The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Mail . Orders
Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns
Are the latest and best patterns
on the market An improve
ment over any other made. The
most economical, no waste in
cutting. Easily understood. And
they cost but 10 and, 16.
Promptly Filled
"Each mail order hat individ
ual attention at this store. No
"machine methods." v Personal
notice given to each mail order
customer, and orders filled the
same day received.
! Colonel Acted as Servant ; in America, Kiissia and :$
''f ;! ''Vv'' !" v" 1 vY'' STREET
The Japanese, said th 'clerk of th
Hotel Portland. "ar a wonderful peo
ple. A bell boy,, for. Instance, they
ere the beet we have, ever had In thle
.house; quick, intelligent clean, honst
and worker, thoroughly reliable Jn
every way. , Incidentally each 1 a per
feet a little gentleman as any guest of
ini hotel and know it. , ,
' "But there our knowledge of them
- eotnee fo a hopeless atop; what roe
on behind that calm or mlllng face
bo white man can oyer know.
w i "So far a I know Boyl Take thl
rentleman to number IB. ' Take that
one, for instance. He may be only
bright bellboy and he may be no-one
knowa-how-hlgtt In the Japanese gov
ernmant. I never thought, of thle till
one day an army officer from the Phil
ippine and a retired naval officer were
staying her and a officer will do,
began comparing note. I wa not on
the deak at the time and Joined them
for a quiet smoke, one of them being an
old friend of mine. ' A Japaneae boy had
just served ua with cigars and left In
. usual, almost racial polite noiaele
way wnen I noticed the army officer
: M?hat chap.' he remarked, "reminds
y me of the valet our colonel, had. but
he called him hi 'striker,' I a dead
ringer for him: Jo we called Mm. Joe
served, drink, , blacked boot, brushed
clothe, ran errand, and 'did house-
hold work for 120 a month and ration.
Colonel wa In luck, of course, , But
one day Joe suddenly, with a mountain
' of the politest kind of excuses decided
. to leave. And leave he did. The colo
nel argued, swore, and offered to raise
hie .wsgee to $25,. then to $10. But Joe
waa dense ae wood. So he passed out
of our existence, ' but we remembered
him because he had been the best ser
vant 1q the post, harbor fortification
by the way; I won't say just where,
for reantm of state. Joe had a small
scar on his left eyelid, barely noticeable
and then only from on direction.,'
f amll
."'A'year later I wa In St Peters
berg at a dinner In a hotel with some
prominent Russian, officer. The man
who , waited on u with,' th win waa
Joe..On the aide I . spoke, to , him, but
with that bright quick smile he as.
sured me that he did not understand
English; and when my question was
put In Russian he replied that he hsd
neVer seen ' me 'before, hadn't had the
honor, . etc I waa pussled, and came
to the conclusion that I wa mistaken,
when, he turned his head and I saw a
scar on hi left eyelid.
Xater X wa in Port Arthur before
the war and eat down in a barber'
chair for a shave. The Chinaman, queue
and all, who shaved me had a scar on
his left eyelid, was dumb and rather
Stupid.' t V ;.'.'-..,: s--". i-.
"The next time I saw Jo he was
colonel in command of a regiment of In
fantry going to the front He knew me
then, and we had a pleasant chat about
America, St. Petersberg and Port Ar
thur. And all the time he had been
colonel of ' that regiment. Ugh.1 Catch
an American colonel blacking a China
man's boot and braiding hi queue for a
chance to copy plana of a fortification
But a Jap can do It and retain hi dig
nity. ; Jo aid.' ; .' . 1
Ur.. Clark had been Interrupted half
dosen time while relating the above, i
but a lull gave him a chance to continue;-
-' - - -
Then the navy .officer epoke up and
Ton know, don't you what caused
the official order to -remove all for
eigner from United States warships.
except enlisted mens, of course? No?
Not long ago a Japanese warship ran
Into Manila. Our rear admiral got out
his boat and went off to call on the
Visitor. The Japanese commander turn
ed out to be the "old man'" own cabin
boy of only two year -before. . Word
went to Washington and that order re
sulted, oreat people,- tne Jap
(Joeraal Special Senlea.)
