I THE, OREGON DAILY . JOURNALS ' PORTLAND. TUESDAY ' EVENING, JUNE 4, , 1007. shy :mm no mmn iifhv EtEIIEII fJEIIlE iMICllOEO 10 HELD Oil JURY OE EXNGAIIT CROWDS THAN ROOSEVELT OF HEW SCHEME KffflDU sr Evangeline Booth; Daughter of General Booth of Salva- J. Whyte Evans Introduces University Petitioners' At- To Be Seen at the Livestock Shoe Dealer Is Last Man to Taxpayers Vote Down Mcas- . tlon Army, Is in Portland Will Speak Tonight at &aie 01 itcai siaxe aiv . torney Mies Action - Show atCorvallis Fridav Qualify for a Scat in . ures Calling for Increase j .' White Temple and Leave for Seattle. : xuum aucuuii, mu je itusned. and Saturday. 4 Schmitz Case. of Bunning Expenses. MISSBOOTH DRAWS LARGER IKWIE . ' : - y j .. ; t . I . - . . . . , , , ...... . ,. t , - ' . . , . . .,'", a. ' 1 . ' , f DEISTS Imagine a woman who, la a city of the United State, can command larger audience than the president of the United States. That woman alts in . ., ' her room at the Imperial hotel in dark blue suit made perfectly plain with a blue tie at her throat and a hug f ' enveloping cape thrown oyer, herself. ' with a red-lined hood tossed hack from . . her short ahock of ourljr brown hair. ' She la Evangeline Booth, the youngest V daughter of General Booth of the Sal- yatlon Army, and beloved the world over. ' Miss Booth has Juat returned from a ' remarkable trio through California. At ' Berkeley the epoke In the Greek am , phltheatre, was introduced by the gov inor and there collected to bear her - the largest crowd ever assembled there, 7 . not excepting the occasion of President ' Roosevelt's visit a few years ago. The vast seating capacity of the wonderful , open-air theatre was filled to Its limit; people stood Inevery available apaoe; - 1,109 extra chairs were put Into the orchestra circle, and still people climbed trees and sat on the surrounding hill sides to hear this remarkable woman ; speak. - Miss Booth with her full dra- , matlo volca tells of It as the most won . ' derful experience of her life the mar ' . vel of being the center of that throng f and being heard distinctly by all of ' them when she spoke. ' "When Z waa .through speaking," aha f said. "I could not get away for a long 1 time and whon I finally managed to get Into my automobile they fairly fell on 'Stop of me and as far as I could see ...j they waved? their adieus to me. Their i uniiuwu v. umuvu rviiuci- ful and pathetic" ' . 'i After the Ban , Francisco catastrophe last year. Evangeline Booth hastened at ; ' once from, New,Tork -cancelling all en- i gagements t help the Sufferers. : Ehe raised S21.90O for them and was one of , the first to. arrive on the scenes from a ; distance. xTo this , she. accredits - the ' warmtlTTOf her reception in Berkeley ' and she speaks of It with, tears in her , leyesv. :' - I Valuable realty holdings were out ud I Sruvi.i m.-.-- . -..' .. -i nay musi nave known and felt the at oubiio auction in the lower corn-1 Baiem, Or.. June .-Fnnnwin 1 tha sacrifices Z made for - them at that I dor" of the chamber of commerca build-1 opinion of Attorney-Oeneral Crawford. lime,- sne said. ... y , t . I muming vr noyu jcrnns. i b-ju iuk morning, Holding that the pa-1 (Special Dlipateh to Tba JoarnaL) Corvallls, Or June 4. Preparations are apout complete for tha big llve- tn ij,m i.Iu. .1.. ... J.J.. ' . I Auctioneering real estate is a new.fea-l tltlon aakln for th ivT- I stock show to be held In thin tt trri the city was at her disposal but so tur ,n PrUand real estate circles, but measure appropriating $116,000 annoally da3r nf Saturday. All entries for the llmffl r. 1 u a nractlca common In San Francisco. I for the Unlverattv nr i I Show ClOSO ftt ( o'clock FrMii avanlnv ths vast crowd that assembled that the New Yorlt and othr tnetropolitan cities fmeet the requirements of the Initiative ThervW,l,.b lar" BUI" of animals police had to manaa-e the nennin 4tl w smaller cities. and referendum act passed In 1807. Beo- on "h'oitlon, according to. entries Al- meeting began an hour Int. tM mi.. Washington," a rooming house rotary of state Benson has refused to f.wa3r lm9j Thera Is deep interest Booth and her party nad to climb ovir at Northrup street, completed about ma it and to certify tha petition to be I "rougnom ma county and an Immense a fenoa to get admittance to the hn3. 