TIIE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 8, 1807. 10 PROFIT IN PRACTICAL mmmeir St PIANO-BUYING IL TWO MOST ' IMPORTANT FACTORS ARE HIGHEST Booksellers Say Twelve Per quality and greatest rVi-nf fVkmmtGctnn Ptb , I VALtViti. 0 MILS Ta i ; CHO BOOKS Them Nothing. ' WANT COMMISSION TO HELP THEM RAISE IT .5 The House of Eilers Holds Su preme Position of Leadership in Both Particulars Facts In Blue Serge, Plaids, Checks, Sacks or Grays State Textbook Commission Is Busy With Vhlrtjr-One Bids Presented bj Eastern Publishing Houses ' Represented t Salem., Possible Arguments. ms paying or a. riano la. after all a matter of hard, downright business. It's a question of renin tha moat for your r, tne moat In quality and tha moat ue. Sentiment Dlava a verv minor fart, although to be aura, one feela bet . er aatlafled perhaps In tha selection of 1 an instrument 01 renown. - ' ' rSpedal Dbeatrs The Joaraat.) Salem. Or., June I. The booksellers of tha stats are vp In anna Th.y be lieve the? cannot handle tha books for the IS per cent commission they now re ceive, for It Is practically all eaten up by the expanses of clerk hire, wrap pint paper, twine, necessary exchange of goods for mistakes mads by pupils In ordering and such like Items. ; A committee that appeared before the stats text-book commission yesterday was composed of IL D. Fatten of Sa lem, Mrs. Eugene Swartsohtld of Eu gene and Fred Dauson of Albany. They asked that tha eommlsalon assist them If possible tn obtaining a better com mission for the selling of the text books. The stats text-book ' commission has II bids to consider from various pub-i lismng nouses mrouanout me eastern states. Among" the representatives of publishing houses la attendance are the following: J. H. MUchell. Educational Publishing company, Chicago; H. C Cheney, Charles Sciibners Bona, New lork; A. C. Smith, Glnn Co., Boston; b. t. Kewxiric, Kand, McNaiiy a co, Chicago; W. H. Wheeler of A. H. Wheel er e Co., Chicago; George A. Bacon of Albyn A Bacon, Boston; A. B. Shumate of Glnn A Co., Boston: J. Ellsworth of Macralllan company, New York) H. D. Jacobs, Prang Educational company, Chicago; Hugh Fores man, Scott Fores man A Co., Chicago; O. 8, Sherman, Scott Foreaman A Co., Chicago; Cv R. Foster.BenJamin Sanborn A Co., Chi cago; w. F. Young, Benjamin H. San born A Co., Chicago; W. S. Shearer, Newson A Co., Chicago; J. K Williams, Maynard A Meredith. New Tories B. XL Richardson, D. Applet on A Co., - New York; c F. Atkinson. Meuser A Ourn, Chicago; O. P. Barnes, O. P. Barnes company, Chicago; 8. H. Sheakley. Houghton, Mifflin A Co.; Boston; li. T. Sullivan,' American Book company. New York; A. A. F. Gunn, American Book company, , New, York; W. I. Crane, D. Appmofl -o., new iora; j. m. fenny packer, Christopher Sower company, Philadelphia: I J. Pbebua. D. C. Health A Co., Boston; C IL Ames. D. C Heath Look at the style ; of this cult! It is of-the latest and most fashionable cut We have them double or single breasted, latest models t instrument 01 renown. 1 1 . : m 1 , tirWtsEm '"ASs4 for spring ; and summer wear-rand made with lasting and goodwearing qualities. We cannot afford to carry; any other kind, JH(kir& s& selling as we do on the installment plan. 1 Plate, o ivory keya, fun 7 1-1 octaves, in every and atuallv rivmm mam than can be obtained of any other Arm In America, that the House of Eilers does within a fraction of three quarters of aU tha piano bualneea In the state of Oregon, end a proportionate share of all the piano selling done In the entire racino nortnwesi, as well. ueginning pianos at $117. $161, fits. Instruments witn run iron plate, bushed tunlng-plna. respect equal tO"ola special "bargains" by amaller dealera at $171, fltO, etc And- mors than this, these pianos are aold with a guarantee of satisfaction, which Is ths only baals recognised with the House of Eilers. - Cooperative effort Is the seoret of modern buslnesa success, and the great power