The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 04, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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jfowoHrs AxtuzxzxTi.
Marqaam Oraad ,. ..OlrofU-OlrofU"
Baker ......A. .....w...."Meer Afaln"
Grand VandeTllle
1-rrta ...... .."81m of-ebe Fetter"
tar, , "Parkeet Buesle"
The Oaks 0. W. f. ears. First and Aldat
. nlaht Dr. M. B. Johnson of Ba.n Fran
, claco spoke on "The Japanese Question,1
' Introducing facts' to prove that the Jap.
aneae ara no leaa desirable clttsena than
other Immigrants. In the oouraa of bia
remarka, ha said: 'The oommlaaloner
of labor shows us that the majority
of Japaneee who coma to thla country
bring along their wive and families
and usually become permanent realdenta
of the country. Statistics show that
'the average Japaneaa spends more than
160 per year for clothing alone, and
that few European' Immigrants do this.
The Japanese are uniformly polite,
gentlemanly and well dressed,"
Miss Mollis Barlow, formerly a Port
land schoolteacher, and who has Just
returned from an extended trip abroad,
will talk tomorrow afternoon upon "An
, European Tour by Postal Card," at
the meeting of the Unitarian Woman's
Alliance. - The talk will be riven' in the
Unitarian chapel. Seventh and Tamhlll
-" Streets, at 1:19 p. m. Mlas Barlow se
cured while abroad a very fine eolleo-
tion of 'postal cards which she will
exhibit during her lecture..
The; Oregon railroad commission will
take np the matter at Pendleton today
of the question of a local between that
point and Portland. General Manager
J. P. O'Brien, General Passenger Agent
.William McMurray and General Super
Intendent M. J. Buckley of the Harri-
man lines left for Pendleton laat night
Clyde B, Altcheaon and W. K. Camp
bell, members of the commission, left
.yesterday morning. ...
High water has delsyed construction
work on the new Columbia river bridge
and workmen have been laid off. . The
Portland railway Is dumping rock
around piling of the trestle work on
the Vancouver line In order to prevent
wasning. no damage is reported so
far. but the strong current in the
slough lg such that a elose watch must
be kept over all bridges.
Waiting for your turn at the barber's
Is valuable time wasted and counts up
in a year. Life la short at the
most, so make the moat of It Go to
Albert Bern!, the druggist tit Wash'
Ington street and get one of his guar
anteed ahsvlng outfits. Savo time and
money bealdes enjoying the pleasure
and satisfaction that goes to the man
that shaves himself.
The regular meeting of the Portland
Ad club wUl be held tomorrow at I
o'clock at the board of trade rooms In
the Chamber of Commerce building. An
address by John H. Whyte, manager' of
tne Astoria chamber of commerce, will
be the feature of the evening. Impor
tant business representing the rose
fiesta will be considered ,
Water through hoee for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must bs paid for In advance
and uaed only between the bours of
and lam. and 6 end p. m. It
must not be used for sprinkling streets.
If . uaed contrary to theae rules, or
WastefuUy, It will be shut off.
A reception will be given Bishop Wil
liam Bell, D. t.. Dr. C Whitney, home
mission secretary, and Dr. H. 8. Gable,
church erection secretary at the First
United Brethren church. East Fifteenth
and Morrison streets, this evening at
Free to the Boys and Girls. -A box
of delicious little Royal cakes will be
given to every boy and girl who can
name which Is Johnny and which Is
Jimmy next week. . Save the Johnny and
Jimmy ads in this paper and watch for
tha. laat ad. .-. v i-
F. W. Thompson, general western
agent for the Rock Island and San Fran
cisco system, la in Portland looking
over his field. Re will go ron to .the
Sound and Spokane before returning to
the Bay City. V
' ' ansaeSaaeaSBaaaBB ' '' '?"' "
New swimming prunes ready St East
810 Athletic, club. ODen dtlir 10 DUO
lie. Expert instructors. Baths 15 cents.
Private lessons 60 cents. Ladles' days.
Mondays and Fridays. Phone East G70,
- White Flyer line of launches will
make daily trloa to the Oaks and r
turn. Boats leave foot of Tamhlll
street dally at 1:10 p. m.; Sunday 19
a. m. Tickets at dock office, 10 cents.