1ht months sgo, was sold under tha Placed on the ballot ror vota at the cr0.wd .wU b. ,B attendance. Tha Cor ing oy a Dack entrance. And It i,.a 'lunnl,r IU ., a price rouon do- i "- juuh . uu iuhu.m. music. been tha same wav in Chinm rtm.H. low the figure placed on tha . building Des Koines, Peoria and a dosen other I by real estate men generally. Mr. Ev plaoes where such crowd, h... I ana considers tha building worth every before been collected. Miss Booth will ?en r 150,000 and says that It pays speak tonight at the Whit T.mni. big Interest on that amount Later In and will lo.v. inmuti.ui. i the dav.two other men anniLreil and to meet her father who Is lust rtur. I ld that they had bid 140.000. The waive formal pleadings, that the suit Ing from Japan where, he was given I auctioneer asserts that ha did not bear m come up as soon as possible. great reception. 4 Hs waa then I m dio, out me property will om put by tha emperor and his visit was made I UD "aJn for sale, so Mr. Evana stated a government affair. They go east toth, afternoon. . . gether General Booth tn ..it t. The offers were considered rtdlo- don and Miss Booth to start from New ulously low and the reason for tha low, York later 'On another tour. Dld aiven by Mr. Evans to be that -"The work haa spread all over the tha newness of the schema of buying worm ana is still growing," she said. I ' auction ratner starues tne ouyers "Everywhere people now have faith ni who tend to be very careful before pur- trust In tha army, for Jt has proved I chasing. Residences were placed on Itself. The world show grow better be-1 th market by the auctioneer. Captain causa Of all tha army la dolna- tar I H. J. Meagher, but were taken off with- It" - out being sold to givs time for Investl- rlssa and Zntrles. Tllmon ' Ford, attornav . tnr tha naf I. inn mS Th. Mif..Dl?.lfn,l! f'1' following is a list, of entries and shoe dealer, waa sworn in as tha elev count; r: r",":: " rr." . " . tw.."."" .' or the va- - oui.uiry to viru noui classes: ij mm peuuon. ECONOMY GAS C03IPANY ' WILL HAVE PBANCHISE ginacr Examiners and Electrical Inspector With Off ice Full of Depi utJoa Favor High Liquor License) - (JTaaraal BdmUI servlee.) Ban Francisco, Juna 4, Juror Boeck I man, tha eleventh Juror accepted and sworn in the Schmidts case, was dis missed from the jury this morning by I reouest of ths state, reduclna- ths num- I bsr of men in ths box to 10. BoeckmanlCitr Will Do Without Hoard nf Rn. Tlrey Ford, attorney for ths United Railways, who Is under Indictment and because Boeckman' son is employed by a road affiliated with the United Rail ways. . V- 'i ' . A few minutes later Hugh Burns, enth Juror. ThA.All.Vk..A. V.I & . . .. I 1 . The attorney-general hs. agra, to ou.ioond mV.iKm WOOLEN MILL uv. lonnu nLUTinM .k.. ka i a . . . . . . lanuara trotting norses, Perchsron draft Clydesdals draft coach and Cleve land nays, 'Belgian draft : latue, dairy elaaa Jerseys. Ouern. BEV. BUEGETTE SHORT VERY; MUCH OBLIGED sssssbssbbsbsj Portland Divine Given Long Stun. mer Vacation Will, Enjoy His Much Needed Beat There will be no board of engineer ex. amlners, no electrical inspector - with an office full of d-putles, nor any other Increase in salarv arn.n... ... FOR OREGON CITY th' "wmct. - r wnoer tne proposed municipal lawa by Initiative, voters yesterdsy defeated the seys, Holstelns. milk strain, ah'orthorna Optiong Secured bjr the) Bishopa proposed acts providing for an examln. fn AaV.S I. ' J In aV nAt. fWej Ar Alt awl MAaaa M a Beef class llerefords. Ah.rft.. a.. gua Premiums in all classes; first p secona ana tnird, ribbons; herds, first prise, .silver .cup; second mr tnira, riDDOns.. Sheep First second and third prises. riDDons; nock, sliver cup. . Entries unooina, uouwoid, Shropshlres, Dorset JTiae DlspUy of Xorses. ing board of engineers, and the proposed i.auiaiing tne installation, opera, tlon and maintenance of all aleotrlsal wlrpg, r w , , ....... v , The Economy Oaa eomptiv by the' pHvilege granted them by iivwters. , wiu De given a francnu- fnnMivMh. . Oregon City. June 4. Oregon City Is to furnish gas. eucDiw'nmina t,...rtvNkJ 1 -.Ill m.AA.A .A I tha ItMltl .hi . . "1 v uiT Kfiunvr w uvi.u wui wjuvu w i . . u w kuu uianuiacture gaa tor Its Industries. The Gladstone . Real aomastle ami other purpose j, ins proposed act to increxe th re- There If High Assurance of ' . Another ?llg Plant. " (Special Dltpateh ta The JosrssL) miss ootn is a believer in woman'a I gation or prospecuve ouyera - l n n v . ....... . I on.t vh.. .. . . . . - i tr-t.t . v.. .n .