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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
ments received; too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. San vTranciscp Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSL, bet 3d & 4th , . BCKIPTIOXB BSOEXTBB. , : Ores-onlana when In Ban Vranolseo ran hava their mall ant In car of Tha r Journal : office. . , r!i ARTHUR 1 FISH, RopwaantaUvo. ' WHEN AWAY FROM BOMB ' Centos of The Journal esa be ebtalned eh foiuwlns- oltlM mwut town mtalda mt Oreaoa. The JoerosT weald appreciate the receipt ef report of lallere (a oblate copies of the paper at any or tnea pieces: . cni.s-Ix. WAnm(iTnw A. M. Km. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Wslln WsHa i ' Stationery Company: Itos-ers-HosweU Com- . Mor: Hotel Decree New Stead; Htsndl Craft-al News OtmHW. Unto Cigar TACOMA,. WASHINGTON Hotel Teeoma News BtanA 11 H South Fourth street; Csntral News Co. 1 People's News Co. ';.''. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier .; tlreed . News 8tand; Interna Hone New Agewry Newspaper Wagnai Hotel Saattla Nsws stand; - Eastera Nam On. BAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA Amoa New Ceca- psny. Newer per Viim, SPOKANE. WASHINGTON oba . W. Oreaess Ca. MINNRAPOU", MINNESOTA U. 1. . Cavee aaerh. 60 Third street south. bt. tons. Missouri h. t. Jatt. ana oit street: . George L. - ArkermaB. A W. Oar, Elrhth and Olive streets. Kansas citt. Missouri tome New . pany. Newspaper Wagon. Unloa New Co.. opposite Union depot . ' CHICAGO. ILLINOIS P. O. New Osmpeav, 17a. Dnrimra attMt. ' Center, Colorado Datea Dapot Kawa Stand LOS ANOBTKA, CAtrFORWIA Ana M Cotnnsnv. Newsnenee Wana. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amos New Cose. panr. Newapsper Witnii: Hal News Co. AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA N. Waaetlev Newe Com pa ii, Newspaper Waaoot Foster A Oraar. Ferry betid Ids i Johaan New Owa- psny. lfil FlUBora street A mo nrwi ., SALT LAK'lTcrTT. tTTAH Roeenfeld A JHsn anB, Newapsper Wagon; O. L. Davie, Hotel Keoyou: Barrow Bros, 48 Waat Second twt, Bonth. " , OODEN, UTAH Onf Hawa Coaapaar. Dapot Nawa Stand. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA Millard Bate! Vawe ftaaxl. KEW roRK CTTT Artbar BotaNac Kawa papar Wacona. . NORFOLK. VA. Krof A OobM. " NEW TODAY. DOLLARS GROW When Invested ; With Judgment IIOLLYHIRST Offara a . om?ortnnlty for tb tma lsrtator to maka monay. ' t Tbara la , AomaaA for tMa propartf bacsaoaa of ita ldaal looaUon. Somas InAlt np to II n tl aldaa. Grid ad atroata. ' Watar to arary lot. ' Car Una rnna on on Blda. fin rUw. Ko fTaraL. Wo atnmpa. .-'.st A lot koiurbt la thlm traol at pram prloa la bound to lacraaao la ralua. Buy now.' -g -:-f.-r.. . - Taka WW. ear to Holgrata atraat. Baa tha proparty. Than oall on na. , Tarma to salt yonr pockatbook. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. 8EKTH A2TS AJrxZKfT. FAons Mala MA. FOR SAL.5 15500 Corner atora bulldina;, ware house and barn, atock of sroceriea and hardware, on corner Millard Ave. and Klndorf road. Will aell all together or will aell stock and lease the building;, or will tell building and lot without atock. Bee M. S. Brown at office, Mil lard avenue, Mt, Beott car. ' WEATHER REPORT, - The disturbance yesterday ever Alberta sow extends aa a trough of low preasure alonf the entire csatern slope of the Rocky mountains. Llxht showers have occurred at widely scat tered places oa the Pacific slope from Brltiab Columbia aa far south aa Sao Lola Oblapo. j The , western high preaaure area has move.l , southeastward to Tennesaee, and the dlaturb s ance over Ontario baa moved to northern New k England. Light rains have fallen In the lower lake region, middle Atlantic and New England : eta tea, and also in tbe Missouri valley, Kan . eaa, Oklahoma and Texaa. It la cooler In the ; northern Rocky mountain states snd warmer in the Missouri and upper Hisalaflppt valleys. The Indications are for fair and warmer ' weather In this .district Friday, preceded to ' night by showers at aeattered places In eastern Oregon, esstera Washington and Idaho. , ". - , .- , Temp.-- ' .' " .'('"'' "--' ; '! Mss Min. Frecln. : Abllen,'Teas) ;...,','..; 88 70 v .01 Bolae, Idaho ............. 78 : 50 .0 Boaton, Maaaachnsetts .... 68 L .. 60 rf2$ tHilcago, UJlmita .......... TO - 84 '..0 Cincinnati,' Ohio 68 , 86 0 renver. ColuraOo ......... 74 80 Helena,. Montana 70 48 :. .12 Kansae city, Missouri.,... 74 6H ' .oa New Orleans. Louisiana. MJ 80 i, 72 'a .I J New York, New York...... 66 .. 62 '.10 Portland, ' Oregon ......... 66 ' 63 .0 6f. Louis, Mineoorl. ....... 72 ,' f ; 68 JO '. Bait Laks,i, Utah; .ww.V, v 74 ';'?f"5: 62 T. Ban Diego, California..;... 66 ' 80 .0 Ban Frsnrlsco, Californls.. 62 64' .06 Bpokane, Washington ..... 74 ;' 62 .0 Tacoma, W'sshlngtoa i.,. 62 ; t!.- 60 .10 . Washington, D. C... ...... 74 62 .0 ' THE BIVBB. " !. -' The ' river ' will remain nearly on a stand Friday, and fall slightly Saturday, Sunday and Monday. . .. .'-' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. II. S. and Ellsa Btone to W.-H, Paul. ; land commencing at northwest corner of lot 1, block 11, Peninsular addition. $ 760 Jerry Martin to Mathlas and Jam lie Apacb, lot 16, block 8, Taheace addl--titin i ..... -4 ..,.,..,.. 425 Sycamore Real Estate company to Rollln C. ampler, lot S. block A Kern Park. . 110 Byvamore Real Estate company to Jeff 9 C Totter, lot 6, block 8v Kara Park.. 110 Pacific Improvement company to Earl J. Cieland. lot 7, block 200, Molladay'a J ad'lltlon -' 10 Martin ind Clara Lennart to William 1). Bwalu, lot $, Wock A Center addi tion .' .';. v. i . ... . ... .-. 