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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, . THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE , ,i 1807. liwtiiiilolll i ) i Now right in the face of this statement I announce for tomorrow our Ladies' $40 to, $65 Suits at $2275- and 'It's the truth. If ,1 can make a few friends by losing a few dollars on a few suits, I'm sat ined to make the change.' , A high-class inducement is like a high-class entertainment, and never leaves any evil effects. I want every lady in Portland to feel an interest in this store, I, want ' to repay that interest. ; I want this to be a mutual appreciation. The ladies of Portland for this store on the one hand; this store for the ladies of Portland on the other, f You ladies have bestowe4 fa big responsibility on this store in the favors you have bestowed upon it. This house shall continue to serve you as best a house can serve, in order to retain such high favor.:: 1 Kin tali ML? f teia I Wsifi to to f: , Tomorrow In Our Great Metropolitan Suit Room For Tomorrow Suits in Values Up to $65, an Unlimited Choice $22.75 The new and rich shades of wine, gray, champagne, golden brown and in black, all the new novelty effects, plaid mixtures and small checks, the trim mings of costly braid and appliques in contrasting colors; the much favored 8-button cutaway, Eton and pony jackets. The jackets are all silk and satin lined throughout The materials are strictly style-according. The very finest meshes in voiles,! etamines and the beautiful chiffon Panamas. When I, say that these suits Hrun in Value ' from $40 to $65 I. mean; in actual value and in ;; selling.' I never allow.a selling price to exceed an actual value. Any one of these suits will bear me out in all I say, and I cannot well eo bevond the justification and merit of, the suits, for these are the N suits that the lady of discriminating taste will acknowledge to be her , choice, and no lt00 ft taste ccjuld welle better. Tomorrow. && io Note These suits may be had up to 44, In size, r, '".' " ' May be a man. I know of no man by that name, -but I do know. as showy a suit and as good a suit by that name as I would care to meet These, are especially- designed 1 for the niiss of educated taste. They arouse the admiration of most any one. ; The young ladies from 12 to 18 years of age will be glad io knpw that we have these in all the new colors and natty mixtures. Our en tire showing of these AA MV $25 suits tomorrow, ... 0 10 OU ' ' Such as these, i All laws of style (if there : X'be such laws) point to the white waist as, . ; 'the correct waist for summer wear. But It must be more than , a mere, white waist The thin sheer material, the soft clingy fab-; V ric, such as these waists are made up of, is what the , waist must " offer., These are waists of comfort, dress, beauty, and, new ipj nes U combined. -Some have exquisite vS w emDroiaery voices ana sieeves, otners nave iwv the ace embroidered bands These ..We are showing some very classic waists in the high grade ' ' lingerie effects, in. fact I may say our stock of new summer" waists is complete in every detail. Those ladies ot you wno have the purchase of a new white waist In view may well an ticipate a beautiful showing to greet you when you call at this store. - Everything' in this attractive house bristles. with newness and 'style. ;c ': ':i - . I flm Cninn fn AKcnhifolv riiD inv 9fl Hat rVbiif nnil MnliW Cummnr. nofc Tnmnwniir: Noteesehatatforpatroni a xjvaatjj-iv iiwuvtuiyy. usiv tiiuj mv vviii iiviff UIIU IIVIIUJ UUllllllVl IIUU 1VIUUI I Vlf only and not employes. 