-in. rh. m a. s Tn Th.rl irl atiTi V .mhl. 7 li W.B " "rest and laughed noraa. , , ., , . . Must above the Bouthern Pacillo bridge l"Z "Z"" . . i v.7 wr y . -tm women have the power ef the I tlon- There are still a number of real- reniaiiv hm ..vr . ... I Hoe-a rint .. .n., . I . ... I 0r every 800 inhabitant!, was lnv.it ballot anyway through, their ha.banda. to be aold l before night Ths plans for tha 00 summer ' rlbboni; tVw idpT frritprissVlVer of Portia favorably by rotera' TbFs to Thi .ca? P throh the home and auction wUl be hold June 15. W know myself." ? LtA. nh.. cup; second and thlS I llhX V iSK ?5 .PorUand: wlth.. tb?.. ?nd,r"tn?,B! was fought by tha Municipal action or flvln ma the whole summer BerahlrM Chester -Whites? Polanl Lw . , v. T V , , II- J " l"" grourws that its provls on fun n ia . i-.iw..r I Thin.. -v-u-v. . '. . v""" that place whlch will employ not less Ions fostered a counia of ink.i-a to get used to all In one day. I was I In the list of horse entries there will thaa 109 men on th trt This project r the brewers and wholesale ' liquor get what they want In tha army we make no. distinctions between man and women. ' A woman can rlaa to n Office that a man can ' and we1 have proved how effectual . her work la Bverywhere It la known that her In tuition is keener, than a man'a. and the army Is glad to advance her to the nt. most and draw no line." . In Miss Booth's Dartv are Cammia. sloner Oaorga A. KUhy, Brigadier a nomas man yon ana ner huntv Major Agnes Page. . TEXTBOOK BOARD NOW IN SESSION i00 v,n 'orwarah aome reluctance saddle horses, single drivers, dou- 0M ot interest to all, aa It will mean eould Ula a complete mo vi tnrourn tne not season.!"'" ontin, arait teams, grade araf 1 1 """""" yjrw in- m 1 " : : ' . wu waua. -ins ot .hijt xnends practically I orooa mares, prood Better List to Choose From and Disposition Noted to Decide Upon the Best. ' : LUDICROUS S DE ; QUaebei between men ' OF THE ELECTION (flpeckl Dtopeteb te The JoaroaL) Balem, Or June 4. At the Initial meeting of the state text board eora- V T?'V"n tit lrTT-riTiTiT. I mlloner. which is in sesaion at the here Is very herd on m in )n . t iU-Ai .uMJ X MVJUJLilU suta house today. Harvey W. Scott of Mope to go Somewheres where the h.. Portland was chosen chairman of ths n"1 f reese-ups In winter, such as I commission ana Frank K. Loveii of Ba- uys Dtmn accustomed to all my Ufa. mare mail. tor. Java ma tha ; whole summer to rest I srade draft and roadsters. In each ef ua m present. itnese classes there will ba a silver cup a- v ia Diana irr jnmr i.f a 1 u iir.i. nnu. uin r hhnni rn. ..aa a . . . - ' - " M. I . .vwwvM . V. roiuinu you mat in our ohnrr-h mi 14 a, i uifi tnira. ow not mace weir own plans but obey Awlakaaaa 4n am ... J army ornoera. I go I wherever the bishop directs, it may be T Bl V B katatai 1 W. 11 m ... - I w x-ortiana in tnia pulpit or go to China; I don't know and per- .''" not eitner. xne climate PRIVATE BANKS MUST CHANGE THEIR NAMES The ontlon nm until Ontnhar 1. HOT. I TOtO StOOd 4.181 to I.02I. and If taken up the grantees are .to I f n the same connection tha proposed complete a 11-foot concrete dam byct prescribing the license fees to ha January 1, 110. Mrs. Fannie Bishop lsh14 bT wholesale llauor dealera, whole the wife of the former owner of -ihs I liquor dealers who are ractie.ra. Balem Woolen M1U store In Port-1 aTOcera; restaurants and druggists waa land, and C. C Bishop is their Pseed by a vota of 7.097 to 1.178. Ave son. Ths family has always- bsen precincts on tha east side not inctni.4 in the woolen trade and manufacture " the returns. . ; , and only recently disposed of their In- - The Economy Gas company waa tereat In the mill at 8t Johna Mrs. (ranted tha privilege of a f ranhi. C M. BUhop was a Kay, a daughter of vote of 6,744 to 4,115, nearly 1,009 the man who started both the Albany I mora votes being east on thi. , ("neetal rHiptteh te The Jearaal) Olympla. Waah.. June 4. .Attnrn.. General John D. Atkinson haa construed "nd Salm woolen mills. C M. Bishop! than on the Question of ostablishlne- a uww mimiw Danmng act in A lengthy I mviiro wii wva . iiiuwiivu v aumiping engineers, which 'Korth' End liquor Dealer Had tin ' , pleasant Experience With For. i 'j, eignera Trying to Vote. m m . 