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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
V THE I OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY ; EVENING, JUNE 6. 1807. MUFF IS E1SY IHKOFft NT MIS SEASON FOB Tl'0 1UIIDS Of THE RIIIIIIIIIG Oil HI WEEK After That He Holds Seals Columbia University Defeats Handicap Tournament Be Down, but Damage is rrep scnool in Champion- gin on Courts at lrvington ship Baseball Series. -; : Already Done. and Multnomah Clubs. rOBTLAND LOSES BY , RACE IS NOW BETWEEN EAST SIDE CLUB . ... FIVE TO ONE SCOBE VICTOB AND WEST HIGH PLANS FIVE EVENTS Twirlrr Jones Is Very Effective and J Academy Won . More Games In Pre- Matches Start Monday at Multnomah the Home Batten Never Endanger Uminary Series, bat Falls Before Matters Much Beaters Play Bet- University Lads Better Flaying In ter Ball In the Field. " ' , ' ' Flnalsr-Coltmbla Gets Lead Early and Saturday at Irrlngton Pro visional Handicaps for Former Are Out When Entries Close for Both TB8TERPAT"g RB8ULTS. 1 Portland 1. Ban Fracsico I. ." Los Angeles . Oakland 4. , V ', Standing or the Clubs. - -"-Won. Lost. Los Anrelee ..... M Pan Francisco M J Oakland ? ? Portland It 9 Pet .1.10 .( .100 Callff Of Portland pitched a pretty saraa yesterday for seven Innlns a Tbe other two innings came at the begln- hlna- and were used to , warm up me The Portland academy loat .its chance of winning the Inter-ecbolastic Cham plonahtp of the city yesterday by be In defeated by Columbia university. The score was S to Columbia started scoring in the first Inning. Witt two men down. Dock- tad ter reached first on an 'error. . stole second and was brought home by Barry's two-eacker. The University lads scored two mors la the fourth. With two out and a man On second and third, Bnnls knocked a hot one to left field which twlrler and get bis arm and his eye in mmmea long enougn ror ' w ruca laira. . ium score was now I to V. . ' ,:)''. via the fifth canto. Academy made things more interesting by scoring- two men. Columbia was the next to tally, and in the seventh the errors ttt tha cademy lads aided C U- to make two shape.. By the big Seals they were used to annex enough tallies to insure themselves the contest Perhaps Callff ought to have put In I a little mors good hard work beforo Mis ter rerrine csuea - Daner up. Any how, when he began to slide them down rutilT tha alle ha did not send them very un . fast nor very crooked nor very accu rately. He was wild even when be tried to throw to the first sack. Street and Irwin were walked, Mortal ity cot a fielder's choice, wiuiama lined out a twice. Zs Too Great. A couple of hits, aa error and a stolen base gave P. A. two In the ninth, but this was all they could do. and the game wa over. Twice, witn men on second two-bagger and the bell rang and third, a nice clean hit would have Spencer also hit sue, but It I meant runs to P. A., but her batters Old not count for anything. , Three afore la Beooad. - ' In the second the Seals fell on Callff a feeble curves with a vengeance. Esola, Jones, Street and Morlarfty all bit the leather on the nose, sending It away with such speed that not a Beaver could get a finger on It until the damage was done. Esola and Jones scored on Street's two-base hit, and Street wended his way home on Moriarltyo blngle. Five to nothing. . After that the visitors could not find Callff at all. but It was too late. Twlr ler Jones was very effective and the lead could not nearly be overcome. Portland's lone run was made In the were unable to hit Locke at tha riaht time. v , Both I.ocke and Stons were in the fine form and both pitched good ball. Stone, however, was a little better. Seven hits were made Off Stone'a delivery and eight off Locke's. Ten of Columbia's men failed to find the ball and were sent to the bench on strikeouts. - Stone did not get the support he de- arvrxi ana me acaaemjrs playing was ragged. Locke was given excellent sup- x" v. or ii auon ana ttenoe at sec ond both played a very good game. Stone, for P. A, carried off the honors In hitting, getting three hits out of four iifnfa to Dai. Sixth by Mottrwho reached MlfT AtWr&JR two! g "hoot The -or.': basaer. Carson, by the by. is hitting COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, better of late. He was the only Beaver t - ; . Ag. R H po. a. B. lO ffCl IWD aaxv unrp ;v.v.iu.. 1411. uiinia. V. ....... S , V I V V ' V farmer is also covering nis saca oener ampoen, so.. , 4 than he did during the opening days. Dockstadter, lb...,.., 4 ,wt..":.