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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, -THURSDAY EVENING. JTJNS 8, 1D07. DRIED FRUITS DM WM t: Demand Is Increasing at a lively Kate and Spots : c and Futures Are Up. Today's market' feature: , ... ' Dried fro It market eiclted. , " Btrtwberry market bangea root. , r Msny nn going Into storsg. s .n' , '' Butter storag I heavier. , " Illinois botbou tomatoes arrive. ;NeJcaa gree pepper arriving. ' '! 0'.- Clut In free pea. qpplle. ,( - f'- 8mB efler mad for hpa,l-.v ...'J V lirtad. r Market faoiUdV COMMerabl excitement bu ' bees created In the Caclfic coast dried fruit markets by the high prlrea being offered for supplies by pck era and tanner.' Demand for dried frnita, to bowing a udden Increase end tbla bai re ailed fa Brice being Md higher far future. Wblto It cannot be itated definitely at tbla time Jnat how hear tb prune crop la tbla on nr loss New York Stock MarketHas Sharp Upturn at Start Loses Gain Later. V ' NET GAINS. Amalgamated ....." r. Central..... Car It Foundry... IK 1 0. ft W ..... ltf Uwomotlv ...... 1 14 ! Northern Perlfle . . 1 noieuer .......... l v.'1'ennarlT.nIa a asennoa I J People Atcnim ...... CHICAGO GETS DJIHIIEI'JS faMMVOTMlnm, . 4 IIEl'TI : ARE SELECTED PliEPI IliG FOR fillR ill MUD Sharp Advance Made in the State Coiumission Strikes Affricultunir" College May uiieai jiarKei, y neap- ixames 01 Ail uia i5ooiS Jirect i'ermanent Pavilion pearance of Green Bugs. : Off List Except Four, v: ' Upon the Grounds. :, 7 Ivanl ..... l a (i.a i I Preened Steel Car.. A UlReadln 1 lv 1 Hock Island Hi Southern reel fie 1V Brooklyn Ohee. ft Ohio.. Great Northern .. lfclliatoa Paelfla Missouri Pacific.... u,m. 8. Steel St. Paul til do preferred . . ' ', ; NET LOSSES. Erl , Colorado fat! ... S .....A H rifle .. U - (Special Dispatch to Th Joaraati - ' . - (BiMdal Dlapatek to Tha Jonrnal.) ' SaJam, Juna After careful anal 6alm, .Or, Jan . Profeasor TB. B. tborougtt Inapactlon of. thouaanda of I L" of tn Oregon Agricultural col- chool . books aubmittetj to tham thaM'M waa hera jraatarda looking; over memDera of the atata text book com-1 the auta fair grrounda and making; the opening oue o tata will be the present eeaaoa. Indication r that It will be aomewbat Ms Iban a year ago. ' California reports Indicate tbat tha crop tber will be am Her tban araal and In cooe- anence Barker an effarlng mor money. t A tperlal from Fresno, California, aay tbat neacbea are aowbrmglng 10c; Ssira were maae f laat week at tbat flgare. Last year, with lees ' Uiaa half cropA - when the market'' went ' to 10c It wa eonsldered .an event, it wa rne ' highest price reached for many year. But -" tbla year, with twice. many neacbea, the ;' market evened at 8c, aooo went to 0c and la : now 10c. And tbe caring of the crop will not begin until tbe second week in Jane. - Balaln ' are firm at Sc. notwithstanding effort to break the price la tbe eastern., market by offering goods oa a 4Hc basis. -While tbe indication are that tbe raisin crop' will be large, the high price I Jbev failure of other crop, and tber i no iqnestlon tbat tbe trad will take the good at tbe price being asked. Tber Is a good deal of talk among the packers ' a boot the way laat week' advance affect tie Belts pool, bought by tbe Belms fruit ', company". The pool consisted of . 1,200 ' ton, and the aalf cent advance mean 113,000 Dor ", for .the grower. '" ? . ; . jBttswhury Market Change Tront. - With' cooler weather tb atrawberry market firmed ,vp conalderably this morning; receipts not being 'ao heavy. If the present weather I . eootlnaos tb sapplles will be decreased UU mor and Dirtier prices will role ss a result. Daring tbe peat U hours the market was very . erratic Borne aalee of berries were msds ; low BO; a crate and fancy , fruit la many instance void down to TOe beeau the trad ' bad bee filled np and did not ear to buy aueas -very low figure were named. Many com miss Ion merchant foresaw what was going - i nappea la tb market yesterday and notified ineir am peer not to (end anpnlle. The . tic, bowsrer, were anavilMng or th.brrle . cam faster tbaa eve and tb lowest price ' reooraeo i snout tnre year were made la oou- eqnenc. - -. : Veto ef the sVedsee Trade. ' ' There was a sharp advance at the of the New lork nisrkt. This w the declln In wheat at that time, but when the araln market aolil nn stork eased aft tmt. lUerabljb bat tb closing ws generally higher tun last night. Nome talk of farther gold exports sue bad a weakening effect , upn I tu, tnM tm TMA -.11. .V. rl'1 " - - ' " .w . wa... jy... MM- MAAkrM Ik. bk. I S . . . I wvmmmt VII. V II 11 I 1 I U . . , . , ,. .... am. - V wbmi vrop WSSUM.1 Winnipeg Clear and fine; (0. Ulinoia Increasing cloudiness. Indiana 8howera expected. Michigan and lowafihower. Minnesota Showers Coming. - North and South . Dakot Warm rain. ....... ..... . i I mantar. ki.i . 1 -a il.. ' H ll?'" -T.. I talked of for the erection nf in tiri. r-nxmo noruiwea joway. I;' a.rr' F""" rtilturn.1 rcll.ra e. V-..V. Kans-Cloudy and warm. -ThVVeiaot.., hoad,uart. "of Xi l'ertl. gTth; Or'Z . v UUI QO DITI aeinetad tha Hrnmu I final lmn.m.nt. . ,. Jl.-l .a . btT'Used in tha schnnla nr Om 'our yearaT .'At tha" begin- t7. . 7m. Ji i; vl . a lnl,nPw01 lhe cnool year tha -new list I, T " " cw" Yal. i w "-na witrour of tha oldl"" " " on oi ma nneat exniDit ' I U b-22i .!?MlvhS 'ourth arrfloa tha grounda, but plans are being :, Radrs Books Okoaem. gon auta fair. Connsntsil writs tta nklklt . . .u. 0 Exchange Retail Oregon Agricultural college will be the wt.Mw..n4aj T3..-7'l?i"r pe aiaia axperiment atation rirKirr;:.; ""r," . . union, wnion nas called, for too feat H ..") ' ""n Whmlar'a Vlr.a , bJ , T "1. l"T v" 01 norse nsn in com- i.owa- .whb .oi , .i : i ti.Vi,- .J. ' j f I ing to tn urgon auta fair of tha Mo CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES.' June a. June . Gain. American RtiionalDan! v - : SAN DISCO, CAL.X aMajaaanmaiBB . 'i..:-' , - .....,..-. . . ' Capital (paid p) 100,CO0u " Burplns aad V. rroflta 940,000. ; Officers and Directors: Zxtuls 3. Wild. Praj R. MV Powers, K Vlce-Prea.1 H. E. MUla,' Vlce-Praaj Chaa. U Williams, Cash -: ier; I J. Rica, Assistant Cashier; E. fltrahlman. ' ' . lamd Us Tom aelfle Jrorthwert Items ' . ' Send Us Year Visiters for Good Trcalneat " San Dicflo, Xalifornia Tha fruit crops ar Orange, Lemon, Grape-fruit, Ollva, Peach, Apricot, Pear, Quince,1 Plum, Cherry. Apple, Ralaln, ' ' Orapa andmany others. Walnuts, Almonds, Small ate, are all paying weli , 5 fruits, Dairying, Stockraislng, Official Quotations hr Overtteck. tanw' coniptny: Itarr . A ciscKirnoif. oaigamated Copper n. Car ft round., eoi if SL PnuL ' Minna I at I .U' tn . weU-known noraa breedera, J! who exhibited at tha Lewis and Clark ia "( "J usLiioa wnn joy, , y i more ia a great demand for camp Ing space at T'Tolervllla" ami iliiHne- S4 K? 7M-J,or Albert- Tosler to AO art-t.wae the eerly weak-1 nfMB . ... .ri . ;h. .yt Wheelei-i . TTTj ,' t'i i J field, ef Mia-ouri .ceordlng to latest tole- Ji?V' V ' V grapnie aavance rrota ter. as a rult tb V... 7 ..... . ,ie tit. Louis market bad a vary sharp advance. CyX Flrth, Rder .Q Chicago wa bulllah ootwltbstandlng the M GeograDhlea , , loweV Urerpooi, Berlin and Boda Peeth cables. Natural Introductory Oeoc- The market ws firm from th start, closing i . rapny 7. .IT . .(4 vW-eliw - v. .