1 uvuiuilBOtVU SUIU CfBJIK TV uuvtlli oi Ha. I ' A, "Pjoye oi iransrer Company I lem, for many years chief. clerk in the I But I have so many friends hereAhat I Opinion which will havo the effect of textile schools In tha cast preparing I waa defeated by a vota of S 118 to 4 B44. I . jgt Death's Door and Ann. office of the aecreUry of state, was 1 YUus highly, both in my church I compelling a large number of private tnselves to engage In the manufao-l -t -.-------. w. acUl a lAWf Mil AKfirreSSOr I xhn.an I and ftllt av.n .u. I v.-k. I i ... . .. .v . 1 tnrlnv hii.l aa t -v.. - I -r- )i jLixEilj ujjjb 15UAT AND DROWNED IN RIVER Is Under Arrest chosen secretary. and out even among the newspapermen I hanks now doing business In thla atata turing business in Oregon. Tha personnel of the commission Is ?y lne way, that J would deeply res-ret I to change their names. The attornev. 1 ' Tn mere flying of the aa follows: H. w. Bcott of Portland, ,eav,n Portland. But even the pres- feneral holds that tinder section S3 of President P. I Campbell o the Unl- "ce ot many friends must give way to the act no private bank can use any verslty of Oregon at Eugene, William hea"": A" 1 before all I am going I nn other than that of Its proprietors; ' " i rrifi.a .. i. ii Z. . J ."vh, v.. a. !""; next tnreeiBnu name must do louswed hy the - . ... .. II zractUTS Or tha akull mttA a VIaaI .1 I A viab-a- ii . . .. , . . I tnnnth. 1. k.- ... . . . m I . m . ....... ' ,u xesteraayii eiecuon, while nnususiiyi . .v. hi- Vr T.r 7, i - ,IU A. jnm-r 011 w ; quiet and orderly, waa not 'without its : ludicrous features, and especially ao In 'the north end, where a number of ef- forta were mode to run In Illegal voters, which but for the watchful eye and de ' termination of the Laia workers mlgnt .have succeeded. - , i ' A' well-known Burnslde street saloon keeper - knowing of m registered voter who was out of town made an effort to vote a son of sunny Italy in plaos of the absent man. bat tangled by the I fer company the In fur. m.n . ... close questioning of the Wano watchers I niture Backer and MvilH. t .- on the brain, Hamilton Knott rui ia Lebanon. lies at his. home,. 114 East Seventh ? ' h members of the board SWEEPTNYJ nPTH?!? strest and Josenh Vvitti- . - 11 that there was a general demand I 1 ' 1jXj1 iiy u VlUJJCilt expressman employed by Olsen's Trans- Ii u?J"Z bpoks but that he would tn corner: eJAr'lMLikB ?! th more expensive la t.in m V . 7. V book in case it was superior. Commis- is peine? neid at tn. eit nH.nn wivAH f .... tv.. ,i .L .. i bail, accused ,of having inflicted the hd a much better class of books from ,udre Seattle Include Persuasion AGAINST UNIONS Injuries' which imayj result In the old man's death.- .. Both men are employeabythe trans- wuicn to cnoose man it bad a year I ago. Many more rirms are represented inau ii in- lasi. meeting ana as a wnoia mere is mucn more interest tnanl. fesUd In ths selection of the books. Among Union Methods Which He Bar. A , hh.a w utS vv'izz: wair.:hhi. r"7 s law rtttdp aa ! place" wsidencelni r7lL tmJlolA br relative, of Knott last VV bl UDEiVTS. AS JLAJMD umCB AGENTS portant fact necessary for a voter tol11""'" morning, McVittle and the know. Finally the Italian and his sa- .man now facing death, became engaged loon-keeper sponsor abandoned the ef- an altercation in the barn at Seventh , fort' the Italian receiving a volley of an,d Jrv1" streeta In the fight which profanity for his stupidity. . ? : followed It. Is . claimed that the young ? At-the aame polling place,' precinct teamster felled Knott to the floor with . 10, another north : end ; liauor dealer Wow in the face and then proceeded .'tried to run in an illegal voter, who. ta ?' the prostrate man. . when ha presented himself at' the poUsl Arthur H. Johnson was called to jsave ths name of a resident of the pre-1 "-"end to tha injured man and, in a words private bank" in all alma and stationery used by the institution. Pen alty for violation of this provision Is a una not to exceed l,000. PRESIDENT BELIEVES RAILROADS GUILTY - -1 aaawaasBavwasaaaasnaMBa fJoumal Special garrlee.) waenington, u. u., June 4. It was unomoiaiiy announced after tha - cab inet meeting today that tha government will proceed against the anthractlto car rying roads on tha grounds that they violated ' the 1 Sherman anti-trust laws. The matter was discussed at the meet- clnct who was out of town. A train the .Lans watcher began to ask the would- .or " as his opinion that SkKS"..1?" 