- wVgerber.-ct::::::: I one timely hit would have nearly evened up matters, but the hit was not forth coming. In the third chapter, Callff and Fay got on the bases by great foid luck. No one was out and Casey, sassey, McCredle and Moft all had a ' chance to bring In a run Or two, but none of them made good. Casey usually hits well In a pinch, Baasey baa been doing much better at this In the last half dosen games, and Mott and Mc Credle have the best averages on ' the team. .... ' ,' 4 ? " ' " ' ' McCredle. to be fair, did not have a chance. Jones was very wary of giv ing him one. - He threw four wild ones. and Manager Mao trotted, filling the banes. Mott's tum cams after that, but he banned out. : Axu the fifth innlnr the same serform sat-e was repeated almost exactly. This time Callff and Fay hit safe In succes sion, and .Casey, Bassey and McCredle followed, but went out In one, two, three order,- The oirrerence in ravor or tne visitors was all in the first Inning the Beavers out un the better ball lu the field. The official score ; Dooley, rf. ,, 4 O'Brien, If........... t Kehoe, 2b.....,..,.., J Locks, p ,, a 1 Total ia S 7 17 10 i PORTLAND ACADEMY. AB. R Ti -pr hi 1 l 10 1 l Next week will see the beginning of two tennis tournaments ' in Portland. Monday the annual handicap singles for tha Ladd trophy will begin on the Multnomah club courts. Saturday the spring club handicaps will start at the Irvlngton club. : ? : ' The Irvlngton tournament will in olude an of the regular five events for men and women: Men's singles, men i doubles, women's singles, women's dou bles and mixed doubles. Liberal handl caps will be given In all the events, tha intention or tne committee .oeing rive the lower-class players as fair chance at the prises as the racquet wlelders of finer art. The entries at the Irvlnrton club will close Wednes day evening and It is expected that the total numoer oz competitors -win iooi up to 0 or 70. The entrance fee will bo B0 cents for each event v '.'.V;-. Soms ew Players. The Ladd tournament this year prom Ises : to develop the best tennis over seen at a competition for the big silver trophy. Numerous new players are seen on the court a a number of them being distinctly in the first rank. A provis ional handicap schedule naa aireaay been -made out, covering the names of those who have already entered. There are II names on the list. II of whom are reckoned strong enough players to be Disced below the scratch mark. Four or these men were not in me juaaa xour- nament last year.- They are jjennam, Nortbrup, Ewlng and Turner. While Gobs wss entered last year, bo did not pisy. ... The entries for the Ladd tournament close . Saturday night. ' at which time the handicaps will be permanently fixed and the drawings made. The provis ional handicap was made out for the purpose of securing tho criticism of the J layers and of avoiding any who rois udgments on, men whose game the committee may not bo well acquainted with. :, - Mow Handicaps Stand. In the handicaps so far mads out Wslter Goes, tha stats champion. Is msde to carry tho heaviest odds, owing 40. Brandt Wlckersham, the Irvlngton club champion, is placed second, owing 10 2-6. Next is rated Dan Bellinger, at owe 15'4-C. Closely following Is J. K. Turner, at owe IB !