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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
l-wyiucii a wiiiic LcDia weft j ;iL,jU liSI i ... . .... .. ... j 7 : . . ' . .. . . , , i v v. . .,.-.. .,, - - - v t t . -r ., Very fine white lisle Vests; low neck, sleeveless . style, with fancy lace trimmed yoke ; reg ular 50c value; special: OO sale . price . ;v . .... J J C W o men ' Cluster - Ribbed White Summer Vests, with low. neck and wing sleeves, a popu-! lar summer-garment; regularly worth 20c each ; special 1 r white sale price ...... . .IDC Misses' Hose, white lace lisle.' all acres, worth 25c ' ! 1 ff ' pair, for ......... V V. 1 1 C Misses' White Silk Finished Hose, summer weight, come in all ' sizes, rrpularlv worth 25c the pa(r; special - 1 7 sale price 1 C' Boys' Waists," a clearing sale of 3 styles. Mother's Friend,.."Co lonial" and Faultless makes, come in 89ft finish madras; regularly worth 35c . r ' each ; special . , . .. . 1 DC And in laundered,' or negligee style, worth 60c each, ..Jjc Women's ; White' Lace : Lisle Hose, allover lace , patterns, good wearing qualities !'4A'': worth 35c, pair;l : , VC Women's Lace Lisle Hrse, im ported goods',, fine white lisle, very choice patterns,, worth nrni STREET - . WASHINGTON STIIEET ,, ., .. , ... .. , , . , - ., r. . . . . . , , . , PORTLAND AGENTS FOR THE ROYAL SIXTH STREET ;',V: 'r ' WORCESTER CORSETS Metal Belt Buckles25c A "Variety; of styles,'1 fancy;, hammered designs, plairVor filigree,, styles in oxy dized or gijl" finish; square or ' oval shaped 2 and all new. vVorth about double this price;- t ; ' special' V ... ; X V V; '.t. . X.:: . ., 25c Violet Brooches 10c "Many , articles in the new Violet 'Jewelry, the roper fad for the floral season,' priced as ollows; . Brooches, special each . , ; . '. .10 Veil Fins, special, each i...25 Hat Fins, special, each ;. .25 Bar Fins, special, each ......25$ Smallwares -Sale Price, Hand ; or ' Nail Brushes, ' fine quality ; regular 50c , o g values, Friday i'' ; . . . , ; CtO C Violet Takum Powder, ; , X0c box , 9 i (MttMn 3 C 19c .Whisk Brooms, . . 1 A special .' .......... ..... 1 JC Moth Balls, the box, : C special ;"."...'..,,:, V.' . . i'i DC White Tar Soap, for toilet or shampoo, wortn joc, , n cake ,..i...............UC Celluloid Dressing Combs,' all colors, large size,. , .; 35c ; value ...... ... . .. .. 1 Bond Linen Writing , 1 Tablets.' .. ....... . JLC, E m b r o i d e ry Scissors, with fancy-handles, small . , Q(J size, 50c value . ....... . OuC Safety Pinsr nickel-plated, all sizes, guarded spring, one dozen on card ; spec . , o C Detachable Dress Shields and Corset Protectors, " on white; worth 60c ; special O C 10c box Wire Hair Pins ; p special , ; . .J V.Vi'.:. v C Dozen White Pearl ; V ' '; f Buttons . . .... .'. . .,. D C Hooks and Eyes, all . o I sizes, card ." ...... w2 C Writing Paper," brocaded, hem stitched edge, 'TegUlar) : worth 25c the box special v -1 7 sale price, box;., vi ."'.'I.l I C Writing Paper; white cloth fin ish, worth 25c the bo, 1 C special. . ; ... .. .' ... '." .'IDC The Bute Mali 21 :4Sft if -.;. Goodly Numbers ol Unusual Savings .Every Department' Shares in the Bargain-Giving Save on Anything You Buy Special Prices on White Goods Bacff Taffeta .SilkSpecial 63c, the Yard A t really sensation al bargain on fine black taffeta, 19 inches wide and of good quality 4 rich, lustrous black; splendid , for making out side sHirts, waists or. petticoats; a regular 85c" grade; special' jo for Friday, the yard . . . . ODC Wool Dress Goods, in about fifty, distinct and different styles; good materials for, making; up 6uting suits for vacation ' wear,; comes in stripes, checks, plaids,' etc.,' and regularly worth to 60e- the . yard. Hundreds of yards for this Friday sale',1 special, the yard j i':.;f Cents ' Twentv-five1 styles in ? Men's Shoes and 1 - twenty stjf es in women's. Great op- i'l are on the right sort of footwear, too. The Men's Shoes' (Tome in all styles, plain ' or patent leather, button or lace,- toes are . . .. . ... .? .t . ' .1 'i "I'll or witnoui lips ana me soies are an weights. The leathers are velour.calf, wax calf, patent leather and tan; The regular values run from $3.50 to $5.00 the pair; an assortment that all mayQ OQ be suited from. - Special ...... yDDJ The Women's Shoes are in the low cut styles for summer wear, patents and plain leathers, lace or-button,. light or heavy soles, and in all, the good lasts; gunraetal alf, dehii patent, glazed calf, and many styles ' in black Vkid leather ; also several tvle in tan shoes.' We include in this Jot mariy'vstyles ' of the white canvas oxfords, in popular styles: "The regular-values run to $1.00 the pair; An ; rtA special ; . . .... ,;.V.V.'