The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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eooo bono our;
Biio mm DAY
Issue Bonds for Oyer,
Five Millions.
In the, circuit Court this mornlnji two
trlale were held merely for the pur-
People Voted Yesterday, to tTST 2SS
The parties to the suit were friendly
and had tiered on the sums that were
Just and paid. Nothing In
the nature of a eontaat entered Into
the trlala. -;v. if ,r .: ..- .; -; , .
They wera tha auita tha fti-aa-nn
I Electric Railway oomoanT aa-alnat Mary
Peteraon and tha Terwllllger Land com
pany aaainst Emma L. Corbett and
others for rlghta of war in south Port
land for tha Salem-Portland trolley Una.
; Amendment to Charter Which Pro-J Jh verdict pf a jury . waa , deairad to
torwau, any, poaalble aubsequent lltl-
Tides for Additional Pipe Line to I gatlon.
Ball Hon Creek Passed Other
3Ieaaure Passed.
Accordingly en lona juror was called
Into the box, was aworn to try well
and truly the mattera at Issue, and then
was handed the two verdicts for his sig
nature. The verdicts had been pre
pared by the attorney by agreement
before they left their offices to go to
the courthouse. Mary Peterson and the
land company were allowed 1180, while
Mrs. Corbett and others -were given
The juror. Louts Zimmerman, signed
the ready-made verdicts as foreman of
the Jury and the Judgments were en-1
tared. So far aa the records of the
court will disclose no one can tell that
these cases were not as hotly con
tested as others of a similar nature
usually are. ,. .
It was a good day for the issuance of
bonds yesterday, and a poor one for any
" Increase la the salaries of municipal of
ficers. ' '
'The people of Portland, by their suf
frage yesterday, provided for the lssu-1
anee of bonds amounting to a grand to
tal of IS.I28.000. They turned down
Increases In salaries which would have
Imagining that his sister. In the form
Of a a-year-old baby, had been . flying
aoout him, and that at present. she is
resting on the comb of the courthouse
meant thousands of dollars additional I ,roof wlth rippled wing, Jack Puraley
The amendment to the charter pro- ' " mmu a steel-barred cell at
Tiding for the Issuance of $l.000,00 eouniy jail, waiting for guarda to
water bonds for the construction of anj yom worn saiem to escort him to the
additional pipe line to Bull Run creek ln"n aayium. , ....
was adopted by a vote of MM for and! ' Puraley was examined yesterday aft.
I.I8t . against This result : and also ernoon and waa adjudged Insane and
those following show the complete vote committee; to tne asylum. This raorn
wlth the exception of precincts 17 and ,n he began talking about his sister,
it, which had not come In at noon. wh be said was flying about In his
' The amendment carrying a bond issue cell. Then she disappeared np a small
of $1,000,009 for the construction of ventilator and was flying about out
parks and boulevards waa paaaed with a side. --Puraley talked Quietly, dese rib
vote of l.eei for and 4.861 against The Ing the girl's movements as he reclined
4800,000 dock bond issue was carried by on his bunk. -. ,
There! - She has hurt one of her
a vote of 7,890 for and 8,177 against
. The bridge bonds of 1460,000 were
paaaed by a vote of ft.ltl for and J,IS
against The flreboat and water main
bonds, amounting - to 8171,000,- were
adopted by a vote of f.lit for and 4,086
against x ' :-
- The amendment providing for the dis
trict assessment plan in Improvement
of streets waa carried by a majority of
more than 4,000. A like majority also
carried the amendment providing for
the remonstrance of four fifths of the
property owners against an improve
ment. ' v.-' r , , ' . ...
11 the amendments providing for in
crease la municipal salaries were de
feated by majorities ranging from 1,000
to f.OOO. ' . V .
