The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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: Toivn Topics j
-, Girofle-Glrona '
s Baker.,... ........ ...''Never Aula",
Grind Vandsvllle
L,rrla .r.w.."SlDS of the rather"
KUf ". "Darkest Hauls'
Tb Oik O. W. P. ears, tint sad AUW
'-'. A claia of IT young men and women
were iriven thlr tint ooraraunlon yes
terday morning at a, solemn high mo
. at B acred Heart church, Mllwaukie road.
In the availing the communicants- be
; cam , sodaliats. i Both aarvlcaa wara
largely attended and wara impressive ,
and beautliul. At the evening eervlce,
a atatua of fit. Anthony, preaented by
1 Dr. and Mra. Rogge, and ona of fit
Francla of Assist, preaented by Mra. A.
Muesslg, were blessed and dedicated.
Rer. Father jOregory, paator, waa in
- cnarga of potn service ,
With appropriate exercises.' the Bap-
tlat church, Eaat Mala and Forty-fourth
atreeta, waa dedicated yaatarday morn
ing. The ohurch waa aUrtad several
yaara ago aa a tnlaalon by the Sec
ond Baptlat church, but haa grown ao
rapidly that tna membera decided a
short time ago to etand alona In tha
work they ara parformlng. It la ax
pacted that a large church will even
tually be built In . tba neighborhood,
which la growing rapidly In popula
tion. ...
"Ona of tha largaat cabbage roaee In
tha olty la ownad by Mra. Alllo Bcarkf,
87S East Eleventh street It maaaurea
1 t lnchea In circumference. Tha roae la
fr perfectly formed and haa bean admired
I vj am enure neignoornooa. ine mam
moth bloom la tha only ona on tha buah
and looka Ilka a aentry atandlng guard
over tha other roaca In Mra Bcarkf a
beautiful garden.
csarsssssssasssszssssssa cibxssszsszs
-.1 1
,; Whenever - earning begins,' saving? should
,: begin.1 We have started a lot of people in
the right ' direction nearly 12,000. ... Some :
had never before saved anything because
. they had .never been forcibly reminded.
; Does this apply to you? -
On Savings Accounts
, 'We Pay 4 Interest
Portland, Oregon . ' .
, W. H. MOORE ........ President 4
W. COOPER MORRIS. . . Cashier
T. S; Townsend Says This
City Could Get It All if
It Tried Iteal Hard.
to J)efend Himself.
Several new aaat aide achool build-
inga ara under construction, and an
f 18,000 addition to the Montavilla
ohool haa been atarted. At Vernon
work on a foundation haa been atarted,
II -room achoolhouae at Arleta la
under way and alao a ala-room achool-
?hu1t4iohCnTrnffii:,g Wife of Prison Convict De-
built. ctiwul rt tltxTA Tnn Chanto,
I oxicu. w vjii o vuuuw
Water through hoee for aprlnkllng
yarda or aidewalka or waahlng porchea
or wlndowa muat be paid for In advance
anfl uaeA onlv hetsraan tha hnnra.' nf B
and I a. m. and B and n. m. It After an effort to have her nusoana
muat not be uaed for aprlnkllng atreeta pardoned from tha penitentiary in owr
If uaed contrary to these rulea, or mat ana migm oouuo a. oivurc iuivm
waatefuUy, It will be ahut off. taking advantage of hla Imprisonment,
, . I jure, juauae juarcnana uruujm auu ivi
Articles of lncorr.ora.tlon of Portland divorce thla morning on the ground that
lodge No. 142, B. P. O. E.. were filed In hi. aiarcnano, ner nusDano. ii con
tha nfflea of tha country clerk thla Vlcted Of a felony. Marchand WSS Sen
morning by Jay H. Upton. Clyde M. I tenced In July. HOB, to five years In
Bills and E. W. Rowe. The property the penltenUary for assault and rob-
now owned by tha lodge la estimated oery wun a oangeroua weapon.
at i Soma time ago Mra. atarcnana went
' ' i . . . . i i
o xne oourinoue ina nua vum rwuru
A federal dvll aervlce examination or tna trial looaea up. one iook ie
will be held In Portland June ! for namee or the trial juage, ine JVrora
an eleotrlclan-elevator conductor. The ana me aisinci attorney, ana siaiea
examination embracea three subjects, that. she would aee them and try to ob-
and the age limit is 1$ to 6B years. n a paroon ior ner
,9 a Wage Of $70 a I I1B "U"U lur uivurce u wuum ire .
