THE v OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, 1 PORTLAND, MONDAY ' EVENING, JUNEv 3, 1907. 13 TODAY'S MARKETS ' On Account of Their Mixed Condition a Wide Range of Prices Still Exists in the Egg Market Along Front , Street. PRICE OUTLOOK g IS VERY 000 WHAT DEALERS SAY U OF LOCAL JURKTS t : Every Prospect for a; Sharp , Auvance in umneu, oai I' moo All Used Up. 1 By W, B. Olaflce Co. ;I Larger receipt hv caused 4 somewhat easier, and It majr ba ' aid, a , weaker : ton In -. th poultry market Springs, es pecially, are showing a disposi tion to easen up, but. thus far there baa been no accumulation. The egg market waa very badly . mixed .during, the paat week. Arrival ahowed a sort of condition, som being quite fair, while other were very , poor. The latter resulted from keeping shipments too r long. The prices on various. days had a range of fully SVs .cents. . Dressed meats are easier, al- though the receipts are not , t heavy ' enough to causa aiy slump In prices as yet ,. " - Creamery butter holds a very e - good tone with storage demand e very heavy. Country store in . good cau. . r Outlook fer Mlmea Yrioe Oeod. I e nun practically bo did point eaugnt 10 4f 4y 4J 4y 4y 4) 4y 4y 4y 4y 4y 4y y 4) 4y 4y uhjbdii river l in m nmm ioer w mrwrj iiKit kood et thU tlroa that blgti price are taro to F IN NEW YORK Stocks Demoralized Worse ; Than dt Any Time Since March Depression. ; Today market foe tares: V Outlook for salmon price good, v Wide price la tag market, r Poultry Mr; price bold. - Wboat fluke era advanced. Ortioa cherrle com log filter. Big range la at raw berry price. Cantaloupe are selling lower. Prospect for aprloot production. i, rirst blackberrlee are la market. AmaTframsred Car F'dr'y melter ..... Atchison Anaconda .... B. O Brook Ira Canadian St. Paul fJ. 4 N. W. afsxloaa Central NET LOSSES'. ...111 Katy ...M Orat Northern .15 T. Central t m i i :,8 '3 Haw Tork atocka war even mora demora Iliad I today than at anr time alnca the March rta- prsasmi. TO neavr attacka made by tb bears . Vat Oa Northern Pacific Pennay Irani ... Reaillne; ....... Southern Paclfle HI Union Pacific . , a. steel ........ do preferred .... T DOWN DESPITE HEWS Report of Crop Expert Snow Fails to Cheek Bearish ; n'ess in Wlieat Pit. . ..... I I aaswnai'us. ill UVS F 1 1 V HI Del UT rut m an grease and in arery district, wuii i . . I .... , .i. M .......i.t- .i,k..K a wan opening valuce have ae yet bean ,lM: i.V "iT ZZ. ?r u'-JT ward the cloae there waa a sllcbt onward ton- earned by Colombia rtrar packsre the sales I4 Mtt. no hn: UmW u.ViM. il m f-. dency due to short covcrmg. Closlne Irnnt, made thus tar bare been mostly at 1100 for I J(t0. cioMnnlM. oar. dos: araoa fruit. 1 bowcrer. were lower than on Saturday, Amri- tana, 11.7ft lor pound flaU and 1 1.00 for ball I 3.M; strawberrlea, Oregon, II. 7413. 00 iwr I e(na wr WMk n(1 low' ,n London and this, flats. Packers report that thay hare already I crate; eberriea, gl.OO per Jo-lb box; irooerbcr-1 wltk gold exporU of 12.000.000 today from r id; apnoota, S3.0Oci3.SB:. joa'an-1 i,cw mrum wpnwa w noes maraei. by Oeerbeck, Starr Crop Bipert Zs BnUlsh. Crop Expert 8now in his re port Issued today estimates tho wheat crop at 40.000,000 bushels less than a month ago. He pre- dicta 11,000,000 bushel for Ne- d braeka as against (2,000,000 buahela a year ago. The oats fd crop of the country he gives a oondttlon of 81 per cent, aa against It per cent a year ago, 4 and a 10 years average of 91 per cent 4 eTorsoia tneir proapectiTe pecs roc tee saaaon i rtae, .sc. poi wtce orer. ia au districts tbare waa a snort-1 oarriae, lHHaioc per box; bUckberrles, ll.SS t sound I waiting to see what the Oo- v bo eta bleb Turnips, new. Meet I ear: rlrer Is going to do without prices for!0Jr. ' j l-T5 Per as binge on the latter. Oa the Bound J" ,1rthBl!!!t'i to,n,v i seam of tbe opinio, th.t a still hlgber Jg,' '.VrrlS hn Offldel quotation Cook Co.: in tha catch to data thta mum. I Per crate. 'Pncat aound la waltlna to aa what tbe Oo-1 VEOETABLEg Tornlpa. new. tOcftll sack! nimble m all value packer W1 "r ,"chd " P lb; ertkbokee. estlTSe par dos: Hsbbsrd A 11 market ere bare of stock end tbe new aquaab. So par lb; crauberrtea. 10.0oail.00 Deck eomee with better Droa pacta than any I nar barralt nmu n lh- prerloaa saesoa. I TAtJBOe per do bnncbea; rhubarb, m( I Amal. Copper Oo. July t4at Dee CHICAGO WHS AT VALCE8. June 9. June 1. Loaa. .9T I .nou .O0 .W iqm a. 4i ...,... .8T4 I . 