The amendment providing for the in
crease of the salaries of councilman
from 826 a month to f 100 a month was
defeated by an overwhelming majority
while the amendment providing that the
council should have power to conduct" a
free employment bureau waa adopted
oy a large majority.
wings and is resting on top of the roof,"
cried Puraley suddenly. , ''She cannot
get down."
... In answer to questions Puraley said
his sister waa about 88 years of age,
and that her spirit. In the form of a
8-year-old child, had been flying about
him. Then he wandered off Into an im
precation on the ceoDle who had charaed
him with insanity. It waa an outrage,
he said. He waa asked later If his sis-
tor were atlU on the roof.
"Wait Juat a minute and I will tell
you." he said. He looked Intently up
ward for a few minutes, saying nothing.
Then he announced: ' i
Yes.- she la un there ret and ears
ahe cannot-get any one to come near
her to help her down."
Puraley will be taken to tha asvlnm
tonignt or tomorrow.
' t, . .
more potent remedy io. ths rootg
and herbs of the field tilan wu aver
produced from drugs. ) ,.
In the (rood old-fashioned days
our grandraothers few druga were
used in medicines and! Lvdia B.
Pinkhaai, of Lynn, Mass.,,. la her
study of roots and herbs and their,
power over disease discovered aad
rare to the women of the world a
remed for their peculiar ills more
potent v and efficacious than an j
oomblsatlon of drug, r - ... i
LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable
Is an honest, tried aad tree remedy of nnqneatlonahle therapeatie value.
Dnrinr it record of more than thirty years, Its long list of actual
cures of tboaf serious ills peculiar to womea, entitles Lydia S. Plnkham'a
vegetaoie voajna to tne respee aaa eonaaence ox every fair minded
person aaa every tAUKUf woman, v : s4 . - e i : x'.v - "' ' '- ' - ".y
' When wonea are troubled with Irrerular or painful functions.
weakness, JdUplaoeinsnta, nleeratlon or inflammation, baokaehe,
UatulencT. kreneral debility. Indigestion or nervous prostration, ther
should remember there la one tried and true remedy, Lydln 2. Pink
nam e veetaDie wmpouna. , 1
' Ifo other remedy in tbe ootmtry has men a record of euros of
femajs lis, aad thousands of women residing In every part of the United
States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia B. Pink
ham's Vegetable compound and what it has done for them.
- Mrs. Piakham invites all siok women to write her for adrioe. She has
raided thousands to health. For twenty-live years she has been advialar
siok. women free of charge. She Is the daughter-in-law of Lydia B. Pink
haa and as her assistant for years before her deoease advised under her
Immediate direction. Address, Lynn, Mass. v
mmm '
Wednesday and Thursday
'''.-....'."?:;'.' -'"A--'-''-::-' C -V $ .''(. : fv !.,v' V;
Ilead of San Francisco Pol jco
Department May Now Be
5 : Ousted From Office
-'-.'' . :- -". .... ... .. ....
Valuable Portland Property
Changes Hands for a
Large Sum.
Three large and Important realty
sales .were consummated yesterday aad
the deeds filed for record. '
The quarter block at the southeast
corner of East Morrison and East Third
y , (Joaraal fpeelal Service.) V
Ban Francisco, June 4. Am result of
the charges filed by Francis X Heney
that the 8an Francisco chief of police
There will b nn ffiVf tampered with the talesmen drawn for
ot police, that amendment belnr defeat-1 the trial of Mayor Schmit. J. F. Dlnan, I streets haa been aold to Fred Hiram
ed. The people decided to annex Rose! w indicted by the grand Jury on the I11 George M. Strong by H. H. Prouty
City Park and the territory Immediately I charge of willful and corrupt miscon- or ." This property Is In the
surrounding, by majority of mora duct of offloe in that he aubverted tha center of the rapidly growing east side
than ,300. - . C-h. Uw in endeavoring to secure the ao- DUB!neM olstrict and Is within a block
1. - 111 ' . .. i -laurttal of a defendant without tha f ' improvements now under, way that
t' "RAKFi TS TTMTlfPTiTm: knowledge of the district. attorney. , wl" 00to.when completed over 1800,000.
