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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL,; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 6 1907. ; Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19. XEW TODAY. THE BEST THING t On earth la iom of the earth Itself. chunk of choice earth Ilk a Well tilled, 1 a might good thin to . have. - Oregon's future flea In the amall farm. We have them In 1 to SO acre tracta la . -: ' : ' THE TUALATIN VALLEY ; Which la a region of surprising possl s bllltlea within aay reach of Portland, j either crossed by or adjacent to the new U ELECTRIC CAR LINE it or to minutes' ride from the city. '.New tracta lust put on the market. : Lots selling faat. . ' TERMS y Very easy for all buyers, to et, ' HELP WANTED FEJtALE WANTED Apprentice fir! In tailor -Stop. Ooodoougb bldg. - ' s 20 WANTRD Experienced seamatress. Wlllara etto Tent, A Awning .Co., Ftuat and Burnstue. WANTED Dl.hwaeber ft o. 262 Ftret at. K. Coffee House, WANTED AT ONCB Experienced esleewomea for underwear, boelery, (lore and ault de- . partmeats. Roberts Bros. - i 8TRONQ girl for priming garroanta; one with , experience pr.ferr.di. steady position. Berlin wye wort , 147 Second it. - VACATION free for companionship) floe Blare near summer reeort. Imniadlate. Young n emeus tunnstisa Asaoeistkm. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. INDV8TBIOCS married eeuDle who eae fo lab tba best of references and woo have ba experience would Ilka to take charge of mom. . Ing bouaa or otbar poaltloo of treat. Adilreea U aia. care Journal. SmrATIONS WANTED FEMALE., HOME - wanted by . except cooking or Una or waahlns: wall ad oca tad and re load P (11. care Journal. widow; will do anything Winning; aaiary ao object also a musician WANTED RE AIj ESTATE."' I BATE eaah borer for er 10 acraa of land. eloae to ear Una, not orer 10 miles from Port- land. m. 1. Geleer, 231 H Morrleoa at. - I NVESTM ENTCO. yvtmn- , E. QUACKENB08H. Prea. , Main IT!. 144. SUrk 8t WANTED To rant amall bouse, etty, or clone n carat aire rant prices ensep rent, Adaeee H 81 J, earo Journal, greatest bargain you ever fav. new. weu-ouuti r The l-room strictly modern house, large attlo ar.d full basement. tot boxes, well worth lou cata have it for S2400 and make your own terms. .. ; : . -r oorauv Satos v'r '"" ' 4 040 Hawthorn Ave. ' Phone Tabor 101 WANTED by reliable partlee, 1 roooia; Borne prafarred; muat be contra roaaonable. nfnrnlabad and Addraae V SOI, oare Journal, . WANTED JnSCELLANEOCS. HIGH EST prices paid for all ttods of eeeoodV gooda. . Union Exchange. Sua front at band Pactfle 1481. V Cheap Corner Lot H'S-i Price, $600 r Terms, $100 Down Corner lot, SOxlOO, altuated on the 0. E. corner of E. J 4 th and Peclflo ata.; the balance of payment on thla can be tnaae on inataumenta or 1 10 per montn or more;. Intereat per cent On deferred . payments. , . - -;, , t , i ii Mall & Von Borstel i 0 8econ Bt- nd ' Burnalda ;; MAIUUAGB LICENSES. T ; Tboniaa B. kfann, Wallace, Idaho, Mi Care- line McDonald. 26. ' ; Jofaa A. St.wirt,. 509 Market at. IS; Cath erine Marooay, 2T. ' i . E. a. MarabaU. 70S Qllaafe at. N.J F. Ulliaa noiutr, in. . . - r - mm . m . . .- - i, Mwmirv IX. mTmaw, mi , mumvyuiww ouwii, i H. Karate. M; Mre. Aau Colo, SO. Bam It. Brogdao, Saa rranclaco, 27; Anna X. Hammond, 23. William B. Wilton, TB4 I. Main et, SO; Ina UcDonald, SB. E. W. Chrlettan, 108 Taugba at, S3; Mrs. - Minnie Carpenter, 23. - - Jamee Wlngate, III Seoond at, 28; Atha E. Glllam, 28. Ooataf Laraoa, 471 I. Erarett lt 21 J Bat. ; na u Hniegar, is. J. W. Brown, Xae DaUea, Or., BO; Mra. Mla ale Bardie. S. A. PUoklewlach. 