1 , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING,' JUNE 3,. 1007. 0 WHEEL CRACKED RAILS Jtailway Commission; Finds What Caused .the Downs . VWrcck Last Month; f SOME LEFT IN THAT - HAD DENTS IN THEM i- i i- .... ..,:. '- 1 , . ' Trackwalker Negligent, Damaged Rail Broken, Train Ditched Orer Thirteen Hundred Balla Ruined by ; Broken Wheel That Caused It AIL (Special Cliottch to The Journal.)' Olympla, Waih., June I.- The railroad commission has received report of .the 4? rest Northern freight wreck . near Dowoa on May J J, which la altogether .different from the account heretofore published. The accident waa invest! Rated for the commission by A. W. Per- ley,. inspector of tracks and safety ap pi lances. The statement given out at the time of the wreck was that it had Jeen caused by the poor condition of the tracK at tna point where the train left the raws. -... accom in to Inspector Perley'a re port the primary cause of th wreck- was ' a wheel-break six miles east of Downs on May 11. The wheel waa un der Great Northern car No. 18871. loaded with coal, and about 14 Inches broke out of the rim. The train crew disco v ered the Kroken wheel at Downs and notified the proper official, who put on a four-mile-an-bour order covering a aiz-mue stretch of track. . aii tne Broken rails were at once replaced, but a large number of dinted ones were left in, and when the sec tion men went home in the evening one man was left to patrol the track and follow each train that passed over, to detect any further damages. This man. Greek, went to breakfast at 7 o'clock in the morning, before being relieved by his foreman. At 7:10 o'clock a heavy freight train passed over the track, meeting eastbound No. 4 at Odessa. No ne had followed the freight to note results. No. 4 came past Downs run nfhg about IS miles an hour and ran off JL broken rail. It is believed the xwglnear of No. 4 waa exceeding t!ie four-mile order when the accident hap pened. It la the opinion of Inspector Parley that the wreck would r- been averted If the track had been i strolled Immediately after the early morning xreitrm naa passed over It.. . Tne section men found 150 rails broken after the wreck, and 1.180 rails were ao badly dented and marked that iney naa to he replaced. TAFT TO TAKE SWING ABOUND THE CIRCLE President Much Gratified at Progress Made In Corraling Votes at Next Convention. TABLE SliOlIIG VOTE DV PARTY Fortlands Total Registered ; Vote Is 25,389, Showing a r Large Increase. " ,, . ' ' Portland's total registered vote Is 15,119, according to a - table complied from the records by Deputy County Clerk Hermann G. Schneider. In addi tion to showing a large increase in the number of voters in the city, the table shows that the east side has 115 more electors than ' the west side. - Of the total city registration, 10.008 are Re publicans. 4.74T Democrats and 1,661 of various other , political preferences.! Dejity Schneider baa arranged a tame showing the registration by precincts and wards, as well as on the east and west sides of-the river. The table fol lows: " . - '. ' - . ' PBICINCT Total r Total tab Ware. no n e m M 80 84 06 UM4 48 IT M 91j 1W ' T3I11HT im 68 10 SAl gH. SO 1 8114 258 M A 82T Stl 78 12 4T 442 88 U KH 1981 808 8U21U Total mm politics While Not a Candidate for Any Public Ofice, This Man Is StiU v One of the Most-Discussed Per sonages in Portland at Present On the Streets, in the Homes, Of- ' fices and Stores the Remark able Demonstrations . of the . Great Fer-Don Form a Subject t of Interest ' , .fs ' TO VISIT EAST PORTLAND 8251 812 847 'earth Ward. 1407 111 s ft T2 413 71 H 1 118 478 24 4.17 802 1807 Total iMr Special Diptch to The Joom.l.) . .Washington, D. C June . The com lag week will -make a distinct advance la the Taft presidential boom. The president found conditions In Michigan all to his liking. Assistant Attorney General Purdy, who baa returned from arguing In the Standard Oil case at St Paul, has informed him that Minnesota will stand by bis secretary of war. . , National committeemen and chairman of the state committee of Alabama have arrived to acquaint him with conditions In their state. Assistant District ' General Cooley leaves today for Louisiana to attend tj the closing , up of the affairs of the Honduras lottery company, and will con' suit with Republican leaders there be fore his return. Secretary Taft has returned from Ohio. He conferred with the president on the presidential situation today. On V' .Saturdays night he starts on an extend ed western trip. He will address the .Merchants' and Manufacturers' associa tion convention in Milwaukee, make n wide' swing as far as Port Mead. South Dakota, and wind up his trip at Ottawa, Kansas, on June 20. He will not di cuss, politics but will feel the political pulse. . u 14 25 2ft 27 28 28 80 81 Total rifth Wars 82 83 84 85 86 Total 87 88 80 40 ..... 