-"" Aioarx TTOSier t with gains 'of 14 to me. . I Natural School OeotraDhy." .if". l!iJ .Nor,?.lk' .Yirr?,nl. where ha is attend .Arithmetics. ,nff lna jvationaj Editorial association, attsiwe.4ab.rak TO ' 1.1st x. i. at. . Mlsrfrai1f ha,llr TJalMk las V a J - A ber DOrW etad Tx ii Ukiar tuoDliM tUilr. fimlth'ti PrutlMl iHikM.u iilwlth r8rv.tlonfl for mrw All iKa imnin wmoorim Bra mmior., uuinsr fir trMn i Mamfai Ar rhri.HA ' a i Danr?) Aionr r ha main. . w iavAsiM SampltM of froiUd wheat abcirB la Cbtcai KKJeaT WCfl IDS WOIHI Mfl IB UHt anTlsrKC. I TTI.MM ir. ! t- I a.a.a.M. A a . ' A Kane City soeHal a. v.: Th. following -.v"".." " M'ZZ'J" Z?S. '""are Being S 'a.i?5r .'w.,a; Vj fiftttrr -11?. oub ll!oS rl" Two new rUTSeS bulU 1 1 a. I . . - . - . . . . urammar - The Bakery with a dally output of over 7,000 loayes. A A 'eTJv "''-f nenmr ar now-nnrivlne tmm Uui. S Bom tbla morning eold at Be poond. Some quit ancy Brawley tons toes war received oa th street this morning. Demand at tg and $3.S6., String bean ar (elllng at lOe a peand with receipt about eqaal to demand at tbat figure. ' A rourth street market tbla morning received shipment of hot-hone tomatoea from ' II. llnol whlcb were la th beat condition recently wrru iuu marBei. J - , . . . .. - Tber 1 a glut la green pea npplie along tb street and price ar ranging between S and ,6c with-alea low. ' . , i AprlcoU BO,r rrrrtagia very good eon. , dltloa nd some sale wer made this mora- , lng a Jow $L Bom at $16, yeeUng Around for Hops.' ' i.' !- " While a yet there Is do regular demand for hops la this market, a few ef tb larger : dealer ar feeling -around to ee Just what tocka could be secured at. One dealer offered a Chinese grower Tc for a block of prim good. The sale has not yet been made but tb grower seems favorable. Crop conditions i li " r " unM aa reported "' anring in pan two weeks. Butter Storage Is Xaavtor. , Hevler atorage operations. are sbown la the -"" J"er marset a a result of tbe heavy A . "em hock in th north which . puti off tor a time th shipments In tbat dlree tKa from here. The market, while not show, ing weakness i b wmewbat easier ss a renlt ;, hut the heavier storage call . Is - keeping the . channel of trade clear. . Eg market i. steady with heavier storag operations. Price about nncbanged. : flgnre!17 itmM,ti f BD to supplies former ' hnSed."'''' k0,d1 - !k! ht bowAn .' weakness. Tbh Is true I j. .w mow , mm lajj ia. IsOJIEHTlKG THAT ALL , SHIPPJEES SHOULD SEE ma Am. Car ft Foam do preferred Am. Cotton OIL 'com.. Am. Lecomotlv. com.. Am. Bugar. com.... Am. (Smelter, . com. do preferred.... ., Anaconda Mining Co Atcblaon, corn..........! 88 ao nreremii Baltimore ft Ohio, com..! 93 uv prererreo. . Brooklyn Ranld Transit, nnu Canadian Pacific, eom..Iie7 lanirat trainer, com..,. I 8 ao Drcierrea ......... Cbi. ft O. W.. earn I 9 vui., mu. m oi. rant. . . iza Chi. ft K. W., cotn...iJl42 vnenpeak ft Ohio. .....I 83 Colo. Fuel ft Iron, eom.. tola Boutbern. com..., - do. 2d preferred..... do 1st pref erred... M Delaware ft Hudson... Denver ft B. G oom.,. 29K oo aveterrea. une. SO 111)? lie 03 do Sd preferred. do 1st nreferred. Illinois Ce r.1 Looiivllle u Xashrllle..(lini neuran ventral ar... M K. ft T., com...,, do nreferred --. . - Great Northern ...... Missouri Pacific ...... National Lead ........ New Vork Central .... N. Y.. Ontario ft West. Norfolk ft West., com. North American ...... Northern Pacific, com.. 12254 r.ciuc sum steam, UO..I Pennaylvanla Hallway ,1119 r. u., xj. at t;. u.... Pressed Steel Car, com. 'do preferred ........ Beading, com. ......... do 2d preferred -. . . . . Ren. Iron ft Htel, com. do preferred Bock island, com. .... do preferred ........ Bt. h. ft 8. F., 2d pfd. do 1st preferred .... t, U ft 8. w com. ... Southern Pacific, com... ao prercrred ......... 62 Hi SOU a 1 aj 10 127 142 96 ss 33 81 6314 124127i 7J I 74 80 80 111 84 4 88 'iav 120 83 , 111 i 83 124 73 80 331 T3 07 32 nil S3 1 117. I " - .m. I Orimnuiw IS, from' WVd wJr'TbrtoS Mod- V At ioint, .Nti.7 "of tb. board of Jjrrj I anywnare iron bo to 78 per cent damag to I . i , z J rTT.. ' i ruaiurw u wii aecioea to nave a rzjiwneat taat m left,. Aa agent at HavUand -!'"?""', noicmur SI I Prf thy ar now plowing and cutting for hay I . h Grammar ' -... J-...'V .,.sW-. .J I throagh thousands of cree around there and I r. I taat tb crop la pretty near a total laiior. Civil Government JO 88 oi i. i nM.i.i . . .i i . . .. - . . laviZ I v. ii..a ijmiiauuu. v uieBnai . oiarr ss 23 " r 'V wa irt I - OTWtk. 'Hlffl. 