The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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PaDItt4 r7 vmhif tairapt Rnaitarl and
, ear ftiindar momlnir. at The Jnornal Ball-1
m. flfta uj Varan III atraata, Portland. Or.
Entaraa at tha pnntofflca at Portland. Or., tar
""'"w uuxwjgk toe nail aa aaooaaiaaa
' AO apaitBMta reached t thle nomher. Tall
eparaior ue aanartaiaat roe waat.
From It reader .received no Inspira
tion and but little Information. It
played throughout the paltry skulk
er a part. -
like Republican machine would have
been. Mr. Orasty continued:
The Democrats have been successful
moot of the time, and while there have
been occasional manifestations of the I
old spirit end the old methods, the
Baltimore, city government has Im
proved constantly front year to year
Make tte Best of
Your Life
Home Dress Oregon Sidelights J ' Small Change
By Beatrice Fairfax. .' I There Is not a knocker tit Woodburn,
These words are for the women andMrts the Independent.
girls who stay at home. . , I ' , ' '
They are not obliged to dress for that A pendleton lawyer has been attorney
'i By Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
I believe Implicitly In concentration. I .,. arm tha wnrkin e-iria. mi I for tha ni.intirf in 127 divorce caaea.
in lta atanriarda and In the reaulta Ob-I wnenaver TOU nave anvthlna- to do. lit I inma nf lhm n andlv alnvanly in v .
m miTin a i i - x ji I . . - . . I . I v .w.,,.. .... t , v ,
r mm uecisiuua ai vwu muiuna tainea. Maryland has a Democratic I your mind on ft and turn all tha fnroaa their mornln flresa. I m ... i- ... m.
i ... . - ... . . . i - -- - - . , ... - i . AiMoaiu mum mi m mm mv vj
Judaea are to become prece-11 "ministration witn wnicn no rea. 0f your intellectuality In that direction, I I often think that If the young man tie attention to 0. P. lines In- that
roaaioN ADrtansiNO represkntativi I tall liquor dealer to be very careful
P-WlSaJr observe strictly all laws for the
f J rioo uaildlaa. Chicago.
We'll tell you about It tomorrow.
'. '' v '.''-;. ; :-:v : :
The shouting Isn't due 'till tomorrow. 1
. , ' .
Everybody get ready to make the best
of It
Tet no season Is quite all love and
'; ' "'. a a n
The strawberry's "red, but the price Is
.. . nbaerlBtloaj Tarau by ajafl to add raw
. Si the United Sutaa, Canada r Meitoe,
" ' .AILT.
Oae year....... ..fs no I One Month M
Oae sea.. ...... site tone rnonrti.. I M
- Oae year TJW J One natb. '....$ M
dnt. in tw ....a. th,,hftt !n?.b,6.Ip"b "f" "B J. Juat as you would turn the radiance of who sees a arlrl . daintily and prettily county.
I iun, ana oaiumorv una a nepuun- al.i u-t.. . u. I dresaed at 9 n. m could eea tha aame I - . a a
tU country, it Will behoove re- " adswatloB that haa won the wjl(h 7T,S!? girl it U a the next morning he A Harrlaburr merchant has shipped
.... - i coramenaii on 01 itir-mmaea ijemu I n .... . . i v. 4i....u.M. I . -. - t . . .i..
AIi -hi.v i. .h. .-h n DU ln,s aoes not signify that you are laDout i,go aosen eggs o w uneinius.
i; I- - -i:r li: never to think of any other subject. ' ? nceBary a oe aiyuan suta .au . t , 4 a e
luoa lunuiiB, or ui mut mau ...,. . ; I dra. whan -.otna ihniiti .mi. hniiaa. : ,. m . v t. . ! I mt- - .'....
r veara ao. or two years ae-o. in """7 aominacea oy ont -" --":r ": . . . . . ;' gune xnai snouid go soms-
"'. mwfurf,.MiH ""I curry county is report a to ne wuaiwhat wet - , .
regulation of their business. Indeed,
carrying out to Its full extent the
doctrine of these decisions would in-
fntir v,ir. m a, two vaara a.n. In """ wu uonuiuira Dy one
rour yeara ago, or two yea ra ago, in tnoil,ht ,ht ,u,,t lv..