Kansas City, Mo.,. June 4. Ten min
ister of Christian churches In Kan
sas City and on evangelist began the
work of building a frame church yes
terday. The structure 1 to be en
tirely built by ministerial labor and
- there will be enough of It up by Sun
day for the first services, maybe.
Roanoke Boulevard Christian church,
that's what it 1 to be called, 1 to
serve the purpose of the congregation
In the district until fund enough are
ralaed to build a more pretentious
structure. .
The minister arrived at th Bite
early this morning. Their coat were
discarded, overalls donned and work be
gun in earnest.. Not a man among them
Is an expert carpenter, but each can
drive nail and saw board. The work
la bclne? don In a systematlo manner, I
being .directed tr w. . o. Hoidman, a
regular carpenter, who is employed to
supervise. , At noon . the women mem
bers of the church served lnuch to
the workers. .
' (Joaraal Special. Berrke.1
Los . Angeles, Juno 4. Inspired on
the spur of th moment, while deliv
ering a little box of candy to a de
parting missionary friend, Ml Clara
Helntx. a popular society girl, started
on a five years' sojourn in the prac
tically unknown land of the far north.
She decided In five minute to accom
pany Deaconess Carter who has been
here visiting her brother, to St John
Pariah, in th Alaskan wilderness, 10
mile beyond. the vArctta circle, where
i ' ' f
white person. Deacon Stud jt,
only one
Mies Heints 1 th daughter of the
late Carl M. Heints, editor of the Rural
California!), and ha long been Interest
ed in" missionary work, but apparently
never naa tnougnt of taking It up.
She Is a member: of -Christ Episcopal
cnurcn. en expressed her determina
tion to Jitt-TOOther and sister before
leaving to carry the gospel farther
north than any whit woman ha aver
Collier's and Post Are Not to
1 Be Found on Indianapo
lis News Stands. ""
J (Joornal Special Servfce.)
' Indianapolis, Ind Jun 4. Not
rHxuinv of Collier nor a copy of the
I , Saturday Evening Post can be secured
in this city. Persons interested in the
'article regarding Vice-President Fair-
bank which appeared In the two pub
llcatlona. which reached here on Satur
day, hav been, making the round of
the hotel and news stands, but it is
Impossible- to get a copy of either pubr
Ilea tlon. The thing l unprecedented in
this city, as both periodical have ai
: ways been on the news stands for day
and even weens arter puoucauon.
i It 1 aald that . the local-notice of the
nnearance of the two article aroused
the friend of Vice-President Fairbanks
and that a soon a the periodicals ar
rived they went Jn force to the hotel
: and new deslers and bought up every
' copy that came to the city, except such
as were ordered in advance by regular
''patron. ... , , ' -
i .Normand Family Again Bereft.
' ' i (Special DIptch to Tbe Journal.) i. '
f Astoria, Or.,. Juen 4. Ml Lucy, thei
27-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mral
Alex Normand, died at the family resi
dence In Olney yesterday, after an Ill
ness of three months. Two month
sgo, Margaret, another daughter, aged
zi years, a lea or the same malady.
Canadian Pacific Excursions
On June (, 7 and S very low excursion
rates will be In effect via the Cana
dian Pacific. If your tickets read via
this "great acenlc route," you may seel
the Fraser and Thompson river canon,
jne vauey or tne Jiiecuiewaet -Albert
The Great Glacier of the Selkirk.
Banff the Beautiful. V
For rate and full narticular annlv
i ujo tocai Qiuce, ita xnira street.
frefened Stock Censed Oooda."
. Allen cV tAwla Best Brand.
(Special Dltpateh to The lonnuLt
Spokane, Wash.. June 4. Mvatarlnna
circumstances surrounding the death of
Mrs. julla N. 6 wan son of 2004 Gardner
avenue, wire or uustav Swanson, an
old-time business man. , Coroner F. P.
Witter said he could' hot tell whether
death came from alcoholic poison. Dr.
George Gray prescribed tablets for her
and she took all of them at one dose.
but the doctor said he did not think
the medicine could have caused death.
Mr. Swanson told neighbors hi wife I
had. asked him to bring her a bottle of I
porter, which he did. when he entered
her chamber later she seemed asleen
ana ne aia not attempt io arouse her.
Two hour afterward fee discovered she
was dead.
