The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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:.- Sa&fcaBafles'
U l l - - - - '-gT-
" 'Way up above the fog, free from the dust and noise of the business! part of town '.
and yet only a (ew minutes away.vThese are the features that are causing such activity in '
-The plans for a number, of new homes arc now being made. More the
- Crest- than ever before, and the actual- start of building homes has made things active :
in Council Crest Park. ; , " '. -'
; We have some of 'the choicest building locations left and prices are eminently rea
. sonable, and the terms are about as you .wish, them. .; ' ; .
, . Phone us, Main 550, to' call for you to -go and' see Council' Crest Park. 1
I li !. .'i ! Ti r'l " 1 1 ii " 1 "" "' " " " 11 " 1 " '
. i tmmtm 1
Clerks to.Be Replaced ;ty
' tV" Wonderful MechanicaL
: Invention. .
Chlcato. June . Men and women
whfor' yJr. have earned their Jiving
MBThe machine. It li ; 5Bf
Uched an electric motor. P,
hnovlcfattteVplnl can hit o bank
- f VA well as an expert, once he
lrn, th. mrhantcal detaila ot the m-
' jchlne'a operation. '"-f
Baptist Conrentlon at Newberg.
. ' X gpeUl Wtpetcfc to the
v.htti Or.. .June The firty
fourth wnlveVeary of the Wert Willam.
InSoit- association 1 in eesslon
r-- r. t n.oia nr.iiiiinr. many
ffi Salatee are being entertained. Rev.
I V Sfgr'V Stewart ot Berkeley. Call-
i i v j.iiv.rM an address Tuesday
evening. The afternoon esslone. are
SlvStoa to study classes, led by dif
ferent delegates,, and are very oeno
preferred Stock Canned Goods.
Allen ft I,ewls' Pest Brand.
'(Joerear SpeetaT Ssrrles.) ' v
Helena. Mont, June '.Three Mon
niAnMii han crossed we gres.1
divide and stlU another is lying at the
Bolni of death at Virginia uuy. ;tm
latter Is Lucius Kellogg, one of the old
est resWentS OI aunri uuivu,
prominent in Masonic circles.
sp, p. Cowell, one of the leading sheep-
. Prove
Striking Feature That Will
Fc Inatinc for Rose
, Park Opening.
; "ine of the striklngfeatures of 'the.
opening, of Rose .V2.Ati
a Thnmnsoii with the "Streetcar
company to have cars start j at fteeriy
all of the .terminals of the .line at ap
proxlmatlly the same , time.. T hese
' .in it converge at unira ana
- ?ShuM?B unite
in one procession and proceed W. Rose
tlLX -I- ltr , ni-nwiiled with
'ine leaainjf vmi !" .ir.rii
A-fuU brass bana, piayin
ffM.r . - Ik. .rniinla Thu must-
MX fn'the Sr duH g etlre
.t.rnnnn. If the weatner IS noi wv
Phiidren s ; day at Rose City rar, win
through ; me uwi." , ;
' Bevies of children in all parts of the
.ddUlon wlU be to cha rge of competent
women, wno wui . .
. Wind man's buff, hide and seeK,
dron T the handkerchier and an or we
win b very -;:r;;r v-'.u. r rt
JEL8 I For the
n the fatter, aside from me wno cn
arrVngements are being made for
a vocal concerw . . . - --J,
0haJy9 .SSTO. weather pcrm.ts nto he
aaaaesssssBBsseewsi '
Death aaima P. P. Cowell, Bamnel
, , Melvillo and Willlani . ,
people who know how to take care of
themselves the maiorlty do not. The
liver Is a most important organ In the
body. Herblne will keep It in condition.
V. C. Slmpklns. Alba, Texas, writes:
-i have used Herblne for Chills and
F:ver and And It the best medicine I
ever used. - I wouia not am wnnvui i.