a given election, but of a system, it I Vr " 'V
la the good tree yielding good fruit . 7 "TI"" ?oco? nervoua
Under the system that we have sstab- k" .or ,unu bfor- thT ""
Uahed bad men do good thlnga. juat aa
volve A suppression Of the saloon under the old Oorman-Raaln eyeUml. .ou wm. ftT thr? times the force
bad thlnga I M1" UB1U onjoqi ox your me 11 you
business altogether. Judge Artman,
of Lebanon, Indiana, held not long
ago that the liquor traffic was "In
herently wrong and Illegal," and
that therefore "the board of county
commissioners had no right to li
cense saloons." Judge Christian, of
Nobles ville, In the same state. In a
later decision, took an even more
radical position, holding that tb sa
loon, being "evil in Itself. Is a nul-
HATEVKR the result of th sance, and therefor the law in In-
lection today, it will have dlana authorltlng the Issuance of 11-
been achieved without any censes governing the sale of intoxl-
apparent Interest having cants is unconstitutional." He rests
Let us have faith that right
makes might and In that faith
let us to the end dare to do
our duty. Abraham Lincoln.
oaaaAMnlld aAAA s-waaaM AA
whan ihay aot Into office. turn your thoughts and Interests in
... w - - I At haa i11aaalA.. t
, , . . a " VS4SWV.IVUJ OCOKal lUniftll T a
xnai ib wnai is neeaea in ron- u you nmilln tTM t0 your nm0at
land a people s system; coopera-1 heart to the one purpose everything else
,v ,v ,.. , I that you hear, aee, feel or enjoy will
tlon on the part of the masses of eontrlDute th. Mrfectln of the one
voters, regaraiess 01 party, to amasa ideal and you win at the aame time be
anv nartr nr anoifa-anckina- machine. Mtw eflUlPPed to cope with the unfore-
and making the people's Interests as
a whole the sol object of municipal
been taken, in It. durjng the cam- his opinion upon the theory that the
T IS rather
seen exigencies of mortal existence.
I know a young woman who accepted
a buelneaa position and who reaolved
to concentrate tier abilities upon the In
terests of her employer. Waking, ahe
worked and thought of her occupation;
sleeping, she dreamed of it,
Many social oourtealea were offered
her. aa she was a brilliant and attract-1
eurlous fact that. I ve young woman. Opportunity for
ahouid look neat out a licensed doctor. People are gen-
x ne wue wno appears at Dreaxiast arally enjoying fins health.
ciau in a uBsy wrapper ana wiiu.neri ,
iiair kuww up any via way inauua l . - . -,..11,
her husband. ; L dogs caused the deatinoatly
If she had Invited him to breakfast. ""n " " "v aun Vl V'""
when he was oourtlng her she would CBUBl' Banu-
have annearad In lmmaeulatal. naat I 1
...i I . w...h lawa arn In thai
anire. a man l- - a,- - I and ,!! .ah..
T..., v....... h. v.. wi ,l. Wall. tValla va lav anma veara 1IO lor I r - -"""""
foolish creature imagines that she need I $ MOO, and lately sold tO acres of It for
make no attempt to hold him. II10.S00
If you want to send your husband off I
with a pleasant picture lingering In hia Gaston correspondence of Foreat
mind, make" yourself look dainty andlorava Tlmea: New buildings, new
attractive at ths breakfast table. I fences, fresh painted buildings and gen
Don't wear a wrapper; men hate era! Improvement is notloed on every
wrappers; they are only Intended fori aide, every man you meet haa change
nearoom ana invalid wear. I in his pockets and good clothes on nis
Many 01 you nave to cook me oreaa:-1 back.
fast, but" that is no reason why you I
should not wear a neat collar and tie Ntwl; Senator Miller haa his
in. mum.
Vote as early as possible, and make
sure of it . - v
" ' 11 . , a o ', .
Think of Vncls Joe dandling a tariff
reform baby. , .
When It's over, let's quick kicking
Give polities
keep your eyes open.
a a
a rest tomorrow, but
nice rain Is often a, necessary fea
ture of nice weather, -
.. e e '
In the east the snow Is mostly oft
the strawberry vines.
! e e ; -
These are glorious mornings to be uo
TS vathaa a mirlsni r,i that I Iva .Anna- arnman Dnnnrtnnltlaa rnr I "w I nffla In fllllta a aOOd-Blaea II till W v" "
,,mp,,, frt .....J self-improvement In various directions . "T" own ffcopI fT' th ?1 you which are some BOS to 00 school books . f1 I
according to government statis- op,n6a up fof Bf fihe ntummi alI Mr, love beat ,tr the world, and yet you are for tn v.rlou. grada, and by all of the Roses, fragrance, summer glory, sunT--:
lies, me amount or liquors and those which contributed immediately to 7 -w school-book makers, ror the senstors in- mer gins ana mosquitoes.
h.mmm v. tt-i. I the advancement of her bualneas. Un- . 11 Fi1B:. . . . .. . I enaction. He is devoting much time and e e
v- v. jviiBiiuunc wi iu yuuuu luuinio, iufj i tnoUKD. lat area Or DronlDltlon has I in promm 01 ner mpioycr ne wouiai. ' - r " ; - ' i miion.
