10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUfnS 4, 1807. ' I: - ' Golden Vedding Reception Today v.- i v. LITTLE" POCKET PHYSICIAN 1 Mr. and Mr. John A. Hurlburt. A reception i U r to U riven thla afternoon at the home of Mr. and lira . Wsldemar Seton, ? Mllwaukle avenue. In celebration of the folden wedding 1 of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hurlburt. Mr, and lira. Hurlburt have llrvd In the neighborhood of Portland for the 17 years alnee they . came from Iowa. Mr. Hurlburt was born In Canada and Mrs. Hurlburt, aa Mary Adams, In In dlana, but both moved to Iowa In their youth and were married there. .There are six children who will live thla re ception P, it. Hurlburt, D. D. Hurlburt, George Hurlburt, John 'Hurlburt and Mra. Seton of Portland and Mrs, Wil liam 8111 of Spokane. Mr. Hurlburt la 71 veara old and hla wife la (f. Mr. Hurlburt haa been prominent 'aa a surveyor and for many yeara waa county aurveyor. He waa alao civil en- alneer for the Oregon A California rail road. HE JOE IS i'whig noon D ' D POIID IS DEEP III DEBT ; Cannon Assails Chicago and Disappearance of Prominent Is Assured of Solid t Support, PACKERS J&VQK EACE OF YETEEAN SPEAKER Bay City Clubman Ex plained by Creditors. congressman ixrtmer Announces a ' Trip West and It Is Believed That Me Win Talk Favorably of the v rresldentlalCandldate.' ' (Joornal Bfftefal Cervtce.t ' ' Chicago, June '4. "Uncle Joe" -Can- , ; Don haa returned to Chicago after an extended visit to the eaat and brought with him the presidential boom, which has been attracting widespread atten Hon In the last few weeks. Cannon lost no time getting In touch with hla western friends. At the Union League club there waa a gather ing of Republican leaders, who were closeted one after another with the speaker. Every one of them declared himself sn enthusiastic Cannon man and said '"Uncle Joe" was ahead Of all other candidates in the race for the Repub- , llcea presidential nomination. Congressman Lorlmer emerged from - the speaker's room and said he waa off for a trip to the west His friends say Jie will spread the Cannon - doctrine wherever he goes. Congressman Me- Kinley aaid his district was unanimous for Cannon and there was no question that the Illinois delegation to the Re publican national convention would be unanimous for him. "Congressman Cannon Is unquestlon nbly strong in New York," said Con-" ' gressman Uttauer. "His ability Is ! understood and the force of personality la felt there. He would unquestionably , be strong throughout ti e east should the Republicans nominate him for presi dent. . 1 "New Tork has bar own candidates .for the presidency, of course, and the ; situation has not yet developed so that la prediction as to the outcome can be made." Freak Eggs. From the Molassine World. - ' The stories told by poultry keepers In regard to the laying of eggs are in , danger of becoming viewed by the pub lic in the same suspicious light as the ; tall yarns of fishermen. - It Is announced that an egg laid by a ben belonging to a coastguards officer at Bridgeport measured Inches by i inches, while another of a slmila : Use picked up In a farmyard at Fenny Stratford was, on being opened, found to contain a perfectly formed second egg. The record monster Chicken's egg Is believed to be one of 8 inches by 7 .Inches ana weighing ounces. ' The most freakish eggs are attributed to ducks,. The Weston Park museum, Sheffield, has a duck's egg which con tains another smaller one Inside and a 1 atlll greater curiosity in a twin egg. the two being joined together end tn ena.- . .. . - In a museum at Paris a curious four xooiea goose lays an egg which Is in variaDiy misshapen snd the shell which is so brittle that it breaks touched. All. efforts to preserve these eggs nave oeen lutiie. - An egg apparently in a atate of per fect preservation is reported to have oeen discovered embedded in the mor jar or an ancient cnurch near Paris. .A the wall had been standing for fully goo jcr ins egg must nave oeen undia turned lor au ttiat long period. t v Expensive Peace Gua-ds. - Warsaw Cor.,' Pall Mall Gazette. ...