2"i. lana iTaua"' nrevent nXn,,- i. a. a. i ... .... ... ma nnriAMt - i m - luuoiita an mm iniuiwa w ii i . - - vaiaua uu "r cmuarrnaBinK Quesuons, witn I " ,r""v",vu""' ,"" tne rracture -Adama a w da.:., j "v .. work at the ahona ww- -T. 7. "J" I"1" anernoon overruiea tne aemurrei the result that he turned to his Mooor I ."kttU na blo clot The phy- lJP iiT' L12? 0P" whers tn "trlk of tha Great Northern to the Indict dealer Wend and said in an undertone: " la!?' were A.. a.--"i. The union, ar. ua, i.. ? chan mutton of th. Elkins !n? one else to TV? sent to oiklTnd. "Park .n?xZ." U the boardinglhouVe; r.M-IJ""; "5': n "a note sent -o morning, gives Seattle. .June 4.. An order which Judge Albertson of the superior court has Just alomiui t.Aktv.U(.. Uon or plckeAg by union moldVr. and ,n 4J? tt un,lertood the president machinsts, toHhe most sweTpinVSf n. 4 Ata 1"" bel,,T tb ov'rn- auna ever banded down In tha courts of ' m lron tltfal atltm f A I MMeM-BM-iaMaa-M-aaaBa a I aav VUMIIII. A L CTtim SSSI SI a aaa..U . a " th. i.w -:n."x..;v: a the coun-s decision in th; "f mm a t vnpTTn?i?v to 1 sity, six Juniors will receive oommls- !LMoran comPny, the Washington , . xrrvrV 4 tw, long aa special agent, of the lam! of- an.d ."ap Ployer. f0r.n TO ANSWER CHARGES At VATVSlav 1 (Special Diipeteh to Tee lesraal.t Seattle, Wash., May 4 As the suit or competitive examinations re-1 " nu or me iana of-l., ..." " fice of the Interior department to re- i'Hu11?.1100 "alnt ts thedlitrlct attoey thli fop woric t0 Commissioner U"' ? -a it a. hi. OD?n?ony ttit al"nr. ' 'tlng out land fraud Lr!"?10 men persuasion and tha unions to from going to (7onrntl Special Beniee.) New York, June 4.LThe federaf court thla afternoon overruled the demurrer 4o this, I'm afraid of getting pinched." UeJi administered by McVlttla. sent to Oakland. Parity a-T M7t, "g the boarding-housed To, m. P'd.ucta -vi.jii.-. t to Sul. T k. w. , -.7-." the nonnnlnn .v" ""S11 u"' snippea west irom . a...-I D Cr .RUnt Jfin. I.a IaaaJ . . . 7 Muoni . . . UiVD vm I ftAV VArlr .tlA nnltnn Th. .4 1 .. . I .v.. ..7 Z...7 .-u u HDOkana. Tha 4v a...-- t,. 1.. I PIOyeG DV tha mmn,.!.. I- . . I - ", ivau iiuui) n voters, wno Had neglected to 'regis- ,H. .j-.r two. hours. Mo- ,-nt into th- .mV .Z..Z". persuads th. t , V .vl?. !? . contracts were made before the tor, out ior tna most part were unsuo- v"1" 10 city rrom Michigan how far nt7vi. " " J"V ment c -pioy- Blkina law was passed. sssfuL , ...... I seven months ago. He admits strikini ?wW. ,.ar. nt'nn have complied with menl- wf.. - . , , option of course does not Insure , the enterprise going through, but the fact that tha uiaostone people are dealing direct with ..practical woolen mlU people and Zl a promoters is ancoursglnf. The Bishopa have tha capital and are- loklng foA the best site possitle ur Bui, 1 na inaustry would mean muoh to Gladatona and to Oregon City. The option was given some time ago but haa been kept aulet Hinta or tha probable location of the - Industry leaked ou on account of the recent ac tivity In the aale of Gladstone lots. i)W0 FESTAL DAYS .. . John Ford, Hodcnrrler', Lost Life While Under Inflnence of Liquor ; I; Early Ihlt Horning. RWTTfl T?T k IfTTl TTTi ?na W. was recove u-my w a JAfJu.XiU tJXT I nou.rs grappling and ' was charge by Coroner nley. .ot Pord' hodcarrler, residing- at 401 First street while under the in fluence of liquor, accidentally walked off the bow of tha steamer Joseph Kel logg at the Salmon street dock at 1 o'clock-thla morning and was drawn The body was recovered after several taken -la Everything Looks 1. Very Good ; . Fruit nnd Flower Show and - the Fourth. ' " i 1 is. not anown now rora hanoenart for 1 to bo on the river steamboat at the time or hla plunge to death and the first Intimation any of the crew bad 01 mi aaair was tne splash made by the unfortunate map. atrlking the wa ter. Several of the omployea on the boat threw the unfortunate man a line, but apparently Ford was so drunk that he Waa unable to grab the rope. . Patrolman Howell assisted by two of the steamboat men dragged for the Repeated efforts were made to CAPPERS WILL SERVE TILL WRIGHT ACCEPTS ..i'i1", ' 1 1 - 1 t ".r -1' r-i - (Joaraal Spedal "Servlee.)' - " ' Washington. June 4. Tha presldsnt appointed Republican National Commit teeman John C-Cappers of South Caro- Una commissioner of internal rev enue to serve until December 1. when ,Tearl Wright of New Orleans will take the ofhVe. ,.,.,, .,., ,... , Knott but denies strlklna- th. ,Z ana ,aw" to making their man aft knncvin v. iprooi. cording to Me Vlttls's story ba acted en tirely in self-defense. . V final TEXAS TOWN IS WIPED OUT BY WINDSTORM OREGON'S HIGHEST POTATO CONTRACT (Special Diipatck te The Joaraal. GOVERNOR EXHORTS DALLAS GRADUATES (Special Diiiwtck to The Jooroal.) Dallas, Or., June 4.