..u-u uan m VCUlury, ana mat PUDllC Saieiy. me Dunne Peace ana alan r,..t1r Tha total . ... .... Wh.n aha anaa in tha aftarMM
has assumed on frequent occasions the public health, and Is therefore Lrtn wn t th- ttu B.t- wm.!! Vh? .T. .!-,.Lhi- w no pains in th, effort to
to be Its chief adviser and often. Its per se public nuisance." the current fiscal year Mav .n(i rress. because she felt that they did
dictator as to matters nr.lltll and t. , tl. L.. ' " not contribute anything to the success
a I ' AV UCira SJaA II UVt, U UUbBllUUI 11 J l LUD JUI1B1 I H 1 1 1 IT HIIimRinn Will riA I tr ha, AAanivai nH
omerwise. Tbls . assumedly great, declamations of prohibitionists or 11.667.083.610. Of this vast sum At the end of nve years the business
appear stylish and attractive.
It is not fair to the young men, girls.
A man meets a girl and always mm r ! ,"
her at her best He grows intereated ratlon ,ana-
Hermlaton has a first-class baseball
The e-overnment will establish an ex
perimental farm on the Umatilla recla-
a a
The more they coat ths .better they
taste If you can forget
a a
Oo and hear the governor this evening.
He's always entertaining.
wise) na momtorr neWBDSDer laid I l,mr..r,. u.. K,,t I i tin oa.a . - I ,a n WM erapioyea DBcamo I .-.. . ,h. wm . ... I
dnrinr th. r,..t , ;.r.. I-a AVT " .f 'r frndlcate. and th. position offered her "u- "7; . .Tot". v.;.
w77 . .T. - .. Bwiua 01 juagea on me oencn, conee ana cocoa, leaving 1,450,- tnerem was so menial ana unwortny or k,. . ,n. h. onlr knowi hiiTduf i
only -a languid interest" in the cam- men occupying similar position, to 865,448 for alcoholic drink, and T'Lu
nale-n and Hi nntnm. nn,. . - I , . . ... .1. i sever ner connection witn it mean- rtar t.. ..v. v.. ., v. I good.
. 0 - DDL m t;uu-I I I r nrrniE mnrr jhavh r I h... 'i' . . a.... v.. I . I . a. a I. . . a. a . ... - - . . . v. . D a .an u,i vv. iubi wu 11 w I
The tent caterpillar Is numerous In
Marlon county.
seems that more things, mostly
happen in Hood River than any
where else In the state.
All Wallowa
county will celebrate
The Dalles haa the flneat mercantile Portland.
fesslon for gnch a newspaper to higher courts may not .m with h,n ii(nAA aaa Th i .tv shipwrecked mariner on a strange shore. I ??ru-- 5flaJ!ir.!l-?,?.T!5 mS7,f "f 2
make when such a fight waa going thi. doctrine and again they may. bill for five veara has bear 17.535 -L.f, of hi. dream-, or he may
On in IU Jiome citTl 11 , rata n i. ..t .. ..Jiitdo frv. . . I . 1.;! ,k. . (k. . . Ber very slovenly, unattractive at
t m..' . . " " I J " i mo auienraa propi" wiu ." young person. In either case it is well
The Oregonian has professed vol- onlr the great maloritv of oeonle. Unaum n-ari. drinv. tni. "! 'or "7 0 nor occupation. to know Deaorehana
nbly on many occasion, to be oo- but trfa conrts. tbat rt m,h nt , (k.,J...., Z A txfV " "h. 1. S . the mother of . large e.Ublishments of any city of her slse
.a'v.'i.....j...i,.' , I .. . ' . ' 1 J ""Uai ucull -: , v." .r. Iramlly finds It very hard to appear al- on the coast alleges tne uptimist
J: .:.1"7" . "Tu B" :na COBUy .inces 01 twice over, in gallons tne amounts r;;:ntad 'whatev.; bnen . the worid
11 iiu uroaaiy roumatea wai Mr. drunienness, are becoming weary are as follows: Beer, 1.700,000,- had to beatow ahe would i
uevun was the.candldate of "the In- and intolerant of saloons that do tot 000; coffee, 1,610.000.000; tea. aijht into th. subject nearest .1 i. ZX,i.. a
I?,?: t0 r. the at ast- "1.0.500; spirits and wines. 140, JpiSa ,f ,
"u" u" wi-swwb.-. oo u seems We believe that lawless saloons, 828,339. Congre-s appropriate, now occupations. t0 ,t .very week.