- some idea of what it coats to have military protection in Russia can be aratnered oy tne following figures -rince isarysiKin, whose estates are in Lithuania, near the Courland frontier. Is afraid of strikes and riots. A year ago he asked for some dragoons, who . were sent to tne manor house and have been there ever since. For thie he pays ,1190 a month to the government. ' They have, already cost him 2.280 In casn, to say 'toothing or huge quantities Of meat, wood,, straw.- hay, oats and clover, which he la obliged to give them a free of charge. All told he reckons that His -protection" coste him about 14.000 a year. - At suca a rate only rich men can afford to feel secure In Russia. The poor onea must tun the risk of being jouiro. . - (Journal gpeelal Service.) Ban Francisco, June 4. Liabilities stlmatedvat 176.000 are given as the reason for the disappearance of Ed ward Pond, a prominent young club man and son of former Mayor Edward B. Pond, who has been missing two weeks. About 21 creditors, for the most part shin chandlers, are said to be af fected by the failure. Young Pond's relatives and business associates, beyond admitting that they last beard from the missing man in New York, persist ln shroudinr his whereabouts in mystery and are mak ing an effort to effect a settlement with his creditors. . - - . Pond's failure came tn'-llrht two wteks after he had departed, when his brother. Samuel V. Pond of Watson. Pond A Riddle, requested statements of accounts from the missing man's cred itor. :' .. . , , .- - Among the heavier creditors are a. M. Jossolyn 3t .Co., 10C Main street, and the Leslie Salt Refining comDanv. Pond's failure, hla friends claim, was cauned by a general decline in values of fish products. cousl6d with heavv losses resulting from the fire last yean Big European Banqnets. t The 1909 club banquet to the colonial' ministers at the Albert ball, with its MOO guests, is certainly of Imposing i scale, but if is scarcely, as stated by a tun temporary, me -second largest on record," the premier place beina award ed to Lord fitrathcona's Aberdeen din ner, at which the gueaU numbered 2,400, says the Westminster Gasette. Borne years aro the late Ladv Bur- dett-Coutts feasted 2.000 people at her house at Highgate, King Edward being among her guests, a little later his royal highness . (as he then was) was one of 8,000 guests sat down to a din ner in London; 3,500 were present at the banquet " - , But even such gargantuan feasts can not compare with the banquet in 188 at the Palais de 1'Industrie, Pas I a, which was enjoyed by lJ.OOO mayors of French towns, in addition to 2.000 other diners: nor with the feast Sir Watkln W. Wynii once gave in Wynnstay park to 16,000 neighbors, a banquet at which It hogs heads and 1,440 bottles of ale were consumed.' Kyomel Xs duaraateea to Cure Catarrh. Thousands who have been cured by Hy-o-mei ' call the inhaler that comes with every outflt the "Little Pocket Physician," as it Is so small that It can be carried in the pocket or purser- There is really no excuse whatever for anyone ' having catarrh now that Hy-o-me is so readily obtainable. Do not delay longer the use of Hy-o-me( if you Buffer with catarrh. This Is a purely local disease, and Hy-o-mei goea ' right to the spot where the ca tarrh germs ire present, destroys them, soothes and heals alt inflammation and makes a permanent and lasting cure. The complete Hy-o-mei outfit consists of the "Little Pocket Physician" and a bottle of Hy-o-mel and costs only 11.00, making it the moat economical aa well aa the only guaranteed treatment for the cure of catarrh. Remember that Hy-o-mel cures catarrh without stom ach dosing, applying the medication and healing where the dlaeaae germs are present. . ... - s We do not want anyone a money un less Hyomel gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy . gives satisfaction. All druggists should be able to su; ply you with Hyomei Or we will send by mall on receipt of price. 