01 course these are riot old hats No hat has been here long enough to become old. Every hat Is fresh and new. Now In order to Interest all womankind In this most select and tasty millinery housa ' tm going to oner wir nra clearance saic oi our enure ,vw siock oi siyusn tnmmea nats, tailored ready to wear hats, untrimmed shapes, flowers, etc., at prices that will conamand the Interest and at- u . tention of every lady in Portland Now in order to fill the store quickly tomorrow moraine Tm eoine to actually hand out these 240 hats free to the first 240 ladies who enter our Millinerv Deoartment to- : ' t- 1 A .AA A A .AA mt f . r t . . T - - , morrow morning peiween me nour ox o :ou ana v , i nese nats are just iresn rrom tne tactory and specially adapted for pi cozy, summer hats absolutely free. Now doubtless a great many of you have not yet secured your new summer hat T store we oo, er tne louowing specials : ,: resent wear. No Durchase is necessary. We invite vou to call and ret one of these b such, of you and those of you who have not yet acquainted yourselves with this f ' TRIMMED HATS FOR $2 , Ladies' and Misses' styles, tailored, mushrooms, sailor, flats, etc.; leghorn 'and' Milan straws;, values.. to $5.00v-..vyv ,; 'j, , ALL OUR BEST HATS HALF JPIUCE Your unlimited choice of "our very best hats, $10 to'$75 hats at . , , , - 'Exactly Half Price : LADIES' BLACK HAND-MADE TURBANS $1 Stylish and very practical, made of nice quality hair braid; actual values $2.50 : . . UNTRIMMED HATS HALF PRICE , Your choice of any hat shape in the house and including flowers, Seybel make, at Half Price , CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS $1 Leghorn shapes and straw flats, neatly trimmed with flowers, rib bons, etc.; values to '$150 FLOWERS VALUED -UP TO 50c AT 19c Our big assortment of choice flowers for hat trimmings, even the . 60c values lOf i 'tf'nl mimm FRIDAY HICflORIO DAY Short and long Kimonos' and Dressing Sacques, a great lot of these cornfort-assurjng togs, flowered and figured in all' sorts of patterns -and coloring, good lawn mate rials; well trimmed and well rttAf th Me nd 7Sp Mm tomorrow., (the short QQ SJ. ones) . , . . ..... JUC The 7Sc valttea tomor-" A A row (thelong ones) . . i ,iC : Three Handkerchiefs for 50c Tomorrow Not bad Handkerchiefs either, in fact they are quite fit for any ladv to carry: very choice material, neatly embroidered with hemstitched bor- oeri oramanir inese. sen at ana jsc; tomorrow at e; added Cf to this we offer them 3 for..;.'.;.. OUC 50 dozen Plain Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, just arrived; these are about the best Sc handkerchiefs one. would care to find. A Sleeveless Vest at 9c Now these Vests are' good, each one of the thousand that we offer as a sale special tomorrow is easily recognized as-like the one you paid 15c for 1000 of these Vests 9f each. The Demand for Wash Belts Is Large The .supply we have just received will surely meet the demand; tomor row we shall celebrate the, arrival of this fin shipment by pffering' 1 Qj.4 those we. are Just marking 25c at... .41C These are all equally-pretty; they differ in their embroidered designs, but are all of the white linen materials; very neatly stitched, no flashy buckles, but mostly the small enameled or white pearl; exactly n the belt most ladies will admirer-tomorrow. ............... ..... 