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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, : JUNE 6, ,1907. n FPU BALE-REAL ESTATE. $8,0002 BOUSES, 10 and 6 rooms pays mora v uian iu per com on investment. at kjw , A - . t 4 A , hod Hslgbtst lOtllant lw( 10 par cant 00 la, Mo Modern S-room bona. north wick at. 83,400 New 6-room boaaa, Ent Tsylor at. $4.400 Modern B room boom, B- Yimblll et. W, 800 Modern 6-room booM, Highland d- , onion. - , l- .. .i ",.., r ..... ' a AAA w . 4 n.u JM.4 l I .....! M. D. IIOWHU. , y. Pbon Mala, 8188. , 6 Sixth at. . : '- " rOI 1ALK, . i' A' 5ood modern bona 'of 6 Nona, baeemant toilet and bath; lot 50x110, plenty of room . for enotber bouaa la rear; atraata Improved - and aldawalka lai located on lut iota street flora.- a 'bargain at term. , , . JAMES GIBSON. " Phone Mala Una. Boon 117 Ablngtoa bid. mm 38,000. half cash, corner, with new modern doubla a tore j 10 pat tent bivestmsnt? lncress " la raise la tbreo yean will mike IB par -rant; ressons clean, Investigate. . Adore g 818. care Journal. . ... .... ' rina bear modern S-room' bona with three I ; rJota, corner; 1 300 aaab, balanca aama aa rant. Other borne' and vacant lotti term. . : Make dat by phone v:; m . I W. B. ETTBT. i Arbor Lodg station. Fboaa Woodlawa Vtt. 11.300. OWHRB will Mil for cash, 4 lota ,- f routine- weet at Ockla Oraan. Mo areata. I rooo icaat 900, . . If yoa want to bay, eell or xching your r roper rr, can aa or aaaree 00. w xwnar, lOSH Washington at, Portland, Or. - . . v BEAUTIFULLY located a era tract near 8 ear. line, auttabl to plat, for aal by owner. vau main own., noma A-i7. , too FARMS, amiU traeta and Iota: bargstn na v. . r. electric una. u. n. A aal ton, Mat, mi. acott ear, aa. . . 1 35 ',' '1.' " STOP RENTINO AND WITT. .'- 13,40050x100, room, modern, aew, SStb, ar Ankeny. . I 3J500 oOxlOO, fin oornar lot, t-rooot mod-1 rn bom. Eat Davl at. SS.eoo 60x100, room, vary asodern, Eaat 17th t. - ., ... 13.660311-8x100, room, modern. Cast vavie, aoar inn.- . . Will arrange term to- ntt, ' - COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, . Sixth aad Aakeny ata, B-ROOM bona, lot extra lam. near car, . city limit: if aold be tore ear anion expiree. 1.000, on very aaey term. Aylawortb KntAn. PhAnai Talwo KTIV - 1 . . 1' SECURE on of tboee B-aera tract near tb . new carllna and Baa Lin road before they are cone; two left at fOSO each, oa tarma. 'Ayiiwortn Eptoa. nom Tabor 070. av - . yoar eaoie from t aw nttagoa. all moaara bat one, and It t a snap; It haa 8 room a. 11 flnlabed Inalde, and ba 1 or a lore; yoa caa bay It for S350; 1100 down and fid per month! or any of tb modern cottage on tba aay paymenta. Bamember, I bava om j Die a ere ire tract, 1 to 0 acrea, ana eome cholc banding lot, all ngbt at tn earun. Se m at once and tak your choice. No agents. Be owner, Joe Naah, at Millard are.; tat Mt. Bcott carun. rOR SALK 38 acre, between two earlines. cloae tat tbl it very algbtly and caa ba sold oft la lot at aa Increaee-of 100 par cent Be a at one. We tarn Oregon Trust Co.. m Btark at. , ... , BARQAIM Woodatock Height, B-toom boaaa, ! quarter bloc, fruit, rboo Beuwooa so. 12.230 BVTS a new 7 -room bona and lot. Jm quir ox w. n. isw, 11 rruuaiaa an. FOR SALE FAJRJI3. d0 ACRES, 13 mil from Tanccmver and handy to country town; 4 aero under cultivation, 10 aerea rood areen tlmrierl box bona 16x20. barn 90x20, 16-foot post: good land, lay well and oa a good road, half mil to church orchard of asaortad fruit, tiring atraaot and pring; a pargaia at i,zou terma. xo acre or good una mile rrom vau- bearing atrawberriea, fin patch of potato, balanca In meadow and naatura: new 4-room bouaa, good barn and all outbuilding! good wall; mil from cbnrch and school aad 40 acre, 1 mil from country town and 8 I good road; pne 41,700; term, mile to railroad (tatton; aero alaihed and ceded, A acre of timber; 3-story boos, mala part -26x26, and kitchen 12x26; om ale awal land, a snaps eee this; only 8000. 70 acres, 4 mile from tHou and 16 mile to Vancouver oa a good road; 65 acra under cultivation, well fenced; good 9-roora boas, ' large barn 80x60 and all outbuilding! 4 acre , or orchard ot aonea iruite; nauay i acuoui and half mil to church; living itreim and ' spring; all th cleared land can n irrigarao; 1 fin homei 1U mile to country itor and In good aeigbborbood; pric $8,500, halt cash. - ' . 5 acre, 3 mil from Yaneoover, on a good ' road: 4V4 cleared and tn crop, fin atraw- ' harry natch; email box bouse, bsrn. 3 cblcken bouses and all outbuilding! ; handy to church and school and is a thickly nettled neighbor hood; good well of pur water; a very ale ? home; only 31.225. -If yoadon't se what yon want In th a have, writ or call oa na. W caa suit you aad aav yon money. THOMPSON SWAN, CltUeni" Bank bldgM Vaneouvr. Waah. Reference Any bank la city. 83.1SO 76 8O-100 ACRES near BHliboro, 10 ; acre la eultlvtloa, 35 acre good paitnre; 6-room boa aad 8 barn; oa milk route; ' u mil from school. Will axchsng tor Portia 4 propwty... f k.,,---. '' 14,00040 acre iU In cultivation, near Beaver ton; good boos nd barn! nle or chard; about T acre beaverdam land. $4,400 SS 61-100 cr: 1 mil from Reed vllle. on Hlllsboro-PortUnd road: mostly. In , cultivation; running water on place, sal . nbject to short Icise, $1,000 cash, balance I to suit at T per cent. an nonlin ' aema ' near Beaverton. oa Caa. von road: 48 aero In cultivation; 3 In time . ' ber; good 4-room bouse and all other lm- . mnnninM eomnlcta! Weill Ott DlaCe! I acr fruit trees; close to Salem line. $2,000 cash, .balance S year at pr cent 4 . . Pbon Kx. TO, 226 Btark Bt IMVACTtll rARM IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 100 In crop i B room bona, good barn and - oathtilldlnga; ramuy orcnara, running water i ' 8 mile from city limits, 8 miles to carllne; j tt . W n and nhone: 300 varda to school: will sell In 40-icr tract; $S5 to $100 per sere, icrms. j HABLOW ft D0WUN0, t i . ' . ' . MUwiuk), Or. FOR BALE 267 acre fertll valley had.: fin Improvements, stock. Implements, etc.l Wsrer ' snd fuel. Adares ox iu, uvarmore, Ala meda county, cel. . v ii'.: FARM NEAR LENTS. OMMc 10 acresr new' S-room bouse, good ideal fsrm for berries; all fenced; IK mile lauits. fS.ouv; terms. -- - . 'C. L. BERGEVIN, - -- ---10 Union avenue North, ONLY $5,000206 seres. 160 tn cultivation, all 'levelt en bank of Willamette; tin soil:, good location; 3H acre orchard and improvement. : No agent T. J. Jackson,' 475 Hyt. Mala 61. ? For Sale, 16 Acres ; tfcttable tor platting, eloa In. ,. Inquire y..: Eaat. tm. ' - -. ,- - - - 1 - ..;:HOMESBEKERS. i . v ' W' loots homestead, desert claims of . : 330 rrer ae better grain land la tb world. ; Address Auten V. JBirnes, Lakevlew, Or. .... FOB BALE 60 crn; enongh tlmher , to psy '. for place; partly . Improved; one mile from ' Holbtook, Or. No agent. Addre J. Qtlt- fioea, Holbrook, Or. , ' , RAILROAD-LANDS W caa secure yoa first '. application filing on desirable raUroaiVanla . ifor small tee.? Investigate at one. Vil Bu chanan bldg.. roruenu. ur. 23 ACRES Crop, cows, team, poultry, tool, hoass, bare, creek, fl.ouo; nsir cam, nai- i anc 8 per cent, 604 Goldsmith at.. Lower Alblna ear, -, .iv : -'-, .. --f ; FOR SaLE VARMS. IS ACRES on tba Wlllimetta river, all la " tlvatlon, with 250 fruit trees, V,2"0 mixed ' berry plants and 1,000 aspsrsgus planta Jmt . aat oat; aew barn and cliirhen-hnusei lo . to Oregon City car Hue; price 8400 per acre tianoir Uowllng, aiuwauaia. vr. ' , WANTED Few more person to file and lo cite on . railroad Isuds la Oregon. Addraaa ,. 0 BIS, ear Jour aat . BUT your farm near Portland! Hob anil; price advancing ; aend for my big deacrlptlva Hat or all. O. W. Dixon, Ctnby, Or. TIMBEIZ.- ' ; LOOK I NO FOB TIMBKBf W offer yon every adrintiae tlimo,h em ayatea of expert axamlnatione which enable ' yon to deterniln tba anitablllty of a tract ' without apendlna tlm or money. If our tenora! report Indicate tbat we bava 'What yoa waat oar oatlmarea by two and half TBX THR LACEY WAT." . JAMES V. 1.ACEI CO., ! 1 S3 Clumber of Commerce, ' Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. ''. - TIMBER LANDS.' .' To tba Own ere of Timber Landat W want tlmher landa la large and email traeta, atnale ' elilme, ia Oregon, Wuhlni toe and -. Idilw; It. mnat b direct from tba owner) wa don't 4 want i-iy option nntU wa eee what yoa bar to offer at your loweet net eaah price! aend aa your deaorlptlona, kind of timber aad four ear l mite 11 yoa dbt. 11. i , j ' Writ na aad find oat wh4 wa caa do for yon. , W are In tba market at all time lor any ol tbat l rifbt : . 1 , I1T-U Fantoa bid.. M SUta at. PortUnd. I TO OWNERS of timber claim and tlmbetw W will bar for ciin any gooa iinioer inn- tare a, ha NahaUm Hvar. Will deal With mmh Atilvf writ, vtvlne fnll laictlcfllara. Nebilem Iaveetment Co., S2S Cbambar ( Oommere Boiuung, roruana. or, . CERTIFIED atrip, lay ate, loweet prlea. 0 Howell, esa Cbambar er onmmora. TIMBER LANDS. ' : Intending parrbaeere dealrlng t be located apon landa with heavy timber In the land grant of the Oregon eV California railroad la ontbera' Oregon can eeeora the aa me br acting qolckly. Latloa fee Inclndlng all ' neceeearr attomey' fee are raaaonebl. Ad- ', oraaa, J. B. Vardln, Grant Paea, Oregon. riRM homeetead rellnqnlabmant; 8.000,000 feet yellow fir, near Tillamooki d0 acrea beaver dam. . Caa locate railroad land 40 mllee frooi Portland: claim worth 7,000 each. J. V. will, xos Aider at., room is HORSES, VEHICLES, - pARJTESS. FOB SALE, CHEAPA epan at ebeatnnt geld ing, roxen man ana tui, wen matcnaa, tnorongbly city broke, 0 year old) beat road team In Ore iron. Also practically aew Con cord top boggy aad.eplendtd aet of buggy barnaaa; mnat b een to b appraclatcl. Write lock bos No. 463, city, or call on O. P. McDermott. Mt. Scott carllna, Hiaelwlld atatlon, S3 Walnut at. . . v BORREa and tmaaira tor rent br da. nd moatat special -rata to nnaineae aaaiee. Sixth and BawUorn. , Beat 71. iTrm rni Ilia im m-t h.a. ."";--. ' n... "I" ..Vi V.; on 13-ucb plow, new! on half aectioa har row, good a oewt on aet lead bar. 3 log ebalnai $275. Call at 84 North 26tb t near Going; tak Alberta oar to Soth at. BEST work and light barnaaa, prlcee loweet) we -use your out narnee in exenante xor nr. Keller ttamaw Co. 4 North Sixth et. T HEAD Including t fin driver. Call 538 Bmltb au, MonUvllla. LOflO-POUND bono, bnggy and bame for al eneap, a owner naa no oaa ror cnem. in quire at 8. Mt. Tabor Reeervolr grocery (or owner. Addraaa T 815, cara Journal. DELIVEBT hone, a boat 1,300 poonde, wanted at 47 seat litn at. T. 4. Bbaparo, grocer. Pbon Sellwood 355. MTSICAL rVSTROIEXTS. V10T0B Talking Machine and record! Btein- wey (or etneri piaaoa. anermaa, I lay at vo Sixth and Morrttoa ata., opp. P. O. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. Woodbln ata., Laaralwood Park,. Mt Scott 1 , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOTjS. ajNOBB and Wheeler and WBaoa wrwlng m. btn offlo. W MtL )eaa or rent aew as chine! old Bacblna take la part payments aecood-band machine 85 and up: ohr makea of aew maefalne $28 and apt aeedlee for all make of machine; all ind of machine repaired and guaranteed. S. 8. SlegaL agent SS Morrison at Ph jn Mala 2188. . . , , . $$$!ff$ 283 PIRST. NEAR MAIN. IM? w want your trade at th Dollar for atove. furnltnr of vry daacrlptlon; yonr old furnltnr taken to xchanra, ar tb high est ch price paid; new and good a new. Phone A 3327; Main 6874. , . v FOR SALS Plymouth Rock ' and ' Leghorn chick, lOo.Mch; will deliver downtown. A. B. Danley. aouth end Clinton addition. Monta. FREE FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mam 4208 or cau ao rronx ex. we pay ana sou xur. altar, clothing or any old thing. . ..: -, BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure ear -for rneumetism. aold ay all drugglata., ., BILLIARD AND POOL table for rest ar (or asie ob eaey payment. - THB BBUNSWlCK-BALKB-COLLENDBB 00, . dt Tblrd t. Portland. OLD BOOK STORE temovad to 168 Fifth and 811 Second eta.1 . SHOWCASES and fixture, new and aoeond- band. Carlaoa Kails tram. 388 Coach et. OWING' to dieeolvlng - psrtnershlp. a homer pigeon aquao punt must b sold st one taira it coat 00. B. Houta, Kalama, , With, , MOTION picture machines, elm, etc., for rent oonguc oia. exenengea. ixewman, ioh 6th. GASOLINE engine, sew, 8-horsc power borlron- xai Ltswiss moat n;- cost. oo, win take $180. Address X 80S, car Journal. FOR BALE Cheap. " motion plctnr machine. rums, to. ; complete outat. u. all journal. FOR SALE 000 fenc posts. Bt John wood- yarn, Bt joon. DOCTOR'S office fixture; chair. Instruments, ' electrical appliance, chart; all or part F a lo, ear journal. . . . .. . , POB SAL J? H-lnch log track; Call at cor ner xoira eve. ana roster road, icnts, or. I FOB 8 ALB fl-hole rsnge, fine baker, large oven, i or jo.. , box xm, otaiion a. 'BARTER AND EIClUyGt: TWO fin 7-room houses to exchanre for a Sooa nop ranca or stocg rsncn. e, u. Lassen i Co., 874 -Plrat at.. Portland. . 160 ACRES of rich,: level land tn Sacramento valley,. California, . to: exchange for tlmlwr land. P. 0. Laaa Co., 874 First at.. Portland. -., . ... GENERAL stock for farm m Willamette vl my: good town; gT.awo at lnvolc. Addres K 814, i car Journal. ' . -. CHEST of tool for dlsmond ring. : N 814, car sournsi. . HOUSE and half block for acreage er bay lend. Address rt aio, .oara sournai. t - 'OLD book bought and aold st 168 Fifth t and 811 B scon a si. njisua oras. WILL trade Albert. Canada, land for Portland or coo y a proprxiy. .?.., vuver, nun Gsntenbeln T., rorimno. i A. RPIVEB. th practical turner, late or Lewit bullllhg, 1 now locaiva a eiore ,i oaa Waahingtoa street, corner 17tb street, where he hss seenred more convenient nnd com modious quarter!. : Fur work In all branched, su.i.ictn earment remodeled and rwired. ex pert fitter, 80 years' experience. Order Work spCIBIiy( vutolim I'ni - wu-k rtona at summer price. Now la th tlm to attend to your fur. . a. GERMAN book, xaagasloe. novels, etc I Oer. man, Engiisn, rrenea, opaniso. nweaiso a no Italian oictionaneai rorsign nooa . ,os 1 u kind. Scbmale Co., 328 First at . BUTTS pressed wtill yon wait. BO. Lsdles Skirts presse. pue. ' uuoerx. ma Biaia Bb, Mil l tjaeua. ' rooaa atajiB w y ' : t, : pehsonal.' -: lM r rEItSONAL. m -ilium "ir HOLDBWS P.nEHMATIO CORK or car for - Bumatiem. , Moid by all dragglit. MANLT vigor reatored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Olobnle. One month' treatment. 3 8 month, an) aent eecnrely aealed by mall -' Aianta. Woodard. Clark Co., PortUnd. Or, BAIM or Pins for all female rllaeaee. Eaat Belmont . Pbon Eaat 404. 26 MRS. OBROCK, gradmit maeaen: cabinet bath, aalt glow, alcohol rnb, cream meaag referencea. 1KB Keren tb at Main 480S. TTTRKISn BATHS, 800 Omnnlan bldg.i ladle day, gentlemen ntghta, Mala IBM. . ; , BACK date of mar a fine at 0 cent. Book star. Sar Alder t . Jane DON'T be doll and Inactive; Rextn Pill enr ivll we knew Ml a tmx, 8 for 15; fnll gar antee, Addrraa ' r call 1. O. Cleineneon, drogglat. Portland, Or. . MISS RAYMOND Mieeenee. A8Vh Morrlaun room 14. Pbon Main 881L LADlra Dr. Sanderaon' Co. Sarin and Cotton Root Pllla are the only anr remedy for de- . layed perlodat by mall, 82 per box. Addre Dr. Pierce. 181 Flret at, PortUnd. Or. v . DR. BINO CnoONtV Importer Chlna root nedlrlnea: lli Chtnea tea. ctrtatn car for all die. I8 2d. bet Xamblll aad Taylor. EXPERIENCED maaacnt give treatmnt for . rfaeumatlam. C24H Waablngtoa t. v MADAM A. LCCKET, now located la ber ele gant aew qoirtera, I prepared to meet ber old patrooe and rcelv new on. ' Ear and scalp treatmenta and apeclal attention to lumbago, rbeuiaat1m and nervonenee. 146 Pront t.. Main SOU. MADAM TASBTI and aaaietant giv bath aad maaaage treatmenta. 