14 v : THE ; OREGON ' DAILY ' JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. , JUWtS 4, 1007. TODAY'S MARKETS Butter Conditions Never So Strong as at This Time. and "All t Prices Are Advanced Today on the Local Market. DOLLAR BUTTER mm POSSIE City Creameries All Advance to 25 Cents Situation Never So Strong. i Tndtr't msrkst (Mattes: AH tatter to sdrawa to 23c. New potato prratnf old. Coaehella "caata" Jb poor abape. WU ranio In pea. prlrea. LetraDberrlM arrlT la poor shape. Aprlcota are selllnc lower. Steadier ton ruling la rr. Hama and lard lose a pound. Nothing doing la bop market. Pooltrr market la Juat soldlng. . WHAT DEALEES SAY v ' OF LOCAL MARKETS By Templeton Br, ' ' a The poultry market la holding a about ateady at printed quota e) e tlons, especially f oa bene and . e large f ryera. Toung ducks con- e a tinue In food demand at prices ) , quoted. e e Eggs have ahown a slump the e laat week, owing to large ar- rivals, and a decline In price was ,e all that saved an accumulation e e of atocka. a great many bad e eggs are coming in and we e would advise ahlppers not to e e hold atock too long before ship- e pin. v e l Dressed meats are easier on e e account of warmer weather. We e l would advise shippers to send in e e stuff in good condition only, e e as it Is not all a bed of roses e e for handlers. LAMB MARKET 25 DOWN Local Livestock Market Is Easier, Although Arrivals f; Are Very Small, , TgQRABT.ES Tarelpa, sew. Oeffll aackt All Barter te Advance te It Csata, With two city reamerlea already ooottna I earrota. JScfcll.OO per ssck: heats. 1.T5 dot "".."ro-. M.M weather been cool and sera SSc for tbelr beat better. It now lonka eelteleacks paranlpe. Il.00ai.28; eabhage. $S; tooia- fT."..' 5n. u. wfa,la iwtw, i'iiirni, o.iw j ftnrinei, eyw.oej; Portlaad tJnloa Steckyarda, Teas ' . Uts- aiocs receipts: . Bore. " Oattle. Bheep. Today ..'.. S43 , Week ago 180 1,100 TB0 Year ago , e 103 on Prejlona year v. ... ... (W0 id tone u tbe U?stock market baa ehaared and prlres are Juat able to bold tbelr own. Oattle a bowed the only arrlTala (or tbe day, the aa miua v. oeaa ss agamat i.iuu a weea f"iJ03 aone for this date la 1908. . , Warner weather Is tbe beartah tea tore at probable that all other city Inatitntlona will adrsaca to tba aaaie rlgnre within tbe next 24 bona. One creamery advanced Its price to that fljrara laat Saturday aad tbe ether fol lowed today. The creamery batter situation la the strongeat to the hlatory of tbe local Market. Never before baa there been such an enormous call for atorage atock at sncu blgb values as are 'bow current. At noon a conference of tbe virion creaai. oar. nip., nurfi) struig Beans, luyixvke l; cauli flower, 1.50 per dos: peas, 10c; boraeraillab. ke per lb j artichokes. 6t7M per doa: Hubbard aquaab. Be per lb: . cranberries. 110.0001'. 00 per barrel: aprauta. ) per lb; aaparagaa. TBQBoe per doa bancbea; rhubarb, SU1 e par lb) green on lone, Iba per dos) riorida ball peppers. ' ts.60 per crates spin sob, 11.00 per box: bead lettuce. Be dos: hot- bouse, ll.'S per box; cecumbers, SOcatl.oO erles was held and It was -derided not to make doa; radishes, 16e dos bunch re; aggpUat. lee ins aavasce in nutter today owing to the aud- dea aad sharp decline In eaatern and California. U. Uortaneea of the Haselwood and T. M. Townsen4 of the Townsend both decided to bold bark. Tbe Oregon Is selling some butter st SSc, while the Sunset and Washington are e.aot . tag tbe advance on all sales, , , look f Dollar Batter. .! A prominent creamery man who ta advene lb. DRIED rBUITR Apples, evaporated. - HQ Te per lb; apricots. lH30s per lb: peaches, !2ffll8He per lb: aacka. Ua nw Jh Waa: nranaa. SO to so, 610c; He drop on each 1-10 smaller aiae; figs, California black, IK&AUe per lb; Lurornia whiter 6J one per lb; dates, golden, I f .no; best 1 le SO per (mi; fsrds. fl.4O01.OO per IB-lb box. I W.06&2M. OnoarteSb. Huts. Zto. 6T0AR Cube. fO-lztt; powdered. to having hUjiatne mentioned at this time berry, 5J3H; dry granulated, 3.TTH! "tar, wmfm wm am i-ciivT-ifi mat rraKier win eeu at II a nil la tbe wholesale ntirket during the coming winter. . "I bar never seen fae market so strong ss bow snd Me a pound looks quite likely for tbe -soming winter. Of course there's i BO' telling what may, happen between time. If tbe esstera batter market shows a sudden slump this month It will mesa that a large part of the local storage will come from there. -. It la always quite dangerous te store batter st tbe preeent range of values, but anlesa