AJyr Chief Snan 1. accuaed of havlni IJfSl !h!
corner ; of Lovejoy and
rating- Demand for
Better Train Service
With Portland.
TJNDEE HOUSE'S HOOFS ervlew nhellat
.r,y hyvl. ,uro ln? oonmus case Twenty-aeeond atreeta from O. P. Sea-
Fern Fleming -Knocked Down by a
Spirited Delivery Team 'f
Darey A Co. ;
'if j;
;--. Fern Fleming, the C-year'old daughter
' of Angus Fleming, Inspector In the city
. englneer'a office, residing at 6(4 S&at
j, Davis street, narrowly . escaped death
,', yesterday afternoon under the wheels of
10 1101 gate avenue. '
The lltue one waa playing in the
street in front of her home whan-the
.- vehicle drawn by two spirited horaea
, and driven by Howard Day, rapidly ap
. i- pro ached. Before the driver could bring
f tfte team to a atop the child was knock
ed down. Fleming rushed to the assist-
anee of his daughter and carried her Into
the house, c-
Despite the advice of a bystander
tt Fleming refused to call a physician. The
: matter-waa reported to the police and
. superintendent Gardner of the Boys' and
Girls Aid society made an Investigation
of this feature of the ease. It is an-
pounced at the Fleming residence today
that the little girl is not seriously ln-
; Surea ana only sustained a out on the
: : mil JiU V JliflliliJN To AT
ISnedsl Dlspatek te The loamaLl '
Salem, Or., June 4. At a 'meeting of
. me state ooara ox ouuaing commlssion
. ,, era yesterday afternoon it was decided
, m mane aome improvements . at the
. rwii .umliiui.. wr xum ounu io tne
- amount of $6,700. . A new gymnasium is
to be built, the rooms in tha upper
. atory of the main building are to be
finished and renovated, and a kitchen
and dining room are to be added.
University President Resigns.
, , . (SaecUl SUpatch te The JoaraaL)
t .Helena, Mont, June 4. At a meeting!
oi tne ataie ooara or education today
. the resIgnaUon of W. O. Craig, president
of the state university at Missoula waa
! accepted. No auccesor waa chosen.
and he nhepraotlcally admitted that he
Is guilty,, giving in explanation the
statement that ha auHtoJ want any im
proper 4urors selected. . He is also ao-
eusea or navmg arrorded protection to
a disorderly house.
Dlnan will be removed from af flee If
round guilty in the superior court He
haa ten days in which te file aa an
swer.,? ' ,v. : r . ; ; .
son. ine tot la lmoroved with a new
residence and waa aold for 18,000.
Mra. Haaaah Nicolai iiaa purchased
from Peter Michael IIS aerea In the
district pear Falrvlew for 118,000. '
: apwlal Olseatek te The JeeraaLI
r Pendleton, Or., June 4. Tha state
railway commission is today Investlgat
Ing railroad service between .Pendleton
and Portland. President Thomas K.
Campbell; C B. Altchlaoa, Oswald West
and Secretary Good all .of the commla-
aalon are here, J. P. O'Brien. William
MoMurray, A. "W. Spencer, J. H. O'Neill,
C. F. Vanderwater and A. Gavin of the
O. R. A N. are before the commission. "
- Cltlsens of thla section want better
train service between here and Port-:
land. For montha tAUna have been de
layed for hours and crowded coaches
have made travel. a hardship from here
on. Several prominent eltlsena of Pen
dleton and Umatilla county were heard
thla morning. The Investigation con
tinues thla afternoon.
This . Gypsy Ring has
three beautify ; Dia
"monds of absolute purity .
. A Bargain at Our Price
. . i. . ,
Price v f'
: $85.00 .
People Appreciate Paper's
Berrlce After Seeing Fake , J
Bulletins Elsewhere.