Boat Sale Tomorrow for Mrs. Carter.
Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, at the bos
office ef the Metllg theatre, fourteenth end
WMninftoa atreeta, tne adranre aale will opn
ror tne Uatlo(uUli.a actreaa, Hre. Lulli Car
ter, who playe at tha ebore theatre neit Thare-
Sajr and maar nlcbta and Baturdar afternoon.
June t, T and 8, la "Da Barry"; Saturday nlsbt
Tha position carries
liberty to defend. This purpose was
apparently abandoned, for Judge Cle
land. who pronounced aentenca on
Marchand la now
a ananl ai 1 aIaatIan 4nm kam ttiivnAM At
adopting a new charter, will be held M,r "V" 1Vr" Z."
In St
work of the commiaslon haa been com
Dieted and tha council has ordered 700
copies of tha proposed charter to be I poor farm yesterday arternoon, leaving
printed. an aetata valued at $1.10. He will be
burled at tne county a axpense in tna
Herbert Anderson, ciarenee Nicaeieon, potter a neta,
Dorothy Barth and Gertrude Rugg were
tha ninth grade graduates from tha Bus-
sellvllle Grammar school. Tha exer
cises, under tha charge of Principal O
R. Dinwiddle, were lntereating and wall
Otis Sklnnwr -Next Monday.
Not since "Cyrano de'Bergerae" baa a play
of Gallic origin attracted each widespread In
terest aa "The Duel," the famous FarUlaa snc
reae la which Otis Skinner will be seen at the
Helllg theatre next Monday and Tuesday
nlfbts, June 10 and 11. "The Duel" waa so
cured for American presentation by Charles
"Glrone-Glrofla," Marquam Tonight.
"Gtrofle-Olrofla" will be the bill at the Mar
quam thla week, beflnnlnf tonight, and there
la a great deal of Interest as a result of the
announcement. Lorers of music never tire of
this standard eomlo opera and will receive It
tonight with delight. It has been many years
snoe it wss beard in this ctr. It Is a comlo
opera written by a Frenchman, and it has
been said that the French are tbe real orig
inators of funny things. Teddy Webb has a
part this week In wbich he takes Infinite de
light, and other members ot the cast are seen
to unusually good advantage. Miss Bemml has
some of the prettiest soots that have been
heard here this season.
Never Again" m Screaming Success.
With aa offering of bllarltr such ss la
rarely heard In any theatre the Baker Stock
company will be disbanded for the season aext
Saturday night, but Its farewell performance
will long be remembered. "Never Again" was
given Its first production la the northwest et
tbe Baksr reeterday afternoon and provided
screaming mirth tor a big andlence. The samo
thing happened last night and will happen
again every night this week, for a funnier
Charging desertion beginning In May, ... .rmntt.r i .m. t.
in the circuit court for a divorce from
hla wife Sarah Gibson. Tha litigants
were mart-led at Mankato, Kansas, In
December, 1892, and have a daughter.
Batter Manafaetarer Safi Portland
Dealers Would Be Able to Get Its
8hare--AdTaiei Prices Are Now
Justified by tbe Baling Conditions
By T. f. Townsend of Townsend Cream
ery Company,
Much baa been said of tha reoent ad
vance made In tha value of but tar,
and while tha present pries la unusually
high for thla time of tha season, yet
there Is nothing very Btrange or start
' 4 J-
0pt- : ..-TV '
: -
Seat sale tomorrow
Sea Offlot, Tbeeere, U a. am, ;
Tboraday sad Vrllay Wights, Seta-day Mattoee,
UM 1, 9, I
ateiday light,
Vrlaee, Both Dream and VatJneei
Lower floor, (100, 11. for balcony, 1.BA
DAULK lllLAlHEi Ooo. L. Baker, Ifav.
