' ' THE' OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND . MONDAY ' EVENING; s JUNE 3, 1907. V6- SAVE Twenly-FIve Dcl UrslilsWetk ;, . ' x v.., E OFFER THE SOLUTION in ::. 1 ,- -'.'r.' - ;vi -.;) v V'-'- V- A A V V i our easy Berkele' Plan-five dollars down and ONE DOLLAR a week. We even do more than this all buyers In "Berkeley" this week . SAVE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, $125 lots going for $100. You never had such an op portunity to throw off the terrible rent bur-. den, and your home will be In Portland's beautiful new residence addition, -where your money will soon double. "Berkeley" is just beyond the. Golf Links, 22 minutes from-the business center, and ONE DOL LAR A WEEK buys a home there. See or phone us. . V The Jacobs-Sline Company Fifth Floor, Swetland BuAdlng. Phones A2811, Main 359 . ;. . .. . The Cnrtlss Company 309 Ablngton, Selling Agents, i Phones A2699, Main 699 J ...si' k '.( i ' V " ' V I. L X! " . I ! . .. - 'it ! UHVEILEDTODAY Closing Day of Confederate Eeunion at Eicnmond Is Made Great Event .THOUSANDS 0? PEOPLE I . WITNESS BIG PABADE i i . y Vast Concourse of 'Admirers Assem ble to Pay Tribute to Memory of President of Confederate States ; Veterans Cheered by Crowd. ( Richmond, Va., Jun .-Thi u the L i .-Anini ilnv nf th most i uccwifHl runloa trer hold by th t Contederaw veiern wm .': biff parade, followed by th unvUln of ' -k. T..n nnvia monument The I ' iWAAVtVM da was a holiday In Richmond, publlo . building ana wre " for the remainder of the day. Thou ' ji .itnM romlnir for" the sole purpdee of seeing- the old soldiers, were - a. .w. iin4 alm on the streets. ' . The start of the parade was made ' Lv.n-iv before noon. General Btlth :. n.iu.. m.r.hal nf tha dar. and staff ! preceded by mounted police to clear the - t.x , -nV-orpuMlnn. The route led y through Ninth, Grace; Fifth and Frank- 1m .v1. At thA Davis monument. Tne nne 01 mrcn T -.as a packed mass of humanity. The ;, crowd was far and away the largest . that the ancient capital of the Con " federacy has ever entertained. Win dows were bright with the faces of women and girls, W4tn waving namiKer chlefs and flags; the sidewalks were al- 1 most Impassable By reason 01 we con , With their Mood stirring to the same old airs which bade them do and die for their cause in the '60s, the veterans r marched through tne streets, me oo ' lect of a wildly cheering throng's en 1 tbusiasm.- At the head of the proces- slon rode General Stephen D. Lee and " his staff. The erect figure, the alert - ri.a hnrt white beard of the . comroander-la-chlef were well known, to rr.At of the apeciaiors ana no wan ; ..ih ihiri all iJnnar the line. The distinguished guests rods in car? . rlages nd thea came the veterans, ar i ranged according to departments, ln- eluding Texas, Tennessee, irans-.Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Ter- "v rltory, ciaoom, -uiuu a northwest division and Virginia. The Next Sale Dates ' For round-trip 'tlcketrxto the east St - the reduced rates made the Oregon v Railroad Navigation company are f next Thursday. Friday and Saturday. ' June I. 7 and 8. It will be wise to ' make early arrangements, as the ac . commbdatlons will be.much la demand. Conditions at the Jamestown air are reported to be very favorable now. The Q. R. ft N. Short Line gives a direct bd delightfully wmfortable trip - and the eonvnine4 arev eomplete. City ttrku oKice, Third ana Washington street. , ' TOBIHE DifiilHJI Finn ai o lUltHLu Miss Gertrnde Beeks Will Probe Kumors,' of Vice From Canal Zone. (Journal Special Berrice.) New Tork, June I. Washington will be the soene of a great gathering of the National Civic federation the com. ing fall, to agitate for better conditions for government employes, according to an announcement made today, and the secretary of the federation, MIsa Gert rude Beeks, will leave soon for the canal cone to Investigate the Immoral oondi tions said to exist there. Miss Beeks' trip and. the coming meeting at Wash ington have the Indorsement of Secre tary Taft. The chief object of the Washington meeting Is to better the condition of government employes and agitate the pension question. A committee ap pointed to carry on this work met in Washington last week to perfect ar rangements. The chairman of the com mittee is Secretary of War Taft, and vice chairmen are Governor Beckham of Kentucky, Mayor Guthrie of Pitts burg and Postmaster . Wilcox of New York. There Is also a sub-committee. composed of states and municipal off! cials, who have to do with working conditions of publlo employes. A state ment