1 " g as a . " . mt. wuiy 4 7 8 BaiwaaV AT 1 ShA 11 Ik I ST v vi w 2851 ... . . . CORN. No separate book adopted; history to uniform admission fee of 80 rant a tnrl .11 1 men and women, but the latter will be aanuiMa tree to in gran a tan a. 22 48 July 4X.w T1A I V tW I Tbabsn 11. W I 2S4 68 184 MS 64 OATS. Low. Close. V ,9 ST A , T 90 MA. S 100MB 83 84HA :. 81 - 61 U A be used. Phvaloloarr. t - ' ' First Book In . Hyaiana (Krohn) Graded Lessons In v Phrsl. ology and . , Hygiene . I&niio; ................. Nature Study- Agriculture foe Beginners .11 19 .60 1 .IS ' .Tl 70 July ......... 48 40 t 8T 4TB 21 I Bept ......... 88 88 88 08 S j Do 88 80 " 88 8 .na I ruaa. Ill IJUiy ...1829, 1888 ' 1828 SOU I oepi ...low ioo inao July ......... 010 - ' 811 tOO 1827 1448 i""T ........ j v via -, win sua f2?) Sept ........ 880 830 820 820 Oct ....,..(, 822 880 - 820 820 103! 101 southern By., com. ... do preferred Tennessee Ool ft Iron. . Texa ft Pacific Tol. St. L. ft W., com. - ao Drererreo Fnloa Pacific, com, ,,. Mr knrirrrrfl ......... V. 8. - Bubber, com. . A . do pref erred ..... . C. A. Steel Co., com.... do nreferred ....... Wabash, com. , , . do preferred ........ Western Union Tela. ... Wisconsin Central, com. ao preierrea ........ nls 18 Virgin Chemical 132 134 132!lS2 88 ia 184 74 Jin 1M 68 spt "...v.'' 8HOBT BIBS, 87J ' 880 - 878 ( 887 880 887 4 878 ,. 880 i iBurktt8tevena A HM), Outlook Writing Books.- 1 vmiwK wopy mips, 1 to 8.. ... .08 viioog -racuce uoomm, A. Empire WrlUii.T'speherV.V.! T Spelling . . Reed's Word Leaaona....... .11 Music- New Educational Course: . , First Book , Second Book .......... . Third Book ........... Fourth Book .......... Fifth Book Art Education Drawinf Books, 1 to 8, CASES III 1 .11 .11 .jo Discharge of Federal Grand J ury'Leaas to jULucn Speculation.- . This Label Is Baked on x , , Every Loaf of . Not pasted oii -but attached by the process of . X ; i baking ; a perfect sanitary procedure. ; LOOK FOR THE LABEL WHEN YOU BUY c: T" BUTTER-NUT .... .ii .10 .to .11 .40 .to UYZBrooz. eiAur xaxxtt. 20 cents. . ' Uverpeal, Jan . Official prlcw: . . WHEAT. -: Opn. Cloae. Jnn 5. Los. 102j"'jr is ja is ma t a Md 26 .v, ,.':C0RN.'iV '.-i'v'-i'. -i -,:', f'r .......4lld 4lld 4e lld Ud 01" 04 4a 104 4 10d d - Berlia Wheat XaikH. Berlin, Tune . Wheat close, July lower. Bod Perth Wheat, r Buds Pssth, June , Wbeat closed 1 lower. - JUnaespolia Wheat Msukst. Mlnnesdnlls. Jnnaf Whmmt- na Tni. I'mni oa ix - ' 4S 4 J " -y '-, 88 TJfTTED STATES OOTZJUnfZKT B0VSS. 88 88 New Torh. Jon 8. Oovsrnment bonda ' '- rtata DM 1.11 7- Twos, registered l0B fl04 104i izv I ao cou Don ia. 1 iruit lonir 22 Three, registered 1918 102 79 do coupon 1918 102 18 Three, small bond ...... 1918 107 88 Konrs, registered, new .... 1925 129 25 Four. regiterd. old...... 1907 129 Total sale for day, 491.800 share. I ao conpoo ............... 192S 129 .all money closed at 14432 ner cent. . ronra, registered, eld 1907 ; 99 American. Car A rnsmiri' Ait I do coupon' 1007 imv aena or 1 per cent. I roar, r nnippine 104 109 American . ronndry, preferred, ex-dlvl. w. nama, regutera.. 104 103 108 ii 129V 129 V 101 102 dend of 1 per cent. do coupon 104 106 108 3 .A. . nr...i ...... w ti cawicr conamons are such 4 e that considerable are must be d . adk . 4.kAj. a.V a.t a. a. . " . en t uui ume in the shlpt a menu of dressed meats to mar-' sa .a. 1... . .v . ;.- -"" atocK.must oe allowed , to cool after slaughter and then . shipped At once. It Is on account of'vthe lack of care in shipping that some shippcra receive very poor returns. : This Includes both veal and hog. Fewr fruitgrowers realise that they are liable to heavy find and ; punUhment In neglecting to place their names on every crate or box of fruit they ship to mar. vltet - While no convictions have yet been made the inspectors are ready to enforce the law. , Fruit shippers should likewise remember that, they cannot use second-hand -packages for fruit s4 Shipments-In old packages are 4 liable M conflBcaUon'and