17C For Friday Satin and moire Petticoats, in black and some few colors; these skirts are cut quite full and are made of the right stuff fpr good Muslin Skirts Wftfi "fulfdeeto ruffle, lace and embroidery . trimmed; these are very good garments and' present a mighty substantial value; skirts worth $1.25 and $1.50 for,. A 'W' ) I"'' ' I 1 1 RIew Oneni Suits fust received one of the showiest lines ever produced n these "consistently proper suits for this summer's wear. Eton and pony jacket effects; skirt and jacket both tastefully trimmed in very choice insertions an3 laces. These suits have an airy, breezy look which assures their popularity during the summer months. The assortment of colors includes the 'leading shades in blue, lavender and the white.' .' These $16$) liif Soils! Tomorrow Only $7.75 Tailored Stocks In white linen wash ' materials; also t few in lace; linen stocks are fancy stitched and button 'trim med with new tab ideas; a highly pleasing variety these are; these are about half sod half 25c and 35c values .: Friday 19c l pmf particular atteadoa ta .tbe' window, .display, I have them changed as often as la posslbieJ-, and from day to day-j-always hava something different to offer. tot Friday we offer all our 25c ladies' Support ers, substantial in make, style and elastic, style ana rMUe' 2Qg HfTH AND , ALDLR STS. m i i FIFTH AND ALDLRSTS. A few short fancy Coats, in fitted and semi - fitted style, , worth (all the way from $5 to $io a9 nr tomorrow. . . ..ytfVD I I I ' ' .......... . .. ........ . , ; ... . : ......... V I ; BOOSTER CLUB;WIIL;. V IKCKEASE fOPULATJON ; (Special DUpatCk to Tb 7oamL) Gexfleld. WashL," June' S.A booster club b beta orgidxed at Oarfleld with i Sanford Manrlng- president; A. H. Flum- mer, .Vice-president; Mr. Nicholson, sto ; retairy. and " Bobert J.htike. icaahler of mi kit'- Done ranx, ireuurer. ineae ANCHOR IN COVE .:.. .v'v " - - : m o It were two rrave bearlnr lie&dboards with Indecipherable lnacrlption. . They appeared old and weather beaten. Over the cabin door were tacked the nam' plat of the. steamer South Portland, which was wrecked, with a loaa of life, on Cape Blanco, some years ago. one board bearing- the word "Straum'' and another bearing: the name "Emnlra.' Tne steamer ismDire is still in the coast Ins; trade, so the name must have gone adrift in a storm. In a heap near the caDin lay a 101 or wrecxagek sucn as ship's doors, steps and furnlehngs. that .liVFA auJl- Crew, of Gasoline Schooner j.?"" with the-assistance the , people, of the town will .boost Garfield I . until it has c popuUtion. of 10,000. I rrsf erred Stock Oanaed Ooeda. Aiifn iwiy Howt Hrana. Berwick Take Chances at ; ...Cape lookout. . I ' FIND, DESERTED CABIN .AND GBAVES IN SAND Small Craft Rides Out Fearful Blows on Way From Rogue and Brings thv - j cn route for the 'Three of a kind one is bear and the other two soon will, be are brook. ' -. Here are wash suits I that will bear out our reputation r for ' ' good r quality at low prices. They'll stand the mud, the rub and the tub. A . We have them for, 50c and up' to $5.00. ' . iT?lritl-iiTinrfVi could find no.afm of man anywhere In the vicinity. The surroundlnca lndi cated that in former days the place was a rav.orue spot tor Indians. ' "The sailors . were crevented from bringing out many curios, because of the-' aiincuiiy in getting weir ooai turougn the boisterous sea." . " ' . ' The Berwick brought about 100 cases of frozen salmon and a-consignment of DiacK sana ror transshipment to noma. Alaska. Being equipped with a cold storage plant, the Berwick ucarries the nun in splendid snaae. . In the crisp atmosphere of the hold was also packed away, a freak of nature In the shape of a white pelican that was Cargo or Salmon In Fine Shape I at the mouth of the Rogue river. The 1.k... c I I ulru wa vain una 10 in niuunim. I'ISjaerman SbOOtS FreaK. 