Lest week of the great Baker Stock Cem
pany la the screaming fa roe
from the frenrb
roll strength of the company. A hearty
langb In every line.
Evening prices 26c, Ue, fiOe; matinee, 18o,
J6c. Matinee 8a tarda r.
Next attraction "The Yrlaee and tha
Pauper. " It
Phone Mala 9030.
One Work, Commencing Tonight,
rresentUMT ' OIAOrLX-OIHOrLA."
rilled with fine comedy and most beautiful
BOe: gsllary, S6. Matinees Lower floor, 60c (
balcony, 86a.
The Star
Week of Xune Sd.
T. S. Townsend.
grand Opening of the Reorganised
Freeenttng the Nihilistic Drama,
sfallmss Tueadar. Tburedaj, Saturdar and
onday at t:KO. Prices, lOe and SOo. Every
evening at 8: If. Prices. lOe. Sne and SOs.
fteeerve seats by phone. Main MM.
jMue el uicnmona.
The Grand
Week es fane M.
lamas sad Sadie
Leonard, Klohard
Andanea la "Mile.
MaahactauB," e r
"Whea Coeoa OS
Sneolal added feature,
Harry Booker A Go.,
reseating "The Walk
ing Delegate." Millar
A MoCauloy, Clever
Conker, Mile. Cents
refuil. .Trederle Rob
erts, Oimadlseope,
'The Stolsa Pig,'1
Jvha The Burkee
Phone Ksln 6W.
This Week the AUen Stock Company Present
ing the Prominent Melo
dramatic Baccne.
Matinees Tuesdsy, Thursday. Saturday and
Sunday. Prices loc, SOc. Kvery evening at
8:lo. Prices, 10c, 20c end 80c.
Reserved sests by phone. Mala 4088. Of
fice open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
straws indicatl which way:
the, wind Slows
Your Straw Hat With This Label
Indicates the BLST $3 HAT in the World
Leading Clothier
Evangeline Booth
Commander of she Salvation
.. - Army, speaks at the
White Templef
Tuesday, jane 4, p. m.
"Sins of the Father."
The popular Allen Stock company opens Its
fifth week at tbs Lyric theatre tonight in the
sensatlonsl melodrama, "Bins of tbe Father.
The regular meeting of the Eaat Side Mabel aged 8 years, who., custody Kale" iw3t3. are Vtoosund-
Improvement association will take place
tomorrow evening. Progress on the
proposal by wbich tha east side la to
build a 116,000 branch library will be
reported at this maetlng.
the father asks.
Articles of Incorporation of tha St.
Frederick Rosinskl. a tailor, was ad
mitted to citlsenahlp In tha United
States court this morning. Ho haa
lived in thla country alnoo 1891 and
renounced Emperor William of. Ger
ard, and all the favorite players have lm
portent roles. Mstlnees tomorrow, Thursday,
Saturday and Sunder. Beats now selling: re
serve tnem oy telephone.
Eastern Headlincrs.
Eastern headllners ars frequent oh the bill
r 1, , , - I Meiern neaaiiners are irequent on tne Diu
Thomas Timber company were filed In many to becoma a supporter of Uncle I lt tn Qnwx we4k. Tn top-llner la tbe
tha office of the county clerk this
morning by William St, Thomas, M. J.
Kinney and R. P. Graham. Capital
stock, 15,0(10.
New swimming plunge ready at East
Bids Athletic club. Open dally to pub
lic Expert Instructors. Baths 25 cents.
Private lessons SO cents. Ladles' days,
Mondays and Fridays. Phone East 6670.