Additional Changes Are Made
Officials In Schedules Ke
t cently Announced.
Naming Of COmmlttaea waa
,n.l 1. Jt .. .. - "'"
vsa-a wuia j i in en aa r rna rnaai.tai .m a. -
XX O X X A V AJj Ai MAAlSj 7ZrZ?J.h. ?" '
Iowlng standing committees:
jaunicipai affaira E. R M.kt.i.
f J. Grace and John G. WUaon; educa-
"""" summer, Emll Schacht
and H. H. Menges; scholarship, E. Q.
Lawrence. A. E. Doyle and Jnaonh t.
oobberger; house, W. F. Tobey, E. Kro-
- MR. - m .. . ' .
xne eaucationai committee . tt..
matter In hand of arranging for a leo-
8p-el.l Dispatch te Tbe 7earaal.
Tal Of., June . The 'Malhenr
Farmers', Institute will convene at Vale
June 16. Repreaentatlvea of the Cor
vallis Agricultural college who will be
present and deliver lecturea are: Dr.
Jamea Wlthyoombe, Professor E. R.
Lake, Professor A. D. Cordly, Professor
w. I Kent Dr. Hutchinson and Mrs.
Clara Waldo. Committees on refresh
v.iara, . nuuo. wommmees on rerresn- l tnrW fop tha - :
menta. reception, advertising and en- i, nVo.t lmni
tertalnment have been armolntart h tha i" "0,A lm?."!bl to the mem-
tertainment have been appointed by the
Commercial club. The committees are
now busy preparing for the convention.
Mrs. H. D. Dunlop, Vale'a talented
messo-aoprano, aaa charge of the must
oai program.
bera of the club to attend unless some
irevmiij wwmiui xeature is
nouneed. ,
A us tad's Death Remains Mystery.
(Sperlal Dtapateh te Th. JoaraaLt
Aberdeen, ash., June 4. The eoro-
nera Jury in the case of Gabriel Austad,
floapaal flMw4a1 a.. win .
LOdl. June 4. Two itattlvaa
wnose ooay was round floating in thel"i ana two soldiers and three cltl
wis man nver last week, returned a
verdict that he came to his death at
the bands or a person or persons un
known. The examination of the man
named Benson failed to establish anv
suspicion , ox muraer. much mystery
attaches to the case. ' All witnesses
were aiscnargea.
sens wounded by a bomb thrown by a
terrorist this morning. Apatrol of in-
iuiiry rusnea up and shot int tha
crowd. Wounding 16.
Bolton. June 4. Cactaln Willi am
4aa ear T74f t3e a.a. . . ...
The DaUes. Or.. June 4. The"eamn I -i.IIX,'. hii 1 K..-l.T'-a -".ff
of Modern Woodmen of America held ti . th.
t1 OddFellow- SSir" MTICM ta toftoM
the Odd Fellows cemetery Sunday. The of .the new battleship Vermont, now
graves of fallen neighbors were dn- hlin n.t- v, a . w . w
orated and the usual ceremonies fol- Prior" io T ieavT the ' mt," yard the
lowed. The members of the Joeal oamn hatti.ahin m '..V '
went to the cemetery escorted bv Tha I mnint aii.a. ..JLt v. .J.,- .Z
Dallea brass band. ttr.'""
Modern Woodmen's Memorial.
(Speefi! Dispatch to Tb tan-sal.)
A crowd of Snxlous watchers fath
ered about The Journal office last night
to watch. the bulletins oa the election
aa faat aa they came out After the
first bulletin appeared at T:S0 o'clock.
showing 10 for Devlin and 16 for Lane,
the crowd rapidly grew, and as the re
turns came In more rapidly the street
waa fairly blockaded, t -
The returns came In slowly, slnco
there were 17 counts on each ballot and
tne crowd stood breathless as each new
bulletin was posted showing Lane grad
ually gaining on Devlin. The west side
returns came In first with Devlin's
strongest support but Lane showed
there a remarkable and unlooked for
'.As the east side precincts began to
be heard from and Lane shot Into the
lead a rousing cheer -started up from
the crowd and grew and lasted over sev
eral minutes. The excitement became
more and more tense till all the west
aide returns were In, and no doubt was
left of Lane's overwhelming victory.