96 . i.ooa i.c 1900. .Tt .60 HAYOR HAY BE filATIIIEE IDOL Sherbie Becker of Milwaukee Has Good Offer From a Theatrical Manager. WILL GET FIFTEEN HUNDRED EVERY WEEK Brady Wants "B07 Executive" to Flay Leading Role In "Tho Man of the Hour," Which W Written Prom His Life History. DESCRIPTION. Outside Opinion of almoa. la . per Florid lb: ereea bell pappera. rhnharh. ilill I Amal. Conner OO. M onion, lie per do; I American Car foundry, eom. SN fS.M per erata: spin- Cotton Oil, eom. W As tan rr.neko Journal thu. rerWw. tbe .oh.Tl.wT rr &Z7n nnmTZi: "CI Africa. IoV. nouae, i.7S per box; cucumber. DOeull.OOl american raar, . com Open. Cka. ealmon alt nation: Tb trade both bare and la tb eeat are I go: radiahaa. Ida dos bonehaai aDlaiT ia I American Smelt., com. watting for eometbtng determinate about tb per lb. Anaconda Mlnln Co. . . Columbia rtrer pack, but nothing la carta In DRIED FRCtTS Apple, eraporated. gO Anwiiraa Woolen, eom. yet, einept that up' to date tha run of Bah la Te per lb aprionta. lSMQiOe par lb: peach, Atchuton, com tbe rtrer I small and that of canned flan aaoae- "d'H0 PT lb; sack. 4 a par lb le: prune. Baltimor A Ohio, eom. eerily amall also. It to felt, howartr, that 2o 40. Be6e: He drop oa each 1-10 amallar "l' BPld Tranalt u 11. ..a .., else: fur. California black. MMUt nar Ihi Canadian Pac. com. .. buWwTu lh. mZ dnolntoT .11 teen ! P. d.t.lo, Crntl Lc.thar. com. .-i. .h.. h.. .4a rat. Th. ra w eoi; tarda, gi.eoai-bo per 10-m oos. V"!r" ut. up; It I a long OOAR-Cob 10.13; powdered. $5.TH; JSKaiS nSi Wm 95 !? L-i Store.' &J82iL2i SS::"::: uraawi cuimw. I -olden C. tli lTUi ri ..UoV aiifrTU! uoio- "outbeni. com , at lately eetebllabed rates. In b f?t,S Zl- UrratrToet h-Jf Barrel Ulwn nerket to aetlre end. recent ehlpmwte K?" InVck bill. I nTr Omni,, eom..... Western, ana in 1 . k.. :a 1.. --k .rrtn.n. and I Orooartaa. auta. Zta. - . ". " rau. ,...izn ...;.7 .. -.T, ..." " I. i. . .I SOGAR Cuba. fl.iau: nowderad. 1B OTU: I Xnl0 . ?:. m. time line there ba been o thto market. Local demand rery good et lat MIT. in. unit u acilTa aou rmnil auipiuvia I oil., . . , t rwm thla clfr br rail ara balne dlitrlboted I -IT T. ..TT'.. I Erie. com. fr 7 .li th. "rtnclDriobber; la AtUntle Hon.T'" " Illinoi. Central and middle west eltlee. Tbe small stock oa HONEY IS. 00 per erata. Jf I A ,IJnT'Ile band here to manlfeet from tbe lightness of tbe COKFEK Packer brenda, 1B 8S01.S. uli". . ,"J jl- iport wblob oar almost sltogatbar dtoap- SALT Ooerse-JUelf ; pound, 100a. 111.00 par f5 CS-"2,J ? mred fn; 60s, gll.00: table, dairy. 60a. I6.00; 100.. J?u7?iYl T com ' .A.i ... k.. 114.70: batoa. IS.OO: Imnnrtl I l..roo.l iin. DlatlUera 2 Moori urmarkel s the flrmWt InTtbeto mem- ! le. 1170 J34. 16.00; it fin. 2"" i",,r.2:rn ,i 123 cleaned up e well. "Tbe market for U gradaa 9 60 toS B0""' U 00: N.tlonal Lead ...:.::::::::::.:: b U I V 111. Ull. U . . U W BWI.II. (II f J I the wbeat trade and orer tbe country that big 3 I apeculatlon la likely to continue, althoufb tbe ; 1 traae la paaaing throng a quiet period now. rnitowina tn eicited bull campaign or nri rlon weeka. These who bare aold out tbelr km wbeat will hardly be willing to wait on til the crop fl-ure are out on June 10. before replacing their holding. Nearly all European countries are renortln eery low on euotiliee. Tbe Argentine baa but moderate balance of laat year a crop to eunply Kurope. winter wheat daman la established and the aprln crop ia yet 10 oe maaa. A 1 opt tone were weak today, despite tbe Ml llah sstlmate t-iren out by Bnow.Ten de crease of 1.0S8.O0O buabala In tbe rf.lble did not check tbe beartahneee today and the clnalng waa 44 to He lower for July ana September reepecurely and unchanged for December. LWer- pooi w weal and closed id anoar Saturday. Official Chlcaeo m-iee br Orrbrk. Starr A uooie company: WHEAT, Open. Htrb . 99 CORN. Ml MU Dee ......... SOU 61 tt OATS IJoly MT4 Sept t 8 Cloee. 100HA MtA 6XB siJa ft eHA ..121 ;;ii8 of salmeo," tb Kelly-Clarke "piany r. u to n)M ef tt New York Central OUOLSa mm Tulle. IU -Wl wvuiava .w .. h- r-. Lntm evawtlsl -iMM s I MmAUiem. Practically all m&f of Mlnxm nrt I um u anil wa could dlaooa of 1,000,000 1 ' nrrn lmnarii T. n.. h. l a.. w I North Airier Iran Mu. ie ... k.a Hun an haait tndar. before tbe I IUi; timm r. , 11.'. k.. rwu' I Northern Pacific, com. new pack la put on tbe market Tbe American 6c Pacific Mall Bteamahlp Co. market I In particularly Ana abape. Ordinarily, I BEANS Small whlt. g.); tore white, nnJTS,u . "wy aaerly 600.000 caeea r sent to England., nut $3.28; pink, 3.aS; bayou, 3.7S; Lima. BMe; E1 Stff 1 t,r com- 'f r'ulrNnTnd0 a,r- of I NUTf-"p;..uto: J-mbo. H. p- lb; Vh Hepubllc Iron Steel, com. tb ' tremenduona American demand. T. Meyers, the pioneer cannery mi Bonnd. who own , a large cannery inset norml rua to. the nortk l ummer. 