fine. " NEVADA . PnXING STOCKS OXTtAVD BAXK STATZlfXVT, Price Cnrrent Today on the San Francisco Exchange. San Francisco, Jnne 8 Official Md prices: GOLDFIKLD DISTB1CT. nanaatorm See. Bed Top 83 aaked. Mohawk Clearing today 81,862,172 04 00 year ago 1,034.822.07 Gal today a aitiuM Balance today 18,438.ia ae year ago 130,784.88 'inn m.A ammaraWI UAiianiw I . ,n.S RELEASES BK0THER M. Co. l asked, Kendall 75c, Booth Sc. Bine Bull lc, Adams 9c. BUrer Pick 41c, Way Qneen 18c naked, Nev. Boy Sc. B. B. Er, He. Bine Bell lie. Dixie t. ft. rvlumhi uik 7e asked, fit. Ive 90c, Conqneror 9c. BIk. Bock I ' 1 ' w. . f - . 4c Lone star lee, g. wonder 8c aaked, poit-1 ster Ball Engineers Escape, but Is 1.4 aL J A ..L.J A. - . . . . I .nu w Him, wo 10c, ivendau Ext. Tc, FROM REFORMATORY Sandet. Ext. 4c, Myn 6c. Atlanta 80c. Great Bend 47c, Hlmeron Be. Empire 8c. Bed Top Ext. 19c, Florence $8.25, Dlam'f . B. B. Con. 18c. O. Daiay $1, s Laeiin 75c, Commonwealth 25e, Comb. Frct. $1.72, Gr. Bend Ext. lie, Gr. Bend An. 10c, Mlllatorm 60c aaked, B. B. Bonanaa 4c. Kewanoa SAe. F.m.r.M. tn tw,. Sjand 16c, Cracker Jack 14c, Francis Mohawk .fisru. nea niu c, MonawR Et. Rc, Iia Captured by Authorities ' at Kalama. Sine tha . discharge of tha federal grand jury yesterday on request of an I order by United States Attorney WU- flrst th7w Tbook: "ir eSSaiVas flv? - Bl-tol. much speculation 1 ,s iuuuicu ia aa to me oiapostuon 1 of the . famoua land fraud caaea and I other matters of Importance which It la I believed the arovernment haa ta dlBDoaa aur. unstoi stated toaay tnat ne regreiiea tne adjournment or tne grana Jury but that auch a oourae was tne I only one left because of the lack of I funds to. carry on the government work. Commencing July -1, the new appro- riatlon for the coming fiscal year w.U a available and will be apportioned about July 16. Mr. Bristol haa made a requisition for 50,ooo, with . which to carry on the work for tha Oregon ts Since the investigations of the grand) MAY0R-ELECT STUDIED ' MEDICINE N STATE Victorious Candidate at Estacada Polls va Graduate of the I nl .Tersity of Oregon, ' - eaBBBBjmmsaBB . 4. RUN ON ROGERS SILVERWARE 'v,. t,-:,.' ; . - . ,;y V.;' ,:i';t X. At Reduced Prices for Weddin, Presents Etc. . 1 SEX OUR WINDOW COLUMBIA HARDWARE COMPANY ' ; SECOND AND MORRISON Dr. W. K. Kavlland, elected mayor of 1 jury were commenced and even hSfor.. Estacada Tuesday, over J. W. Bead by lit was evident that additional help was the close margin of six votes, after one I0"?? ,b r-:5ri"l.1 -buU,??r.,.ma m4 AVa. Va.J..l a? . . . I "ISvaa eUV ISI , U1VU gt t- VT BU I IlfX LUU of the hardest-fought contests probably I refused to arrant aid or additional fund.. ever held In an Oregon town. Is a phy- .This leaves all government- business sician wno received his education and I c atanasuat untu tne next term, when 11 is exDeciea inni j-rancia J Hantf will be In Portland to try Conarreaamaji Blnger Hermann. Booth and Mall tori complicity in land frauds. - Mr. Bristol will allow JHeney to . sro ahead with the prosecution or tnese caaea. it la believed, before taking up other eaaes. -Another move that will probably be maae oj me , government win De in regard to the men who are In Jail ..for minor offenses. It Is the desire to rid the docket of those cases because many of the defendants have been in jail fori uuujy niunitia, . - j MELANCHOLY AND STRAYED FROM HOME v.-j . ...aa 'V' r Parents of Miss Minnie Burgett Lo-1 . cate Daughter Through Aid of Y. W. C Association. (Bpeclsl Dispatch to Th JoarnsL) cnenaiis. Wash., June 0. Sunday Si. Tr:.Tll-" .r,d?j Pick night Lester Ball, a former Inmate of asked, Goidf. Coo. 84.70, Dlam'f. TrUngl. 18c. xne taw reform achool at this place, DEMAND AND SUPPLY . v ABOUT EQUAL TODAY Receipt of'Liwestock Fair In Sheep, oat Quite Small in Hjgs and Cattle. Cattle. Sheen. .29 8f7 , , 623 47 oo nr. 'reSeU'f'0" 6toA'"-. .-Llve- , trod.y-.....;i.;.;....;..Bo?7- Week ago .............. 