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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
X--. : v:-'-: , XV THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND.. 'THURSDAY , EVENING, JUNE 8, f , i(io)( at si a suar m bl m m m m m --. , . mwiirinm irrnLi w euuauw hmw buvwwo- ih hhhhhhkh-'H va aw wwr an. am an b . -m. jmm .am saw ajsjasa w saar awaasw- aav 1 sw a sas"- - - ana , F CONSERVATIVES f Harrisburg Conyention In- ' dorses Senator as Prcsl : ' dential Nominee. . (Journal Sped! Senrlci.) ,... v ' "Washington, June .Indorsement of Senator Knox tor tbe presidency by the Harriaburg c6nventlon today will mark the beginning , of an organisation at, tha "conservatives" of tha Republican party to control tha Republican national con; vent ion. Pennsylvania and Knox will form a nucleus- around which will gather many of . tha conservative ele menu, for tha prevent at least. s - v Senator Philander Knox. f Ur Villi w w plaint among Republicans that no step were being - taken by conservatives to form an organisation to resist the rad ical wing of., the party.1 There were many, available candidates, one except fairoanaa was aoing- niwiu(l Danuult tA nlekaA hie can. dtdate and was confidently working for his success. Many Republicans believe -a compromise candidate can be found l ill J ... Y. ... Y. win 0V ; . Knox Is looked upon by conservatives as an ideal man.ior m job na rp eyivama win give mm vam iwunu -' est delegation in the national conven tion. It is pointed out that ha baa not opposed the president In any of .his policies and that as attorney-general ha ' successf ully conducted the first crusade of the president against tha trusts. The Harrlsburg convention will Indorse the 'president's policies and Senator . Knox.. , ... .-, The glycerine employed In Dr PlercoV medicine! greatly enhances the medicinal properties which U extracts from native, medicinal root and hold in solution much better than alcohol would. It aire EMesse medicinal properties of Its own, log a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiteptlo and antlferment. It add greatly to the efflcacv of the Black Cherry, bark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root; Ston root and Queen's , root,: contained In riniin M Ad leal TMteoverT In subdufha chronic, or lingering cough, bronchial, throat and lung aaoctlom, lor an oi wnirn these agents are recommended by stand ard medical authorities. " i. In all cases where there Is a wasting away of flesh, loas of appetite, with weak stomeh,as la tha early stages of coo sumritipn, there can pa mo uouo u Biy eeriusacts as a vaiuaoia Minu "a it and Black Cherrybark In Lullnn fuf hulldlnff UD the rength. controlling the cough )g about a neaimy muwuun o system. Of course, it . mu?t in Mia li r - " i eefcji rot iMsj br ntfr wlel IT It 3fl ,tA tn wnrV mlraclea. It wi msumption except la Its earlier Will .-TT.!. Ai EftUliuAJtpa-CarQPlc in aids Qu rtrom flesh a and of the not bee not cure a tares. BH-, hM andnr t r ne. in acute couati Li. It SI IH Mil TllfP---'-' . . . T irirr.,.; .Tifr.iiu . iru in tna nncerins hang-on coughs, or thow of long standing, van when accompanied by bleeding from lungs; that it. has performed Its mot marvelous cure. . profrinlcy Klllngwood, If. D., of Ben nett lied. College, Chicago, says of fly serine: .t .j : In dyspepelaltserve an ertleatpnipoao. Holding a 4ed aaaatlty of Ike peroxide of Manofuturod orodaeU of the present time In Lr&fckMi of g& laLtjntnsltlon of ci 1m action upon enfeebled, disordered stom- nAltt.!!V IT Iflffn IB 1ICWINMI vr gMtrlti7catarrbat IniammaU il it I a Biost efiioleat prepan lie will relieve saaay aasee of w in) and excessive gestrto (stoi ?, -fi U.yl..l Alumnljulikll Sad eruptions, scrofulous swellings and old sores, I Bead ta Dr. k. Pierce, fBuffalo, foTfiWbeoklt telling all aWtbe native aaedlclaal root composing this, wonderful aaadlcine. ymere is do sicuwm u BRYAN USED I IVIIH HEARST Commoner and Publisher h, Disagree. Oyer Value of r -wlr pemocracy'. " ' V. , lift' ' ' ' . jT "S:-i-." "- ' ' - ' ' . ' (Joomal Bpeeial BerrleeJ t. Washington, June- - l.