:. v-i -'.; '-t".' -i" ": i ' "' -,''-.A " , '
placed her 2 -year-old Son on the 'back
porch to play with' his "Teddy Bear."
From some unknown cause Are broke
out near tha kitchen flue and with in
credible swiftness, spread . through the
the fire
Mrs. Cohen was compelled to
flaa for her life ao raDidlv did the (Ire
spread, and it was not .until she reached
the street that, she , remembered , the
baby.-; V j-;1-"- :-,: .
. The grief-stricken parent attempted
to rush back Into the biasing structure
to save her offspring but waa prevented
by several byatandera. 'Frantically she
Millions Piled Uplby Harriman Through Excessive Bates
J 1 Used to Prevent Hill From- Entering Portland
V and to Purchase Property Elsewhere. , ;
Notwithstanding ' the enormous sur
plus of more than $24,000,000 piled kP
by the O. JR. & N. since 18T througn
the ; existence of its exorbitant freight
rates t in Oregon, anr the many an
noemcements of the Harriman Interests
that the great central plains of Oregon
were to be traversed by a road, the con
struction of such a road Is still a mat
ter of ; the indefinite future. On the
other hand, fully $10,000,000 of the sur
plus fund, more than enouK-h to build
and equip a line from 'the Cascades to
Idaho, has been uaed in acqulrina ter
minals on the sound and -fighting the
entraneeof the Hill lines into Portland
down theioath bank of the Columbia.
- Announcement has repeatedly been
made that a line of ateel was to be laid
crossing the atate from east to .west,
but : an official statement to this effect
is lacking. In the meantime, while a
great portion of , the surplus fund Is
being utilised to hamper the progress
of a much-needed road, a vast, produc
tive country, tover 40,060 square miles
in extent, lies idle without means of
transportation. Population settlement,
development , of resources and- indus
tries in the interior are stagnated by
me reruaai or tne Harriman system to
build the much-needed route across the
central poruun 01 uie state.
V trsed W Btook Zttn.
According to the annual statement
Issued by the O.-R. & N., Its surplus
last July amounted to $24,404,67S, of
which $20,448,(41 was loaned to "solv
ent companies and individuals.
For the year endina- July 1, 1906, the
surplus for the preceding is months had
climbed to $5,167,153. On the same date
more tnan f 10,000,000 or the surplus
had ben:-used in acquiring' terminals
(Continued on Page Two.)
. (Journal 'Eiieclal -8rvlce.j
Los Angeles, June 7. Spiders are
causing .the Sunset Telephone company
endless trouble and expense of thousands
of dollars On trunk lines- between Bantd.
Monica, Venice. Piaya Del Key and this
city. . . --.'-: - . ' V,.
Dirncuity on lines was reported al
most simultaneously several weeks ego
and Manager J. U. Turner, waa aa-
signed to investigate Connections . in
the stations, insulators and hotels were
carefully examined, and Inspection of
inaulation over, all lines was made with
out result ' Turner yesterday found
that ; for . miles along " the coast filmy
wbs of gossamer lightnesa were float
ing from the wires and connecting them
so cloaely that, transmission was re
tarded and sometimes. stopped entirely.
It will be a long and costiytaak to
brush the webs from tfao lines, . .
called-, for Ihe-chllJ but there was no
response. . About the time the tire de
partment reepon-aed . to an atarm ana
Id in several line, tiny, Joe,, holding
s sklrta about him in a most comical
fashion, laboriously made his way down
the rear steps. . , ....,.; .....-!,:..
snatched . ud the brave little fellow in
her": arms ' and almost smothered him
with' kisses. The child apparently was
uninlured and endeavored to tell 1 hla
dptlng'mother all about his experience
in the unknown' tongue or DaDynooa, '
- That trouble generally - comes in a
bunch Is evidenced by the fact that
"Count" . Benosky, , a wen . known, man
about-town, who owned the
building with William Klernan, recctnt-
W lost 1800 on Devlin and only hi
insurance on. the structure, which waa I
valued at 1700.; It IS understood that
Klernan upon ascertaining the plight of I
the conen ramuy, wno icst tne greater
part of their belongings. voluntarily re
turned the -rental- money to conen ana
was the recipient of three cheers and a
tiger , rrom -tne spectators. v
. ' v : ; . ... J - "
v Uouroal Special Service.)
