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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON : DAILY -f JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY: EVENING; JUNE 6, : 1C07. . Excepted) s t'June White Pays" jj . Whit Gloves , White Ribbons , v 1 Handkerchiefs ,. White Button! ' . White DreM Trimmings White tAcea India Irinona, Lawpa, etc, : White Stationery - i ... White Shoea for men, women and children ' , Lace Curtains, ,.., ' CnrUln Materials ( I Books, Pictures, Notlorie . . White Blankets. Pillows 1 Lining- 'eta ate. Kandkerehlefa . Straw Kata "White Neckwur"' '' -" Whit Pe lamas . ' -White Nightshirts " Whit Glove . White Suapendera White Sweaters "' Bar Coats : y White Veita,'tc eto, : White Hate ,Whlt Hoalery v . Whit Paraaols -v White Underwear , White Belta White Handbag White Veiling V White' riannala -, Infanta' Shoea .-i Infanta' Caps Women's Aprons . White Corsets White Baaketa White Furnitur Whit Toilet ' Articles White Suits of all klnda, - and qualities Whit Costumes v .- , Whit . Linens White Towels White Sheets 1 White Spreads". ' . ' , White Cottns,.t&. etc. ., , White Bed Linens . . 150,000 pieces ot Muslin , Gowns, Drawers j ' . Chemise, Skirts - . Corset Covers, Seta " Infants' Wear . - . ' White Wraps v ' V ' , White Sklrfa ' " ''. t White Waists r" ".: '' White Petticoats " Children's pressea , i ' White Kimonos V i White Flannel Coats .Whit Milliner? Infanta' Coata, eta A White China , . 4 ' White Glaaswara " Silverware, Cut Glass ', it " Kitchen Goods Jf Vhlte Tin war .,: Whit Woodenwar ' WhlteClnner Seta. etc. . . Kvery- white article In the store reduced. Few contract gooda alone ex cepted. " i !! ..... Sale Continues Until, LOOK TO. White Embroideries ' ' ..'' White Allows YOUR. - NEEDS White Velveta wnita biikb t , r Men a wntte wear , Whit Shirts - : White Underwear ,. ' White rreaa Goods, eta v '.v i: ;'-' v:"' ;':'- ' :"' Swiaa, Nainsook Underwear r 13 Ye ; I) White Article Reduced t'L'eiv 41 MOT. Contract Good MOT The Meier (& Frank Store's S06th Friday JSurprisc Sdo E 10 Pretty Japanese SSMsWaSste Meier (& :Pr&ikV906th Friday Surprise Sale 1 .., ,i i i i ' , 1 M . SMI '. '1 n "-. .!.' mi mt Va lsto $1! at $3; II Our Great Annual Summer Sale of Japanese Silk Waists ii announced for tomorrow-The sale that never . fails to attract an : immense throng ' of eager buyersThis year's lot is' better ; than ' ever Assortment' ' larger", styles prettier, values the best ever1000 of them made of the best quality Jap silks, in solid white and blacky also polka dotted and small checked-ef-- fects, made with clusters of fine tucks Fancy yokes trimmed m front and back with Danish medallions and fine Battenburg, hand-made- fagotting, round mesh Val. laces, stitched bands, baby Irish and VaL laces, also a lot of college blouses in Jap silks Black and .white .with dots These waists are all new - this season s styles Regularly (f2fr $7.50 to $11.00 each The ideal hot , weather ; waist All sizes and a' wonderful, arrays of styles to select from at this unusually low jSrice See big 5th St. window display. Better; plan 'to be herd promptly at 8 o'clock if you want the best values. No mail or phone orders will be filled II I vj-".'- T" s . a mm . a mmr sss & sw ''II i sfi h W W YiyV ' 4 mm? :mmm III!.. . MFArf eM fX"' 1 Irsyr'VSY jIT '.- , ',.( 1-Mi.Sri'' t , ' L ' . I - r i i ..... .S- ." , -1 ,.v .., y. ' 1 .50$3.00$2;50alues69c For tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale we take great pleasure in, announcing our Semi-Annual Clean-Up Sale of manufacturers' reserve stocks of seasonable " Underwear at sensationally low prices The 6000 garments to be offered to morrow Come frojm America's highest-grade Mill, "The Otis," known from ocean to ocean for the splendid quality of Underwear produced The assortment is immense, the styles the best and includes mercerized lisles, mercerized stripes, plain silk finished Fancy colorings and combi nations in endless variety Shirts and drawers to match, - summer weights Underwear 'that is : finely made and finished and finding ready sale at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and . $3.50 a garment