eondl- tlons change ' materially tbe storera will come set an right.. Hew rotate Freeelng Old Iteok. . New potatoes are njiw eomtng as fast to to tbe Csllfornls markets that prices for old are suffering badly with the lessee demaad. la this market new California stock la comtjg quits rapiaiy, ana aitnongn the price baa been little abaded as yet tbe prospects era for sharp likely dvme better. Tbe big runs of livestock ars aooat over, especially In sheep. However, Umhs ars 26c off today. Csttle are expected to drop to a lower point soon. . - Regarding the future of tbe bog market there is much difference of opinion among tbe trade. Some believe the market will hold well all through the sesaon becsuss of tbe large demand from psrkers. Whlls sa tnereese In local pro duction. Is anticipated, tbe opinion la that t ri will be no surplus. A yesr sgo all markets were easier" bat on cbsnged In vslue. , Of flclsl livestock prices: Hogs Best esstern Orecon. 1T.0O: atockers and feeders. I8.00(ge.2o; China fats, 9.2ftt CattleBest eaatera Orevnn eteara. ttMf 4.IM; best cows snd heifers. $8.2803.60: balls. Rbeen Bheand. mfxed. g4.B0(SB.O0: lamba. e"oc. BLUESTEM HI . 9S CENTS 11017 Wheat Market Very High LocallySudden Break in ' : 0thr Markets. P BQgk rrioe of Wheat, -e e . ' As high as 6o a bushel has e been paid for a lot of bluestem e wheat in the past 14 hours. Mil- e lers sometimes , talk of lower e values when they want to buy , 4 wheat, but those who hold sup- e piles are not letting go. Soma e e sales were recently made on a e basis of 7Jo for blueatem, and It e e la quite unlikely that milling e atock of beat quality can be ob- e talned under that figure. SAYS MREilDlf 1 EIIOUG Harriman Counsers Answer in Matter Subject of Pen dleton Ilearing. ...... ''..: ;f; ENDS BY PLEADING U. S. CONSTITUTION Declare Portland-rendleton Service Not Taxed to Present Capacltj and Request Mean Dlsciimlnatlo Other Reasons Urged. -t July Bopt Iec CHICAGO WHEAT TALITE8. June 4. June S. Loaa. win .01 AH BV liif "'7m ,ek l.ooA leos. .00 .00 .00 Holiday. (Special Die patch te Tbe JoarnaL) Balem. Or., June 4. In a long.an- awer . to the complaint fliea , by . tne atata railway . commiaalon agalnat the Oregon Railroad eV Navigation com pany, Arthur C. Bpencer, counaei zor the Harriman Ilnea. denlea every - al legation made by the commissioners in their complaint relative to the order ing of a better and more adequate train service eastward of Biggs and prays that the order be dismissed. This Is the matter that the commis sion wlH investigate today at the bear ing at - Fenaieion. une railway peopie allege that they ars operating two pas senger trains each day from Portland to Huntington and that the same are Very seldom loaded to their full ca- A ,ti . ... n ti Mil 79 1 wm. mt V" 71 1 vu . !' TV t golden C. IS.1TH; O yellow. 19.07 Hi beet franuUted, (i.7H; barrela, 10ci bslf barrels, 26c; boxes, 60c sdvsnce as sack bails. (Above prices ars 80 day set easa quota tions.) . - ,!' HONET tS.eO bar erats. COrfEE Package brands, llB.88ald.6S. uL.ir-uoarae iiau ton; 60S, U. 00 114.76: bales. I tiaOO: 100a. tllJOO: 124a. glS.OOt extra fine. bhls. Sa, 0s and 10s. MAOISM; Uverpool lump reek. 820.60 per too; 60-lb rock, 111.00; 100s, 810.60. - Above prices sppty te ssles of hwa than ear lota. Car lota at special prices aubjeet to Uuctuatloaa.) RICE Imperial Japan, Ma 1. eel No. t. ie; Mew Orlesns, bead, Tc; AJax, bet Creole, 6!e. BRANS flman whits. 13.80; Isrte white. CATTLE STEADY TO 8TROXQ Chicago and Other Eastern Livestock Slarkets Hold. Chicago, June 4. Livestock receipts: nogs. tattle, ln.flOO Sir 1 Iuhk 0-1 jt a, . 4w I J mi si hi. vuvmir iwm. ii.w pn m.u.M i oon boo -. table, dairy, 60a. 15. 00: 100s, Ransaa Clti 20 000 B ono $2.00; Imported Liverpool SOa. at ft 0 ITHO- Ht SISOOl mwtrm fliwa I ""fna ,, ,...11,WS T.OWI Sheep. 10,000 10.000 2. BOO Hogs are steady with S.WO left over. Re- eelpts e yesr seo were 14.000. Prlcee: Mixed ffl.0Aina.3ZH; heave, . 15,39.30; rough, 83. ttS.oO; light, 6. 108.36. Cattle Steady to strong. 8 beep Strong. IDAHO WOOL SELLS HIGHER '1,1ne J"- wOWjstock 10 tm market has I3.2&; pink. s.25; bayou, aiitf; Umsa, 6 He; I Average Price It 10c and as High as hardly been affected as ret by tbe arrivals I Mexican reda. 4c. yf new stock, bet shippers are not doing any I NUTS Peaauta, . iallfornla bnsinesa because ef tbe lower values ' there, - . .... .., . atrawserry Xsrkst lower. . ' . i, . Strawberries went as few as 81.40 a crate ; for 34s this morning under press of mere liberal arrtvala. Theee extreme low values, however, . did not rale for good stock, values on the letter running between $1.60 and. S3. Most of tbsm 1 mads between the two figures. Jamba. tUc ner lb! Vir ginia, 7He per lb; roasted. Ids per lb; Japa nese, Diuae; roaited, TOTHe per in; eoeoa soU, SOeDOe per doa; waTnata, Oaliferala. 