The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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i ; ...
Still One More Chancy f
. On We&nesday of last week we unloaded another carload of the great Anti-Trust Sewing Machines by actual
count 218 machines. These we shall be able to close out on the same easy terms heretofore prevailing.
This may be the last opportunity to secure this great machine on these easy terms, and we shall surely close thern all out during the month of June.
It is guaranteed for; ten years and is of the same high grWle quality of the -machines sold by us during the past year. There are $15.00 and $20.00
machines on the market, but none are of the quality of ,the Anti-Trust Machine. ..'
This machine forms the double lock stitch, making a stitch which appears the same on both sides of the goods. All of the automatic parts are simple
in construction and lasting. This machine has proven itself to be superior to high price machines. It is simple to operate and has every modern im
provement which is essential to the producing of the very best work. It has an automatic lift drophead stand, operated by mechanism of extreme simpli
city. When table leaf is swung over for sewing, the head of the machine is automatically lifted to place and locked firmly. The design of the wood-
wvi is new, aritsuc ana weii executed.
THE HEAD is unusually handsome, being finished in three coats of black Japan and elaborately decorated.
AL-L. .THK WOKKINQ, PARTS are. made of the best tool-hardened polished steeL
THE BED-PLATE is entirely without obstruction, setting into a recess in the machine table, thus bringing the surfaces flush with each' other.
THE ARM is of the largest size, is strong and perfectly proportioned, the clear space underneath being 5xSxA inches.
THE NEEDLE is straight, short and strong. It is held in place by a patented needle-clamp. , WfV1
. THE NEEDLE-BAR is round and accurately fnished. The' round form insures uniform wear at all points.
THE TAKE-UP is positively automatic and will control any kind or size of thread. . '
THE STITCH-REGULATOR controls the length of stitches and is operated by thumb-screw. One can produce easily from 6 to 32 stitches to the
THE AUTOMATIC BOBBIN-WINDER will wind as accurately as a spool of thread is wound.
THE TENSION is of the latest improved disk type, is very simple and has a wide range of adjustment .
THE FEED is double and extends on both sides of the needle. .
THE SHUTTLE is positively self-threading and is of large size.
AH and Complete Attachments Go Free
' mi
Napoleon Wooden Bed Special
For the month of June we shall advertise weekly "Accommodation Sales," embracing specimens taken from our high-class stock,
to which we hope to attract the general buyer's attention customers who seldom or never darken our doors. We want all the
people of Portland to know of the quality of the stock carried by Gevurtz & Sons, and we want them to know of the really great
values we offer as compared to other furniture houses.' We want you to know that "If it's furniture you want, Gevurts sells it
for less." You may easily prove that our reputation for low selling is well earned by inspecting our mammoth stock, every piece
of which is marked with the price in plain figures. We always invite comparison. These are called "Accommodation Sales" on
account of the easy, accommodating terms. During these tales the persons of very moderate incomes may furnish their homes
witn nign-grade turmture pieces, so modest will be tne weekly or
' monthly payment required.
The first on the Jist will be these handsome Napoleon or Empire
Beds, in flaky quarter-sawed golden oak, birdseye maple or mahog
any. The illustration shows the shape of these beautiful beds.
Wooden beds ate more popular than ever this year keeping pace
with brass beds in the for public favor. The regular price of
these beautiful beds is $40.00, but owv special, price for jJa
this week will be only ........... ...t . . V.'. . . wu DU
U Down, 50c a Week
A Whole Year in Which to
Pay for a Bed
X . i fAi ? it -
Three Days' Wicker
Rocker Sale
Terms $1.00 Down, 50c a Week
Here is an exceptional sale of Wicker Rockers, all owing
to a fine lot of these rockers our eastern buyer was able
to pick up. We give our customers the advantage of the
saving we made, as we know they will prove to be a good
advertisement for our house.
There are some extraordinary values in this lot of fifty.
