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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
7 THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1807. i FINANCIAL STANDING. OF CITY NEVER BETTER Immense Sum of Available Money Beady for Use on Call , i-Fully $10,000,000 Will Be on Deposit When the '.Yoted'Bond Issue Becomes tolij'J ' Vlth dallr receipts of from $l0.Q0t $16,000 tnd a bilane of U.Mt.Ztl-ll remaining In njne banks of New fork and Portland and tba cltjr vault. City , Treasurer Werlein atater that tha flnan clal condition of the city w never hatter. FourCfiftha of the money la eubject to check and tha city could lay ' handa on tha immense aum today 11 n were necessary. However, thla splendid amount will be increased Immensely when tha bonds voted at tha Monday election have been converted into cash, the total being oirmthinr like 110.690.000. ElahtT-elahr thnuaand dollars will be raid Into 11 rltr atronr box during- July by tha "liquor dealers of tha city. The yean revenue from ' thla aource amounta IJ80.000. rl3 At tha rlose of buslneaa May IL city money wu'on deposit In Portland sub ject to chees. in me ronowinn sums: m rTnWad ftMtaa National bank. 1177.' O0S.4O; Merchanta National 4nlc, 1160,- OOOj Flrat National bank. !70,f7.o: Rank of California, I1S2.J00; Portland Truit minmlir 100.000. . ' In interest bearing: certlftcataa of de posit tha Portland Truat company holds 1100.000 of the city'a money and Ladd A Tllton hava lll.R6i.i4. For tha purpose of redeeming matured Interest coupons, deposits are kept In the i followinr New York banks Chemical National. ' 1S.50. and N. W, Harris 4 Co.. $1,020. The cash In tha vault at the city treasurer a Of flee totaled 3(.777.7. Cltv Treasurer Werteln contemplatea aaklnr tne city council to apron special committee council to appoint a to examine the ac- .The Outlet Clothing Co. When the other fellow tells you in print what others are doing that's the time to think come Where the Best That's Made in Men's Apparel IS SOLD FOR $10.00 BECAUSE THE SUITS ARE WORTH $10.00 Outlet Clothing Co. N. E. COR. MORRI SON & FIRST -STS. counts at the end of ever flarel vea as ha believes that the taxpayers should know exactly where their money ia be ing; spent and In what amount. There is no requirement for such a committee in jna city cnarter and tha action of Mr. wenein m asKinv the council to ap point an auditing- committee la entirely voluntary. , -..- . ., eaaaaBMsaBaBjBaawaBBBaBaseseBsB ' " IT'S A ''CINCH" NOW ; . TO "GET ON THE JURY" AU Srimmoned on Special Venire Are Entitled to Two Dollar Jar Whether or No. A new expense to tha county . has been caused by tha laws passed by tha Mat session of the legislature, and it adds to tha difficulty the aherlff en counters Id obtaining special venire of Jurymen to try eaaea In tha circuit court Tha provision la that all who are served with aummona on special venires sre to be paid II, whether they serve on Juries or not. ... Judge Prater yesterday found H necessary to order II anerial turnra in order to aecure a Jury to try Beatrice Lewie, a colored woman. Of tha ,11 men whom the aherlff served els arera accented. Judas V" whon h. how many of the special veniremen were oemg aiaquallflod. commented on the expense to the county, and Instructed the clerk to tell the sheriff to send only men who were available for service. The sheriff lhr.w nn hi. , despair When these Inatranmni him. r "What la thera to dor ha asked. -If irvi m Business man wim a. anaoiai ventre summons ha nnnii it h sonal Insult.. It Is hard enough now to get special veniremen, hut if hava to choose only men who are taxpayera, and cltlaens of tha state and county, we will hava to go over Portland with iiiiviwinra coma 10 gei tne men. . Under the old law anarlal .nninmn were paid only- If they were accepted to serve. .The new law rives each man ummoned 12. and If th ara ivmkii aa Jurors they get I a day. . ; C03IJTENCE3IENT AT PACIFIC COLLEGE "'" pl - ' ; : n a. ar.wi mm tttc "Va. , ("' ' ; ll -y. ! i ,11 I- J ..'