1 )b. ki.. 10, lh. I Southern Pacific, com . . ii .1 ... k. mMiA rh . t wa WllllI . - . ; . .. . r .. . I B. . tj-11 bar ao troubto thto year In curlng sofflcient n,. eiibart. We per lb; 'fancy pecaaa, 180200; Tenneeae Coal Iron '. labor, which waa on of our greateet dlfflcul- almond, 19Q2iye. Texaa 4 Paclfle tie last eaon. Tb mtol r coating vt Tt.k .. t.i.i.. Toledo, St. L. dt W., com mtTtT-toreara, yet tj-, h.tber rBESH ATSX. fane. -l thcr wlU be ny Ja quotations IHe9a -,r , tQU , , p "te4 . Tarieu. Stra.barry Yalu. St-'RcE "sife0 W1 80 o.r"m ! i Tliere ws. wld range ef raluee In tbe 'VKsSJEr ttf(?LK-- h ,k 'ebb common Ig2 i.r.-olrry rk.t on Troot aimlfft toM'lbf 11 W1'M,n. Central, com. sale .of goad- berrto wer mad as Jow 18w8 ,b 1.' . w 7bi. idc: break f..t $1.75. tor while " .U,1".J.I . 16H22e per lb; plcnlca, lJc par lb; NEVADA BUXIXQ QUOTATIONS ... vi.k Ttifai latter mnm tor wmtbinc 1 Mtti.. ter.11 iiu ik. Uar..i.. -u- -1 I t sj IB -aa . 7 . . . I 'x 7 r- W ,igHMi auuii vivttr. elect. Th aTfniir pric. ourminva wnui vu-j i amnH)xi, ivo per id; moked. 114c i eKia?0 g V niA, July .'leiT 1M0 181T IflW A Sept 1087 1047 1 637 1649 LARD. Jnlr 910 91B SOT 910 B Sept 2T 9.12 9M P2T Oct 92T 937 026 925 B SHORT RIBS. July 877' 8W 8T8 8T5 Sept 890 800 887 S90 I rlnia. lua nr in? mt.i itin nmm ik, I do preferred man of PuMt 6&ie; reeited, 77H per lb; cocoa- leiaod com. . . . . , In DOt. Wf 90c par doa; walnuTa. California. 10 foole San Fraa.. 2d pfd. I rH,l. nfm'. I ft ?'.; pin. auto.. 1415c i-4V!i W.. com LIVXB.F00L ORAJV MARKET. Llrerpool, Jun t. Official prices: WH1.AT. Open. Close. June 1. I July Sept July Sept .Ts lAd Ts H4 .7s 8d 7s t CORN. d Ts JH4 d Ts 414d 4s HUd 4s HUd 4s HHd 4s lOKd 4s lOXd 4s 10d St. Loul. Wneat Ibrfcet. Loss. Id Id Ud 1H Sfk. St. Louis, June 8. Wbeat Close: July 94 He te ner lb: day was sbont a oo. ' f,?,"0.0? ,,!!, J?00- i Bid Prices Current Today on the San . . . . . . - l . - iMmb anrf I nee lh! aainkari. Be tee lh h.IIU. Mn. I okd, blackberrle. Stock, earn from to good abap. may oia t i.w p.r :"-, Francisco Exchange. San Ptanclao, June 8. Official bid price: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 87c, Mohawk $15.00, Columbia Mt. craie ot io .u , i .h . ,n hatter condition and T U-I k.jw 4t IvUcal, uku Kettle leer, 10. ism per annerorm btc, uonawt 15.00, Colnmb a Mt tog t fH-J T fra.t. i I. US' per lb; DO-lb tins, liie per lb- 46c. Jumbo Ext. 1.42'4. Vernsl 21c. Pennsrl Hrawiey caniawapaa -""i steam rendered, 10a, 12c per lb; Ba, 12Me I Ttnla ScA, Ooldfield M. Co. 81.20A. Kendall buca, uootn ax. Blue uun sue, Adorn. 10c, 811- Hew Tork Wneat Market. New Tork, Jun 8. Wheat Close, $1.04 bid. Xraluth Wbeat Market ' Dutntb, June 8. Wheat Cloee. 1.00H. PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE ... . it v. . . r- i, i .ieeoi nrouerati, iv., ic per jo; and are In quite flr condition. They sou Mr eompoomj, m,. Si4 r.r ib. today at $2 and $2.60 per crate or is meuna. CANNED BALMON--Columbla rlrer. l ib talla. Oreexm ensrnea are otdui I -ew; -io tans, x. (d; rsacy i-it nat.; i Oram, i o; 1.80; nominal. Tha California ateamer was due to unroeo ta , lau. ti.yu. r.iirnmi. nrorince thto morning. Tb Southern I riMH Koc cod, Te per Ib; flounder, fle per SMnT't'J.ia tb. Joath wm rral hour, lb; h.Ubut, 6He per lbT.trlped b...,12c W; . . , . e.iii.n, juc per id: ealmon, treab Columbia "w.'ti. nr.ii. .no la .rrlrtog in eery poor "He lb; etaeUiead. per lb; ber- .- - - - . . rai, w per .nj soie. oc .par id; aonmpa. nie snspe sou some .".. I Pr ,D! Pr. ec per lb; black cod, 7e per :b a Its price $1. Some at $1.20. torn cod. 7c par Ib; lobsters, 16e per Ib; treat Briaf Mote of th Trade BANK STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Bank of California $338.00 $330.00 nanaera- Mimnermen s . ... 1O4.0U Mercbants' National .... Ore iron Trout A Barings . fort una Trust Jo United Statea National . LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS.) American Biscuit Co. 6a 98.50 200.00 18o00 10O.00 120.00 rer Pick SOc, Ner. Boy 7e, B. B. Ext 13c, Bine Bell 7c. Dixie 80c. O. Columbia Silo hi. ocraia oca, est. t tea use, uonqueror lie, nik Bock B, Lone Star 18c. Oro 17c. Kendall Exi 2c. 8a(.t. Ext. 4c. Marne 6c. Atlanta 118. (treat Mend one, umpire lOcA, Bed Top Ext $2.30. Florence $3.80, Dlam'f B. B. Con. 20c O. Daisy $1.10, Laguna 10c A, Comb. Fra-t. I American Biscuit Co. 6a 98.50 100.00 $2.45. Or. Bend Ext. 18c, Gr. Bend Am. Tc, City Subnrban 4a 93.00 Millatorm 0cA, B. B. Bonanaa 5c, Kewano Home Telepbon 6 8n.00 Tic. Esmeralda 18c, Portland ITc, Cracker Jack a 9T.00 lOO.fH) 17c. Red Hill SA Mnhnk Vrt ii. rn mn. If). W. P. A Rr. Aa iftnnn ini v mackerel, 8c per lb; erawflab. 2e per do; stur-1 9c, T. Tiger ITeA. Orsndm 12cA. S. Pick Ext. Pacific Coaat Biscuit Co. as . 97.00 100.00 Ross 6c, Col. Mt. Ext. ocA, Qoldf. Cons. I Portlsnd By. o 99.25 I MISCELLANEOUS BTOT1CH ihsikilt. I Associated Oil IU no. ssnn ftnklv .1 TK U..