10s per lb; French. 16e per lb; pine nuta, 14Ql0c per lb: hickory nuts. lOe ser lb: cbestnuta. eastern. 15QlAe per lb; Braall nuta, lfe per lb; filberts, 18c pet lb; fancy pecans, 18020c; aimonos, J(8)Uc. aieau, run ana rrsvisiena. r- 22c Is Paid. FRESH St K ATS rnutl Street Hon. fanes. Some csnUkmpee . arriving from CoacbellsTl 8Ui9e ner lb: larae. ea7e nar lb: veaL extra. were la very poor ships today and were vainly J 8c per lb; ordinary, ?He par lb; poor, 6c per orrerea to me traoe ss Kw aa XI a crate. I ; mutton, rancy, bojuc per in. I . " Brawleys arrived la better shape and Bold unite I HAMS. BACON. ETC-Portland psek Ooesl) hT,'L J80 M? T,?"1?.0, hrpments from I 0,m- " ioic per id; 1 10 10 iu. 1 readily between' $1 and $2.25. . Shtpmenta from Brawiey and tbe Imperial valley are increasing and ear lots will eooa be coming la this dlrectioa. - ......,, - , " , Aprioots Are Betllng Lower. With larger arrivals tba price of apricots Is lower today along tbe street. The California fruit Grower eays of tbe si tuition there (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Boise, Ida., June 4. J. K. CUnton Jr.. secre tary of tbe Idaho Woolgrowera' aasodatlon. atatea that the wool clip of southern Idaho is moving very nicely snd st sstlsrsctnry prices, from the growers' standpoint. It Is needless to sdd that ths buyers are not paying aucb prices ss to forego a profit for tbe firms tbey represent. Generally spesklng, ths condition snd quality are fir better then tbey were s yesr sgo. The color is nnsually brtrht, and if tbs wool wit down In evsr pro- 18c ner lb: 18 ta SO h. 1.1r; breakfast auceo bacon. 16H22e per lb; plcnlca, 12c per lb; I Tbe prlcee so fsr paid vary considerably, aa cottage roll, llHe per lb; regular short clears, is siwsys true, sue bare rangee from I7ftc unamoked. 13c ner lb: smoked. 12c ner lb: to sac. with an average of perbapa 18c. clear backs, snsmoked, lite; smoked. I8e per I Tbe sheepmen are wearing a smile ths; lb; Dnloa butts, 10 to 18 lbs, unamoked, 8c "won't wear off," with 10c wool and lambs ner lb: smoked. Be ner Ibt clear bellies. . an- sell to at from $8.60 to $4.50 per head, for amoked, 11HC per lb; smoked, ISHe per , lb; delivery at the railroad point when ready for .. u mi, w u,w N.Him iu.iv . .iBusnji line iwpw IV. tDudvu. mis wr . o, I iirn,n i Aprlcota ate absohitely out of tbe on ration I shoulders, 12 He per lb; pickled tongues, 00c I shipment. The lamb crop haa been a very ss a cured artlclo tbla sessoa, and will doobt-1 each. I beavy one. Tbe range conditions are excellent, ( less only be cured when ttie qusllty does not J permit ess by esanera or for ablpment freab. f Twenty to 36c a pound will be, from preeent - eppesraacea, tbe price of the cored article In f tula line, v southern California will have next . to nothing. Our istest report - from ai well- posted source states that , If sll tbe apricots ,; this season In southern California were cured there would probably be but absut 10, ears. Tbe If la this esse, however, is- e big one. t ss csnners are offering es high ss $70 In that LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 13c per lead the previous reputstion tor Idaho lamba lb: 6s. ISHe per lb: 601b tins. 12He per lb: "sae in esstern msrxets wiu DC mors man stesm rendered, 10s, 11 c per lb; 6s, HHe I nislnUlned this yesr, ner lb: compound. 10s, '8He per lb. iAKiieu BAL,aiur4 -uoiumDia river, i-io raim, i $1.80; 3-lb talla, $2.76; fancy l ib flats, 11.80; H-b lancy tuts, l Aiasss tain. flats, $1.18: fsney Mb ovale. $Z76; ink, ssgfsoe; red, $1.60; nominal. 2s, tall, $2.0 fish aock eoe. to per n: noendera, se per i2c u; Wool Clip Smaller!' lest year tbe total wool clip for son there Idaho waa 21,000,000 pounds; this year it la 18.000,000, but in view of the fact that thete have been smsller losses among the aheep and that the aenerai eondltlona ars much better, the sheepmen generally will realise more from tbe sesaon'a output than tbey did laat year. To date between o.uou.om ana o,uuu pounae lb; halibut $He per lb; atrlpsd bai Mfflah . 1flat iamf Ih almnn IS fV1vimKlat J a- aawaaawaekaV BnesJsK -Ispsnt- 1 -i.- . ---- vuinwvia 4 Q QatlffJ IrriWrTB U, W,trrv salKl U,VW UUUIIIW f? ..TJi?!