given out by Secretary Beeks to- day charges that government buildings at Washington and elsewhere and many state and municipal offices here and in other parts tf the country are main tained in an unsanitary condition and Improvement is to be Urged for the sake of the health of the employes. CHICAGO MAEEIAGE JUAKKET IS ACTIVE (Journal Special SarvJcO Chicago, June 8. Yesterday was an extremely busy day for preachers, cab drivers and florists. The first crop of June weddings was enormous. Satur day license clerks were swamped, 110 licenses being Issued in the first two hours. The average for; the. day was a license every minute. New records would have been established but for the fact that it was only a half day at the city hall, and the license bureau closed promptly, Inasmuch as there was a ball game In town and lots doing otherwise. All of yesterday cabs and automobiles hustled up and down and around the streets, all bearing pretty girls, great quantities of roses, new suit cases, and all the Impediments of the newly wedded. Outgoing trains also carried their quota, while ministers and Judges found their salaries considerably aug- j merited at the close of the day. PLAN WIS FOR OLD S CLERKS Government May Provide for Men Who Are Worn Out in Its Service. KEEP COMMISSION TO APPEOVE NEW SCHEME Opposition Is Expected From People Who Do Not Realize That the Employes Do Hard Work for Very Smalt Pay. Timber Land .Deed Recorded. Astoria, Or, June 1. A deed has been filed for record whereby the Delhi com pany sells to Charles P. Maginnla tim ber land In township 4 north, range 8 wst, for 125,000. 'Suffered day and night the torment Itching plies. - Nothing helped me un til I used Doan's tOlntment. It cured me permanently." Hon. , John Car. rett, Major, Glrard, Ala, (Washington Bureau of Tha Journal.) Washington, June S. Secretary Gar field of' the department of the Interior made the positive announcement to The Journal correspondent today that the Keep commission, of which he is a member, will recommend to the con gress at the coming session the adop tion of some system of pensioning gov ernment employes who nave grown old In the service and who to the last have maintained records of good conduct and efficiency. "The commission Is not prepared at this time to indicate exactly the char acter of the measure it will "recom mend. ' Perhaps It will be in the na ture of an annuity, but the details must be worked out later . to enable the members of the commission to de termine what they believe would Be wise. Whatever be the result of the future . deliberations of the commis sion, the recommendation will be vig orous andwill be made to meet the obvious demhnd for some solution of the problem of what to do with the wornout clerks." It Is realised that any proposal to pension government clerks will meet with opposition by many members of the congress. It is the intention, how ever, to strive to enlighten the people as to the facts and justify the adop tion of some plan to relieve the sit uation. "I am on record," Commissioner Bal- linger of the general land office said. "as being in favor of pensioning govern ment clerks, and believe that in the increased efficiency such a plan would bring to the service, the people would really save money." Many other officials Indorse this view. There is talk of an annuity for wornout clerks, the money to be taken from their current salaries while they are In the service, as some corpora tions now do, That most of the larger corporations, ' railroad and . indus trial, now are working under the pen sioning plan. Inclines many to believe that the government might be as lib eral and just towards its employes. . OPERATORS TELL THEIR TROUBLES Telegraphers Make Forma Complaint to Officials of Western Union. r (Journal Special Berries.) New York, June 3. The statement of grievances prepared by the commit tee of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union of North America has been sent to each member of the board of direc tors of the . Western Union Telegraph company. The company is asked to concede an eight-hour work dar to all telegraphers working on day shifts, giv ing uniform working hours in all offices throughout ths country and a fixed standard' in all offices. Both the officials of the company and the leaders of the union still express the belief that no strike will occur. Preeident B. J. Small of the union says we win not ask the company to grant another Increase of wages at this time. We will, however, insist that the 10 per cent increase announoed to take effect March 1, last, be granted