(m. Kft. . O..U M. II 1 a. .A 19cA, Con. Vlrelnia 6(tc. Haraee 46c. Hale A I Pacific Telephone i Tel. rnfd.l imnn Norcroeia ooc, xeilow jacket 75c. Belcher SOc, 1 Fuget Sound Telephone 40.00 oierra nev. wc, sixcneqner oac, union sue. I MIVIVR STOCKS unnnai 1"C, Bum. M. V. IOC. Mont. BUIir. Manhattan Onwn Point 9U 4c, Nat. Bank 20c. L. Harris 2c, Amethyst 24c, Potirle Mining iflu ffu'lJ!"& iT&Kr ib: 'h"d WaCk COMSTOCKDIS a 18H was ooiamea i ..vw, . . OXSXBRS 8bolwtr bay, per gallon, $2.50; anteed tock. t , . M per 100-lb ck, $4.50; Olyrnpla, per gallon, Chiekena ar easier again but ralue hold. $2.23: per 116-lb aack, $5.509v25; Kagle. ' Dreased meat market ahows demand and sup- canoed, lc can, $7.00 do. ' nly equal at the former range. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; ram Alber Milling company report an adrane clam, $2.00 per box, 10c per do. . Thla nuta tbe Dries - Walnta. Oaal Oil. St. to8 ROPE Pur Manila, lle; aundard. 13o: S"11 B"'.Bar,; Hteinw,J, leJ, Buf. Anx. Wsshougal Extension 28 All city cresmerle. ara now "Hing butter t I.Usl. 11c. t ..... 5?tTJ"S SUZ: UNLISTED STOCKS. Uc a pound;, tb. iMt on. I ..r' ,".tr.' Dal.r lie. Homeitake ConaT 65c. Yk rq"lna Bay Telephone , 8.00 Bonnclog tbe Cbangevtni. rooraiug. . -- J"',, r" ,,7 " Olrl 5c. Nnaaet 5c. Tramn Oona. 42c. Victor 10c. OTe"n r Ml Lumber.. e Trade PJ. tbe touowing pneca w r. - ... r TONcTPAH DISTRICT. . r''0 :". atreet. Price pair ablpper r less regular I .7. '' ... . u,.. . . . I m.- v. ... .0,, ... British Columbia Amal, . . - wmov..-,B, w .. twn, ?V par gni. I Aon. , i,.i. T nwi. i U . lua. I raaeanla eommtoslon: . Iron bbto, 18e per gL . " Kxt. t20o, MacN.mara 26c. Midway $1.2o Tm. MVmooth - j. -Oralfc ; Flow and - BBNZINE-oS deg ease. S5e per gal; Iroa Bolinont $3.80. Ton. No. Star 24c. Ohio Ton. Moraln QVAIX BAHS Cklcutt. c, larg lot; mn 001s. vx per gai. 6cA. West ma Con, wc, Rescue 17c. Ton. A I Standard Con tota 10c. 7 . TURPENTINE In cases, 90c par. gal; wooden Calif. ScA, Golden Anchor 23e, Jim Butler Sflc, Tacoma Steel -" .ft fiOfOi! i.ller. S7IB88C. I WHITE 4.FAD Ton lot. 7e ner Ibi 500-lh I 12c. Monarch Pitta Ba. lSeA. Mont. Mid. Kit. I CO ELK D ALENB DISTRICT. rrWiip:lWhola. 14 .00: cracked. $26.00 per lota, c per n- aa lota, BH per lb. I 4c. Golden Crown 10c. N. Y. Ton. lOcA. umon 09 I ttgl. . ... AAA AM AA BARLET new reeo, .rolled. $28.0024.00; brewing, $22.00Q ' RYE $155 per cwt. ' OATS New Producer price No. 1 white, $28.50029.00 per ton; gray, $27. 5028. 00. r LOUR Eastern . Orgon patents, $4.80; traigbta, $40; export. $4; ealley $4.804.40; 4.15; grabsm. U. $8.75; whole what, $4.00; rye. 60a. $6.00: balea. $2-". MILL8TUFF8 Bran. $17.00 per ton; mid , dllnga. $25.00; aborts, country, $20 XX); city, il9.Wl-.cbop. $1.0021.00. gflAY Producers' price Timothy, Willamette eilley,. fancy, $14.oo( ormnry, fia.uua (Journsl Spedsl Berrlc.) Chicago, June 2. I Mayor "Sher bie" Becker to add to Milwaukee' fame by becoming a matinee IdolT Tele grama flew back and forth between Milwaukee . and Chicago laat night They contained fat offers In the way of $1,500 a week salaries and promise to make the "boy mayor" a star In a night He la wanted to play the lead ing part in "Tha Man of the Hour,' which ia now playing in Chicago. Mayor Becker is flirting with the. proposition. That much he ad rait a. Money, sordid money, la atandlng in tha way. William A. Brady's repre sentative in Chicago haa offered Mayor Becker $1,500 In real money each week as bait The "boy mayor" has a good business head. "Raise. the limit,'' aaid the youthful mayor tonight "and I may sea th offer." Also, along with th salary, which will be large enough to keep a ateam yacht in commission in th Mediter ranean, Mayor Becker wants privilege--He demands that he ba allowed to de liver lecture along the road and to carry his own manager and press agent Mr. Brady is not kicking at th personal manager and pre agent de mand, but he does not want the mayor to lecture. If th people have a yearn lng to see Mayor Becker, or Actor Becker, Mr. Brady wanta them to put their money down at trie box office. If th two can compromise upon th lecture end of the contract Mayor Becker will probably ahow his really fine eyes an auburn-tinted hair behind the footlights. From the way Mayor Becker talked to newspaper correspondents last night, a $500 a week ralae over th $1,500 offer would probably land him in th theatrical manager' net if he could still have the privilege of delivering lectures. Mr. Becker wanta to tell the people over the country about civic righteousness, the value ' of public franchise to the "people," th dinner pall vote and other things. The play In which Mayor Becker may star is said by his friends to have been written from some of tha pages of the "boy mayor's" Ufa history, par ticularly those which refer to political activity. In "The Man of the Hour" the hero ia th mayor of a thriving