Wire and iron work of all kinds, fire
escanes. elevator encloaurea and fenoea.
Columbia Wire & Iron Works, 188-170
East Washington. Phone East 701.
Steamer Jesse ' Harklna. tor Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
sent Sunday. Leaves Washington street
Wire an i iron work, Are escapes, ele
vator enclosures, fencing. Columbia
Wire as Iron works, 168-170 Washington.
W. A. Wise, T. P. Wlae, H. A. Bturde
vant, dentists. Third and Washington.
Main 1021. Painless, method used.
Why pay more V Metsger fits your
eyes for It 111 Wash. St, cor. 7th.
formerly at 111 Sixth street .
One " to ' twenty acres cleared, west '
side, Be fare, for sale, Dr. Fehrenbach,
141 First street.
' Capltsllstl -Twenty-three acres for
sale aa k whole. Western Oregon Turst
Co.. 291 Stark street
Our " business has grown- be
yond all precedent and. it seems
Impossible to ' secure help . to
handle It We neve places for 71
more women at higher wages than
can be had at almost any other
work, and steady employment all
the year.
Union Laundry
v 'TEL. MAIN 398 . . .
Argument for Deena Concluded at
. Night Session In United State
v.'..- .. . Circuit Court.
Judge Thomas G. Halley completed
his argument for the defendants la tne
case of the Washington sheepgrowers
against W. H. Lytle, state - sheep in
spector, and aethers, before Judge
Charles E. Wolverton last night In the
United States clroult court, Decision
wae reserved. -v
So Important did Judge Wolverton
consider the case, he held an evening
session of. court i that the final argu
ments could be finished and tha suit
be decided.
The Washington sheep men are suing
Oregon Sheep inspectors and commis
sioners to secure the right of driving
their sheep across a part of Oregon to
fectlve June ..-Regular Astoria even-U" h.T,h. "hahT eTviV thaTr
ing train leaves union depot 6:69 p. m.
instead of 7 p. m., as Heretofore.
V xiark Tonlo for rheumatism.
Beck Jeweler to JMmyV-
. - i i i . ., ,i
" at
Kb Changes In Itinerary of Omaha
Business Men Who Will
Visit Portland. '
Assurance Is given by J. W. Guild,
who Is in eharge of the northwest ex
eurslon of Omaha business men, which
include! Governor Sheldon of Nebraska,
ihat the advertised schedule will be
strictly observed. There Is scarcely
town along the 8,000 miles of way that
has not clamored for more time, but
in arranging tha itinerary every mo
ment possible has been allotted to each
town on the list
The various cities along . the route
have shown great Interest in the ex
cursion aaJ many have planned elabor
ate receptions and entertainments. Al
though only scheduled for a trip of 16
days, so' numerous are the Invitations
that the party could easily' spend a
The Elks Quartet one of the best
quartets west of Chicago, win accom
pany the Omaha men and will be pre
pared to furniah muslo on short no
tice for any and all occasions.
"Every member of the party Is antlcl
patlng a moat intereatlng, pleasant and
profitable trip and looking forward to
meeting your people," says Mr. Guild in
a last word before seeing the people of
Portland in person.
Acme Oil Co. sells the beet safety coal
ell and fine gasoline, Phone East 711.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist has
moved his office tu 801-4 Buchanan bldg.
Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth, street
lunon to s; ousineas men s junon.
loisr bu
Moore, expert photographer.
building. Seventh and Stark Sta
Wedding cake boxes. Portland Paper
Box company, sos oax street.
N nrseryman-Pllklngton, ft Tamhlll.
: Sumi a, Madame fcClure Co.
' Beautifying creama. 8ee Mme. Hudson.
Levy's Muaio Bouse, 111 Fifth street
Photo mounts. Woodworth, 1V 1st
Kser soenio photoa Imperial hotel
' Dr. EvC Brown; Eye-Ear. Marquam.
; Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth.
. D, Chambers, optician, 111 Seventh
Barger eigne 184 Tamhlll phone.
Good "I.I0 shoes. '1 Marks Shoe Co.