Take for example the rocker shown in the cut. This
rocker is worth $11.00, and is sold for that figure by any
other furniture house in Portland, but owing to the great
reduction Jn the cost to us we are able to offer rdC , A A
It for only U U
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
An $11.00 Wicker Rocker j- ff
Just Like Ibe Cat for. . . D.W
There are other values $7.50, $8.00. $9.00, etc. all like-v
wise marked for $5.00, for we x "
Give Yon Choice of Lot for $5.00
, -H- 4- I .
Wo c ?
50c a Week
Buys One of Our Fine y
Sewing Machines
Corner First and Yamhill
Cor. Second and Yamhill
Vie Do a large Ulail
Order Business
t " 1
psovernment Considering a
' Scheme for D;yision of the
Eeclamation Service.
. Swamps and Arid Lands Require Dlf-
: ferent Treatment and Federal Ex-
pert In Each Line Will Have Own
Department. ,
(WMhlnctoa Borcin of Th Jonrnal.)
Washlntrton, Junar 8. Hundreds of
thousands of acres of arid lands will
. . te watered this summer by the gov
ernment ditches. Even more exten
sively than was expected some time
:ngo, when the progress of .the recla
" mation service Was reviewed, the re-
I clalmedreas are to be cropped dur
E 'lngTlis summer, as shown hy the fol
LKTwlng list of projects on ' which - the
, ly available this year: Projects named
the Wllliston, NortK Dakota, water to
be turned on part of the lands July 6;
: Huntley, Montana, June, 26; Minadoka,
Idaho; Hondo, New Mexico; Carlsbad,
New Mexico; North Platte, Wyoming
Nebraska; Garden City, Nebraska; Belle
Fourche, South Dakota; Klamath, Oregon-California:
Sunnyslde, Washington;
Leesbura-, diversion, part of the Rio
' Grande, New Mexico, project"
- On some of these projects water will
'be ijsed on lands . under ditches "which
were bought by the government from
private persons to be added to the gov
ernment area, but In ; some .the re
claimed area this year will be lands
never before Irrigated. i i .
r Every acre turned over, to water
users -this year will bring back; into
the national Irrigation fund from tl.89
to $, or for each 100,000 acres from
1180,000 . to $600,000 enough to coo-?
struct a complete plant for. the recla
mation of another good-sized tract of
useless land.
Discussion has arisen over the wis
dom of assigning to the present recla
mation service the task of draining the
60,000,000 acres of swamp lands pro
posed In the bill to come before the
congress at - the next session. It is
claimed that by the time the drainage
projects will be under way the Irrlga
tion reclamation bureau will have In
its possession data invaluable for use
in connection with the drainage work,
and also that the reclamation of the
arid lands will have progressed far
enough to ' enable the bureau to take
hold of the drainage projects without
material interference with present en
terprises-or hampering the new work.
Others contend that a new bureau
should be created, and that drainage Is
so radically different from irrigation
that the two have no logical connec
tion, that all ' data In the hands of the
Irrigation bureau could be transferred
I.I A. . - . . '
wiuiuui uinicuiiy. . .
It seems to be the general exnecta
tion that the drainage enterprises will
go through, although members of con
gress In states Interested will find that
they need to exercise vigilance lest op
ponents succeed in flereating the bllL
Seattle,. Wash., June 3. Prison stripes
win no longer ne conspiclous at the
state penitentiary, according to state
ments given out by members of the
board of control In fhis city. Under
the new rules prisoners will be graded
according to their records and sentences.
Each particular class ,will be given
different uniform, which will be of ma
terial easily Identified as prison attire,
but stripes will be abolished. , ,
This Tear's Ideal Taeatloa Trip.