little city. He is in love with a beau tiful girl. A franchise ia at etake. If the mayor will only souse the common people and hand the franchise Oyer to the political boss and a large, corpu lent millionaire of the thrifty village, he can have tha girl, otherwise she will give him the mitten. AmericanWatlonalBanIa ' SAN DIEGO, CAL. " Capital (paid tip) 1100,000. Hurplne and Vu. Fronts 40,000. Officers and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Pre.; ft. M. Powers, ' Vlce-Pre.; H. E. Mills, Vlce-Pres.; Chas. U William, Cash ,' , ler; L. J. Rice, Assistant Cashier; EL Btrahlman. Bead Vn Tour raciflo Horthwert Zterna Send Us Your Visitors for Good Treatment San Diego's Mineral Resources The mineral wealth of San Diego county, though known to be great, la largely undeveloped, and offers an excellent field for the prospector and capitalist. From on group of gold mines at Hedges over two million dollars have been taken out Valuable gems sre found In great varieties In San Diego county. COUNT COill mAY BE SUBPOENAED Former Husband of Madame Anna to Tell What He Knows of Gould Family. WHOLE FAMILY WILL FLEE ACBOSS OCEAN Publicity Connected With Matri monial Vicissitudes of Millionaire Is Not to the Liking of His Relatives. FATHER DENIES ABUSING INFANT Wife Charges Husband With Striking Her and Nine-. Weeks-Old Babe. .13 .SO .41 -.86 10.00 4.00 .1T4 .35 .01 Vi .03 .22 .SO .074 .18 .03 .05 H .08 .12H .10H .14 r too; oo. l-bbl lota. 65e Dr cal: erouari eaka. ear w. 130.00 par toa: lea tbaa car lots, $30.00 par (UU. RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT IN THE STOCKYARDS .1014 . .04 2 2.85 .10 .12 .05 08 H .60 8.00 Bullion WIRE NAILS Present bails at I2.bR. I uivhittiu mtTDixr I Copper King LINSEED OIL -Purs raw. In K-hhl urf. an.. I . " . . ' . Harjpy I)ar , l-bbl lots. 5Se: eases. &S oar ..1: w,'r.A' "J"- . - I O. K. Con. ... kettle-boiled, oaass, SOc per gal: B-bbl fots. Me: ZimL J"""S?.IE-7A,,ric' "7 wbo f Ml: aron.rt e.k. ... L..' vnracrni i. ."""'"". "7l. tmainna ..... nino. itwa, nroocoff i c, w uiup. ,,rt m-'a, i uastav enavn vasna Pl..nn fir. Vnf.ln a a Tin, l.le V H.n. I JlOOf Ufl bOFfEA XARKxTT. uv, 4uu.u iaa ... i Adventure S2.SO. A Hone. 4S Oft 11.. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. 14.80. Atlantic It . RO. ninrh.m 1 in nn , aairr. miTer jvina ic, runs e.w. i sw.wi. lnrennlRl sctjxi. Cod Ranee 7S."M. No. Star Wonder 15c. Earle'a Neat 18c. Ruby I Daly Weat $16.00, Elm Rlrer 1.75, FrankliD wonaer f c, Alice oi nouaer ec, niuourf, ureen tainanea fis.zn, ririmoy fl2.O0, Surer Peak fl.43. OaXarejSrfiCT ,U8t Two HunOred Head of Cattle Arrive la Since Saturday . - -i.Pricg -JIold 10.00; fudd ZnOouragee Datryln . lal Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Ilood River. Or., June 8. B. T. Judd, preat dent of tbe Oregon State Dairy association who ia here In the Interest of dairy products, believes tbers is no better field open tbe state than tbe dairy business. He Portland Colon Stockyards. Jnna a stocx receipts: Bog. Cattle. Sheep, held next December. to send a display of products to tbe meeting of tbe assoclstlon, which it Is expected will be I cheat Sg.00fiS10.00, Butter, "fegg 4, foul try. BUTTER FATif. e. V Portland Sweet cresm, 22H23c; sour, 9OH021e. BUTTER f 01 ty creamer , 34c; seconds, tOtto; outside, fincy, 22H; seconds, 20Hc: tore. I617c EO09 Extra fancy, eandled, lT18c. CHEESE New Full cream, flats. lSUAlSe aae lh: Tonne Amsrlcs. 18H(217e per Ib. I Week sto POULTRY Mixed chickens, ISHflae lb; Today , J0f) fancy nana, lea lb; roosters, old, 10c lb; fryers, Yesr sgo ...i 75 ' 250 90c ,per lb; broilers, 20c per lb: old ducks, Previous year 88 825 178 18914c per lb; spring ducks, 20c per lb; receipts in the livestock market continue mm, nt Ofi9llOe nee In: inrlnr r u 101. .... H i. h t IV.,. 1 1. u- I -ao . Tie Dec lb: turkaya. 17c per lb fee .old: were 200 head of cattle. No line ne .h-n I TVoa. regie tered i. qoaba, 12.60 per do; pigeons, 11.28 par do, eama. All market are tdy. Today 80 beadL."0 """P0" Dressed poultry 11 He per lb higher, lot horses errlved. . " Threes, registered . Hons Wool aad-Slde. I A year ceo all market war easier: cattle do eoupon .BUPS-AIM crop Prim to choice, 7Hct ma-1 15? lower. ' Threea, smsll booos DS. Utowiuj weuiuoi. utZD44si eon. I niricisi uveaToca prices; - ...... - - crop, 10c. . .1 HogsBest esstern Oregon, $7.00; tpcker ro?n' "K'"erea, oia Maes. 14.75. Mlchtaan (12.25. Mohawk 1R2.0. Nevada Con. $ia.l24. North Butt 2.25, Butt Oorla. 123.50, Superior ft Pitta. $15.25, Ohl lwminion (44. ia. farrot 119.50. Pboenli 11 OO uiiincy aiiz.oir. novel ia,i.