that It only haa a "Inns-nM Intaraot ' I a v w.v.x ,. - . I , a . . ..I This sort of concentration never pave. I , .... . v
aftaii efcaV-iTr v Vv uauluuuj uiuiu neon; a uitnuu uuiiars a year xor an I As we sro through life we should catch I hair nMtly dona and har n.k naaH. There is no reason why Eugene should
after all In the fight between thejg,r. of the vicious, and criminal ele- governmettal expenses. The people every ray of pure sunlight no matter ran2ed ahe win b. Lh L t bec0n c,ty tw,c rM,t
lunnii 4nil 'h. i.t..,i. m a. .a I .... ... I . . . I ....... tit. .v...ia I win do a mucn more at-1 . .. ,v,r.. 4 tha
ta a. most 'aZVV- 6t;'BcM men ho annk up.over a billion and a halt - if she ap- - ;'ufwork'io"that eni
IB, ai most peopi Weil Understand, hronnnrt wfth fullftn wnman ' fihnitM ThflT tlrfnlr im nn flff f r.i..a w pears sioveniy ana fcioppy, a
. , - 1 - w " , x"- 1 -,r wav a. a. bu V VUU SllU VAi,U UUU1A1H fcjr . W X UUUU ITCIVUIIIV XI UBD8 Tidal gf ) Qnjy 171071. YOU VnOW
that th Oregoniatt Is not opposed to be banished from this city, and- in of all the farm products of the knowledge, culture and growth in U and they do like to see a woman looking
v a A Tra ak. S A a. a J a .1 11 a . .. a I I I ni (aAMAfl Si Slyi 1 V Vl aaa-af rlAirl aV Sa a A I' Va la.... a a..
and haZ aealnt a w ?. deC,8,0nB " ? ot U"" States; the liquor bill is more en. foV n S 'matrUTnd"
1 umusuui. ic iu oupyuso, LUltl. mo I wau iu tbiuo UL X.IX9 rjOTU CrOD, I i a"" uouuuu iv
wnom It could not bulldose in a busi- courts would sustain such action, double that of the wheat crop, more
ness way, and unless it could at- even on testimony that would not than twice that of the cotton crop,
tack tBem only Its concern in munlc- convict a man of a specific crime: two and a half times that of the hay
ipal affairs was only "languid." There has been a great improvement crop. For the first time in the
It is true that the OregOnlan, In this city in the matter of dives of country's history more beer, In
aside from a few surly growls about the vicious and criminal class dur- quantity, will have been drunk this
Republicans voting for Democrats, J lng the past two years, but there Is J year than coffee 20.20 gallon, per of yooreeif and your life m every other I do ot kick or carp.
As usual June bridegrooms will be
scarcely worth mentioning, in compari
son. -
Voting is not only a privilege, but
is a duty Incumbent on every good
a e
We hope people the next fall will set
out 10.000 acres of strawberries around
Gradually owners of Mill creek farms.
alwayajnenr The Dalles, are putting out more
their sise and flavor
anywhere.' One woman
will have over 100 crates.
e a
says the Guard.
The people -ef Klamath county pro
pose to apend $1,000 during the next
II months for the purpose of inducing
evinced no opposition to' Lane, but work lot the dlve-klller yet. They capita of beer. There has been a
what sort of a way is this for an old, I deserve no tolerance or mercy, and large increase in the consumption of
noiaDie newspaper to treat IU read-1 revenue from them Is about the domestic wines. The cheering fea
era wnen a local campaign Is on that worst kind of tainted money. ture of the subject is that less strong
aroused" the Interest of all the peo- Moreover, as we have suggested liquor, and milder beverages are te-
piei wnat moral cowardice is here betore, knowledge that saloon- lng consumed. This is a trend to-
displayed a professedly great and keepers of this class, whether asso- ward temperance,
leaamg newspaper mat throughout elated with better ones for this pur-
a strenuous, Intensely interesting p0Be or not, are anxious to elect any
and really very important local cam- man of whatever party to a city of-
palgn had not a word to say one way flce, should Impel all the rest of the
ui ug omen
If the Oregonian thought that on man
a. ma. n t-ntav tsnt Irnn-BW BWa,tV.a .