that reducea ths expense of handling,, transporting. distributing, buying,, eta. Twenty-six stores combine to the strength of the House of Eilers, covering all ths territory from Cali fornia to Alaska, and all the great In land Empire. There is no skillful Juggling of customers, no need for a sliding scale of prices one for one seeker and another for the next no tricks, no subterfuges, no snaree; the House, of Eilers sells for less simply because of superior facilities and greater power. In tha high class makes, the Hat of fered to the critical mualo lover by the That itself is a guarantee of the good quality ot bur clothing. All we ask is a small cash payment at the time of taking the goods arid then only any house In the country, and the larg est one. Among the famous makes are ine Maxeuon, tjteotc, Hobart M., Cable, Bueh A Qerta Crown, Haddorf f, Lester, Schumann. Story A Clark, etc., and otners. ana uien tn. three rreatest makaa in all the world the Weber Chlrk- erlng and Kimball. Such a choice mskaa buying easy, for any preference in thai matter or styie. tono , ana nmsn can easily be gratified. The lowest cost, tha highest value. in oesi quality, in a most noerai ex change feature, the strongest guarantee. the easiest terms all these contribute to make the Inducements offered by the House of Eilers most attractive to thai piano aeeker. - . ' Visit the House of Eilers ths House of Highest Qusllty Biggest, Busiest and Best 86J Washington etreet, cor ner of Park and inspect the matohleas display of pianos, including the wonder ful weite-Mlanon which reproduces tha NEAR SHOULDEB The" incomparable lanol"a, grSd" Orches? Irenes, Talking Machines violins, etc Prove by pricing, that Eilers Is ths place to buy.. A Co., Boston. 4) .' ARM SAWED OFF Frightful Accident to H. Hansen In Southern Pacific 51111 , Kesjr Eugene. 7RpMtal Dispateb t The JoeraaLl Eugene, Or., June 8. H. Hanaen, aged about 17 years, an employe of one of the Boutnern racino company's sawmills on the Mohawk, northeast of Eugene, while at work tn the mill yesterday after noon, was-accidentally thrown against! a revolving saw and one of his arms waa cut oir near the aboulder. He was nrougni to isugen last night and placed in the hospital, where he received prop er surgical cars, although the company surgeon st the mills attended to the in-! jury as well as possible with the limited means at his disposal. Ths loan of j blood and the shock of ths accident i were very great ana Hanaen may not recover. - ... -. .-,....:.-.... . ....., COOS BAY ROAD HlfS MSB a We Vear It WHile You Pay No ied tane. no securitv asked, no embarrassing . provisions. You can easily wear good clothing, how- says Shuiz-Davis Company's ever limited your meahs, if you take advantage of our Troubles Are Not of the Road's Making. easy payment plan and youll never miss the money RECORD ROSE TWENTY ; ONE INCHES DIAMETER 8. T. Lockwood of IT1 East i Eighth atreet north believes ' that he owns the record rose In : the matter of sise. A MUdren . Grant grown in the open yard measures 7. inches across and tl . inchea in diameter. It is a pink-' laa wane rose ana is now ais- (Special Dispatch to The JootmL) Salem, Or, June 5. Attorney 3. S. Coke Of Marshfleld has filed an answer to the complaint placed In the hands of tha commission by ths Ehuls-Davla company of North Bond, which com plains of discriminatory freight rates In favor of Portland shippers , and against local shippers maintained by i the Coos Bay, Roseburg . A Eastern Railroad A Navigation company. Tha railway company, In its answer, Prices $12 to $30 We'll be glad to give ybu credit, and itll cost you no more for a suit here than from the regular dealer. Come in and investigate played In the window of Felden- neimer, leweier, on Third and Washington streets. The other day a man on the east sldS told through The Journal of a rose a inches across and 18 Inches in diameter, - denies all ths allegations made by the