It is as good for children as it Is for
f rown-un reopie,- nu iwni""
t W fine or La Grippe. Sold by all
men of northern Montana Is dead at
Long Beach, California. He came to
Montana, when H years old from Iowa,
and had been a resident of this state for
40 years, residing near Chinook.
Samuel Melville la- dead in Butte,
aged U years, after an illness of four
weeks. He turned his attention to mining-
and acquired a considerable amount
f property, among these being inter
eetS'Of more or Jess prominence He
was also -prominent in polities. -First
as a Democrat; and then as a Populist
He was elected to the legislature on the
Populist ticket and Introduced a num
ber of measures. .-; .
William Porter. 0 years old. was fa
tally Injured in a runaway accident at
Hamilton. He had been a resident of
Montana since the early sixties. He
having Joined St. Patrick's lodge tn that
oraer in new ion, in m-mci-wards
had his membership transferred
n n,ia inArm and was nast hlah Driest
in the Royal Arch Masons. Mr. Porter
was a native or .onaon. --
" Hermiston City Election. " ;
Special Dtaoateh W The losraal.) '
Hermlston. Or., June . By order of
the Umatilla , county court a speolal
election is to be held June 18, to decide
the question of incorporating the town.
An election of city officers will be held
at the same time. The following will
be voted for! Mayor, six councllmen.
recorder, marsnai ana trcaaMrnr.
Woodland, rashington. Has Become
.x Distingwisbed for the' Efilciency
, ' oi Her Schools.
8dwU1 Slssateb t The Jesraatl
- Woodland,"Wih,. June I. The Wood
land publlo schools will close' today. -The
commencement exercises will be held at
the schoolhouse this afternoon. The
grades will close with a picnic
This year's work has been' a most suc
cessful one. Under the administration
of Principal W. Ernest Crowe and his
teachers the Woodland schools, have
been brought to the front and are reoog-
niced as
In ail
Interscholastlo meets Of
A paag-aroiia Deadloekv
that 'sometimes ' terminates fatally, is
the stoppage of liver and bowel func
tions. To quickly : end this condition
without .disagreeable sensations, ' Dr.
King's New L&e Pills should always be
your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
satisfactory In every case t or money
hapk. at Red Cross Pharmacy. !5c.: v
' Thfe - Is ';a hard, i commbn-serise. : business tall:.
If you are seriously interested in securing: a
; home site where it will be for your best inter
ests, read every word of it. If you are merely
looking for free ice cream, strawberry short
cake, picnic lunches, and a good time in general,
then pass us by. We are not catering to your
appetite, your love of recreation, or your child
ren. We are talking directly to your business
judgment, which, if properly developed, will
show you the way to provide all these "free"
offerings for yourself. This is the way; followus:
i v0u htve had many chanc to buy Side residence" loti; they all look about alike to you-
lZ uZirZ tell you there i. a. much difference int. nd.locat,on. as in June (,
- WVitnfS chci.e your own bride, don't youh.The first ; thing. you .nouce. about our y
,.itlIrttagtonP.rlthtpobi love ,t at f.rst sight.
v A l1,ttnnt It is sinhtly, high, a magnificently situated natural park-like Stretch of land,
TlTSt AUurcmcnt, - jn cyc direction on Porlland.. unmatched scenery-the
ItS Beauty mountains, the river, the distant hills. Vancouver, the barracks, with a large . ;
Variety of trees tastefully distributed so that each lot has plenty of shade, aMhe same time be,ng
See ready for building and plan
A fl,M?ni. By reason of this natural position, and its ready 'acssibility--a 20-nute car ride ; ,
A Business folwt of the citvit U bound to be the home section of the elue-the Lake
Proposition Shore Drive settlement of Portland. When Potter Palmer first bought a home
site on aitago's famous Lake Shore Drive, he paid a very small sum (comparatively) for it Some
. people thougf t he .Td Marshall Field and other, of their kind rather to put money into
lot, Tut tLfe where nothing much was doing, but these far-sighted joung
natural direction of Chicago', expansion must be that way, so there they bought and there their ,
" few do U grew Tnto thousands and millions. Irrington Park will repeat "
ience for every purchaser who hold. on. , It. location j. pronounced unquestionably the : choicest
Portland for home, of the wealthy by real estate expert, whose judgment , not biased by;per
sonal interests. ' .