-. nnannon fie.7.1. lamaraca lnnuy siw.w. united Cop. V. 8. $57.00. Utah $57.00, Wolverine $150.00. In l Mining M&ao, Nlppeaalng $1I.62H. la urging thorn who can go Into the dairy farming tinPPTTlT.'r? TiV A TIT business here to develop their opportunity and ilUIVXl 1 1 IJJCj ULlA. 1 XL BENEATH WHEELS I dlumsIlais, I tar807 cr WZl00a-.19O7 m . lain oa TJTTITZD STATES OOVZRlOtXirr B0KDS. New Tork, Jun 8. Government bonds: Date. mi. avaaeo IWtS ,104 , 1930 104 191 S 102 . 1918 " 102 1918 M07T, 1925 120 1007 129 slip Valley. 30fl21c: eastern. I snd feeders. $.004i8.26: China fata.- S8.20fii aa coupon. . -; fS iw.i iioo-. - -ui' -.iixmr, regnrerea ota ....... iwi w . uniiiiuu ion Hoiu. I ..,,i- n . -, n . I do counon i ..... 1907 101 SHEEPSKINS-Sheartog, 1520s each; abort 4.50; beat eow and heifer, $3.858.50; buUa, p.i?f ' " ' . JrS ainnl '9Kiiane fnarilnm ami KYIilTK. . I as nlY Rrt ' I TWOS, PSnSmS, reglatared .. 104 ion wool, 0cig.i.w eacu. i eneep ooeerea, mixeu, mt.ovazo; lambs, ec, TALLOW Prim, per lb, SUOee: No. 1 ud I ?&2De:.w. e. ..... SHEEP ADVANCED IN" EAST vi , iu HaeMvvw ;ww vta email ns. oc. do eotapon 104 104 J6 W 103 108 129H 129 101 102 V4 iiv4 1054 William Clarke, a Rancher, at Med ical Lake, Begs for the Stroke of Mercy. 1, l$ Market 10C LHigher In Chicago-C-fo nMeeVifuVeO,,."h2D5 i!! "9 8tm Hog. Steady. I Kew Tork-londoa Silver. New York, June 8. Bar allver, 7i4c; Lon don, Bid. XrW TORK C0TT0H KARKIT. hide. cow, lc stag and eulla, ound, 607ci kin. 15 to aO.lha. Bel calf.- aonnd. anla. 111 lha. ' lie': arena, nnaalied. la laaa: cnlla . I I Chicago Ib lass: horse bidae, aalted, each, $1.0Oc2.O0t Kansa City dryr Ch, SLOOCl.W; eolt tiiaea. 2513 50c; goat I Omaha stag and bull. 0UDd. 6ffl7et Chicago, Jun 8. Livestock receipts; ..43.000 24.000 . .14,000 14.000 0.000 ' 6,000 kins, common,- each. lOttlSe; Angora. ach. wciuvj.,uu; sneep sains, iocnisi.ou. , v i- - Vralta aag Vtabl. ": rr- J, POTATOES Fancy, $2.0oa2.2S; aweata. Pe per Ib: new potato, 6c per lb. ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Oregon, $3.50 188.60; Texaa and Austrsllaa, 45e per lb; garlic 8c per lb. , v . APPIiKS ganee HonA HIVW. TftltMt Sane " n-t'. m7 in aiHIwerv vragou,- m.b i I'learinga inaay s.n. i , i Balances toasy s tucsa fruits orangee, kew navel, $3.M Sheen. I - Open 15.0M January 1208 14,000 February .....1213 3S.OO0 March .........1213 Hon ara steady with 1.800 left over, . Re. I June celpu a year ago were 81,000, Mixed and July ' ...1158 butcfaera. $e.lO(te.StM: heavy, $8.628.73; August ......1154 light. $e.l5it-42Vs. c September ,...1164 -Cattle atrong. . - r October ......1187 Sheep 10 higher.' i- y i jeovemoer ....iin4 uecemrjar ,...ihi rOBTtAXTD BANK STATEMElfT June High. Low. 8 1 1215 1194 1220 1193 1215 1215 121.1 1294 1221 1213 121U 1204 1188 J143 1152 1220 1188 1143 1164 1141 1165 1148 1104 1143 1173 11A9 . 11721 1162 1197 1177 1191 1178 1194 11N8 1197 110 .1208 U8 1202 114.3 """" ' ' ' -.' . ' r- ' Uolldaf 7ar(. ! Liverpool Oottoa lUrkst.'1' , .,.,.$l,6S9.tl6.M 1 i Liverpool, Jun A Cotton .future eloeP t lM.BSi.V3 l to points ap on near and' te point dowa ea Biawxts snonraa, y - . CSpeclal Ptspateb to The Journsl.) Spokane, Wash., June 3. While : at tempting" to- board a train on th Medi cal Lake electric line yesterday after noon William Clarke, a rancher, aged 23, residing at Waukon, slipped on the steps of the first car, lost hi hold, swung between the car? and fell to the track. The front wheels of the trailer dragged him 15 feet, and . the oar then jumped the track. Clarke Buffered ex cruciating agony and begged to be killed as an act Of mercy. The middle of his body waa reduced to a pulp. His case waa hopeless and he- died on the way to Spokane. AMBASSADOR CREEL ELECTED GOVERNOR -i- (Journal Special Service.) , ' " El Paso. Tex., June I. Senor Creel. Mexican ambassador to the United Statea, baa been elected governor of Chihuahua. H. Khury, an employe of Lutke'a show case factory, was arrested yester day afternoon by Mounted Policeman Rudolph at 945 Corbett street on a charge of abusing his wife and 9-week- old child. The policeman while passing the house waa attracted by screama and upon making an Investigation was tearfully Informed by Mrs. Khury that her husband had struck her and her Infant. Khury, his wife and child were taken to police headquarters, but owing to tha Inability of the woman to find any of the court officials complaint could not be secured. Khury was given hla liberty until a warrant Is Issued upon the opening of court tomorrow morn ing. According to the story told to Chief Grltzmacher by Mrs. Khury, her hus band has been abusing her for some time and haa failed to contribute any thing to the support of herself and child. Teaterday afternoon, while car ing for the baby, Khury struck her and the child. Chief Orltimacher was un able, however, to find any bruises on the little one, and believes that Khury, In shoving his spouse, accidentally hit the