I : ' ' .' r-1 , .. : , , ,
Suits One-Third Less
White Waists Half-Price
'Wednesday the last day of
these two phenomenal sales.
Suits that you can use to
good advantage on your va
cation trip. And the waists
are dainty lingerie affairs
that you can use at any time.
Buy here and save. Suits
are in plain or. fancy mater
ials, Eton, Pony or. Jacket
styles, elaborately trimmed
or in the plainest tailored
styles. You have the largest
suit stock on the Pacific
coast to choose from, and to
morrow, for the last time,
you can buy for one-
third less than regular. J
Regular prices $13.50 to $135
While Waists at Half Price
A lot containing several hundred Waists bought at half
regular prices, on account of a manufacturer having too
many on hand. . Cold weather in the east makes white
waist business slow there; Oregonians profit The pret
tiest and filmiest of Lingerie Waists, in rich materals
and trmmed with exquisitely beautiful lace and em
broidery, worth regularly from $5.00 to $28.50. 1 A,
Your choice . . . .
Worth to
The most beautiful Hats possible for the mind of
the most expert milliners to conceive. The Hats
that have determined the headgear fashions for
the well dressed women of Portland this season.
The most aristocratic, the most cleverly designed ,
products of the best millinery artists, of Paris.
Going at OnerThitd to
One-Hatf Their Value
The highest priced Hats in the house, artistic
conceptions that have sold for $50.00 to $75.00
each are on sale Wednesday, C7C fifi
your choice for
Pattern Hats, t
Choice, one-third less than regular
Pattern Hats, that sold for $30 to $50. 1 U
Pattern Hats, that have been selling for 1 A
$15 to $30, now go for one-fourth less
Smart Little Trimmed Hats, good materials, fetching shapes and tastefully trim
med, worth double and more than double the prices we make for Wednesday.
tour lots, as follows: v
$2.98, $3A9, $3.98 and $5.00
. I I I I. I. .1 I ! , n . , ' V
Flowers, for trimming pretty Hats for summer wear, fine quality goods O Ef
that sell regularly up to $1.00 the bunch. Choice . f awOv
Women's Tailored Hats, from some of the best makers in the world, Gage, Con
nely, Bendell, Gearhart, Fisk and Castle, regular values up to (fcC flfl
$2500; special .,.......... JpO.UU
Fancy Dress Goods 82c
In addition to our bargains in white dress goods will
place on sale our entire stock oT fancy summer "dress fabrics at
great reductions, which should appeal to any shrewd buyer.
Every piece of it is of 'the Olds, Wortman & King quality.
Reg. $1.00 grades, now.. 82f
Reg. $1.25 grades, now.. 08
Reg. $1.50 grades, now. . $1.10
Reg. $1.75 grades, now.. $1.29
Reg. $2.00 grades, now.. $1.39
Reg. $2.50 grades, now.. $1.49
Fancy Silks Worth to $i.5Q Yard at 65c
Here's surely a grand bargain for thoseVith a waist or dress of
silk materials to buy. This special is on the best sort of silks,
and the patterns are all goodjones, too. Silks of all kinds, and
in full pieces, not short ends or oddments. A tremendous clean
up of hundreds" of yards, silks that sell regularly for up to $1.50
the yard, in fact, the prices are $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the yard.
Now for Wednesday and Thursday the price will be
only, a yard UJC
White Sale
20c White Nainsook tlVzc Yd
Imported Satin Bed Spreads,
large size, come in' handsome
patterns, reg. $4.50 AO f A
values ;,sale price ...)) uU
White Linen Suitings, 40
inches wide, a. regular , 60c
grade; extra special AOn
sale price HtCX
Pattern Table Cloths, 3 yards
long, each $315, d4 OC
$3.60 and .'. . V . . . tjWe&tJ
White Persian tawn, in soft
finish, regular 35c Ofi
quality ; special iJL
Checked and Plaid White
Nainsook, Dimities and Dotted
Mulls, that sell regularly at
20c the yard ; ri I
special sale price laW2C
Bleached Table Damask, 2 full
yards wide, a regular $1.25
value; special sale QC
price ODC
White Openwork Batiste, in
striped, spotted and figured
designs, regularly worth 50c"
the yard; special
sale price
On Wednesday we will have
a special sale of Irish Point
Lace Curtains at a great re
Values worth $6.50; &M 7C
special at1 .....