All sizes The economical man will see ,'.to it that he shares in this unusual, bargain See Big 1 Fifth Street .Window ' Display None j& yf sold to dealers The greatest bargainYw Uj ' Men's Underwear Portland has ever xjj yJ known No mail or phone Orders filled" Tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale Beautiful Allover Embroidery $4.50 Vdnes at $1.19 a Yard , Magnificent Allovef Embroideries at a ridiculously low price it the 906th Friday Surprise offering; in the lace department for tomorrow; 1000 yards in the lot I exquisite styles tor lingerie waists; lawns and batistes. Beautiful designs in imi tation French handwork; values up to $4.50 the yard, on sale - t 1 Q while it lasts at this low price, yardtee Fifth St Window display.. V 1 a 1 7 Tomorrov's 906th Friday Sntpriso Sale Boys Great !Vflu.atf$ H IQllle Sinit Boys' Summer Vacation and Outing Suits at an interesting price for tomorrow's 006th Friday Surprise Sale Something new the combina tion Wash Suit 4 pieces for SI. 10 Each suit consists of Sailor Blouse, 1 pair straight Knee Pants, I pair of Bloomer Pants and Cap to match Ties to match suits and white shield Materials are fast "color steel gray chambrays, dark blue chambrays, fancy figured chambjays, tan crash, fancy tan crash Well made and finished Ages 3 to 12 years An entire four-' piece- outm tomorrow enly at this low price, for the suit4;.;;... -y No mail or phone orders filled. A TOMORROW'S 906th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE , $6l5tf Mowers $3,4? For tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale, a special lot of 50 of the genuine V . "Philadelphia" Lawn Mowers, 14-inch size; solid blades every one fully guar t anteed. ," Best lawn mower manufactured in America.1-Regular C? C Aff ' 6.501model, on sale tomorrow only at this special low price, each. V JaTr ' We stock and on sale a contplete line of Garden Hose in all grade. Hose : Recls.y Notzles Lawn' Sprays;' ctcy and at the very lowest prices. -Basement1 v Tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale Saleloil 000 Conch Covers - i . . .i ' . . . , -i . In the Drapery Department,': for tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale, a sale extraordinary oi double-faced Negus Couch Covers, in Oriental designs and Bagdad tripe.- Splendid colorings; sise 60 inches wide and 3 yards long; fringed all around. The greatest Couch Cover value' ever offered. Every one in the lot worth t22S. Yon can use two or three of them ' In the coast cottage. Tomorrow only, your choice : at this very special low price, each. . , See Fifth-Street Window ; Display. On sal in the Drapery Depart- i merit, on the Third Floor. . -.i: Splendid showing 'of 'Porch and Bungalow Fuf riiture on the s Third, Floor. Good, substantial ' pieces of all t kinds at 'low - ' price.; uitn na.iyflwn swings, euees,- KOCKers,-nam-1' UrTll tlT?Q mock. tc- Kodaks, Cameras and a full line of supplies MWW ' ,A4 . "f. is . ic. : i umorrow $1.35 suf.iMitri ToihoiTbw,S;.906th In Swiss, Dimities, Etc. Dresses '' ' ' ' ' Princess, Jumper $10 Vals. $4.85 Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store of; fers for tomorrow's 906th -Friday Surprise Sale a, timely bargain, in women's" Summer Dresses 300 -of them, bought at a 'great sacrifice by the cloak hief on a recent visit to the New York market. The very unsea frntpl .weather throughout the east enabled .him. to secure them at a ridiculously low price. - All new styles and really wonderful values.1 Included will be found dotted Swiss and dimity dresses, in Princess and Princess umper eltects; pink, blue, lavender, light E . . . m !ue. trrrm 'hlllr ! r m ... vw.mvv, uicvm nq.- piaias. waists nave tancy VaL . lace yokes and clusters of tucks; elbow sleeves, finished with roll cuffs. 'Lace trimmed or - plain late cuffs. . , Sldrts have deep flounce finished with wide tucks. Every dress In the lot of attractive style,well made , and finished fall sUes. Cool, seasonable ap parel selling regularly at U," A'sw prices up to 10. Choice" adL A T whUe they last, tomorrow -V.? . . Sn jrifttarSteMS Wladw ii)iT. " '" TOMORROWS 906th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $33.00 Refrigciton On sale tonlbrrowr a -special lot: of : 25' higK-gradei Refrigerators of solid ' bak- .. woven steel. wire shelves, steel-lined and enameled; removable ice chamber, 'ice r grate and waste pipe; ice capacity, 75 pounds; extra thick walls.