1 Pelloan are rarelv maun alona- the Oregon coast and the ordinary bird is or a dam slate color, wnereas the one Villas hv VT f A nHannn 1. whit, a iinoucu wiiu a spini vi swan. Its beak measures about 18 four members of the crew of the little I inches, or about one-third the length of gasolene schooner Berwick braved thetMnec,t- V.l. 1 1 .... o.... A ..I - , , T w a. m olored a most lnterestln stretch of sea pnuia rps m iuyer shore,' or which -little Is known, al-1 to Escape Flames, though within about 20 miles of a set- By an explosion of , gasoline on his t lenient. Few have visited the place launch Dolly. O. Nathan Smith of the because Of its inaccessibility, and the I Portland Anhentaa eimnanv nnrrnvl. supposed to have been the first paid P Je" last night, on he river mere in. many montns. I upcuaiie me uuck oi inn our sana com- The Berwick arrived here yesterday pany. As the oil Ignited Mr. Smith afternoon from Rogue river, after a leaped through the starboard window most ., excitinc vovaee. t-ouffh weather I of the cabin and swam a distance of 30 having been encountered all the way to I feet to a boom of logs. Then he tne moutn or me coiumnia. uooa'sea crawiea asnore. witn a score nea arm. maoshlp the wind I set here in eight days, however, and to-1 the east side and was replacing a car day Captain Jacobsen is being compli-1 bureter when an electrlo spark set fire memea on ms acmevement. urainaruy to tne gaaoime in tne Dottom or the the voyage would have lasted from two! boat The explosion was so loud that to inree weens. i patrolman Fones sent in a still alarm mate jncoown, boh oi vapiam jaDOD-ui) cnemicai no. I. xne nremen. f ex- sen, reiaies s mrai. remamaDu uue tinguished the names,, but the launch wncn Kivins nil uccuuiii vi now, in com- i wyj prove a total 10SS. naeppei ana oauor nanaios, ne lanaea itivi irmi' 1T4vrPinmT in a- small boat on the rocky shore of I AlXJali THIS W ATtuK ItOXT I cape '.LiOOKotit. The schooner had been stronc northwesterlv blow and when it The steamer JStmchelyde crossed out Increased In fury to a living gale. Cap-1 last night drawing 2 .feet. : The steam lit Jycoaen a clo? wider f Hyndford left down today drawing There It was that the mariners became The steamer F. A. Kllburn. Captain Impatient to remain Idle. McLellan, arrived from San Francisco ,Rlnler .0 "1? WIX B?nt In,htv" F- A. Kllburn, Am. tr...L..Oak etreet . ?hS.d5,ct:i?1?a5Bi.taSiI?c Mercury African Monaroh, Br. ..Tongue Point a race on June IS from th old w.f.r I Xnmbev Oanlere an Bonte. works on the Willamette to the M or rl-I El well. Am. eh , San Pedro son bridge to settle the question of I Lucille, Am. sh.... Ban Francisco wnich boat is the faster. Considerable Mabel Gale, Am. sen..... Ban Francisco money Is said to have been put up on I Retriever, Am. bktn.....8an Francisco the outoome of the race. I Aurora, Am. bktn........Sah Francisco ; I Bant a Ana, Am. sch....,San Francisco FOR CHILE AND CHLVa Y'iSilkSSm - I ' I ChurchllL Am. son.. Ban Francisco Bab en tine Echo and Steamer African I b. f. Sanders, Am. sch. .. , ,.8an Pedro viicnuia, Am, owl in . ......... dm trearo - Monarch Fixed. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. today char tered the American barkentlne Echo to carry a cargo of lumber from this port She Is now at San Fran- to Valparaiso. Cisco, but will com north shortly. The .tic no will carry about l.OOO.OOO feet The British steamer 'African Monarch arnvea at Astoria this morning from San Francisco under charter to the. Pa cific Export Lumber company to load Nokomls. Am. sch.... San Pedro Alumna. Am. son.... ....Ban Franclsoo Walapot, Am. barge...... San Franclsoo Quinault, Am. str.. .San Francisco genome. Am. son San Franolsoo South Bay, Am. str San Francisco Cascade, Am. str. San Francisco J. H. LSnsman, Am. sch. San Francisco Tiverton. Am. ss.........ean Francisco Echo, Am. bktn.... ......San Franclsoo Ba Bonte With Cement and General MARINE INTELLIGENCE lumber for China She proceeded to thr Buecleuch, ' Br. sh. ......... ..Hamburg milla at Tongue Point near the city by Brenn, Fr. bk............ Hull the sea. whin ihnut tiair nt th. Conwar Castle. Br. bk. ........ Ant warn win oe piaced on ooara, xne remainder I ""s"r, av. m., ... ....... .namuurg wlll be loaded here, I Europe, Fr. bk. ............. ..Antwerp uenevieve Moiinos, ft. PK..... .London Rene Kervller. FT. sh. ........ Hambura xaennec, it. sn. . . ....... .Swansea Le PUler. Fr. bk.... ...London Begnlar fclners Bne to Arrive. ; Martha Roux.Fr. bk.. ........ Hamburg Costa Rica -Han mnnliM Jm muKmoijuB, ar.- " Alliance, Coos Bay. . June 10 SSSi flSf' sh""': '""' nn 9-W. Elder. San Pedro and way.Jun. Ill Hoa. h '!! ".! ! TnJi? Vincennes, Fr. ok;...,...., ...Glasgow Marecnaei Turrene, ft. dk.. .Hamburg PnliimKI. Can TTn .nU.n ...U.Ull.U.U. . IWItlWV. ...... F. A. Kllburn San Francisco.. .Juno 17 Roanoke. San Pedro and way... June IS Arabia, orient............. June a (I Alesla, orient......... July It Nicomedlat orient... ......... . . .July 17 Kumantla, orient, . . ... ..... . . .August 18 Begola Liners to Depart. Alliance, Coos Bay. ........... ..June S KoanoRe. Ban Pedro and wav....Junaf Numantla, orient. .'. .June ( A. Kllburn, San Fran and way. June 7 li7l WW i "We laid in the lee of-the cape fpr and way1 ports last night bringing 70 GnlflllinPlCn v (two days.- said Mate Jaobn. nJ passengers and a full cargo of freight M aVLUUtSTA 1JJ . 1 Sunday last wo decided to explore the She sails tomorrow night Men's and Boys Outfitters. " iaa i'iaa m. t .; " t , ica ana ioa icura-ou - v . , tlohawk Bmldinr. "v; eoast a Uttlej It took us four hours The steamer Alliance. Captain Olson, I tO land. and. , tnatand tit H)llir thalanlla rt Cnnm Kav tAnlirtl- nna l.f. boat over the shallow sands, pulled her on account of unusually heavy freightj luunj.iuo wruiii viuia, mat pmnge ai-1 jiiirort win do maae next wees, to eaten most perpendicular Into the sea. . I up with the schedule. rWe found a deserted abln in a Ut-j Tha oriental liner Jfomantla shifted tie sheltered eove on the beach. Near! to the flour mills today to load flour. Ville do Mul house. Fr. bk......Antwero uuetnary, r. dk. , ........... .Antwerp Plerrl Lotl. Fr. bk.;. ....... ..Antwerp Walden Abbey Br.- sh. ...... . .Antwern uienessun, nr. sn. ........... .Antwerp Versailles, Fr. bk, . .. . Lelth General da Boisdeffre. Fr. bk. . .Lnnflnn oanerai ae Megrier, rr, OK. ... . .London Bayard, Fr. bk........ ........Antwerp final whlTtm Ci amte. - Costa Rica. ,8an Franelaeo, .June It nalMiw bit - 1 v,P1,H. . G. W. Elder. San Pedro and war. June 11 5e.IW!r.t;,?Jl' ..ii ..Newcastle, A. Columbia. San Francisco........ June 15 ' viueoo.s laarenu.rr . t. ; Arabia, orient. . . .,. .......... .June 29 rilV.n -wV-ih" ' ' ' ' 'vlZiSVtu! a nriant Yniw ? oiaveraon, nr. en.. Newcastle, A. Somedorient" V. V.V. V. A&& Ii h,kiA ' 'SH? Vessels In Fort. st Mirren. Br. sh :.NewcastlaI A. Tola, Br. sh.,,' ..Elevator dock . , '; Tramn sTtseiners Tn Bonta. Jordanhtll, Br. bk.v. . ,. . .E. W, Mills f,. TV Zinlta, Br. bk,),H.........J,East pine A?,?, orutli .'i ' ' V "gin ir?,.! Tellus. Ger. bk . . . . . : ;ttiunntiM T"UUB -Nor. itn , . . . r.