Values worth $7.50,
special at
Values worth $8.50,
selling: at
Values worth $9.50, 7 fA
selling at ..J)I.VW
White Wool
You might think that this
is not tne time to Duy wool
blankets, but with prices like
these, ANY time of the year
is the time to buyc;
White Summer Footwear
Grand Values on Good Canvas Shoes for the Sale of White
2000 Pairs Women's Canvas Oxfords $1.39
They come in blucher cut, with light and Cuban
heels; another style is in the regular lace, with a
plain toe and a medium weight sole. Or you
may select a neat oxford with good weight soles,
in the extension style, low, broad heels..
Any of these three styles are regularly Qfl
worth $2.00 the pair. Choice ..... .... MCe7
5000 Pairs Women's Canvas Oxfords $1.98
We have garden ties, Gibson and Grecian Ox
fords, with both light and heavy soles; also blucher oxfords, with
either medium or light soles, swing and straight lasts, finest Sea
Island duck. Low heels for misses. v..
These have been regularly sold at $2.50. gr
Choice A LHft
Women's Kid Oxfords $1.79
In these we offer youtour styles, light and heavy soles, blucher
and regular patterns,' some of them with dull tops: all made of
the best softkid leather. Take advantage of our offer A 7f
of $2.50 shoes, your choice,. at . . ........ ..... . .Jh 1 . JJ
Men's Wear
All white articles in men's
wear artf specially priced for
this sale Great chances lor
saving, for there are many
things that men wear in white.
Here are sample values:
50c White Balbriggan
Underwear, sale price
75c quality, 63, and all
white Underwear in propor
tion. Reduced prices on white
Shirts, white Vests, white Ties,
white Jersey Sweaters, white
Handkerchiefs, etc.
Women's $1.25 Petticoats 87c
Women's White Petticoats, of
fine cambric, with deep lawn
flounce, trimmed with either
clusters of tucks and deep em
broidery edging, or clusters of
four hemstitched tucks and
hemstitched edge. Regular
values $1.25 each; 07
very special 1 . , . . .'. ......Of C
Women's Corset Covers, in full
front style; exquisitely trim
med with Val. or Cluny lace,
or Swiss embroidery; regular
$1.50 values; . l 1Q
special ............ tylle7
Children's White Petticoats, of
fine cambric, with deep double
flounce of lawn, trinyned with
four clusters of tucks and tor
chon lace edging; regular price
82c each; r
special ...... . . OOC
Women's Corset Covers, of fine
nainsook, ,: in many styles,
trimmed with lace or embroid
ery, very pretty and dainty;
regularly 7oc each ;
The Best Scbttrtag Soap Mads
A Scouring Soap. :
A Meta? Polish
A Glass Qeaner ; ;
erature, lt07
Gardiner Th Bllile. a Enlih Wt-
7.'.. . v
Klly Practical ProTam for Work-
logmen. HO. "' 1
Prentice-rederai rower ; over car
rier and Corporation. 107. '
Robson-Report of a visit to Amer
ican Educational Institutions, 1905. -
Russell A Rlf by Making of tbe
Criminal 10.
Beal Oraase of North America, I v
Xiommel Experimental Physics. I89t.
Fhenlx First Lesson In Chemistry,
18M. -
Ratsel Th History of Mankind, S v.,
Davl Mother and Chlfo. ed.'f I,' 1I0S.
Peerj-Sugar and Sugar- Cane, 10S.-''
Gsrrlsh-r-A Text Book of Anatomy by
American Author, ed. t, rev. 1)02.
Ooodchlld A Tweney Technological
and Scientific Dictionary. 10.
Horner The Principle of Fitting.
1105. ..v
New fork (Ute) Lewis and Clark
Exposition Commloslon New Tork at
tbe Lewis and Clark Exposition, Port
land, M0. -
Robinson Oa , and Petroleum En
gines; a' Manual for Student and Engi
neers, ed. 1, t v., 1906.
Roosevelt Special ' Message to Con
gress on Panama Canal, 1906.
Rose Complete : Practical Machinist
ed.19. rev. 1906.