41 42 48 ..... lath Ward. Swath 223 47 11 21 280 T5 19 874 28ft 84 IN ft 814 72 17 408 811 71 18 801 70 0 3XO 142 2ft 8 178 881 ft 88 462 113 24 10 147 22711 608 ll43 2020 '481 104 85 670 21 60 28 8M S2 61 11 814 21 68 10 2U3 261 48 15 811 242 82 23 827 Sfto 54 20 lot) DO ft 145 W 63 28 814 2171 51 11 279 200 52 8 202 170 87 ll 218 272 47 21 840 104 4ft 10 250 t 11063 234 621849 Ward, 428 86 441 2021 837 872 60 ' ToUl LQNG FIGHT WITH ) STKIKING SEAMEN fjooroil Special Service.) Paris, June 8. Preparations made by the government to care for mall to the :, United States Indicate that the author! ties cont&mnlate a Ions struggle with f t Hut striking seamen. This Is taken " practical -declaration by the govern tnent that it will not grant the demands of the' seamen for an Increase In pay. Fifteen hundred bags of mall for the United States were sent today , by 'the American liner St. "Louis because the Province of the French line waa pre vented from sailing. Now the govern ment has srranged with the American line to carry the Saturday- malls whi:e the strike continues. It is 'this action which caused the belief that the govern' ment does not Intend to treat with the strikers.-' - 'v-'. ,.--' a 5fS Folgei Golden Gate ,, Ill Pure CAT? Food Ffavors sils(J.v One' of the Satisfaction Line ,.Sord on merit ' ; J. AfFOLGER & CO. f J San Francisco LasnssaaBsasBBBMaiaBaasasBBBBaaBSBBBai ToUl 64... 55 ... 56 ... 57 ... 68 69 Total 60 61 ..... 62 63 64 65 66 ''Zlfh&'Wud 11021 861 - 20 621 87 104 25 Vlnth Ward, 282t 460 246 833! 164 240 840! 817 860 2324 282i 3265 604 80 02 6H 8ft 0 101 78 108 . 43 921 45 61 17 SO 88 7 855! 216 841 81 I -S6 27i 23 21 82 22 41 82 661 VS. 6a 2X1 463 612 92 Tenth Ward, 4R6I 1201 288 701 178 84 266 90 284 82 618 11S 245 491 2254) 610 816 20 20 20 41 21 63 10 2640 465 6H3 830 467 227 83ft 462 427 4MI 818 406 203, 4436 635 82 277 405 887 66 804 Wherever men are gathered together In' these days before' election a person of Investigating turn of mind is sure to hear discussed either the very re markable demonstrations of the Great Fer-don or the mayoralty condldates. As for Fer-Don, no man who has ever visited Portland has ever attained sucn fiopularlty In so short a space of time, lis charitable work, his entertainments and his free demonstrations, by which the deaf are made to hear and the lame to i -walk, may be heard discussed on every corner, in the homes, everywhere. in raci, wnere men ana women are gain red together. . Every night at his free show (rounds at Twentieth and Washington streets thousands gather to witness the won derful power of his secret preparations. They marvel to see the lame, tottering and nearly helpless, being assisted upon his platform and coming away five mlnutea later with light and springy step, rejoicing In a new-found power. Ther marvel to see the deaf made to hear again after a single application of one of his result-bringing preparations. Many come as skeptics and are com pelled to believe that which their eyes see. Like sll successful men Fer-Don has his imitators, others who seek to duplicate his work, but who. not know ing 'the secret of his remedies, cannot attain the same satisfying results. The Fer-Don Medical Experts, who occupy offices in the Grand "Theatre building at 861K Washington street and who apply the methods and treatments this man haa discovered at home and abroad, are meeting with a merited measure of success. Their "Syartbgll" treatment, by which appendicitis may be cured; their methods of curing rheumatism and chronio diseases are being given severe testa and from re ports are proving a great success. One of the strongest reasons for their popu larity Is the fact that they use no knife nor perform any operations. Gall stones are removed, appendicitis