'Aw Chxrlea M. and 'Louise A. Meredith to Wlllhira Janlsctt, eaat 23 feet of west - 60 feet of fets and ID, block 8, Railroad Shops i addition , 600 Mary A. McFadden to Sarah E. Godfrey, ' ku ,10, block A anbdirlslon of tract A, In M. 1'stton'a tract. BOO Fir Cemetery aeroclation to W. Q. Adcnts. north H of, lot- 62. block 88, aid cemetery ........................ 20 C, E.; Fields et sL to Francis Browa. lot 8. block 7, Summit addition....... - 300 W.- Wynn and Mettle J. Johnson toS.'-. . M. Baamnaaen. fractional block 12, fwlHvan'a addltiaa 4,600 Mrrchanta" Loan Tniat company to - s Krank Harnian, lot , block 1, Wll Inmette ;. 50 1, K. and M. E. Ollllhan ta A a Jlme--, n, tat 17, block A Oberst........... 1850 ' vitik and Anns Werts to George H. X,re, lot A block HA I'ledmont..... . ' 10 ft. and Msr'y .R. Tayksr to Henry H. '!.-, lot fS. block 8, Waodlawn..,. v 140 I J. and Julia I. Cieland ta Enter- -Vereteeg, lot f. block 864, -Holla.' s a s.taitiva , BOO '. Monra Inrratmant rompanj ; to Da rid ' . Hparbrck, lot 1, 1 and . block S3, , Vrnon 1,000 Henry C, nd Annla A. llndraa to Jnba Jolinaon, lota and JO, block 18, Ca ' tral Alblna , , 1.S00 SannyaUe l-and A iBiproTamrnt.Mmpanr to Roaaflold Laraea,- lot 0, block 1, SunnraKIa 42 Oaorica 11... Kottaf at al. to (k O. " Smith, lot , bhvk IS,' Hurra ira tract.. V: 130 Uirhael L. and Ingw B. Kjclatad to-v ..,' John J. Potrraoq. Ma IS, 14 and -to, block 30, ColWra I'lara.. 450 Bill O. and M. L. Hmrhaa to Iwlaa B. lluchm, lot 7, block M0, lrlnton . . . . J, 200 Tba InvMtmaot Mnrtfaga Sorlty com- t fanr. Ltd., to H. h. and Catbarlne rovonat, waat KlVi frt of lot A block P, Tabor Helabta; alao that tract in lot 8 block f, llnj north of abora . . tract .....i... 1,850 W. A. and Laura B. Llndaar to Rachal . Kales, watt H ot lota 5 and 6,. block '' BOO, Cantrnl Kaat Portland ,1,000 H, T. Palmer to Frank H. Pillar at al.. Iota 1 and 8, block 9, Eaat Portland MelKbta 0,000 Harrr I), and Mary M. Harrmao to Patrick ' K. Colllua, lot A block 2, Moolton A Rcohcjr'a aiibdlTlalcw of . ' block B, Tlbbctta a.ldltl.m. , ......... l.SSO Eda A. and A. Gordon to Mia P. Rob- 1 arta, lot A block 1A Wlllamatta. ..... STB Banry T.. and M. M. OIImou to J, 0. - and Magdalraa' rhrlattanaan, . lot 11, ' ' block IS, Multnomah , 1.B23 Jamea P. and Uelra I. Andrawa to Mary I White, lota 1 and A block ' ' 2a, Hawthornn a Flint addition ,, 10 Karl C. and Oraea L. Bronaugb to J. . Rarroond Hliikla, lota 1A 14 and 14, block IS, Arbor Lodaa .' 450 Mcrchanta' Loan A Trnat com panr to Charlra L. Parklna, lot A ihxk Wlllamatta Townalta . ' Ben and Anna Acby to Patar' Roth, lot ' ' 15, block A Kaat Portland Hclgbta..,. M) William R. Knkendall to J. II. Adami, north H of lot . 8, block A Alblna Kalithta .' XI Jotio P. Ftdock to Albert Jofffar, Wi 10, 13, 14 and 1A block 1A Multno-, wh A00 Ola M. Anderana to Loala M. Rider, kt A block. North Alblna...........'.. 1.400 Joacph and May Meltck ta Alfred O. and Jullna K. Tempi, lota A T. A and 10, block A Portamouth Villa Kiten aloa - ;. 628 Joha W. and Mary M. Baker to O. m , i . itn m In a hlnca 8. Caruthera' addition M William and Rmma laenaea to DbtW . Ourela and Morrla Korkltn. comaiene- at oortnweax comer oi vkkm utbera' addition to Carnthara' addltkia A00 Victor Land com panr to bomb unic I. klAAk a Park addition to Alhlna .1 I7' If. K. and CUra O. TborapaoB to Llsata m v ...Vw tnt U hlnck A. Ontral Alblna 00 Jamea .S. and IHlla B. Pale to J. A. r.L. al I kr 1a I ana) Mafc U lot fi. block t7. Portsmoutb 630 Dill R. na Jni-ji A. IMI t rum HQ ariniis ava'a, an v jk u of lot A block 27. Portamooth..... AOOO aw Mraeca Hla Irtsorsace or BMrtmie nana, call oa Paclfle Title A Treat earn pan 80444-1 Falllaf bldf. w m hnniw aad abatracta ra real estate front 'the Title Guarantee Trust aont paay. Tto waahtattoa st eorner mmtnma. - FTJXERAL NOTICES. KNOTT la this elty, at bis late residence, l i a Eaat Seventh at., June a, iwi, namiinm Knott, aaed 50 yeara. Funeral will take place Friday, June T, at t p. m from tbe reoldence. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Frlenda Invited. San Francisco and Stockton, Cel., papers please copy, CARD OP THANKS I WISH to thank the friends of my mother. Minnie Mae Marrett, lor ineir ainuoeaa aou help durlns her lllneea and deatA . . . . . MBS. A. B. 8TILEA I CEMETERIES. RIVER VIEW Slnale era Tea, 110; family lott. else 10X30, tor 91W ana Hpwarua, acwrainf to stse; the euly cemetery to Portland which perpetually malntalne and caree for Iota. For full information, apply to W. B. Mae kentte. Worceater block, city. W. M. Ladd, prealSent. ROSE CITY fllnfle yraves, 810; family lota. 82S to TB. Superintendent at cemetery, eor ner of Fremont et. and Colly road. Phone Tabor 80S. For fall Information apply re Frank KrhlefeL, ooa commercial to. , raone Main SP2A "--'. ' - UNDERTAKERS. Brlcksoa CndertaklBf Co., and embalming, eOS Alder at. Pboae Mala OlBS. Laay asautaat. J. P. Flnley A Bona. Third and Madtaoa sta. Office ef eoaaty coroner. Phone Mala . A. B. Henutoek, funeral dtreetor. Bast 18th and Umatilla. Pboae Sellwood 71. Lady aaa latent. Dunning, MeEntee A Gllbaagh. andertakera and embalmera) modern In every detelL Seventh and Pine. Mela 430. Lsdy assistant. EeHer-Byrass Co., funeral directors, embalm era. 278 BaassU. Eaat 1068. Lafly aaalatajt. Edward Bolman. undertaker, 220 Third at. BUSINESS NOTICES HYDRAULIC WOOD LIFT CO. : Msnufacturara ef hydraulic and electric ele ratora, band wood lifts snd Onmb wslters. 2r4 B. Sixth St., cor. Msdison. Phone Eaat 8857. FORCED to move out, must sell out our plants by June 7: bsrgaln prlcea. Tbe Bwtaa Floral Co., 118 Vancouver avenue. Phone Bast 6370. INVENTIONS bought snd sold. Covenant Con. tract Co., 427 Filed car bldg. Mala 2681. BE ELL Y CO., 14th and Flanders: flour, feed, hay, grain. Pbonee A 1611. Pacific OIL L. 0. BENRICHSEN CO., Jewelers and op ticians, 284 Washington st WHITEWASHING, spraying, painting. A. M'MULLEN. Phone Sellwood 668. NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The snnusl meeting ot tbe stockholders of the Oregon iron as eieei uompany win be held at "the office of the company, room 839, Sher - lock building, Portland, Oregon, June 18, 1007, at 81 o'clock a. m., for the purpoae of elect ' lug a board of director for the ensuing year, ' and the transaction of such other business ss .may legally come before the meeting. - A. 8. PATTULLO. Secrstarr. f PortlsnA Oregon, May 24, 1007. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of the Portland Coal A Development Co. will be held at Hunter'a hall, Eaat 84th and Eaat Yamhill ate., in PortlsnA Or., July 10, 1907, at 8 p. m., to elect a board of dlrectora for the enanlng year and the transaction of such bualneaa ss may legally come before tbe meeting. JOHN T. BODWELL, Secretary. Portland, Or., June 6, 1907. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP, W. O. W. All members ars , requeated to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, George View,- 1 today at 2 p. ra at Dunnlng's parlora. Eaat Sixth and Alder. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. J. M. WOODW0BTH, Clerk. THE Woodmen will clone their, winter's csm- palgn with a grand ball and vrhtat et Wood men temple, 128 Uth St., Friday evening, Jane 7; refreahmenta; full orchestra; admla Inn 25e couple. Everybody welcome. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP.- 8,406. meets , Wedneaday evening. Aliaky bldf.. Third and Morrison sta. - M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp Na 6.878. Hon . dsys. 17th and Marshall. .Visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Monday, between Front and 8tark ate. and Morrison bridge waiting room, lady's gold wstch. initiate "A. G." Finder please return to 89 Front St. Reward. FOUND-r-A place to have balr msttreesec reno vated and returned same day . 228 Front et Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. . B. Metsger. proprietor. LOST Brown torse S jresr old weighing about 1.253 pounde; haa hobble mark on right front font.-. BraBded M bar on ahoulder. Finder pieaae return to innitary Milk A Cream Co., East Sixth and Salmon ate., snd receive re ward. ,r - -r- ",'.'-. .,-,-. LOST Fox terrier dog, white with brown face, stub taU. Beward. 4S4 Williams ave. i LOHT Purse containing $6 and some stiver. S Hart are, MoatevlUs. Pboae Scott 401A eward . .. '1-. J. utuT unoii ilmi Jvw.k about half inch thick. name John Naircl on back. ' Return to 001 Rodney, are.- Reward. LOST Gold watch, on Oak at., between Flret . k tl l'lih U'.lnjaita aftarnooB! a Ma.'k leather tob aittachad with Inacrlptloa, "Mill's . Mllltarr Academy.1', Finder return to I, W. Ward, 820 MUl at., for reward. LOST Scotch terrier: aha . la white with the exception of eara and around eyea, bob talL S8T Aider at, LOST iJdy'a void watch, near Oood Bamaritan boapltal. Will aentleman who picked It up laara it at Journal office and receive reward. HELP WANTKD MALE. WANTED Saleamen; many make 8100 ta tint per month: aome area morel etoch clean, arowa on reeerratkm, tar fmm. eld orehardai eaah adeaDcad weeklrt choice of territory. Addreea Waahlnaton Nnraerr eonpany, Top- i, pan tan. wanblnrtoa. . i WANTKD Denflat, all-muhd man. ' Cblcaito I - Palnleae Deotlata, Ralelfh bMf .- CLEANER and preaaer. food waaea; Frencli Faucy Garment Clcaotnf Co.. 211 Fourth at near Salmon. BOTB wanted: factory work. ' Apply American Can Co, root I4th St. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade In elfht week a; yraduatea eara from 81S ta 128 weekly I eipert inatroctorsj earaiofDe ma. loler Sjatem of Cgllritea,, 89 North Fourth at,, rortuaa. WE net work for ear memberst epeelsl mem. II. z, m. U A., rouna aao lamniik HUSTLERS to eotlclt bualneaa: salary and eonv mlaeloa; experience anneceaaarr. Apply 224 Lamber Bichanta bldf., Beeona ana atars sis. MEN, at once, for clerks or carriers Portland poetofflce; opportanlty to advance. We pre pare yon tor examination, Call or ' write immediately. Pacific States Schools, McKay bldf.. city. WANTED Rrhrbt yonnf man 'to lesm real eeate baatneeai exceptional propoaltlon at the preeent time. Apply 010 nwetiana oiu. between I and 4. MEN and tsrtn. id boys wanted to lesra nlumMnf, plaa. . btocklavlnf, electrical tradee, rree eatabine! nosftlnna . aeenred. Corne - Schools, New fork and Saa Frencleeo, EXPERIENCED men wanted at L. B. Kern's biirkverd. East A4th and Tillamook ste.l wsfas $2.80 and $2.78 per day. UnlcaHctel t NORTH SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. tM. .mnlnTment to all: board era" rates 84.50 per week; rooms, 25o and Bps special I monthly ratea flven. Anderaoa, proprieror. SAWYERS, filers, enrtneera and ysrdmea, aifll- wrUtbu and woedamen. Cbambera, lOOVt Flrat St. FIRST-CLASS bsrness mskers: stesdy employ ment. Tbe P. J- Croule Company. WANTED Twe experienced men to work tot cracker factory. Apply western xaaiuj m., K. Third and vsvis. TWO BOTB wanted to learn Innere' trade. In quire six aire,. WANTED Flrst-clsas pants snd Tsstmsksra. Mcoll ths Tailor, 108 Third St. BOY wanted to work tn wholesale house. Ad- dress a 814, care Journal. WANTED-Motkm picture machine, films, aonf slides, res outfit, ate. Address V 81A Journal. TRAM wanted: ateadv Apply Toplln A rroonds, 88th and nsnay, roe a. Ueeka. ' WANTED AT ONCE Sblnflers to put on 20,000 aldea. 3Sd and wasmnaroa sis., eouia o car barn. PHOTOGRAPHER wanted at Rembrandt Studio, 404 Abinfton bldf.' WANTED Party to cot wood at $1.40 per cord. B. B. Bufle, Lents, Or WOOD maeblns bands wanted at 872 Front at. WANTED Boy with experience at flnlsbinf. 