-. Northrup, anew and fast -olayer rrom ins east, win INDETERMINATE LAW JN EVERGREEN STATE i . f Special Dispatch fa The JeersaLt' Spokane. Wash., Juno . On tho 14 th Of this month the indeterminate sen tence law enacted by tho last legisla ture will so Into effect.' The law put an Indeterminate term on m,.L.a.. rv a l t loonviciion ror any xeiony save murder, A It CIU V-UJ16 AUIOS UI1U JJOUritreaaon or rerorm scnooi oirenses, or in tence. ' The court will not fix the dura tion of the sentence, but It shall not exceed the maximum term prescribed for tho felony or fall below tho mini mum. . , . , The stats board of control and Hie warden of tne penitentiary will consti tute the prison board. The ludse and .mint. iMft,n.v will fltMl.k All I I Vi.1 VAyi.!VAlA VAVAjOA I prisoner's character, reputation for In- auairy ana , ciaas ox associates peroro arrest. ' Motor CjxIes Entered in 4 Novel Contests. FINISH IS TO BE The warden of tho penitentiary Snd the prison physician will make a com plete record concerning tho prlsonsr's salth, history, eta E GOVERNMENT WORKERS COMPLAIN , OF FOOD Six Events, Are on Card and Races ' Will Start at Flrvalo Schoolhonse at One O'aockEn tries and Ihe Officials. '7 : "Twenty-one sutomoblles and four mo tor cycles are entered la tho bill climb ing races, which will be held tomorrow afternoon by tho Auto Dealers' associa tion. The climbing races will furnish an entertainment which will be a nov elty for Fortlandera, ,'i and .: doubtless many will take the opportunity and travel to tho finish point Tho finish of all the races will bo at Mount Zlon church, near tht snd of the Council Crest car lino. - Tne start will bo mads at tho Flrvalo schlhouse at tltion of tho complaint about two weeks o'clock. m w I ago. and It la probable that he will Th.M .ill K. . a I "!H" inquiry, m. oirang, tne -- - -' w...- - v. i hiacirimitii, ttT tha rnrna. arrival km last svenlng from the park and declares that he quit work solely because bo I couia not get anything nt to oat. (Special DUpatea te The Journal) ' Taeoma, - Wash., : Juno 6. These , is much complaint and talk of wholesale quitting among the IB mop working on I the government road now being con structed turougn tne Kalnler Park re serve. The men declare tho table pro- viaea lor mem is almost on a par with starvation faro and that the culinary provision generally is or suon a cnarac ter as to make continual dissatisfaction among the men. Eugene Ricksecker of xacoma, tne government engineer in charge or ine work,' made an lnvestlga- Get vour five "senses" to gether, then all aboard for .4.1 m osa'n . se . -1 the ginger snap that has broken allrecords ii."s iu gigaaw' ' 4WT A aw AaV r kATlONAl BHCUfT COMPAkY ; snt classes of cars, and a motor cycle race. Tho oventa and entries follow: , Sn tries la tho Xaeos. First event, runabouts costing tl.BOO and under Bulck, Il-horsepower, prloe $1,1 BO, Keats Auto company: Ford, 15 horsepower. price 1600. V. A. Bennett: Tourist. 22-horseoower. price I1.S1&. R. EL Heath; Reo, 10-horsepower, price i.ieu, r. a. eenneti: Mitcneu. zo horsepower, price 1 1,000, Mltchell-Lowls 4k Staver. . . Beoond event, free-for-all runabouta White steamer, J. B. Kelly; Thomas Flyer, 70-horsepower, R. D. In man; White Steamer, A. D. Perkins. Thlru event, tourina cars. 11.000 and under Bulck, tl-horsepower, price i,iau, Kests auio company; MiicneiL I6-horaepower. 11.000. Mitchell-Lewis A Atavar r!aHal1an ta.hnnnnwr nrira 11.000, H. M. Covey- Tourist, Il-horae-1 Grand Festal Day Set A Dart for tha i iia -is n. 1 1.. t k r . M - 20-horsepower, price $1,160, F. A. Ben- 11. T. P. V. Room Arrangements.' .'"'."'' ' (Bpeelal Plipatca to The Journal.) 'Spokane. Wash.. Juno The commit. tee arranaina for the receDtlon of thai delegates to tne Baptist xoung people's International convention hero In July have asked for 10,000 rooms In privets! residences to be placed aa tho disposal of visitors, "who can secure rooms by addressing ur. tJ. hoss tiaxer, chairman Op tne committee.' - ROSE CITY PARK JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION cars ' costing Fay. sa . Casey, 2b. . Baasey, If. . McCredle, rf. Mott tb. ... Moore, c. ... Carson, lb. . Bchlmpff, cf. Callff, p. ... PORTLAND. AB, R H. o l 11 PO. 10 0 v Totals .... 37 1 I IT 14 SAM FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO, Mohler, 2b. Street, lb. , Shaughnessy, rf . 4 Esola, c. ........ 4 Jones, p. 4 Morlarlty.. Irwin, lb. Williams. ttpencer, cr. .... If. ... 