-On the, way "from Richmond to Annapolis and then ',-back again to Baltimore, William Jen nings Bryan yesterday stopped over In Washington.' While he wae averse te talking at length on the present situa tion ha made a few , remarks which showed bis attitude. ' Af ter making a few sarcaatle re marks about the efforts f a certain la ment to find a "southern" Democrat for the presidency, Bryan was asked: , "How about Hearst r - "I do- not wish to discuss Mr. Hearst at length at present," said Mr. Bryan. "Mr. Hearst supported ma twice for tha presidency, and I supposed ha was a Democrat Ha has formed' what he calls the Independence league' on the ground, as I am told, that there can no t good come out of the Democratic party. I still believe, as I have believed for a long time, that the best agency , that ean be utilised for tha welfare of this country Is tha Democratic .party. On 'that point Mr. Hearst and T disagree." The statement that Mr. Bryan had carried In hi pocket blank checks of Hearst's during Bryan's tour of Europe was mentioned and while- Mr. Bryan would not discuss that subject, one of "his closest friends volunteered the in formation that Hearst had never given Bryan a tienny directlynot even for syndicated letters of his travels. - There is no doubt on the part pf . Bryan' friends, who have talked, with him recently, tnat he Is thoroughly In ; censed at Hearst -. -.h --v . j (..t,e ENCAMPMENT AND BEBEKAlt OFFICERS (Bpeclsl Dtipatch te The Journal.) ' V BDokace. Wash.. June e. The annual , gession of the Washington f grand en campment of Odd Fellows has adjourned, Rafter electing 'the following officers: Grand patriarch, W. H. -Coffin of Or- ting;, grand high prleaV Frank Klllien ;of liowell: grand senior warden, X Car ter Smith of Walla Walla; grand sorlbe, , lKula F. Hart of. Taooma, reelected: 1 grand treasurer, X- R. - O'Donnell; of Elroa, reelected; grand Junior .warden, vC. Io7liUm of NortJi Takimai grand rep .' reeentatlve, R. W. Starr of Chelan. -The Rebekahs have elected, tha , fol- Donald of Tacoma: vice president Mrs. 1 Belle It Lee of Colvillo: secreUry, Mrs. Nellie M. Knoff of Seattle; treasurer, -Mrs. Francis Smith of Marysyille; war ' den, Mrs. Allle Gannon of Bel lln si; am. ; Mri Emma EL Shaw of Walla . Walla ' and Mrs, Anna H. Luedera of Tacoma were reappointed trasteea - ' - DEADLOCK BEG ARDING SHOBE LAND VALUES $;-;-Lr:'A;yr:-i ' " S,1-' (Special piapateh ta The goarnst) " Olympla, Wash., June . -There Is a .'deadlyX In the board of appraisers of w,Bm uaxm uniun 1Uui ju"i ""- . . 1.1 T Ta M ttAAn IAS mAn that the state land commissioner, tha -secretary of state And the attorney gen eral have agreed substantially on the same figures, and that t he three mem bers of the state tax commission, who re the other members of the board, hava likewise agreed On a set of fig ures. These figures are several thou- sand dollars apart , The Ux . commls loners favor the higher amounts. ,It la s understood -the state land eommls aionar will call the board together again In a. few days, r -- ; .yy 'v;-'-t . Joseph Odd Fellows Elect, V " (Special DUpatch te Ths fjnut) ; - ' 1 JosephT Or., . June 'Jver ,Ik -. J- iri li - n ft a" h elected the foUowlng officers for the ensuing n a.v a. .aJ Blevens: V. O., Charles Johnson; secretary, H. D. Akins ; treasurer. W. E. Leffel. Rebekah lodge, Minnie Fleener;.V. G. Myrl Donnelly; ' ecretary. Margaret Boner; treasurer, Minnie Akin v Gi iirig or totheSeaside iuotaiDS? It wlU make your Taeatlon trip more enjoyable to have Reliable Groceries Special prices on seaside and mountain - orders, ' Express Jand freight' charges paid on all" or- ders of 120 or more to your near est railroad offloa or steamboat landing within a radius of 100. r miles of Portland. V'.. - D. C. BURNS CO. OBOCXBI. ! 21Q THIRD STREET Fionas I Mala ei A-leaeV, KILLED BY POISON II HER BEOICIIIE Nurse Mixes Corrosive Subll mafe by Mistake and Pa tient Is Killed. (Special Diipeteh to The Joornak) . utiA. June . A criminal charge .will be pressed against Mrs. M. B. Day, nn ami manase of the Pacific hos pital. In which Mrs. Mary CBanlon died aa a result of corrosive suwimate poi soning. The evidence at the inquest death as a result of poison which was administerea oy muuiM vj m uui the hospital who was not even a gradu- LISJI, A lie ilUt PO vviuyvH-vw odium bromid powder for the woman wno wai in iiuwjy1 ' or injurie mnm roots ivoa m . eviwivw Umate became mixed with the powders Uisome.wikjr. .... tions shall be compounded only by a fioenied nharmaelst which tha nurse waa not , "i1,-'; It has oeen oeveiopea vua . no state or city law providing that hos nthnrititanan reDort on any ac cident cases to the police or anyone else. A crime may oe coranunw, win vlcHm taken-to hospital and no one will i. .,-,ii.t. vtntlm la dead. An s vi w agitation for a city -oinf-nc. KJ: begun when Mrs. O'Banlon died. It was a L.i Unw 4Aan wraaei Allan T A thi injuries receiu . , " . v,-, W.- dent. Dut an wwpw uiwi.. deatn was causeo py y"""". - 'J t. U.J e PETERSON PURCHASES BIG LOGGING COMPANY Rpeelal Dlapateh te The Joarnal.t --i.tnri. nr.. June . O. J. Peterson m .1-1- miwiVioiiAjl frrnn' the Astoria Abstract, Title & Trust company their interest and that of Jack Kyan in tne property" is located on the Lewis and fclarke and .consists- of morir than 10, feet of standing timber. At the present time tha camp is putting 80,000 fot of lofre ppr day fntherlver. TOOTH ; POWDER CAIAIYAIVT VVBSlvar , m mr. i- . V The mairkl of the Highest- , i ' ' ' Grade Dentifrice, the stand ard in every country in the world, is SOZODONT. ; Sensation Sal $ii-iest::5Q(c'. and 75c Finest . iMCtomtfliw i Did You Ever Hear the Like Before All 50c and 75c Values at 10c bach mt AfL Rtl- .'An offer niade simply solely d' only to win MOVfr Q WWiQ fl Dl iPP thousands of new customres and to make to ;UCI:C:,3vlllC''VlIvI m0rrow the busiest day this store has ever enjoyed. It means a loss of thousands to us, but the additional hosts customers and friends we make will, in a way, compensate us for the expense of this most unusual proposition. Now, here's the offer: ' WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE HERE TUMUKKUw .vya yyx 4 YOU ONE OF THESE 50c TU c risAino ww.. -With a $2.00 purchase we will fell you two of them at 10c each, and ao on; the more you buy the 'more of these handsome pk tes you can i secure at 10c each. Every one of them tne real genuine navuauu uuua, Theo. HavUand's trade mark on every one. Tea Plates, Dinner Plates, Breakfast Plates, Soup Plates, and thousands that are exceptionally pretty for use aa Cake Plates. All fancy shapes, with rich t and delicate hand Wnted floral decorations; all full sire. The same identical plates that kny china store would ask you 80c to 75c for and never a penny less; 15,000 of them to go; tomorrow, Friday only, for it s a oey of'ej only. With every dollar purchase In any department one of these 50c to 70c Vemiine Havilahd Plates for . . . ; ............ ............ Friday's Sensation Bargains the Greatest Yet ari m m m u HI H I I 1J II til I lJ mill! IlIIKiAIX 5n ETTTCS CLOCK Thousands Will Be Here Join the Crowds And In Order to Break All StorerCrovvdln? Records--The Programme Calls for i me VJl II (Ul ILVVa? JL Jl JL JL4' vr in Pvprv One nf (Dur Thirtv-Eiffht Bip; Departments For Embroidery SUk and Float worth tip to 10c skein. 29$ For 50c corset cover and skirt floandnc 16-lnch Em f9c For regular 6c Nottingham Lace Edging, for trimming underwear. . . ' " '" 69' For Ladles' $1.00 double tip Silk Gloves, in black and white. N j98 Jl Pf For Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Dress Pants, the very finest.- U ea For thousands '6f Wash Rags, regular 2 for 5c, now y2a each. For Ladles' 25c black seam less Hose, with ribbed top. 2& S or Men's 50c balbriggan nderwear. in blue, pink and white. yd Sor 15c and 18c ,Waah ress Goods, Lawns, Ba tistea and Organdies. .For regular , 3 Jc wide 44 inch Lace Curtain Net 5,000 Women's 10c and 15c Embroidered Turnover Collars . All fancy styles; while they last Choice 5C ' 20-inch Plain, Fancy and Novelty 50c, 70c, 85c Silks Plaids, stripe" ua checks, au coiora special ' 100 Samples of Women's Best , $10 Wash Dresses Tnmnr n!ta. all colors, fancy styles . Now $3.98 Choice 1,000 Large, Full Sue Cakes 25c Packer's Jar Soap For choice of 1,000 regular 50c fancy Lawn Kimonos. 31s For Men's 25c and 35c lisle and fancy sample Hose, all colors. For 1 Day Wc Per Cake 1000 Matted Pictures Sauare and panel styles, with one, two and three pictures, worth up to 50c Choice 5 C Each 20c pkg. of 100 Paper Napkins ,.. JJ Large 10c Ink Tablets go at "'? $1.00 Bottle Eau de Quinine f IS- For one lot of white linen Wash Skirts, worth $3.00. , 29 For 50c and 60c Albatross, Batiste and Henriettas, full 36-inch. ' For one lot of full else Flower Wreaths, worth up to 35c. 1 ' For choice-of any trimmed Hat. worth $7 JO up to $10.; For Women's 25c and 35c white Wash Belts, all fancy atylea. .-; ; For 50c Lace and Embrold ery.trimmed Corset Cofera, For S and 6-inch plain and fancy 50c Saah and Girdle Ribbons. - r For Men's $2 JO and3.C0 fancy wash vests, all aUea. mi, For best 89c full 18x18 lhch Damask Napkins. ' 9B For Ladies' $1.75 and $2.00 white Canvaa Oxfords, all sizes. - 9.8 For $1 JO large full size Roman gtripe fancy Couch Covers. For odd lots silk and fancy Belts, worth up to 35c. , Givinq ThPSA Arp Biif Samoles of the Barqaln All over the house there's thousands the mightiest money saving opportunities. No matter what your wants may be. come: There', money to be saved. ' 11 g r -1 . - : STALKAKEB EESIGfNS B. Btalnaker has resigned tha command of. company O, O. N. and wUl quit tha sarvlca. Lieutenant Stalnaker has been la the 'service jf tha guard ror seven years and has been a popular and efficient officer. - - l' tm Lieutenant Propst has assumed the command and an election will be called lO Ilil m vacancy tin - 'it soarrt 1 1 1 ' ' Don't let jrour chHd suffer with that cough When you can cure It wun Bal lard's Horehound Byrup. a aura cure for Coughs. Bronchitis, Influensa, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a.botUs and tr B.1 B. Laugher, Byhalla, Miss, -writes: "I have two children who had croup. 