Change In A, 4 G. R. R. Sohedule, EX-
Building PermiU. ,
V. A. Grant one-story barn, East
Twenty-eeoond between Tlbbetts and
Olive, $100; George M. Cord, repairs
dwelling. Haven between Hunt and
Houghton,-1160; C Knickerbocker, -one-story
dwelling. East Twenty-first be
tween Wygant and Going, 11,000; Dr.
George F. Wilson, one-story garage,
Irvine between Nineteenth and Twen
tieth, $100; J. L. Vickers, repairs dwell
ing, Lynn between E. Fifteenth and
East Seventeenth. ISO; repairs dwelling,
Borihwlck between Ekidmore and Pres-
oott; F. R. West, one-story dwelling,
East Ninth between Tenlno and Ta
coma. 11,100: Jue Sue, repairs store,
Second between Alder and Washington,
1160: Ed Heiman. one-story store. Third
between Mill and Market 1100; J. G,
Wlggington. repairs dwelling. East
Lincoln between Union and Grand ave
nues: Mrs. E. Smith, repairs dwelling,
Minnesota . between Emerson and Kil
lings worth,- 1100; 'W. B. Peacock, one-story-
store, Weldler between East Flrat
Hand East Second, 1100; O. B. Coldwell.
two-story frame, 8pring near Lowns-
dale, 4,600; Mr. Eaton, one-story ahed.
East Thirty-seventh corner East Mar
ket, 1100; C. F. Swlgert two-story
dwelling, Thurman between North Thlr-ty-aecond
and North Thirty-third, 11,000;
Damascus Creamery company, repairs,
store, Hawthorne between East Watar,
and East First tHO) J. E. Fenton, two
story dwelling, Grand avenue between
Beech and Failing, 11,000; O. L. Horan,
repairs, dwelling, Belmont between East
Thirty-ninth and East Fortieth, $400
Mrs. Bell, story and a half dwelling,
Portsmouth . avenue, between Monta and
Routledge, 11,400; Mrs. Dillon, story and
a half dwelling, Portsmouth, between
Monta and Koutledge, $1,400; F. B.
Holbrook company, one-etory office,
Eaat .Thirtieth corner of Klllingaworth,
$176; F. Spagele, two one and one half'
story dwellings, Hood, corner Pennoyer,
$2,400; T. A, Shoemaker, one-story
dwelling. East Nineteenth, between Al
berta and Wygant. $100; Grace Imhoff.
repairs, dwelling. Eaat Twenty-seventh,
between Division and Clinton. $1,400: S.
E. Coombs, three one-story dwellings,
Marcum between Amherst and Tale,
$3,000; . Malarkey A Co., repairs, store,
Front' between Morrison and Aider,
300; c. E. Holt, two-story dwelling.
Eaat Twenty-eighth, between Surman
and' Mildred, $1,660; J. C Alexander,
one-story dwelling, Rodney, between
numner ana Alberta,; J. H. ; Jan
sen, one and one half-atory dwetllng.
tuicxitai. between- union and Eaat
Thlrty-alxth, $1,600. (
A. C Schow. one- story dwellinr. Hum.
boldt between Michigan and Alblna ave
nues,1 11,100; J. Simon, ' five-story brick
store, xxura Between uusan and Hoyt
$7fi,ooo; J. A. 8herbeck. one-atorv
dwelling, Maryland between Maaon and
iskidmore, $100; C. H. Groasett, 1 -story
aweiung, umana between Kllllnasworth
and Burton, $1,600; S. M. ZlellnSki, one-
uwmni, ineiuuem oeiween iast
Eighth and East Ninth, $900; R. W.
rnce, one-story dwelling, Ellsworth
batween East Fortieth and East Fortv.
first $1,400; W. P. Arthur, two-story
dwelling, Berkeley between Rutledge and
Houghton, $1,100; Louis Asbell. one-
story aweiun. uavis near Denver ave
nue, $160; Robert Shaw, two-story
dwelling, Main between ' Nartllla and
oiout, ij.buu; aooiz , Aiaieben, one
story store, East Tamhlll between East
rorty-tnira ana jsast Forty-fourth. $76;
H. M. Lambert, one-story dwelling,
Stansbury and McClung, 1400, ,
stock summer pasturage. The easel
promises to be bltterily fought and will
undoubtedly go . to the United States
supreme court no matter which side
wins. The present trial was caused by
the provisions of the new Oregon sheep
law passed by the last legislature.