--Governor Ot (speelal Dlipatck te The tarsal.) ' ' Oregon City, June 4. a meetlnar of all the committees whloh have in charge the affairs of the fruit and flower show which is to be bold Frlda'v and body with gaff hook until 6 a. m. Saturday of this week Is being held at their efforts were finally rewarded with the courthouse this afternoon for the uc"' " ' purpose of making final arransements. .1. """I. non card or the Hodcarrler. - ,roec.v him "r.hVMt. re V-J 0 01 ForI r'Bldea w,t h wife and son at big exhibits of fruits and flowers, '.he 404 First street He was about 40 year women who have charge of the decora- of e and had been a resident of this tions and refreshment, report their oltr or ny yeara.- As death appears work progressing favorably and that to have been entirely accidental an ln tVai Vail a-l IS - . M . . a. . . a a . " uu wiu 09 aecoratea oeaatirully. I iu"st win not pa neio. American captures 9Aj5HEE jTtt - fHS l3 THESE NEW CITIZENS ; WERE WELL COACHED (Joeraal Soedal ftrrl. f w "! postea in ail parte ef the county W.Mno-tAn Jim.. 1 It 1 waa a- WltniH a I6W days. Tha enmmtttaaa ... Governor George houncod this morning that Captain Ains- working hard and. arc securing more Alan Is Killed by Electric While Attempting to Turn Light on. Shock M . . a -V,MV vrou W.mTo'r.nur eutter.Ru.1. JJf'L, : without ? rest DOtatn tra.naantl.n. T Rvu1Ia.i --..Uv rTJT ."" - turea oil tne Aiasican coast nn. Britlslt V7"" "a!" lu. " onargS Ot wringing to ugnt at least one ludicrous this section of the Willamette vu I large audience. Hi. n, JLV .ZJz :n"c00"'f.,"? :.x.?z ha T.Ti2i .".W VX..:- - y-tnird. precinct waa made vesterdav K.fwa-n t e., "1 1 Dutiaa nt nti..h.tA- rnZ xuw vurw, b. k.., cum-sao. witn illegally tax- . : n( oe oi tne 111 wiu itaiy a numDer or swarthy mund A Co th. mil knn.n i, vTT. tanlvht c.. j ubiu ib sopuuniui oraerea uu me pnsi 7 , 7" given I mo nan aosen nao oeen granted tha of this clt?" The cror wal VA'J the larire.t X. i- ff!?. wnlch ,a BW turn0d over to tt MarMt Brit- ut but wry probable that It will Privilege to vote by theiT brothe? ui una ciiy. am crop Waa BOld at 11.10 lS largest Class in tha hlatnr f I.h ...vn.l.i . ji . be soma well.lrnnwn i-a I Tt.li.-. :-.w.- - a, .7 UIUlOTr au -vv.ui A.uB to ui "u' AHffli -o cbu, v nQ i -.- w-, wuu iinu linn i tne . requisite ' VaaIa i v . JT . tm-b nave oeen rejraraing tne ifttters , residences . w'""" we past tew aao Bwstvone of Lane's supporters. , f daye and it Is expected that manv listened to a number of tha ttaii... (Jjmraal Special SarriM.) awulb. avabvb. june ore&t .m.a-a I vctooer. xneaa nntntn. , -.1.. was dona by the storm at rhiAt.. I from tha 140-asva trmnt t .v. . Oklaboimvand the town of Chioo! ,Co- n Kaiser's bottom, few miles xexas. is practically blown dnwm. nin. 1 below Salem. This meana a. nat frnfi are down and tha extent of tha losses I0' eomethlng over 40 cents for tho sell- tc.n learn-a. Th... . ma: zirm. it ia tna nia-h.-t.-ri-ai KA na. hnntrait -..V.A - t L I aaIIa "W4' V. IHO ' . " v..a..v, A. VA. u, LHUWO, 1Q9 WIUOB. ouyers will furnish the sacka &nt th. delivery will be made In September or Fed nin"!.1"! th,B. oran. and hrac 7ver written in the sute.o Ore- menu were heard by the interstate SEATTLE PACKERS COMPLAIN OF RATES . . (Josmal Siwetu gemea.1 waenington, D. C June 4Ar.ni- TT. TATTlTnnw nnHAT.11 VH. tl VU SVi HJLUVliE , daya . POLICE COURT TODAY the dayTh" ' eommmew aw during; Wwhich0 SmTZrLolll, eommltt... ... I5urtn whlnh an... au . 7 hnni t ,,t .-. .tt: r? -"iirr i-r'.: -prospect, 77 -wr"r. w hi KinaiTU""rB naa resiaea in tna nreninnt .... ' . . lava- -1u In -t v..