- eid7" cbliiook. 12He lb; ateelbeada, 8e per lb; ber-lof wool have been sold this sessoa at points northern part of the state, $60 and $05 orchard rna for aprlcota for canning purposea Is too I tomeod, 7e per lb ring, 6e per Ih! soles, Bo per lb; shrimps. lOe from Hslley to Welser, inclusive, st an average per id; percu, oc per id, oiaca coo, is per in; lobsters. 18c ner lb: fresh to giewers to make drying profit-1 mackerel, 8e per lb; crawfish, 20e per doa; ator- Eeoa, iuc per id; oiaca naas, avc per id; uo is tu la river smelt. e per lb: abad. 8e per lb: roe shad, oc per id; ansa roe, loc per lb; black cod, lYst per id. tempting . able." ., t -;..- , Brief -notes ef'.tne' Trade.'; '."'v: ' California loganberries are la very poor ehspe -and low prices are ruling in consequence. , - Cntos, Meat company announcen a decline ef 44e in -regular hams of all average and tbe eame ent a lard. ' Egg market Is. steadier, rancy Candled sen- tog at ISc and sometimes e frsetlon more. . Uncandled dull. at 17c.. , t-.-t--. There waa no buelness reported- In tbe bop market daring tbe past 24 boors. - No offers coming from. the earf at prent.- -Foultry market la. Just holding, Us ewa at . yesterday s values, 0 T KT E RS Shos lwi ter bsy. per gallon. $2 60; ormsby, at Boise, er 100-lb ajck, H-60: Olrmpia. per gallon, oW y,rguaon. at I 2.25; per 116-Ib sack, $5X0085; lagle, The Mark 8heep canned, 10c can. $7.00 doa. CLAMS Hardshell, per box,: $2.40; clams, $2.00 per box, lOe per doa. rsiata. Goal 00. Zte. '.' BOPB Pure. Manila, 15e; standard, 18 c; sisal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. lHe per gai; water woiie, mm do is, tee per gal; price of lflc, and the prospects sre that tbe market will be even better Der ore tne sessoa closes. Following ars some of the eales that have been made thle season: Ballentlne Bros., st Caldwell. 100,000 pounds at 1H: Crofton Rroa.. at Weleer. 126.000 pounds at 21c; L. L. i, 100,000 pounds st wc; Bar- Bllaa. 100.000 pounds at 184c; The Mark Sheep company, at Bllaa, 75.000 rvunda st 19c. Governor Gooding sold two of Is dips In the Wood river country st 21e, snd 4. K. Clinton it. or in is city soia two cups at 20e. . - .-' NEVADA MIXING QUOTATIONS Oirdrn pea. a abowln. a wide range in !itl7g. T """" W Bld Cumnt Today on the San ilue. Some at low ae 2e and others as high j oASOUNB-JSa deg eases. 24He per gait Francisco Exchange. ' : value. as 6c, The trade pare tbe following prices to Front ' street. . Prices psid shippers are less regular ' eommisslons: . . - Orala. Flour ' sad Feed, ' v OKA IN BAGS Calcutta, 8c, large lota; email lota, 10c. - WHEAT Clob, 8080e; red Roselan, ' 87 88c; bluestem, 836WK-; valley, 87jj8Sc. CORN-Wtools, $2SA); cracked. $28.0 per ton. BABLBY New reed, $21.00(822.00 per ton; rolled, $23.0013 24.00; brewing. $22,0023.00. BIB $15 per cwr, , OATS New Producers price No. 1 white, B28.50a 29.00 per ton: gray, $27 .60 (328. 00. FL0USV Eaatera Oregoa patents,' $4.80; etrslghts, $4.26; export, $4; valley $4.304.40; 4.16; grabi m. Ha $3.78; wbolo wheat, - $4.00; rye, 6ua, 5.00; balea, $2.75. ;r MILL8TUFFS Bran, $170 per ton; mld- dllnga, $25.00; sborta, country, $20j00; .city, Sflfc.OO; chop, $16)0021.00, - . HAS" Producers' price Timothy, Wills metre valley, fancy, fl4.000ii7.tw: ordinary, flS.OOQ Iron bbli. 18c per aaL BENZINE u deg, cases, gse 'per gal; troa bbls. Klc per gsL - TURPKNTINK la eaaee, 8de per gal; wooden bbla, 83c per gal. WHITE i-EAI Ton lota. 7e per lb; BOO-ib lota, bc per id; icsa mm, u per id. WIRE NAILS Present bails st $Z5. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, la 6-bbI lots, 60c; 1-bbl lots. . Sac: eases, 68c $20.00 per ton less than car lots, $30.00 per ton. . ; .. ..... - ..NEW. VORK STOCK MARKET American Smelter Common Gains rv- ,. Over Five Points Today. . London was week snd lower for Americans, but New York was firm, active and strong, o upward tendency to prices an wlth 14.00; eaatera O-egon. $18.0020.00; mixed, through the session.? American Smelter com- ij7 r vSrlnli ! SMte S c Hale A $l0.o6(8j 10.60; clover. $.S03!.(Xi; araln. $8 00 won-was the leader and cloaa with a gain of j7VeSi le Ye fori ticket 78 ke jle . eio.00, ,cbt. $8.00e$10 00. - J . over B .ntt. The general market cked .1- ZJrrlsU.c , Butter. Eggs aad Poultry. most 2 points up, 81c UnloB 28c. Sin rranciaco, June 4. Official prices: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandotorm 88c, Mohawk $1B.00A. Colnmbls Mt. 40c, Jumbo Ext. $1.32H. Vernal 20c, Pennsylvania 8c A. Ooldfleld M. Co. $1.20A. Kendal! 