150 Year ago m Preyloua year .U.:n.i. .80 . .... e-',va nga ana cattle. tmf ngS"."'"' Wtn ' Official livestock price: ; l10?-.8; eastern Oregon, 87.00:' ctocker 4J80 Miiaa rat, fl.25's " It iJn'"11" t Oregon U 2se $2W&9Wn Mi ,W.25e8.80; bull? f "led; ftVsoe.00; 'lamb. CATTLE MARKET ; IS WEAKER Cbicago Stead to Ten Cents Lower . C . - Slvrp. Are Steady, Chicago, June Livestock receipt: r,i-. Hor twtde. gheep. rhicsg .......,,,.....,84.0(10 u.(unt .j4 .eon '"IXT CIW vi... .000 , S.OI a 3;oW Uu'''a. .11.000 j.ouoi 6.000 . .rr. en.uouo 9u; necvy, C0M8T0CK DISTRICT. I Wonl l tne institution at midnight dur Oofair -81.75. sfeiipsn Me :,a n.A s. I lng the absence of the nlarht watchman Curry 13c, Con. Virgin. 73c. Savage 49c. Hale l lunch and released his 18-year-old . or cross se, yellow Jacket 80c, Belcher oroiner itooert wall, who was an In- ic, vonnaence i- asaea, , sierra Ner. 2c, mate or tne scnooi. The two were csd Exchequer 30c, Cnkm 28c. tured at Kalama yesterday bv the Cow- - , BULLFROG DISTRICT. ts county authorities, and today were Original 8c, Bullf. M. C. 18c, Mont. Bnllf. "turned, 4o Chehalis by Deputy Bherlff 8c. Nat. Bank 20c, L. Harrla 2c. Ametbrat O80 King. Lester Ball will be proa- 20c, Gold Bar lc, Stelnway 4c,' Denver yBnf. f"ted under the atate law, and, If nos- Inf 1Av Vlnnnl. rla. Ala u..n r n. M ! HI A ..nt .A th. n.nlf.tiM... mivuij. .'ii 10 or, nceptre 10c, Monty. Mt. 15c, B. Daley 7c, , Bomestske Con. 65c. Yankee Girl 4c. Nnget 5c, Tramp Con. 41, Victor 10c asked. North Star 5c aaked, Mldns 80c aaked. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton. Nev. 814.M. Mont, Ton. t1 TK .. tl.BO, MacNaniara ' 25c Midway 1 .25. Ton. Belmont 83.30, Ton. No. Star 22c, Oblo Ton. wesi tna vone. iae, Kescue 1.14. Ton OMAHA BUSINESS MEN GUESTS OF SPOKANE (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Spokane, . .Wash,, Juno t. -One hun- A California 5c, Golden Anchor 20c aaked, Jim dred Omaha business men. accompanied ? !&2&r& by Governor George B Sheldon, of Ne Ex. 10c asked. Mont. Mid. Kit. nM.. braska, arrived In the city this mornine Crown 10c asked, N. T. Ton. Cona. 10c asked. T,"ey. wer? n3et a tlte train by Governor I v , i lr - - V ' ft' t : ; a I 1 . I Sma inr. a Wtaft&'V'Wfr , .Miss Minnie Burgett, who was re ported lost yesterday, waa found by the Travelers' Aid association and re turned to her borne at 1Z6 Savler street this morning. " Miss Burgett has been suffering with melancholia and vester. I day morning wandered away from her noma ana In the outskirts of East p(lrt-1 Dr W KT Hnvilnnd TAnvnr.TTlaot nt land ,rM Inquiring for work. Some one Vr. vW. IV, tiaVliana, AiayOr-H,leCt OI I rave her the addrena rt tha Trav.l.r.' 1 (Aid association at the Y. W. C A. and! UBiOtJUa. . ; ; I whan aha annaaM Vi... U.. T.1' . . I k ... f . . . I uomnou nor, rotogniung mat , ana- wa' I W WITfl COLD WATER Suukal it the purest form of kalsomlne- ready for immediate- use . when mixed with cold, water spreads easily, i covers ,well with one coat Any One can apply it does not, require the service of a professional kalsominer. One pound f Sanikal will cover 60 to 100 square feet Sanikal, is made in numerous pleas--ing colors, strong or delicate. Folder showing 63 shades free if you send your name and address on a postal card or telephono) Main Z623. IK18IS, CRESS & CO. i ,;; ,;": '- Tbe Ialat aTtoro . ,:" - 145 FIRST STREET raone Mala 8033 SUITS $20 to $40 tcou. 5ER5 54 to ?I0.00 P. MISSLER (Sr ernes, osraaay.) , MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Con. 60c tsked. llanb. M. Co . n. neage our., neyier tiamp. oc, uexter lie, L. Joe 2c. Creseent 7c asked. Combination 7e. Granny 17c, Mustang 18c, Little Grey 19c aaked. Cowboy Sc. Oris?. Manh. 16c. . Rronetm 6c, Jump. Jack 10c aaked, Plnennt 7c Buffalo no, b. vog. ic, x . liorse c, Indian Cauip iM." a.aea.. f - VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fa Irv, Silver King 10c. Fairv. Rasle MV asked. Wevad Hills oc, ISO. Star Wonder Sc. Ragle's Nest 18c, Rnby .Wonder 19c aske.1. Alic of Wonder 4c, PltUbnrg SUrer Teak 10. January February March .i June .... July August .. Sltember October . November December NEW TORE COTTOSMABKET, . ' ' ' - Jnne ingn. uw, 1214 1194 Open, .',..1211 !""i2is,' !!I.!ii78 1174 4 ....1179 v....1202 i'i.iiav W. 1222 1215 1179 1174 11S2 1203 1208 , 1207 1155 11SS 1174 1182 1184 : 1184 6 11IM 1108 . 