to all telegraphers m the employ of the com pany and that we be given assurance that the 'sliding scale' will not be used as a means to take the Increase away trom us. "Other concessions -we .will. ask will involve little or no expense to the com pany. Jt will cost nothing to stop in tlmldating tactics, bribery, black-listing and other acts that have a tendencv to kill the spirit of independent action and make the men moral cqwards because of tne ract mat they have to submit to brutal indignities from day to day in order to retain their positions and earn a livelihood at their chosen trades," first Deaf Mate's Breach of Promise. From ,lhe London- Express. ' What is Believed to be the breach of promise case in which both parties are deaf and dumb is down for hearing before . the Johannesburg high court. '- x ' . i, ' The plaintiff is a pretty Boer girl and the defendant is a son of the pro prietor . of the Grand Station hotel, JeppesUwo, ; , DETJGGISTS HELD BY PUBE FOOD STATUTE (SpaHul .Nvspatcb o tlie JorrrnaU Olympia, Wash., June .-The -attor ney-general's office has given an opinion to the effect that under the new pure food law - every package' containing a quantity or proportion of alcohol, mor phine, etc., la required ' to bear a state ment on the label indicative of .the pro portion contained and that there can be no exception made. in the cases of com pounds made up on a physician's pre scription. -. - x ' The attorney-general also holds that druggists will be liable for the payment or the new state license fee of $25 un der the new law, notwithstanding they pay a government license which au thorizes them to sell liquors. ASTOBIACONSTDEES CARNIVAL TONIGHT (Special Dlapatoh to The Journal.) 1 Astoria, Or., June 3.-At the regular meeting of the chamber of commerce tonight the question of representation at the Portland rose carnival will be decided, also the appointment, of dele-' gates to the annuaV convention1, of the Oregon" Development league. " Manager Whyte of the chamber will deliver an address before the Admen's 'league at Portland Wednesday ' evening. How to Exercise the ',: , BowelS ' .; yr Intestines are lined Inside f with millions of suckers, that XT .... draw the Nutrition from food as . IX it passes them. But, if the food passes too slowly, it decays before It gets through. Then the little suckers draw Poison from It Instead of Nutrition. This Poison makes a Gas that Injures your system mors than the food should have nourished It. The usual remedy for this delayed passage (called Constipation) Is to take a big dose of Csstor Oil. This merely make slippery the passage for unloading the current cargo. It does not help the Cause of delay trifle. It does slacken the Bowel-Muscles and weakens them for their next task. Another remedy is to take a strong "Physic," like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phosphate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any of these mlxed. This merely flushes-out the Bo wels with a waste of DigestlveJulce.sel flowing Into the Intestines through ths tiny suoksrs. Casosrets are the only safe medicine for the bowels. ,'. They do not waste any precious fluid of the Bowels, as "Physics" do: They do not relax the Intestines by greasing them inside like Castor OH or Glycerine. They . simply stimulate the Bowel Muscles to do their work naturally. comfortably, and nutritiously. ... . -.v .. They are put up In thin, fist, round- cornered Enamel boxes, so they can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or In a woman's' purse, all the time. ' D739 The time to take a Cascaret is not only when you are Sick, but when you first suspect you need one. Price, 10c a box. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. , Every tablet stamped "CCC." All druggists. Always) Bay Collars .MI! Shrunk. : "THSV DON'T enaOK SO QUIOK ' HaTe"LIKOCOBD" eyelet bnttonnolet Xaay to button, u Strong to bold. BO. f. IDf eOMafcers ; TSOT, M.I. e. v v 1 111111 HAS NOW STREETCAR. Is really the best property offered to parties wanting to build homes, taking into consid eration that the company is grading - the streets, laying water mains and making ce ment sidewalks and curbing, putting build ing restrictions in the deeds, assuring buyers that good dwellings will be built near them. Prices of lots from Each, including all these improvements. Terms 10 per cent cash and 3 per cent per month on selling price. ' We also have some specially good buys in houses, and lots. Call on or write THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY 240 WASHINGTON STREET " PORTLAND, OR.