4 II A. S 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 a l R 9 IT It - Totals S3 . SCORE BT INNINGS. v Ban' Francisco.,... 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( HIU ...........2 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 14 Portland ........ .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 . Hits .......... .0 10 0 110 1 1 y-m. i . SUM MART. Struck Out By Callff. I: by Jones, t Bases oa balls Off Callff, 6; off Jones, 8. Two-bass hits Williams. Street, Carson. - Moore, Casey. Double '-play parson, oioian pass enaugnnessy. irst basa on errors Portland, I. . Left on -a. bases Portland,- 10; Ban Francisco, 6 Time of game One hour and 46 min ' utes. Umpire Perrlne. - - Fourteen Inning Tie. - The Laue-Davls Juniors and tho Laue- : Davis (seniors met on tne field yester- day afternoon : in a practice game: . ; Neither of the two teams won the game. aa it was cauea in tne last or the four teenth inning on account of darkness. i The eenre was 7 to T. LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN Kyomel Zs Guaranteed to Cure Catarrh. Thousands who ' have been 'cured" by Hy-o-mer call toe inhaler that comes with every outfit the "Little Pocket Physician, as' It la no small that it can be carried in the pocket or purse. There is really no excuse whatever for anyone having catarrh now that Hy-o-mei Is ao readily obtainable. Do not delay longer the use of Hy-o-mel if you suffer with catarrh. This Is a purely local disease, and Hy-o-mel goes right to the. spot where the ca tarrh germs are present, destroys them, ' soothes and heals all Inflammation and .makes a permanent and lasting cure. The complete Hy-o-mel outfit consists of the "Little Pocket Physician" and bottle of Hy-o-mei and costs only $1.00, making It tho most economical as well as ihe only . guaranteed treatment for the cure ..of catarrh. Remember that Hy-O-roei cures catarrh without stom ach dosing, applying the medication and -healing where the . disease germs aro present. " , We do not want anyone's money, un , less Hyomel gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will ;. be ' refunded unless tho remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists should DO able to sup ply you with Hyomel or wo will send it ' by mall on receipt of price, fLOQ. and every package la sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing un less it cores. - Booth's Hyomel Com pany, Buffalo, N. T . Ladd. c. ............. 1 isicnois, rt........... t 0 Myers, 2b. ........ ... 4 0 Hurlburt. lb..,,.,,.. 4 0 P. Cooklngham. If . ... 3 0 Jones, SB..,...,.,,,,. 4 Orsy, lb. , kt-i ...... ;,. I 0 H. Cooklnsham. ttt a A Stone, p 4 3 Robinson 11 Total 3 3 11 0 1 1 0 0 0 27 12 I ...27 4 6UMMART. Struck out By Locke S. by Stone 10. , eJ! n bo"" Off Locke 1. off Stone I . iwip-oiH niistjarry, ;nijis, Hurl burt Sacrifice hits Barrvi Iwira. Stolen bases Dockstadter, Myers, Rob-lnson.--Hlt by pitched ball O'Brien. , Psssed balls Ladd 1, Ennls 1. First " on errors oiumoia 3, Portland Academr .8. Time of nmn.1 hmi, r.a luiuuiva. ... umpire Hanaro. AUTOMOBILE RACE OF TWO HUNDRED MILES ': (Joorsal 8DeiaI ; BanlM.t New Tork, June I. A large number of automobiles. reoresenUna all tha probably be pinceo on tne earns dssib. Four players are rated at owe IB 2-6. Thev are Benham. Andrews, Herdman and Ewlns. - At owe 15 are also four men: Wilder, McAlpln, Fenton and Rohr. - Tho other tentative handicaps are as follows: Scrs ten Prince, Rosenfeld, Dole, Gil bert, Farrell and Thorns. ' Receive l- Nunn, Ames, Blanchard and McMillan. - Receive 16 Forbes, Humphrey, Saw yer and McCrum. . Receive IS 1-0 Frohman, Eastham, Sargent and VlaL The Ladd trophy, a massive sliver cup. must be won three times to be come the permanent possession of any player. It was nrst contested tor in 1902. when it was won by J. F. Ewlng, and in 1901 Brandt Wlckersham won the cup. Walter Goes captured it in 1904 and 1905, and Wlckersham an nexed It again in 1906. - KILLED IN QUARREL OVER OLD BEDDING nett. Fourth event, touring $3,000 and under Cadallae, 20-horse power, prloe 13,600, H. M. Covey; Pope Hartford, 30-horsepower, price, $1,750, Keats Auto