any one object or peraon. The moment ,nk or cotton, whether Vou are dreaaed n,,ratl0n t0 that action. Forty thou-
iu uanuw uui nrc aim u- u the latest style or not but he alwa'-s I ". i,..u
prir. uuranivca 01 wi, uWuriumu. .1 knows whether or not you are neat 0r l"uu""u
If uuiowuiv uiaou) vs iiai a.unkii, ainvaniv I
that moment we are putting unforeseen , I ,A company haa started preliminary
obatacles in the pathway of the com- r.f. ru-operatlona for boring for oU and gas
plete success at which we aim. Keop welne' "opnecy In Cactus Center. on a tract adjoining OnUrlo with a
one Duroose in view, concentrate your I Prom the Denver Republican. Inortable riav. A 71-foot atandard der-
ambitlons upon that ut make the beat I We are peaceful here in Cactua, and we I rick is now in course of erection. It is
the purpose of the company to push the
While playing With a loaded revolver
a Chicago 4-year-old ahot itself. Loaded
revolvers are rather dangerous play
things for infanta, but some parents
seem to think the babies must have
e a
Alton B. Parker wants "some good
southern man" for the Democratic nom
inee for president Thomas F. Ryan
presumably preferred. Judge Parker
aeems to need to be informed that what
he wants in this respect . is . of as
little consequence to the Democratlo
party as what John L. Sullivan wants,
a a
The Commoner: The actreaa who re
covered $35,000 from a railroad com
pany for the loas of a lower limb in an
accident did not break the record. Mr.
Cortelyou got more than that by ex
tending the pedal extremltiea of sev
eral of the big Insurance and trust magnates.
The Waters-Pierce company, a
part of the Standard Oil octopus, has
"got its," In the shape of fine.
voters of the city to go against that I amounting to $1600,000, Imposed
iet canaiaateB lor municipal oy a Texas court, this is something
account 01, party or ror any other office be taught that an alliance like; if the higher courts will
reason Mr Devlin should be elected, with this element of our citizens will promptly affirm this Judgment and
It would have been the manly, can- insure their defeat. If the saloon- the branch octopus Is forced to pay
did thing to have said so, and given keepers will read these decision., as the money, we can begin to believe
, its reasons. If on the other hand above stated, and realize "that public that there is something more than
it knew that the best Interests of the sentiment Is rapidly tending in the hot air In the trust-busting crusade.
people at large demanded the eleo- same direction, they will be satis- But such a result is not to be ex-
uon 01 wne, it was due to Its inter- ed to be allowed to pursue their pected
esiea ana watcniul readers to say business without attempting to die-
mmii ' a I
av. uuu.yuemy, courageously, ana tate who shall be elected to office. There is not much in Collier's ex-
give me reasons. But, instead of
doing either, this professedly great
journal stood off and sucked Its sore
thumb and sulked and "wouldn't
' If "the interests" were for Mr.
Devlin, and as they believed had use
for him in ways inimical to the peo
posure of the character and methods
THE EXAMPLE OP BALTIMORE of Fairbanks that was not generally
known among keenly observant men
O CITY of the country furnishes before. He is a type of politician
The Nursery Naturalist.
By Wex Jones.
direction as you advance toward it. jBut we've had a heap of trouble with development of this field with all haateljje'B a tnost ferocious youngster, with!
Tte Play
'In such a riot of mirth and laughter
as to be almost a disturbance of the
peace In the vicinity of Third and Yam
hill streets the Baker stock company is
closing the final week of its engagement
a aclenced weather sharp:
He was sent here by the OoVment,
witn nis charts and wind machine
And a diagram fer tellln' when the
rain la wet or mean.
We'd depended on Unk Peters lo these
long and many years
rer a-prophesyln' weather so when
this sharp appears
tbla season. The offering is "Never! And some competition enters, we mlaa
Again," a farce that haa a laugh in I thua in the case:
every line. The prophet who comes nearest la tha
in ever Again" 10 a translation irom 1 one who holds the nlaea.
the French and was produced In Amer-1
lea some 10 years ago. It deals with I Well, the -Atrstdsy Uncle Sam's man
me aomesuc anairs or a lamuy in l says 'twas aura to rain a hit
Paris and the complications that arise And old Uncle Pete says sunshine and
ara amaslnelv uniulnr I Pata'a aiia..ii m.. ,v .
The coat has been considerably en- But the second day Pete lost out,' which r?uW1? a,tt5?? t0 make,..
largedln order to produce the play and made the score a tie, wn,cn The type known today as mankind?