..'V I ' 11 ' ,v i I. m - ' jirapcnaics vigareucs von permanent , j popularity. wlx-evcr thiy h.,ve anpeared and m - they Iave tppearca vn cal . t ;ho caica and good tobacoonLtsV 'etThere;) , . Their popukrity is cplendi .y jrj"cd by the ' fact thct .n 1C00 the men of the west smoked ico,ooofoco If II M fliiiiil C afs a t? TVTTTf - II II 9: jhs vast salea gain for 1906 f 20,000,000 over W05s great record is. the strongest probf of the ii ovcrwhelmbg popubrity of Impenales Cigarettes ll ' - that we know.Y V- V-,-,. iyu'y- J Its secret is found in the pure tobacco thin, , mais paper (crimped, not pastef--individual mouth II . pieces and no' after efftct, no matter how many; I! TmTriala vmt amrtlrai .. ' "V "t '' f "? " "V I I 1A f 1 ra',v aU jar iu ccna ; ' olcf everjfwken t'Viv''-;' I artaHBiaBiaiaaaairaiaaaiaiaiaia,maiiiM i n. mwmm fctwgaaiaf ia. .aiaAaaaiaiaiMMM watam THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY . ; Uaaajfactnrar 8aa Fnathcm icfor, vim, Snap and trim-. Clothes havb' Made -him V Jaunty Jim! , Better thar breakfast foods" is ; ai cool, fresh Suit. ' v There really & a RcasoriV . (Sperlal Olapatch to The Journal.) , 'Tewberg, Or,, June I Tha fiftaanth annual commencement - of Paclflo col lege win take place June II. - Tha 10 graduate! ara: Clarence M. Brown. T. Huber Haworth. CacU F. Hoaklna, parry is. jaai-jr, riui v. jus vis, clement Lm Nlawanger, Nellie Mae Paulsen. -Ralph W. Reese, Walter I Spauldlng. Ruth Wiley. . , , Out Of a clnSS nf 1A nnlv. timr Maat from the eighth grade In tha publlo schooL Eleven were conditioned. The four are: Rosa Dunlap, 1 Verne Mil ler. Oladra Trew end Ralnh fnttin The hiah achool a-t-aduatlnv rlaaa m hava exercises June 14. WASHIXGTOX SUPKFJIE COURT DECISIONS yyyVi , i-.-wvi---...,- .--oa Olympla, Wash, June I. -Ia tha case of Charles Vletigen and wife, appellanta, vs. J. T. Otla and wife.. resDondenta. tha aupreme court haa laid down 'tha principle that It la illegal to aell real esUta in this state at ahartffa aala in any county of the state other than that In which the real estate la sltu- of that county. Tha court Bays: "Ir regularities in the manner of conducting sales ara the . only defects cured by confirmation." .. :.-, In the cases of Edwin X- Brown and H C. Llttooy against the state dental board, alleging conspiracy to prevent their securing certificates to practice, A Day for .the Children; Hartman A Thompson hava arranged to entertain all the achool children at Rose City Park next Saturday after noon, special private cars nava neen provided aa well aa a full military band. The cars will run In a grand procession from Third, and Yamhill to Rose city rara. preceaea oy tne nana. Thla la one of tha oddest and. most clever Idaaa uii nns aver oeen advanced. , : Purina tha afternoon games and exhi bltions and contests will have the right bi wijt ror me cniiaren. jfrisea win be offered for tha winners and valuable souvenirs are neing arranged to rem em ber tha day with. the lower courta were sustained In ifcat dismissal or tne complaints. . In a curioua case from Kitsap county, the supreme court sustains Judge Frater In withholding a divorce decree when it Was lUSt readV to slam, on