complainant ana alleges tnat me said Bhufs-Davls company has never offered J ' a e "Suffered day and night ths torment of Itching piles. Nothing helped me un : til I used Doan's Ointment It cured me permanently." Hon. John R.. Gar rett, Mayor, Glrard, Ala. TIE5V lf TIMK carload shipments and never has asked) for rates, and that durlnsc the time it! has been In - business It has shipped I less than two tons of merchandise over! the said railroad lines, and that the shipments have been In small lots and at different times. I On account of the disadvantageous I situation of the grocery firm's place of j ousmess it is unaoie, says tne anawer, to compete with Portland and San Francisco Jobbers. The answer avers that the difference In rates on through shipments to Portland are as alleged in the complaint, but that its charges are I upon tne measured ton or merchandise averaging only about 1,000 pounds and are reasonable, and that no discrlmlmv-1 tion is snown against local snippers. The matter will come up for hearing! before the state railway commission all Maraoneia on June le. "GEVURTZ sells it fop . t GEYUSTZ BLOCK Bounko Bf wu nior An Sawo Srs Pdrtland- sbp ik maexsr jet ! uuill I Ulf'S.iu dsi'J'.ir li . . 1 " mm n I f 'vk s 1 less- - - smr mm rr-y 4-.--.-... a ; . iZ IT) r ... Kit's Clothing "Gevurte Sells It For Lea? , Some summer ties turn lout to be too ; binding. Ours are warranted not to " cramp one's , comfort, freedom or pocket All the new leath ers and new colors. $3, $3.50 and $4 ClotlunqCo Men's and Boy 'Outfitters. ie3tnd XeS.ThWSt.;-. - Ilohawk Building. , . YOUNG CULPRITS AT EUGENE IN TROUBLE (Spaeial Dispatch to The Journal.) Eugene, Or., June E. Howard Farlow, ged 19; Guy Richmond, 16; Ethel i'llllnw. , T fafcji Anna YKT1.11 S were arrested early yesterday moraine for violating ths city ordinance which forbids persons from roaming the streets after II o'clock at night They were round orunic and were locked up. Young Rionmond was turned over to the juvenile court. tne new taw. xne as provided -for- in Iris are being held airis are oein ....... . a au h.io, ... . v,a.,guiuu. and they may be sent to, the Boys' and Girls' Aid society at Portland. They live in country, and have been here for a week associating with hoodlums and carousing about town. Farlow will be held on the charge of giving liquor to minors. DEBT OFF SALEM'S y. m. c:a. building (8pdtl Diipstefc to Th. Journal.) Salem. Or.. June 6. The arreat whirl wind campaign in behalf of the local 1 Y. M. C. A. came to an end last evening after the sum of $4,050 had been raised for the work of the association and ths removal of the debt hamrin over its building. Secretary T. B. Rhodes of Portland planned the campaign and a committee or 60 business men, headed by Mayor Georgo F. Rodgers, brought ! the work to a successful termination. Seldom has Salem responded so gener I ally to the need of an institution. An Acre Bargain. There Is for sals at a very reasonable ' price for a few days only a: nicely lo lea ted acre of ground near three car tinea. Thu Is ons of the bsst buys In I the city and will be for sale for a few days only. This piece of ground is suitable for platting. The owner can be reached by calling Main COtt or Horns phons 1-I19T. " ' - : ' , . j rtx' A fsw slightly marred Slnrers, Savls, Wheeles ft Wilson, hTtandasds and truss Sewing Vafihlnes. The White - B. drons, 880 Tamhin, oor. 4th. Chicago Concrete Mixer Ths) latest ml ICany new features. It's &r ths ground. Mo tilting to dlsohfrgsv Vo stopping while loading, or Bisoharglng. AU or part of baton, discharged at will. It's monsy asrsr. ' so it, v STERLING BALL-BEARING WHEELBARROWS rot concrete, rook and dirt hTS bo qua!. , . RPAI f & 321 Hawthorn Ave: UMrXLK tsV nor? sact Mat. : 3 vS A TKUSC0JT LAUNCH 19 An Ideal Pleasure Craft at the Right Pricey Gssollse Engines Sold snd Repaired Canoes, Row Boats - Oars .and Paddles REIERSON MACHINERY CO; 182-4-6 Morrison Street i .NsV