11.00, and every package is sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing un less it cures. Booth's Hyomei Com I 11 ' 1 FRED OLSEN'S DAY TO HAVE BAD LUCK (BmcIjI Dinxteh ts The Joareal.t Astoria. Or., June 4. In two collisions on the Olney road yesterday four men were injured and a horse had two legs broken and had "to be killed. ' Two teams were coming to town and in collision one of them was capslsed. throwing ' out the men 'and ' breaking the horse's- legs. . Shortly after the other team collided with a buggy driven by Fred Olsen, the Olney merchant throwing hint out and slightly Injuring him. The wagons and buggy were bad ly broken up. All belonged to Olsen. Creameries cheese, butter, eggs, cured meats. Oregon Cheese Co. lit ith. Sparrow and Dog Associates. A curious sight In one of the principal squarea in the lower part of town Is a strsy dor 'whose constant associate Is sparrow, which seems to have' ac quired the absurd habit of perching on the dog's head.-..'.' The amusing feature of the thing is the solemn quiet with which the dog receives the attentions of its feathered friend, turning its head only when the bird gets upon the end of its nose a spot, which is apparently, rather sensitive.. The meeting .of the day generally takes. place at noon, when the dog has finished foraging for its morning feed and when the bird too lssated. If spar rows really ever are. " The short 20-minutd ride to Irvington Park is over one of the smoothest ; suburban lines in the city ; the cars are elegant, , the ' service" perf ect cars t every 1 0 or 1 5 minutes. The ride is one to always remember the i whole trip is hedged with beautiful Oregon Roses the entire distance Hand v some aridi valuable homes are continuous all the way to the very bound-' 2 anes of the tract. - 4 'r'r,: ..-';;: u Air, the surroundings, the grandeur of the scenethe refresh-! ing sea breezes, the fertility of the soil, ' the welcome shade of a few choice trees preserved on each lot are enough to cause any one to want to live in Irvington Parki- tThe purest 'of'BimRun: water: is ; piped throughout the tract. Think of living in a beautiful park and having ; the purest water in the world to drink with all other surroundings just right s " I-' : ' ' ' ''yr-, , '-v -; '.v'-.v.. k '' b-rt X W&WaI y0U t0 gCt away irom the "chcaP addition" idea and y see this beautiful tract, a- strictly. hOmeseek'ers para dise, a swell home location where Portland's best people are making prep aration to" build pleasant homes, after careful comparisons ? with other tracts, prices and all considered, the wide streets, 100-foot boulevard, hand-: some shade trees, the reasonable building restrictions ($1,500)," the splen- . did investment, a certainty of doubling in value in one year, in fact there -is no other addition north of Going street on the Columbia river slope that is as accessible or none other in the city half as good that can be bought for $200 or $300, 10 per cent down'and the balance in payments of $10.00 per montn. iaii or pnone Main 5396. . we are always liclty-Ca Ttt readv to show vou." in HI " I'' ? o am pobtiano Osusooer f . ' aa mmtlti see Ckmttni seeV ' W Lsmt tt$k StU e Oeajas ' CrsURKS AUC KIXDS OP UVK WTOCK AOAINHT " : J KA.rU FROM ANY .M:v,,.,ClrVUMlfi , . ' 'jtrntiaillk M ' "" Twtt4 ff. .. .Liiii " Wok K smith r.rn. K. H. Ofat Qeal tt Jasb UlObtflKMiuy H.l.mlr Owl lata, J ' . ' (lf Osnaral CoooaaT , . , MEMBES - ' fanUad haabar et Ci mini . .' .V ?...;:-. v. Vwtlaad Boaref Tntae -V "t:-;i 't' ( kmaiNCM, t . i ' Onses Traat anil tavlnBi Buik Portland Ore, : Tit Pr4tme .Conpuv J'1" K. O'Da Si Co. CoanarcM Aaeacy ' a. .WesMke ae siemlae we ee aot hlol , W give res a aare aet , Leak a u T BOMB OFFICE t-t-tLAFA YBTTB BIJXX Cm fWdtUutm tmi S4xtk . fwtUtJ Oe. II Darren-Mi Metsger flts your eyes for $1. 141 Washington street, corner Beventh, formerly st 111 Sixth street E. B. Holbrook Co. Portland, Oregon 250 Stark Street MEN I (LJfRT.( ; Read This!; I lilJVi) Iho Portland tit PORTLAND, ORBCKJN. t t V. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY KKAXKJUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL everything, to. eat and ''drink, and it seat no more la the , Portlaai Hotel ' RathskaOar than elsewhere la the city. Kvery weekday night from to 11 aC 0 BOWCM, Kanaretw ' HOTEL MOORE onir aix th teai. CLATSOr BEACH, BZABISX, OBXOOaT. The Cff Keaae of Onsen. . : Directly' ea the beach, overlooking the eeeaa. Hot' salt baths and surf bathing. Recreitloa pier for ftsblnf. Hun parlor, electric light, fireplace and furnace beat. BMn walk. aiMl arlA. SM ttntAm . MnAlalt Rates, $2.50 and J3.00 per day; BTEUIAU BS.TB8 BZ TUB WEEK, -f . DAN. . MOOBB, Prop... , ! OAuromarzA kotszj. " Attorneys, Henry B. westbrook. Bu chanan Bldg. Collections, abstracts, ti nes examineq; consultation rree. ;: 'TEA ' : hioneyback: tea insur ance: free insurance: costs nobody anything;. Tew tracer retaras rear aiooer if yes Asa't . n Schilling Bt; e sal biai Deer in the Foothills. From the Anaconda Standard. Juat now the deer are all down in the foothills, following their usual custom. and reports from the outlying districts show them to be In greater numbers tnan usual. Almost invariably the deer sret out of the snow aa early in the spring as possible and come to .ne lower lands;! to fawn, following the green grass and 1 1 me snow line oaca into the mountains as the summer progresses. This was also the habit of the Rocky mountain sheep when that animal was found in abundance in some of the Mon tana valleys, but of late yeara few hv. been seen in the lowlands, although iti Is an undisputed fact that the number in southern Montana has greatly in creased during recent years. Furnish King Alfonso His Wine. From the London Chronicle. l ne uordons are said to have the right to all eternity to supply wine to the. royal house of Spain. This family hub oeen in opain aa wine growers more than 100 years, although they still own tne ancestral estate of Wardhouse in ADeroeensmre. - They have contracted aristocratic marriages, and the present retiresenta- tlye of the family, Rafael Gordon, who Uvea in Madrid, haa named his first Dorn arter King Alfonso, while hla mother, the Countess de Mlrasol, is laay-m-walting to Queen Chrfufin King Alfonso, who visited Mr. Gordon'i aunt during his stay in the north, did not hesitate to play the part of wine merchant himself in praising the vir tue or snerry. MEN'S $3 SHOES rttD OX FORDS, VICI KID,' BOX CALF AND PATENT qq LEATHER. VOC Men's $4 fine Dress Shoes and Ox fords, in -vici kid, box calf and pat ent leather; genuine - tM AO Goodyear welt.. pieiO Men's $3 Dress Shoes, in vici kid, box calf; English welt . g(J Men's 39c Balbriggan Underwear, in pinks, blues and brown, Men's 75c and $1 Dress Shirts, in soft and stiff bosom; some Ofl with 2 separate collars, at. e)7C Men's Dress and Work Suspenders, 1,000 of them to pick-from,' Fire and Police make and many other makes; none worth less than 25c and some as high as 50c; ; 1 A your choice at........... 1UC ffref erred Stock Canned Goods. Allen A Lewis' Kest BranO. About 500 dozen men's Ribbed Underwear, Shirts and drawers; 35c values, they all go at lOf per garment. Kansas' aenator. the late J J. in gaiis, left one eon who srivea nmmlm i iigunng conspicuously tn the affairs ur nis siaie. Sheffield Ingalls was a member of the last Kansas lerllatur and took high rank In that body among Ita ablest men. His home is at Atchi son, where he began the practice Of law not long ago. He is already slated for congress, although th itiatriot tn which he Uvea has only recently elected aa Its representative the son of annthar famous Kansan in the person of young J-n -ALthony. Senator Inralla lrt I another son, Ralph, who Is practicing law in Kansaa Cita- Missouri. Th ih. I ow and daughter in th nM ! homestead at Atchison. - Aa estimate furnished hv a. tntii.'. Ian gives the number of men killed In the dally pursuit of their es.Illnn largely skilled and unskilled laborers, for the laat four years, at so.ooe mn or;20,00S annually.. - .