Here and Hereafter. '-
From some other rotating sphere-
Suspended In ether or mist,
Came I on my Journeylngs here
To keen a millennial tryst
With nature, or was ft with man?
And did I, In innocent mirth,
Prepare at the place I began
For such an existence on earth
While living my life in the
Say still in the monera shape,
Was I always trying to be
My hairy successor, the apeT
Or was I, I ask, aa a snake
Endeavoring solely to find
I ask Information, my friend,
Because of my pastors' dismay:
He yearns that my spirit's sole trend
Should be toward Heaven today.
Oh, must I existence devote
To strumming the harp's
Or eagerly learning to float
About on a feathery wing?
a more Inspiring example to that finds favor among a large num-
strugglers for good municipal ber of people, whowlll think none
government than Baltimore, the less of him on account of Col-
Which has fought out its comnlata Iter's portrait of him. Thy Ilka
pie to the extent of millions of dol- deliverance from the Philistines and that kind of a statesman. ber.auR be
lars, u Mayor Lane Ha. stood firm- parasites of partisan machine rule is the kind of a statesman that they
iy, Biiuartuj auiu courageously tor me ana me spoils Bystem. Though a like.
people, interests, then It was noth- Republican may be elected, it is not
ma, iu w a eicai morai crime ior Decause ne is cacned by a party ma- To a Robin.
prominent newspaper to sit back chine. A Democrat may be elected.-
Bv T. A. Dalv.
and say it didn't care anything about though the "Democratic machine of From the Catholic Standard and Times.
x nearu into, juyuua voiary.
Pour forth thy heart in one
meresmi. the late Senator Gorman Is dead.
; There Is 'no neutrality worthy of Maryland is Democratic Just now,
aught but contempt in such a case, but there is no Democratic machine
The people have far more respect, in the state. The preponderating
a. they ought to have, for an open elements in Baltimore are Republi
foe than for a cowardly straddler. can,; but those in office know that
Mr. Facing-Both-Ways has been a an attempt to organize a spoils ma
proper object of contempt ever since chine would destroy them officially.
morai issues arose oetween men, A The Baltimore Xew has been
vigorous, honest public -man or pa- foremost in bringing about these
per clearly on the wrong side Is en- conditions.?, and its editor, Mr,
. titled to a far greater degree of re- Charles K. Grasty, recently said to
sped than the neutral who either W. E. Curtis of the Chicago. Record-
r cannot make up Ms mind or, weigh- Herald:
, lng result, as to nis own interesis, more was hopelessly rlng-rldden.
doe. not dare to make it known. Today she is a city without graft
' When any battle Involving the and practically free from bosBlsm."
moral a. well as the material-wel- He says that the great difficulty in
fare of this city is on and there Is 'bringing about this change was; the
Sweet simple strain of melody
To greet the rising sun.
When he across the morning's verge his
first faint beams had flung
And found the crimson of thy breast the
whlsp'rlng leaves among.
In thine own tree
Which sheltered thee,
Thy mate, thy nest, thy young,
I marked thee, sorrow's votary,
When in the noon of day
Young vandals stormed thy sacred
And bore thine all away;
The notes of grief that rent thy breast
touched kindred chords in mine.
"Fifteen years ego Baltl- . For -memories of other days, though"
aiumDering sun confine
In mine own heart
The bitter smart
Of sorrow such as thine.
indeed constant warfare, though
only once a year or two a pitched
battle -the people know where to
find Th JournaLv Its banner le al
ways forth-flung for all to see, and
the legend thereon Ib plain to read;
but when any one' asks, where the
Oregonian ' wa. In this ' interesting
and Important ' conflict, the ' answer
will be," "In the woods, skulking."
It had hut a "languid interest" It
as enacting Mr. Faclng-Both-Wayg.
apathy of the public. Both iwell-to-
do citizen, and wage-earners were
with difficulty aroused to act for
their best interests. In Baltimore
the fight bjgan on the lottery policy
organization, which was allied with
the . .dominant party 'Organization,
just as it began here on the gamb
ling trust, which was allied with the
city administration. After three
years' effort jthe Democratic machine
spoilsmen were voted out. Just as
, I hear thee now, sweet votary,
Beside thy mined nest,
Lift up thy,floodof melody
Against the crimsoned west.
Forgetful of all else In this, thy one
sweet Joyoua strain.
I tharjk thee for this ecstasy of my re
membered pain;
Thou liftest up
My sorrow's cup
To sweeten It again.
Found Out at Last.
From (the Chicago Journal.