-; I a. .7.77 "7 Kuiu, um ur. oamuu jonnson, wno na. gained Z '7 C , v. "iro. a num- ?" tne conclusion that they didn't considerable unenviable notoriety by J" ? th.? i"1 ess men are in-i know exactly what they, were swearing VI. .V. va- . IdUClng all their enatntnara - ... .... I tn Ti-.ll.. V. . .1.-a -' ... ' "S ... t.. . , . I QaV In this cltv. Th. fl-a M.i. . I rA a... I.-.. .... rrea Aymxeisplel was InstanUv ktllwi a-on while turnlna on an eiatrin n.k. mw 1 1. ..- v. . . uero -.a-w 4i uuw croperty loss. SHORE LAND FIGURES WITHHELD A WEEK l - v aa. nui, TVB.O UW- I A . . . . . ' -K.'W 1.1. V Mm. fnr. Jniln rama-n thl. I flay in this GUV. Tha flrawnrlr. - au . irVa a. nT " V'" ""1, "- case or answer to a cnarge or drunkenness and i ,T :"a lro Point Fry. A Bruhn, the Seattle packer, com- disorderly conduct Last Sunday night ?, ?w 016 a.11"' whr they can be l"hJ" le" or the Northern Johnson went 'to the home of his I lronl any P" of the clfy, ,,v""--KU ournngton apouse- on mast Twenty-eighth And PLANS MATURE FOR BIG EUGENE MILL g'jE? .Wmrilw 'tn rd TELEPHONE HABIT K ogs shipped In carloads are excessive. n entrance to ths dwellina-. . Uoon la I To you know what vnu . .. Ing tor- ' , ., "Sure." " ' ' ,v ' -' ; .' "WhatT" ' . "Straight the answer. Bepubllcsn , ticket came Charlea M Tm . niamK.- -A aw. I KaIm. 1. . ........ . . . . . fSMcl.1 IM.f.t. . n.. t i . j.,"..!-.' ".7 " " eow-l ,'- u- r.niTO ma WHO in no EuaeneTor;.' Jnr 2 " present. uncertain terms. The police were notl -r - -i. vvi a a- i - ! TiAfi mrn forrAimsn - T3 a mer, who is backing the , Storev- i -. t 7 V " ." a" . Outing Suits and neg ligee shirts are all right as faras they go, but for . real summer comfort just add our short sleeve and ; short leg Under- wear. , 50c and $1.00 per gar ment ClolliinqCo . aiiusniinni'icp - :i 5''"".'-;;t -f Zlen's and Boys' Outfitters. s -138 and 168 Third St; ' Mohawk Building ' . -l vu . . oiymSr w1 LAKE'S TTPTAma Am I Tt Ia. . . , "1 ..w . a ii AVjaxe i w noi . iu ai-a m . avuui iu ax wasmngton ah ore land P"rnaiiy supenntena tne ereoting of . v , ? 'rt-.YT i n nnrArwr. irrrr t Ttrrm nninTm appraisers met in the office of State Ift. Ha has taken tha E. a Smith '" DALLAS REJOICE KELLIHER RECOVERS vvAuAuiHDiulim AVIIBMI IHHT VAn 1 M I volutUVU SOLS, B A V7I1 LSAA SIX S 1 BU SB. ITinnTn I and agreed upon the maximum and min- H1 ''""y 1 arrive from New York r4liiui Or .t... a . . lmum valuations on the iAke Union lots ,n about 10 days. w .'i H .T0.? ,nter8t ani aia a.- .l. i aTttT .t . n 101s, i . . ... M evidenced in- this cltv ovar tha ir-t" "lrvenvL ota win . :""'". mM Tf ".oon eleotloa of Portland's (8o-dlDlntcn t. Th. ia-.i took the GROWING IN AMERICA pYILL PLAN EXERCISES, AT MEETING T0xIGHT 1 (Jronrnal gped-J flervtea.1 Chicago, June 4 Praall.-t at.-. Hoge of the International Independent All nA. ; . . ' Telephone association, in omV"me for thrFourth "a., S "r"J"? tTtw r iTTi irAi- the annual convention tod meet tmht i tll f.Zr.Jl " Hla UA J I Jim IN r V I reported that soo.oao t.i.i w. .v. ".VL:". :?? "uc cnamoer ; . -A 4. I . , , . ' .'.""v",wu 1 V I bear lo tha . .... -""'.. n...-).! k. v...iai m.. .u. """. wt x-orm will be aivnn .t ,.. i nw ham ri.., "to. . "'"I"' W: tlit ontoomt. T'.ut" .Tne atata land of th riT. 2:"" .7 "'"""P'-uon l-tZZZrZ:zrz..Tr.-.:ri ' V M"ction bulletins were received each M? oaay rerunded to A. T. Kelllhor of the work of computing theae values a 'O-0 tract near the city for the iur iaat vhan an n-Al.- i .. -.Ill A f.t.. .1.1. 111 . . - , I "Our .. ..w.. HM w.uoi All 1 in in m t . n nan. .1 ....... innn uu ill , a will .1 111 inr . b.i i.iucb n.L w n in n ava . i.a . . . be put on aale. This will require t at U !SLewl1? to the purpose. wi- AA-ui.--iua.Dn-racirio exposition. LODGE ELECTIONS - AT THE DALLES OSpeeUl DUpiteb to The Joorn.il ..."i.0!-' un5 ColumbU e - . v. r., at the last regular meeting- elected th- n1I-Jr" officers to serve from July 1 to Jan uary l; T. E. Ward, noble grand; D D. Bolton, vice-grand- O. a Deafi secretary; George Buch, treasurer. Frlendshin lodra Vn a ir-.A. t-ki.. .i7..