441 East Morrison St. WANTED One concentrator man, one mill man and three tiara roca minere; mnax oe capable and stssdy. . Address D 81A Journal. ' 1 ' .,., wanted: must be rst-lsss: food tight man. White Palace, 185 I BARBER - money for Third at. WANTED Bash and door bill cotter, man to run Invincible asndar, mas to put up aasn and a flasler. Oregon Planing Mills, 19th, snd Vaughn ate. WANTED Barber; steady Job. 268H Flrat at WANTED Berber; guaranteed 14 per week. 117 North Jereey et., tn. jouns. ...t WANTED Experienced gasoline engine erectors. Fslrbsnks, Morse Co., rirst ana aura an. WANTED Young man with aome knowledge of drugs. ; Blumausr-rrsns urua mx,, is 1 Fourth st. WANTED Mattress-makers, 6 or 6 boys, S fur niture packet and maenme men to run panel plater. Oregon Furniture A Manufacturing Co., Macadam road. OFFICB boy, wholesale nouss; state age and references. Address a ninrcsre journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED An Al saleswomsn to take charge of ladles' ready-to-wear department In one nr Portland's Browing stores; must be sble . hln and ha a rood stock helper: will pay from $50 to $100 a month to rieht . - . . . n T I. fill KT.llw party, vrrite u. u. m.m.w or phone pacific 85..--; u. WANTED Ladles to tescb M. B. Chinese mls- alon evening aehool at 247H Stark st Apply' 7:80 p. m. Phone Mam 6784 or Home phone A-8193. , -' WANTED A girl in tsOor sbop; food pay. 1H4 North fourth St.- ,y.-. ttt 1 vrrn u.nrinlln teaches for steady posi tion, which wiU not interfere with vrit i pup 1 is: goou ';.!. r""T V - to. tbe rignt party. i-u u. .m " ; Fleming, room 10 Healy bldf. Grand aw.. and Bast Morrison .- .. .---- WANTED Girl for general house work; wages $30. .Apply 618 Maui st. . GIRL for . general housework wanted at 128 - 14th St.; food WSges. t-none nam ono. wanted Girls to psck cracker. Apply Western Baking Co., B. Third and Davis. CANNERY will open tomorrow. Phone .Bast I Z, nnimnnt id East Elrhth 1 and arrange tor season s ww. lug Co. . - '- '-r-y A GIRL for cooking and general honae work; one who will go xo tine im mer. 6o layior . HOUSEKEEPER and cook. nndr o, ror widower: light wora, gouu ovujo.. w v.., care JournaL -. ' ; fAunirTiiKT . hnnkkeeoer and atenographer; Vv...- r, UnPhanun muat nave reierenwe. - - - Co., 828 Gllssn St 1 ' an'.NrED waiat. ssirt ana - soir,- mskers: goon pay to cooipeieni. i annrentlcea. Tb Spencer Co..', 1351 10th St. -f ' :V GIRLS WANTED Operators to work oa shtrte and orerana. ueeaon given n u"nmii. App and Apply at steoaara factory no, a, wrano ave. East Taylor st. brveraL exnerlenced salesladies: hosiery, an- dearwesr, tancy goousi aiao gin or peir 1 tern counter. Apply ill mira si. GOOD-LOOKING flrl. about 15, to go to Jamea- town lair as oompauiou. vau rat juifl Washington at., room . ji.- 1. GIRL to answer-phone, - 804 Ankeny et wi KTisn Neat - rlrl for general' housework: tnnr in ratniiv. i;sii nwrniiiKv. vv masi 90th at., north: Irvlngton car. , Phone Eaat 6389. . '';'. ''; ''- " ; mm .,. at ton Ixwetov at.: four In fam ily: salarv-825 a month or more. Pbons -Main 1103. 1 r ' ? IMMEDIATELY, food general hooaegtrlj family I . of three. 828 East Sixth st, north, near j Holladay school. GIRL for housework, psrt dsy: sleep at home; Bundays iree; wages eio. 00. 61RL8 WANTED Apply Btandard factory He. 9, Grand ave. and Eaat Taylor at WANTED Glrla to work on hemming. Inquire I rita-weu tactory, to eirsb GIRLS wanted; factory war A Apply American J Caa u, foot i4ta t , VaNTTD TOt'NO IJIDiFS TO . J LKARN TEUCPHONH OPBRAT : i INOr GOOD SALARY. SHORT ?' ? HOUR! PAT WHILE LKARN. . i INO: LUNCHEON BKBVKD v ! FKEB - OF CHAROB AND . i , L0UN0IN0 AND REST ROOMS t ' IN CONNECTION. . APPLY v '. ,. CHIBF OPERATOR,1'. TELB v v pHONB BLDO., WEST PARK AND ALDKB STA :-".V". EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATB DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES. GKORMS) A. M'NEIL COMPANT. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERA lit M. FOURTH ST., NEAR OLItUN. HELP WANTED Union Lanndry com pan. J WANTED Refined, capable woman, .for rn. aponaioia position, wiib opporiunmav iot . eaucemenf. Vlarl company, 10th and Morrl soa sla. . MACHINE operator and flnlaher on psnts. Charlra Coopey at Ron. room a, 88 H nua at. WANTKD AT ONCE Honest irl. Phone Mala 1240. Olrls IS to IS yesrs of aae wbo want a permanent place. f , with an opportunity , ; ; : '.. ot advancement , ' "' r apply at once to I OLDS. WORTMAN A KINO. r-Vato HANSEN'S LADIES' AQENCT, S4S4 Waab- . Infton at4 corner Be rents, aperairs. raoae Mala sows, rentaia aeip wanton. . '. STRONG atria for eandr faetorr. Oeonta A, McKatl company, wnnweaie aonraeuoaera, uv North Foarth. near uiiaaa. MALE AND FEMALE HELP, WAKTEDAmbltloua people to ran at 182 Fifth rt M(, jp.., tf.t. tn, opportnnltlea open to i ,k.h h . mmp nr. atiiri with the Inter. national orrreeponaenee noooia or Bcraatoni do experiment; Indorsed by thousands. BELP wanted aad supplied, male or female. A O. Drake, SWH waahlaftoa at. raetne uiu. AGENTS, aaleemea and solicitors, If there Is say article yon wish to handle nut oon c snow where to ret It, come or write. Solicitors A Salesmen's Headquarters, 86 Sixth St. Msln 018S. , WANTED Msn snd woman ta work an Ore. farm. Thomas Fro moo. Albany, STENOGRAPHERS, both male snd female, food poattlona open with beat nrtne: no caarfe. Underwood Typewriter Co., OS Sixth at. WANTED Stenofraphars, mala and female, ta ref later roc poaiuona; no cnarge. , omun Premier Typewriter Co., elty. WANTED Msa and wife on milk ranch: mas mast bs food milker; wife to asalat ta hoaee work; waaea $00 a month. Phone Main 2402. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GROCERY store for rent, $20 per month. Bee owner, joe nsao, siiuara eve., tiasnvme . "t ? other roome cheep addition, on tba Mt Beott carllne. Also S SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Poaltlon as housekeeper by middle- aired lady (or family or adults or eeverai yonnf men. - Addreaa 0 814, care JourasJ. TOUNG lsdy ' ot refinement wsnts to tsks rare ox child: win expect reasonaDie wsfee. Addreaa N 811. eara Journal. . 