28c, Booth 82c, Blue Bull 20c. Adams 10c, 8ilver Pick 5c, May Queen 25cA. Nev. On. o n n Kit Re RIua Bell 10c. Dixie J""!. fenulne Te. 0. Columbia 40. Hlbernla Sc. 8t Ivea it; ,8-bW tote, 64ci I oi ronmieror 10c. BIk. Rock 4c. Lone Star 18c, O. Wonder 4cA, Ore 18c. Kendall Ext. 21c, Sandat. Ext. 4c, Mayne 8c, Great Bend 61c, Blmerone 10c, Red Top Ext 22c, Florence $3.75, Diam'f B. B. Con. 18c. O. Palsy $1.05, Laruna Sl.lOA. uommnnweaun zoe, louid, Fract 82.00. Gr. Bend Ext. 11c. Gr. Bend Anx, 10c, Mlllatorm 40ctA, B. B. Bonanza 8cA, Ke- wanoa 60e. Portland 16c, Cracker Jack 15c, Francis Mob wit $1.00. Red Hill 82c, Mohawk Ext. 10c. Lou Dillon 10c, Y. Tiger 15c, S. Pick Ext. 7cA. Y, Boae 6e, Col. Mt. Ext; 4c, Ooldf. Cons. $4.85, Diam'f. Triangle 18c. C0M8T0CK DISTRICT Ophlr $1.75, Mexican BOcA, Gould Curry The Cblcsre wheat market failed te reapond to the new damage newe coming from the mid dle weat wheat belta on account of recent frosts. Lower csbies snd promise of better I naclty and that, the Investigation to be weather in Ohio and' other grain ststea bare Tnlam ta net nrnaanntad ta brought sbout more lioutdstU In sll wnMtnMmtamw U nmpniU W pits. Chicago closed 1H to lHc off, whUo anora any reuox or any Liverpool was sharply lower, tba toss amount-1 people at stations between Pendleton log u ia la do in opuoos. land Portland. ZZZT.. kw t.J It Is further alleged In the complaint va iivibi f ..HBW Bj S VW mjf w v ri.mt uooae company i N. liiierican PJaiionalSanlt SAN DISCO. CAL. Capital (paid p) $100,000, gurplns and Vxl TtotlU f 40,000. Officers and Directors! IrOule J. Wilde,'' Pres.; R. M. Powers, TIce-Preaj H. E. MUls. Vlce-Prea.j Chas. X Williams, Caen ierj I X Rice, Assistant Caehler; K. Btranlman. ' ed Vi You raclfla STorthweH Items ' Send Us Yonr Visitors f.r Good Treatment . San Diego's Mineral Resources The mineral weal of fian Diego county, though .known , to be treat. Is largely undeveloped, and offers an excellent field for the prospector and capitalist. From one group of gold mines at Hedges over two million dollars hare been taken out. v Valuable gems are found In great varletlea In Ban Diego county, - July Sept Dee July. Sept Dec July Sept Dee July Sept July Sept Oct July Sept WHEAT. Open. High. Dftal 1O0 COBN. 63$ 64$ .. tOK " 61 H . OATS. ... 40 49 .. $8 80 H ...40 41H MESS PORK. ..101T 1R& 1017 ..1038 1062 1636 LARD. ' ., $10 020 ... 922 982 20 030 SHORT BIBS. 670 K2 86 887 Low. 08 tfl MH 90 63H 60H 40 88 H 0 10 923 20 870 ass 1627 1046 13 927 626 $77 882 urxrrooL osaiv Kiizn, July Sept Liverpool, Jane 4. Official prlcee: , WHEAT. Opea. Close. June (. Lose. Ts lHd Ts i 7a lHd 1H1 7s 8Hd 7a SHd 7s SHd lHd C0BN. 4s IIHd 4s llHd 4a HHd 4s 10d 4s lOHd 4s Vi that the proposed action of the state raUwar commiaalon would constitute a Close, flagrant discrimination and exceptional favor to the; city of Pendleton ana im mediate community surrounding It as against all other stations . and pas aengera and traveling public; that to order another train to be put between Portland and Pendleton would ba un reasonable and that such an order Is be yond the power of the commission; that the proposed action of the commia alon under the lrcumstances would de prive the company of 4ts property with out due process of law In contravention of the fourteenth amendment of the United States constitution; that the commission Is disqualified from enter taining the matters Involved In the com plaint or from giving the aame an lm partial or Judicial conalderatlon- for the reason that the members have already made a auperficlal examination of the matter. . K5a 61 A 40H S8HA 41 B A A July Sept JTJLT WHEAT TODAT.- CMeago $ .06 ISt. Lo0i Kaneaa City.. .90 Minneapolis .08 H vuium wna rroruana ...... .w Refncaruatloo. From the Pall Hall Oasetts. Fresh growth, new loveliness, Ufa and re-birth . Come to the lavish earth: Beauties combined and re -combined each spring But no strange thing. t -0tt Hareblll and wlldflow'r, . broom and H1 Hd Cssb blueatem., MEW TOKK C0TT0V KAXJCZT. anemone. Sprung from an ancestry Common to stars and elemental air. Make woodlands fair. January . ; February . March . ... June ..... July Auruat . ., September October . . November December . Open. ...1208 ...1176 ...1216 ...1104 ...1104 ...1169 ...1164 ...1193 ...1180 ...1199 High. 1208 1170 1216 1184 1164 1181 1170' 1194 1180 1200 Low. , 4. 