301 Vi Third t. MIS ETHEL WARD, mantcurlit and cblropo- diat. formerly of 201 V, Tblrd at, la new at 830 Pine at. Pbon Padfl 1730. MANICURING, face maeetge and scalp treat ment Try room 1, 80H waahingtoa at ' HARTMAN DETECTIVE AOBNOT. Expert confidential aervlc. Rooma 417-418 Swetland bldg. Main S068. Night. Eaat 182. TOUNO aclentlfle maaaeua give electrical, t- coholl and medicated treatmenta, also tub hatha. . 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waab. Ingtoa t. . ' ' , 1 DR. ISABELLE MACKIB ha Jnat moved from room 24 and 25, Marqnam, to room 10, tn -Lwla building, corner of Park and Mor rison it,, wbere ah will b plaaaad to wel come all her old patient. MIR.1 GIBSON give scalp treatment; ndrnff. 268H Morrison at, room o. LADIES; Dr. La rraneo'a Compound: aafe. a needy mrolator; ZS cent, araggiat or man) booklet ftee. Dr. La Pranoo. Philadelphta. Pa. LADIES! Aak your ' drnggtat tor Chichester Pllla. tb Dtamona Braua. ror zo years known aa beat, aafeat alway reliable. Take no other. Cbicbeater Diamond Brand Pllla ' ar aold by druggist every wner. ' HENRY B. 'WILLARD, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, call at 1 Pint st. important ART. PREB LESSONS IN Embroidery Every Day. THE fc'EEDLECBAPT SHOP, . . tm Wish Ingtoa at B. H. MOORRHOUSB CO. Artist' materlara. plctar molding, plctnr framing, troptit lantern eiraee. si Aioev sx. ATTORNEYS. PIOOOTT. PINCH 4k BIOOEB. attorney t law. 4 Moltey mag., corner Becooa ana Mar rlsoa. ..,..., , .... - ... ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, architect Plan! snd spedfl- catioaai jo naiiaing aupenstenoenoe. ASSATER8. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Assay Office. 186 MotrUoa at. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COYBY, : A rest Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile, Cad illac aad Knox. Temporary loeatloa Club Oarag, 15tb and Alder st. ACCQRDION DRESS PLAITTNO MISS O. GOULD, 61T Swstland bldg. Acoordlon piesting na onttons covcroa. BATHS MASSAGE. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment; bath r ana maaaage. novk rourtn at. BLANK-BOOR MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second st, Blsnk books msnafsctured: agents for Jones' improved ixtose-tear lodgerss see toe i Roreka leaf, th best on tbe market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwsld do., .. 804-806 Everett st. largest batcher supply aoase oa tn coast, writ tor catalogue. BUTCHERS' , SUPPLIES Adotph A. Dekam. 181-138 Plrat at., carries a foil line arid eon plete aortmnt st lowsst msrket price. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 Fourth si Office and . store fixture built and remodeled? bowc aad counters, rbone Msln 178T. B. MELTON Office, tor flxtnre general Jobbing. 87 First t Pbon Msln SIBO. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Lirrert plant on cosstj Loring snd Harding its. t phone Rest ZHi: carpers cleaned, rerittctl, sswea and laid; (team snd rompresoed sir process: re novating msttresse ana learners a specialty. JOYCE BROS., proprietor of the Electric dree ing works: carpet c!end and laid, both dry y, and eompreesed-air cleaning; carpet refltftng ; our specialty; work guaranteed. Pbon Mali 3872 and A 8873. 170 Grant at. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd pedlcnring. Mr. M. D. Hill, Room 830 rieidner bldg. Both phone. . DR. FLETCHER, font specialist. Alliky bldg, Phone Pacific 3289 and A-24S1. CLEANING AND DYEING. " CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per month, Unique Tailoring Co 800 Btark t - ' . H. W. TURNER, dyer; earpet dyed a pclal ty. ou) Jetrerwn t Main xoin. - CAFES. SEE Bam Vlgneux at Vlgaeuz Cafe, Sixth and . Waahingtoa at. V COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND . SAWDUST V 8LABWOOD CO, 8A5 Front successor to Fultoa Wood Co.) fir. oak. alabwood. coal Tel. Mala 1888,. FOR prompt dsMvaty of . alabwood call Mala 47B. Oak. h, fir and coal. Portland Wood ft Coal Co, 16th and 8a viae t. . WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Hons and blsckimith coal, coke, chr eaal, kindling. Pbon Mala 1018. : ' TELEPHONB EAST T. . . F. B. JONES ft OO., -Wood aad CoaL 181 East Water at. OREGON FUEL CO. I now taking orders for - wood and coal for tutor dellrwy.. 834 Aider . et ' Main 65. ' - ' CLAIRVOYANTS AND 'PALMISTS. PREB TEST. FREE TEST. . CONSULT THB BEST IT WILL BB THB . . CHEAPE8T IN THB END. 1ft order to convince yoa that I am th . moat - wonderfully developed clairvoyant 1 A met fee, I will glv yp a y , . FREB TEST. - ' v PBOF. NIBLO." s 08 tt Washington at MISS MAY ANDRRWS-Atard Iwadlag, 35a, 388 sUctfe at, aaraM Maia, " CLAIRVOYANTS "AND PALMISTS. The Renowned Clairvoyant V anil Spiritual Adviser. - Ilelvln doea all h claim, and advertlae to do thing beyond ordinary undaratandlng, tiling tbat aeem impoaallilei poaltlvely. with out, a question. Sella yon by tarn, glvea ' date, tacts and location la tb vast problem .;of life. . .... - ... . - , , In matters of law, epecalatloo, Inveatmtnt 1 and all domeitic trouble, tli preillrtlons of I this Inspired medium' ar Infallible; unite. I the eparated, eatue apeedy and happy mar 1 rlage with tb on of your cholc, re more, Jpvll Influence and heal tb alck. , Investments iV-.?; itk-,- : Malvin I alway ready and willing to help