144 Knott at, ST; Amy E. Baneen, 21. Frank Clief. 43 N. Sixth et, 41b Una Bow man, WANTED Someone dog. .1463. to care for JUt Bernard mmm w . i U.I. WANTED To boy a roomlna boaae 20 to 28 rooma, er will take a good, firet-elaae re. - taarant. B , care Journal. . FOIt RENT nOUSEKEEPTNG. HORSES for (ale, Artbnr at.. from 800 to 1,200. 2T8 FOR RENT FLATS . FOB KENT. , Finely furalebed l-room flat ba the weet , aide, aootb of MorrUom and cloaa to tbe centre of the city. Speak quick for thla will men un, H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY, Mala SSO. A-2637. Sixth and Waablngtoo. FOR RENT HOUSES 5 BOOM eottage. bath, Eaat 2th at. 111, 4-room cottage, cloaa in, 114. B-room eottage. cloao In, 16V I room booaa, Center addition, 116. ' T-room hooae. Utb, Eaat lfitb at., $20. , 10-room modern bonne, 130. J. J. OEDEK. A Ooraer Grand eve. and Eaat Ankenylt. FOB BENT Fine B room boaae, lot MOxlOO, fine traits, poultry-bouse and Tarda, $13. Ore be A Pfaffle. 208 Third et. Jobo Milton Kelas Jr..1 Kemble, 24. Bert C. Boylaa, SI It. Poarl Bobb. 21. t laldor Rcblel Jr. 1114 Theresa Hiunmelabach, IT. 12; Harriet Ea telle Sixth St.; 23; Oraoe Itrpbeaa' at. 2S; BUSINESS CHANCES. .i 'oddtnr-ardSi J. ntfk A CarWrt-' , Ing ton bldgv ooraer Fourth aad Waahlngtoa ata. Tonaatb ft Co., flormtav kinds. 128 Sixth at. . tor ftowere of all 80 ROOM hotel, rent 1T8, 4-year lease; wall furnlabed. dining-room in flrst-elaas condition i worth 48,000: must sell: bare to go to- tbe hoapltal; vllT Uke 84.000 tor an immediate . sale. : - - ' - - 23-room house, Tftrtf Weft fomlrtiea: TT00 wiu Uke it; food lease; rent fw. . 8. ABNOLD A,CO JS1H Morrison at., suites 11 and 11 minis HOLE ROADS Timely Letter Jtof Reinforce Washington Hail way 'Commission.,: SPEAKS TO POINT OF DEMUE1UGE CHARGE Lots of Fun tor Roads to Collect, but '' Reciprocal Feature Fats Laugh oil ' ' Other Side of Face Roads AM Getting Educated, Though. Clarke Bros., Flnrlate Fine flowers aad floral designs. 180 Uosrtsoa et BLACKSMITH'S stork and toon for a, la eheaB, can at Mt. bcott Heal Kaute Co., Mora, vr. ocott zisse. -- .. - - - . Fen dreea stilts for rent, ell .Tailoring Co, (OS Stark at : Dalqae WIDD1NO INTITATIONS Latest and beati $3 ' per iuo. a. a. uawx u.. iDira at. FOB SALE Grocery store, cbeap; llTug rooms; a anoDey-maser. . via airax si. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. BIRTHS CAVE June 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Joha U CaVe, i- 708 Front street, a daughter. i BEED June 8, to Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Gor f don Bred, 688 Marahall street, a daugbter. BHII'I'EY May & to Mr. and Mrs. Oris S. Hhlpney, Lyle. Waab., a daughters " ' ' DOYLE Jane 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Joha P. I Doyle, 204 H Orcldeat street, a ton. , STRONG Jnne I, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. ; Strong. 763 E. Burnalde street, a daughter, ; BENBICKS-rJune 4. to Bee. and Mrs. A. 0. Hsnricke, paator of tbs Cbdrch of the Naa rvne, 9S jssrneiae imn, m, 6ELLWOOD PORTLAND'S - BEST Sl'BURB Three choice balldlns- altee. each lOOrion. $700, 8800 and $1,000; also new T-room cottsge ana tot, ei.Tuu. uoom 11, Cambridge bldg., uiraaoa siorriaoa u. , v . ' HANCOCK 8TBEET ADDITION. A beautimi tract, adjoining Irrlnrtna) parked streeta, cement sldewalka and building mirmniufli It'a your loss if you buy a home aits else. woers Derore seeing us. the toot.' DEATHS , THOMPSON A OODEN, WoodlXwa 202. . - HA'TES At realdence, 294 Bentoa at,, June fl, n Mrs. Mary Hayee, aged T -years, beloved wife of John Hsyes snde mother of Mra . George Knapman. BamUtoni Ontario; Mrs. . F. B. Hugbes. Mrs. J. A. Dick, Mrs. H. HeK lendorn end Hsrry Bsyes of thla city. Fn t neral notice later. i JARKETT June S, Ruth Jarrett, t years, At , leta; spinal mantngttla. . " ASH TON June 4, Baby Aahtou, 894 MorrlsoB t street; atlll born. ' 8PIRELL June S, William H. Spa re U, 84 , year,, g months, 18 days, 028 Belmont street; .