'WANTED Position aa hooaekeener or to take ears of roomlnf-heuse. 227H Front at. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Can yon sen foods! If so ws need yoa; complete eutnt iree; eaun weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capi tal City Nursery Company, Salem, Or. WANTED A few mere food rive aaleemea to enr coast-frown r trees; money sdvaneed h j,,. fat fnrnlabed free. Write us for particulars. 1 Albany Nurseries, .'Albany, ; Oregon. . - ONB hastier In ssen town or locality to handle medlefoee or soap; wrire qnieai ig money. B. M. Plummer, 260 Third at ' AGENTS wanted; eatery and commission to food men. Apply room ot, zxi'n wean infton. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOB MEN, t North Second st, , , . - Phone Mala 1528. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. -t0&4 Morrison at. ....... .Phone Pacific TS 27 North BeroTnl at....... Phone Pacific 1808 BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. tora-ine- camn and farm help a epedalty, 0 North Second at. Phone Mala 6206. We pay all telegraph charge, kWANTED-TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Honae. cottars, flat. stores, offices, rooming-boussa, - eta. - t-aao- ' lords will do well to cell on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Bs. 7A S. B. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED S or 4 unfurnlabed room, lower floor:- desirable location, with nice yard. walking dlatanee; weat side preferred. Ad drese B 811. care JournsL RWOMIN0-H0USB of 8 to 12 rooms, nnfor- htshed preferred, cloae in. . Address t 810, .car douznai.i.. . v. - v WANTED 8-room house, modern and furnished. AdbIIf J. Douglss. Hotel Oregon. WANTED Te rent a email honae near Holladay schooL Pbons Esst 4690, WANTED REAL ESTATE. MR. WANT MONEY, If yoa went 100 msn to -sea your property to their rrienas ust it witn me: new plan. M. D. Hawse, 66 Sixth st. "Main 6188. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. wp ntai 0,.fl horses and cattle free. Oregon 11 n7v. uh. v.i. Fartllbwr Works, or notify - Carney's Veteri nary, Fourth and Gllaan at. Mala 166A WANTED Men's esst-off clothing and shoes; WS sleo buy nousenoia rurnwnings; nigneet price paid. Call at the 'Fair Deal." 62 N. Third. Phone Pacific 1721 WANTED Furniture and household foods of sny, kind. See Johnson before yoa sell. , 73 Union ave. Phone Bast ,4441. CASH for household goods. Bsvsge A PennehV 846-941 First st. Phone paeinc boo. - FURNITURE AND CLOTHINO WANTED Highest cssh price paid. Fox -at U rower, is North Third st. Pbons Main 2111. GOATS Wanted to nay female goats. Address, w. u., Journal ornce. , Found That The Journal is the most popular "want ad" medium in " Portland because it pulls the best re-1 suits at the small- est cost. , f . "Circulation Counts" RATE lea WORD. ,WE PAT MORE FOR FURNITURE, PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main MIA 111 Flrit at ..'' DEFORMITY appllancea made to order. K. B. Karltoa A Co., 831 Aakany at. Mala 0250. WANTED Land to clear or brnah to alaah by contract. Addreea K 810, care JournaL WANTED Two aand rolled brick moulders. In quire at the brickyard. East S0U and Clio. ton eta. . , . . ' . IF YOU want to Sell, aae as.' Second Hand Palace.' Hlfbeat prices paid for second band f urolahJnf a, S7 Flanders. Phone Main SfilA WANTED Morton picture machine films, none Slldea, (aa outfit, etc Addreaa P 814, Journal. WE will buy yoor hone bold foods and fuaraa tee tba beat prices, Call or phone. A J. . and L. Rubenateln, ' ITS Front st. oppeatta National hotel. Paclfle 1401. . WANTED Furniture and boneebold foods -ef arerdeacrlntlon boncht, eold and kichaafeA . Tba 8. 232 Flrat at. Mala 0314. WANTED Combined separator tender. Apply, with referencea, to Burton B.i Peck. lleDp- Bar. Or. -., .-... ,' . ' . . n irn miiiaii an iwniaii mm iim ianii,iiiiiaiuie FURyjgHED RCrOMSr-.FOli RENT. 08B0RN HOTEL, Grand are. and R. Asbi fur. , aianed rooms, eiafle aad ea suite.- J. North' ntp. prop, . . .;:..;'.. '," , cTONB better, few so food, elegantly, fare lab ed i mm etuiee, fr ana fs week; einfie rootna. ee, et ou, ao. Hotel Oxford, sixth and Oak COOL, modern, entatde roonM; west side. aaornaon. rrrvate ramuy, rut 10, RICHELIED. SSU North Birth at.CU. nanny frnianea; steam neat and baths. THR GRAND, 4914 North Third St. Boons for rentjemea. iX3 per week aad an. . THB HEILER,' tSO Grand eve Furnished honaekeeplnf rooms; suite; modern fireproof orira; gaa raagea, electric and fas Ugh tat w ana xeiepnone; rates reaaoaabis, . THE COLONIAL, or. 10th aad Mocrlaon. 8 blocks went ot Portland hotel: flrat-etaea . rooma and board; rates reasonable! transient ana tsoie noero accommodated. TWO alee furnlahed roome, en carllne, an eon- veniences; reasonable, sis Oantenaela are. WANTED A few yonnf men to room. Call at 454 Columbia. Tbey era nice rooms aad cneap. 1894 THIRD Neatly furnished, outside and i root neorooms; transient or weekly reason. . able; all rooma renovated. . . w - 230t RUSSELL ST. Apart men ta for $2.60 and np; rooma by the weak, f 1.50 op. rOR RENT A rooma, apatalra, with bath. 840 Ban una at, ' SEVERAL clean, cool aleepmf apartments, rea sonable. IS East Seventh et. Phone Bast 1929. 146H 8IXTH St., two large rooma front! nf oa Sixth, and one on eorner Sixth and Aider; of flee or housekseplnf. TWO flrat-elaas bedrooms for single gentlemen. 87H Fourth at., opposite Chamber of Coin. meree. -'''., LARGE, light, nicely farnlahed front room, suit able for two or three men, reasonable. 503 M Alder et. VERY large, nicely furnished rooms; gaa, bath iH$J?nti Privets bousei price; reasonable. 608 Davis st. -. "'"'. . , 'I- NEWLY farnlahed eulte rn moat desirable loea tkm. Apply room , 133 H Flrat at. eorner Alder. .