E. H. Harrlman calls himself "E. Hen
ry Harriman" on ths carda he uses in
his society rambles. - And to think a
man who' does that could ' "bunk a
whole nattonl . . .-
the principals of the company are so And ' twaa science 'o-atnat tha
bbb'khou uibi eacn nam a pan 10 wnicn i none wnen tne third guess time
mo is especially auayieu. as nerr nein- 1 arew mgn.
rich Katsenjammer, the great musician, I
Mr. Edgar Baume haa a part in which The weather sharp was anxious, -and he
no icvcB. iL w ui puku vjroiuiau amicci 1 narsrerea micrhty cloat -
parts that Mr. Baume shines even to And he didn't sneer at Uncle, nor he
unusual advantage and he gives a fault-I didn't laugh nor boaaf
less interpretation. He guesses fair and warmer, and old
Second honors undoubtedly belong tol Uncle save 'twin Mc
Donald G. Bowles as Fedor Vlgnon, a And sure enough a norther nut us two
jvM..a wvm,f". w.ium ,1 ituiB iw 1 aevi unuer anow. ?
extricate-the various others from thnlrl
complicated situations. Mr Bowles does So we chased the man of science, 'eroat for my. .,oul floM not walt.'
an admirable piece of acting, one of the the prairie forty mile, When this evolution is throughVtf
very uesi in ma x-oriianu aareer. mis wind machine we're usln'
The Gleasons share generously in the gamblln' wheel awhile:
fH TIAUM(IB ..1inl.a I a mmM - . . . ' luniuuwi, au uur oia time weather prophet is
' " j "" " wi aiagc 1 vua aorx mat seenss to win
Miss Maribel Seymour make the most 'Cause the weather'a bean rtaii-K,,.,
" awiouca aon i outt In.
for a
Alas, how remorseful my fate
ir Nature some scheme has in view.
Ah, me, what a sad, woful waate .
ur energy, patience ana Diisai
his hair all rough and frizzly.
As he rides the bucking broncho and
shoots down the growling grlisly.
I He has hunted every beaatle that's
known to plain or jungle.
And his rifle nor his bowle has' ever
made a bungle.
But the bear, he says, id foolish; no
better than a dummy,
With its silly beads for eyeballs and the
sawdust in its tummy;
I He scoffs at tales of terror , that make
other children stare,
For he dopes the genus Ursus from tha
nursery. Teddy Bear.
Oh, the kid's a great Shikari; be haa
hunted in his bedroom
la the kitchen, in the parlor, and he aU
I ways has the headroom
For a story of the habits of the brute
his shot has ended.
Should you say a dog haa sawy, he'd
be mortally offended.
Since he says the dog's an idiot and a
failure as a barker.
And beside a mouse at running the
doggie's not a marker;
Its feet, he says, are rollers, and it's
stupid as a log.
!For he bases his conclusions on the
nursery Woolly Dog,
Thus we see the various doctrines that
different men declare
Arise entirely from their glimpse of one
especial bear.
out of a rather unimportant part and
William Dills, as the janitor, gives an
'excellent Interpretation.
A distinct feature of the performance
is the aotlng of Miss Louise Kent as
Octavle Katzenjammer, wife of the con
ceited musician. It is the leading femi
nine role and Miss Kent's interpreta
tion is of her beat efforts since her
engagement with the Baker company.
"Never Again" Is certainly aa amus
ing a farce as could well be imagined. It
Is a fitting piece with which to termi
nate the season at the Baker, for there
have been few plays presented .In . Port-
larid that provided patrons with more
real merriment. It will be- the bill for
the entire week.
Crowded houses witnessed both the
matinee and evening performances yes
terday. The Baker theatre is remark
ably well ventilated, there being none of
the unpleasant discomforts of hot
weather that may be
"""'mr, iB,weiiw ana unMi;i.-y I Tha a-rlz-lv hear la mla-hty flare' tha
Past and future ars not to my taf le Ttl '
r hniit f a ,m in.. luIT Teddy Bear won t bite--
- "" -- uuai - I fi. V.oWata haftnra. vnn lailarft VtavhaMal '!
L. fl. Waterhouse.
80 hesitate before you laugh; perhaps
you both are right
The Great Heron Most Go.
The great heron is not the only one
or that family to subsist on a fish diet,
Today in History.
1804 -Richard Cobden, English states
man, born. Died Anrll J. 1 kkk
1808 Jefferson Davis, presiden of
"w umeaeraie mates of America,
w ... aviou iecenicer 0,1189.
i48 joaepn Howard Jr., American
journalist, Dom..
1843 King Frederick VIII of Den
mark, born. -
1858 Paul m: Potter, English dram
atist, born.