-. anoolexT. '. CRAWFORD June 8, S. Crawford; cerebro spinal Dienlngltla. " . , BOLTZMAN June 8. Mrs. Edna Hqltsman, 42 : ' yeera. 39 Fourth atreet; uraemia. I mm ibangb, 84 years, J months, 23 days; Brlgbt'e ' diaeaae. , ; FORD Jane 4, John Ford. St years,' 408 First , street; accidental drowning.- - - 4 T1NCENT June 1, Mary A. Vincent, 80 years, at Spokane; status eplleptua. t TBAINWAX June 4,'Faye Halnway, 15 yeara, : at 19th and Clinton streets; Injuries la atreet-: i f car accident. TIE W June 4, "George View, ' tf years, S month,. 17 days, 666 E. loth street; dlabetea. 4 CCTTING June . 4, Mra. Ines U Cutting, 84 , - ,: yeara, B month!. 4 dure, 762 E, Couch street; : Dulmonarr tubercnlosls. : - : . , i " BABT Jane 4. Mrs. Matilda Hart, "88 yeara, at uawego, vi. ; cancer oi uierua. b-huum aouse, s nne lots, anade treerz near oepot, st a Darrein, inquire at the AW. Scott Real Estate office, Lents, Or. Photos Scott ne. Aieo outer gooa osrgams, TIMBER. LANDSBEKERS, Attentlonl ft Wanted, tew ' more pertons to file and Urate en railroad lanas in uregon; tais aOTaatsge of this club. "You'll hare to hurry.'V Address t 812, csre Joornal. -- ' BARTER A3 EXCHANGE. EASTERN Oregon and Waahlngtoa wheat lands to exchsags or to-aell on crop payment. . 63)4 Sixth at, near 100. - . PERSONAL. rJPIECBTTl DB. 1 WOBIVBf Xm posers ;.ui ' St., coftiei - W necUllst. diseases nf 11 Inexulsrltles corrected: no ex- ledlclne by mall. Office 181 Flrtt r Ismhlll. Portland, Or. UNDERTAKERS, MAX M. SMITH' florist, ISO Fifth St., Opposite ;i !: Meier A Fraaka. Main T21B. -F . a MEETING NOTICES. ; NEIGHBORS of George Washington camp 261 K x W. O. W. are requested to attend the fun erst of late Neighbor Hamilton Knott, from I residence, 814 E. Seventh st, Friday, 2 p. m. f ' Interment Lone Fir. . itate's Financial Condition.' . lvmola. Wash.. June 8. The month. 1 financial statement for May,; Issued bV Btata Auditor Clausen, ahowa a. hal. ance to the credit of the atate general fund on June 1 of I92.1S8.89. The bal ance on nana May 1 waa 138,488.96. Disburaementa for May were 1868,018.85. land recelpta , 1319.661.79. During the I month bonda to the amount of $240,000 1 team coming and save were) reueemea oy me state. , ' (Special Dispatch te Tbe Journal) Olympla, June I. -The atate railroad commission has received from tba Vir ginia commission a copy of a strong letter received from the Virginia body from the traffic bureau of tba chamber of commerce of Richmond. The letter la. especially lntereatlng because the Virginia law aires the railroad com mission of that atate conalderable authority over demurrage mattera, and at part or tne wasnington taken largely from the Virginia atatute, The manager of the traffic bureau Of the Richmond chamber of commersa under date of May 8T aaye: "There la no doubt that tne raitroaa commlsslon'a rules and regulatlona In regard to car aervloa demurrage and atorage chargea have been productive or great good. .Tne manner in wnicn the rules of the commlaaion affect the rallwava and tha nubile may ba do scribed under two headlnga First, tbe method followed by the railways in collecting their demurrage from the nubile, and. second, tne memoa roi owed by the railways when tha public exerclaee its right to .collect penaltlea rrom tnem. . Thinks