cured, tumors and cancers removed without tne use of a knife and without causing pain. This is becoming known,, not only in Portland, but all over the west, and is evidenced by the number of people who call dally from a distance and by the amount of mall daily received at their offices, and from an reports their new and efficacious methods are giving great satisfaction everywhere. To Go to East Portland. Having established his remedies firm ly, in the large neighborhood adjoining Twentieth and Washington, Fer-Don-will close his series of lectures and free entertainments at that place tonight, and on Tuesday evening will a pear for an indefinite stay In Alblna at the large vacant lots at Williams avenue and Knott street At this place he will con tinue to give his demonstrations and concerts, which as usual will be free, and expects to accommodate even larger audiences than. ever. TEXT BOOK MEN ASSEMBLE. TODAY State Commission Will Select List at .Salem Publishers' Men on the Ground. 3076 .Tottl ... Xut lid . Total ... Bummaryi 9.268 19.008 450! 120 66 626 27 64 82 274 830 110 44 400 822 101 26 448 240 67 87 844 184 75 82 201 16 7 4 87 1828) 644 2302000 2,225 67 12.634 8.622 964 12,752 4,747 1,631 25,388 AMERICAN mTEKESTS IN CHINA UNINJURED (Journal Special Service J Washington, D. C, June 1. Very lit tie news from China is being received by Jthe government but It is known that American Interests have not been in volved in the trouble yet Nearly every aessel of the Asiatic squadron Is now In the vicinity of the Chinese. The flag ship West Virginia, with the Maryland and Qplorado are still .visiting the Jan aneae ports on their way to Chefoo tor tne regular target practice. Some anxiety Is felt by Washington officials lest the outbreak suddenly as sume an -anti-roreign. complexion. , All consuls have been cabled to keep the government thoroughly posted on the situation. In case of emergency. Ad miral Dayton, commandlngthe Astatic fleet, will act on his own judgment, full authority having been given him to do S0.' ....'.' . "' .". (Special Ditpateh to The Journal.) Salem, Or., June 8. -Representatives of schoolbook publishing houses are here to the number of 30 for the meeting to dayof the state text book commission, which consists of H. W. Scott of Port land. P. L. Campbell of Eugene, C. A. Johna of Baker City and W. M. Colvlg of Jacksonville. The branches of study In which text books must be selected are: Reading, grammar, written arithmetic, mental arithmeticgeography, spelling, writing, physiology and hygiene. United States history, civil government, nature -study and science work, music and drawing. For high schools the list Is as follows: Higher English, algebra, physical ge ography, Latin, general . history, book keeping, physiology, botany, English and American authors, geometry, phys ics, geology, higher arithmetic, elemen tary political economy, civil government, German, chemistry, soology. astronomy. It is not thought there will be many changes, astfce board is generally be lieved to be conservative. According to the report of J. H. Ackermaa. state school superintendent, there were 100,- S98 school children In 1905 in actual at tendance in tbla state. - -. The board may continue in session for 15 days. Each member of tha arat text book commission Is paid $100 for attendance, at each meeting provided by taw, ana iD-ceui mue&se. WILL NOT CHANGE FOR RESERVE WATER '' (WaohbiKtoa Bureas of The Journal.) Washington, June 3. To clear away misapprehension as, to the position occu pied by the forest service as to water charges for irrigation, Forester Plnchot today Issued the ' following official statement: Xt farmers in the,, west have been greatly alarmed In tha last few weeks by the persistent circulation of a re port to the effect that the .administra tion waa preparing to make a charge for. water derived from the national for ests and used . for Irrigation and other general puposes. The report, it appears, has not the slightest basis of fact, and has been denied by officials of the for" PANAMA TICE STORY DECLARED LAUGHABLE (Joaratl Sntetal SerrV.) New' York, June 8. Chargea made by the Rev. William P. Ferguson that the Panama canal sons Is a. hotbed of vine and crime are so absurd they sound like a joke to a person who knows the sit uation. He speaks of a terrible diveJ .within 160 feet of the poctofflce .it Colon. ' V ' ... - i "I ' will bet there are worse . places within 150 feet of his home In Brook lyn, of course' X don't know where his home is. but I'd like a chance to take the bet." - - This statement 'Was made today by'- government official back of . tha canal off leave of absence, ' . ' ' A NOTED; EVANGELIST'S : LIFE INSURANCE 4 Ufa tooome of 81,000 a Tsar to the Widow of &. 