company; Ford, 6-40, 40 boraepower, price $1,800. F. A. Bennett Fifth event, touring - cars coatlna $1,001 and over Stevens-Duryea, Big 80-horseoower. price 18.000. Cook Mo. tor Car comnanv: Thomas Flvar. so. horsepower, prloe 84,000, Keats Auto company; Stevens Duryea, - 15-horse-power, price $3,600, Cook Motor Car company- Royal Tourist, 45-horsepower, price $4,000, CoOk Motor Car company. eixin event. Motor cycle race, free for all Four entries, all start together. - Sramea of Officials, , The officials of tha meet will be: Committee of managers F. A. Ben nett, W. D. Wallace,. H. A. Burgess. r Starter Jack King. Timers W. H. Warrens, Frank Wat kins, Jack Horan, T. T. Strain, Dr. A. E. MacKay. Clerks of . the course H. Wemme. R. E. Blodgett, O. W. Klelser. , Score keepers W. F. Llpman, C B. Brown, F. P. Baumgartner. ( " Referee R. D. Inman. ' CTilIdren of the City. v Too much cannot be said In commen dation of Hartman A Thompson for their unlquO method of opening up Rose City Park.'' Having catered for several weeks to tho buyers of property, they have gladdened the hearts of all the little people in the city by setting aside one day for their entertainment in th"e beautiful haunts of Rose City Park. This will take plaeo next Saturday. It Is understood that Hartman A Thompson havo engaged a brass bsnd, have arranged a couple of baseball fames, athletlo exhibitions of vsrlous inds and otherwise planned auch pro grams ror ine nine xoiks aa will keep vuui vuaj yrvilj mucu BJ oaf long. Private cars will run to Rosa City Park from all parts of tho city, begin ning eany in tne srternoon. These cars will meet at Third snd Yamhill, where feature that has never been known In the west before proceeding from that point along too Kaat Ankenv to Sandy road, thence straight through 10 ine great ceieorauon, Wnli fsr into tho evening. 9 Are you aTointr east? i Do not for- - " get our excellenUjervice and tbst , " !roa can make the renowned Yel- owitone Park trip when using our - . . line tt very little . additional cost . ' EVERY LUXURY Or. TRAVEL" . , : ' y via y , ' NORTHERN PACIIIC RAILWAY al For rates and Information call oa or address ISf , J A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A. Portland, Oregon. 1 - Ticket Office, Third and Morrison Streets. l.nT'- "r11 m0rn,D " MTdfrnVnsauTteS (Special DUpatcb te Tbe JeoraaL) Spokane, Wash., Juno 6. As the suit of Injuries received at tho hands of some unknown man. Charles Smith died yesterday at EUensburg. The two men had had a fight over some worth less bedding and while Smith sat on his Hundreds me . zoo-mne endurance test arranged by the New Tork Motor club. The ob jective point Is Albany, by way of Pitta field, making tho longest automobile run over held in the nature of a competl tion ror atlngle day, From this citv the route mmh north ward through Tonkers, Tarrytown, Peekskill. and FUhkiu tn Pmihicun,i. Here the route leaves the Hudson river and, entering the Berkshire hills, passes through Salisbury and Qrsat Barrington to Lenox. From Lenox the route continues to Plttsfield, snd then turns eastwsrd to Chatham, from which point it continues almost due north to AiwuiT, Ana route oners good roads, mug 11 1 ance run. hiiiv desirable test for an endur- country to ATHLETIC EXHIBITION AT THE AUDIT0EIUM The second athletic exhibition of the Portland Athletlo Social club series will be held at the Auditorium building, the old Lewis and Clark fair grounds, on Saturday, June I. Tho two special events Of the evening will be four-round goes between Can Eddleman and Dave Wood, and Kid Ervin of Portland and Spike Kelly of Los Angeles. The prises won at the last tua- of war contest br the Columblas and Vikings wm uv a.waraea ijiem uoon in. hum ir George Lewis and Dr. Wiaiiam Ki.n and there will be other tug of war con- teais oetween various teams. Appropri ate prises of merchandise, donated by Interested merchants and business men will be given to the successful content. ants. The floor will be cleared for uancing. a nuraoer or otner events of interest will be on the board, anil a large anenuance is expected. him. Smith