White Flyer line of launches will
make daily trlpa to the Oaks and re
turn. ' Boats leave foot of Tamhill
street dally at 1:80 p. m.; Sunday 10!
a. jn. Tlcketa at dock office, 10 cents, :
Professor O. H. B. DeLannee, 4 noted
linguist, for years a teacher of lan
aruaaes In various schools and col
leges, and said to have wealthy rela
tives In Germany, died at the county
MAIN 165
Sam. I comedy act of James and Sadie Leonard,
slsted by Blehard Anderson, called "When
Many people In Portland do not know F"!'.8"' ?.r- Another act Is "The Waik-
itt n-nrh .,.t hv nan nl 1D egaie, - presentea oy narry sooser ana
-7nV n.llahla iTlaVs Vheri to havs CMI,"W- M11,er ,D(1 MCn'X. black-face
a strictly reliable place where to have ,rtlltg oonkey, Juggling monotogist. the
tneir soeotaxies or ji kibbbcs mouo iPkM mnA un. r.nt.nw.11 ..ii.
to oroer Detier ana vutjapcr u muj- i are included.
where else. Tou try lt
"T)a,rlrMr. Rnasla"
AV. ai. swh. t at akl waii n I
i2.AA mVmHrMmti Ruasia," one of the strongest Bus-
always depend on quality and relief written, and one which
wnen you icv viuoi v "e""' i achieved success long before "Resurrection'
23S Wasnington street, aneaa to your was written by Count Tolstoy, Is the attrac
drug wants. I tloa this week at the Star theatre. The first
I perrormsnce will De tonigdt. Tbs company to-
All bottled beer delivered to families "i" 7!'" !j.r,ntD'ne b' J?"1 Owners
r.l.. ZZZ: nrr ana Sunday, seate now selling
I1UUUI 79.'lTJf 1 ewJXA amus s aHwa we.svvvK. , asj f
a. A a tT. A f O fA I
rnone wain , num. a . v,i-
w v. .j eAiuuDVUimti Wv uiv VsaaVV
Pnmmander Eva Booth, daughter of Teeterday wss Ideal for patrons of ths Oaks.
ftcmeral Booth, tha founder of the Sal- Thousands visited the big park and svery one
vation Army, will speak at tha White , oa
lomy.e and even In the forenoon the rrounda wars 11b-
Ierally patronised. There were many thooasnds
at the park in ths evening. Tbe old Chinese
taken on storage, on track, western war junk continues to attract public attention
Storage 4 Transfer company, 821 Haw I and the various features along the avenue pro-
thnrnB AVAnila I Tw Uinuj lute, CBiiupf Dumun. mminrai
tnorne avenue. I u- i. a. r .
I aw " Dl"", f . , m nvuuiv-
Steamer Jesse Harklns, for Camas. !'JleJ!!?i1 S"S "&!!L&m,2
. a 4llw m-W I wast aauauu, n:uiimktuj t m xivuKriai
i nana u making a creat bit wltb ths nubile.
eept Sunday,
dock t p. m.
Leavsa Waahlngton street
W. A. Wise. T. K Wise, H. A. Stnrda- i
vant, dentlata. Third and Washington.
Main 2029. Painless method usee.
Tour eleotlon bets can be satisfactor
ily paid with Allen's Kushion Kumfort I coartesy, and say
shoes, 406 Morrison street.
A Gleam of Hope.
From Human Life. ,
The Earl of Buchan was to the end of his
life, although eccentric, a great social favorite
and a terrible old flirt. ,
On leaving a room he would take leave of
the prettiest young lady with old-faahlonsd
Why pay morel Afetsger fits your .
ayes for 81, 842 Wash. St- cor. 7th,
formerly at lit Sixth street
"Goodbye, my dear, and pray remember that
Margaret, Countess of Buchan, is not Immortal."
Acme Oil Co. sells tha beat safety coal
oil and fine gasoline Phone East 78.
aro oooaxsTB.
Woman's Exchange, 128 Tenth street.
lunch 11:80 to X; business men's lunch.
mm eves.-
Muscular Insufficiencies, which ara
'usually Ignored by most optometrists,
are especially and carefully considered
by as. "
Our system of optical muscular treat
merit Insures your perfect comfort It
does not follow, necessarily, that you
will have to wear classes.
It will require but a very rfew minutes
of your time to call and talk" tha matter
ever with us.