1215 1144 8 1202 1204 1210 11.11 1166?. 1163 1163 11H2 1173 1187 1182 1 IKS 1183 1110 iiaa lies left over. a l.x A. Prices: a.' I, a a-." . T 1,1 T",- neavy, i " i S rougb. 8SJN56U.0JH light, 84000 J , . r,,!le- 8..dy to 10c J w ' 1 ,f, .1 Hew" i-u jkiroiie. r j. ' I.. . .' Liverpool Cotton Higher, . Liverpool, June 6. Cottoa futures closed bare ly tedy, 14 to IS points nn. . St. LouU Wheat atarket. """ -St. Leo Is. June 8. Wheat: Hoae, July JTw Tw Want Xarhat. ' '" Cause, faTnly I ' New Tort, ion a. Wheat i BIO. Mead and a large delegation of local iraruiunB men., oanaueu, epeecnmakin ana BianiseeinK is in croaxam minn. out for the entire day. , The Omaha men are on a 16-day trip and are headed for TO BEGIN BUILDING NEW CHURCH MONDAY (Special Dispatch to Th Joarnat.) ' , Chehalis, Wash., June 8 The Pres byterian denomination expects to begin actual construction work on its beauti ful new-church on Market afreet Mi. day. The plans, which call for a build ing that will cost 16,0d0. were prepared by Albert E. Dovle. a well-known vnnn. Portland architect. The structure will nave a irwnmge or s ,jeei on Market street and be (7 feet deep, and will seat between 100 and eOO people. N0INC0BP0EATI0N. i FOR OSWEGO AS TOWN -Oswego. Or., June 6.- -The. proposed Incorporation of Oswego has for the second' time fallen ; through.'' ' W. S. U'Ren, attorney for the petitlohera to Incorporate the town, has notified the remonstrators' attorney that the peti tioner have withdrawn their netltlnn fearing the law is unconstitutional. , tralnlnar In thla . .tv Ma rntn.t. Slightly demented. fw. n. . u . . . . . . . . I . T'hia MAniln. ' aft., a I...': uawil. .avail an. UVlM IUIOII b UJ. ' I . ..... q . .waas wJ.iWIi TTnlverelfv nt riraarnn al nara avn anil her DarentS lnauired at the Travelnrn' haa practiced in Portland and vicinity J A.,(I desk at the union depot and were ever since. ' e .'.,--... imiwvtw ui utwuiiuarwrs.- iney . The mayor-elect at Estacada was born we.r affeetad to teara by the kind care go veara urn in win inmannrt. Pannav . ana ireaimem ineir aauanter nao re. vanla. noon aftanranl mnvlnr with hialceived through the dav and nlrht. -. -i parenta to. Michigan. He came to Port- L Tn", Burgett family has recently come 010-818 S1ST ST- OAITZSTOS. land 10 vear. niro. HI- and mn hoe here from Nebraska. Thla 1 only one ... "aniaiiM, xjsx. ana istner are etui residents of Port-1 ul many cases wnere tne association land. Dr. Havlland has been a resident has aided strangers and young- , women mmseif of Estacada. ever alnce the town ln ownoujuea. ..,. ' ' waa laid (out bv tha Oresron Whterl w.' " Power Towns! te company three years! ' Bnildlng Permits. - Dr.: Havlland has taken an active In- A,?- v - repairs, two awenings, terest in tha -waifara nt tha n.nnii.itk.1. Olln. between Oberlln and Dawson. 8S00: ity so beautifully located on the banks ,V.plV -'oeit, repairs aweuing,-ky-of the swift-flowing Ciackamas and la ?i;tV.b.twS?n..TwKtn and Thirteenth, very, mucn alive to its perfect posslblll-l u"er, repaira aweiung, tin- ties as a popular vacation resort for Ion, between Prescott and Going,' 1300; Dotn city and tourist, res tseekers. -: Tha fkniinoll mat laat .: nltrht ' ..4 passed favorably on the qualifications Mrs. J. Stark, two one-tory dwellings, of. all successful candidates. Tha latter Florence, between East Eighth and East will, assume their duties July 1. Dr. Ninth. 