Journal xxtra. ' ',f
. When The Journal extra came out at
10:10 o'clock with as full a detailed ac
count M waa then poaalble to get there f
waa an eager ueroana 1 1 or papers on
every aide. The newsboys that succeed
ed in getting away, from the crowd
with their supply, coined money at the
hotels, where many bad been staying
awake to wait for authentic news.
The Journal service waa appreciated
by the public for lta reliability and
it became
II I , . : s
Ladies', or Gents' Open Face
or Hunting Case Elgin, Wal-:
tham or ' Hampden ." Move-.',
ments. Boss, Fahy's, Cres-9
cent or Dueber Cases. Every
j watch guaranteed. '
"A Chance to Save Money." '
At a great reduction of 25 per cent on every piece.
We carry a complete line. Come md examine
-our stock, even though you are not contemplat
ing buying at present; butj or. the near .future. !
Additional changes In the schedules of
the Harrtman Mnea are announced to
day, t These changes have been made
necessary bn account of the imnrac-
UcabUlty of a number of those chum ,7,". ,w -k!"
cara:. caladjuteo00:- Still ?t Z2'iX.
will hamt!a. ' cbedules were being doctored up for betting pur-
nha . , y Poses, the crowd increased at Fifth and
7-6?!u w5u atur jZZ "lUll !J Tuobal nd mtM npllmente were
7a .. nJ,. D"M4 on th truthfulness of the eerv-
Lntir7.f iwTt1 i.8.0 ie whleh .thhel none, of the aewa
J i'. ?! liil ! . m1" wnether favorable to one aide or the
run Is made 16 minutes slower. The nh t,-. t.,....i ...v..v.. ,v
Bigga local on the a H. A N, No. 8, Uxtra last night giving the authentic
now leaving at 6:16. a. am, will leave at I results aa aoon aa the war. kn,.
a, m., instead of I a. m., as orlKlnallv -..
announced. : I
juevtin men commenced to see "the
t.l. M M . t Mm. - ...
mTivrrv'r, mr nrn-n i rrrr a v. w ino journal extraa
IRYIG TO IMPEACH appeared and fell all over themaelvea
RUICK'S WITNESSES & several hmdref SSJ?l?S
ocnuier cigar atore sola one . ticket
System , makes; it doubly;' advantageous; to deal
with us. Pay a small amount down, the balance
on weekly payments.
calUng for 640 in event Devlin won,
tor o. jaany otner men did the same
thing when the last faint hope for their
candidate went . glimmering and it Is
estimated that several thousand dollars
on uevim sold for leae than one fif
teenth UejTacejrilu
; (Spedal Slspateb to The JoaraaL)
Moscow, Ida., June 4.-The mornlna
session of the Federal court , waa taken
up with the statement of their caae
from the defendants' counsel made br
Attorney Moore, followed by the intro
duction of testimony. - Seven witnesses
- M MW .WHUIU. iMM. D nji W I mm . ..
Morrison, an important witness for the ItUAjBD PREVENTS MOB wm una mm lo irain inn
veracity. Two testified the same wav
aa to the reputation of Jeanette Harria,
another important witness for tha -
eminent This line of evidence will be
continued thla afternooa
The defendants have about la im.
lhent citizens of Lewlston here aa wit.
nesses, some to testify aa to the reputa-
uomnaania ana otners to Im
peach government wltneasea.
Ma. tea.