Dr. William Cavanaugh. dentist, haa II Oivr Maw PrnrAcc r(
hi. aKIm tfll.1 Riixh.nihM vUl J.VVTV X X VTA
- - " ' m. . .
Re-Lnamehng Teeth
Is the greatest Invention in modern
dentistry and haa been the most suc
cessful of all methods to restore
badly , decayed teeth, which would
otherwise be beyond hope to their
original usefulness.
Nurseryman Pllklngton, ft Tamhill.
Summer dresses. Madame McClure Co.
Beautifying creams. Sea Mme. Hudson.
Klser soenlo photos. 1 1mperial hotel.
Levy's Muslo Bouse,. 128 Fifth street
Mtinsell Optical Co.
; &e Oaasa Munsell, BetractJonlst, y
afacOeay SaUdlaf. ; Vorttaad, Oregoa.
Photo mounta WoodwordH 1st
Oregonian Confectionary, 181 Sixth,
D. Chambers, optician, 121 Seventh.
Berger -signs284 Tamhill- phone.
Oood $8.60 shoes. Marks Shoe Co.
7 At aW 11 I I
JDark Tonio for rheumatism.
Beck Jeweler 105 Alder.
' Optician For your eyes' sake' see B.u
benstein, 183 Fourth street
? Creameries w cheese, butter, - eggs,
cured meats. Oregon Chaase Co. lit 6th.
Sxtractlnc PoslUveiy Wlthont Pain
- or Bad SestUt 50. -To
introduce our method we will
through the month of June do all
kinds of dentistry at ona half our
regular price.. 1Ye glva a written
guarantee for 10 years with all work.
Open evenings, .
... -.-
8XXTX Airs WASxnraTOH.
Corner Taughn and Twenty-foarth.
June 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Games called at 8:80 p. m. dally.
Games called at 2:80 p. m. Sundaya
Grandstand 26c. Children 10a
Box Seats ise.
ling about the matter when all tha
conditions ara understood, which ara
about a follows:
uutinjr last winter all of tha ware
houses, both In tha east1 and on tha
Pacific coast, were completely emptied
of their cold storage stocks, snd this,
too, long before the spring make of
butter came into the market Hence,
it will be readily seen that the mar
kets throughout the east and west
could only be supplied with tbe fresh-
made goods, and coupled with thla
scarcity, the general prosperity all over
the United States seems to have made
an unprecedented demand and high
prices. Even up to- this late date, there
has been no surplus In tha east aa is
usual at thla time of tha year.
Oatting- Alaska Trade.
Now what ara thai conditions at
home? Tha Alaska buyers at this time
buy large quantltlea of butter, (most
oi them buy enough to run them for
one year) and until reoent years the
Puget Sound cities have enjoyed a mo
nopoly of tba trade, and the only rea
son we have bean able, during the last
three years, to take away from Seattle
and Tacoma a large portion of the
Alaska trade, is because we are pre
pared to fill large orders 'quickly. But
tne Seattle nouses still do an enormous
butter business in Alaska and usually
buy their stocks of butter and eggs
direct from tha east with which to
fill their orders, but the conditions
throughout the east, as above men'
tioned (and with the added poor rail
road service) haa forced tha , Seattle
buyers to almost fall over one another
and even bid against themselves al
most dally to buy Portland butter
hence tha local creameries regarded lt
not .only tha, proper thing to do, but
a very opportune time to advance tha
price or butter ana pay the zarmera,
who have helped ua to be successful.
the highest price for their butter fat
Many of tot creamery men seem to
think the present price cannot be main
tained for a very long time. Suppos
ing this proves true, we can allow the
price to decline, and while tha unpre-
dented high price does continue, we
will have tha satisfaction of paying
tha farmers the highest price for their
butter fat they have ever received at
this season of the year.