1170 1190 , i no 1176 1200 1136 1130 1180 1120 1138 1164 1168 1192 1200 1138 1160 1148 1166 117S 1166 1180 Bo, as wo hush our soul la this still place - '' ' Where first we saw love's face; 1213 Centuries lean o'er us, and we are part 1219 Of nutnre's hexrt The very breese from spirits that are dead Brings bliss remembered: And we have kinship with that beauty born ' On the first morn. 1210 una 1164 1184 1172 1193 1197 1202 Bankers & Lumbermen's . Bank '""V' . . Portland, Oregon STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS JUNE 1, 1007. RESOURCES. ' Loans and discounts.,........... ...$ 9005.86 Overdrafts Bonds and Securities..... Furniture and Fixtures. Cash and Due from Banks. ..... ... . . . . 498.95 37,330.43 6.964.25 587,751.28 Total $1,532,770.80 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock . . . . : $ 250,000.00 ; Surplus and Undivided Profits.. 6,120.70 Deposits ... 1,278,650.10 ;ToU1 .V .7. ... .... ...1.532,770.80 Bison Society Wants Help. The American Bison society is get ting busy. In Country Life In America the secretary pleads In Impassioned phrases for "our grandest native animal." "A bill calling for national aid In the establishing of several buffalo herda la already under consideration," declarea. the secretary (whose address. Is Merl- den, N. H.) v In the meantime the society pur- How Plates Catch Quail. From the Los Angeles Time. These natives have a unique way of getting quail. " For them there Is no closed season, or Indeed any game law whatever, v Seasons when the email come down from the mountains to the spring the Indiana make great prepara tions for their capture. They build a bough house, with a long, slender -opening in the front. pcaea to make a determined effort to I T.? sticks set closely A WEEK KSSSStSSn BUYS A HOME IN "BERIffiLEY" together. Within tbe house an Indian alts concealed, holding a long limber rod, which he ; operates - dexterously through the narrow opening. In- the early morning when the birds flock down for water he picks them off, one at a time, killing them Instantly. m,. v- i a tier i iw i vyvi l m liiio wanner os The orricers or tne society are pre- f ,., ,!, rrt An. th. wnrv inrM.nt.i tn tMm nuntlng to frighten the others away, and the Indian often gets enough game in a single morning for the whole settlement. organize the interest of the publlo In the fate of the American buffalo, and presently bring it to bear In such a manner that It will result In the gov ernments of both the United States and Canada taking measures to insure that animal's preservation and Increase. pared to do the work Incidental to thla campaign, but' In order that It may be carried on promptly and vigorously they must have support This can be given by Joining the American Bison society. The work to be done requires money, and for this the society depends en tirely upon membership fees and dues. and private subscriptions,'1 Official New Vork prices by Overbeck, Stsrr Cooke company: ' Open. Close. Amalgamated Copper Co ;. HB American Car A Foundry, common. 40 4o Amerioan Cotton Oil, common HO American Locomotive, common.,... 67ft RH American Sugar, common......... .... 121 American Smelter, common. . ...... 113' 11 American Woolen, common. Atcmaoa, common BUTTE B i gAT f . o. a. PortUnd-Sweet 'cream, ssc; aonr, ziy,c. BU1TEB City creamery, 25c: seconds, 21He; 'eotaide fancy, 24025c; seconds; 21c; store. iei7c. - KOGS Extra fancy, candied, 17Q18C. . CHBBSfc Kew full cream, flats, , lSUfflie per Ibj-YooBg Amerlcs, 16V4tnc per lb. ,. -" POULTEX Mixed tUickens, lS&14e m fancy teaa, J4e lb; rooatera, old, 10c lb; fryers, , SOe per lb( broilers, 20e per lb; old duekv U(glt per lb; spring ducks, 20c pr l0: geese, 810c per lb: eprlng geese, 12fct J3c per lb; tnrkeya, l,e per lb for old; , eqnaba, S2.B0 per dos; pigeons, $1.23 per doa. ijrtsaea pouiu-7 iia i nc per jd nigner. Hops. Wool sad Hides, , - HOPS 1608 crop Prime to choice, 7e; me dium (o prime, Mi(87c; median, esieuc: cos tr.tM 10OT cron. 10c. : . W00L-1WT clipVsIlRy, 20921c; eaatera Ph! ' On-ron. 16U22& T 1 Colorado Fuel A; iron, common.. MOHAIll New 1&0T 2i32V4c. I Colorado Soptbera, common.... 6HEEP8K1N8 Shearing. 1020e each: w I Ienver At Bio Orande, common . wool, 2S(a0c; medium wool, 006z70o .eh. I r-rle. common long wool, I0catl0 each. - I Erie, second preferred TALLOW Prims, per lb. S).fl4e; No. 2 and . greaw. 22)e. CUlTTik BABK SQfle for. ear lotas small lota. 6c. ,. B1IKS Irry, No. 1. 16 Tbs and aa, 170 18e per Jb; dry kip. He. 1, 1 t, is lbs, IRQ , 18e: dry calf. No. 1, under S lbs, 20c; sslted hides, steers, sound, 60 lbs snd ever, 8H0c: : cows. aAe; stage and balls, r sonnd, 6a7e: ktp, IS to 80 lbs, 0c; calf, sound, aader 18 : lbs, 11c; grata, anaalted, le less: culls, le per lb less; borae bides, sslted, eacb, tl.0032.00; dry, sack. 1.00(1.60; colt braes. 