They WOl Mm Oood. In tha first ease the railway near to he nrooeadlna? aceordlna to rulea of the commlaaion with all tbe benefit to the nubile that that I ro pi lee. In the aecond- caae, when It cornea to tha public collecting tha penaltlea from the rallwaya. there haa been aome re- aistanca and aome effort to avoid such collection Aa you are aware, - tne Southern railway haa had ita lesson. and the Atlantic Coaat will eoon have ita lesson. After that I think they will discontinue their obatructive tactica. The Waahlngtoa - commlaaion la pre paring to begin the enforcement of de murrage rulea In thla state when tha ao-oalled lumbermen'a reciprocal de murrage law goea Into effect on June it T this law la found ineffective, the commlaaion haa authority to make rulea of Ita own. aa baa been dona in tn atate of Virginia by tne rauroaa com mlealon there. v ' JAPANESE ORGANIZE , COREAN CABINET Members of the Body Must Consult ' It Before Attempting '. . See the Emperor, (Joornal Special Service.) V Toklo, June I. -Realdeot-Qeneral tto, who recently organ lxed 'the Corean cab inet of man who were' practically Jap anese nomlneea, haaiiow induced them to give their pledge not to take part la aeparate audiences with the emperor, but to meet him jointly after a confer ence at Marqula Ito'a residence. Sig nificance of this action la unmiatake able. A eerioua outbreak of minora haa taaen piace . DuroiKiinu cwyircr , mine at rniKu. uuiminga nave oeen burned, com-eVunlcatlon by telegraph and telephone cdt off, and peace officers murdered. . , - RAHREdULATORS TO MEET IN WASHINGTON mm Ml YELIOI'J PAPE&S Embassy Secretary f States America Has Not fernered . Sensational Writers. (Joornal Special Bertlos.) Washington. June l.-r-The secretary of the Japanese embassy, in apeaking concerning tha publication la Japan of belligerent aentlmenta agalnat this country ot account of the San Fran- Claco arralr, aays: ...i, . -:- ( . "If the reports that the papera have spoken as you aay are true It la unim portant There 4a yellow Journalism in Japan the same aa-In. America. The clamors of such papers do not reflect the views of the government It will have no effect In ; shaping; - Japan's course." .-- - i 1 1 '., . .' ... .Exception. ;;V-. . ' Mrs. Knlokar Has sha clothes for all cllmataaT : -, v Mrs. Booker Tes, except the one her nusoana, mentions . wnen ne gete tne bilL , - . , '. . 3IUST SERVE TIME - , FOR CATTLE STEALING ;:.:.":.. . (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoeraaL) ' Olympla, Wash., j June . Tha su preme court today for tbe second time affirmed th "-conviction" of Albert , Wil son, tried In Thurston county on a charge of cattle stealing. He was con victed with hie brother-in-law, Cnrrle, and sentenced to two yeara In the peni tentiary. Immediately following the af firming of tha sentence by the aupreme court Currlo committed auiolde. Wil son then brought a aecond appeal In the patura of an action agalnat the aherlff and prosecuting attorney. In which he, aet up that Currle confided to him be fore bis death that he, Currle, had mis led Wilson aa to the ownerahlp of the cattle, thereby causing Wilaon to com mit perjury, and that aa be waa the In nocent victim allowed to right Currle. he '' the. matter n i real owner of the rattle an,l t -n freedom. Tha auDreme com t I'n that this la not a new plea, an l that to permit It In thla or any ease would open the dvr wlii fraudulent testimony la criminal Metiger fits your eyes for tl. Washington atreet. . corner Bever. formerly at 111 Sixth atreet Rose City Park Opening. Next Saturday will occur the first formal opening of Rose City