ehild. The husband dnnled absolutely that he was not providing properly for his family. Khury declared that his wife has made a practice of taking all of his wages out of his pockets at night. The woman signified her intention of swearing to a complaint today, and Judge Cameron will undoubtedly " hear full details of the affair Wednesday morning. (Journal Special Service.) New Tork, June t. Bo strained have become the relations between some of the members of th Gould family aa a result of th divorc action pending between Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gould, that the former Countess Anna De Caatellane, now known a Mme. Anna Gould, may be asked by. Mrs. Howard Gould to visit thla country for the pur pose of taking tha stand -against her brother. There ts even a rumor that Count Boni, because of his well known aver sion to tha Goulds, may be aakea to tell what ha knows about aome of How ard Gould's affairs In Kurop. Following th announcement that Mrs. George Gould probably will be sub poenaed by Mrs. Howard Gould II sne returns from abroad in tlm for the trial,, her son, Klngdon, who sailed on the St Paul, of the American line, to Join hla mother and father In Paris, said he knew nothing of a reported breach In the family over the suit for separation of Mrs. Howard Gould. "I have never met Mrs. Gould," said the young man today, "nor have any of my brothers and sisters met my aunt. Bh has never been to our home In Lakewood or In this city. I have seen Mrs. Gould, but I have never been Introduced to her." All Oolaa; Abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould sailed this week, to remain abroad all summer. Other members of the family will fol low in a few days, It is said, as they were all desirous of escaping tha noto riety attendant upon their kinsman s matrimonial difficulties. Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. Gould have been having trou bles of their own, due to a mtsunder standing between Frank Gould and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Kelly. They will Ball, It Is said, before the end of the month, and Mies Helen Gould will make her usual summer trip abroad. When Klngdon was aaked flatly If he knew anything of the report that his mother sympathised with Howard's wife, he replied: "I don't know any thing about that. I don't know any thing about the family attitude, except that we are very fond of my uncle Howard." , When the friend of Mrs. Howard Gould who' originally stated that Mr. Gould would find herself opposing her husband on the stand heard of young Klngdon Gould's statement regarding his mother, she repeated her assertion, and said: "Mra. George Gould has been a very good mother to her children, and she has never felt It a good thing to take her children into her confidence con cerning these unfortunate family affairs." FRENCHMEN LIKE BITTEN LAW Juries Acquit Criminals and Officials Will Xot Impose the Death Penalty. ! , MORE ASSAULTS ARE RESULT OF LENIENCY Public Experience Revulsion of Feeling and Petitioners Demand That the Hangman Be Set to Work Once More. TRAIN STRIKES AUTO PARTY AT ABERDEEN (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., June 3. As Charles W. Houtari with three of his children and a friend waa crossing the North ern Pacific track yesterday in an., auto mobile a passenger train ran Into them. Mr. Houtari aetzed the two younger children and Jumped. Charles, aged 6, remained In the machine and waa badly injured. The automobile was wrecked Mr. Houtari claims the train was ex ceeding the speed limit and that the en gineer neither blew the whistle nor rang the bell. He will probably instl tute a suit for damages. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN TIME OF TRAINS o R. & N. and Son t hern Pacific Change Time Schedules East era Trains to P.un Slower. ROOSEVELT RECEIVES TAFFY FROM CULL0M (Journal Special Service.) Washington. June . Senator Cullom told the president today that , his Indianapolis speech waa one of th best he ever mad. - Later Cullom said: "I think congress will not hesitata to enact Into a law the presidents rea sonable recommendations for mora rail road legislation. It ia certain soma legislation on over capitalisation will be passed br the next congress." : , A slower schedule Is to go into effect on the Harrlman lines Sunday, June 9. The change Is made in accordance with a general policy to be adopted through out the west and In other sections of the country. It ts a departure from the efforts of railroad officials to satisfy the demand of the people for faster time. Officials give as a reason for the new oollcy a distinct 'change in public opt ion regarding time schedules. Business men, largely responsible for fast: time schedules, are now asking to be car ried according to time