.i ... ...; ;' vvtvJf ..Reduced Prices on Ml While Shoes In the Store White Persian Lawn . ; , . . . ... ? ' .. A Friday special on fine white Persian Lawn, in silk finish. A beautiful, " sheer fabric,"' that sells regularly at 35c the yard. Splendid for the . construction of lingerie waists" for summer wear.' Plenty of it, so that all whoKome Friday may share in this generous bargain; worth 35c the yard; OOg special .. . . , . .v; ...LlC Dinner Size Napkinsof extra fine damask, full bleached, , a round 60 dozen for this Friday sale, come in, choice' patterns, and there are several designs to choose v from; regular; value $5.00 the dozen ; Q Q special for Friday,. .DJ j 0 Silk or Net Waisls Half Choice of Any Silk or Net Waist to the Store Friday for "' Half the Regular Price What- a grand selection this gives you, what splendid bar gains it brings. For here all the season the waist stock has been the best and the best as sorted. .There are values now that no other store can equal. And with the half price sale the waist values are really phe nomenal They tome .in ' all sizes, in dainty orvery elabo rate designs, all sorts of silks and many patterns in net waists. ' dome Friday and se lect " two or three, there ; are savines -so rood. that. 'tis a good investment to buy many. Choice of anv silk or 1 net waist worth from $15.00 to $28.50 for........ ,.., Tailored Suits, in Eton, Pony or Jacket Stvles. come in neat fancy mixtures, plaids and stripes, regular values' $12.50. $15.00 and $17.50. Choice of any. in ; this lot, and AJ, n you have 85 suits to select from; special, Friday. 3)0OJ Men's White Underwear Special38c A Friday.special that should bring the men here m throngs. Choice of any white ,or- cream garment that has sold at oOci'lriday, all day, 38. This means thechance to choose from hundreds of gar ments, in, many different,1 fabrics and styles, and that you can, have them in-'.. long or short sleeved shirts Tand the 'drawers come : in knee , or, ankle length. rTis a chance on good Underwear, that is riot likely to be repeated, sav ings on. any styl or finish you may choose, - supply your sum mer needs now. Choice of .all 50c goods , j t , 58 Cents mighty good Friday sale on one of the most sougnt tor articles we nave in ine wnoic siarc Silk Net - Cloves, v These gloves look well, wear well and, are the right sort of handwear for the hot summer days. We ve several dozen pairs that we own for less than: the regular price j they are .regularly worth 1 A A $1.75 the pair; special '. .. .. . . .... .DjLUU Wcen'sTwoClasp Silk Net ' ploves, with lisle palms, very serviceable and good looking gloves ; they come in black arid white only ; regular $1.25 values ; special for j . f Friday only i . ... '.'''' . . .' '. . . . . . ." I ul ' ' This special is for Friday only, and no one can buy them for. this price' when the sale is over. Not more than three pairs to one per son and none sent on phone orders. Mail orders filled. ' 1 ' ' 1 Ribbon, in iine all silk warp, comes in 4j and B-inch widths, assorted patterns, on white grounds; regularly worth Off 35c and 40c the yard ; special Friday priced . .s LtDC Fine Wool Velvet Rugs $1.65 A sterling quality Wool , Velvet Rug, size 27x54 inches, in .very' good oriental and iloral patterns, good warm colorings and a value that we don't think -can be excelled at the regular price of $2.50."We have twenty dozen; of them, for sale Friday, a fourth floor special that should make things hum. A Choice, Friday . ...... ...... M.DD Couch Covers of heavy tapestry, fringed all around and in good patterns. They are;large size, 60 inches wide- and full length, and regularly worth A) ; OC to $6.00 each. .Special for: Friday ........; .x. . . . .... ?) uO Saving son CutGlass and Cottage Needs Every article in our entire stock of Cut Glass is reduced for the sale and in addition to the regular reductions we offer you these specials for Friday only. Good hints as to what to buy for June weddmgs: w'v.:'," 'rSSl;', "':"'.' ::. Berry Bowls, fine cut glass, 8 inch size, regularly,, worth $4.50 each ; Friday, ,'; A A special . .......... .PJ Uil Cut Glass Berry Bowls, regu larly worth $6.50, 8-inch size; special for Friday &A ffi only White Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, strong, durable ware, in pretty fancy shapes, specially priced as follows: , : 50-Piece Sets, A o special for . ... 