2.V)c; mat skins, common, each. 0i9 16e: Angora, sack, SScafl.OO; sheep skins. 2Sctgl.50. v -.,;-., y raits aad TsgstabUs. ' '.. POTATOES Fancy, f2.Ooe2.2S; sweeta, Ac - ma- IK maw MlatnM. . In f nr IK ... .,.r - . . . V T . .... miHi-i P.in- mnmwnnm VAIOAStvoooing price no, a uregon, z.ou 1 - - " 3.o0;, Texas and Aastrallsa. e per lb; 1 l"ibl',rna. J1"' nun6 F.rll- e ner lk. ' . ' J Toledo. Bt. L. tc W.. common.. rrit aancy nooa iuvr, iinni - , - ... 87 ... 934 ... 49 ...167 Baltimore A Ohio, common.., Brooklyn Rapid Transit. ..f.. Canadian r antic, common . . . 1 Central Leatner, common .... Clitcago A Great Western, common . 10U Chlcaso. Milwaukee 8t. Paul.. ..124 Chicago k Northwestern, common. .140 IllUioia Central . . Loolsv)lle A Nashville 110 He lean Central Railway. Missouri, Kanias A Texss, common 31 Great Northern 124 National Lead 59 New York Central 109 W. T., Ontario A; Western ...... 83H , Norfolk A Western, common . . . 72 i Northern Paciflp, common 120 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. .... 23 Pennaylvanla Railway . People's Oss, Light A Coke Co. t 8!4,v Presaed Steel Car, common 31 Reading, common QU Republic Iron A Steel, common.. 2ft Rock laland. common 19 iHt. LonU 4 San Fran.. 2d pfd. ... 81 24 60 BULLFRdb DISTRICT. Original 10c, Bullf. M. C. 15c, Mont. Bnllf. sc. Nat. nana 30c, l, narria zc, amemyai jsc, Gold Bar 60c, ' StelnWay Tc, Denver Buf . Anx. 10c, Bonnie Clare 42c. Mayfl, Cons. 20c, O. SceDter 11c. Monty. Mt. 16c. B. Dalay 10c. Homeatake Cbns. 60cA. Yankee Girl 6cA. Nugii get 6c, Tramp cons.- oc, Nortn tar oca, sun set OcA. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton. Nev. I14.62V4, Mont. Ton. 12.75; Tott Kit. 2c, MscNsmara 25c, Midway $1.25, Ton. Belmont $3.25, Ton. No. Star 25c. Ohio Ton. Sc. West End Cons. 85c, Rescne 16c. Ton. A Lnlon Pacific, common Tnlon Pacific, preferred United Htatea Rubber, common.., I'nited States Htael Co., common. United States Steel Co., pfd ' 'lllaatla Valley and sou there Oregon, S2.M e27&. .;. IKliSH FRniTS Oraorea, new navel. S3-SO )..1A: Medlterraneaa sweets. t2.2ZfftX.tO; tsa- pa vt-i titv-. fi,u, STBKgsaisBa ajsv - i-v-s l( arsas4wsn. . -, . , " mo: Bineannie. (Ss cer dux: arrspe fruit, I .'""'n cBfr.1. common- $125; strawberries. OregoV $14tie2.00 per rrata; cherries, $1.00 per 10-tb box; gooseber rm. no ter in : aprlcota. z.oorz.za; locaa .131 1014 Calif. 8cA, Golden Anchor lite. Jim Butler 84c, ion. uaan noy. ca, ion. riome oc. Doai. -ion. 12cA, Monarch I'llti.fl Ex. lc. Mont. Mid. Ext. 4c, Golden Crown 8c, N. T. Ton. Cons. IOcA. MANHATTAN DrSTRICT. . Manh. Cona. ROcA. Manh. M. Co. Sc. 0. Wedge Be, Seyler Hump 5c. Dexter 10c, L. Joe 2c, Creacent TcA. Combination 4c, Granny IBeA, Moatang lfle Little Grey 18rA, Cowboy Zc, Orlg. Manh. lcA, Broncho TC, Jump. Jack So. Plnennt He. Mirrfflo ac. B. uoar 14c. Y. Horae 3c, Indian camp be. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. . , ratrv. Silver King 8c A. Nevada Hills. gft.flS No. Star ' Wonder f 1.55, Eagle's Nest 5c. Ruby Wonder ,18c, Nev. H. Florence 20c, Pittsburg silver rvsa ocj. UNITED 8IATE8 GOVERNMENT BONDS. ' New lork, Jose 4. Government bonds: ' . . r Date. Bid. Asked Twos, registered 1005 - do con doo 1930 Threes, reglatered 1019 do coupon ............... mis Threes, small bonds ...... 1918 Fours, registered, new ..... t , 1825 Fours, registered,, old 1007 do eouDon 1W fotms) registered, old....... 1907 do.oupon 1907 Fours. Philippines 180 Twos, Panama, reglatered ....., OO TOUJwn ..,.......',. . , . For-Transient Guests. - From the Catholic Standard and Times, Cupid's cleaning house today . In Miranda's heart. - . Here it. is the first of Mayff ... Cupid's cleaning Kouse today. For the summer-guests make way,'; ..ltd nau,. uc)iiu ,Jr- - Cupid's cleaffing house today In Miranda's heart. Cupid's cleaning house today In Miranda's heart. Not one tenant long may stay. Cupld'B cleaning house today t ; , That the summer boarders may . ' Oet an early start. ' Cupid's cleaning house today ; ; In Miranda's heart. , " .,' ' .: wi- T. A. Daly. , .Great Musician's Eccentricities. ' From the London Evening Standard. Dolls were tha idols, -after his beloved Instrument, of Domenico Dragonettl, tmr King or tne nouoie bass. . He had a huge collection of these puppets dressed In various national costumes and where- ever Dragonettl went the dolls were sure to go. : That was only one of this eccentric genius' peculiarities. . He would never play unless his dog were in the orchestra, and ' nobody would have got a not out of him un less he had been permitted to sit In the orchestra next to the stage door. This was a precaution to enable him to save his wonderful instrument - in. case of Are. The Instrument Itself he bought from the monastery of St Fletro when on a visit to Vincensa, and when he died he bequeathed It . to St. Mark's, Venice, to be used at solemn services. . .:; w 8H IwK llliattlSe per box; blackberries, $15 j rr uMa, .. .