cards, so that they can keep their appointments even if the trains have, to be operated on a slower ached ul. Changes on the 'Chicago-Portland special are as follows: No. 2 now leav ing at :30 p. m. will leave at 9:30 p. m. and will arrive in Chicago at 12:30 p. m. Instead of 9:00 a. m.; No. leaving now at 8:15 p. m., will leave at 7 :30 p. m. and will arrive at Chicago at 8:30 a. m. Instead of 7:30 a. m. This ' lengthens the schedule of the fast O. R. A N. special over four hours and gives a 75-hour service to Chicago from Portland, y There are no changes to and from Spokane nor are there any changes at present In tha time of th Oregon and 8haut expreea c-f th Southern Pacific, excepting tha south bound - train, on account of th change oa the O, R. A N. There may- be further changes on tha Southern, Paclflo later. -t . ,: For tha presenlt tha Southern Paclfle train No, II will leave at 8:11 a. m. Instead of S. SO. and Nov 15 will leav at .7:45 p.' m. instead of 8:30. , There (journal special names. Pari. Jun 8. A eurloua agitation is now shaking France In a mild manner. The leniency of French Juries to crim inals, especially , tboae for whom Jeal ousy, th "unwritten law" and other In cidents connected with th tender pas sions can be excused Is proverbial, -Criminals are condemned to death aew arm then but ar invariably reprieved, the authorltlea aeeming for years past to have bad a horror of spilling: blood Judicially. Last session a bill waa In troduced In the chambera abolishing tha death penalty altogether. Now, whether It 1 a conseauence or merely a coinci dence, the aeries of brutal crimes upon the person, especially upon women and girls, which have been rife in Franca of late years, have Increased In a large proportion. Dally we hear of outrages and murders of the most revolting do-' scrlptlon. The matter has so aeted udob tha public conscience that a revulsion of feeling has taken place agalnat th leniency of Judges and Juries and th government Is being bombarded with petitions from grand juries and publlo authorltlea of every description to re place the death penalty on th statute book, and not only this, but to enforce It in future, and to do so In strict -privacy, so as to avoid any of th pub lie parade which haa a morbid attrac-, tlon for the lower classes. "atom" Bona Pari. Oscar Wilde's "Salome." with tha striking music of Richard Strauaa. has. Just been given in Paris, and Paris ia not shocked. In fact. Pari wa rather bored by th musical play which set all America talking last year. - W recognise that th music la very grand and very enigmatical, but it ia not at aU. likely to "take on" in Paris, Paris ians were Interested in th dramatlo " Intensity of the play and In th rich. nesa of the orchestration while tb ac tion of Frau Emma Dastln, from th Berlin opera, delighted their esthetic) senses If It did not overwhelm them with the strength of the cart. - . . . The famous dance of "Salome." of which we had heard so much, waa found in reamy to do a very tame affair. Here cornea th curious part of th production. At another theatre, th Varlete, where a sort of humnrnn pantomime haa been going on. haa been ' introduced the real "Salome" danea aa It was Intended by th author and It is danced In a striking, agtl and voluptu ous manner by Miss Maud Alln. Miss Allen Is astonishingly lithe and grace ful and her snake-like dance of triumph is found to be fiendish In Its realism. It iavcausing great sensation In ' Paris. Is no change in the tlm of th Cottage The Biggs local on the O. R A V leaving at 8:18 a. m. will after next ounaay leave at ; no. 1, arriving at 9:30 p. m.. will then arrive at 8:10: No. 6, arriving now at f:30 a. m., will arrive at 10; No. 7, arriving now at :4t, win men arrtv at :1B. GREENE AND GAYN0R MUST GO TO PRISON (Journal Special Service. 1 New Orleans, June 3. The f aderal court of appeals today affirmed the sentence of four years each and fine aggregating over 1600,000 , against ' Greene and Gaynor, convicted at Bavan-., nah of defrauding the government, ' " An interesting feature of th next Raw publican national convention will be ' reunion of th delegates to th national convention' In Chicago In 1830, who, for 36 ballots, supported General .V.4 & Grant, for th presidential nomination -for a third term. ,, ' ' ? William. J. Bryan haa grown suit stout within th paat few years.' HI present weight la ,334 pounds, whtU it the time he entered th -campaign fa 1898 he tipped th beam at exactly IIS. In Ii yeara he has gained 89 pounds in weight. - ; - . - - ..... "' . . ....I J '. ',' I, ,1'J .,.,.i,l'l..J yX WOMAN A SPECIALTY . AIRS. a. IC. CHAN The only Chin vraaia tmtwt net or la tjui enr. eursd aiany afr.ici,,! a,. !r Car4 private . i ( . aaaa, e.o a' a. fan , nil a i 1 t. . ' I . i I r M 1