(. ,. . ...... . , UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ' THREE anfurnlabed rootna for rent. Phone Pac. I no. . . ROOMS AND BOARD. THB premises at 462 Morrison at. have been Applications for suite or private room with steam beat and hot and 'cold water may be ubuv bvw. iRpi, ooaruevn laaen. BOARD and room for two yonnf men in nrt- ... V . ..a r win,, t vao ntwmonii ave. ANYONE looking for a food place to board and room vrj in Minnequ an; ratea reasonaDie. 874 Yamhill at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. GOOD housekeeping-rooms and cottages, far nlahed or unfurnished, west side river: any .combination yon want. - Apply -864 North 26th; Willamette Heights car to 26th, tarn oath half block. $1.50 WEEK CP Large, clean farnlahed boas, keeplng-roome. laundry and bath. 184 Sher man su, couth, Portland. $1.28 WEEK UP Clean 'Farnlahed hoaseksen. Inf-roome, parlor, bath, laandry, furnace heat, yard. 203 H Stanton at. 0 car. THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient room, rassoasble. Seventh and Flsadsrs ate. 11 ' a. 1 TWO-ROOM bouaekeeplng snltes, with bath: $2 per week; fnse Wood. 867 East Oak St ' FOB BENT Two or three farnlahed honae- keening rooms: phone, gas. bath, etct walk. log distance. ,. Inquire 834 Third at, corner .. aaarscx. . THREE famished housekeeping-rooms! steel rsnge, gas plate; bath, hot and cold water. 809 First at Phone Main 680A NICELY ' furnished housekeeping-rooms ; beauti ful yard; gas, bath, phone; walking dlatanee, 831 14th et. FOR RENT HOUSES GOOD cottage and housekeeping-rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, west aide river; any combination yoa want; reasonable. Apply 864 North 26th; Willamette Heights cars to 2601, turn south hslf block. , FOR RENT 6-roora bouse, fine condition, 299 Clacksma St., five blocks from Steel bridge. Call at bouse or phone Esst 6922. WE ' rent aad sell pianos. A Co. . : Sbarmaa, ; Clay 6-ROOM atrlctly , modern new bouse, 689 Esst Pine; walking distsnoe; phone BeUwood 69. NEW 8-room modern house, electric light and gas, also rurnace. ; northeast earner Union ave. and San Rafael at : ' y - HOUSES TO RENT. S COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., - Sixth and Ankeny sts. 4-ROOM bouse, woodshed and -chicken-house. lots 01 fro una, ciose in. ids west pars it. fjhon Main 4570. j, 6-ROOM bonse," 852 11th St., walking dlstsncs, $12.50 month.. .Oil 526 Stephens st. . - $17 MODERN 7-room house,, corner Commer- ciai ana railing sta. - rnone wooqiawn bho. FOR RENT FLATS - TWO upper flats, furnished or not, or will arrange notn ror noaraers; iu rooma ana nan, electric lights and bath. 687 East 20th. In quire In store corner of Powell; Woodstock car, HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SAXJ&. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale everything new snd modern; . party leaving city, mi weiaier st 1 ' ' '. FURNISHED HOUSES. 6-R00M furnished bouse In Irvlngton for sum mer months; strawberries; . lawn, iwwsrs. ' Telephone Bcott 2483. FURNISHED home, with piano, electric light snd gss. 963 E. 7th St. N, Highland; phone woon lawn boo. -:. . , ' ; .-: - GOOD 4-room cottage, furnished. In South Port- isna. Aaarss g eu, cars journal. 7 FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. SMALL atore, suitable for tsllor shop, barber i: shop, etc, on Fifth St., near Stark st Hage mann A Blanche rA 91 Fifth st GROUND, floor office on Fifth St., near Stark - at., with sbop room If desired. Hagemana A Blancbard, 91 Fifth st FOB BENT All or part of ground floor space Ankeny ft. Apply S. Z. Ooc, Mala 2A . STORES for rent, Wllllama are. and Skldmorei -. .,.kl. aa k.wlM Ann ArtilratrtM. Call oa premlsea or addreaa M 80S, Journal. A NICB office euite for rant. Madltoa bids.. Third and Madlaoa. : V FOR RENTFARMS.,.- FOR RENT for 8 yeara, a 5-a ere ehtcksn ranch, 'v 4 blocks from car. Addreea N 807. Journal. ; FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS. ........ nnnaiii'-inil'i BALLROOM and lodferoom, new, 'With all modern conveniences, oa carllne. phone Mala KOi Automatic A-1S0A . 18-ROOM boardlnr-bouse, food part of town. -la Nteoial at. rnone- nam twi. aMwaMaamjwwaaeeawaaeeMBawefcqjBa-i nm iMjaaaaawjaaaa SUMMER RESORTS : i 'beach pbopertx Tba rtnaat beach oronertv ever offered. Jolnlnc Breakers hotel property, to bs knows as "Manhattan Beach"; 230-arve tract, a port Inn with bulldlnf restrictions: other tin. restricted; easy rernie. ... A. C. CHURCHItt A CO., , ' , ' i , V 110 Second St., City. LOCKSLEY HALL Seaside, Or, Dr. P. L. I , Anatln, proprietor, asalstsd by L. A. Csrlylet ' ratea from $12.60 per wsek up: rstss sal reasrvattons may ne mane now wiia vr. ue tin, dentiat. Kalsifh PlUf. ,. - ' . RENT for the season. 6400m cottage, fur. nlabrd; CentsrvlUe, North Beach. Pbene . ssst tan. - ' A- BUSINESS CilANCES. $56,otio HOTEL, 8-story brick, central. , HT.OOO Bualneaa block, stores. Rooming-house. 26 rooms. 2,500 Rstabllahed bualneaa. -..- 1,400 Rooming-house, 20 outside rooms. I.OOO Half Interest la rsetaurant - i.YVl Tnnfectlnosrv and clears. ;(00 Half Intereat In eatabllahed business. All the above are ana pel have many othei I excellent proposition. . Western Realty Company 810 Buchanan Bldf.. 26H. Washing toa. , . Msh 6297. 4s , .. . - . - 1 . BEST SALOON BUY IN THB CITY. Third at. bualneaa district, stork sad fix tures, tncludlnf safe and piano; 7-year lease: rants tor seo; reason tor selling, otoer dun neaa. Make ms sn offer. M. D. HOWSE. . Phone Mala 618A 66 Sixth at. RESTAURANT. $2,600 cash takea this fine restaurant; has a fine class of patronage, long lease and rent only $50. Standard Investment Co., corner firth and Bsimoa sta. FOR oulek reaults list your business with as. Booming-bouaea, bualneaa ' chance a. real e. tats. : Western Realty Co., 610 Buchanan bldg., 296 Waahlng ton at. Telephone Mala 0Z9T. . . , . $260 BUYS home bakery and confectionery I atore ana natures, inquire aeu sssc nevenu 1 . mm . ' 'I BARGAIN. t-etory building, 16 rooms, furnished, best meat 100 i ror sale or rent: part eaaa, siweu Realty Co., Vancouver, Wash. A avS?" vT!, iVZ nSlt h0"t ,1,000, CONFECTIONERY atore, 181x North Sixth st, a bargain: few worth or stock and fixtures! an ror $400 ll taken at ance. BOB BALE Horns bit err and confectionery. ice cream parlor. 