-. . Men's $1.50 Sateen . Shirts, col lar attached, , Men's and Boys' Suits. Trousers, Furnishings, Hats and Caps Job Lot Men's Suits Wool mixtures, small sizes chiefly, but good $5 values are in the sale at, pick' M OA at.. .....eOAoUa These come, in all sizes and in single, and double , breasted styles; regular and PQ QC good $6 kinds, for. Men's and Young Men's . Suits Some all wool,- some mixed ;Wool materials, for they are, in truth, job lots, picked up far below cost of production; suits worth' from $7 to $9, AJ Qf" and the .choice for. . . . ap47p Men's and Young Men's ' Fine Suits Some $12 and $15 values, plain as well as fancy patterns, single and double breasted, the latest models, all wool serges and clay worsteds included QC Sale price apOeaal Lot of men's and boys' Hats. worth 75c to $1 each,' all OC in good condition, at.....XilC Lot of men's, boys' and chil dren's Caps, regular 50c : iA kind, at......,.j.,......i l7l Lot of boys' and children's 39c Mexican Straw Hats J5c Lot of men's and boys' $1.50 and $2 Dress Hats; remember, they are ihis season's latest shapes; all colors, all sizes, 3t)C Lot of men's regular $2, $2.50 and $3 line of Soft and Stiff Dress Hats, in all shapes; there are 'all sizes; over QO 1,000 to select from, at elJ7 Men's $2.25 Heavy Box Calf Work Shoes, $1.35 Sea them and youll buy. - HOTEL JEFFERSON w lunrt una qouqh streets SAN FRANCISCO ageiAL auMMEH narra j New hotel, faeee Jefferaon Sanare. Two blocks from Van Ness Ave., the pnaent shop Dinar district. Car Hnaa tnn.f mrrtnm all SSOrooma single er en suite. 160 private batha. American and European plana, rrioea moder ate.. Omnibus meets ail train. STEWART-BARKER CO. r The Hoter8tewart Opena September 1st - Odd Coats and v Vests About 210 odd Coats and yests. in single-breasted styles, of neat dark and flight mixtures, mostly 'small ' sizes; worth up to $4 and $5; your cnoice, wane tney lasi, About 200 dozen boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, taped seams and rciu ' forced; worth up to 75c, ijjc 325 of men's worsted good Work ..Pants, in neat stripes and fancy mixtures; worth up to $2y About 200 boysV School Suit, in neat fancy mixtures, made rip in ' the double breasted styles; Avorth X.?....; $1.29 Men's $8 and $10 all wool Scotch s mixture Raincoats, full length, .....$3.95 Men's " $1.69 good weight Ofl- Corduroy Pants, at. , , . .0C Men's $2' Worsted Pants, AQl: neat patterns, at.. .....VOC Men's $Z50 wool mixed on Dress Pants, at. l)l7 Men's $3 wool mixed 1 ' gt ' Pants, at........ pl tU7 Men's $3.50 and $4 good eo OA Dress Pants, at. . ......... $ L,OV nuuroisco's LZAsnra commercial hotel, ooHTAurura soo mooxs. The St. James rrLTO ST. AMD TAX XSSI AVE.; . SAX ntAXCISCO. .. , XATXOXAL HOTEL CO., Frop. : Wm. f. Scii is sltosted la-the heart of th tmaln M. trict. Modern aod handaomelv rurnl.hul. Prt. vate btb. telephone In rtry room. Sample room for tnmllnr mn. Rr fmm ai.so 14.00. Enropmn plan. Acceulbl to all depot.-' -i-eltoated fa the heart of th ihopplnj end Mi ne district. Cloa to tb theatre. ; TSX BEAVTZTT7X, XHW Hotel "Key Route Ino" i unu , aucci ana uroaaway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-dla-I tanee telephones, compressed air clean i In:, larae lobby, eaf e a' la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., addreas N..S. MULXiAK, Manacer. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace tiotel, s San Francisco, .;.. M OTEL A U DU BON VAX ntAXOUCO-ZtTBOFEAX TtAHWrLX. heat. AfpMtrlA lla-ht. . .It - mjim a. 1 A I enees. Strictly flrat-daM.' Coannltnt' to hop I i"u cuior.. us aireci un rrom rerrv end I Third and Townuod depot. Ratr Si flo." 028 Ellla at., near Vn New nu. . ' . a- G ANTE B. Mgr. ., Men, Rtiad This Men'a $4. $5 and $6 Bench-Made Shoes and Oxfords, in vici kid, velonr calf and patent, leather, tan and black; all made on the latest fo qa last.: pCJ7 1 . ' ' asMsaBBaf A ' " 'J ' " ' iffliii Third and Burhsidc Streets Men, Road This MEN'S $3 VICI KID SHOES, IN BLUCHER AND LACE CUTS, ALL MADE ON THE LATEST LASTS ' AND ALL SIZES, FOR. $1.39 FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson' ' Oompoend ' Savla , sad Cottoa Root Pill. . The bm , and eolf reliable remedy for LAY ED PERIODS.. Car tbe moat . : ooaiinaw r m I iv ear. .YI wo, miieaii piaia mapper, addrm Or. I. I. FIEBCB. 181 rint stnet. Per tie ad. Oregea. j:;.. - .