-t . San Francisco Washington Am barse . " jwaon .ing, ijr. sir. ........ .Bnanghal WEll.wor?h srrfleVabowVaneonvSr h?",-- Francisco Whang Ho, Chinese Junk The Oaks S , n?nt, W.V 'rCit.Tf. I John Palmer. Am. bktn..,.,.,.Kalams S" SFJJii mVS'BVLiE?neA? William Olson, -Am. soh. Astoria !?wLU.Bj, J?; "'LP.mI Makaweli, Am bktn. .. .Wallace slough SlckJPJiw' A?: -? 2'ettle San Mateo, Am. str... Gymerlc, , Br. str; . . . . Ban Francisco .Mansanllo MARINE NOTES Diamond Head, Am. bk.v.. ..Vancouver Emiiy Keed, Am. sh... Portland L.-Co, Stmthyre. Br. str......'. ....... T.lnntnn Northland, Am. tr .......... . -.drydock pant.', is or. str... ...oceanic dock Irene.. Am. sch Atrri Hyndford, Br. str....... ........Astoria I Astoria, Or..- June 8. Sailed at 7:48 Virainla. Am. sch...... .Inman-PoulsAn I e, m- steamer -W. 8. Porter, for Ran Churchill, Am. sch... ..,.,.,Knappton Francisco; arrived at 8:46 a. m., Brlt- Anteiope, Am. sen. ..., ... ; J., .Astoria I isn steamer Arncan monarofl, Irom San Ivlllebonne, Am. sch.. ....... drydock I Franolsco; "sailed at :60 a m., ship Sua Elmore.-Am. atr.i ... .fiunnla'a m 1 Columbia for San Pedrot' arrivad' nwn rutnanii, uer. sir, .r iour mills I i ia a. mo nrima, Bioamer . Jiyndlord. rL,nL?V?r' Ana- etr..,.i ....'Linn ton I Ban Francisco, June . Sailed at S R. F. Whltnev. Am. bk ....... -S John 1 1 nis-ht Ti..n . ; - Wm. Benton.' Am. sch ..Goble lumbla rivers saUed i this Wasnucta. Am. . barre. .Unlverslt. Mill 1 ahAnnai R.flof Ri. fne fnin JtKi- ' Cssco, Am. str. . .,. , v. .:. : . E. W. Mills I Astoria, June - Arrived down at Alliance, Am. str. ......Greenwich dock! 1:20 and sailed a. 7:48 p. m., British Roanoke.. Am. Str. . . . .Martin's, dock I tMmer filt.rathnlvda. fni' HhanV.i. Berwick, Am. str.. ..Cold Storage dock) rived down, at and nailed at 8:30 p. vou. We Mew Sflow XTJt enmt tm triher of ttoTts. , Superlor bocstH Wlct Din? flame Gil Cook-Stove stTcsf ael f z&eRft and lesstas the wrk. Produces ' t strong o3at am ltly. Flsme ltys SieLimme4Ut , !t Vvts quick, resufo : -iritliMrtOTeri.etln2 the Wtck.en.Xkde in Ajie ires. Cvrnr atovc wrrtnte4. If not tt your ir hit OU "ew,t UNwy for descriptive . , ? .sfeag' Lamp He best lamp for alUrovad kpvsekold use. i Hgbt.fivag power; en onuuaeot M say room, very Ump wtrragted. ; If not st your deafer3! wiwe tm vm nearest sg eney. t 1 steamer Columbia for Ban' Francisco. ; Hlogo. June . Sailed May teth, Ja-- tneae steamer Manshu Mara, for' Port end. Via Balina Crua 1 i. ; Astoria, June Condition of the iar at a. m., smootn; Winn north one mi.e: weather eloudy. , . Tidee at Astoria today: 1 High water. 10:08 a. m., 7.0 feet: 10:11 p. m., 8.8 feet Iw water, 111 a, m.. 1.8 feet 4:06 p. ., l.t feet -v . v . - . Low Hates East. ' v Canadian Paclflc ' exonrsiona to nt. Paul and return f 80. St. Louis and return. 8S7.8S. and tn other eastern points at correspondingly i icaecs gooa ror stopovers. .' For full particulars eaU on er address Vi B, Johnson. G. A. P. D,r 141 Third street Portland. Oregon.-' Huge Fire at Eose City Park. . If the weather is agreeabl. 'one of the prettiest features of the Children's day at Boss City Park will be the ilia. mtnatlon of the skies by huge bonfires. Scattered at selected spots throughout the addition, these great fires will h built In a tremendously large clrole. Ii the midst of them, safe from dnii. . . . . - I - . , . m . ... - ana yet ongni wun in ruaay nue, will vw m tooii concert, especially arranged for Rose City Park. It promisee to be one of the- most fascinating real estate Innovations var aonceivsd La aha north. wesKy i-- , :-: t -.-.