Ui.Ki.V ki AIM with tha (i,pii. for ttiiiioo. wmnuafMmmaiKimwwutwTlniumMxllUt
ItoaailMritaTIBBUKiaXilWa v ;v
y ' WOBEWT C. CtOWWY, President and Ceneral Manager. ' '
AW (ha
RECEIVED! 84 xi is
4jpald' 0 exa- dot'OOttntafl
, 814. 'tod'StPortXaBd, Opt- '
Model 0 wMtd'oteanToaide
(SDCClal Dlsoateh ta TTi. T .1 i
Athena, Or., June 4. -Aleck Malcolm
waa killed last evening by a horae kick
ing him on the chin while he waa atoop
lng. Hia neck was broken and he died
insnuy. we lert hia houae to do
uuoros. ' no aia not return at the usual
time,- and his wife looked for him and
finally found blm In the barn dead. He
waa loreman lor c. A. Barret the Pine
la Vllktsbarrt hill ollmb up
f-tt oIintIcar;reeord byf'tea
Giants f despair" breaicln
of fifty :ara:aadjwatin$
oosda; .
(Special ZMspeteb to The Joamal i
. Bpokane, Waah, June 4. Writhing,
aua in convulsions Charles
Zingler, aged J4. of Shawano, Wlscon-
iu. uioa aai nignt or strychnine poi
soning, tia toia a mend, a C Hiee.
(Jaanu) Special Serrlee.) '
Marlinton, W. Va., June 4 Warwlokl
Katdiri and Albert Oay were placed on i
trial today charged with' capturing Ona l
jsira, agea io, ana Arnold aiadwell, i
aged 17, while the couple were eloping
io ui hit y ana assaulting i the girl. A
heavy guard keeps back a crowd whinh !
is aeterrainea n lynching the prisoners. I
(Jon mil SDeelal Bai ttt. ' '
, Paris, June 4. Striking seamen have
decided to end their strike and many
ot mem retumea to worx tnis morning.
Those still out will take their former
positions again mis week.
compromise waa effected which la
practical capitulation on tbe part of
tne seamen aunough they expect some
concessions to oe made to them aoon,
(Journal Indll hrrlnl .,
: Philadelphia, June 4. With the head
completely severed from the body but
no bloodstains on the clothes, the body
v a, wvii unma iiaiisn .was round In
Reolar $9 to
T!l Special
Cor. First Second
and Yarablll Streets
traitor 0. unto;
i,. t..A v . v.,.' ... "-.. 1 a vacani ioi nere last nighk The riun
mW ItBU SltTMX VIVUUlw WILD M. Tlimi V Ht 6 J a a . i. . . ...
Paul, which had drlv.n 7 o' V.rr ""r TS" clB""' ". "BUck
tj. ... . . - . . ; " i nana."
u jib hou arraagea to make
amends. But remorse over the dis
grace he had broua-ht on tha -lri .n...j
him to end his Ufa He went to his
room ana jocaea mm Belt In. His out
cries caused alarm and a nollceman
maaoea in tne aoor and called a doc
tor, but nothlna could be dona. Kin..
ler's parents have been notified.
" - ajsBPSSBSBBtaBSBBB ' "- '' "f '' ' " "
1 (Special Dispatch te Toe JoernaL)
Ashland. Or.."June 4. L. . W. Arm.
strong, a brakeman, while making a fly
ing switch in the yards here yesterday,
slipped and fell under the wheels. Both
bis legs were crushed. He .died in a
w hour r ; -" . - t
' Just a little cream or
y good milk- and
are ready
Bead "The Boad to WtUvtUe"
rher'a a Rsaun'
M pkga.
N) Welcome -
credit 4i
All Points ast
t Are you goine;' east? Do not for-
get our excellent service and that "
. , s you can make the renowned Yel- ' ' '
- ionvstone Park trip when using our ."
line at very little additional cost -, -
For rates and information call on or address
, A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A.
' "';-. : Portland, Oregon.
Ticket Office Third and Morrison Streets.
.:.: .y.