1007 Baa una road, phone i s dot ouo. BH0B shop for sale cheep; only one beret lot of work; population 800; rent $A - Address -Boa in. Condon. Or. . FOB SALE Grocery store with room: stock I slow; rent si.: win ran oowa stoca to suit. Addreaa K SOA ear JournaL - . WANTED Partner for restaurant business: - good proposition. AcJree, R $18 Journal. FOR SALE Feed store and woodyard, John, Or. Address 41$ Myre st. Bt. $800 BUYS the Raymond. 14 rooms, well fur- ttiahea; food business 1 eaay term, no Booth Jsrsey tH St. Johns, Or. SNAP $250 buys meat market, fine residence district 810 Buchanan bldg.; phone Mala Marry. , FOR BALE Photograph gallery tn good locn- tlon. doing good bualneaa: good reason forlvsinr innmns W-in. w. m-.nn IiUmm n f a,. .... T IPB.MUS . U. SVIKIMI, THB Crescent Cleaning ft Prseslng Parlor; par-1 ens going niw . w wvn ax. ... tr. BAVB opening for partis, with small or urge capital, In heavy, manufacturing enter, prise, to sstsbllsh In Portland: will (tend ' closest Investigation. Far , particulars ad- . drees D 188, care Journal. - Ek0"1 f1 b",n" .'""'"t $250 per month; toa much ether boalness; must aeu, iov nun. e norm mira SL, SNAP Boombig-faouse, 20 outsids. rooms: mast t sold st once; terms. . Kootn 510, Bnchsnsn bldg., ztWH Washington st Msln 6297. ROOMING-HOUSES. $260 to $18,000; best tn tbe city, nee us ociore buying, eio Bn chsnsn bldf., 286V Washington at Msln 6297. GOOD paying meat business In a valley town for sal cheap, or will trade for city prop, erty. Ball A Brown, room 88 Raleigh bldg. SACRIFICE General stock at liberal discount! . food town; low rent lease, Investigate this. I Address Vt si, cars journal. . STOCK of Jewelry, flxturee and' optical goods, located In Vancouver,- for sale at Invoice price; will Invoice about . $3,000; rent $20. . Northwestern Realty Co., 811 Commercial blk.. Portlsnd. or 404 Washington St. Van I couver, Wssb. . . ' , ONB bslf Interest in sn estsbllshed rest estate I buslneas to a reliable man; this Is a good I ; opportunity for sbms man of energy; 810t to toe rignt party. Auuress w sii. sournai. . WANTED Yonnf man aa -partner with 8100, , In respectable business; can easily make $28 : a wee. Address n an, care journal. FOB BALE Grocery store, complete; chssp . rent leese; tine trans; goon location on Flrat St.; most be sold. Tel. Paclfle 2336. 40-R00M hotel, 20 boarders; this Is a bargain; this moat go ror seio. nee this, Madison. 1 250 OB best Immedlste cash' offer - Take. Wall-Paying "- Corner cigar. Ice cream, confectionery store, modern fixtures, 8 shelves, 4 counters, 8 showcases, refrlgsrstor, tables, cbslrs, glas Jars, dishes, etc.: rent $16, storfsnd 4 nice . rooms. 882 Wllllsms ave. . .-. . FOR BALE Stock of merchandise. In country - town; will invoice about . $3,000. Address P 811, care Journal. BAROAIN-Clgar, candy, lee cream, books, also stationery; owner leaving city; muat aell at once. Address B 811, car Journal. MEAT market doing fine business, . location. - Pbon Tbor 298, la good 8-CHAJB barber shop for ssle; . highest bidder tskes It -608 Wsahlngton st. n A GOOD reatauraet for sale or rant. 289 Esst Morrison -at. ..'.""'., 3.-,v-:;.-.--v.- BARGAINS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. J 275 Barber ahop, 2 chain. . 325 Furniture of 6-room flat. new. 610 Buchanan bldf., 286 Washington ft. I Msln -6291.; .-., -.--s. ' f ' RiCTCLK ' store And repair sbop. with sun dries, tools and machinery! one of tbe best location In Vancouver; price . North-; -western Beslty Co., 811 Commercial hlk., I PortlanA or.,404 Washington St., Yancoaver, vvasn. FOR & ALE REAL ESTATE. HEBB IS A SNAP New 8-room bona and $ large lots, 20-foot sllsy, 60-foot 'street fine chiccen raucu, o u-.t. , . 8250 down, monthly payments, or wlU sell with on lot for $850, $100 down. Be Jo Nssh at Millard are., on the Mt.; Bcott car ' line. ' "Bargains In Acreage 1 y. acT, level, cultivated, fenced, near t. Scott carllne; will msk nice home; $7604 Mt per acre terms. 3 aere tn eity limits, rich garden land, I clesred and .fenced; $760 per acre. f " 4U acre. Foster rosA mlnutee' walk to station electric carllne: new boussi 1 acre cultivated; $1,800; term, y DAt, a co.. ASS Stark W room SX rOUB tmall farma In Pleaaaot ealleyi one 10. one S5 and two 40 acres, wall Improved, closa to Katacada . carltna. . - Have several fine farms ap the valley from 40 acre up to 725 aeree; aome of them are f Irat-claea milk ranchea, eloee to tbe Forest Grove eondenaert prlcea from $40 to 8100 pet acre: can take city property as psrt par. Good S-room bouse In Sellwood, lot 60x100. 1.700. . t . ;,. v,. roam honae hi Mnntavllla, 1,250. f 7-room bouee on Union are, $4,800. ' '.'."' Two 12-room. houaea, cheap, .. r ; , 4S-room bmiae, elnae In, , - :, ' ';': ' ' 87-rontn hdlwe. cheap, '...;. V " ' '"H, . Lot 60x100, S4th and Wasco tts4 1.1W- And many other cood burs. : ' ; BALL A 1IR0WN, V" 4 , Boon 28 Raleigh bldf, Blxlb and Washtafton. ' C R. Dcncejl & Co. ' REAL B8TATA . .,'' '.Vrv'! t Room 1A SOS Stark at Howse Handles Houses , - SNAPS ARB-MY SPECIALTY. : I Refuae to Handls Anything Elss. By "snap" I mean Income property, paylnf 10 per cent per year or better; If yoa are -looking for a anap study this: On Ksst ' Anknny, cloae In, a 12-room double house. . snparate basemsnts, baths, snd porches, en tot 60iS0 feet, now rsntlnf tor $40, aad all . for $4,600 with terma. ,. . - " M. D. H0WAE, '.J' Pboae Main 6188. , 86 Btxth It ' VACANT PB0PERTT, ' j , . Also - - Rouses and Lota.' , THOMPSON A OODEN, i ' 848 Mississippi are. -, Phone Woodlawn 101 ' " ARB Y0C AT THB HOTEL 1 Owner will move out and goa can mere tn It rooms, good piemhingi terms or casn. at 1003 Eaat 16th St., north, Tska "A or phone Woodlawn 602. Call car. 8 ACRES, all elesr, $500. . . , m . 