1 tried r many different remedies, put 1 raust say your Horehound 8yrup is the best Croup and Cough medicine I IW used." - Sold bl aU druggist. - 11. . a. AtAaa ataA saekVtMaiTAsl BTTlAWti ous of the position and that a lively contest will ensue in tha selection of a commanding officer and a first lieuten ant. Borne or me xormer meniir tt,m. submit nnmn arm mentioned and will no doubt enter tha race. KENDALL COTTAGE AT SEASIDE IS ROBBED . m ; ' :"': '".- -f V; (SpMlal DiiBeteh te The Joomal.) -Astoria. Or., June Vandals broke Into tha Kendall - cotUga at Seaatde Monday night and the damaga and the loss has not bean ascertained up to tha present time. -. ' v. - Falls on Saw. .i ' (gpeeUI Dtoreteh t The goamaL) , - Astoria, Or., June 6. filmon Senstrom waa brought to tha hospital - suffering with a severe cut on his right arm re calved through falling on a saw at a logging camp near fivenson. Monday evening. He lost a jrreat deal t blood and. was very weak when ha rrlvej here. His physician says ha wilT puU through all right ; v ' WATEB IS F0UNP.0N EAST OREGON D JSo J&K 1 Deschutes Irrigation A Power Com ; pany Opens Well With , Good Supply. 8peeil DispetcH te The Joarnet) Prlnevllle, June .After two at temptf. the Deschutes Irrigation A Power company has succeeded In strik ing an abundance of good " water at Bedmwd at a deptbof 4B0 JeeTha water stands about 40 feet deep W the well at present, and a power . pump failed toV reduce tha depth noticeably after U hours' constant pumping. . -Thls well will be used to supply th residents of the town, and several Oth ers wUl be drilled In that vicinity. , This is the first water that has avar keen found in' the-so-called desert je gC between Deschutea, and firooked river. Of flcera of Damon Lodge. ' ' (Special Dlspetea te Tha --j1. 4 Pendleton. Or.. June . At the regular meeting of Damon lodge. No. 4. Knights of Pythias, tha following' officers Were elected for the ensuing termi- Dan P. Bmythe, chancellor commanderr Dr . M. S Kern, vice chancellor; J. H. isaiea. Sralatel'DB. Waffle. -m."s Clyde Inch. Inner guard; Walter Whit man, guard; E. B. Aldrlch; maater of work. : " -' - A, . 'A Baal WoaderU.' 5;,i--SA South ? Dakota, with Ita ' rich silver mines, bonanaa farms, wida ranges and strange natural formations. Is a veri table wonderland. At Mound City, In the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp. a wonder ful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble, "Exhausting cough; In spells occurred every five minutes, writea Mra. ClapP. "whn I began giv ing Dr. King's New Diwovery. the great medicine, that saved bis Ufa and com i..t ... wa vm " nunmnteed - for MK.h, and colds, thrct and lung troubles, by Rvl Cro 1 harmacy, 0o and 11.09. Trul bcttis free. . 1 Grand Children's Day. Hartman 4 Thompson have arranged One of th most clever entertainments that has ever been attempted for the exploitation of a new addition. Rose City Park, which-S that company has been selling for tha last three months, la the chosen scene for tha celebration which Is promised to excel anything of the kind that has ever been anon In Portland. ' . . . The principal feature of the day is tha ' fact that the formal opening of Rosa City -Park and the Inauguration of atreetoar aervice to the al(iltlfn, In tendered to the school children of tort land and their, parents. Not one of th UtUe ones has been slighted. While it has been impossible to eond to eu' ' ' them a formal invitation, th papers have been full e( the at the last 10 days. ' . Games ef all kinds, brs t clal private cars ami ath!.-! . of every kin4 and 1.3cri- 1 arrarad. l.--i'U r play-. anil nrr.- '-" cntr ' . ' ' t rin.