- Size 30. inches - by 21 inches by 44 inches high.' The best "White Mountain" Refrigerators, sold regularly at -the' low -price, of $32 each: Your choice of this SLSA tL S lot of 25, for Friday Surprise Sale, at the special low price of.. . . $awi ir J on the Third Floor. irk i iA K i mi.-m. si la t. .. t- w v . i Tomorrow 906th Friday -Surprise Sale Men's Summer Suits $25 Vals. 18.65 Great Friday Surprise Sale of Men's high-grade Three- piece and Outing Suits. The finest hand-tailored gar- mente, made by the leading wholesale ' tailors in the land. Wersteds, ' worsted chevfota, , iancy caaslmeres and tweeds; light colorings and medium dark shades; single or double-breasted sack ' coats ; medium or long lapels exclusive patterns, newest effects. Hand-made buttonholes,1 . hand-felled collars, ' hand-padded shonl ders; 2-piece arid 3-piece Summer Suits, equal to the I r asks vou to tav 528 and 30 for. aa m. ' IBM. W t ADLta Our regular $25.00 values, choice ; oa.aS tomorrow Anlv. on aal. at. ault ' See Morrison-Street VWndow' Display. ' ' Tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale 6metfs5cHosieryiaf 136 c 50c Veilihcs Only 28c a For tomorrow's 906th Friday . Surprise Sale. 3000 pairs of women's Lace Lisle. Silk ;Lisle and Gauze Lisle Hosiery, at a wonderfully low price; boot and allover f effects; also plain, styles,-in black, white, and gray; come in sizes 8yi, 'lti " 9, 9yi, 10; regular values up to 65c a' pair; on sale tomorrow only, pair...wwC For tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale we offer another unusual bargain in fine Veilings 3000 ysrds beautiful quality Chiffon sutomobiling Veiling, regular . width; crepe effects; white,-pink, brown, tan, navy and black; 50c vaL, yd. 28e 2000 Women Tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale ! , . ,, ,, , , ' ' " ) svests-?Reg.40c Values at 22c Each Women's Summer Undervests surprisingly low priced for, tomorrow's 908th Friday Sur-! prie Sale 2000 garments in the lot Swiss r'Dbcd-8ca Island cotton, low neck and sleeve jess Handsomely trimmed with deep lace yoke and mercerised tape Sizes 4, 5 and 8. Best 40c values tomorrow, only 22c each v Children's H6siery ; Great Friday Surprise Sale of boys' and girls' ribbed cotton and -lisle Hose, in the light-weight mercer ized effects for girls, and heavyweight seamless for , boys; sizes ; S to 10; regular 35c QM . values, on sale tomorrow only, pair 1 OC . TOMORROW'S 906th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE " 1 $3.50 Rugs, This Sale for $ 1 .42 Each ' In the Carpet Store,' on the third floor, for tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer 400 handsome Wilton Velvet Rugs mt abouTone-half their regu lar value. Come , in size 27 by 54 inches; in .oriental -and floral designs;-in a grand assortment Best regular. $2.50 values, while they last for tomorrow's' - 906th Friday Surprise Sale your choice , at this unusually low? 5 1 price, each take advantage Carpet department, on third floor f; f, v TP Tomorrow's i906th Friday Surprise Sale lOQQB&e-Linen Pieces 90- $1 to $2.50 Values 57c ' V '.-v: " ' .' 1 1 ' ' ' ""' ....... , - . . ,i . . . . t For tomorrow's 906th Friday Surprise Sale the' Tn' loof Art Department will place on tiie v ge""teril a remarkable bargain in linen drawn? worlt pieces Scarfs, Squares and Centers, in as , sorted - hemstitching;: sizes 18x43 inches, 18x54 .lnchea, . 30a30 inches and 36x36 inches. ; Hand. some pieces that every housewife can find use for. A great special purchase from a well. .V 1 . J I ' . ' . . " ' . K"w importing nouse enapies ,us to offer values--ranging from ; W $1.00 to $2.50 each r on . l"1S7thT 'S Jjf wonderfully low price of, each. . . You miss the bargain of (he year if yon don't take advantage of this sale. No mail or ; phone orders filled. . See Fifth-Street Window Display. , On sale in the Art Department, - Third Floor. ; 'I 1 -