A Jrr.all Fnr- You can own i'lot in Irvington Park today if you have $10 bill In youi - pocket
A bmall lor- $1Q t month m eooJLthe Ridiculously low price-we ask for these
tune for-YOU .plendid 50,100 foot lots-is paid in then the deed is yours. , In six month, you
can'sell U for twice that amount-in a year, for three time;r yo fc;;;..
year, to come realize thousands. '..;yfrKV '-.,( 'i' ..: ; "r''Z:-''-. '."',vv'N.;' ..V,
It Is Not
The unthinking reader says' carelessly, -Oh.' that', just an Vd. and passes thi,
i a chance by; the thinking reader say, t "That', sound argument; Instep m ana nave
Just AnAd . ulk wuh Holbrook."' We want to meet the thinking men and women, who are.
not satisfied to see other, get all the benefit, of this new western country. ; We have a proposi
tion that will interest you. - '
Phone Main 5396 for an Appointment
or Call and Make Inquiries , ;
Hoibrbok Company
F. H.
250 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon
1 Tn two-years mgn Btuw. ww. ..-- r. . .1 1 1 -f ill 11
TMT a VII wai
-r.. Ml A Umm Kn VlptfirlOUB.
Everdebate has been won, a good reo-
ord in atnieiics eiuuiiiu, .
recent state eigntn sraaa
which proved a Waterloo all over the
7.... -Atai.a f Irat rank in the
MlVi 11VVUMUH " . - - -
county. . MJ :-V: V
rams ana .
The five who will be graduated
todays from the eighth grade are: .
Lamar Blackburn, Dennis Bwart,
Frank Bennett, Earl Fraaler and Percy
Russell. The last four, whose work
end class standings are of the very
highest, are the boys who have been
most active In athletics
Th. two-years' high school work has
been most successful and three wui
graduate from the tenth grade, Clara
Soertg. Martha Griffith and Claude Bo
sarth. Miss Ooerlg and Mr. Bosarth
have distinguished themselves as de
bators. They were not defeated once.
Their class standings have been very
b'&nUllCrowe"wm enjoy a visit to
Ms parents in Indiana this summer.
Miss Ruby Carver will Visit her home
In southern California. Miss Minnie
Morden will -attend summer school at
Pullman. - Miss Taylor will take a
much-needed rest.
Dr. ganaeraoa's Oonposad
and Cottoe Boot PUU. Tb l-
Xud only rallable mnly fur Vt
,ATED PKRiUUS. -Cora th mo.
Ahatlnate HIM ll I tO 10 daf.
Fric"$ per . ml)l la pUU wrii.
Aedreaa DtTT. J. P1EUCB. - tSI firar
MrtUad. Orasoa.
6 rr-t : V
A j jwECK
A HOME in Portlands beautiful new residence, section, just beyond 'the golf links, where
Vcool and balsam-laden breezes mean rest and new life, "where the scenic charms are unsur
T passed, where your money will soon double in value, and only 22 minutes from business
: center of city, reached by two car lines, already tHere. . SAVE $25 by buying this week. See or
' N 1 , , 1 s ' OR ' ' , ' - ' ' '
The Curtiss Company
309 Abington Building : Selling Agents
- . ' PhoneA2699, Main 699.' S"
The Jacobs-Stine Company
fifth' Floor Swctland Building
Phones A2811, Main 359.
' H
. v.
, "'i.i
k Ira
A 1 j WEEK I
" ""r mi1 '"L- .lmisaMMKMOMKttahKtKKamnBSSSSBBmmKKSSZ -- J
evcnlnur ror iu ,.
older people. N