2,800j M. A. KUenan, one-story Havlland is very grateful for the lovsll dwelling, . East Thirty-second, corner f AgUVV ' A . OV IVaiaoorponted) ' Remittance of Money fo I and rrom turopc ; ' . wmviraif wnwnv ' vin . m . - P, von Fridagh, repairs dwelling; Third, ITIT .v . between Jefferson, and Columbia,' $100; teamera from aad support of those, who elected him and I Stephens, (Joarnd Special Service.) says that he will keep -all pre-election promises..: . GRACE M'COSKEY IS ' MISSING FROM PARTY . Harvard, HI,, June 6. Grace, McCoskey . of '., McMlnnvlll is, d missing from the Pacific North- V 4 west Magazine party She visited Danville, ,IlllnoiS,"yesterday. and ' nea whAreAhnnts fa iinlmnaM .a .a. i 4 present. t'-A Wyv :A'i. 4 . Mrs. ? Redfleld, the : chsperoi 4 was presented with some beautl- e ful Tiffany ware, and Miss Bates i ' magnincem loving cup . front ' the girls ortho-farmers Daugh- tera. v a Dig story of the day's ' events " appeared In all ef the ' Chicago papers. ; . 4 4V y 4 i Dr. Ixing thinks-that a Winchester rifle end a bowle knife are not tha best Instruments for studying wild anim.i., schule, one-story Grand Children's Day. . . store, ; Belmont, between East Thirty-1 Hartman A Thompson have arranged sixtn ana ujast xnirty-seventn, 11.500; one of the most clever entertainment Pacific Coaat Conatniction coinnanv. exploiutlon of a new addition. Rose pairs warehouse, Olisan, between Fourth City Park, which ;vthdt company " has and Fifth. $1,000; Pacific Steel A Wire been selling for the last three months, company, repairs store, Fourteenth, be- Is the chosen scene for the celebration tween Kearney and Love joy, $25; E. U which Is promised to excel, anything Babb. one and one half story dwelllna. of the kind that has ever been known miner. Detween niaai xntrteentn and I in roTiiano. - Jr- East Fifteenth. 11.500: J. T. Rmlth. nna. I The crinciDal feature of ths dav la story dwelling. Garfield, -between Jar-1 the fact that the formal openmg of rati ana Ainswonn, iz,40u; Msymei -y rrs ana tne inauguration Scott, repairs dwelling, East Twenty-1 streetcar service to the addition, is rourtn, corner scnuyier, $75; A. Helser, I """'"a o in acnoui cnnaren or rort-two-story dwelling. Beech. 'between'!!"4 '! their parents. Not. one of the Tra mt uui i7aa ttio th . e nnn . 1 little ones nas been ulghted. i Wh Jacob Burbeck, .one-story dwelling. East! i1n,1m,'ileto.i,end !? eacJ isieventn, between f reemont and Beech, I ".3 "k ';1 T.V i 7 Jk. . r $260: Jacob Helser. one-story dweilinsr At????. .hY.been uI1 ' affair for East Twelfth, between Beech and Fail-1 "rtsS,,. If J wind. '.. aa,-.''- Insr. 2260: Miss List. : one-atorv dwll.! ..'a,n.e.?f ln1f . braB? i. ,har.M. That.a KkM,ni:.,ii c'u private cars ana atniet o exniDitions Mon81 200- M VertL- 0' Wn nd description have been MwiinAw ' l&nt ti; third Twfl . Baseball ames will be lZ'.iF.?. TSPSfa&XX? Pl.r4 arrangement, made for the T a. a aaeaalwat at w.l 1 1 vr- a " I USilllUVIU V A IIIO WltlCl VeUUlS, Willi JiJll nS.oK.i, dLi. -f:.3"' polbly a contlnuaUon of the affair ''SJlT-l. , i1,6.-, ,6ftt: "to the evening in the nature a .j.vAaA, fcww-w.... iinviuu. iwvni mnnn tani mr-nlf. ... H . . , . , A AAA. . 1 " r l-lli "k. noai - vak k , aiv.vw, ' . . Li, xo. ouna. one-storv barn. Borthwlck ha. tween Beech' and Falling. 8500: Jama Oarson. two-story dwelling, Ross, be tween Dupont and Dixon, 12.200: r!nr B. Bmlth, .two-atory dwaUlna. -East Ninth, betweeri Broadway and Weldler. $4,000; D. B. Kelly, repairs two dwell-1 lngs. Seventh, between Sherman and I Grant, $400. : - ' ;. f I ?. si-:AV':;,"7jTtrX Consider these two points about Columbia Tailoring First, that it is fretter thar most tailors produce ;v and, second, that it is a loner way fairer in price; then simply allow us to PROVE the truth of our assertions . ' and let us make your next Suit : At you are not thoroughly pleased, in every particular, we will not ask you to ac . cept the trarnients. Could any offer be more generous? : uq you iaice any risic; C We are particuli "strong" on light weight at-tire-a splendid line of fabrics-- more than average style in the miking. - (QuC9 Orut Plieflejr, Xlanacet, , ELKS' EDO- 7TH and STiLSS