1 ... . DJ 1 J 60-Piece Sets, special for ... 100-Piece Sets, special ivi f ....... . 112-Piece Sets, special for $4.00 S6.20 $7.10 We sell the Automatic Re frigerator, and we recommend it as the greatest saver; of ice and food of any refrigerator on the market. v There are no flues in the "Automatic" and no sur face ' that can not be easily cleaned. Over 20 styles to choose from.' Refrigerators, Neat Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Garden Tools and Ice Cream Freezers.;. .''..y'K' ."i Cut Glass Wine Sets, that sell regularly for $7.50 the s set ; SS:!!:,........$5.00 Cut Glass Water Sets, that sell .regularly for $7.50; special for ;r,.,;-$5.oo Table Forks, Al silver plate, regularly $2.00 set; j QQ Coffee Spoons, regularly . $1.00 for set of 6; "Cn special ...... DUC Sugar Spoons, regularly ; 30c each ; special, , if Friday IDC Butter: Knives, regularly 35c each ; special, v i n , Friday ..IOC Napkin Rings, that sell regu larly for 50c each ; . , ty - special . . i . ....... ilDC Glass Fruit Saucers, regularly 50c the dozen:- . A A special . DUC Glass Fruit Saucers, regularly 75c the dozen ; ;'V';j "y;-. rt - .... ........ ..I special Glass r Berry Bowls, : regularly 50c each; ' ' ' ip special; Friday X DC Glass Berry Bowls, regularly 35c each; OA special for Friday ..... UC White Cambric Petttcoats $m Q Women's White Petticoats, of fine cambric with deep flounce of lawn, . trimmed with plain r or hemstitched tucks and deep. embroid- l 1 A ery; regular price $1.75; special. Jpi lJ Squares and Scarfs, of fine white linen lawn, squares 32 inches and scarfs 20x54 inches. Made with fine hemstitched borders. with' centers of filet, mesh. - . Regular .$1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Special 87c $1.09. $1.38 Women's Chemise, of f be nainsook, skirt length: -with low, round neck, trimmed with two rows of embroidery and Val. lace, insertion, lace edging at arm holes and bottom ; regular $3.50 do Mr values ; special sale price . tr.'.Tl T. .". . p2i94ftl White Lawn. Cushion Slips, with hemstitched ruffle, hand embroidered in dainty de- AO signs ; regularly $1.50 each ; special ... UOC Women s Night Gowns, of fine nainsook, in the slipover style, with low neck and short sleeves, trimmed' with lace or embroidery; reg- ularly $1.25 each ; special V . . . ........... O I C Women's Petticoats, of white cambric, with extra deep flounce of lawn, trimmed with plain or hemstitched tucks and wide lace or embroidery insertion; also lace or embroidery A At edges; reg. value $2,25 each; special., .2)1 4 , Women's Cambric: Gowns, with low necks, slip- . over; style, elbow sleeves, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. hadiW j j t. d tn 1..--. t ";.iv : a ana cniuruiucrjr. j.cguiir yi.ov values; special ........ $1.15 Children's Coats, for summer wear, made of silk, alpaca, pongee, Bedford cord and light weight serges,- trimmed with lace, appliaue, braid and fancy stitch ing, for children from 2 to 6 years of age, Bargainized like this : ' ' . Worth $4.00 to $5.50, special .. $1.99 Worth $6.00 to $7.00, special i .$2.87 Worth $7.50 to $9.50, special . .$3.48 ' HUSBAND AND WIFE ACCUSE EACH OTHEB f t ' (Spwlal Dbpateh t Tb JovnU.) I Seattle. . June '"f 1 tiuarrel Albert McFadden nd hii wife ; are in JalU each accusing the other of crime. Mrs.. McFaldea declaree her fcitsband le a, murderer, and. a burglar and McFadden aeya hla wife la a thief. .': rMcFadden baa " been ,, working aa ,a lanttor in I a dowrt town of lce buildlnr. ; The two quarreled and agreed to eepa rte. Mrs. McFadden threatened to tell the police all ehe knew about her. hue band and he dared her to do ao. . The -engry woman telephoned to police head nuartera that her husband wae afugl ttv.from Justice and told the fncyre aent to lnveeliaate that he waa wanted . A mt m Y i n m ..A dth a policeman and for a burglary ' The police found that a burglaryhad been committed at Port Angeles on. the date referred to. They have not yet re ceived information as to the Montana orlnne. Ijter. however, after McFadden had told them that bis wife waa a thief they feund (. circular which had been aent out from' Olaagow saying that the woman waa wanted there for robbery. " ANTI-SAL00xIST IS DELIVEBING LECTURES ' '. J ?:- - ' " ' t-'s t : v rgperisl Dbpetefc to The 7eeraaf.) 