tha atatamant of the plaintiff that aha had become reconciled with her husband. In later divorce proceedings a decree waa grant ed, but a different division of property iiiauB man wuuia nave oeen under the Chicago Concrete Mixer . Tha latest oat. ' Many ' soar tha grovMO. JTo faatuaa. tUttajr to dlaeharra. Vo atopplaa' while loadlna. or dlaoharglag-. , All o part of . ftatoh. dlacharf ed at vUL .It's a moaej mm. Dealt. , ' STERLING BALL- BEARING WHEELBARROWS . ; . For oonareU, rook and dirt hava ao , anal r Here is one big reason why. you should buy. your summer suit of us: In quality and style you willr receive the greatest amount for your money, what ever 'price' you pay. i ; A : -:v t '. r -' Perhaps you have an idea that $20 is enough for a suit. V Very well we'll igive you a suit for that that will 'make you think even more strongly that $20, is the right price. ' Perhaps you never touch below the twenty-five-dollar , mark; n that case we are, sure to pleas? you twenty-five dollars' worth. , 1 : ? " r Whatever kind of a suit you get here you will find it a little better than you thought you could get for the price you like Tto pay. s . , . They are all Benjamin Clothes. ; ' ' a. ,'f f . t 4 - ' BEALL & CO.321 "thJe oia oecree, not signed. Action waa orougni djt parties interested to revival tha former decree. nied. The CenUlity Sbop 311 Morrison, OppuPost Office, .si'- - ' . kyj.j'i -, . - j tha former decrea. ; Thla right la da-1 , - , , .?aX(? : lmmlmmTm!lmimmmmmmmm Welch's Outing Suits , " BaaMSNn-aaMBjagaan-aaaaagay 1 Kb Are made to please you and to give you satisfac tion, Mr. Careful Dress er. Priced $7.50 to THIS WEEK WILL BE. - A ' HUMMER AT THE v. .in i i WOTSTHWtST CORKZR FlUST AO AtrAOM 5T5. Men's, Women's and Children's Wearing Apparel From Ten to TwentyFive Cents on the Dollar at Come in and pick out the one you like. An es pecially nobby showing . of SUMMER TROUSERS. $2.50 to $6 'yyty" :r-Sut-X,'f:.''- If Not Right, Welch Makes It Right. r - MORRISON Coaftzszsr 'SCLO' Men's $7.50 Wool Suits, in black or (I A P colors, Melton or, tweeds . , 1 t"f) Youths' :Long Pants 'Suits, $5.00 to $10.00 vaiucs, nunarcas oi patterns Vt l i C to choose from . . . . ; .. . . ItJ) 1 iVO Men's Jf.UU Work Pants. all sizes ' Men's Odd .Vests for ; . , ; . . Boys' Knee Pants v for 69c 15c 10c EXTRA SPECIAL IN ffl(D)IE Men's $2.50 Dress Shoes. vici kid or box calf $1.25 Ladies' $1.95 vici kid Oxfords ' hih f heel and patent leather tip . OuC Boys' $2.00 box calf Shoes' all- sizes, every pair guaranteed ; . . . i UU H cws fuwDiraGS Men's 10c Rockford S6cks" n for . ; . ; .v.'. ..... . Uv Men's 50c Derby -Ribbed. Under- A wear, all colors 1 Uv Men's 25c fancy colored or( ! ' lace Hose .8c Men's 50c Hickory Work Shirts, : ' 1 C e in black and white stripes, all sizes. . .wOv Men's 10c white hemmed . ' " 1 Handkerchiefs . . r . ; A . r . I Ll mm ' Mm Childs' 15c Hose, guaranteed fast black, per pair Ladies' fast black 15c Hose, all sizes V. yy'yrS :5c Ladies $1.00 white India .Linon shift waists,; all nicely trimmed with lace ; PA and embroidery .V; T. . . . ,V OVC JLa'dies $5.00 Lawn Shirt , Ap Waist Suits . J) I .yf) Ladies' 10c Handkerchiefs for LC ; 75c , Bed Sheets; madepof good r bleached cotton . . . . . . . ,f . ; L v. ; . , Zbc Hack Towels . , r. . , . , . :25 c 25c and 50c kace Collars .. for ' "... t ..... . . :. .'. ;.. . . . ' Children's $1.500 $2.50 fancy lawn, and embroidery Hats . . -Ladies' $4.50 to $6.50 Walking" 0 1 1 tf Skirts M.yo $6.00 Box Cozrts for Ladies, -values from $6.50 to $10.00...... . 10c 75c $3.95 t ' " '' " " ," '' w'i,a"aaP"Pa"aaJ-BBaBB