-. .7 . --'" "i. oi ... . r'r , roJiowing officers ith-aI!tjrerV,ar neetln-' for the,ix months , beginning July l; e. Wilier ton, Chancellor commander; Levi Chris man. vice-chancellor;- It S."Berryman. Prelata: D. Maxon.1 masjter of w.rki Ous Walther. master at arms; Roy Burgett inner guard A. Longmire. utar xard. . . A. ajT pond. The mill will have a capacity or xoo.ouo feet a day with double shift Tha company has large tracts of tim ber land on the Mohawk river and above Cottage Grove. Tha logs will be shipped to the mill by rail. UNCLE SAM TESTING BALLOONS FOR WAR i - $ ' (Journal Special Service.) Washington, June 4. The signal corps sent up a balloon today, tho aero nauts being Captain Chandler, Llenten ant Stevens and J. C. McCoy. If they make a successful flight tha govern. ment is likely to buy several war bal loons. night and an immense nrawi) waa always on hand to hear the re sults read. Tha final announcement of Lanes election was enthusiastically re ceived. tained In the past year. BABY PRINCE IS HIGH PRIVATE OF INFANTRY . Madrid, June 4.- Tha baby prince ia enrolled as a private In a regiment of injantry. mi recruit . number Is placed on his bib pin. A bed is re served tn the barracks for him as "tha newest recruit." The queen is well. COURT KNOCKS OUT LOW FARE FRANCHISE : (Journal Mnal.t Sanria t -' - ' '. flnlumhtia fihtn Juna . . ttk. a... Ca.alAl. T.. A T, m A' A. ' .71 7'.' . T7? TMU fc a , V.A . Ull. ' A. 1 Vil MM r IMfll ,ntV.lTA thA Ia. A - local option cast here Monday resulted franchise iir the city of Cleveland and In 81 for and 11 asalnst, cave the victory to the Cleveland r... Isolldated Railroad company. In deciding the suit of ths city of Cleveland against local Option Result at Seaside. 'Special Dltpateh te .Tbe Jooraal). lively about WUliam Ke.-nplda. . the aura of 131.000. 125.000 nt vhit. was principal , and ,000 Interest he had naid the board fnr is n tin ana . ered by certificates Issued on what HUGHES ASKS THAT proved to be fraudulent certificates. " Ll Zj. t. X" FRENCH PREMIER IS TAKEN ILL SUDDENLY ; . (Job mil Bpeel.l Service.) Paris, June 4. Premier Clemenceau was taaen suaaemy ill this afternnnn wnua attenaing a council ef the tln, lsters and was carried home. ; Tha sur geons nave not stated his condition as yet. t been added to tBetadepindenr.r.tem l&P??"i:il "aVtV tha view.P.d opiniS; T ' . .j,. .a" t"" "u"r, v wnicn in regard to appropriate exercia.. a- makes 1,000.000 new telenhonea. m - av.ntZ w"..L "r"es and ports many new , franchises were oh- t . The frn.no. who,hava been raising tha funds for the celebration will also mnn- ",.. ., and it is expected that a large sum of f Coarse Piece of Checkwork. ' Spokane, June 4. Detective McDer- mott na. arrested Thomas Willis on tha charge of grand larceny on. the testi mony of Thomas Holcomb, who said he saw wuiis taae a cneck from tha nnok-.t of G. C Stimmel. formerly county com missioner of Spokane county, while he was asleep In a saloon. - AftAr wnn. got ths check, which was for iK7s h. offered 4 bystander 1100 to cash It for him. . t tTtt t -, -T ra0My ,rom MW Obscrlptlons Mil -to BILLS BE PASSEn tu.d,,n- ..: A . . si! b t. . v committee wnicn haa not Tif. I ... . . . . .;;: i a vow nuiiuuncea IS tne firewnFtVV.1 Albany, N.-.T..' June 4. Hughes sent committee, consisting nt ? f. !w.?.5al, . . . i . i , . a. T . t M . - uiuutKuer, a, a iieliai mMMN ill inn iwri.iarnM a n i ... h... i .. nw. vv. i . i ' -i"7 vjr. aui Arnegtey, UOIonel II day urging, tha passage o tha bill pro-IB. Dosch and Oscar Huber. These men vMlnv n- 'I.a.i .. I I -.ill . ... - "... . i.iB.fj men. . u.a-vv uwuui-uviia u4. ua.n-i " ihso wi grana pyroteohnio rila play that wlllAbe one of the leading features of the celebration. , , FINED FOR KEEPING ' t OPEN AFTER HOURS aiaateo at tna primaries,- ithe bill to amend the law punishing corrupt elec tion practices, and the one to further limit tne amount eandidatesv are per mitted to spend. He also jlemainded that tne em authorising' governors to in vestigata the ; state department ba psssea. r;AW:.Vi ''" HONDURAS L0TTER1 IS OUT OF BUS! rEss (Joaraal Special Kerrfra.), Mobile, Ala.. June 4. With the plead ing guuty or tne defendants todav. ths tionauras lottery baa cone out ef busl. ness. The lines ranee from rtlo.ooo M. Zenger, proprietor of a saloon at First and Arthur streets, was r..i at an early hour this morning by Patrol, man Phillips on a charge of kaanin- vi. resort open for business after the hour pf 1 a. uu i The policeman in passu. the place noticed that the lights In ths barroom were burning and upon makina an investigation found five men. drink lag in the cafe. Zena-er nlnaiiAri ..n. In - the nolle cfmi-t thla A.A-1.. n aown to zuo. - J- - . .. MAWAAAAfl U 11 wa. fined 26. , . " a