Tuberculosis Does Not Attack People
of Oregon Because of
tha Climate,
To sell on the
easy introduc
tory terms of
Per Week
W (Dp per
' . , r, - -.
The state board of health has Issued
1U monthly bulletin presenting sta
tistics for April and an Interesting!
paper on tuberculosis by vr. jo. a.
Pierce of the board.
The statistic show that there were
421 deaths in April and the largest
percentage of deaths by contagious dis
ease was tuberculosis. There were f 71
births and 110 marriages in me .state.
In regard to consumption Dr. Pierce
gays, that 774 people died in Oregon
from consumption between October 1,
1904, and September 10, .1106, and one
third of all the people whq die between
the ages of 16 and 40 dls of consump
tion. The death rate in Oregon, bow-
ever, Is low compared with other states,
because Of the equable climate. A clear
deacriptlon of the method of attack of
the tubercule bacillus with rules ror
avoidance of the dread disease and
rules for those already victims is given,
emphasising the Importance of fresh,
dry air and plenty of It
J. M. Barber of Forest Grove called
at The Journal office today with several
rare old coins that are among the most
Interesting yet shown by the various
collectors who have come to The Jour
nal. One is a medallion bearing on one
Bide the picture of the New Tork Mer
chants' "Exchange building, with the
words, "Merchants' Exchange, Wall
Street New Tork, Built 1127, Burned
1826.". On the other side is PlnckneyV
famous ' saying, "Millions for defense;
not one cent for tribute."
- Three of the coins in Mr. Barber's
possession ' are dated 1111 and are of
6, 10 and 60-cent denomination : On
the edge of the half dollar are the
words, "Fifty Cents or Half a Dollar."
Other coins are a l-cent piece of 1161;
Spanish coin, with King Carolus II
stamped on it, with the date 1777; Per-,
slan coin without date; Candian 10-cent
piece, 1S2T; Chill l-cent piece, 1171.
Anon Wit
1111 VL lUVL
kmm to Creli
A High Class
On these easy pay
ments you obtain a $60
value for $25. Investi
gate this proposition
Examine the machine
and you'll be convinced
. MM v JJJili Im
GEYURTZ BLOCK Bounmd Br fimi Im And Sdsnd Srs, Portland-
(Bpedal Dlapateb te Tte JoornaL)
Merrtll, Or., June 4. A bitter state
rf Tsksallvtcv skvfaf at Yt AVSl halfwJaain tVtaa ifiHaa
OFFICIALS ELECTED tlan Sclencs people and the unbelieving
public, fouowlngs the verdict of "death
from bronchial pneumonia, brought on
through neglect" which was returned
Officials at the poatofflce are happy
sauries which will become effective l""r"," ZZJ,.Jj. Vf.
Clyde Reed, traveling passenger agent
for the Canadian 4 Pacific, and Mlas
Helen White were married this morn
ing at 10 'o'clock, Mlas White i the
daughter of Walter F. White, 6(0 John
son street The couple will make a
short tour of the Paolfio northwest go
ing to Seattle, Victoria and Spokane,
before returning to Portland, where
they will make their home. -
July 1, because, of the entrance of the
Portland office into the first class.
Postmaster Mlnto's salary will be in
creased from $2,(00 to $6,000; Assist
ant Postmaater J. J. Shipley from $1.-
100 to $1,600; Cashier Richard Strauss
from $1,400 to $1,600; superintendent of
the mail department from $1,600 to
$i,2E0; superintendent of city delivery
from $1,600 to $2,250; superintendent of
the registry department from $1,100 to
$1,760; superintendent of money order
department from $1,200 to $1,000,
the case of Rowland Barrows, the T
year-old son of Mr. and Mra W. F.
Barrows, which occurred here laat Tues
day. Mrs. Barrows is a staunch adher
ent to Christian Science.