Park to tha public. Tha afternoon will be given' over to tba children and tha evening". If pleasant, will ba devoted to tba enter tainment of tha pa rent a Speolal ar rangements will be provided fof all who wish to aat their lunch In one of tha pleasant haunta In Rose City Park.. In th evening a vocal concert win b provided-If th weather 'will permit aa well aa a grand illumination. . Noth ing will be overlooked to cater to th comfort of the people who wish to n- oy a pleasant afternoon and evening In 'oruana a most Deauurui aooiuoa. or axmnAMD otuaaoar ' SW Immt mf th SttU mf Orsgea XNSTJjZX A1JU KINDS OF UVB BTOCK AOAIN8T A JEATIZ FROM ANY Jt$9Ut9 9U$tmt akTrnVsnrVaWrV 9m 9 sfcOMff arVsMltisnS j Wm.K.SmltS .Prea. g. R Ceeea Oenl Mgr. t Jaa.M.Obsr M.B. OsoHaea, 1 (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) . Olympla, Wash., June 4. It has prae- fr-allv bean decided that tha annual .Take Boss City Park car to H.6iy road an-Jmeoting of tha. National Asaoclatton of ? ..N- arosslng and rsee the man la R.nWav Commiaalonera heretofore acheduled for Seattle the laet week in July, will be held in Waahington City on October 8, Instead. - Thla is tne plan of tne executive committee of the na tional body, and will probably b rati fied by tne memDersnip. At the last annual meeting, wnloh was held in the national capital, Comml sioner John 8. McMlllln of this state waa elected president or tne organisa tion after a spirited contest, and. Seat tle waa selected aa the meeting place thla year. t. , Following his resignation from th Washington state railroad commission, Mr. McMlllln realgned aa president of tne national association. RUNAWAY TEAM HAS WHOLE TOWN SCARED . t r- : 8rcial DhDsteb to Tbe JoeraaL 1 Palouse, Wash., June . A large team owned by A. Ooaaelln broke away from their driver while he waa unload' lng wheat yesterday at the J. K. Smith warehouse and ran up Main atreet to Bridge atreet, where they swung bnto the sidewalk and followed it nearlv a block. Tha wagon finally struck a tele phone pole, bringing tne team to a stop. wniie mere were very MIMBBJt Portland Chamber of Ceusasiea y IMlanS Board of Trsas : BBFEBaNCSS Ceepa Trutt and Savings Bank Portland Or. Tba Bradstsset Company , B. O. Dua 4k Co. Coamarclal Agaocy I Ws aaka ae pramlea we do sot Mat . , , Ws giro yea a sanai seai Loakaaep MOMS OFFICE tJ-tlAFA YBTTBBUXX. . CWi WmUmtttm mmi Simtk Fmmtmmi O-m "... "Riot Half as Far Twelve ffinites by Car" Is the Slogan at . c ':.. , ; : I- - i-.;. - ' ' j f .. . ".; r r : ... , .. , ,. r : i w , j,; , k, ,1. j;.. ,: ,,. .frf, ;., . ;'. -.J "... . ... ,: -. -. ..... .. , :-f. '-"-' .. Who would go miles beyond tKe . settled portion of the city to look for the conveniences of living? iWho would wisely invest their money in property away out in the country and expect it to increase as rapidly in value ? Don't go to the country to buy town lots. Phones Main 550 Home A25J7 V In WaverleigH. The location of Waverleigh (less than two miles from the court house) makes it the most desirable place in Portland-for a home. The city is built up to, through . and far beyond Waverleigh. Offices Sixth snit sTasIalssra Phone our office that you desire to see Waverleigh, and we will call for you. anid show you the best property in Portland. Do it todaynot later than tomorrow MEN TR EAT B D AN D CURED Investigate Before Taking Treatment Elsewhere me very narrow escapes, no one was injured. Tne bioak on which they ran on tha 1 8-foot side walk was made in one of the busiest streets in town, and a few minutes be fore the team made Its; wild run ' It was thronged with people, who saw the team coming ana gave tnem tne right of way- BUSINESS XOTICES PLAIN sewing and ladles' old hats remodeled. lace, custaina waanea; au work guaranteed. CMaeT24U North 10th or pbone Paelfle 286S. BIOlCEt TO LOAN. MONEY To loan In SBO0 to 88,000. Charleeoa a co., commercial, rnone racinc iiwu. DRESSMAKING. CREHSMAKINO ton st reaeonable prices. latn St.. city, ' roona fscirie ai. S23 HELP WANTED MALE. WAtCTBD Experienced man to sew carpets. 