thoe with small capital to find rood paying lnveatmnte by hla wonderful power. Thla be- can and lyru do, and tak no fee until ' the investment pay baqdepm profit. I ' thla not .honeatt . .... I s An Occult Scientist ; ' Thla gifted tranc medium penetrate th myateriea of th eoul, delve into tbe . pit, lniulrca Into the future, aettlea love qnarrele, reaturea loat affection, reunites tboae separ ated, remove evil Influence!, gives power to the weak, neaitn to th lick, nappmeea to th nnbappy. it yon wlah to know tn real secret snd mysteries nd achieve tbe en- eeaa which you deaarv conault this glf tu psychic; guarante to atart you on the rlulit road to acceaa; no matter what yonr opinion are, investigate and you WW D ricniy re- , wraa. - Understands the JlMoc-Yctfl v1: ' treea ; : HI practice and nrofemkmal renutatloa er ful ! 1 , hiimi 'hnnnf MamahL ai, . p.k. 9 m ": deallnga. Faithful acrrlce and auaedy me eea for hi client hive won for bint th large! practice In tb itate of Oregon. ' III . ' euperior knowledge and power glv him ad' vantage which warrant blm In guaranteeing . satar, surer ana mora rapia rcuit toga caa bs obtained alewur. READIN0 THIS WEEK. SOC. ' 50C :"' SQc '. . REMEllBfiR THE NAME. TOR BENSON, 281 H Morrison, near Plftb. Honrs, 10 a. m. to 8 p. at. I Sunday, X t 6. ' , PlIONK MAIN 7246. PROFESSOR WALLACE, PortUnd' favorite clairvoyant palmlat and medlnm; reading 35c. tl Morrison t DENTISTS. DR. W. B. KNAPP hss rsturnad from t Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DANCING. WALTZING, two-step, three-step, Baltimore, etc., 2Sc pr Msson daring summer months I school open sll year; stsgs dancing, buck snd wing, clog, jig. Highland fling. Prof. Wal -WIHeon's Dancing School, 804 Alliky bldg., . Third snd 'Morrison sts. - WOODWARD DANCINO SCHOOL Clies Mon., Tsars, and Bst eve.! social, fancy snd stsp dinjlng tsugbt; 5 aaslstsat tsscbsrs; class snd private lessons dally. Wsstern Academy - hall, Sacond and Morrison at. Pacific 1630. ENGINEER TNO. NrJWKLI. A (iOSKETT. enclneer and eurveyor. office 83 Washington bldg, cor. Pourtb and Washington. Main 8586. DRESSMAKING. MAUAMB ANGELES 243 fifth. Padfl 883. MADAMB TUTTLB, fnhlooibls dressmaker; : price reasoosbls. 215 13th st. TeL Mala 8610. DRESSMAKING All kind of sswtng don raa sonably. 618 Gsntenbeln. ' DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. CARNEY'S Veterinary Hospital for horse snd iliw. 9sa Gllasn at. Pbone Main 1484, DRS. 0. B. BROWN ft MILLER Dog and ( Kama hoanttal lOfl Norfh Nlltn at.. I EDUCATIONAL. nnt.urii nt'SINESS COLLEGE. Waahlngton and 10th ata, Pliedner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shortbnnd, Typewriting nd Xl Bngliih br inches tangbt, both day and sight. FINANCIAL aid to alx worthy young . ladles who wlah to tsk a shorthand eonrs. Apply st one st office. 517 Oommonwasltb bldg., Blxth nd Bornild t. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth bldg., Blxth and Ankeny t. Phone Main 8001, A-3001. Telegraphy, typewriting, penmanship, 8pan!sh t languag. IndlvMnal tne tract Ion. GERMAN lessons to beginner at 453 Morrison, . reasonable; class or prlrsts; reference given. ' inCTRICAL SUPPLIES. - U. C WALSH CO..n811 Stark t' " Electric aad Oa Fixture and Snppll. Mantel. Tiling. Grate and Doglroa. - PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, contrac tors, repairers, staetrl wiring, supplies. 84 First cor. 8tsrk Mala 659. B. H. Tat, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 Sixth St. Contractor, electric supplies, motors snd, dy nsmos! we initsll light nd powsr pleats. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 291 Bast Morrison t Fixtures, wiring, repairing. East 8128, FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. . PORTLAND WIBB ft IBON WORKS Baob4 and Everett at. Phoss Mm xvuu. , ' , GASOLINE ENGINES. niMOLINR ENGINES. tiHnnan and i marine: alectrle eauln. ments; Isuncbe; accessories; wholeesle and retail: engine repairing. . Relersoo Machinery Co.. iiue-4-o, morriwn at. BHEFFIELD marln engine. Any propeller. ralroanka. Mors co, rirst sua ours sts. HARDWARE. COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO., Second and Mor rison st. Everything in tn narawar line PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicit opportna. - Ity to quote price. T4 Blxtn at. raeiric ana. ' HOTELS. THE Bellevne, European plsn, 4th snd Salmon HOTEL Portland. American plan. 33, $8 per day BELVEDERE; European plant dth aad Aldr ta. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir inmrane. 344 Shar- lock bldg. nr. r wagkl Inaurancer emnloverr liability, nrty bond, tiorglsr na scciaent msnrnnae. Pbon Mils us, wi rsiung nng. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employ' liability and Isj. dlvldual accinent aeennty pouos w ou aunss, pbaa 4T. 803 McKp hl4g. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES Li MASTICK ft CO.. Front snd Oak gtl., leitcer ana sxins ox evury assenpuva fur all purposes; ote and tap sottsrsi nnoinga. LAND SCRIP WANTED and for sale All kind. Including approved forest reaerre scrip tor snrveyea, na nrveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. at. Hamilton. "Tb Portland.'' Portland. MTSICAt. PIANO lessons at tb Studio.. 