1 HarrUburg. Or.. June,. t.-i-A lecture was delivered sit the Methodist Episco pal church Tuesday evening by S3. F. Zimmerman, superintendent of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon league. ,. Tho attend ance was fair,, and . the lecture com. tnanded the Interest- of his listeners. After speaking along temperance lines, Mr. Zimmerman displayed a number of stereoptlcon views illustrating the fa mous book "Quo Vedis , , . WHITMAN STUDENTS - HOLD PINAL MEETING (Special ' Dli pitch to The toaraaL) " Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., June .-r-The flnal meeting of the -as-aociated students for the college year was held- yesterday Immediately after chapel, at which reports of the various student managers were given snd the ' A Zim XPTXXB will seo that her baby is propferly eared forto do this a good purgative ia nec essary.' . Many babies suffer from worms and their mothers don't know it if your baby is feverish and .doesn't sleep at nights, it Is troubled with worms. White's Cream Vermifuge- will . clean out these worms In a mild, pleasant way. Once tried alwaya Used. Otve it a trial- Price 2 cents. Bold by all drugf lata. - . business of the year settled ' up. w The flnsnclal report showed a gain in ail de partments fit the work. The special feature of the meeting was the awarding of the 'varsity em blem to all who have won it this spring. The official gold "W" for debate and oratory was awarded to Messrs. Helm. Morrow, Llveng ood, Wolfe, Davenport Eells, Maaon and Woodward, who have participated this year in one or more Intercollegiate . debate1 - or oratorical contest. . Athletlo emblems were - awarded " in tennia, baseball and track, aa follows: Tennis, Walter Felthouse. Willard Felt house; baseball. Messrs. Bhubert, Schmidt, Dutcher, Borleske, Cushman. Bigsby. Morgan. Bassett and Brown; track, Messrs. Oldright. Clmlck. Barnes, Martin. Cox and PhUbrook... ... , Limit An to Speed in Tacoma. ; ": '"" Special DUpatck to the Jonrnal.) : . .Tacoma. June . Ten miles an hour on the business streets and IS miles In residence districts is as fast aa auto-1 mobUes will be allowed to travel here after on the thoroughfarea or Taooma. The city council passed a law to this effect last night snd -also fixed a pun ishment of f 100 fine for violators of the regulation Owners of ears were present at the council meeting and made earnest protests, ' wanting a higher speed limit and a lower fine, but they were turned down. . TEA ; ' Good tea, close price. There is no other way to build a good business or keep a good business! - Tear grocer refers year eney if yos goal BkeScfclUiag't Best: e pas aba. , : ' THREE MEN KILLED IN INDIANA WRECK .'v-'.i '''V.'". .. . ' .!-' x.y.'" -. v Uoarsal Bseciat Berries. Gary, Ind, June 8. A train loaded with bunding material 'plunged through a trestle yesterday. Three men were killed. Two of them . suffocated ' In sand which fell upon them from an em- p&njcmeni. ... , ,. MEDFORD FURNITURE ' ; DEALERS UNTOUCHED '' ''' ::" ' ' '--I"'--:- ' ' I . (Special Otopatch to The J mi real.) .. 1 j Med ford, Or June (.The Indict ments of the furniture dealers In the United States court does not effect the Medford dealers. They are not mem bers of any of the orcanisatlona named in the Indictment. ,r: Vocal Evening: Festival. In conjunction with the entertain- ment of the school children of Portland. upon the occasion of the formal open- l2?04? C1i3rZark' announce! that Hartman 4 Thompson will snga the services of well-known sinners tr thai Vfflln in Pna. t.. i- . . Saturday. " ' v' !' The afternoon will be given over en tirely to the school children. Arran--menta have been made for games of nil kind. A m II . in a 1 MM.1. 1 .i',. . order and athletlo sporta Of all kind. . win w aiTsii to me winners r thlM..A(lfMtl. .. A K... Kj.II U . slso been announced between two cham pion Juvenile teams and an 'tiri! ... ,i unique day i. promised for all tt.e hi.! wn tiiita .nvir mujffre inn rfifM i.r r. evening a srerlal vo al i-.n. . t y . planned and a grnl 1m ; well. All in afl, thin f v i remembered ia the .... t t r advertiaing. ,