4 .- M. Gadaty A Sons, First and Wathlnitoo ata. TWO good Bench hands wanted, ii m East Eighth and Hadlaoa sts. Inquire at WASTED AT ONCE Kiperlenced shoe sales- - man; also deiitery ooys. atoi-erts croe. DO yo went help er job quick? Call Alain German-American Employment Co. . PARTNER wanted Immediately. - Experience, . - . - L-a . V. 1 1 . h u.1 -al mMlm mttlnm. LOW RATES E A -S T tr0 Ton era aow aaka your arrangements to visit tha - - - JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIOIN Or any other point in the esst, this, summer, and take advantife of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have jtusljeen fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY. , From PORTLAND to , Chicago ,.$71.50 St. Louis $67.50 St Pact ....163.15 B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 A Omaha ...... . . SfiO.OO 'Sioux City. .$60.00 Kansas . City. . . . . . $60.00 $73.50' $73.50 $73.50 . A -C?rct routes both waya B On-wayf through California. Tsn day allowed for going trip, SO days for return. - Stopovers a pleasnr wlthla limits. ... ..,.',.v. . , ,: ... ..h . Tickets will be on sale June 6, 7, 8; July 3. 4, 5; C v : dttmtt A Q IO WamKaP I I II I X . ... : '.i r wt , - , wv,.i,,.u,.i a s ( , a mm . mr :-y Oorrasponding reduotloa In rate from th cities aamed to Jamestowm ; aad retnra. . For full yartloalara inquire of - ; , WW. McMURRAY, ' C W, STINGER. Oeaeral raaaeag-er Ageat. city Tloket Agent, " ' , Third aad Washlagtoa Streets. Who are afflicted with NERVOCS DEBILITY, or fsllln Strene-th : commonly called "LOST MANHOOD." Exhausting Drains, pimples. Lame oacs, imiammaiioD oi nne isiaaaer ana ivianeys, niypiy uoiorea Urine, Impotency, Deapondeney, ' Failing Memory, Loss of Ambition, hiental Worry, . results of exceas and overwork : Files, , Fistula and Hydrocele or other weakness, which absolutely nnm tbem lor Btudy, Bualoeas, Pleasure - Marriage. . , Vo euro, as ear. Blood Poises, contracted eases', Rbeumstlam, Sores, Swellings, Dischargee, ure, enlarged rroetate ana Myorooeis, a ; Coaseleotlous Serrlce. , Reasonable Charges Call or wylte D. X. J. PZEkCX, 181 tint St, Portland, Or. er be red! tary; Ski, XH i, OoBorrhoeaj Oleet, Strte. k Dealings, Saccessful anl WE CURE MEN " QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY sTDlTI? CONSULTATION V 4V ivwtl EXAMINATION No Pay Unless Cured TH8 FINEST EQUIPPED INSTITUTION FOR TUB CURE OP AlfcN'd DISEASES IN AMERICA OUR. FEE IN MOST CASES $10.00 NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VITALITY ANDALL WEAKNESSES OF, MEN f If you have violated the laws of health and are conscious of a con stant drain, which is undermining yonr system, oom to as before you become a nervons and physical arrack. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have had bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, unable to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, rigor and vitality, come to us at once. Our treatment will ton up your nervous aystera and overcome all weaknesses, and positively-reator you to strength and ". health.' 