453 Morrison, st reduced rates during vacation; terme reaaoo- Sbl. ( V ', - -'-K s -, THB WEBBER 8TCDIO Madolfh,f baaja, guitar lastracuons. aav w sen i rig ma at PIANO, violin, cornet,, trombone, clartnet Pro- m, a. Bmitn, zm uia t jtAia aiv MONET TO LOAN. V,' -Vi SALARY IA!f . ':'( headquartkks. Loans to: evkry one worktno, i LOWEST rates in the CITT. f, REBATE given If P"ld be for due. ;; ? Oet 815, pay baok 81. 00 per week. ' Oct 820. pay back f 1.80 per week. , Oet par back 31 K per week. -' Oct M0, par beck f 3.20 per we-k. OTHER AMOUNTS IN I'ROPOBTION, - STATE BKCtTBIT Y CO,,., j ' v ' 704 DEKUM 81.00. 'floor . m. to 6 p. m. Siturdiy, p. m. ( ;.. j . : i r' - ' ; tin MONEY TO LOAN . I on Imnroved rltr ' nrooerty or far nalldtng nrtw. for from 1 to 10 veare time, with prlvtleg to repsy sll or part of V after two year. Loan a appmvea rrom puns im moeer advanced a bnlldtng firogr! mort gagee taken np and replaced. PBKD H. STnONO. Financial Agent , ,-: ., ; -V 343 Stark t. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on alrt. Iaaroi , nolle lea. plsnns, furnltnr. wssehoae reoetpt. etc. ny deserving person mey rnr Iih rl advene, repeytng by sy wsskly . , monthly fnstatlmmta. ' NEW ERA f)AN Tit TINT COMPANY. ,308 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIBD PROPL snd others npon their own nsnte without eeenr Ity; cheeneat rates, eaaleet payments: office In no principal eitiee: aav yoorseir anom-r bv retting enr terms flret. TOt.MAN. 228 Ablngtoa hlSg., loevt Tblrd it WANTED Koran, mnrtmge or contrert o nv kind of real eas In Oron snd Wsih tngton; second mnrtgsres pnrcbssed If wU scared. H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. DON'T bor'"w eMwier en sa'eev emtfl yoa s Hatton .Credit .Co. -- .-.v.'?5o 613 Dekum bldg.'- . . ' , MONFY to loin; larra loan specialty! . hnlMIng toena: mweat re-r fire Inraraaca. William a Beck. 813 Pilling bldg. CRBSCRNT LOAN CO..s 4M Mohiwk bid. Money to lend on sv-rievment plsa to wige srnera; trlctly confIr1ntlL MORTGAOB Vans at enrrent ratee; no or ; mlsvlnn. . Colnmhls t If A Trust Com piny, " Lamber Rxching bldg. MONEY to loan oa ill kind of aeenrtty, Dam BolL room 6 Waab Ingtoa bldg. WU- TO LOAN Snm to suit on chattel security. B. A. Prsm, 814 th Mirqmm. QUICK loan, on sll seen rl ties. a. W. King. 45 Wsshlngton bldg. Msln 6100. ON mortgage. 8200 tn IS, 000 coat papers only. Ward, lawyer. Alliky bldg. A LOAN for the rising filary or chattel. Tb Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people Just on yonr own name; don't borrow until you se mu my evirera la the best for. railroad men. elerke, bookkeeper, etreeteer men and all other em- Rlovee: bnalneea strlctlv confidential. P. A. ewton, 811 Buchanan bldg., 3M Washington. MONEY to loan on real eatate. chattel mort gages or personal security! note bought. C W. Psllett. 304 Fentoofldg. TJNCL1 MEYERS' loan office. 143 Tblrd t.. ner Alder, estsbllahed 1S70; old snd re liable; sny s mount loaned on wstcbe, dia mond, jewelry and rslkln. MONUMENTS. NED KINOftLEY, 268 Pint St. Portland leading marbl aad granite work. MONUMENTAL BRONZE X). Mort durabl grave bea da tones.. Room 13. 268 Stark t. MACHINERY. tt TRRNirttAN A CO. Mining, aawmlll. log' ging machinery; bydrsolie pipe, csiting; all lino repsireu. lo nana rosna an. THR H. 0. ALBEB CO. Seeond-bsnd ima- coinsry, sawmiits, mim, v A. J. PAUL, 100 First st, eomplet lln aw mill machinery; also engine, ana oouers. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS,, DB. .LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, speclallit o ervoos. scote nd enronio encases, uiikw 817 Fen ton bldg. Phone Padfl 1180. iM tn KORTHRIIP. 415-16-17 Dettnm blflg ' . . . ... . . . ... r.i . -1 JO inira ana wasningwm sia. - tvuvtpa - Examination free. , PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. "anltar- plumber, 331 Second, Jhjt Msm ana diibwb. ,- . DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHEB removed to No. 808 Barnld t PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. Tb Pioneer Paint Co. I window claaa and Biasing, mo aim ss. Pbon 1884. ' ' REAL ESTATE. PARRI8&, W ATKINS ft CO., 250 ALDER ST, b..i A.ta rentals, loan and Inauranc. W mak a specialty of handling rental and property ror reaioents ana nim-miuma. BstsDIISbea 1SI2. I uou. aaam ww J. W. OGILBEE. reel estate and wens; estab lished 1883. HBtt rirst St., room i. BPHINX AGENCY, dealers In res! estate aad rentals, booh Htara sx, xssin FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOB. W. W. ESPEY. 818 Commercial bldg. PRINTING. v mi srnnRRN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. 1 It t .... n .l . . , , dim.. XB rtusaei mag- anuria ion aiwt" Psolfie 1526. OGILBER BROS., printers Card, blllhaada. etc Pbone Main 1858. 146U First at RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder t.l pnon Mala 710. Hobber atampa, aeais, stenrua; oar gag, trad checks: brass sign and plate, ROOFING. 1 nN ROOFING guttering, repairing and general , Jobbing. J. LoslL 218 Jefferson t- no. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. ! : svioTPn A irtKISKR IGN8. W hive built up tbe largest aign basin In th city by first-class work snd ksenlng car nromlee. Our price r right. Fifth and Evrtt sts. Pbon Exchange 55. - "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland 81g. Co., 887 Stsrk st. Phone Psclft 1586, SHOWCASES AND IXXTURES. BHOWCASES, of every description; hank, bar and atore WHturea maae to oraer. Mgnufacturtng Coj Portland. B. H. BIRDSALL. designer; sgnt M. Winter Lumber Co. T Hamilton mag. jusw eoau. STREET PAVING. WARREN Conktructloa Co., atreet pavtng, side walk and crossing. 814 Lamber Exchange. THB Barber Aspbslt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 665 Worcester blk. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., sole s rents for Hsr- rlng-llslI-Msrvln ssrss sna Msnganea nteei Bif Oo.'s bsnk ft: 20 second-hand flre- Sroof aafee and bank aafea, very cbsap; s lam or write n. 82 Seventh t DIEBOLD Maganea -8fes Large lines carried. Lock-Outa opened. Jcei, jana, ntni rur nlture. Honest prlcee and Good.- . Btb phone. J. R. DAVIS. 60 Tblrd t STENOGRAPHERS. PUBLIC stenographer and typewriter. Pbon Mala 1ZT1. 814 lsnm picg. SPIRITUAUSM. MRS. BOPHIA B. 8EIP. rellshl Spiritual raad- Inga aauy axsta jxiiiay Bjug.-, nrrw iw dsys" snd Friday at 8 p. m.; 5e. Pbon Paelfle 8.;. ;.., ..: ;..'....M. .it'' MRS. - SHAVER, Spiritual readar... 426 Hura- 810 itt. earaer xuuh ; u nXD STATEB JTATIOHAt BAVX Ot ,.(... i i , ... i - Treneaeti a Oamral Itanklne Koatnee. tb nnltd State and Enrop. Hongkong and VleivrMldtot R,I Ii BARNES Aealitant Caahler. "fTITOM BANKIBS Pertlaad. W. M, LAUD, C. B. e..MM Transact 8 General Banking 'Bnalnees. SAYINOS BANK DBPiaTMENT. Sarin hook 1 leaned on levin, denoalt. Interest paid on tlm derwelt- M IR0HAMTS' VATI0NAX, BANK Portia . rnani wATaurl,.,,..a.treeineni I 8. W. HOYT ......I.. ...Caahler I Mn . uv . . "" 8. C. CATCHIN0...... Second Aaelerant Ciahler . Transacts a General Finking Baeln. Drfta and Letters of Credit leened AralUhl ' . All Parte of th World. Collect lone Specialty. THE BANK Of CAUPOBKIA-Xitabllihed Capital paid ap..,... 14.000.000 , General Banking and Ercbang Bsstnea SA VINOS DEPARTMENT Aceonm i : : - Portland P ranch Chamner WM. R. MACREA. Menager 1 7RSX NATlOltAL BANK Portland, Orsgea. f Oldest National Bsnk. aa tt Pdfl Ooat '- CAPITAL AND ICRPLtS, $l.900.000.0a DEPOSITS, $14.000.000. 00. , ' A. f-. MILLS. J. W.f NEWKIBK n tjt . i I - TRUST COMPANIES sAaerivn -rwYTSW cflinnvv aw aima, TV. niiui Tmat. DftmBisr la M, RBHO0RCES OVER 32.000.000. General Banking. Two per cent toteres. oa shark ai- ronnt (even bandreda) on dally ha la nee of $500 or Over. Letter- of credit and on ell prti of th world. Savings seeonnts. Tim certificate. 8 t 4 per emtt JXS apeclal rerttflcatee. $300 or over. SH to 4 per eont CaU for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. , Sonthat Corner Third n Oak Street. Phone Prtvat Bxcbaag T3, . BBNI. I. ConHN PrseMent I H. L. PITTOCK -!LL'Z2l B. 1KB PAGET , rVcretiry 3. 0. OOLTRA .Asalstsnt Beoreterf SECTrBITT SATTK08 TBTST COKPAKT Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. Trnsscts a Oenersl Banking Brnea. SAVING DEPARTMENT. Istsrsst 'ows . Tim and Saving Account. Act as Tvnste for Esters. Draft aad Latter a( Credit TSlisoie on ah LPrealdent n m iniun . i pmMuii I I A. L. MILLS Second Vlce-Prealdent I GEO. B. RCSSBLL ITLX wVABATrS TRUST COMPAKT80 Wsshlngtoa Bttwst - - ; ' . ' ,. MORTOAOB LOANS oa PortUnd Real Eatate at Lowest Bate. v TUI lasured. Ahetraet Purnlehed. , ' THORBURN ROSS 1 President I OEOROR II, HILL. .Vice-President I BONDS AND n 0BBIS BROTHERS Cbambar of Oemmsro ' Muntcfp!. Railroad end Pnbllo OWiajrO-HOPKIKS COMPART EitaslUhsd 1898 BXOXXRS. . , j BTOCKS. BONDS, OBAIN Boogbt aad Sold for Cash and aa ttargta..'' . Private Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. VI VB VWVf " .M.vaa r.ATtW TATtrfl A VTt BAUTli . , WE DO A BTBIC1XY Co.ttn.o- Uark... t,StvMr TRANSFER AND HAULING.' a O. PICK, office 88 First t, between Stark and Oak t.l pbon 606. PIno snd rural- tnr moved and peeksd for shipping; dloo brick wsrehous with prt room. Front and CUy t. ORinoN TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth St. I pbon Msla 68. Heavy hanUng aad storage. INDEPENDENT RAGGAGB TBANSPEB CO. Btorag. Z Btrg sx, msisi wi, PENINSULAR Bxpres As Bsggsg Tranfr, 247 Alder t Phone Min xiti. mqrv.Rnn TRANSFER CO, Dn. tw. a. F. P. BbMicreen. General tram far and itonre; Mfe. plsnos snd fnrnltur moven, pscssa sow wuiVVn. 209 Osk st. Both pom TOWEL SUPPLY. tt nviors-tA nait.V Comb, brash, soaa. a i . month. Portland Laundry Towel Supply Co, Ninth snd Cooch. Pbon 410. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS tor new ud rebuilt type writers ot sll mikes: se oar window i If yo , sre going to any a oew tyBewrlter a be fore bnylng; we esa ssts yoa moosy : ws a. part, for rrpslrlng U taartlwrai .tat agent for tb Vlalbr Foxt w buy all kind t lypewritere. uw K 7 . ' mi v m, ...n. ... nu inav ec J nc, b. e. .uww, . BLICKENSDKRFER Typwr1tr Agsocji eup .,),, repairs. Rslelgh bldg., 6tb sad Wssa, PUBLIC 8TENOGalArr4SU WHOLESALE JOBBERS. nnrnnN rHKlcaB CO. I NO.) CHEESE, BUTTER. EGGS, etc, dairy prodncte bought r handled on commission. x juis au (BwUnd bldg.). PortUnd. Or. . j M. A. OCNST ft CO., DISTBI BDTOR8 OF FINE CIGARS. " PORTLAND. OREGON. ...amxn A PARR ELL. Produce and mtubVn merchants. 