' Pittsburg, . June, 7. A story, printed
here this afternoon ears Bertha Bell-
stein, ' the ' Allegheny ; girl s who , nearly
10 vears aao killed i tier mother. ' at-
tempted suicide and escaped laat 'Oc
tober - rrom tne -insane aayium. aiea
threa' weeka aao in the county hosDltal
at- Ta Anaelea . She lived there for
several months under the name of Olga
Miller. An autopsy snowea a tumor on
the brain had been developing for years.
Bichardson Foiled in Efforts
to Muddle Orchard,; AVh?
Holds His Own S
(By Hugh CfNell, Special. Commissioner
Denver Post and Portland Journal.)' J
Boise,' , Idaho.' June T.--lil p.. tn. At
this time Richardson seems- hopelessly
baffled 1 in his '' cross-examination of
Orchard. '. The Denver attorney is loainf
hla' temper . and 'quarreling fruitlessly
with the . court. ( . tie ;has . Juat "! asked
Orchard 1 about his -.first meeting with
Moyer and Haywood in Denver in 19 OS
Orchard started answering, when. Rich
ardson' Interrupted him. The court re
buked Richardson. Richardson shouted
a protest -
"Don't take the lid off said Borah,
"unless you want to let us see what Is
under if . , ,
"I know the lid has been fixed up for
me," said Richardson.
"When you', make a statement - like
that you make a statement that is abso
lutely false," said Hawley, ' "and ' you
knowtf -V. '. ;v
Richardson la ' shohtfng ' questions at
Orchard in a loud, high voice Without
Tiresome Trivialities Leading Apparently to Nowhero
;trrt. Only Besult of Cross-ExaminatiOn So Far -Mur-I
v dercr Admits Losing arid Winning Money. . $,
burned J sffectinr hi testimony in the least,
ad $260
(By .Hugh O'Neill Special Commls
Bloner for -Denver Post , and Ore-
gon Journal.) t
Bohe, Ida., June T-We ; haye
been trying to find out all the morn
ing what Richardson, of counsel for
the, defense. Is ( after - In his cross
examlnatlon of .- ; Harry Orchard.
Richardson: knows, of course; - John
Nugent looks aath.ongh; he. might
know; Edgar Wilson looks as though
he didn't care,' and Clarence Barrow
looks as .though he doesn't want -to
know and ' doesnt . want" to care.
Hawley and Borah seem ' watchful
but 'Indifferent. . Orchard himself
seems perfectly ready to answer the
most searching questions arid miich
less , complex, in his state of mind
than Richardson. . There was a pom-
pous man once that somebody sail
"Made little fishes talk like whales.'
But yesterday afternoon and this
morning Richardson made a whale
talklike a little fish.; r v
it- For, two days, talking endlessly, Or
chard, had told the court of murder after
murder; assassination after assassination
attempted and deferred, blood money re
ceived and more on account demanded.,
He had admitted himself publicly to bo
one of the great assassins of the world.
The episode had been fearful in its sim
plicity, dreadful In - its mechanical In- '
difference to life, appalling out of alt
knowledge. . And syesterday; when' Rich
ardson started, his cross-examination u
labored for . half an , hour to prove that
this- phenomenal : assassin had' one ;
committed bigamy. ' . And, this morning,
after an hour of minute detail, he proved
that Orchard had .- sometimes gambled
(Continued on Page, Six.)
defense disappointed
in attitu de of wood
.,.-. (Jooraal Special Serriea.)
Boise, Idaho, June ; '"Judging by
dechslons of Judge ' Wood . , permitting
every thing under the sun to be intro
duced, in this ease I'd say there Is little
possibility of this trial being concluded
before August" declared Clarence Dar-
row s he took, his seat at the head of
the ,' defense table " when court; recon
vened for the Haywood trial ; todays ;
There is no question but the defense
is bitterly disappointed-in the attitude
of Judge Wood. - The defense respected
to call about JO wltnessee but after
looking oyerths , proaecutton's array it
has now summoned 100 from every point
where Orchard has detailed crimes. .