1 . . ,-. BLOOD POISON.ULCERS.SORES.S WOLLEN GLANDS Cured to ' stay cured. Our treatment la acientlno and rational and will eliminate every veetlge of polsoa from yonr sys-Utn. If you have sores, pimples, deep aloaraUoaa, faUlag hair, sore la th mouth and throat, call at onoe. VARICOSE VEINS TJnJesa the diaeaae la cured. It sooh reaulta in some form of wasting .weakness. Our, treatment brings certain and speady relief to the suf ferer. '-. . ' If there Is a soreness or swelling- of the veins, due to lack of proper Circulation, you have Tarloos Tolas, And should attend to Its treatment at once. Our treatment drive away th stagnant blood, relieves and at once th soreness, and restores the portions to normal health and Btrcnirth. .... . ; . OBSTRUCTIONS are usuallv accompanied by aome other trouble, auch as an Inflamma tion or Kidney-or Bladder trouble. Our treatment for obatructlona la rainless, and Is a true apeclflo. auicklv removlna the trouble, as well as -Other formav of weakness that may-accompany it. Do not suffer longer. "out come in ana tec us assum you or a sre, apeeoy ana permanent cure, vr 87 TXASJ8 nr. FOmTXAJTS. . It you cannot call, write for Information. . : ' . , - XOUSS to 5, 7 to SiSO dan Tl Sundays, to 13. St. Louis Sc.!3' Dispensary coxsrsa sicoro jjn jaxxxjux. stmsts, roB-rxAsx), oxxaos.;, weaec mm i Quickly and Permanently Cured You Can Pay When Well - My Experience V TWENTT-FITB rears of rui eessful practice In Men's Diaeaae enable ma te apply the proper methods and medi cine tijaat, Varicocele, H jr., drocele, ' Contracted Diaordera, Specif lo Blood Poison, Piles and Stricture restoring all af fected' organs to normal ami healthy action In tbe shortest poaalbl spec of time. , My Fee In - such case as come to me be- for complications J develop.; . -y v.. . Contracted . Dborders Every case of con tracted ? disorder A I treat Is thoroughly cured. My patlente have no relapses. When t pronounce a case cured" there is not a particle of In fection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there Is . not the allghteat danger that the disease will re-' turn. No contracted disorder Is ao trivial it to warrant uncer tain methods ' of treatment, and I es pecially solicit those eases that other doc- ' tors , have been un able to cur. - . Varicocele t 1 us neither knife, ligatures nor caustio In my . treatment for Varicocele, tlvely cure 1 order In one week by an absolutely palnlesa method and without detaining the patient from bualnesa So-Called . Weakness' My cures of thla dis order are permanent and lasting. No ton--lea r that stimulate temporarily, but thor ough ly scientific treatment for the re moval of conditions responsible'" for the functional derange ment. "Weakness" is merely a symptom of Inflammation or con gestion In the pros tate gland, and un der my own original local treatment this gland is promptly re stored to Its normal state and complete functional activity la the lasting result, Stricture) h j BB. TATX.OB, ! ! My method of curing stricture is new and I post- ' entirely original. No this dls- cutting ' or dilating The stricture te dis solved, and entirely removed and V AU f- f acted membrane are thoroughly cleansed. i TAYLOB. . ' the Iieading Specialist Consultation eiid Advice Free ; Come .and have a prt- ; vat talk with me con- ' cernlng your ailment. Even if you are not prepared to undergo treatment at tbla time, , I can always give help. , fut suggeatlona to mea , who are diaeaaed or , weak. If you cannot come to Portland write , for particulars of my i system of home treat ment. . f "i ' ! Hour 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays 1 Q A. It. to I P. It. Qrj THE TTALC X 234J Morrlscn Street, Ccr. Zzzzr., I ' as)(, suth, sear tiom, . w - a AA 1 V V i