As will be seen, the general condi
tlons throughout the country have
rt.b,mln'' t0 th oregon peopl1 Paint Your House
Referring again to the monopoly the
Seattle houaea have had in the butter va- vr
trade of Alaska, I might incidentally re- t a nr AMR
mark that Portland not onlv could a-vm 11
have tha lion's ahare in the butter ru ZHTZXATES.
and eggs trade, but in all. other lines pfcoaa Paolfio 8336, or Cell 886 Tamhill.
aa well, II . tne apparent comoinapon
axalnat a steamship Una plying be
tween Portland and Alaska porta could
be broken up.
College Endowment Association Sold
the Property for $12,000;
Other Deals of Day.
Melville Clark
Player Pianos
Play the full keyboard of the piano. If you would not fcsre g
piano with less than 88 notes why would you hare s player-piano
with anything lest? Don't get off on the wrong foot, Tbe
player-piano that play only 58 or 65 notes is not up to date.
The Apollo plays 88 notes it controls every note on ths satire
keyboard. Time payment arranged if desired.
About the
i. ,
Apollo Player
We have lots to show snd much to tell you when yon call at
. our store. And we don't aik you to buy. We wast you to
know what the instrument is. Just at present we are in a lot
of confusion because of the entire alteration of our store, but
we sre just ss cheerful as ever snd will give you even better
opportunities to buy a piano or player-piano than ever before.
In fact we are making low figures to move some of our stock
to get Pce for new carjoads and' to give us room for slters
tions. The prices will surprise you snd will please the most
rigid economist ,
Just a Word About Pianos
We have them the world's best product ranging, (during our
cut-price sale) from $172 to $500. Open evenings.
Hovenden-Soule Piano Co.
(Successors to Soule- Bros.)
Corner Morrison and West Park Streets. "
SSSV Mnnpv
Coma at once and have fraa Hnmiiu.
win trvrpAP'n twtu wb.. dt.
VVX1 VII t TMfia C tm. nrr r hr, I
The College Endowment association JNOft ? UU0Px?.T 2i
has sold to Christian Hansen 40 lots KXl&RWVA
College Place, consideration I1J.0Q0. TO. 5.00.
Bishop unaries scaaaing, as trustee All work guaranteed for ten yaara
of the Oood Samaritan hospital, hast Lady, attendant always present All
deeded to James D. Hart a part of a work done absolutely without pain by
block on Tabor heights. The property epeciaiista oi irom it to zu yearr ax
was a oart of the endowment of the w'""1-
hospital and waa sold for 18,600. w a a a a
uosion uenusis
Phone Main 8090.
B91it Morrison st Opp Vostofioe.
Sera B. Stewart has purchased one
and three quarters acres of St Johns
water front from Elisabeth Byars'for
$7,000, or at the rate of an acre,
Annapolis, Md., June 8.-Tha exer
cises wbich will give to the navy 74
embryo admirals began today with the
reception and entertainment ot visitors
appointed - by tha president and con
gress annually to make an Inspection of
the naval academy. During the week
there will be the usual drills and other
praotlcal exercises, and the series of
events will end on Thursday with the
graduation of the third section of the
class of 1807 and the farewell ball to
the graduatea in the armory building
at night. Secretary of the Navy Met
calf will coma to Annapolis to deliver
the address and present the diplomas
to the graduatea. On Saturday the mid
shipmen , will sail on their summer
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Walla Walla. Wash., June S. The
schema to annex nearly BOO acres of
suburban districts to the city was hope
lessly defeated at the special election
Saturday. District No. 2, the home of
many wealthy business men went solidly
against the annexation and district No.
1 gave the aatla IS majority out of 124
votes cast Annexation waa defeated
largely by the efforts of stockholders in
tha county fair grounds, which la in
cluded in tha territory,
A healthy man .la a king in hia own
right; an unhealthy man la an unhappy
slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds uj
sound health.. ''-kecpa yea wall, r i
Sterling Silver Thimbles 10c Ea.
Diamonds. Watches
and Jewelry
189 THIRD STREET. Bel. Yamhill and Taylor
Is not a difficult matter when fom
use .;;;4.:",..-.'
A combination of nest durable Var
nish and Stains for Interior Weed
Work, Floora, Furniture, a to, 1