Waugb Systematlo Pomology. Treat
ing of tbe Description. Nomenclature
and Classification of Fruits, 1903,
Weed Insects and Insecticides: f a
Practical Manual Concerning Noxious
Inserts and tbe Methods of Preventing
Their Inlurles, ed. , rev. 1906.
' Ady Tbe Painters of Florence from
the Thirteenth to-tue Blxteenth Century.
1906. v j
BelUnl Giovanni Bellini,' by Everard
Meynall. 1905., . , . .
BevierThe House, It Flan, Decora
tion and Care, 1907. . . , , , .
Burne-Jones Sir Edward Burne
JTonesi by Malcolm Bell. 1904..
Constable Constable's Sketches " In
Oil and Water Colors; by Sir J. ,D.
Linton, n. d.
Ingres Ingres; by L. O. Usanne, 1906.
Lamberth & Co. Specimens of Cali
fornia Cottages and Bungalows, 1906.
Lewis Ethics of Wagner's Ring of
the Nlbelung, 1906.
Llppi Flllpplnp Llppl; by P. O. Kon
ody, 1905.
Litchfield How to Collect Old Fur
niture, 1906.
Shakespeare The Art or singing;
new and rev. ed. pt 1, 190 J.
'' Guns, Ammunition and Tackle, 1904.
Stagg & WUHama A, Scientific and
Practical Treatise on American Foot
ball for Schools and Colleges, rev. ed,
1894. V
Aa Naaukeurlge ' Vereamellng- . der
Gedenkwaardlgste ice an Land-Reyon,
Gannett The United. States, ! 898.
Huelsen Roman Fonim ed: I1906.
Keane Asia, 1 v. 1896-1906. - , .
- Pelxotte By Italian Seas, 1906. '
Redesdale Th Garter Mission to Ja
pan, 1906 , '
Thaxter Among the Isle of Shoals.
Thomson Outgoing Turk, 1897. '
Annual Register for the Tear 1790.
Colvin Making of Modern Egypt, ed.
4. 1906.
Eliot Turkey in Europe; by Odyss
eus (pseud.) 1900.
Ethics Authentic Statement of All
the Facta Relative to Nootka Sound,
1790. " '' . . ..,
Hosmer Appeal to Arm. ,".'"
Macktnnon The Growth and Decline
of th French Monarchy, 190.
Marx Revolution and Counter Revo
lution; or, Germany in 1848. 1904, ed.
by Eleanor Manc.AveIlng.
Omond Bruges and West ' Flandara,
Painted by Amedee Fores tier, 1906.
Baoon. Francois. Viscount St Albana
Francl Bacon, HI Life and Philoso
phy. 1 TV 1901.,.VV." .;'..,.,.,,( :....-..-
Comenius, J. A. Comenlua and the
Beginning of Educational Reform; by
Will 8 Monroe. 1900. .
James II. King of England Adven
tures of King James II of England;
by Thomas LongueviUe. 1904.
Sheridan, R. B. B. Sheridan, a Biog
raphy by W. Fraser Rav t, 1896.
Simpson. Sir 3. T. bait Sir James
Toung Simpson and Chloroform: by
H. Lalng Gordon, 1898.
Tennyson, A. T., first baron Tenny
son, His Homes, HI Friend and Hi
Work; by Elizabeth Luther Cary, 1902.
- Behrena Unter der Llnde;' von W.
Heimburg (pseud.). ' .
Goodrich Balance of Power.
Jacob Captains AH.
Lancaster Spur to Smite.
Th Western Federation of Miner.
which baa 1 been brought Into great
prominence by the trial of Havwrwvi .
Boise, held Its flrlt convention en May
1S( 189J. in Butt,: Montana, with r 4 2
delegate present from 11 local union.
Don't let your child Buffer
eough when you can eure it
1th tht
1th Ism.
uorenound Kvrun. m. tun nm f,.
Coughs, Bronchitis, Inrliiensa, Croup an I
Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle a., 1
try It . .. .
. B. & Laugher. Byhalfa, M!. wr
"I have two children who ha.t m f
tried many different rem!!, i ! j
must say your llorehour.4 nr.;i u t
beet Croup and Congh rnn. -.. t
used." - Sold by aU Sruu:u.