. i . . -. - 1 . . nun umioni . D.uiiicvi , d i atiu
(Journal Bpaeiai eerviea.i , i I -nt-v.: v.-;, v. mi-o.
i-JivLAilmiiWL I croaa-ejraminatHJn twitn tne expectation
or breaking down the witness, urcnara
made a couple or .minor corrections in
hie' testimony of last, night He . was
Questioned' at" length relative to "the
blowing up of the and. Sulli
van mine at Wardner when he waa only
a member-of the union' one month. . He
remembered, but little about the make
ud of thetrXln 3r about who- caronosed
tha party that blew the mine up but
thia mnrnlna decided against the Stand
ard OH company, "ordering the truat , to
anawer on the, first Monday in July the
allegations In the government Din to
which it osjected in a bill of exceptions.
Thia means that the entire history -of
the Standard will be reviewed in court,
4 f -Vfe .in 11.1 ; : ' s' fe' S' y
' . i, (Journal Special Servlee.) ": ;,;''.'!
Washlnaton. June 7. District Attor
ney-Sims of Chicago talked trust bust
ing Wltn tne presiaent toaay. it is
understood the harvester, trust will be
aUMked- by Sims soon. ; ; ,
positively asserted he -was not playing
poker eiuier ai muiien ot.ourae at, ins
time of the..exploalon. : 'VV'V.'-j,
UT' Oan Bemembex . kTames. ', -.Xl
He swore positively that he and nearly
100 others helped to carry powder from
the train to the, mill, but ' only remem
bered the name of one man, Peterson,
who.-waa inithe-party beeldee himself.
' Darrow, Declares Latitude Allowed . by, Court Will Causa
; . rial of Haywood to'Be Dragged on Until An
. . gust Hundreds of Witnesses Called. .
The nowder was nut in three rJarts of
tne mui ana ne tit tne ruse to tne pow
der In the compressor room. When asked
r .it wasn't a. -fact mat tne nowaer-waa
furnished by the superintendent of the
Qem mill to the miners, he said he did
not know, also he could not explain how
it-was althouah he had driven a milk
wagon and playedpoker nightlv in sa
loons that- he only knew - the names of
half a dozen of those In the party. w !
When asked to account for his where
abouts for three years after escaping
e said na naa - worked
from"J3urke, he
ha had - worked in
mines in Montana. Utah. Wyomina- and
Nevada, and cut wood in California. He
beat hiawav from Montana to Utah,
gambleda trifle in Butte and declared
he .uaually loat ..
--,- .-Tells .of Gambling.
Orchard's' recital of his -movements
throughout Utah and other states waa
monotonous. The only matter that In
terested the spectators apparently being
his recital of his gambling experiences.
According ; to the witness he would
work three months and save money then
gamble.- so broke and back to work
again. -
wniie tne cross-examination waa pro.
greasing the prosecution received a mes
sage irom .Denver Rtatlna: tli&t a wit
ness "-was secured there who hw tf a
killing-of lij-te Uregory there an J to, X
nsr th
Bardina- the shootlns-
Orchard said he wwnt to Cripple Creek
early in August,- 1902.. and got work
there. On reaching there he at once
affiliated ; with , the union there ami
worked a while, then gambled awhile.
He made an occasional trl to lenver
and said during the time he worked in -the
Vindicator, mine he was employed
on .the levels below the seventh ami waa
familiar with all from; the seventh to
the twelfth, i-
On August 10. 1903, when a strlk
wna declared he quit- work. He h.l
$160 and gambled it away.
f gtoU Klgn-Orade Ore. ''.:'
'When asked what he meant by "hlfH
grading,' as told of in the direct x
am I nation, he said it waa hl'tin M!
grade ore. then removing tt .eotH'
and selling It to outsiders. When k 1
bluntly if ha didn't atal, he r-- .
"Ifou can call It what you j.
averftRid him from nothing t., i j ,
day. but when pinne-i mn i t ,.
tual amount he f-.-nr- I i(, i?.-r; ... , f
he only K'.'t IT.u or v ., ... v
After the S'f.. h.-cr-r, 1 t
si-.-rcllv an,l . r . 1 ! - .
n i " i l,)vei l But c"
miii'.irv gal -. -n e i
e r i . -it'.. 1 , si h j i
t . t. a ar.l ax i i