1885 Prince of Wales, heir-apparent
w nriuiii inrone, DOrn.
1890 President Carnot pardoned the
uuKe qi vneans, wno was escorted out
of France.
1894 Six hundred men slain in the
aereai OI me government troops in
1 OQK n....l Ti-I . . .
,m.., I uou a-riuiu-mrera, captain-
found In many general of Madrid, assassinated.
' 1895 The Prince of Wales' horse
persimmon won tne Epsom derby.
Truth About the Exposition.
In Lilac Time.
No sorrow need today approach my door.
For he shall flnd it closed and barred
to him;
The grief s which I have known shall
be no Tftore,
And e'en their memory shall be faint
and aim.
Today will I revisit Fairyland,'
Where all the coming years seemed
fair and bright;
With eyelids closed, a blossom in my
The past Mays shall surround me
till the night.
For when I "rose, a fragrance tilled the
Leaving no other place or room-
It came like ghosts of dead Mays dear
ana lair . , f
I looked and lo, the lilacs were in
bloom I , '
What magic of Arabia vies with this,
wnicn Driages time with but an odor
Postponement Necessary.
A constitutional amendment indefi
nitely postponing the Fourth of July
would seem to t in order if tms
weather continues much longer.
Ul. llldl 1B.IHIIV BUDB1BI OH A 11611 UlCt. I . U. , I ""i
but out of over a dosen .MniaJ Tit 1. 1 -;J?J. ?f newspapers are doing And leaves you happy with a mother'.
. r " " I inRir DfJit in mHarft it nn,ii that rka.a i
the largest and most gluttonoua of its .. . J... . iv.'T'' J IBS-
fcin ,i,h, . .ii. a- . I - T " ""vuinrayn ex-1 Btandli
;i tayr" aV Y..,-.u . !".. w rit cislhg other news.
vnvvja aua aauvava . utUKIiauio I ft a rtA1a Tnm TawISIIlaw tha tnk a . A a a.
and grotesque manner it swallows a M-mina- tha arnoiltlnn I. an Jll Z 1J
T.ii. nh.o at,. i ' : r. " - j ""
, '" ""-av".- everybody wants to do that, but it
mntnll ,B .Rec,ret,on ?teP" cannot help the exposition to mlsrepre-
should be taken by followers of Isaac
Walton to se. that the lawmakers in
our . various states should pass laws
that? will give the needed protection
from these destroyers of ' our game
The Richest New State.
The new commonwealth of Oklahoma,
taking in Indian Territory, until now in
the possession of the five . civilized
tribes,' embraces .69.000 square miles
ond has a population of 1,200,000. It is
the richesjt state ever taken Into the
union, aa Charles M. Harger points out
In Moody's Magailne, and has possibili
ties that are an earnest of outstripping
the older states of the middle west in
wealth and Influence la lass than a deo-
sent it. Every fair and square news
paper owes the truth to He readers,
ana m sucn a case as tnis the obliga
tlon IS particularly atrong. It coats
money., to go to the exposition, and
three or four times the ordinary prices
to stay there a few days. No one wants
to go to this expense for nothing., and
no one is going to have any confi-
aence in ine newspaper tnat misleads
him into the expenditure at this time.
Two months'tjrom now the exposition
will be worth seeing, and those who
go later will get something for their
money. , v -,
A Shining Mark.
. ""From the New'Vork SommerelaL
" Excursion trains Just ssem to Invite
wrecks. ',- ..: ...., .u.iahr . v :
Standing behind the years you still
niuoi trreeir
-: Ninette M. Lowater.
To Radiate' Joy.
From Maeterlinck. ' -
Before we can brlna- haDDlnesa to
Others we must first ba hannv nur.
selves, nor will happiness abide within
us unless we confer it on others. If
there be a smile upon our . Hps, those
around us will soon smile too. and our
happiness will become the truer and
deepen as we see others are happy.
Roosevelt Esteemed in Japan. -(
General Kuroki in ? an Interview:1
President Roosevelt is known and es
teemed in Japan to a degree which you
would hardly deem - credible. Every
sonoomoy anows not only his name,
but hla writings and hia deeds. His
books are as well known to the school
children aa are. the . writings of our
own authors.
4 per Cent
on Savings
- a -a
Bank .
Knott and WHUams Ave.
Start a savings account by
depositing one - dollar and
thereafter as much as your
earnings will permit. .
It will surprise you how fast
the account will grow.
George W. Bates, President
J, 8. Blrrel, Cashier.
- - - T -