wss found in - his little shack in ths outskirts of the town yes terday morning and; was not uncon scious. He told1 the story as best he could, but It was evident that his mind was wandering. He received eight cuts on the scalp, one about two inches long. The skull was also factured. The room showed that there had been a scuffle inside. Smith's dying words were about tne soi lea oianxets. - BUTTE DRUG CLERKS ROLLING PILLS AGAIN (SseeUI Dispatch te Tbe Jon mil.) Butte, Mont, Juno . The drug clerks who have been on a strike since last 1 Saturday returned to work last night, a settlement of their trouble be ing effected on a compromise basis. The clerks agreed to tske 1113 a month instead of 3125. as ssked. The strike closed every Onig store In the city, "IN abad WAY" Haild Tailoied Glbthes Many a. Portland Reader Will Feel Grateful for This Information. Angels Beat Commnters. San Francisco. Juno t. Los Angeles won dv umur oiiuns in ma in m a nil nimo, ecore; -.,.., 7 . n. rt v. Los " Angeles. 7.0 911 01 0 0 I 0 8 2 uaxiana . ... . . .9 1 0 0 z 1 0 0 4 91 naileries uray ana Hogan; Ban dolph, Wright and Bliss. Umpire Der rick. . .. . .'V. .. . Northwest League. Aberdeen S, Seattle J.;' Tacoma C, Spokane 3. ; " - ' - Butte 6, Vancouver 1. ; Percentages: Aberdeen, .711; Seattle, ,19; Tacoma, .00; Spokane, .614; Butte. .421; Vancouver. .103. . .. American League. 1 St. Louis 10, Washington 1." --r Boston-Detroit game postponed. Cleveland-New York game postponed ; s-aiiaueipniB-v;nicsgo game postponed. National League. . . , Chicago I, New Tork 1. 5 ' Philadelphia 8, St Louts IV Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 0. ' Pittsburg and Boston, no gsme. , When your back gives out; Becomes lame, weak or aching; When urinary troubles set In, Tour kidneys are "In a 'bad way." Doan's Kidney Pills will cuso you. Hero is local evidence to prove it: Mrs. D. Murphy of 895 Ivon street, Portland, Oregon, says: , "Since. .JSOJ, when I gave a statement recommending Doan's Kidney Pills after I had found great benefit through their use I have had some further occasions to test the . s remedy and It has always given satis faction. My original oxpeiienco with thefo was In a bad case of kidney com plaint and backache. From (my experi ence with Doan's Kidney Fills X am ready to recommend them . Just .'as strongly as I did three years sgo." For sale by all dealers. Price SO centa FOstcrMllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the' United BUtesv . Remember ths Sams DOAN'S and take no other. ; of Patterns at 9 1 The Paramount of this rar collection of men's and young men's clothes is a marked degree of dis unctiveness ana eieggnce, we would like to show, you our extensive line, because we know we can come nearer than anybody else to giving you What you want at the price you want to pay. Now, at $8.75 wo can give yotrthe season's most favored patterns and fabrics in the S. J. Singer A Sons' makes at a saving of $S to $8. Youll like their "get up." Top and Raincoats too, at. . . 'A any We make a study of correcfjstyles: That's part bf our business. A plea bn which we lay'daim to your patronage. Our buyer spends most of his time in New York, the Mecca from whence all the y.vyv. wuvvjuuu, iu una viuiucB ciuanaic. nis correctness or wnicn, we speak is evident in every line of, oar '$1175 garments, which embraces ; ine wen-Known uarson Meyef ; clothes. Any pattern or style. Just onng $u.a ana we guarantee you a saving of $5 to $10 on every or iop or Kaincoat, . , . - Suit 111 O i i. Whether you are a business or a college man, the styles in this assortment of hand-tailored clothes will strike your fancy. The range for selection is very broad both conservative and more oronounrerl ....... : f..j.j .. nt . . .. . '.. . '. . . .. .. . . . .. vaiicuis uiciuucu. xne mosi noiewortny teature is that in choosing from this collection yoa get away from the commonplace, everv-dav BtylesBrandagee, Kincaid St Wood clothes included Every suit an 'actual $22.50 and $25.00 value, and no better grade made at these orices. cnoose tor , ...... ?. t "Onto! UicDiflh Rent