The child, it is said, had lust re
covered from an attack of measles when
seised with the Illness from which he
died. His mother, it is said, refused to
have medical attendance.
Since the autopsy and inquest which
were held In response to the popular
outcry, the opponents of Christian Sci
ence methods oC treating disease are
the local office under - the coming lnoring tor the proaecution of those
change, as follows: assistants to mail,
city delivery, registry and money or
der departments.
Pig That Selected Church Site.
.? From Tit-Bits.
Most Lancashire cyclists are familiar
with Wlnwlck, a village on the way be
tween Leigh and Warrington, surround
ed by good roads, and no doubt many of
theae wheelers have been struck with
the curious effigy of a pig carved in
the tower of Wlnwlck church.
It is said that when the church was
belne built a viz moved the foundation
ttnn. thnui Hm.i anil at 1 -Y ,lu.l
atone to remain on tha mnot. whtn h nouao. ne nwn arriTea mere in mo
church now stands. An effigy waa I Prosecution of hls:search for his wife.
they charge with responsibility for the
child s death. Mra W. p. Rhoada and
Mra J. H. Martin, Christian Science
practitioners, are included with Mra
Barrows as objects of the popular re
sentment: No steps have been taken,
but those charged with responsibility,
who command ample means, say they
are ready to fight the case to the limit
if proceedings are started.
Strange Coincidence In Deatha.
From the London Globe.
A strangely pathetio tragedy has been
revealed by. the death of a man in the
casual ward of the Tcntbrldge work
therefore placed In the church tower.
xne woras "win wick," utterea with a
nasal twang, resembles the grunt of blood vessel.
from whom he separated many sears
ago, and he died through breaking a
pig, and this Is also said to give the
village Its name.
v , The Story Limit
From the Youth's Companion.
When the Norwegian novelist BJorn-
son was in this oountry he was on one
occasion the guest of a popular club at
A man with a wide reputation as a
brilliant talker and speeebmaker told
an exceedingly funny story, at which
the Norwegian novelist laughed heartily.
The man told a second story and
BJomson smiled.
Then came a third story, and ' tha
novelist sat unmoved, even gloomy.
"It was a very good story," chlded
the novelist's mentor, "Why didn't you
'! am 40 years old," said BJornson
firmly, "and two stories are. enough."
He told his story to the workhouse
master, who made inquiries and ascer
tained that on the same day a woman
had died from a precisely similar cause
in the same workhouse. It was, the
missing wife. Both bodies are buried
In one grave today.
Tanraday, Friday Nights, Saturday Katlaea,
nne e. t, a,
Saturday Nljtht, June T,
Prices, both erenlna tad afternoon Lower
floor. $2.00, 1.0O; balcony, $1.60, $1.00. TSc;
gallery. SOe. Seats sow selling at theatre
boa ernes.
(Phone Main 2030.)
A Scintillating Hit
Prices ETenlng, 28c, OOe, .TBfl. Ma Usee,
25c and SOe. '
Pbone Mala A
On. L. Baker, Mar,
Last week ef the great Baker Stock Coat-
cany in tne screaming isree
i from the French
PnU stmurtb of tke company. A hearty
laugn in svery una.
E renins- Drtcea 25c. BSC. BOe: Baatlnae. 15c.
2Se. Matinee Saturday.
Next attraction "Tne rrinoe aad the
The Star sr
Week of Jane Id.
Grand Opening of the Reorganised
Presenting the NihlMatle Drama,
Matinees Toesdar. Tboradar. Aarnrdar and
Sunday at 2:80. Prices, 10c and SOe Kvery
erasing at 8: IS. Prices, 10c, 20e and 80c
Beaerre sests by pbone. Main 0496.
Next week, "Belle of Blcbmond."
Optician For your eyes' sake see Bu-
beneteln, 111 Fourth street
, Cheap Vegetables for Rome.
The municipality of Rome, in view
of the Increased prices of , vegetables
and fruit, has sanctioned the expend!-;
ture or tor tne establishment
of a vegetable and fruit market whlob
Is to purchase produce directly from the
farmers and sell it at almost cost price
to consumers. - -
Producers have been invited to bring
their goods - to. this s market - where
prices will be strictly - determined on
the principle Of ; supply and demand, . his wake.