8 seres, all clesr, 8700. ' .. 6 scree, all rlesr, $i,5n0. ;."'' 8 acres, all clear, $1,600. 10 acres, half clear, $2,500. JO acres, fins Improvements, $1800. ' ' $.1 acres, extra fine Improvements, .$5,1TA All ssay terma; H to 1 rails to 60 and 10 electric csrllnes. , , , FARMERS LAND CO., 208 Third Bt. :" J BUNNYBIDB. - 6 mom and store, new; $A60O Ksk oa an effsr. , 6 -room cottage, 80x100: cash, $1,100. ' 5 -room new cottage and basement; fin lot, 80x100, $1,700; 85O0 eaah; Sunnvalde.. Fine bouses, esst and west side; your para fains, GRERR A PFAFFLE, 208 Third at. 1 TO 20 acres, cleared, .west side, 5c far, for sale. Dr. Fehrenbech. 241 First St. HOUSB and 1 lota; terms. Miller, 80 Wy. tsnt st. $l,TSO NEW 5-room cottage, modern, fqll base meet aad plumbing; near car; easy term. ' Owner. Addreaa B 815, care Journal. FOR SALE A lot on B. 87th at., one block . from Hawthorns are., for $600; If sold soon will make yon a set of house plan to your llklnf free. Phone Mala 8616 after 6 p. m. INVESTMENT 8 lota for cash. $1,200; 1 block from carllne, 8 blocks from school, on eorner. Phone Msla 6289. Owner. I MU8T BELL my B-room house snd 8 lots at 1464 Rodney are., PledmoBt Park; 28 bearing fruit trees, 100 rose busbes; berries of all kinds. Chsrles B. Bbort, 209 Fentoa bldf. M. D. HOUSE. nllcltors and salesmen' heed quarters: eastern mannractunng firm repre- sen ted; real eetat quick sales negotiated; pe tltloua circulated. 66 Sixth st Msln SUA ',': SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. , . ll - Fine corner,-nnobatructad vlrW, six SSxIIO. only $1,600. 8 Fourth St TsL Paclfla 8126 or Main 80H0. . . . NEW bouse. East 27 and Alder, $3,400; In atallmente. Chalseon A Co., 411 Commercial, . . .... ..mi. x'l feet near car atetlon at Lenta. Be car fan; only $116; term. Take Mount Scott car. 0. R. Addition. Lents, Or 60 fare. BEST BUY In Portlsnd, 76x100, cottier. 8 feet shove graoe, level, rnut trees; fraded atrsete, water.-lat lmprovemente go with lota, 2 blocks south of Hawthorns av., on 43d it.; owner at 848- Eaat 44th at. sentb. Pbon Tsbor 264. Price $660; terms. 80x100 FOOT lots, above grade; streets traded. water In; 8600; terms; lmprovemente go with lota: owner on ground, 848 Eaat 44th at, south. Phone Tsbor 264, block south of . Hawthorne ays. :. ..-' IRVINGTON 76x100 In choicest locillty, ca Hancock st., between 21st and 22d; will make :r bargain price for quick sals. Owner, 214 Lamber Exchange bldf. ., i TWO modern 6-room cottage, 1078 Beat Waab mgton at.; zuu oown, naianee fiu per month and Intereat 7 per cent. A. P. Smith, owner. 616 Commercial hlk. '-: ""'' "'' "- A SNAP. -. " v Nice A room house, 1 blosk from Union ave. carllne, on Improved street; 7-mlnute ear eervice; price $800; terms. -BEAVER SEAL ESTATE A INVESTMENT . COMPANY, . stooma S and A 141H JTIrit at. 840 WILL handle a lot which we can aell foe $450; balance can be paid by tba montbt lea than two block from carllne and only 12 minute from the city; all improvements -COLCMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bulldlnf. A PRETTY modern house of six rooms, aplen. . dldly constructed snd nicely arranged; gaa and electric 'light; cloae In; $2,600; eaay , terma. - tnqnire : aae gremont at . or pnone Woodlawn -709, : ,, , CHICKEN ranch; cow, chickens, bees, fruit; have other business. Ownsr, Main 895$. A RIGHTLY residence lot,' 60x100, with Bull Run water, cement walks and curb U paid ; -for and less than two blocks from carllne; only IS minute from heart of ths city, $4601 terms... - - .. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, i " , . , , Conch Bulldlnf. - , 5-ROOM hotter, furniabed, $1,800. 208 Fourth st. ; Tel. Pacific 2126 or Main 899. BALL A BROWN. Real Estate. . Handle farms, timber, residence and bust, ness property; have farms and city property for trade; If yon have any to sell list with ne if yoa want to buy call and aee oa. . Room 28 Raleigtl bldg., Sixth and Washington. A SNAP Parties going eaat; $1,000 for 6-roorn bouse, B lots, fruits snd flowers. 420 Blxth eve., north, Lente Or. 810 DOWNS 86 A MONTH. Fins bulldlnf lots, $275 to $400 M above ' tern. Fifteen minutes from business cen ter. Three car lines. Now do not say yoa cannot own home. ) .t . MOULTON A SCORE Y. 601 Columbia bldg., 806 Waahlng ton st . r 1 1 . 1 . ' ' . . - MODEL 6-room house, easy monthly payments. . Ownsr. Phone East 675, HAVE von been out to Wlherc Heights Rose City Psrk line but Ssndy mad and get - COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Conch Bulldlnf. FACT0BT SITE 00 feet of river frontage at Mtlwaukle; price $2,600, i Harlow A Dowllng, Mllwukle,- 0r.'-r' :-:,s.-..;-i '5 V-.-,. . FOR 10 DAYS 10-room house, $2,250; easy , terma: must sell; com quick. Union 2768. mm tub Mine of tbla ad $5.00 IS THB vslneof "Mil Cut It out - and cssh It in on a lot In Wlherg Heights. LU1.US11-1A AAUOX 171H, A A, ' . . . l.r r. - Couch Bulldlnf. - $875 BUYS 6-room house, S lot, Lsurelwood. sn reacy to move inui aiup paying rent; $250 down, $10 per month. 842 Madison st RUSSELL BT. 6 rooms, lot 60x110, fmlt, 82,000: half eaah; this 1 a bargain. P. W. Henderson, 248 Stark st THIS sd Is good for $9 la parrhsalng a lot la Wlberg Heights. Cut It out snd bring It 1b,. - CulAJSlni A -iiiUBi tunrani, .-,. . . - toacn ttuuainf, . FOB BALB $1,800 6-room cot tags, modern 1 . Improvement; on block - from csrlm, ta ' Creston; the best ef term given. Western x Oregon Trust Oa 291 Stark st I