Pennsylvania Lines excursion tickets
to Jamestown Exposition (Norroik) sold
daily during summer via New York and
steamer- down the Atlantic: via Phila
delphia and 'Cape Charles Route' In
cluding steamer trip across Chesapeake
ay via. uia .foint uomiort- (Fortress
Monroe); viaBaltlnlore and liVashing-
lon. tsteamer irom Baltimore aown the
Potomao River and Chesapeake Bay;
rail through Richmond, or steamer down
Chesapeake Bay from Washington; ulso
via Columbus,, Cincinnati or Louisville,
Privilege of going one route and return
ing another, with stop-overs for side
trips. to Atlantic City and seashore re
sortfl and to resorts In New England.
For details write F. N. Kollock, District
Agent, 21ft Stark street, Portland, .Or .
' ' 1 -. . , . .:... .' . A :..,J...
Ohio Battle Begiris in Earn
est and Will Be to Finish
o Between Enemies.
Fire Alarm Senator Will Be Unable
to Name Appointees in Ills State
and Kick Loneworth WllSettle
All Questions,
Washington. ' June t-No secret Is
made here of the Jointure of Issues be
tween the . president and Secretary , of
War Taft In strly(ig to obtain control
of the Republics! " convention for the
letter's presidential candidacy. A day
or two ago President Roosevelt, Secre
tary TTAft nd Representative Long-
worth: Mr Roosevelt's son-in-law, who
lives In Cincinnati, Ohio, conferred at
the White House, and thereafter an
nouncement was made that seven post
masters were appointed in Ohio, and
thatSenators Foraker and Dick were
hot consulted, and would not be con
sulted In the future in any matter in
volving Ohio patronage. -r-
This means that the administration
has struck the final blow at the For-
aker-Dick forces, for they will not here
after be able to get a piac aine -pie
counter." as federal patronage is called.
It Is given out cold that no senator
who does not follow the behests or the
president will have anything to do with
the distribution of offices. - . .
After this conference the news .was
given but with authority that Secretary
Taft has refused finally and Irrevo
cably to permit his indorsement i Ohio
for the .presidency to go . in common
witfe ari indorsement pf Senator Foraker
for reelection. It la to be a fight to
tne aeatn. - . . i
fiaoator - roraker's vota 'agalnSt ;tn
rate regulation , bill when It went to
final passage, and only be-and Senators
Morgan and Pettus' of Alabama voted
against it, has never been forgiven by
the president, and If truth were known,
probably the people of Ohio likewise
have not forgiven the offense.
It is suspected that, if -the Browns
ville Inquiry were not'' In progress be
fore the senate military affairs .com
mittee, of which ..Senator ' Warren of
Wyoming Is chairman, the chairman's
recommendations'' would have short
shrift with President Roosevelt It Is
notorious that the president wants to
have the committee report favorably to
him,'' and It is also known Commonly
that certain Investigations of federal I
agents in Wyoming brought to light
conditions not complimentary to Sena
tor Warren and his friends.
No Hurry About Qulnlault Lands
(Special Dtepetch te The Journal.)
Aberdeen, Wash., June 3. Colonel . F.
R. Archer, government agent for : the
allotment of lands In the Qulnlault In
dlan reservation, says the work will be
finished in two or three months, as It is
desired to give a final report at the
next meeting or congress. as soon as
sil the land Is aUoted Congress will de
cide what policy shall be followed in
the distribution of the remainder of the
provocative of good humor as
GhlrardellPs Cocoa. Its delic
ious fragrance and sustaining
goodness fill the most exact
ing guest with generous im
pulses. The best thing too
for his own
breakfast Is
' Interest paid on Savings Accounts and
our neat Leather-Covered Pocket Savings
Sanks furnished to aid you in starting and
building up an account. v- ".
Start an account at once.
J, Frank Watson.......... .....v.. ....President
R. L. . Durham, . .... . . . .. , ... . . . . .Vice-President
W. H."Fear.'. f. Secretary
; S. C Catching, AssisUnt Secretary
; : O. W. T. Muellhaupt . , . Cashier
iC.i-":-' .:',iAii.?. T r.vy Ji -, "'(?. ! ' i-.