- , 1 VlrgluU Chemical 24 20 31H 75, 48 133 87 8li 83 97 T8 16 36 tivanest Oettaa Klsiiar.Tf,''.l'::'': Uverpoet. June 4. Cotton futures closed' A te 4 points higher, , , . , , . . 104 104 li 102 . 102 107 120 . 129 129 9 K 101 100 103 100 , . .. . 104 : 105U i04Vt va 104 105 1HJ 103 129H J214 129 POHTLAND BANS STATEMENT. Clearings today ... do year age..'.. .$t,!80.50J.f9 , 1,268.050.73 Loss todsr 00 year ago.,,,., . 87,549.06 Her First Long Skirt. From the Kansas City Times. She was a girl of 17 or thereabouts and while she waited for a streetcar the men stared when' she wasn't looking at them. The car came and the maiden gathered up hey long skirts and stepped hand no longer i a pincers, but merely aboard, But something happened sud- a, claw. The French court llows In denly. The smokers In the rear vestl- damages 16 to $5 per cent value for the bule all sprang to her assistance, for riwhr and to m is ir - ,. t.e she had stepped on her skirt and fallen, thumb. The Austrian schedule wive. The Valuable Thumb. "Solomon says thumbs up," because the thumb Is said to be worth fully one third the entire value of the hand. The different fingera are far from having all tha. aame value before the eyes of the law. : '. Much the most important among them is the thumb, for without. It the SAVE $25 BY BUYING THIS WEEK," all $125 lots going . for $100 Five Dollars Down and One Dollar a Week. Offer positively closes Satur day night. "Berkeley," Portland's beau- v tiful new residence addition, is just be yond the golf links, 22 minutes from the business center, by two car. lines.4 1. See or phone us. ; . 'y II The Jacobs-Stine Company Phones : A2811, Mam 358 OR TDE CURTISS CO. oaa at.tix. cut.... ntt- riuiuyiuu ociiiny y a mc OPENIIVG NEXT SUNDAY I H .0 Phones: A2699. Main 699 as jUtft Floor swetiana mag. H "BERKEIEY'S" BIG OPENING NEXT SUNDAY I KZZSSSXXZSSSXBEaSSXSSSCEEa I I knew I'd do aomething like that" ahe said to her companion. "But. I wore it all day-Easter and dldii't have a sin gle ralshap." , . , from 15 per cent for the left to 35 per cent zor tne ngnt. in oermany 10 to 28 per cent, and even aa high aa Sl.S per cent nas oeen awarded. The percentage la based on 100 as the total value of the hand. Industrially Yearns for Galoches. In the advertising columns of a recent apeaklng, before the aocldent. number of the Paris Figaro, under the classification of - t "Renseignements Utiles," or. "Useful Notices," an ad vertisement appears, of which tbe fol lowing la a literal translation F. MISSLER :. (aremsa, oermany.) '. . ...... j "A RuBlan dwelling In Paris since a MO-tM 81T aAXVXBTOV, TIX. BANK : (XTalnoorpo rated ) 1 Remittance of Uoney to and trom turope , recent date feels desolated at not being able to find galoches of' India- rubber of the Russian model, that is to say rigid. He would be grateful to Any one who would' indicate to him a stock of these Russian galoches In Paris. Write td the- Figaro, Serge V." . ... - " - , ,Th-advertisement occupies si lines of space and ' advertising space Is not cheap in Paris newspapers. fl it . nrob- ably cost Serve V. from U to 110' to . JfOBriO KOirrr ZZCXAVOS. sleek relief for. his desolation at tha lack Ticket Of floe tog the Steamers from aad vi Aussiaa gaiccnes. , . I so Suropt, -iflairalnin. WHICH WINS? Two houses in the same town were painted by tbdusame dealer with Lowe Brothers "High Standard'ralnt and with "lead and oil mixed br handV - The first the larger cost 7.50 " with "High Standard." The second cost 42.00. The first -wore over five; years, the otherfos Figure it out rfor yourself then come and let us help you to select colors. See our beautiful cards and booklets. : ; - ; .uv,-?,. Booklets; "Paint and Painting" and "Attractive Homes' Free. RASMUSSEN & CO. ' Distributes k ; -I l r, 5 Second and Taylor Streets, Portland 15 OREGON DAILY JOOllNAL ANEW SPAPH WOK w ALL . THS PS OsL-fi 1 V , " 1 ' , ' ' ' t