140 Front at, Portlaad, Or. Pbone Main 17P. -- . . -, :.mns s-nnNITnRB MANUFACTURING CO. v -.Manufacturer of furniture to tb trade. PortUnd, Oragoa- ' - " - : '- WADHAMS ft CO.. wholeesle grocers, . faeturers and aommlasloa mercbaatB. and Oak t. ;' :- Foarth FURNITURE msnufseturing snd pecul order. ; j, Kavenaay xuruimre iair, w, ,n n. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission andprodcmr- chant, sront nuo vm-wm . v.. WHOLESALE crockery aad glassware. Bag,! Jt Co Portlaad. Oragoa. Prsel m. W. SIMPSON. 201 Waahlngton St. vrnoss- aale easier m graia aou nmw TRANSPORTATION. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES jTitb e, T. 8 JTJI.T , , B', AVQVB1 8, 9, 10; UHel ii OUitiM. li., aa, u. Chicago and return, $71.50. Bt. Louis and return, $67.60. St Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Supo- rldr, WlnnlpeB Pff Arthur and re turn, $0. . '', ' i ' 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 tca. fioVetsL aiAcning car reeervations and additional mrormaiion, vi address H. UlVxW&vrx, . 183 TKZBS STW POBTlAin), OB. Telephones: Main 680. Mom A-atv Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRiPS V tt. it. Srookana. Xnn 14, 8tt; July "? ; JUxx, aioij w 3T0M3 BOUTS. S. Bato",V....T....i7 . . Jnlta 84 ' tW E. AiA8Kjl BOVTB. '.-. fi-s ikarsra; to, Juna and tray porta. Bailing t jp. m. ? m, at si , rtAtw Wnmnoldk. .3HBa 8. 18. 89 Cotbura' Oitv. via, BitkA. . . . . .Ju 18. ? Citv Of BBAttl ...i.JUaa T, 17, BY 8ABT 7BAHCZ800 BOtTTB, ' ) . ".-:'.:: Bulling 8 tv; m aTroia aAttla. " ; t.'of'rwl)lft.'..:U H Sonoma ......,.... -"""V S3 8. 8. xvreaidwnt ,.. w...a 87 'iU eityVtinov848'i;waBxaiiKtoa' sn. jrOBTV JTACXFIO 8TXaUUU03 Ca8 Steamships ROANOKE x - ; V-and W. ELDER Ball for Eureka, San Franclaoo And Loa AnEla direct erery Thuradep At lp.HL ticket bfflc .'1M JtMg, nw Aider, XhcnB M. li - " H, 3COUNQ, A$ai. POITLAITB, OltOON. . . rioTinweex comer Tnirfl ana wss r- DBA PIS I8HUEO AvaUabm to All tl'iee ' Mnll. Collect lone mad PwM Terms lAMtoUnt Casbtfr k ,W. i UOir .A. M. WRIORT Oregon. LADD. ; t. W. tAlDO. i a-to :. d. Oragtm. ..a.." r. h v. . . . .1re-Pree1r1-it n. i. huhuam. . , ............ OE0R0B W. H0TT. Aabitan Caable 1864. Head Offlo. Baa Praactos. f? Snrplns and nndlvMed-prnflte. .. ... .810,15S.ii Tsanctd. Intsrsst oa Tlm Deposits, n msy be opened of 310 a4 aawr4, of Commerce Bntldlng. -t . J. T. BPBTCH AELL. . . , AsslsHat Msge w itrnnn... Aaatatnnt Cak nn, w mw t-utpu. . , . . f I L. A. LEW!)., ...Plrrt VlcO-freelilewt n. C. JliniTZ. . .... ....,........oivwM.r Aiststant Secretary ' ' JNO. B. AITCHIBOlf.. .weeresarr T. T. BCRKHABT. ., . .Trsaenrs INVESTMENTS Banding. Service Corporation Bond. Pbon Mala 87. ' Board of Trad.) Portlssd. Ongua. 00MMIB8I0M BXTBINK-aV Tfltoa. Baak TRANSPORTATION. Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leav AJdt street dock T t m. ' . ' rxoara Btftiar sw. Columbia River Scenery UOvXiTOB UKl BTZAMXmn. Dally servke bsrwsen Portland and Tb Dslle. except Sundsy, lesvlng Portland nt 1 a. m., arriving about 6 p. m, carrying freight and passenger. Splendid aoaomaiada tloos for ootflts nd livestock. Dock foot of Alder etv Portland) foot f Court at. Tb Dalles. Pbon Mala 814. Portlaad, CGeeVo - fk WaQ-Xnewa , v Baliakl , : ; CHINESE ' (ot and Bar DOCTOR Ha mad life (tndy of roots aod birba. ad la that etady dlaeovsred aod I alvlaa to lbs world hi wonderful remedies. WO MEBCTRY,P0IB0NS OR DRU0S TSrD &E CUBES WITHOUT OPEBATIOB. OK WITHOUT XH1 AID OF A KBITS. He caarenteea to cur Catarrh. Aathma. Lang. . Throat. Bbenmettam .Narvoueneea. Nervon Debl'Jtr, Btomscb. , L1vr. Kidnap Trouble: also Lost Manhood, Fetalis Wk- ses and All Private Due. A SURE CAN'CER CURE 7sat Raoslvsd Trom Pairing. Cbtn Slf. Bar , and Bailable. 1P-T0U 8R8 ' AFFLICTED. DONT DELAY. DELAYS ABB DANGEROUS. , If roa cannot call, writ for symptom blank aad otrculsr. Inelos 4 rent ta atampa. CONSULTATION FREB TEX 0. On WO CH3HISK KXDI0IVB CO, 168)b Pint Bt, Cor. Morris. -Portlaad, Oragoa. Please Mention This Floe. Every Xkzzn MARVEL whirling Spray as new vsgissi errsw. Jnsre. tumtmd o'srfien. UestSai. st Most conveniaoi. . iiueaaaaa iiaay. other, but ssnd slsimn for Illustrated book 14. Tt give full rtloularsndillrectioni tn- vaiuaoxeioiaaiea. niaixi, i-t 44 BU S4 BTn BKW VOBK. tor Bala y ' WOODARD, CLA&KZ CO. AND LAUl-DATU w AlAUat uu i i BlUAAJb Scott's Santal-Pepsm Gapsiil:3 A POSITIVE CURS ForTnflsmmatioaorCatarrbot the Bladder and Iteeed Kid neys. 80 008.8 B0 PAY. Cure quickly and nermanentlv the wnrat ruM of JaaMawiiawm sad tale, bo matter of bow long standing. Absplntsly barmlesa. fiuld bf druggist. Price tl.OS. or bv malt BO- . paid, 11.00,8 (XS,U&. . BlMoaUln, Oktek by" All Sruggatta. BBYBB KBOWB TO FAUa. . Tarrant' XsWaot el CMbeb a4 ODnaibalxt . I . CAPSULES. J TT,iBiaaJidiArourro goaorrhoes, gleet, white, ess. tg Istak. sonvsnisnt to carry. u.y gaara aenssrat uea ""'. Row A Martin'. -S23 Wssblogtoa Portland. Oregon: or by mall from Tba Tarrant Co.. 44 Hudson t, Nsw York. Slade MU1 Will Not aoao. (Spedsl IHspstch to Tb' Journi L Aberdeen. Wtwh., June . T f mill, one Of tlio larg'st ami 1 .equipped In the Graye llirhor c IS not to cloevl. fiarnfr i aiAtea that H will run am i. . . i preaent condition Ami r'unr - aui or in mm ia nw r other Is LUe rbuwt a. .4 AflvS. Ad TMt SnarcM r rl. K lm" If b cannot supply the S j-J", JV MiRtkL. aoueDt no Tfc. i'"ir,V-e - AT M C.tvVtWtO-