All middlemen are to be excluded. .
- Sheep Befraya His Fellows.
7 From the Chicago News.
Andy and Tim are partners in the
sheep business at the stockyards, snd
with their silent partner they are like-
to remain a as long as he la suffi
ciently able bodied to follow his pres
ent occupation of "separating the sheep
rrom tne goats." captain a white
Cotswold ahoep weighing about 100
pounds. It Is "hia duty to assist his
owners In loading and unloading sheen
by leading them from and to the pens
and freight cars. As soon aa 'hi s work
of guiding to a car-is done Caproin sly
ly steps out of danger. . . r? ..
When he haa a drove to deploy from
the car he goes among them, mixes up
with the sheep a few minutes. Just to
calm their fears, and then trots away,
tne, gang moat Obediently following in
vnce a, tne pen, tte leaves
them and, goes Ar a new drove. . .
The Jacobs Shirt Co.
891 H Stark St., Bet' rout aad
- Fifth St, rortlaad, Oregon. :
Headquarters for tSe most scien
title Tailored Shirts in the city,
Workmanshitf lirst class, style
the . latest prices the most rea
sonable. ; ' '
Phaee Mala 488.
This Week the Allen Stock Company Present
' lag the Prominent Melo- -
5? dramatic Success, K
Matinees Tuesday, , Thursday, Saturday and
Sunday, Prices - 10c. Sue. Brerr eeanlnv at
8:1ft, Prleee. 10c, SOe aad 80c. "-, .
Reserred seats by phone. Mala SB, 0
flee enea freai 10 a. au to, 10 p, at, .
The Grand
Week ef June 8d.
fames aad Sadie
Leonard, Richard
Andersoa In "Mile.
Manhattan," . e r
'When Caesar Cs
Special added feature.
narry sooaer al uo.,
nressntias "The Walk
Log, Delegmta." XUlea
a KoOauley, Oleret
Conkey, Mils. Canta
refuU, .Fredarie Bob.
e r t a , Oraadisoope,
"The Stolen Pig,'1
fohn The Burkes
SAVE $25
$125 lots going for $100 Five
Dollars Down and One Dollar a
Week. , Offer positively closes Satur- ! 4 -'
day night. "Berkeley," Portland beau
tiful new residence addition, is just be
yond the golf links 22 minutes from I
the business center, bye two car lines. : ,
See or phone us. ' , , , ; '
The Jacobs-Stine Company
Fifth Floor S wetland Bldg.
Phones: A2311, Main 359
Corner Yang-ha and Twenty-fourth.
June 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Games called at S:S0 p. m. daily.
Qames called at 2:S0 p. m. Sundaya
Grandstand 286. Children 10a
box seats Zoo.
opxv 1a to ii t, m.
COVOZBTS TODAT, t;00, t:l, 7:41, S.tO, BT
Scbilzonyl's Boiiflarlaa Ecssars
WHABO-HO Terror of the Yellow Sea a
Maseam of War.
Beet music, dance pavilion, all new.
. Cars First aad Alder; boata foot TamallL
' Sneeiai aeeommodatlona arranaaA for nlcnte
fartlaa, ON MOTlCfi, ;- '
309 Ablnalon Selling Agl's
j Phonest A2699, Main d99 .
if ExareaTraBiBnEBBMBiBi vsntxsxssssxssxsxsz.
Big Opening Nexl Sunday
Sent to Bed With Nothing to
Eat but Water and Bread
Poor Johnny and Jimmy were thus severely
punished for fighting. "It won't hurt
them," . declared "Mrs. Jones. "Table
Queen' is so nutritious, they can't really suffer, and the. denial of
their usual tarts and cakes will teach them a good lesson.".
Mrs. Brown agreed to administer the punishment, for she ti Timmv a ttA tieti trrtriA mnA ItAeTefivei
f J ! ard combination to effect In boy. - '
JLC ir IUU VAii- 1CLL nOU l
Look for the word "Royal" Impressed In
the bottom of the loaf. '
v - -