8am P. Jones. The name of the noted evangelist, the lata Sam P. Jones of Cartersville, Georgia, Is , familiar to every clttsen of this country, multitudes of whom have listened to his eloquent presen tation .of gospel truths. Mr. Joaea was always an ardent advocate of life 'in surance, urging its advantages and benefits from the pulpit and n his personal intercourse with the people: That Mr. Jones practiced what , he preached Is shown by the fact that he carried three policies in the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York. One. policy , was for 15.000 and jthe other two were continuous installment policies, which provided an income -of $1,000 a year to Mrs. Jones-during her remaining lifetime. Should she die within 20 years the payments - will be continued unyi a total of $20,000 haa been paid. The continuous installment policy was originated by, $he Mutual Life,, and IS the ideal policy for the protection of the wldowand the orphan. All con tracts now written by the Mutual- Life the Standard Pollclea of New York- may be settled on the continuous in stallment . or life Income plan, at the option of the Insured or beneficiary. DOUMA ON VERGE OF ; BEING DISSOLVED (Journal Special Service.) r St Petersburg. June J. Affairs in the douma have reached an extraordi nary stage, but the chaices of an early rupture with the goveitiment have been reduced through" the 'ingenuity of the constitutional democrats. . ' .' Twice last week they succeeded In preventing a claah which had it not been tha prelude to dissolution in the first The Great Bargaiir Store Breaking" AH Records for Crowds and Bargain. Another Glorious, Sensational Sale Tomorrow WOMRTS $1 JUIFffi SUITS BM It's the best bargain news we've told you this seasonJust 50 of them and at this price you 11 have to hurry if you want one, for there's sure to be crowds Made of the Best Linen and White India In the newest of this season's jumper styles, cut in the latest fashion, new skirt, jumper and straps fancily trimmed, all piped .in contrasting color. Not a suit in the entire lot worth less than $9.00, and most all $10.00 values, all sizes. As Idhg as they last, choice. .... .7. . PORTLANDS IIE17 DEPMIEIIT STORE Pictorial Review Patterns are the best Price 10c and 15c TREMENDOUS CROWDS AFTER WASH GOODS Our great purchase, beyond all doubt one of the best bargain scoops we've ever made, and the way the crowds are buying is the best proof that the bargains are REAL" ONES, TOO. Over 50,000 yards going at a mere fraction of their value, and you positively get two to three yards for the usual price of one. ' Worth 10c Aq Wide 27-inch Figured I VJ Lawns, 27-inch FancyiW 10 Figured Batiste, Fig. II ured and Striped U Novelties Mill ends and full bolts, worth 10c and even 12c, all 4 yard. Worth 15c ISc Fancy s Figured iackenettes, 27-inch awn and Organdies, Soisettea and White Nainsooka None worth less than 15c, tome 18c and others clear up to 20c, all 7i yard. 1 lc 2" c Yd Worth 20c 36-inch Figured and Strioed Lawns. 15c and 18c Figured Or- gandies and Finest of r White Goods From 27 to 30 inches wide and most all finest 20c grades at 9e yard Worth 25c "T1 27 .inch new Fancy II Voiles, Finest Batiste 1 1 and Swisses, Novel- II ties. Fancy Panamas, Etc Not a vard in the lot worth less than 25c, and many worth more, all at 12 yard. s 75c YARD WIDE CREAM JAP SULK 39c YARD Just five pieces of it 250 yards and at 39c it's a bargain so great that we expect hundreds after it. All the Genuine Imported Jap Silks, in cream only, pure silk and full 36 inches wide, never sold under 75c. While it lasts and wc hardly expect it will last more than an hour or two at this price, special........ ; t 3 1,000 Yards Bat 25c Fancy Plaid Suitings SM8 c Again Tomorrow Bur the Finest Women's $2.50 to $3.00 White Oxfords All Styles All Sizes All Widths Just 800 pairs of them, the finest and most exquisite or white footwear, which we captured in our great purchase some days ago. Oxfords that are the finest of the fine; made of best non-shnnkable Sea Island duck, kid lined, newest toes, all seams silk stitched, lace or Blucher style, with large eyelets and ribbon ties, all sizes and widths. Every pair the finest of high-class foot wear and worth up to $3.50 pair ....... silk stitc II 49 I f 'l A.f ft 111 1 Itiaiyc ivAtwnii vital Inorain fmnot n : all regu- j p lar75c ht values ...Wdlf Bedding Sale 8-4 Pepperell Unbleached Sheeting, the genuine goods, actually worth 25c whole sale, retails at 27c one day OOL only, yard... 8-4 bleached, worth 30c yard 2 1000 Feather Pillows, good tick, CQ worth 75c, special . . .OttQ '10 dozen large, full size $1 White Bedspreads 69c Only 3 to a customer. 5.00O Yards Mill Ends Of Wash Goods and Domestics, worth up to 10c AH in on great 2 l2c lot Figured Calicoes, Fancy CTVf C liiiiiinAd I Oirno rt iriiAii.A0 i None X ' Many good long length in the Jot. worth less than 6c, and up to 10c, all go at, choice 2 Notion Sale All 8c and 10c Curling Irons go at. .5V 25c and. 30c Hat Fasteners cut to. .15a Ladies' 75c Jeweled Necklaces now. 23 Women's 50c ft 75c Hose Sup'rters 25 8c satin finish Crochet Cotton 4 5c spools Darning Cotton for. . . . , . . .3 , 25c and 35c Dress Shields, pair.... .19l Pillow Tops Half Price 1,000 Triors Just In, and all the biggest kind of bargains; aU kinds, all sises. , o2) . 1ST For TUESDAY Only OUR LOWER FLOOR offers an extraordinary inducement in Nubia Velvet Rugs of rich Oriental and Persian designs, 27x54 inches, worth $2.50. TUESDAY ONLY Ten different patterns to choose from. No tele phone orders filled. eAstc .su Cor. Washinflton and Tenth case, assuredly would hava bsen : In tha second. In the former Instance though eager to dlscuas terrorism .they voted with the group of toil and against the social democrats and social revolu tionists for a motion to table a resolu tion condemning It. 1 In tha latter, although inclined to champion in a modified form the prln clde of the forcible; expropriation of Uand for the peasants they voted against the group of toil ror a motion sending the' whole question to an agrarian com mission. - -,. That they may reach a working com- ( promise with Stolypin Is a growing pos sibility Infuriating to the court reac tionaries and the revolutionists. . The latter seek to weaken their influence by formally denouncing them, but to lit tle purpose. , PACIFIC MAX WORKS UNDER WILLAMETTE Special Dispatch to The Journal) -Salem. Or., June J.The brotherly spirit . among the denominational col leges of, the state has manifested Itself SSSSZS8SSXSSBZa!ESSSXSSZZZSZSZaESSSXSSSZSKr Take the Victor To Camp With You In planning your summer out ing don't forget the Victor. No camping party is complete with out It. It will sing for you around the campfire or play the accompaniment tor a dance on tha green.. Come to our Victor Parlora andN hear the newest records just re ceived by the "House of Quality,' then ohoose the catchiest ones to take away with you. Here are m, few that just arrived: 1 Goprano Solo, Lakme-Bell Song, by Bessie Abbott. Baritone Solo, Drinking Song, by SoottJ. Tenor soio, "Komeo el junette, by Charles Oalmorea, . Comic Song, "Hi, Johnny, Who's Tour Tailor?" by Burt ghepard. Comic Duet, "Bake Dat Chicken Pie." by Collins sad Harlan. Orchestra, "American Bepubllo March," by Victor Orchestra. Tenor Solo, ' "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," by X. 0. ITeemantel. - sSherman,CIay&Co. J Sixth and Morrlsoa Sta. . W - - J..;-; OpposltaJPostonioa.i4ii utasxntMxwwaxzzssxsxsa txssssxzzszsxsxzxszzxzzzzzj ft ill il i' Miiii'iaswif a's. i - i . BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc , PORTLAND VIRE AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 200a 1 SECOND AND EVERETT STS. iii the appointment of Chambers, of Pa cific university at J"orest Orove, to take Charge of the marine laboratory which Is to ba conducted at Newport by Wil lamette ' university under direction of Prof. Qeorge E. Coghlll. who has ac cepted the cbalr of neurology at Dnl- son university in Ohio. ' Ir. V. formerly an Instructor at I': varsity, where Prof, cimr?' teaching. Dr. Ci;-',:ii w: i . east aa soon as tu-t tm: tivttiea of. iiuitut'-. over. li KM